Painful conditions during pregnancy. Dangerous infections during pregnancy

The content of the article:

Pregnancy is the most crucial period in a woman's life, and the main task is to bear and give birth to a healthy baby. In order to avoid complications caused by all kinds of infections, it would be wise to undergo a series of examinations in advance.

It so happens that the current pregnancy is unplanned. You should not be upset that the tests have not been passed. You need to contact the antenatal clinic as early as possible, talk with specialists and go through all the necessary diagnostics.

Treatment of infections in pregnant women has its own characteristics: many medications cannot be used during this period.

Infections in a woman can be both viral and bacterial, latent, or acute. Only reasonable behavior and following the advice of a doctor will help prevent negative consequences.

Pregnant woman's diagnostic plan

Tests in pregnant women for infections

Laboratory diagnostics

1. Clinical blood test, including platelets and blood clotting.
2. General clinical analysis of urine.
3. Test of Nechiporenko.
4. Sowing urine for flora.
5. Blood biochemistry.
6. Blood for antibodies to herpes virus, cytomegalovirus, rubella, toxoplasmosis (TORCH infection),
7. Blood for thyroid hormones (TSH, T3, T4).
8. Blood antibodies to sexually transmitted infections, these include:

9. Blood for HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis.
10. Cytological analysis of cervical scraping.
11. Microscopy of the vaginal smear.
12. Study for STDs of cervical scraping, preferably by PCR - by the method (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, etc.).
13. Genetic screening for congenital malformations of the fetus.
14. Sowing for Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.

In addition, you should be examined by the following specialists:

This doctor is the main one, it will be he who will monitor you all 9 months of waiting and after childbirth.

Timely sanitation of the oral cavity will prevent the migration of pathogenic microflora from carious teeth to the female genitals. Of course, it is better to cure the teeth before pregnancy; it is undesirable to do this in the early and late stages.

Some ENT diseases can become a source of permanent infection in the body. The task of the doctor is to take preventive measures and achieve the stage of remission of chronic diseases, for example, tonsillitis or sinusitis.

During pregnancy, the mother's heart functions with a double load. Determine whether it will cope on its own or need any supporting drugs - the cardiologist will answer, after a preliminary analysis of the electrocardiogram.

A dermatologist or allergist will assess the condition of the skin and give recommendations if there is a history of allergies to anything.

Instrumental research methods

Before pregnancy, it is reasonable to perform ultrasound of the thyroid gland, pelvic organs, kidneys, and mammary glands.

During pregnancy, colposcopy is performed and an ultrasound assessment of the condition of the mother and the unborn child is given. In the second trimester, an ultrasound scan with a Doppler is done, this allows you to assess whether the vessels are coping with their functions and the fetus is not experiencing oxygen starvation.
It is important to undergo an ultrasound scan on time. The fact is that some anomalies of fetal development are well visualized at a certain time, and then they are reduced (modified).

This is an approximate examination plan, if a woman suffered from any serious illnesses before pregnancy, examination and tests are prescribed according to indications.

What diseases can a woman face during pregnancy

Sexually transmitted infections

Chlamydia, Mycoplasmosis, Ureaplasmosis and Trichomoniasis are the most common genital infections that gynecologists face when examining a pregnant woman.

It is possible to become infected during pregnancy at any time during contact with a sick partner, or diseases in a chronic form existed earlier, and the diagnosis was established after a full-sided examination.

The representatives of the weaker half may not have clinical manifestations (80% of cases), but this does not mean that there is no need to be treated. The tactics of treatment depend on the period at which the pathology was revealed.

In the first trimester, systemic therapy is not carried out, and oral medication is recommended from the second trimester of pregnancy, when the laying of the internal organs of the fetus is completed.

If the process is acute, then there are complaints typical for all STIs:

Itching and burning in the vagina,
lower abdominal pain
frequent urination with cuts,
discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Symptoms of general malaise may be present: weakness, loss of appetite. General symptoms are not pathohomonic, and one cannot be guided by them alone.

The presence of chlamydial, mycoplasma infection in a pregnant woman is treated with the use of drugs from the macrolide group, which, in addition to all, have a bacteriostatic effect on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Modern representative - drug Josamycin (Wilprafen)... It belongs to the first line drugs if atypical microflora is detected. Josamycin is included in European and Russian recommendations as an effective remedy against chlamydial infection in pregnant women, which cannot be said about the previously popular Erythromycin.

Rubella and pregnancy

Rubella is an acute viral infection that is dangerous for a pregnant woman. Infection often comes from a sick child's own with this infection. Rubella is more difficult for adults than for children.

Symptoms of the disease:

The appearance of a rash on the face, with spread throughout the body, except for the palmar surface,
increased temperature response,
chilling, pain in muscles, throat, head.
inflammation of the joints of the fingers,
enlargement of the cervical and occipital lymph nodes.

During pregnancy, the virus enters the amniotic fluid and leads to malformations: deafness, blindness, mental retardation, abnormalities in the development of internal organs.
Rubella infection is especially dangerous in the early stages.

The decision about the possibility of preserving the pregnancy is made individually, depending on the timing of the infection. If a woman falls ill with rubella closer to the third trimester, the likelihood of having a healthy baby is high, but there may be complications of labor and low weight of the baby.

Urinary tract infection

Changes in hormonal levels in a pregnant woman are a predisposing factor for the development of urinary tract infections. A woman is worried about frequent urination with cuts, discomfort in the urethra after the act of urination, and sometimes low-grade fever. Complaints may be absent, and the only sign of infection will be changes in the general analysis of urine: leukocytes and bacteria.

What contributes to the development of pathology:

The growth of the pregnant uterus,
change in the tone of the urinary tract,
violation of the outflow of urine,
decreased immunity.

What to do

It is necessary to be examined. If left unattended, the complication will be acute gestational pyelonephritis or kidney carbuncle. These are very serious diseases that threaten the life of not only the fetus, but also the mother.

List of examinations:

General analysis of urine and blood,
test of Nechiporenko,
urine culture for flora and antibiotic sensitivity,
daily proteinuria,
ultrasound examination of the urinary tract.

Intravenous urography for pregnant women is performed only for health reasons before surgical treatment.

How to treat a urinary tract infection in pregnant women

Antibiotics are prescribed, taking into account the sensitivity and the absence of a damaging effect on the fetus. Preferred are antibiotics from the penicillin group ( Flemoxin, Amoxiclav), but sometimes drugs from other groups are used. In each case, this is decided individually.

Phytopreparations are used: Kanephron, Monurel... Pregnancy is not a contraindication to taking these drugs.

You can take decoctions of diuretic herbs: Dill Seeds, Kidney Tea.

Spicy, sour, smoked, salty, alcohol, carbonated drinks should be excluded from the diet. But cranberry juice sanitizes the urinary tract very well and suppresses inflammation.

Respiratory tract infection

As a rule, it develops after hypothermia or contact with a sick person, against the background of reduced immunity. In the first trimester, when the organs and systems of the fetus are being laid, contacts with viruses are especially undesirable. It is not necessary that there will be an infection of the amniotic fluid, but such a possibility exists.

It is especially important to carry out preventive treatment for those patients who have chronic diseases: bronchitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc. During an epidemic, in crowded places, you need to use a mask, try not to attend public events, take multivitamins.

Respiratory tract infection symptoms:

dry or wet cough.
sore throat,

It must be remembered that there are drugs that are contraindicated for a pregnant woman. For example:

Polyoxidonium and other antiviral agents.

What to do

Before going to the doctor, you can take herbal teas: with raspberries, with linden, with eucalyptus, with chamomile. Hot milk with honey helps a lot. You need to drink a lot, if there are no contraindications, up to 2 liters per day. Thanks to this, a detoxification effect is achieved.

Inhalation with fir oil, chamomile, calendula, sage relieves the symptoms of the disease.

If dry cough worries, apply Marshmallow Root, Tonsilgon, Thermopsis, Sinupret, Licorice Root... Additionally appoint Bromhexine(after 1 trimester), Ambroxol, Mucaltin.

Acetylcysteine, Codeine and Ethylmorphine contraindicated.

If the body temperature is high, first apply wet cool rubbing with a solution of vinegar 0.5%, apply a cold heating pad on the great vessels of the neck and groin area. If the temperature remains at high numbers, it is permissible to take antipyretic drugs, preference is given Paracetomol.

Do not use NSAIDs, the following drugs are prohibited:

Mefenamic acid.
Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid.

The first line of antihistamines is Loratadin, it can be taken after 1 trimester.

If there is a need to take antibiotics, then the following drugs are acceptable:

Macrolides (Azithromycin),
Generation II-III cephalosporins,
Cephalosporins with beta - lactamases.

Shown is a dynamic observation of the course of pregnancy with the performance of all necessary screening studies.

Intestinal infection in pregnant women

If the intestinal infection is not eliminated in time, the consequences can be unpredictable.
Rotavirus and enterovirus infection have some similar symptoms, and the difference is that with enterovirus, the digestive tract is affected, and with rotavirus, there are additional manifestations from the pharynx, eyes, muscle tissue, nervous system and even the heart.
Rotovirus infection is more severe.

How not to get sick

Of course, a pregnant woman should eat only high-quality freshly prepared foods; buying a variety of hamburgers, whites, cakes in obscure retail outlets is one of the ways to get an intestinal infection.

Food must be adequately cooked. Wash vegetables and fruits especially thoroughly.

If someone in the family is sick with intestinal flu, limit contact with a sick relative. It is more correct to use separate dishes.

Do not allow water to enter your mouth when swimming in bodies of water.

Signs of an intestinal infection

Sometimes, despite all measures, the following symptoms appear:

Pain in the stomach, in the abdomen,
repeated vomiting,
frequent loose stools
temperature increase,

These are the classic symptoms of intestinal infection in pregnant women.

What to do

In this situation, appoint Polysorb, Activated carbon, Smectu, Enterosgel- medicines from the group of sorbents.

The above drugs are not absorbed into the bloodstream.

Loperamide it is better not to use it during pregnancy, the fact is that it blocks intestinal motility, which means that the pathogenic microflora will not be able to leave the body. Better to make rice water.

Powders are used to restore the water - salt balance Hydrovit and Regidron.
With severe nausea and vomiting in the second half of pregnancy, you can drink Cerucal.
Suppositories are recommended to stimulate the immune response. Viferon and Genferon... This is especially true for viral lesions.

Of the antibacterial drugs, intestinal antiseptics are used: Ekofuril, Enterofuril. The drugs are not absorbed into the bloodstream.

The intestinal microflora is restored by eubiotics: Linex, Acipol, Bifiform.

It is useful to drink a lot: rosehip broth, water with lemon juice, unsweetened dried fruit compotes will return the necessary fluid to the body.

It should be borne in mind that nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea are not only symptoms of a rotavirus infection in a pregnant woman, sometimes other serious diseases are hidden behind them. Therefore, consult a doctor.

Streptococcal and staphylococcal infections

If the titer of these microbes does not exceed 10 to 6 degrees, and there are no clinical manifestations, treatment is not required. The clinic depends on the localization of the pathological process.


General analysis of blood and urine.
vaginal swab
PCR - analysis,
sowing on the pathogen.

In cases where streptococcus or staphylococcus has become the cause of inflammation of the vagina, bladder, urethra, kidneys, antibiotic therapy with drugs of the aminopenicillin and cephalosporin series, local treatment is indicated.

HIV infection in pregnant women

The incubation period lasts from several months to several years. Infection does not lead to the development of the disease in 100% of cases. Often, HIV infection is asymptomatic for a long period of time.

Pregnancy for an HIV-infected woman is a difficult test, since various complications develop against the background of suppressed immunity:

Intrauterine infection of the fetus,
premature birth
generalized candidiasis,
frequent infectious diseases,
malignant processes.

How HIV is transmitted to the fetus

Without chemoprophylaxis from mother to fetus, the probability of transmission of infection is, according to various sources, from 10 to 50%. If a woman is already being monitored at an AIDS center and is receiving the necessary therapy, there is a chance that an uninfected child will be born. In cases where the result of a blood test for HIV came as a surprise, consultation of an infectious disease specialist - gynecologist of the AIDS center is indicated. In each case, the issue of tactics is decided individually.

To clarify the condition of the fetus, according to strict indications, amniocentesis (examination of amniotic fluid) and cordocetz (examination of blood from the umbilical vein) are performed.

An HIV-infected woman is observed during pregnancy by the gynecologist of the antenatal clinic and the gynecologist of the AIDS center.

On baby, rubella during pregnancy

The course of colds during pregnancy manifests itself in the form of a cough, runny nose, sneezing, nome congestion, sore throat, malaise, headaches, possibly increased body temperature. Like everyone else, the exception is that the immunity of a pregnant woman is initially weakened. Therefore, the manifestation of all symptoms is likely to be more pronounced.

Expectant mothers are interested in whether a cold is dangerous during pregnancy, how to protect oneself from a cold, how and what to treat, what measures to take for a speedy recovery, what not to do, whether it is possible to take medications and which ones, so as not to harm the baby. You will learn the answers to these questions from the article material.

Colds are the same acute respiratory diseases or acute respiratory infections. Often a cold is caused by a virus, the name of this condition is acute respiratory viral infection or ARVI.

It is dangerous, as a cold can cause complications that are dangerous for both the mother and the baby. The most dangerous are viral infections (ARVI), especially influenza.

Often a cold during pregnancy manifests itself in the form, if a woman was a carrier of this virus before pregnancy, then the baby will be protected by the mother's antibodies. If a woman first became infected during pregnancy, then there may be various consequences.

However, it should be remembered that the capabilities of our body are high, do not immediately panic. Sometimes a severe flu can go away without serious consequences. According to statistics, 80% of women suffer from colds, most at the beginning of pregnancy, and despite this, healthy babies are born.

Danger to the baby

The most dangerous is the cold in the first trimester, or rather, the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. After all, this is exactly the period when a small man is born and formed from a fertilized egg. If you get sick in the first trimester, then a cold will either affect the baby or bypass it. In the first case, most likely, a spontaneous miscarriage will occur, since the child may develop malformations incompatible with life. If, after a cold, the pregnancy is proceeding well, no pathologies were detected on the ultrasound, then there is no need to worry.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a cold is not so dangerous, although its appearance can lead to feto-placental insufficiency, which can harm a developing baby due to a violation of the supply of oxygen and nutrients to it ...

In the 3rd trimester, a cold can cause fetal growth retardation syndrome, intrauterine fetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen, which can cause disturbances in the baby's brain), and also lead to premature birth.

Danger for the expectant mother

A cold for a pregnant woman can have extremely unpleasant consequences, such as polyhydramnios, the risk of spontaneous abortion, as well as premature birth, large blood loss during childbirth, complications of the postpartum period, and premature rupture of amniotic fluid.

Preventing colds

It is much easier to follow simple rules to strengthen immunity than to fight a cold.

In order not to catch a cold, preventive measures should be taken aimed at strengthening the immunity of a pregnant woman.

The expectant mother needs to follow the following recommendations:

  • Walk in the fresh air for at least three hours a day
  • Eat properly.
  • Take vitamins. Drinking vitamin teas, such as rosehip teas (rosehip contains vitamin C to boost the body's immunity)
  • Avoid contact with sick people
  • Prevent hypothermia of the body
  • Don't get wet in rainy weather
  • When visiting public places, you can lubricate the nasal mucosa with oxolinic ointment
  • If someone is sick in your house, you can chop the onion and garlic and put it in the room.
  • It is necessary to ventilate the room daily
  • You can use aromatic oils (tea tree, lavender, orange, eucalyptus).
  • Rinsing the nose, rinsing the mouth after visiting public places
  • Dress for the weather

If you do get sick, there are several recommendations you should follow:

  • Reduce your physical activity, try to get enough sleep. During pregnancy, you cannot tolerate colds on your feet!
  • Do not take antibiotics, especially Levomycetin and Tetracycline! Antibiotics cannot help with ARVI, since they do not work on viruses. Antibiotics should be considered only in extremely severe cases, with the development of severe complications that cannot be dealt with using traditional methods.
  • Drink abundantly, preferably lemon tea, raspberry tea, milk with honey, infusion of raspberry leaves and twigs. It is necessary to control the amount of fluid taken, as excess fluid can lead to edema.
  • Reduce your salt intake, as salt contributes to swelling and, as a result, an increase in nasal congestion.
  • Reduce the consumption of fatty and heavy foods, as the body spends a lot of strength and energy on its assimilation, which is better spent on recovery.

How to treat a cold during pregnancy?

Be sure to consult your doctor. After all, the choice of treatment should be approached very carefully and deliberately. After all, colds and flu are not the same thing. Influenza cannot be treated on its own, it can lead to serious complications. If the cough does not decrease during the week, you should definitely see a doctor so as not to lead to pneumonia.

Mainly, the treatment of colds during pregnancy should be carried out using folk remedies and methods.


Gargle more often, preferably every hour. Choose the option that suits you best.

  • Gargle with a decoction of chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula, oak bark, sea salt
  • Rinse with water with the addition of salt, soda and iodine. In a glass of water, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, a few drops of iodine.
  • Rinse with water with the addition of 1 spoon of propolis alcohol tincture.


  • To soften the cough, you can use warm milk + inner goose fat or warm milk + butter + honey
  • Raspberry, honey
  • Inhalation with essential oils. Essential oils of eucalyptus, rose hips, chamomile, thyme, sage, St. John's wort are suitable for such inhalations. Inhalation is carried out as follows: add a few drops of the selected essential oil (you should like the smell) to a pot of boiling water. Next, you should inhale the healing steam, bending over the pan and covering your head with a towel. Go to bed immediately after inhalation.
  • It is also useful to breathe in vapors of boiled potatoes in their uniforms + 1 tablespoon of chamomile or sage or eucalyptus or black currant leaves.
  • Mix honey and water in a ratio of 1: 5 at a temperature of 50 degrees. It is necessary to inhale vapors from one nostril, then the other nostril, then through the mouth.

Runny nose

  • Inhalation of the smell of chopped onions and garlic 2 times a day for 10 minutes
  • Using soda-tannin drops. Production: brew 1 teaspoon of tea in a glass of boiling water, evaporate it over low heat for 15 minutes, strain, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda. This solution should be instilled into the nose with 1-2 pipettes in each nostril 2-3 times a day, after instillation, immediately blow your nose well.
  • While sleeping, take an elevated position to reduce blood flow to the nasal mucosa.
  • You can bury herbal solutions from freshly squeezed apple or carrot juice
  • Soak your hands under a hot water tap
  • Washing with soda solution, saline
  • Drip us with aloe juice


If the temperature is less than 38.5 degrees, you do not need to knock it down.

  • Wet wraps are used. To do this, you need to wrap yourself in a wet sheet made of natural fabric, and cover yourself with warm blankets on top. In this case, heavy sweating occurs and the temperature drops.
  • Rubbing with vinegar solution with water (2: 1), vodka
  • Drink more diaphoretic tea, lime infusion
  • Drink cranberry juice


  • Apply a white cabbage leaf to the temples and forehead

Horseradish is an excellent immunostimulant. The horseradish root needs to be grated on a fine grater and mixed with the same amount of sugar, leave the mixture for 12 hours in a warm place, drain. In the acute period of a cold, take 1 tablespoon every hour.

Pregnant women are prohibited from colds:

  • You can’t soar your feet, you can’t take a hot bath
  • Do not use individual medicinal plants, be sure to read the package insert.
  • Immunomodulators, alcohol tinctures, antipyretics, drugs that increase blood pressure and pulse are not allowed.
  • Vitamin C tablets should not be taken, as more of it contributes to blood thinning and this can cause bleeding in early pregnancy.
  • Do not take antibiotics
  • Do not Aspirin and preparations containing it (Coldrex, Efferalgan)
  • You can not go to the bathhouse, sauna

Unfortunately, however, it is not always possible to do without medications. It is important to weigh every decision, every step, so as not to harm.

What medications can I take during pregnancy?

  • Paracetamol, preparations containing paracetomol (Panadol) - to lower fever, to reduce headache
  • Pharyngosept - to reduce sore throat. It is used if redness and sore throat do not go away for a long time. Used to treat stomatitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis.
  • Furacilin - for gargling
  • Bioparox - a topical antibiotic in the form of a throat spray
  • Mukaltin, iodinol - to get rid of cough, if you cannot do without medicine.
  • Aqua Maris, Pinosol, Grippferon, Aqualor - drops in the nose
  • Dr. Mom, Gedelix - cough syrup
  • Vasoconstrictor drops (Nazivin, Vibrocil, Sanorin, Farmazolin, Naphtizin) can be used for 2-3 days 1-2 times a day if you cannot breathe at all.

Colds are better avoided by using preventive measures than by treating them. If you do get sick, you need to properly organize your day, use folk methods for treatment, consult a doctor. If you need to take medications, read the instructions carefully, take those medications that are allowed during pregnancy.

Did you get sick when you were in an interesting position? How were you treated?

Perhaps the most common illness among pregnant women is the common cold. The causative agent of this disease can be viruses or hypothermia of the body. As it is not difficult to guess, the greatest chance of catching a cold falls on the cold season - winter and early spring. There is even a popular omen: if a girl starts catching colds too often, then this is a sign of pregnancy.

These are only superficial similarities to the common cold, which are caused by hormonal changes after conception, which lead to fatigue, fluid retention and a persistently stuffy nose.

During pregnancy, the body of even the healthiest woman is in a state of suppression of the immune system, so that a rejection reaction does not accidentally arise that can destroy its own child, which the body can take for a foreign body. As a result of this immunosuppression, the woman becomes more susceptible to all seasonal diseases in order to save the baby's life.

Many women mistakenly consider immunosuppression to be a pathology and try to cure it. According to doctors, this condition is normal behavior of the body during pregnancy and is not a cause for concern.

A cold, like any other illness during pregnancy, can harm a baby. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your health and pay attention to the most harmless signs of the disease. Not many moms manage to get pregnant in warm climates, so try not to catch the flu or colds in the fall and winter. Any wrong step during pregnancy can harm the health of the baby!

The very first symptoms of a cold during pregnancy can be headaches, constant fatigue and malaise. Already in the first day, the condition may worsen. A runny nose appears, then the throat begins to hurt and a cough begins. In some cases, the cough may appear before other symptoms. Loss of appetite and sore throat are also indicative of a viral illness. As a rule, if the disease is not very serious, then a cold during pregnancy can proceed without a high temperature, usually no more than 38 degrees.

The greatest discomfort is caused by the first 2-3 days of a cold, with the correct treatment of which the disease quickly begins to recede.

As a rule, signs of a cold can occur when the body gets wet or hypothermic. More complex diseases of ARI or ARVI appear as a result of the action of viruses and bacteria. In all cases, the symptoms of the disease are very similar, but require a different approach to treatment. Not every young mother will be able to distinguish between bronchitis, pneumonia or sinusitis. Therefore, before starting treatment, it will be important to know what kind of disease you will have to deal with.

Why is a cold during pregnancy dangerous?

Another unpleasant moment - the virus may already be in your body, but not be active. But with the onset of favorable conditions, which include pregnancy, the virus begins its vigorous reproduction. This most often occurs in the first trimester, when the fetus is just beginning to develop and form. Even a minor illness like the common cold can delay the development of a child's vital organs.

If herpes appears on the lips, which happens quite often during pregnancy, then there is no reason to worry. The manifestation of a cold on the lips can give the child immunity to this disease after birth, since along with the nutrients, the baby also receives antibodies against viruses.

The most dangerous thing in the first weeks of pregnancy is rubella. The symptoms of this viral infection are very similar to those of a common cold: cough, runny nose, and swollen lymph nodes. There may be minor skin rashes that only an experienced dermatologist can see. Even a mild runny nose is another serious danger. If you do not start treatment on time, the disease can progress to sinusitis, bronchitis or pneumonia.

Another great danger to the baby is represented by viral infections such as influenza. There are usually 2 options here: either the virus has no effect on the development of the child, or defects appear leading to spontaneous miscarriage. In such a situation, it is imperative to be observed by a specialist. Only he will be able to tell if the pregnancy is proceeding normally. If the results of analyzes and studies do not reveal any pathologies, then there is no reason for concern.

Such serious diseases will have to be treated with serious drugs. But in the first months, the embryo is so weak that any medicine can terminate a pregnancy. The sad fact is that you can kill a baby even before you know about pregnancy. If the pregnancy was planned, then you need to start taking care of your health from the first days after conception.

A cold in the second trimester is less dangerous, but you shouldn't relax! There may be many unpleasant complications for mommy: polyhydramnios, the development of inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs, complications in the postpartum period and chronic infections.

No one will be able to say how a harmless cold will end, but if you take care of maintaining immunity in a timely manner and combating the first symptoms of the disease, then this will not affect the health of the mother and child!

But even a severe form of a cold during pregnancy is not yet a sentence. The mother's body can withstand many diseases without consequences for the fetus and the woman herself. It all depends only on the state of health and genetic predisposition.

Treating colds during pregnancy

As mentioned earlier, many diseases have similar symptoms, so before starting treatment, you need to know exactly which disease will have to be defeated. Of course, it is best to entrust this task to a specialist - your attending physician. In a state of pregnancy, very different methods of treating colds are required. The usual medicines in the usual state may be ineffective during pregnancy, and also lead to complications!

First of all, if you have any signs of a cold, you should cancel all your plans and lie at home for a couple of days. During the treatment of diseases during pregnancy, bed rest is a prerequisite. Leaving the house or doing housework can only be done after all symptoms have been healed. If the treatment of a cold is delayed, then it is necessary to consult your doctor again!

An important element of health and treatment during pregnancy will be a proper balanced diet and a sufficient amount of clean drinking water. Water helps to remove pathogens and accumulated toxins from the body. But this does not mean that water consumption should become uncontrollable. Excess water in the body can lead to swelling.

It is recommended not to burden the gastrointestinal tract with heavy food during pregnancy, but to choose more digestible foods and dishes. You should also exclude spicy, salty and fried. Porridge and stews, dairy products, or diet broths are great sources of energy. In short, choose warm and liquid food. Love onions and garlic - great, a couple of cloves of garlic will help you cope with the disease faster.

It is strictly forbidden to take alcohol and alcohol-based medications. Do not take antibiotics, antipyretics, immunomodulators, or blood pressure-increasing foods without the need and permission of your doctor. It is best to use natural products and traditional medicine.

Treatment of colds during pregnancy with folk remedies

Most drugs are generally prohibited or discouraged from taking during pregnancy, because pharmaceutical companies are afraid to take responsibility for possible fetal defects. Any caring mother should understand that any pill can affect the child in the most unpredictable way. Therefore, it is best to resort to centuries-old folk methods of treating colds - medicinal herbs!

It is not recommended to take herbal alcoholic tinctures, like any alcohol. Even a small dose of alcohol can cause irreparable harm to the fetus! The child's heart works at a high rate - at least 200 beats per minute. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can accelerate this rhythm even further, which can lead to chronic heart disease after birth!

During epidemics, it is better to use more effective means to maintain immunity. For example, horseradish is one of the most effective remedies for colds during pregnancy. Such a popular recipe is especially popular: you need to finely grind the horseradish root and mix with an equal amount of honey; it is also not recommended to use refined sugar. Put the mixture in a warm place for 1 day and take a tablespoon every hour.

Inhalation with sage or chamomile will be effective against cough. They soften the inflamed nasopharynx and treat the common cold. For inhalation, it is necessary to boil the potatoes along with the peel, add a tablespoon of eucalyptus or chamomile leaves to it, and then inhale its vapors directly from the pan, while covering the head with a towel.

If you are suffering from dry throat, then you can make gargle decoctions from calendula, chamomile or sage. If herbs do not help get rid of pain, then you can buy ready-made rinsing mixtures in the form of tablets at the pharmacy, they quickly dissolve in water and disinfect the oral cavity. Furacilin or Chlorhexidine are most suitable during pregnancy.

Another proven remedy for treating colds during pregnancy is honey and bee products! These tasty and healthy treats are a great remedy for respiratory problems. Honey will be especially effective in combination with lemon and rosehip infusion as tea. But do not get carried away with honey towards the end of pregnancy - your baby may have allergies, and your mother may have diabetes.

Danger of overheating when treating colds

Particular care should be taken when treating colds in pregnant women with water treatments. A relaxing hot bath with salt or essential oils can have a stimulating effect on the uterus, which can lead to an abortion or premature birth! Also, it is prohibited to go to the bathhouse or sauna.

Care should be taken with the foot park. The heat causes the blood to rush to the legs, and there is a possibility that the placenta will drain blood, which will cause a lack of oxygen and nutrients in the baby.

Colds during pregnancy are best treated when dry and warm. Put on a scarf, wool socks, and warm pajamas. Just a few nights in this form will significantly improve your well-being and relieve sore throat and runny nose.

Runny and stuffy nose

A severe runny nose with a cold makes breathing difficult not only for the mother, but also for the child. This syndrome is called hypoxia. But together with a lack of oxygen, the body begins to experience a lack of water! With a severe runny nose, the body can lose 2 liters of fluid per day! Therefore, try to make up for these losses during the day.

Also, during pregnancy, it is not recommended to abuse unnecessarily nasal drops like Naphtizin, Nazivin or Galazolin. Read the instructions for the drops carefully and do not exceed the recommended dosages. The fact is that these drops contain vasoconstrictor substances, the action of which can negatively affect the blood supply to the placenta, which can lead to a delay in the development of your child.

In addition, everyone knows about the dependence on such drops. Already after 3 days of using Naphthyzin, addiction and almost drug addiction may occur, which will provoke you to frequent nasal instillations, even for no reason. This is due to vasospasm and swelling of the nasal mucosa. As a rule, drops give only temporary relief, and after a while the nose becomes even more tight, which leads to a vicious circle! The use of these drops is recommended only when there is a strong discharge of mucus from the nose.

Pregnant girls are even more susceptible to drip addiction, many feel nasal congestion throughout pregnancy until the birth of a baby. In this case, it is best to rinse your nose with a mild salt solution - just half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water will be enough. You can also buy seawater nasal drops such as Aquamaris. Or drip a few drops of aloe juice into your nose.

Another effective remedy is the Zvezdochka balm. You can simply inhale it, and lubricate the nose with it. The herbal-based ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​has a similar effect. Carefully monitor the manifestation of allergic reactions, if they appear, then it is not advisable to use these ointments and balms.

Boosting immunity with vitamins

During pregnancy, women need vitamins more than ever! Therefore, try to eat as much fresh fruit as possible every day! Apples, bananas, oranges, tangerines, pineapples are available almost all year round. And in the summer season, do not deny yourself juicy berries - raspberries, strawberries, cherries and others will quickly fill your body with vitamins. Most often, this method is much cheaper and more effective than using pills and capsules with synthetic vitamins.

If you want to take pharmacy vitamins, then be sure to visit a doctor's consultation! After all, much depends on the duration of pregnancy and the presence of diseases. The doctor may recommend taking ascorbic acid to maintain tone during infectious diseases. The most important thing is not to take more vitamins than the norm, an overdose of vitamins can lead to improper development of your baby!

What to do if you have a high fever during pregnancy?

As a rule, colds disappear at a body temperature of 38 degrees. Higher temperatures are very rare. In this case, the doctor may prescribe antipyretic drugs, such as Paracetamol. The use of Aspirin is not recommended, as one of its side effects can be miscarriage! It is strictly forbidden to take any, even the latest antibiotics, which can lead to the development of fetal malformations. Colds during pregnancy can be cured without them.

If a sharp rise in temperature is accompanied by chills, then it is best to wrap yourself in a warm blanket and drink a few cups of hot herbal tea made from raspberries, oregano, or coltsfoot. The heat will help dilate blood vessels and warm the body. Next, you need to bring down the heat, for this you can grind the body with 3% vinegar diluted with water.

Preventing colds during pregnancy

Treating colds is not a pleasant activity. It's best to take care of your health beforehand! To prevent the disease from being caught by surprise during pregnancy, you must follow a few simple rules. An important condition for the prevention of any cold is the strengthening of the immune system!

The main health success during pregnancy will be a healthy lifestyle! We urgently need to get rid of all bad habits. Try to spend more time outdoors - at least 3 hours a day. Hiking in a park or forest can help strengthen your immune system and heart muscles. In cold or rainy weather, avoid hypothermia and wetting of the lower extremities. You will have to forget about fashion - wear only comfortable and warm clothes. Ventilate your home as often as possible, clean and dust. Try to do physical therapy or yoga daily.

Another good remedy for preventing colds during pregnancy is aromatherapy and essential oils. Oils such as mint, lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary and many others have good antiseptic properties. But read the instructions carefully - many essential oils are not recommended during pregnancy, and also have individual intolerances. Onions and garlic also have an antiseptic effect - you can not only eat them, but also spread the chopped slices where you spend most of the day.

Do not forget about basic safety even with family members, friends and neighbors - after all, it is not always possible to determine the presence of viral diseases in a person by appearance. A harmless conversation or handshake will reward you with dangerous infectious agents. Moreover, any contact with sick people is prohibited! Try to avoid crowded and poorly ventilated areas.

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Women who are responsible for planning pregnancy probably know about the test for TORCH infection. TORCH is a medical term used to denote diseases that are dangerous during pregnancy: toxoplasma infection, rubella, cytomegalovirus and herpes. However, the number of serious diseases during pregnancy, alas, is not limited to these four.

Elena Anatolyevna Remez, a gynecologist-endocrinologist, Ph.D., a leading specialist of the SM-Clinic holding, told Letidor about what diseases can be dangerous for the health of a future mother and baby.


Transmission of toxoplasmosis can occur not only through close contact with the animal itself, but also through direct contact with cat waste, as well as when cleaning the tray.

Another way of transmission of toxoplasmosis is the consumption of insufficiently heat-treated or raw meat of an infected animal, since the infection can also infect other animals, such as cows and chickens.

Also, infection can occur through poorly washed fruits and vegetables (they could come into contact with the soil in which the Toxoplasma larvae were kept).

Toxoplasmosis in most cases passes completely unnoticed, but sometimes the following symptoms can be observed: long-term elevated low-grade fever, enlarged lymph nodes, nausea, pain in muscles and joints, general weakness. Very rarely, in acute forms of toxoplasmosis, visual impairment and chronic severe headaches are possible.

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For people with normal immunity, the virus usually does not have any serious health consequences.

However, toxoplasmosis infection of a pregnant woman is very dangerous for the fetus, since toxoplasma can penetrate the placenta.

Infection in the first trimester is unlikely, but if the fetus is infected, then it threatens a miscarriage or a frozen pregnancy. The most dangerous for the fetus is contact with Toxoplasma during the second or third trimester. Infection threatens with various abnormalities in the development of the fetus, stillbirth, damage to the eyes and brain of the baby.

How not to get sick with toxoplasmosis

To protect herself and the unborn child from infection, the pregnant woman should pass a serological test (usually twice in pregnancy: the first time - when registering, the second time - at the 30th week), examine the cat (if there is an animal in the house) and avoid contact with other people's cats during pregnancy, eat only well-done or cooked meat, and wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly and do not deal with the earth.


The fact that rubella is dangerous for the development of the fetus is, perhaps, known to most expectant mothers. Usually they manage to get sick with rubella in childhood or are vaccinated and subsequently acquire immunity to this disease.

If a pregnant woman has not been sick with it before and becomes infected during pregnancy, then infection of the fetus has such devastating consequences that it is an indication for termination of pregnancy. The fetus may develop such defects as a decrease in the brain, changes in the eyeballs, congenital cataracts and deafness, various heart defects, encephalitis, meningitis.

How not to get rubella

The only prevention against rubella is vaccination, which must be carried out at least three months before the intended pregnancy with parallel barrier contraception during this period.

If you become pregnant without being vaccinated and without rubella before pregnancy, then the most important prevention method is to avoid all contact with infected and potentially infected people with rubella.

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Therefore, for example, it is not worth going to kindergarten and other places with a congestion of small children.


Cytomegalovirus (or CMV) is an infection that is transmitted sexually, through saliva, breast milk, and by household means (for example, through a shared washcloth or towel).

The virus itself is not terrible for a person and is even very common among people: by the first year of life, every fifth person is infected, by the age of 35 - about 40% of the population, and by the age of 50 - more than 95%. In most cases, it does not manifest itself in any way, but if immunity is reduced (for example, with HIV, chemotherapy, complex operations), then the virus can cause damage to the eyes, lungs, and the digestive system and can be fatal.

However, in most cases, the maximum that threatens you is a mononucleosis-like syndrome, which proceeds quite easily and heals without a trace.

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But during pregnancy, primary infection and exacerbation of the virus are dangerous.

Through the placenta, the virus enters the fetus in about 40-50% of cases, and the consequences of this can be dire. If the fetus is infected in the early stages, there is a high likelihood of spontaneous miscarriage or fetal malformations. If infected at a later date, polyhydramnios, preterm labor and congenital cytomegaly may occur.

How not to get sick with cytomegalovirus

To eliminate the likelihood of CMV infection during pregnancy, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene, use a condom when having sex.


Herpes, like CMV, can live completely painlessly in the human body for years - sometimes, with weakened immunity, the virus is active in the form of rashes (for example, on the lips, genitals or skin). But in general, the virus is usually not terrible for human health.

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However, during pregnancy, it is the primary infection with the virus that is at risk.

In the case of the first appearance of genital herpes during pregnancy, the virus can penetrate the placenta and multiply in the tissues of the fetus, which leads to its death, miscarriage, congenital malformations, damage to the brain, liver, other organs of the fetus, and non-developing pregnancy.

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The risk of fetal damage is estimated at 75%.