Black dots inside the gold ring. Why, if you draw a gold ring across your cheek, a black stripe remains. Your favorite cream

Gold is a noble metal, does not rust, is characterized by wear resistance and has an attractive appearance. As a result, there is an increased demand for jewelry. But many owners notice that their fingers turn black from gold, finding no explanation as to why this is happening. The article presents the factors influencing the change in the color of the skin, beliefs, useful tips.

The term "pure gold" is of little use in jewelry practice. Without the addition of other metals, the material has reduced performance properties. Firstly, due to excessive softness, rapid abrasion and scratching occurs. Second, unacceptable fragility arises. When silver is added, a green hue predominates, more often around the edges of the decoration. When supplemented with copper, the product turns pink.

As a result, jewelry remains durable and durable. The sample indicates the amount of impurities. In trade, products with the article number 585 are more common, which means 59% of the gold in the composition. According to research, such a ratio is sufficient, the necessary chemical properties of precious metals and the reliability of things are preserved. In the case of an excess of impurities, the quality indicators decrease, the price falls.

Was your gold getting dark?

Used toNever

Secondary causes

Obviously, more often gold turns black because of a low standard, for example, 375. But if a person purchased 585 alloy, and after a while black traces appeared, then we are talking about a fake. There are other factors, some of which are related to the physiology of the jewelry wearer:

  • Health status. Dark marks indicate possible illnesses. For example, malfunctions of the thyroid gland, obesity, hepatic disorders, VSD. Even a slight malaise leads to pigmentation. Blackening will appear when wearing each jewelry until the owner is completely cured;
  • The use of certain medications. Iodine sometimes causes dark spots when the metal is oxidized. Due to hormonal drugs, pregnant women repeatedly see blackness on the earlobes from earrings;
  • Hyperhidrosis. If in the heat there are marks on the neck, it is not the product that is to blame, but the sweat. Protein lovers are characterized by increased nitrogen levels. The element is excreted from the body with perspiration, reacting with additives contained in jewelry;
  • Polishing paste. Gold darkens after processing. When in contact with the skin, a darkening effect appears. There is no need to blame the manufacturers, the phenomenon is temporary, it passes on its own and without additional effort;
  • Cosmetical tools. Concealer, hand cream, perfume contain mercury. The element is harmless in a minimal amount, it only stains the skin black. It is recommended not to apply cosmetics on parts of the body that come into contact with gold;
  • Allergic reaction. Impurities in the precious metal tend to cause itching, irritation, redness, and black spots in humans. To confirm or deny the manifestation, they pass a laboratory analysis;
  • Unfavorable ecological situation. Refers to those living in cities, near major highways, factories and plants. Harmful substances in the form of smog and exhaust are deposited on the body in tiny particles, leaving black stripes;
  • Household chemicals. The harmful effect on the skin leads not only to dryness, but also to darkening. Doctors advise cleaning rooms with rubber gloves.
  • Improper care of jewelry.

Folk omens

  • A negative impact, like an evil eye or a curse directed at a person, is felt by the metal. Signal - blackening under the ring;
  • Anxiety and depression emanating from the personality also create dark streaks on the finger;
  • Believers think blackness comes after crimes or sins. The sign that appears as if appeals to the conscience of the one who stumbled, recalling the atrocities;
  • The couple's wedding ring turned black - a misfortune in marriage, sometimes up to parting. To find out about the possible intervention of evil forces, they touch the face with a ring, a black stripe on the cheek means the intrigues of the sorcerer. It is proposed to conduct a purification ritual to maintain a strong relationship.

Pious people are advised to go to church, read prayers or sprinkle with holy water. But in modern times, such superstitions are nothing more than fiction.

What is important to know when choosing budget gold

White gold is considered to be a symbol of prosperity, but some products made of it do not like it because of its external resemblance to silver. There is no tendency to blackening, but over time yellowing appears, the reason is rhodium plating. If scuffs occur, they turn to the jeweler and the previous look of the product is restored.

The medical type of precious metal is difficult to distinguish from the usual one, so it is counterfeited more often than others. It does not blacken thanks to a special polish and is suitable for allergy sufferers. High durability, not afraid of scratches, you do not need to take good care of it, you should only periodically wipe it with an alcohol wipe.

  • Before purchasing, carefully examine the documentation, find out the reliability of the composition and the name of the manufacturer;
  • After completing the contract, keep the issued paper at home, with possible claims there will be a chance to file a complaint and return the money;
  • If the reason for the darkening of the product is health, you should regularly take a sedative. For people who sweat profusely, treat the part of the body in contact with gold with an antiperspirant;
  • When cleaning at home, remove bracelets and chains so that things last longer without being oxidized;
  • Rinse periodically with running water and rub with a soft cloth, do not use sharp instruments;
  • Do not wear products when going to the pool. The minimum amount of chlorine can give the fingers a dark color. The same rule applies when visiting the beach, darkening occurs due to sea water;
    • Do not store luxury items with jewelry, a closed box will do;
    • Jewelry becomes dull and dirty when left unattended and neglected for an extended period;
    • The color changes when there are frequent temperature changes in the room and excess moisture accumulates.

    If possible causes are identified, the problem is eliminated in a short time. Observing the correct lifestyle, periodically checking the condition of the products and caring for the collection, it is easy to avoid the appearance of black marks on the skin. As for the magical influence, it is rather a prejudice that does not provide a rational explanation.

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Gold jewelry has been in great demand at all times. Possessing them is not only beautiful and stylish, but also very profitable. Due to their durability, such products can be worn throughout life and be inherited unchanged.

The only drawback of jewelry is that in some cases it leaves dark prints. Why gold leaves black marks on the skin will be discussed in this article.

Low-quality metal is the main reason for the appearance of traces of gold

Gold is a fairly ductile and brittle metal, therefore, in its pure form, it is not used to make jewelry. To give the product strength, other materials are added to the gold: silver, copper, palladium or nickel. The amount of impurities is evidenced by the test, which is placed on all jewelry.

The most common and best today is the 585 alloy, which has 59% gold in its composition. Jewelry made from it does not break, does not lose shine and does not react with the skin. If this happens, then the amount of impurities is more than stated in the composition.

It's important to know! To minimize the possibility of the appearance of black marks on the skin from gold, jewelry should be purchased only in trusted stores that have the appropriate documents and a quality certificate so that, if necessary, you can return the product.

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Polishing paste on a new product

One of the reasons why gold leaves black marks on the skin is the use of polishing paste by sellers - a means that gives the jewelry a shine and beauty. However, its effect is short-lived, after a few days it will wash off, and the problem of black marks will be solved by itself.

Chemical reaction of jewelry and cosmetic products

All people use cosmetics in one way or another. Perfumes, skin care and hair care products often contain various chemical elements that react with gold to oxidize it.

Such a substance, for example, is mercury. In the amount in which it is added to cosmetics, it is harmless, but negatively affects the decoration. It turns black and leaves marks on the skin.

And if the latter can be easily dealt with, then the jewelry is almost impossible to restore. Therefore, remove all jewelry before using any cosmetic product.

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Allergic reaction to precious metal

Gold is an inert metal that does not react chemically with other substances, but nevertheless it often leaves black marks on the skin, which may indicate an allergy. To understand why this is happening, you should know about the technology of making jewelry and about the characteristics of your body.

As mentioned above, pure gold is not used to make jewelry. Various impurities are added to it. such as nickel or copper. They give the jewelry shine and strength, but they are a strong allergen and can cause itching, redness or black spots on the skin, even in people who are not prone to this ailment.

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To avoid this, when purchasing jewelry, you should familiarize yourself with the certificate, which indicates all the components that make up the alloy.

Sweat as a Cause of Dark Traces of Gold

Sweating is a natural process that cannot be stopped or corrected. Sweat composition is not the same for everyone. In people under stress, leading an unhealthy lifestyle, consuming a lot of meat, nitrogen compounds are produced in the body, which, when released through the pores, react with copper or nickel contained in the alloy. This is why gold can leave dark streaks on the body.

Attention! Such a reaction of the product to the secreted sweat may indicate a medical condition. Therefore, if black marks appear, it is better to consult a doctor.

Dark marks on the skin from gold, as a symptom of the disease

The jewelry was purchased of the highest standard and its quality is not in doubt, cosmetics are also excluded from use, but gold leaves black marks on the skin. Why is this happening?

One of the possible versions of this behavior of the noble metal is health problems, not only physical, but also moral. It has long been known that people who are prone to depression, stress and nervous strain sweat more than others. And sweat, as already mentioned, reacting with copper in the alloy can contribute to the appearance of black marks.

In addition, people suffering from obesity, diseases of the kidneys, liver, endocrine system or vegetative dystonia can often observe a similar reaction to gold. And the point is not only in increased sweating, but also in the changing hormonal background.

And finally illness, which a priori cannot cause an allergy to gold, but involve taking medications containing iodine, can also cause blackening of the jewelry.

External habitat as the cause of black marks on the skin from gold

Another reason why gold leaves black marks on the skin can be the external environment and unfavorable environmental conditions. People who live in big cities, near major highways, factories and factories, feel the effect of exhaust gases, smog and other harmful substances.

They settle on the skin in the form of the smallest particles, leaving black marks under the jewelry.... Also, such streaks can be the result of a chemical reaction of the alloy and harmful emissions.

New ways

Popular beliefs about the causes of dark marks

For many peoples, gold is a symbol of the sun, a powerful talisman that can protect its owner from various troubles. Therefore, since ancient times, many signs and superstitions have been associated with the noble metal. Many of them indicate that gold leaves black marks on the skin.

Why this happens can be explained by two reasons:

  1. Gold is capable of trapping negative effects aimed at the wearer of the jewelry and signaling this through the formation of black prints on the skin.
  2. The reason lies in the person himself... Often, negative energy does not come from the outside world, but from the inside. Sadness and anxiety are transmitted to the jewelry, and it leaves dark marks on the body.

Also, believers believe that gold turns black if a person has violated the laws of morality and committed a sin. Thus, the jewelry acts as a kind of conductor of conscience, reminds the owner of the atrocity he has committed.

Legends also have ways to get rid of dark traces. The decoration and the place under it should be washed with holy water. If this does not help, you should seek help from a priest or psychic.

But one should not take folk omens for truth. Before looking for a magician and removing the evil eye and damage, it is better to first look for the real reasons for the blackening of the precious metal.

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What to do if black marks appear on the skin from gold

If gold leaves black marks on the skin, it is important to know not only why this is happening, but also how to get rid of it. The following tips will help you solve this problem:

It's important to know! You can remove plaque from gold jewelry using special products containing abrasive substances. They are sold in jewelry stores. They can be replaced by tooth powder or lipstick.

Before cleaning the product, remove the precious stones from it, because they can go bad.

When cleaning jewelry, do not use sharp objects to avoid scratching. After the procedure, the product must be thoroughly rinsed under running water and wiped off with a soft cloth.

Jewelry is not created from pure gold; the alloy always contains elements that have their own properties and enter into a chemical reaction with other substances.

Knowing the technology of creating jewelry, the properties of other metals and the rules for using the product, the problem of blackening of the skin can be avoided, and if such does arise, it is easy to get rid of it.

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In this video, you will learn how to test gold at home:

Everyone knows that gold is a noble metal. Most often, jewelry made of precious metals and their alloys does not leave marks on the skin. This property is more typical for inexpensive jewelry. Why does gold sometimes leave black spots and marks on the skin?

A little about gold

Archaeologists and historians have come to the conclusion that this precious metal appeared a very long time ago - approximately in the 5th millennium BC. It was since then that it began to enjoy popularity, and also became a kind of measure of value.

Today, this precious metal is in no less demand - a large number of jewelry made of precious metal is sold on the market, which women are happy to buy.

Jewelry is purchased not only by girls and women - men also like to adorn themselves with exquisite jewelry made of expensive metals, which require careful treatment and careful care.

Since ancient times, jewelry made of yellow metal has been preferred by both men and women.

Carefully caring for jewelry, you can keep their presentable appearance for a long time, but an expensive ring or chain does not always correspond to these qualities. It happens that jewelry and gold leave a black tint or mark on the skin. What does it depend on and why is this happening?

Causes of skin darkening from gold jewelry

Often, the darkening of the skin from gold jewelry is equated with mysterious phenomena, such as the fact that the owner has a serious illness or someone has put a curse on the owner of the ring. I am glad that this is not so.

There are many reasons why black marks from gold and jewelry from gold appear on the skin, and each of them should be considered separately.

Today, most manufacturers of certain goods are trying to save money on the manufacture of their products. This phenomenon has not been spared by the jewelry industry either. Do not trust inscriptions like: "jewelry is 60% gold." Very often, for the production of precious jewelry, various alloys are used, which contain other metals, which lead to the fact that the skin turns black from gold.

Another significant cause of skin darkening from gold jewelry is the use of cosmetics. All kinds of moisturizing hand creams that are used by representatives of the fair half of humanity very often contain a variety of impurities in their composition that are in contact with gold.

Thus, the mercury contained in cosmetics interacts with the yellow metal, thereby causing irritation and blackening of the skin.

Some believe that the skin turns black from gold due to some kind of disease. So, violations of the functionality of the kidneys or liver can cause such a reaction, however, in medical practice, there are many cases when the gold jewelry of a truly sick person did not manifest themselves in any way.

Jewelry made of yellow metal in contact with cosmetics can leave a dark mark in contact with gold.

Medical professionals tend to believe that a person's health condition can affect the so-called “behavior” of jewelry. So, a person who is often exposed to stressful situations is prone to excessive sweating, which can provoke contact with gold and lead to an obvious reaction.

Why are other metals added to gold jewelry

This question worries many, only a few know the answer to it. Perhaps this is the reason why the leather turns black from gold jewelry. Unfortunately or fortunately, it is rather difficult (almost impossible) to find jewelry made of pure gold on sale. The reason is simple and obvious - gold is a very soft metal, which means that jewelry made of it is rather difficult to wear. Precisely in order for a piece of jewelry to be able to be worn without hindrance and to admire its appearance, various metals are added to the alloys, which make the item suitable for use.

Alloys of different metals not only give different shades of gold, but also often cause dark marks on the skin.

Also, the addition of various metals to the composition of gold allows you to achieve the desired color, and this is an important factor for manufacturers. So, if you add silver to gold, the product will get a slightly greenish tint, and the copper that is part of it will be pinkish. By creating alloys based on gold, jewelers can reduce the total weight of the jewelry, because gold itself is very heavy.

Possible consequences and ways to eliminate them

Why does the skin turn black under gold and its ornaments? The answer to this question may lie in the following reason - very often polishing paste is used to process jewelry. If, during further processing, the jewelry is poorly washed, then this paste can leave a mysterious dark mark on the skin for a rather long time. Do not worry - after a while, traces should not remain.

Nickel in the alloy imparts a white color to gold and often causes an allergic reaction.

Another reason why the skin turns black from gold may be the presence of allergic reactions in humans.

For example, negative reactions to the nickel alloy used to make jewelry can lead to dark spots on the skin.

Do not forget about cosmetic products for hand and nail care - they enhance the effects of electrolysis. Jewelry made from an alloy of gold and copper can leave not only black, but also green marks on the skin.

Additional reasons why skin may turn black

The low quality of jewelry making, their low cost, as well as technological violations and the use of outdated equipment - all this affects the characteristics of jewelry made of gold and its alloys. Very often this is the reason why the skin turns black from gold.

When buying jewelry, you should ask the seller for a quality certificate and pay attention to the composition of the metal and the amount of gold and other impurities it contains. Also, the presence of allergic reactions and excessive sweating can negatively affect the quality of jewelry and their use. It is possible that darkening of the skin is a serious sign to pay attention to your state of health and make a visit to the doctor on time.

Nitrogen compounds with sweat cause darkening on the skin from the jewelry.

It is believed that meat aficionados may also experience this reaction to gold jewelry. Nitrogen and sweat compounds can be the reason why the skin turns black from gold.

There are situations when the skin turns black from jewelry made of yellow precious metal not at all due to diseases and poor quality of the jewelry. People living in large cities, as well as near busy highways, may also notice the appearance of dark skin marks that form directly under the jewelry. Exhaust gases, smoke emitted from industrial plants, as well as smog and various harmful impurities can aggressively affect precious metals. So, these factors can provoke oxidation of copper, which is often included in jewelry, which is the reason why the skin darkens from jewelry gold.

How to avoid blackening of the skin?

In order to get rid of the consequences, one should be guided by the reasons for such a reaction of the precious metal. First of all, it is necessary to purchase high-quality jewelry in jewelry stores, as well as require a quality certificate from the seller and monitor the gold content in jewelry. Jewelry made of precious metal requires careful and careful care.

In order for a ring or chain to delight its owner for a long time, you should adhere to a few simple rules that will help keep the presentable appearance of products:

  • You should not do household chores (cleaning, washing dishes, etc.) with precious jewelry on your hands and fingers;
    Do not use sharp tools to clean jewelry;
  • From time to time, jewelry made of precious metals should be wiped with a soft cloth (preferably felt);
  • Jewelry with stone inserts is most often subject to contamination in the places where they are inlaid;
  • Before going to bed, it is necessary to remove all jewelry, since prolonged contact of precious metal and skin can provoke unpleasant consequences.

Simple rules will help you to buy high-quality gold jewelry, as well as enjoy their beautiful appearance for a long time.

Knowing the reasons why the skin turns black from gold, you can avoid this, and also subsequently acquire only those jewelry that will not cause such consequences.

Gold leaves black marks for many reasons, identifying which you can easily get rid of the source of this problem and not experience the discomfort of wearing jewelry. Quality jewelry, if properly cared for, will never cause black stains.

Gold is a metal characterized by wear resistance and attractive appearance, which explains the high demand for jewelry made from it. Despite this, many owners of gold jewelry are wondering why gold leaves black marks on the skin and is this the norm?

Gold jewelry

Why does gold darken the skin?

It is believed that the skin that comes into contact with gold jewelry may turn black because a person has some kind of serious illness or damage, but this is not the case. The main reason why dark streaks from gold can remain on the skin is solely due to the quality of the metal itself.

  1. Many people know that in the jewelry industry, gold is never used in its pure form, but all because it does not resist deformation poorly due to its superplasticity. Because of this, other metals are added to the alloy intended for the production of jewelry - copper, silver, platinum, palladium, zinc and others (they are called ligatures). For this reason, to express the mass of gold in 1 kilogram of alloy, such a concept as the fineness, expressed in grams, is used. For example, an ingot of 585 assay value contains 585 grams, or 58.5% of gold, while the remaining 415 grams are impurities of other metals, which, unlike gold, tend to oxidize, which means they darken.
  2. The more ligature in the alloy, the higher the likelihood of the product darkening. This applies exclusively to low-grade gold, for example, with a fineness of 375. If a person bought a piece of jewelry with a fineness of 585, and after a while wonders why the skin turns black from gold, then he was sold a fake.
  3. Leather turns black when wearing jewelry that was sold as gold but is not. Now scammers are actively luring money out of the wallets of gullible buyers, offering them ordinary jewelry or a copper product, positioned as gold jewelry. A fake gold in 100% of cases will leave blackened stripes on the skin, since copper, tin, zinc (from alloys of these metals, and fakes are made) are quickly oxidized.
  4. In many jewelry stores, the products sold are coated with a special paste to polish and improve the appearance of the product. Such a product on the surface can lead to darkening of the skin in the places where it comes into contact with it. But such a coating is erased in a few days, so black marks left on the skin are not observed in the future.
  5. Contact of a cosmetic product with gold can also lead to its darkening, which means to the appearance of dark streaks on the skin. Most hand and body creams, tonal creams and other products contain components that negatively affect the quality of gold. For example, if the cream contains mercury, then upon contact with gold it will lead to the oxidation of the precious metal, which means that it will lose its attractive appearance. If high-grade gold has turned black from the use of a specific cosmetic product, then this indicates the need to replace the latter.
  6. An allergic reaction is a less common cause of dark marks on the skin after wearing gold. If the alloy contains nickel, then the likelihood of manifestations of allergy symptoms (redness and skin irritation, for example) increases several times.
  7. Violation of the rules for the care of jewelry can also lead to darkening of the gold. To prevent this from happening, you should avoid cleaning products with abrasive powders and products containing chlorine.

Gold wedding rings

What to do?

If a person sees a dark mark on the skin that remains under the gold jewelry, then he should try to wash this area of ​​the skin with soap and water. It so happens that the dark stripe on the skin is associated with the ingress of dirt and dust under the jewelry, but not with the quality of the product itself. The mark associated with the low quality of the decoration is not washed off, but lasts for several days.

Golden chains

Since the main reason for the darkening of gold is its dubious quality, everyone should know how not to become the owner of jewelry made of counterfeit metal. To do this, all gold items should be bought in well-known jewelry stores and salons. Real gold jewelry has a tag containing full information about the product - the brand of the manufacturer, the article, the real price per gram of metal, the price of the product, the sample and the stamp of an expert appraiser. As for the hallmark of the sample, it is clearly visualized and has clear boundaries.

Nevertheless, only an expert appraiser can confirm 100% authenticity of gold. Determining the quality of an alloy requires appropriate knowledge and experience, as well as special equipment and reagents.

It's no secret that gold has long been considered a sign of a person's wealth and his success. Therefore, the products must be suitable in style, and also correspond to the status of the person. I would like to choose the most beautiful gold jewelry, ring, chain, earrings that would last a long time. But after wearing the jewelry for a long time, many are wondering why the finger under the gold ring turns black? Moreover, this problem most often concerns just the rings, since the products are in close contact with the skin and many practically do not remove the product from their hands.

The finger turned black under the gold ring

List of causes of skin blackening

But how to explain this reaction is not clear to many. Since gold is a noble metal, it should not somehow manifest its interaction with other substances. But the skin can not only turn black, but also acquire a green tint. Why does the finger turn black from the gold ring at different periods? There may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Poor quality decoration. The thing is that there are a lot of scammers in the jewelry industry. They sell low-quality goods that are not only lower than the declared sample, but also may be with the addition of dangerous impurities. Such products are called samovar and are sold by individuals on trays or in other places where there are no product certificates. All this leads to the fact that a person overpays for a cheap product, which contains many alloys that oxidize with the skin and leave traces. As a result, traces of blackening disappear if you stop wearing the product. To prevent this from happening, buy jewelry only in stores with a proven history or from large jewelry factories. Items must have a test mark indicating the amount of pure gold in the item.
  • Repairing jewelry or buying new rings. It so happens that after any kind of repair, the jeweler forgot to wipe the product from the inside, and the chemicals that were on the inside were imprinted on the hand and the skin under the ring changed in color. Of course, such traces are short-lived and you shouldn't worry about it. To quickly wash off the residues of substances from the ring, dip the jewelry in warm water and wash with soap. The jewelry paste will also be washed off your hands in 2-3 days. This is rarely the case with new products, because consultants thoroughly wipe the product before putting them up for sale.
  • Stressful situations also explain why the skin turns black. They promote the production of perspiration, which affects the gold product. Gold itself does not react in any way to human sweat or other chemicals, but impurities that are found in the ligature of products are sensitive to this. And since it is the feet and palms that produce quite a lot of sweat, this effect is not surprising. Also, a large production of biological fluids may indicate problems with the cardiovascular system, causing tachycardia or disorders of the nervous system. Try to avoid stressful situations or wear rings not every day. Eating large amounts of meat can speed up the blackening process, which saturates sweat with nitrogen compounds that react with the ligature. And the composition of sweat can also change due to hormonal imbalances. Kidney or thyroid problems can contribute to change. Therefore, if you see that a blackening reaction has occurred and it is clearly not related to the quality of the product, contact a specialist. This applies to cases of spontaneous opacification.
  • Oxidation processes and, accordingly, blackening of the skin can occur in connection with the action of chemicals. This is especially true for household chemicals. The alloy ligature can be sensitive to powders, cleaning agents and detergents. In this case, the finger turns black from the gold ring, which has reacted with household chemicals. Therefore, it is recommended to refrain from wearing rings during cleaning. Protect yourself with gloves if you do not want to take off your jewelry.
  • Hand creams or other hygiene products, as well as some medications, can cause a darkening skin reaction. Of course, creams also only react to jewelry if mixed with sweat and in contact with the alloy in the alloy. From drugs, a reaction can be given by mercury ointment or substances that contain mercury. In this case, the finger and even the gold itself darkens, since this is the only metal with which it reacts.
  • Allergic reaction. This is a rare occurrence because gold allergies are rare and manifest differently than pigmentation. But ligature allergy is a common side effect of wearing a ring. Nickel often gives this reaction. Therefore, if you know that you are allergic to metals, ask about the composition of the alloy from which your jewelry is made. If it contains metals such as zinc, cobalt, nickel, then it is better to refuse to buy the product so as not to get an allergic reaction. Even if this happens, consult a dermatologist for advice. You will most likely be prescribed antihistamines and anti-allergic ointments.
  • From an unscientific point of view, it is believed that gold is a metal that has the ability to attract the evil eye and envious glances to itself. There is a sign that if you are jinxed or wished to be evil, gold will take away the negative, and a trace of blackening may appear on the skin. The trail also appears if you accumulate negative emotions in yourself. In this case, you need to go to the church to cleanse your soul. Since the hypothesis is untested, it is best to stick to traditional reasons.

Gold is a noble and neutral metal. For it to react with the skin, you need to mix a lot of components. Do not give up gold rings completely if your skin has turned black, for example, due to chemicals or care products. The blackening usually disappears within a week and does not leave any traces. If you follow the rules of hygiene and protect the product, the skin under the gold ring will not darken.

Most often, the ligature is responsible for such reactions. Therefore, blackening can be avoided if you buy high quality jewelry from a quality manufacturer.