Big dolls are like real children. Legs, pens, paints, hair. Video: Reborn dolls in Russia

Children of today do not choose ordinary toys. Traditional barbies and tin soldiers are no longer admired by the current generation. The most popular is the silicone reborn, which every girl dreams of having. They appeared in the late 80s in the large company Dolls by Berengeur. Many adults collect entire collections of these dolls that look like they are alive. The expression "reborn" in translation from English means "born again". You can even order a replica doll of a real child. Eminent craftsmen are able to carry out this process just by looking at the photo of the baby.

What are reborn dolls made of?

On closer inspection, I just want to know what these stunning baby dolls are made of. Silicone reborns are made from special materials:

  • eyes: glass blank, acrylic;
  • hair: mohair (Canadian or American premium);
  • eyelashes: mohair;
  • body and head: glass or plastic granules.

Necessary tools for creating a silicone baby

Rebranding is the science of making lifelike dolls. To create a toy, the master must have:

  • Mold. This is the preparation of the doll's face and body. The silicone reborn contains parts that need to be ordered from overseas.
  • Acrylic and oil paints. They draw small details. Talented creators can make the doll look as real as possible by applying images of rashes, wrinkles and bruises to the baby's body.
  • Solvent.
  • Gel, sponges and brushes.

Design work

One silicone reborn cannot be the same. Even the products of one author are individual. The creators of "living" toys are exclusively women. Probably, men are not able to withstand such intense and painstaking work. If you think about why there is a desire to have or create such realistic babies, then you can find several opinions on this matter. Perhaps this is the desire to give childless couples the opportunity to have a baby doll, or the loss of their own child. For a special feeling of the baby's presence, designers flavor their products special composition with the smell of baby soap. An obvious fact: a kind of happiness of people is reborn dolls. Boys, silicone girls, twins, it doesn't matter. They look realistic, smell like real babies and give you the feeling of motherhood.

What can a reborn do?

You can answer this question in one word: to please your master. His body parts are identical to human ones, nails are made of gel, lips and tongue look as natural as possible. This baby is perfect, he is not capricious, and if you get tired of playing with him, you can simply leave him unattended. You need to buy him nice clothes and enjoy the game. He looks so realistic that strangers can seriously mistake him for a real child. But it is important to remember that, despite all the advantages, this is just a doll that can never replace a real baby.

How much does a reborn baby cost?

It takes a lot of time and a lot of expensive materials to create a doll. For this reason, the price ranges from $ 700 to $ 1,000 per infant. If a person is willing to pay this amount of money, then he will receive a doll of the highest quality. Some people buy reborns as a family member and order them from renowned artists for thousands of dollars.

The silicone reborn has recently been attacked by underground craftsmen who make an analogue of the original brand from cheap materials. Naturally, fakes have significant differences, but the price is also democratic.

In this article, I would like to express my thoughts about Reborn dolls, since this topic seems interesting and relevant to me.

From the beginning I will present brief information from the vastness of the Internet. Reborn doll (from the English reborn - received a new life, reborn) is a doll created on the basis of a factory baby doll (less often an older child), the appearance of which, as much as possible, resembles a living baby. The process of creating a doll is called reborn, and doll artists are called reborn. Reborns weigh and look like real babies. In their creation, natural hair or shaker, glass eyes, a special composition of vinyl and paint, as well as various fillers (weighting agents) for the body are used. Modern Reborns can contain "animating" mechanisms with the help of which quite realistic "heartbeats", "breathing" and even speech are created!

The craft of making Reborns appeared in the United States in the late 80s and early 90s of the 20th century. The Internet has allowed doll artists and collectors to create their own online community. In 2002, the first "reborn" doll was exhibited on eBay. This expanded the Reborn marketplace, allowing artists to open online stores, so-called "children's" ones. In "children's" Reborns are not bought, but as if adopted, and almost never resold. The media contributed to the development of the trend in other countries and continents - Britain, Australia, Canada, Europe, Africa and Latin America. In this regard, magazines, books and organizations dedicated to the Reborn doll began to appear. In Russia, this hobby has intensified since 2008.
Reborns can also be made at home. To do this, you need a play vinyl baby doll, or a special kit for creating a Reborn. The paint is removed from the factory doll, and she re-signs. The workpieces from the sculptor (mold) are not painted, and already have their own physical characteristics - folds, nails, etc. The body painting is done in several layers, and the painted body parts are baked in the airfryer.

The sets of parts of the body of the future Reborn are affectionately called by some master artists "Frankenstein sets", and ready-made dolls are called "puppeteers". The arms, legs and head of Reborn in the package resemble a "dismembered" from Dexter Morgan from the US television series of the same name. Usually, all the "imperfections" of the baby's skin - rashes, scratches, as well as snot and drooling - are used by the creators in the form of painting to give more realism. Some craftsmen create their dolls using a photograph of a real child to reproduce his appearance.

The image of the Reborn doll, which almost completely coincides with the image of a real and individual baby, is able to evoke in its owner those emotions and feelings that he could have for a living child. I have repeatedly watched videos on the Internet in which the happy "parents" of the Reborns, with caution and care, corrected their thrown back head to their babies. Moreover, such "parents" buy them real strollers and baby clothes, suck on them and lull them like real babies! All this reminds me of the state of false pregnancy in bitches, when they take toys, lick them and try to feed them, as if they were dealing with puppies! I am interested in the fact that in the box with the finished Reborn doll there is always a certificate of his birth, which indicates the date of his birth, height and weight, as if we are not talking about a doll, but about a living child. I saw on the Internet bracelets of newborns, dressed on the arms of Rebornam.

As a rule, Reborn is not cheap, its cost varies from 5 thousand to many tens of thousands of rubles. Therefore, Reborns are not often bought as a gift for small children. Most often they are acquired by: either collectors; or single women with no children; or those who have lost a child and want to find a replacement for him; or women who have raised children and dream of nursing a child again.

What is the danger of Reborn dolls? At first glance, they are sweet and innocent, and unable to bring mental harm to their owners. But this is only at first glance.

Let's remember our old homemade dolls made from rags, straw, fur or string. The beauty of these dolls is that in their appearance there is only a hint of individuality, that is, these are dolls-images or dolls-archetypes - mother, girl, Baba Yaga, brownie, horse, etc. Such dolls are poorly personified, and they give the child the opportunity to develop his imagination while playing with them, to supplement their figures with the most significant details. When playing with Reborn, a child can hardly change anything qualitatively in his appearance (add or subtract). The maximum that he can do is take off or put on clothes on Reborn, as well as take a walk with him or feed him. That is, the child from the acting creator in the game becomes ... the service personnel! Seeing a hyperrealistic Reborn in front of him, a child can perceive him not as a doll, but as almost equal to himself (brother or sister), but only dead. Consequently, the child may develop a detached or suspicious attitude towards Reborn. And if you also consider that mom bought Reborn for herself, then the child, most likely, will not be allowed to play with him. A child may be punished for damaging such an expensive toy that may make him jealous of Reborn or hatred of his parents.

Known models of sleeping Reborns (the so-called "scops"), premature and damaged (sick). Needless to say, their influence on the psyche of the owners, especially children, is unpredictable. In their subconscious minds, attitudes towards the Reborns can be formed: “forever premature,” “never get better,” “sick forever,” “never wake up,” which are essentially Thanatos according to Freud, in contrast to Eros.

With the rise of the Reborns' popularity, resonant programs arose in Russia and abroad, such as "Male-Female" with Yulia Baranovskaya and Alexander Gordon and the acutely social talk show "Ukraine Says" with Alexei Sukhanov "Vinyl Children". Interestingly, the viewer audience, opposed to the Reborns, expressed their opinion in a purely emotional way, almost without explaining it in terms of reason and logic. The fact is that science has described the phenomenon of the "Evil Valley" or the effect of the ominous valley. The essence of the hypothesis is that a robot or other object that looks or acts almost like a person causes dislike or disgust in human observers. In 1978, Japanese scientist Masahiro Mori conducted a survey examining the emotional reactions of humans to the appearance of robots. At first, the results were predictable - the more a robot looks like a person, the prettier it seems - but only up to a certain limit. The most humanoid robots in the future unexpectedly turned out to be unpleasant. This decline on the "sympathy" graph was called "Evil Valley". The reason may be that at a certain level of similarity between a robot and a person, the robot ceases to be perceived as a machine, and begins to seem like an abnormal person or a revived corpse, a cadaver. It is this effect that all those people who are disgusted with Reborns feel.

According to esoteric literature and the opinion of psychics, Reborn may well become a haven for a restless soul or demonic energy. Such a doll can have a negative mental effect on the surrounding space, up to the occurrence of a poltergeist. Hyperrealistic Reborn is able to overexcite the psyche of an impressionable child, which can lead to the development of phobic, anxiety disorders and sleep disturbances. I came across a user's statement on the Internet: “body minus soul equals a corpse”.

In fact, the "mothers" of vinyl "children" put their emotions and feelings into pieces of plastic, which is a transfer of the maternal instinct to inanimate objects, and can lead to the emergence of mental or hormonal dependence. The position of limited and infantile parenting in relation to Reborn is very convenient, since an unliving child can always be thrown into a dusty corner if he gets bored. Collecting in itself is, according to the Eastern tradition, a departure to Maya and the multiplication of an illusion that leads to nowhere. It is no coincidence that many collectors have traits of pedantry and suspiciousness in their character, insensitivity to others, egocentrism and fantasy thinking, divorced from reality. Therefore, before you buy an expensive and fashionable Reborn doll, consult with family and friends, read the comprehensive information on the Internet, consult a psychologist or psychotherapist, in general, weigh the pros and cons. A thoughtless purchase of Reborn can wreak havoc on your life and harm your mental health.

Kaminskaia Elizaveta Viktorovna psychotherapist

Video: Reborn dolls in Russia:

As little girls, these beauties first played with dolls, and then grew up and became dolls themselves, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on this, months of effort and doing dozens of plastic surgeries. Living Barbies of our time. Meet.

Valeria Lukyanova

With a height of 172 cm, Valeria weighs 46 kg and has model parameters - 88-50-88. The girl claims that she is not yet 25 years old, loves calling herself a goddess, hinting at an extraterrestrial origin and categorically denies any participation of plastic surgeons in transforming her appearance. She only admits that she enlarged her breasts to make her figure more harmonious.

However, if you look at the photographs of Valeria before and after the transformation into a living Barbie, doubt creeps in that her appearance is only a merit of nature. Surgeons believe that Lukyanova not only enlarged her breasts, but also removed the ribs, made plastic surgery of the nose and eyelids, enlarged her lips, corrected the shape of her cheekbones, and also underwent liposuction. Internet users were not too lazy to find Valeria's old photos and compare them with the current ones.

Valeria herself explains her transformation as the result of spiritual practices, genetic factors, proper nutrition and hard work in the gym. Barbie girl adheres to the ideology of child-free, says that she was not created for motherhood. In an interview, Valeria stated that family values ​​are not at all the main thing for her. However, she married the owner of a large construction company. Internet users assume that it was her husband who helped Lukyanova realize the dream of a doll's appearance.

In conversations with journalists, Valeria likes to focus on her spiritual qualities, talents and cosmic origin. The doll girl generally loves to speculate about mysticism, metaphysics and past lives. He says that a person is not just a pile of meat and bones, but a spiritual substance that should strive to become a Super Being. Valeria even opened an esoteric school called the "Temple of Infinite Unity", in which she teaches people supernatural abilities and helps to open the third eye.

Despite the arguments about the importance of inner freedom, Lukyanova earns her living mainly as a model and participation in various photo shoots and events. Thanks to her doll-like appearance and an ambiguous outlook on life, the girl has many, both fans and haters. On her Vkontakte page 440 thousand people have subscribed, more than 130 thousand have been subscribed to the Instagram account.

Hannah Gregory

Hannah Gregory, a 22-year-old Sheffield University student, has the proportions of a Barbie doll, a 55cm waist, enlarges her eyes with contact lenses, and stays home without makeup and doll-like outfits. Hannah claims that she did not undergo plastic surgery and does not hide the photos taken before she became an Instagram star.

According to Hannah, as a child, she was a very shy child, and this shyness prevented her from keeping up with the times and dressing the way she wanted. Because of this, she suffered from self-doubt and felt unattractive. Already at the Institute, her classmates began to notice her resemblance to Barbie, this prompted the girl to become a living embodiment of a doll.

Now Hannah spends up to three hours a day creating an image: she puts on makeup, picks up clothes and puts on huge lenses that imitate an empty doll look. The girl does not go out in simple clothes, claiming that it is easier for her to hide from people behind the image of a Barbie. “I have many complexes, so it seems to me that no one needs the real me. When others see me as a doll, no one is interested in what I really am and it is easier for me to communicate with the world, ”Hannah once admitted in an interview.

An unusual appearance, a figure with a thin waist, bright makeup and outfits in pink tones made Hannah an Instagram star, more than 40 thousand people have subscribed to her page, who proclaimed the girl "British Barbie". The girl herself admits that she is upset that the guys perceive her only as a doll and do not try to find out about her inner beauty. But nevertheless, he is not going to change his style and believes that he will definitely meet a guy who will love her just like that.

Vanilla Chamu

Japanese model Vanilla Chamu is the champion of our list of "living dolls", a radical change in her appearance can be seen with the naked eye. According to some reports, the Japanese woman spent 10 million yen on the services of plastic surgeons, which is about 102 thousand dollars. For several years, the girl underwent more than 30 operations, trying to achieve the appearance of a French doll.

Famous French dolls were made of "biscuit" porcelain, which gave their faces a noble pallor, sophistication and elegance. Lush hairstyles, large languid eyes and thin eyebrows, combined with fashionable outfits, attracted the attention of children and even adults. Genuine French porcelain dolls are now valued at thousands of dollars in the antiques market and are the pride of collectors.

To become such a doll, Vanilla Chamu radically changed her appearance with the help of plastic surgery. The girl underwent double eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, liposuction, eyelash implantation, face reshaping to create “dimples” on her cheeks, breast augmentation, and skin lightening.

The girl hides her real age. It is only known that if at the age of 17 Vanilla looked like an average Japanese woman: dark skin, black hair and a traditional cut of the eyes, then already at the age of 19 she appeared to the world as a red-haired beauty with fair skin, wide-open eyes and an absolutely European appearance.

In her native Japan, Vanilla is a celebrity - a girl is often invited to television shows, where she talks about the reasons for the transformation of her appearance, answers questions from viewers and shares secrets. Vanilla Chamu also starred for fashion magazines and periodically participates in concerts as a singer.

Angelica Kenova

Angelica, a native of Kurgan, moved to Moscow several years ago. The girl does not like to talk about the family, it is only known that her mother is a doctor, and her father is the owner of his own business. It was her parents who played a significant role in turning Angelica into a “Russian Barbie,” as the blonde herself calls herself.

“I myself did not choose this puppet image, my parents did it. Mom started buying me collectible Barbie dolls when I was six years old and started dressing me like one of them. My mother was also very beautiful, in her youth she looked like Brigitte Bardot, ”says Angelica.

According to Angelica, as a teenager, her parents hired a personal trainer for her, who helped the girl achieve ideal parameters. The result is obvious: Angelica has a figure that any model will envy - an amazingly thin waist, long slender legs, large elastic breasts. Angelica still works out with enthusiasm in the gym - five times a week for 2-3 hours. Likes to be photographed, leads a popular Instagram and communicates with fans on

A reborn doll differs from a living baby in only one thing - absolute immobility. She does not move, does not breathe and does not blink, but in everything else - in weight, height, smooth skin, sparkle of eyes - she is indistinguishable from a real child. These dolls were invented for children - just like another entertaining toy to entertain little ones. However, as it turned out, reborns are completely unsuitable for this purpose.

“Children don't like these toys,” says psychotherapist Varvara Sidorova. - After all, it is impossible to play with them: to perform the required number of actions and manipulations, to fantasize, to invent. Naturalism and resemblance to a living child rather attract the attention of adults. "

Reborns with their exaggerated naturalism, so similar to a living, but strange and eerily motionless baby, cause shock and a desire to turn away in many. But there are people - and there are many of them - who value reborns precisely for their extreme resemblance to newborns and are ready to pay a lot of money for a doll. “People acquire them in an effort to satisfy their desires. Some people want to nurse and take care of the child, but for some reason they do not dare to have a living baby, while others themselves need warmth and care - and do with the doll what they would like to do with them: wrap it up, lull it, swing on handles, babysit ... ”- says Varvara Sidorova.

Safety and predictability

Women enjoy playing with reborns, dressing them up in beautiful clothes, feeding them, lulling and rolling in a stroller. They adore these "children" who - oh, a miracle! - do not cry and do not make you get up at night ... It turns out a convenient, pleasant and safe way to almost be a mother. “It's really very attractive,” says Varvara Sidorova. - You can play with the doll and put it in a drawer. And living children require attention, responsibility, absorb resources, time and energy. Besides, children are forever. And reborns will never grow up, change, or leave their mistress. Everything is safe and predictable. They will not say hurtful words, they will not hurt. There is no need to be afraid for them, there is nothing to expect from them. And in no situation can you feel like a bad mother. "

On the other hand, why don't women play with other dolls, also cute and naturalistic, but not with babies? “In any games there is an imitation of life and the training of certain experiences,” says Varvara Sidorova. - Playing with a reborn newborn, a woman receives in a homeopathic dose everything that she would receive from a real baby. She can happily allow herself to be gentle and caring. In addition, a baby is touching tenderness, defenselessness, bows, circles, beauty ... Therefore, caring for a baby always evokes pleasant emotions - tenderness, admiration. By receiving these experiences in a microdose, a woman makes up for some kind of internal deficit. "

The entourage of such a game and the ability to create also has its own charm. A woman can create different babies with different characters, invent their destinies and families. This activity becomes something like writing stories or fairy tales, only it does not use words, but material objects.

Reborn can also be acquired by a woman who has not yet become a mother, but thinks a lot about it and “tries on” future motherhood. While playing, she will learn practical care skills and get used to the role of a mother. By the way, reborns are used as a "simulator" in groups for preparing pregnant women for the birth of a baby.

More than a game?

What if the game drags on? “Such a game is needed by people with emotional deficits, which can be filled by taking care of the doll,” explains Varvara Sidorova. - If we are talking about reborns, then most often it is a lack of care, tenderness, safety, affectionate admiration. Sometimes it’s a need to be respected and valued as a caring mother. ”

In this case, reborns can reduce the pressure of an unfulfilled need, but cannot fully satisfy it. At the same time, very often we are talking about people who have experienced trauma in close relationships, often in early childhood, and for some reason this trauma was not healed. “In this case, dolls“ numb ”deep despair, so habitual that a person himself no longer notices it. He just feels that after playing with the doll it becomes better, more pleasant, ”says the psychotherapist.

That is why it is simply cruel to require a person to immediately stop playing with an artificial reborn baby. How to take a medicine from a patient - or chalk from a person who lacks calcium. This shocks us, we are strange and embarrassed to see these desperate attempts to make up for the lack, but the person gets relief from this. “Even if a person does not realize the depth of what is happening to him, he should not be deprived of the opportunity to play. From this he will only become more unhappy, - the psychotherapist notes. - It is better, without canceling the "pain reliever", to see a specialist in order to truly heal the mental wound that remains inflamed and sore. "

Imagine a woman driving a stroller with a baby in a park. After all, she, too, asserts herself as a mother, reaps the fruits of the child's attitude towards her as a mother, and this is precisely what she needs. What if she can get everything the same, but in a different form? Most likely, over time, the fascination with reborns will pass, and the woman will move into another category - a storyteller or a future mother, ready for a new stage of life.

Reborn or dolls imitating human babies, despite the price tags with three zeros, conquer more and more women's hearts around the world. What is the secret of their popularity among adult girls? What amazing dolls modern masters create, I first learned from my sisters. On the territory of the CIS countries, the fashion for articulated dolls (BJD) was just beginning to spread, in which the limbs bend at all joints, the hair cannot be distinguished from real hair and the face is unique, because it is created according to a sketch provided by the customer. You can order a doll with the face of a popular artist or your own miniature copy from one of several dozen artists from South Korea, China and Japan.

Dolls for adult girls

BJD dolls are no longer a surprise to anyone today. In parallel with the market for BJD dolls, the industry has been actively developing all this time to create dolls that copy human babies. The reborn dolls are made so skillfully that they look exactly like real little children. Today, adult girls play with such dolls. Both the first and the second category of dolls are designed mostly for an adult audience.
BJD dolls and reborns are often bought by artists and other creative professions. You can purchase a blank without painting, the so-called mold, and paint it yourself, do makeup with acrylic and oil paints, which creates the illusion of realism.

Hair (in most cases made of mohair, alpaca or angora, dyed in one of the natural shades) is literally "implanted" using special thin needles. Reborn bodies can be flannel or all-vinyl. Inside there is a special filler that allows you to achieve a weight comparable to that of real babies.

Designers are interested in such dolls as models. Craftswomen who create clothes and all kinds of accessories for such dolls on the Internet can be found no less. For some it is a hobby, for others it is a fairly successful way of earning money.

An expensive hobby

Reborn dolls have always stood apart. For many customers, this is not just a toy, but a lifelong hobby. An expensive hobby. Muscovite Anastasia said that for the first time she saw a reborn doll at one of the capital's thematic exhibitions of BJD dolls. “I saw a reborn in a woman’s arms. He was like a real baby. From that moment I began to dream of buying the same doll. During the years of study at the university, I could not buy such an expensive toy. Only after I started working, I saved up the required amount and made my dream come true - I bought a reborn, ”says Anastasia.

The high cost of reborn dolls is explained by the fact that, firstly, it is handmade. Very painstaking and laborious. Each copy is unique. Secondly, the materials for creating blanks are not cheap. Imitating the exact likeness of baby skin from available tools - some masters even create realistic shades and folds - without a doubt a real art.

For two decades of the existence of this trend, craftsmen from different countries have developed and improved various techniques for painting the reborn surface. The average cost of reborn dolls in Russia reaches 30 thousand rubles.

What's behind the reborn fashion?

The fashion for reborn in Europe and America came a little earlier. Most of the collectors are grown women. Some collect these dolls. Unique reborns do not lose their value over the years, but on the contrary they add.

For some women, a reborn becomes a kind of temporary substitute for a real baby or a kind of "rehearsal" in caring for a baby. Because of their striking resemblance to real children, those around them sometimes mistake them for living babies. Reborns dress up in real baby clothes and take care of them as it should be for babies.

Psychologists in the hobby of the creators themselves and their large army of customers are trying to see an unconscious or conscious desire to realize the natural desire for motherhood. When creating reborn dolls, craftsmen add a special filler to the material, the aroma of which resembles baby soap.

Perhaps, for some women whose children have already grown up, reborn dolls really help, like many years ago, to inhale the scent of baby skin and again feel needed to take care of a small, defenseless creature.

Even if it's just a doll. However, the reborn also has many opponents who argue that instead of help, the owner of the doll may feel even more depressed, because “the doll does not move and does not cry like a real baby, and her eyes are empty if the doll was made not with closed, but open eyes. "

Domestic creators reborn

If on the BJD doll market, Asian manufacturers are considered special masters, then Russian masters are well known among the creators of reborn dolls. Daria Panova on her official website says that she has been creating dolls for the sixth year in a row. “They have all the necessary palette of my feelings and emotions so that every baby“ comes to life ”and finds his own unique self,” the master writes. And the reluctance to create custom-made reborn dolls is explained by the fact that creativity is a special process that is better not to be controlled.

Another master, Lyubov Firsova, says that collecting baby dolls has been her passion since childhood. From every trip abroad I always brought another copy of the doll. Already being married and waiting for her first child, Lyubov decided to independently engage in the creation of reborn dolls. She took special training courses and began to create her own collection. So the hobby became a profession.

Craftsman Galina Gaisina's passion for baby dolls is also a passion since childhood. Even after the birth of his own three children, the desire to create a doll that looks like a baby with his own hands did not disappear. And after I learned about the art of creating reborns, which is popular in the West, I gained the appropriate knowledge and began to practice, creating my own masterpieces.