What does glycerin give for the skin of the face. What is glycerin for - rules of use, harm and benefit, recipes. Acne glycerin face mask

Among the huge assortment of cosmetic products on display in boutiques and shops, there are many products, one of the main components of which is glycerin. It is believed that this substance does an excellent job of moisturizing and nourishing the skin, as well as making it smooth and velvety. Glycerin is often found in homemade masks, hand and foot creams. Some women reject this ingredient in any form and recognize it as dangerous and harmful to the skin. Is it really?! And, does glycerin really have a negative effect on the human body ?! We'll figure out!

Glycerin - what is it?

Glycerin is a trihydric alcohol, which in consistency resembles a transparent viscous liquid that acts as a solvent. It is thanks to glycerin that the ingredients of creams and other cosmetic products quickly combine together and form a homogeneous mass. Glycerin is extracted from vegetable fats, as well as by the synthesis of the toxic substance epilchlorohydrin.

As a rule, manufacturers do not indicate on the packaging with the product which glycerin was used in the production - natural or artificial. Or they lie uncontrollably, attributing to the word glycerin - natural, although it is not at all. According to the varietal separation, glycerin can be raw (44-90%), technical (98%) and pharmaceutical (99-99.7%).

Despite the fact that glycerin has been replaced by new and absolutely safe substances that cope with the same task very successfully, its services in the cosmetic industry have not been abandoned. And this is due not only to the cheapness of the product, but also to the fact that fragments of its molecules are part of biological compounds produced by the human body, which means that it is not able to cause various allergic reactions. This aspect is important for many modern manufacturers.

However, some of them began to exclude glycerin from their cosmetics, believing that instead of the required hydration, it deprives the skin of its natural moisture and dries it out. But is it worth believing such statements? It is difficult to answer this question, there is still research and controversy around glycerin, and whether it is possible to use cosmetics based on it is up to you!

Photo: Eugene Bochkarev / Rusmediabank.ru

Benefit and harm

As mentioned above, glycerin is a trihydric alcohol, and its main property is hygroscopicity. When in contact with the skin (not in its pure form, of course), it envelops it with a protective film, and at the same time begins to absorb life-giving moisture from the inner deep layers, thereby contributing to its drying out. For this reason, many women claim that glycerin does more harm than good.

But on the other hand, glycerin is able to absorb moisture in the environment, which is also beneficial for the skin. What conclusions follow from this? As you understand, the effect of glycerin depends on the level of humidity in the atmosphere. For example, if the air in the room is very dry (due to the operation of heating devices, etc.), the glycerin contained in the cream or any other agent will begin to absorb life-giving moisture from the inside, as a result, the skin will become dry and unattractive. In a room with high air humidity, cosmetic products based on glycerin will not harm the skin.

The effect of any product on the skin depends not only on the environment, but also on the proportion of glycerin in its composition. The amount of the substance should not exceed 7% of the total mass. It is strictly forbidden to use glycerin undiluted. If glycerin is in the first place on the label of a cosmetic product, then its amount exceeds the permissible dose. In this case, the effect of drying the skin is ensured. Glycerin can bring a positive result if it is natural. In the correct proportions, creams and gels with its presence will not only moisturize the skin, but also have a rejuvenating effect. Although some women argue that products with glycerin cannot boast of such an effect.

Among the advantages of cosmetics with glycerin, one can note the ability to accelerate the metabolism in the upper layers of the skin, remove fats, dirt and toxins from the pores, as well as eliminate cracks on the hands, knees, elbows and heels (but subject to the indoor air humidity above 55%). Glycerin is often used as a stabilizer for homemade cosmetics. Also, industrially, various cleansing soaps are obtained from it, which are able to wash melanin from the skin and make it lighter in several tones, this should be feared by those who do not want to part with the existing skin tone.

Preview photo: Vitaly Valua / Rusmediabank.ru

The desire to be well-groomed and beautiful is natural for any woman. The pursuit of this goal encourages the fair sex to use various cosmetics. High-quality creams, lotions, foams for facial skin care constitute a special expense item, because such products are not cheap.

However, it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive cosmetics to heal delicate skin and maintain its radiant appearance. The functions of caring for it can be taken over by such a simple agent as glycerin.

Beneficial features

Glycerin is a substance used in the manufacture of a number of cosmetics. Its relevance is explained by the property of absorbing moisture from the environment, attracting it to the skin and thus moisturizing it.

Glycerin is able to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and smooth existing ones

Owners of sensitive skin will also appreciate the effect of this substance, because glycerin makes the skin soft, smooth and resistant to adverse environmental factors, which is especially important for the autumn and winter periods.

It is also suitable for the delicate skin around the eyes. For women who want to get rid of crow's feet, it will be a real discovery. In combination with vitamins A and E, it is able to work wonders by tightening and rejuvenating the skin.

Another advantage of this component is that it rarely becomes a source of allergic reactions, so its use is safe for health.
You can use glycerin for the face in conjunction with various components. Homemade masks and lotions for dry to oily skin can be used to significantly improve the appearance of the skin.

Homemade cosmetic recipes

Masks and creams based on glycerin can solve many problems: dryness, flaking, rashes, laxity, and the formation of dark circles under the eyes. It will not be difficult to prepare such funds, but the result obtained from their regular use will certainly delight women.

Below are the options for masks and lotions that are suitable for eliminating skin imperfections:

  • If you need complex care, you can try masks based on glycerin and oatmeal. Its action is to soften dry skin, smooth wrinkles, and eliminate dark circles under the eyes. It is prepared like this: a tablespoon of oatmeal cooked in milk is mixed with an incomplete teaspoon of glycerin and one raw yolk. The resulting mass is applied to the face with a thin layer and kept for at least 20 minutes. The use of the product should be regular.
  • A mask made from a tablespoon of glycerin, two tablespoons of milk, a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of raw oatmeal has a moisturizing and nourishing effect. This mass is left on the skin for up to 20 minutes.
  • It is possible to use glycerin for the face to solve problems such as acne. For this purpose, a liquid lotion is prepared that has a gentle effect: take a teaspoon of glycerin and mix it with 200 ml of boiled water. Literally 2 ml of lemon juice and camphor alcohol are added here. You need to wipe the skin with lotion daily.
  • Many women suffer from facial hyperpigmentation, that is, freckles. Glycerin, combined with lemon, becomes a powerful skin whitener. The lotion that fights the manifestations of hyperpigmentation consists of 50 ml of vodka, whipped raw protein, squeezed from whole lemon juice and 4 ml of glycerin. All this is mixed and the areas of the face are wiped with the resulting liquid, on which the freckles are concentrated.
  • The fight against wrinkles and sagging facial skin will become much more effective if there is a cream with glycerin and vitamin E in the arsenal of skin care products. Numerous positive reviews speak in favor of these products. To prepare the cream, you just need to add the contents of ten capsules of vitamin E (known as "Aevit") to a bottle of glycerin (25 grams). You need to smear your face with this composition before bedtime, keeping it from 40 minutes to an hour.

Please note: it is recommended to store homemade glycerin-based creams and lotions in the refrigerator so that they do not lose their properties.

Can glycerin be harmful?

Any skin care product in which it is included should be kept on the face for a strictly defined amount of time and not left overnight, wanting to achieve a magical effect immediately.

Glycerin cream, mask or lotion, with beneficial moisturizing properties, can dry out the skin under certain conditions

So, if the humidity level in the room is less than 65%, glycerin can harm the skin, causing a feeling of tightness, dryness and flaking. A similar effect is observed when using this component in excessive quantities.

Is it possible to make an unambiguous conclusion about its exceptional benefits or harms? Probably not. When using this product for skin care, you need to adhere to the "golden" rule: moderation and rationality. Only in this case, glycerin can really be useful, it will help restore skin health, restore its elasticity and natural color.

Glycerin is considered one of the simplest trihydric alcohols that is widely used in the production of cosmetics. In home skin care, it is an indispensable component; you can buy it in its pure form at any pharmacy. It looks like a liquid with a high viscosity with a sweetish taste. How to use glycerin in facial skin care will be discussed.


Glycerin for the face, benefits and effects for the skin

The main property of glycerin is its hygroscopicity; it perfectly absorbs moisture from the environment. It is due to this property that the drug is included in the compositions of creams for the face and hands. When applied to the skin in a humid environment, glycerin begins to draw moisture from the air, forming a moist film on the face, as a result of which it becomes soft and velvety. Also, with regular use of the drug on the skin of the face, existing wrinkles are filled with moisture, as a result of which it is smoothed, wrinkles become invisible, plus the surface layer of the skin is protected from the effects of microbes and various contaminants. Masks with glycerin are excellent for combating excessive dryness and dehydration of the skin, eczema, as well as age-related changes.

Despite the undeniable benefits of glycerin for the skin, it can be harmful to the face. This happens if you use it in a low humidity or dry environment. Since there is no life-giving moisture in the air, the active substance of the drug will begin to draw water molecules from your skin, provoking exhaustion and excessive dryness. That is why the content of glycerin in cosmetics (cream, lotion, soap) does not exceed 5-7%. And yet, in the winter period, it is better to refuse the use of such funds, or severely limit their use. It is good if glycerin in the composition takes the last positions in the care cream, but at the same time there is an excellent moisturizer in the composition, for example, aloe vera.

To solve the problem of dry air, ordinary humidifiers (devices) will help, either a wet towel placed on a hot battery (during the heating period), or spraying water from a spray bottle in the room. While the glycerin mask acts on your face, you should not leave the life-giving space.

In home facial care, glycerin can only be used diluted with water, only in this way the skin will receive the necessary hydration. Water mixes well with it in any proportions, it is better to take purified water, it can be replaced with rose water. At the first application of the drug on the face, there is a feeling of oversaturation with moisture, but as the excess moisture evaporates, the skin becomes soft and amazingly fresh. You should not use glycerin on your face just before going out, because of the slight stickiness effect, the risk of clogging the pores with dust increases.

The pure preparation can be added to ready-made creams, it serves as an excellent component for preparing homemade masks and lotions for moisturizing, toning, moisturizing the skin of the face, healing wounds and reducing rashes. Glycerin is good to include in one-component oil masks, it mixes well with olive, coconut, jojoba oils.

Glycerin for face, skin lotion recipes

Toning mint lotion for all skin types.

Dried peppermint herb - ½ cup.
Steep boiling water.
Glycerin - 1 tbsp. l.

Pour raw materials into a glass and pour boiling water to the top, cover and wrap with a towel. After a day, strain the infusion and combine with the main component. Apply morning and evening, rubbing cleansed skin with a cotton pad soaked in lotion.

Lemon lotion for blackheads and age spots.

Freshly squeezed lemon (or lime) juice - 2 tbsp. l.
Glycerin - 2 tbsp. l.
Pure water - 1 tsp.

Combine the components and apply daily morning and evening to problem areas of the skin.

Chamomile lotion for oily and problem skin.

Dry chamomile flowers - 2 tbsp. l. with a slide.
Steep boiling water - 200 ml.
Vodka - 70 ml.
Glycerin - 1 tbsp. l.

Pour the raw materials with boiling water, it is better to do this in a glass jar, close the lid and wrap with a towel. After ten hours, filter the ready-made infusion through several layers of gauze, add vodka and glycerin. Wipe skin twice a day after cleansing.

A pink toner to reduce inflammation and hydrate the skin.

Rose water - 300 ml.
Glycerin - 4 tbsp. l.

Mix the components in a bottle with a dispenser. Spray onto skin several times a day. Test your skin for an allergic reaction before use.

Recipes for masks and scrubs with glycerin

Mask with glycerin and vitamin E.

Combining it with vitamin E or tocopherol can increase the effectiveness of glycerin for the face. Such a combination of components will refresh the aging skin, smooth out wrinkles, give smoothness and fill with life-giving moisture.

Glycerin - 1 tbsp. l.
Vitamin E - 1 tbsp l.

Connect the components. If you make a mask in winter, it is better to add ½ tsp to the composition. clean water. Apply the composition to a previously cleansed face and leave for an hour. Remove the rest of the composition with a napkin, you do not need to wash with water. The mask can be done two to three times a week.

Scrub with glycerin for blackheads.

Chopped almond kernels - 4 tbsp. l.
Glycerin - 2 tbsp. l.

Combine the ingredients into a homogeneous composition. Rub into the T-zone with light massaging movements for a couple of minutes, let the composition dry a little, then rinse with warm water.

Oil mask with glycerin.

Olive oil (or coconut or jojoba) - 1 tbsp l.
Glycerin - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the components and apply to cleansed face. The procedure is done at night, does not require rinsing.

Honey and protein mask for oily skin.

Egg white - 1 pc.
Natural honey in liquid form - 1 tsp.
Glycerin - 1 tsp

Combine the components, apply the resulting composition on the face with light, non-traumatic movements, following the massage lines and leave for twenty minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water.

Refreshing mask for combination, normal to oily skin.

High fat cream - 1 glass.
Chicken egg - 1 pc.
Vodka - ½ glass.
Glycerin - 1 tsp
Fresh lemon juice - 1 citrus fruit.

Mix the components thoroughly, apply to clean skin and hold for twenty minutes. Remove the mask with a cotton pad soaked in warm water.

Moisturizing mask with honey for dry, combination and normal skin.

Glycerin - 1 tsp
Natural country honey - 1 tsp
Oatmeal crushed into flour - 1 tsp.
Water - 1 tsp.

First, combine the liquid components, and then add the oat flour. The mask should be applied exclusively to cleansed skin. After fifteen minutes, wash with boiled water at room temperature.

Yolk and glycerin mask for dry skin.

Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Glycerin - 1 tsp
Water - ½ tsp.

Add glycerin to the whipped yolk, stir until smooth and apply on the skin for fifteen minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

Nourishing glycerin face mask for mature skin.

Raw potatoes - 1 pc.
Fat milk - 1 tbsp. l.
Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Olive oil - 1 pc.
Water - 1 tbsp. l.

Boil the potatoes in their skins, peel, make mashed potatoes with milk and eggs. Next, add oil, glycerin and water to the composition. Spread the mask on the cleansed face, after fifteen minutes remove with water at room temperature.

Anti-wrinkle moisturizing mask.

Fresh aloe juice - 1 tsp
Glycerin - 2 tsp

Combine the components, apply a thick layer on the skin and stand for fifteen minutes, rinse with warm boiled water.

Glycerin mask for wrinkles and sagging skin.

Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Butter - ½ tbsp. l.
Liquid village honey - 1 tsp
Glycerin - 1 tsp
Chamomile decoction - 1 tbsp. l.
Chamomile flowers - 1 tbsp. l.
Boiling water - 200 ml.

First, we prepare a decoction of chamomile, for which we brew the chamomile with boiling water, put on a slow fire for ten minutes, then remove and insist until it cools completely, filter. Now beat the yolk with honey and butter, add glycerin and chamomile broth. Apply the composition for ten minutes on cleansed skin, then rinse with cool water.

Whitening mask with glycerin.

Lemon juice - 1 citrus fruit.
Liquid honey - 4 tbsp. l.
Glycerin - 1 tsp

Beat the ingredients until smooth. Take a gauze napkin with slots for eyes, mouth and nose, moisten in the composition and apply to clean skin. After ten minutes, replace the napkin and leave for another ten minutes. After the procedure, wash yourself with warm water. The course includes 20 procedures, done every 3-4 days.

Video: Two tricks with glycerin.

In order for the effect of the drug to be much more, do not forget about the drinking regimen. Drink more clean water without gas during the day, you yourself will notice a dramatic change in your skin.

Application in cosmetology

Glycerin (or glycerol) is a by-product of the industry, obtained as a result of saponification of fats or produced synthetically, belongs to trihydric alcohols. For external use, pharmacies are dispensed in the form of a liquid solution of 20 ml without a prescription.

It is a colorless, transparent, sweetish, viscous liquid, odorless. They are used in many fields of activity, including food, medicine, and cosmetics. It is about the role of glycerin in cosmetics that we will tell in more detail.

The benefits and harms of glycerin for the face

Like every product, glycerin also has its positive and negative qualities. Fortunately, there are many more pluses than minuses.

Benefits for the face:

  1. Retains moisture in the skin.
  2. Helps nutrients to penetrate into cells.
  3. Accelerates wound healing.
  4. Moisturizes.
  5. Cleans pores from dirt.
  6. Antiseptic.
  7. Softens.

Moisturization of the dermis occurs due to the hygroscopicity of the substance: it helps to draw in moisture from the environment. If a person is inside a dry room, then glycerol draws moisture from the cells of the dermis, giving it to the environment.

The harm of glycerol:

  1. The drug is used only at high air humidity, not less than 60%, otherwise, instead of humidification, the opposite effect is obtained.
  2. Washes out melanin.
  3. May contribute to the appearance of comedones in the presence of inflamed skin.
  4. In combination with silicone, it causes allergic skin reactions.
  5. Washes away tan quickly.

The more humid the air, the faster the process of saturating the cells with moisture.

What is it used for

Glycerol is used to treat skin diseases, as a laxative, in the production of cosmetics, household chemicals, and personal care products.

At home, it is necessary for the manufacture of:

  1. Masks.
  2. Soaps.
  3. Balms.
  4. Lotions.
  5. Healing ointments.
  6. Warm baths for hands, feet.
  7. Other cosmetics.

Home cosmetics with glycerin helps to improve the condition of the epidermis, nails, hair. They become healthy, shiny, soft.

In everyday life, glycerol will help get rid of berry, tea or coffee stains. To do this, rub the dirt with an undiluted substance, and after an hour rinse it off. The annoying dust that constantly settles on furniture is disposed of by wiping the surfaces with an aqueous solution with glycerin.

In the food industry, it is known as E-422 additive.

How to choose quality glycerin

Without talking - buy the product only at the pharmacy.

The packaging should have the following marks:

  1. Natural.
  2. Vegetable origin.
  3. High purity (99.5%).
  4. Shelf life.

Glycerol, based on vegetable fats, clogs pores less, and more easily penetrates deep into the skin, carrying with it other beneficial components than a substance of animal origin.

Instructions for use

Since the article deals with external use, we will omit the effect on the work of internal organs, body systems and the associated nuances of application.

The medicinal product is prescribed for:

  1. Softening the skin.
  2. Treatment of mucous membranes.
  3. Elimination of dry skin, hair, dehydration of the dermis.
  4. Treat acne, pressure sores, diaper rash (treat with undiluted substance) or cracked heels.
  5. With thrush, tonsillitis or pharyngitis (do douching, rinsing with a diluted drug).

It acts as a dermatoprotector, filling and smoothing fine wrinkles, which plays an important role in the manufacture of anti-aging masks. In addition to glycerol, they may include vitamins E, B1, ascorbic acid (stimulates the formation of collagen).

Glycerin in cosmetics is used to care for:

  1. The skin of the face, hands, feet.
  2. Nails.
  3. Hair.

Contraindications for the use of glycerol:

  1. Lactation.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Individual intolerance (manifested in the form of allergic reactions).
  4. Open wounds, other violations of the integrity of the skin (can strongly pinch or burn).

For internal use, there is an additional number of contraindications, so you should carefully read the official instructions.

It is not recommended to use undiluted glycerin: it can cause itching, flaking, dehydration of the skin. Combine with water (including mineral water), oils, vitamins, herbal infusions, and other useful diluents. In the composition of cosmetics, it should not exceed 5% (provided that it is homemade) or it should be further than the fifth position on the packaging of the purchased product.

Try to add alternative sources of moisture to your home cosmetics: aloe, yolks, pulp or juices of fruits, berries, vegetables. Remember to keep the air humid: spray water with a spray bottle in the room where you are.

Mask recipes

Diluted glycerol itself does not cause allergic reactions, but before applying new formulations of masks with additional components, experts recommend a sensitivity test.

Face recipes:

  1. Softening: 10 drops of vitamin E are mixed with 20 ml of glycerin. To remove the remnants of the mixture - blot your face with a paper napkin (no need to rinse).
  2. Nutritious, with honey: mix in 1 tsp. honey, glycerol, add 3 tsp. water (cold), stir thoroughly until smooth. Apply and hold for 15 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.
  3. Toning, with honey and gelatin: mix 4 tbsp. l. glycerin, 4 tbsp. l. water, 2 tsp. honey, 2 tsp gelatin, dissolve in a water bath, add 4 tbsp. l. water, stir thoroughly. The residues from the skin are washed off with warm water, a nourishing cream is applied.
  4. For oily dermis, with clay: mix 2 tbsp. l. decoction of sage with half a teaspoon of glycerol, add cosmetic clay, stirring constantly, until the mixture becomes similar in consistency to liquid sour cream. At the end - wash off with cool water.

Face masks are applied only to cleansed skin, kept for 15-35 minutes. Apply 1-2 times a week.

Hair recipes

  1. "Lamination": mix the warmed 1 tsp olive and 1 tsp. burdock oils, add 1 tsp. glycerol, vitamin E (ampoule), stir. After 60 minutes, wash off.
  2. Moisturizing: take 3 tsp. glycerin, 3 tsp. apple cider vinegar (can be replaced with lemon juice), add 3 egg yolks, knead everything. The mixture is washed off with warm water. Hair masks are recommended to be done in courses: 8 sessions over 2 months. A prerequisite: after applying the mixture, the curls are hidden under a polyethylene cap, and they are insulated on top with a towel, held for 30-60 minutes, then washed with shampoo.
  3. Hand bath. Ingredients: half a liter of warm water, 2 tbsp. l. starch, 20 ml of glycerol. Keep your hands in the liquid while the water is warm, then pat your skin dry with a towel.
  4. Softening Heel Blend. To make the heels smooth and soft again - smear them with this homemade product at night: mix glycerin with ammonia (1: 1), apply to the skin, do not wash off. The mixture is effective, only because of the ammonia it has an unpleasant odor.

Glycerin moisturizes and rejuvenates your face, restores its natural shine, evenness and softness. But this substance has more than just advantages. Paradoxically, but this skin "moisturizer" can turn into its direct opposite - "desiccant". Let's calmly figure it out: find out what the benefits and harms of glycerin are for your face, and how it affects the condition of the skin.

The benefits of glycerin

Glycerin is a trihydric alcohol that attracts moisture very well. This viscous transparent liquid is widely used in cosmetology. It is an important component of many creams, tonics, lotions, and homemade mask recipes. It is often found in soap. Also, the substance is an important component of many remedies for skin diseases. First, let's talk about its beneficial properties.

Deep hydration

Glycerin forms a kind of trap film on the surface of your skin, which traps moisture in the upper layers of the epidermis, preventing it from quickly evaporating. It helps the moisturizing nutrients found in soaps, creams and masks to penetrate the deeper layers of your skin. That is why this viscous liquid is called the base component of cosmetics. This deep moisturizing action leaves your skin firm and soft to the touch.

Important: Glycerin can be obtained from vegetable fats or synthesized. In cosmetics and medicines, always give preference to the "natural" option.

Metabolism activation

Glycerin has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the upper areas of the epidermis, thanks to which your face is rejuvenated. The skin begins to get rid of toxins, and wrinkles are smoothed out and disappear. And this applies to both mimic and old age lines on your face.

Glycerin helps to remove wrinkles.

arrow_left Glycerin helps to remove wrinkles.

Important: Immediately after applying glycerin cosmetics, you may feel as if your face has been "dipped" in cool water. This is completely normal, don't worry. In just a couple of minutes, the not very pleasant sensation will pass, and the substance will begin to act imperceptibly.

Protective and cleansing function

The glycerin film protects your skin well from all kinds of microbes, microcracks, summer drying with air conditioners and winter chapping. The substance well removes all dirt and excess sebum from enlarged pores, "repels" dust, promotes the healing of microcracks and mini-wounds.

Fight skin diseases and whitening

Glycerin is a component of many medicines that help relieve eczema and psoriasis. It stabilizes the process of birth and maturation of facial cells, stops their abnormally accelerated division. Also, various medications with this viscous liquid eliminate acne and "post-acne" pigmentation, remove freckles.

Glycerin works well for acne.

arrow_left Glycerin works well for acne.

Dangers and harm of glycerin

Unfortunately, this substance is not only good for your skin. It can also harm her. So when you make cosmetic glycerin masks, experiment a little. Better trust the proven recipes.

The harm of "pure" glycerin

By itself, you cannot use this substance without any additives. It literally like a leech will suck all moisture from the lower layers of your epidermis, which will seriously disturb the skin's water balance. And this is a direct path to unpleasant skin diseases. 10% - this is the maximum permissible harmless concentration of glycerin in the composition of any cosmetic products, including soap.

Remember: High levels of this viscous liquid can cause chemical burns or, at best, cause a rash. True, only non-allergic, since glycerin is not a protein, and only protein molecules can be allergens.

Dry air

Glycerin absorbs moisture from the air. But if the humidity is low (below 45%), then this substance will begin to "extract" water from your own skin. Therefore, try not to use glycerin preparations in too hot or cold “low humidity” weather. Also, do not use them in rooms where the air is severely dried out by an air conditioner or heater.

Harm in combination with silicone

The combination of this viscous liquid and silicone is especially dangerous for your skin - it will form an "impenetrable barrier" on the surface of your face, preventing you from breathing. Therefore, in no case combine cosmetics that contain these 2 substances, for example, never use creams with silicone after glycerin soap.

Tip: Feel free to add a viscous liquid to the purchased creams. But first, make sure that it is not included in their composition, and also do not exceed its maximum allowable rate (10%).

The harm of glycerin soap

Such soap can reduce the content of melanin pigment, turn you into an "albino". It is especially dangerous to use it immediately after sunbathing. Also, such a soap is able to completely remove sunburn - especially from sensitive, easily irritated skin.

Glycerin soap can whiten your skin too much and destroy sunburn.

arrow_left Glycerin soap can whiten your skin too much and destroy sunburn.


If you are expecting a baby or breastfeeding, then it is undesirable to use cosmetics containing glycerin. It should also not be used by people with diabetes or kidney failure.

Useful home cosmetics with glycerin

The substance goes well with water (including rose water), as well as various oils. Therefore, you can easily and quickly prepare a mask useful for the face from it. The main thing is not to confuse anything. Remember right away: you must use water. Without it, glycerin dissolves poorly in oils.

Tip: Always consider your skin type when choosing a glycerin-containing mask.

Honey oatmeal mask

Particularly beneficial for dry skin:

    You take a teaspoon of glycerin and the same amount of oatmeal.

    You add one tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of milk.

    All this is mixed well, and then applied to the face (it must first be washed and treated with a moisturizer).

    Wash off the mask after 20-25 minutes.

    Finally, wash yourself well, but don't use soap.

    Lubricate your face with moisturizer.

Tip: Glycerin masks are best done before lunch, not at night. Otherwise, swelling may appear the next morning.

Balm mask with coconut

Coconut oil is very useful for "healthy" (not dry and not oily) skin, it rejuvenates well:

    You put one teaspoon of glycerin in a saucepan.

    Add one tablespoon of freshly brewed green tea and a tablespoon of coconut oil (be sure to heat the oil before putting it in).

    You mix everything well.

    Apply the resulting glycerin mixture to your face and leave it alone for 40 minutes.

    Then you wash it off without using soap.

Honey-asperin mask

Especially suitable for women with oily skin, removes acne well:

    Grind one and a half aspirin tablets and place in a saucepan.

    Pour 5 g of gelatin with water and do not touch for half an hour, so that it can swell calmly.

    Add 15 grams of honey and the same amount of glycerin to the pounded aspirin in a saucepan.

    Add the swollen gelatin there.

    Mix it all well.

    Place the resulting mixture in a water bath and let all of its ingredients completely dissolve. Stir the mixture periodically.

    Then cool the mixture. The mask is now ready.

    Apply the mask to your face for half an hour, then rinse with lukewarm water without soap.

You can keep the product in the refrigerator for a whole month. Warm it up slightly before applying. If you apply the mask several times a week, the lifting effect is guaranteed.

    Put 10 grams of cream (no more than 10% fat) and 5 grams of honey in a deep plate.

    Add to them 5 ml of glycerin and 20 g of oatmeal.

    Mix everything well to get a homogeneous mixture.

    Give her 5 minutes to "brew".

    Apply the result to the skin (always clean, washed with soap) and leave it alone for half an hour.

    Then wash it off with lukewarm water without soap.

To enhance the effect, the mask can be applied in the bathroom immediately after taking a shower. It is advisable to take only water procedures with gel or soap without glycerin components.

Versatile homemade tonic lotion

Lotion-tonic is called universal for a reason. It is perfect for any skin type and has a good anti-aging lifting effect:

    In a small saucepan, place one tablespoon of glycerin and half a cup of chopped dried mint leaves.

    Pour the mixture with several glasses of boiling water.

    Cover with a lid and wrap with a towel.

    Keep this way for at least one day. Then strain it well.

Treat the skin with homemade tonic lotion twice a day, morning and evening.