What to do with a weak sucking reflex or its complete absence. The value of the sucking reflex in the development of a newborn baby

In children who have just appeared on the world, there are several natural congenital reflex skills. Among them: Grass, sucking, Galant, Moro, Peres and others.

Properties of reflex

In a healthy baby, all reflex abilities must be developed at the proper level. If it is found that the crumbs have a weak skill to suck food, then you need to understand the reasons. The ability to suck is formed in children still in the womb. It is very important, because the nutrition and growth of a small organism depends on it. Subsequently, this ability imposes its imprint on the psychological state of a person. Thanks to the ability to suck food, the baby quenches his sense of hunger, which appears in 2-4 hours after birth.

The sucking reflex in the newborn first 2 days of life is not strong enough. It is still quite weak and does not know how to comfortably capture the nipples to get milk. In the woman in labor, the real milk has not yet appeared, a colostrum flows instead.

It's not so easy to extract food from my mother's breast. Many kids sweat and snot with such difficult work. If the sucking nerves and the muscles of the face are fine, then with any touch to lips or brush, it will open the mouth and starts sucking movement with lips.

Why doesn't it happen?

Often, the situation is influenced by heavy childbirth or incorrect intrauterine development, whose consequence is mental retardation. The lack of skill sucking happens:
Mental retardation;
Somanny state;
Defects of facial nerves.

Most often, the lack of sucking movements suffer from children who have been diagnosed with hypoxia. Occasionally, there are cases of such a problem due to stomatitis, annets, ARVI and ORZ. Such babies receive food through a special probe. Naturally, all moms worries that when the newborn has no sucking reflex.

If it is not a violation of mental activity, then regular training of reflex skills can help. You need to constantly apply your finger before feeding to your baby's lips. As health problems eliminates, reflexes will be returned. It will require parents and their relatives of great patience.

The case maybe not in the baby

The first couple of days the child does not take the chest, but the case may not be at all in reflex disorders. Often in women who give birth to the first time unreveloped nipples. Their form does not allow the infant to eat normally. Having tried the time and not receiving the power, it can oppose such a saturation method.

In this case, the mammy should not be nervous. The situation must be corrected in two directions: to develop the nipples of the mother and train the skills of sucking in infants. If, when inspecting a pediatrician, the crumb was not sent to the neuropathologist, then it's not in brain or nervous disorders.

Reduced desire to suck out

If the child gave a desire to eat guv, then this may be different explanations. First of all, it is necessary to check the oral cavity for the presence of a wound or ulcers. If any, then during treatment, feed the infants from the syringe.

You should not care for the bottle, then he may refuse to eat guv. In the second - diseases of the larynx. It happens with angina and cold. Typically, such diseases are accompanied by temperature. In these cases, the doctor's inspection is necessary.

The cause can be Mother's milk. Perhaps for some reason it stopped laying a child. Try to give a mixture or milk of animals (goats, cows) if the baby has shown interest to him, it means the matter in mom.

You will need consultation with the doctor and various diet. If the reason was the one-time use of some product that the baby did not like it, then excluding it from his menu, mommy will very soon lead his milk to the previous taste.

In this case, it is not guaranteed that the crumb will again want to eat in this way.

Weak sucking reflex in a newborn is determined when feedingHowever, sometimes moms are not able to independently determine the presence of a problem. A sucking reflex manifests itself in children with the ability to suck the mother breast or nipple embedded in the mouth. No need to teach the baby to this, as sucking is not a habit, but the most important reflex. It is formed during the period of intrauterine development. Subsequently, this reflex affects the formation of a child's psyche. Thanks to sucking reflexion, the kid quenching a sense of hunger.

A sucking reflex arises in the first minutes of life, it is congenital and ensures the survival of the newborn. When feeding there is a touch of a nose, the crumb starts to suck the milk of their mother breast or a bottle, sucks it. It is the severity of this reflex that determines the satiety or disfigure of the child. And after receiving food, the reflex weakens, but after an hour, it appears again. The child well calms the rhythmic sucking. For the reflex sucking, five pairs of cranial nerves are responsible. The kid feels pleasure when sucking a pacifier, but the sucking of milk for him is the hardest work. By the first year of life, this reflex weakens. Absolutely no sucking reflex in a childwho has already turned three to four years.

Why do weak reflexes have a newborn? Causes of weak sucking reflex.

It is possible to determine the weakness or a complete absence of a sucking reflex during feeding. Healthy kids immediately grab the maternal breast and with greed suck. But newborns who reduced this reflex, fall asleep when feeding, they are constantly sluggish, rarely smooth and often give up the chest. Premature and weakened babies are written out of the hospital, only when they can suck themselves.

When a premature child appears a sucking reflex? The baby, which develops normally, the swallowing reflex appears about 10-11 weeks of development inside the womb, and sucking on 29 weeks. A sucking reflex in premature children is developing later and manifests itself worseand sometimes there is no no. Therefore, feed such kids through the catheter, with a pipette or spoon.

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You can check the loose reflex sucking in this way: Put your finger in the child's mouth, if he has no deviations, then the crumble will start instinctively sucking a finger. The main reasons why this reflex is reduced:

    somatic states in severe form; hypoxia during pregnancy and during the generic process; PARERS OF FACE NERVES; backwardness in mental terms; In some cases - ORVI, ORZ and Stomatitis.

What is dangerous lack of sucking reflex in a newborn? Treatment and reasons.

The absence of a swallowing reflex in the newborn indicates damage to the central nervous system (brain target), and this is an extremely negative neurological sign. If the baby has these reflexes, he simply will not be able to survive. Such children are fed through the probe. Sometimes difficult sucking or its absence may be a consequence of generic injury. Also, the main reasons include neurological pathology as weakness of the language, circular mouth muscles and chewing muscles.

Due to the injuries of the neck or a cerhy-occipital zone, an oblongable brain is damaged, as a result, a sucking reflex is reduced. Due to similar injuries, the development of the baby is generally slowed down. According to the presence of natural reflexes, you can judge the health of the baby, the state of its CNS.

OKT 04, 2009 23:43

What threatens the unsatisfied sucking reflex.

A sucking reflex is formed in a child in an intrauterine development period and has a decisive effect on the formation of his psyche during early childhood. In addition, due to this reflex, the child quenches his hunger, this tool helps the baby calm down, feel more confident. A sucking reflex is the main child during the first year of the child's life, by the end of the third year of life, he begins to weaken, and it fills only for four years. (Here, apparently, you need explanations. It seemed to me that if any age restrictions write, then everything is clear that all children are different, and the changes do not occur exactly on your birthday. It turns out that it is not clear to everyone. So: Children are different ! Not everyone disappears at this age. But the age of two and a half years have been minimal to start the extinction of this reflex physiologists).

It is especially dangerous to dissatisfaction of the sucking reflex for phlegmatics: it leads to a decrease in the total emotional tone, subsequently suicidal inclinations and a tendency towards long-term depressions.

Unrealized sucking reflex in children, angry from the chest or on artificial feeding, can lead to the neurosis of obsessive states of varying degrees.
What is this express:
1. Sucking foreign objects:
finger (most common);
matter (blankets, pillows, sleeveless cuffs, collar corners, etc.),
Stationery (ballpoint pen, brush or pencil in the mouth),
Own hair (girls sometimes take the tips of their pigtails in the mouth);
Favorite toys, and other things.
2. Spray nail.
3. The boys under the influence of the ban on sucking the nipples or finger the consequences of unrealized reflex often leads to masturbation.
4. In the future, in adulthood, unrealized sucking reflex causes habit of smoking, or the habit of keeping foreign objects (pencil, etc.) in the mouth. It is believed that the smoking thrust arises from the unrealizations of the sucking reflex and the habit of "sucking" nervousness and alertness. You can see that in stressful situations, smokers are more often drawn to the cigarette, which confirms this assumption.

The child, as we said, is at the oral stage of development (from Lat. Oral - mouth). But the unfavorable passage of this stage can generate neurotic reactions. For example, oral fixation may occur if the child was deprived of maternal milk or caress in the breast. People with such fixation are usually passive "the source of all maternal and spiritual benefits they see beside themselves" (frome), the most expressive part of their appearance is the mouth. Depending on the method of appearance, the "active and passive" form of oral aggression is distinguished. Active is associated with the desire to bite, including in the psychological sense of the word - verbally, it is pronounced with echoes and caustic remarks. Passive form - illness, refusal of food, complaints.

Therefore, if a woman for any reason refuses to breastfeeding to a downturn from a child of a sucking reflex, it must try to find an "object for sucking". If a child from the very beginning on artificial feeding - a nipple-dummy is obligatory for him, as harm from it is incommensurable less than from dissatisfied reflex.

Why a child whom mother feeds breasts on demand, the dummy is not needed, and even extremely harmful?

The baby needs communication with his parents, otherwise, by spending all his time in the company of dust, he will begin to trust them less.
American psychologists say: "If the child is crying and you are not reached for him, and throw it to a pacifier." Of course, for the baby, the best comforter is not a nipple, but mom.
If the child's mouth is constantly engaged in the pacifier, it does not affect general development, because during the period up to the year, the child "knows the world of his mouth." In order for him to study the items, he should nibble them, lick, pull in the mouth. If the mouth is busy - the main channel of perception is inactive, the tactile information enters the brain is not fully fully.

If a woman wants to feed the baby with breasts, it does not have to replace his breasts in any way (even occasionally) a pacifier!

The child sucks breasts and a bottle or nipple in different ways:
Milk is mined by peristaltic tongue movements. Nipple does not participate in sucking, it is at the level of a soft sky. The baby captures the chest as deeply as possible, widely opening the mouth, acting on the milky sinuses, the milk grows the tongue - squeezes, pressing the tongue to the sky. The asymmetry of the capture is observed - the child is excited from below. Everything else, the tide of the milk must be stimulated. And the baby knows that each tide is replaced by following in response to his sucking movements and can wait patiently, slightly sucking. With sucking breast, all groups of face muscles are involved.

The principle of sucking the bottle is based on pressure difference. When a child sucks a bottle, only the muscles of the cheek are involved. The kid makes a retractor movement and receives a continuous flow of milk. Without possessing the ability to compare items and methods of sucking these items, a child who gets both breasts and a bottle, begins to confuse and captures the breast on the principle of the bottle (after all, the bottle on the principle of the breast is impossible to capture). The movement of the language with such sucking changes - it makes progressive movements - back-back. If the crumb starts sucking the breast on the principle of the bottle - it no longer receives the necessary stimulation and the level of prolactin (lactation hormone) decreases. In addition, the mother's nipple will not be located at the soft sky level and starts to participate in sucking

Sucking pacifiers (and bottles) can lead to the following consequences:
- cracks, abrasions, nipple injuries;
- lactostasis, mastitis
- disadvantage or excess of milk;
- small set in weight;
- lactase insufficiency, frothy chair, strong tightening;
- child biting breast, bending under the breast and crying;
- Breast rejection.
Cases of occurrence of skin allergies around the mouth due to sucking of a pacifier are also known.

Let us turn to the psychology of the newborn: it is born with a certain set of expectations. When these expectations are satisfied, a certain chain of development is formed, i.e. To build this chain, you need to go through each link in order. If the link fell - the chain was interrupted or headed into another bed. The proximity to the mother and the receipt of the chest on the first requirement is the links of this chain. The kid learns love and confidence in the hands of the mother. She helps him to know the world through the Associations. All this happens solely on her hands, because Only in this position the baby feels confident and forms a positive attitude towards the new world.

If the child soothes the dummy - he turns to communicate with an inanimate subject, as if closing in himself and soothing itself. This leads to a decrease in research interest in the world, a decrease in the need to interact with other people, a slowdown in socialization, and is one of the reasons for children's autism. When the baby gets his chest in anxiety, he gets endorphins - "hormones of joy", which suppress stress, and the nipple of these hormones does not highlight, then the child's nervous system suffers - which leads to failures in the work of the whole organism.

Finally, a beautiful quote from the book of Trunov M., Kitaev L. Ecology of infancy. First year. - M., 1993 - 208
"However, sucking the paws has a different consequence. Take a look at the grudge kid sucking the pacifier. His eyes are usually semi-shot and facing nowhere. Peculiar self-driving. All this resembles a picture observed when sucking the mother breast. However, only the human reason capable of bringing the breast sucking to a mechanical act can conduct a identity between the maternal nipple and a pacifier. If we finally realized that breastfeeding is not just pumping milk, then we must understand that the difference between the sucking of the chest and the pacifiers is the same as between a full sexual act and masturbation.

For the baby, such "self-efforts" have a consequence of primarily a decrease in activity in relation to the outside world. To the world, which he should know and imprint during this period. Research activity, research trend. And most importantly, does this not behave to the habit of satisfying his needs in a surrogate manner? "

Marina Lake, Pedagogue-Psycho, Israel

The vital activity of the body of any person is ensured thanks to the execution of the reflex complex. As for newborn children, they also have a certain complex of natural reflexes, which are a peculiar manifestation of the response of their body to external and internal stimuli. All movements are laid long before the newborn appearance, with intrauterine development.

One of the first to appear sucking reflex, however, many do not know, until what age he is present and when it should be faded. Often parents in pictures with ultrasound manage to see how else being inside the mother's womb, the baby can suck his finger. Already after birth, this reflex begins to hurry and improve, barely nipples or mother breasts will touch the lips of the newborn. Thanks to this action, infants feeds.

The movement corresponds to 5 nerve steams in the cranial box of the child. The newborn baby is able to suck everything that falls into his mouth, whether it is a mother's chest or nipple with artificial feeding. The ability to suck is not a habit, as it is formed during the period of intrauterine development. This reflex is laid long before the appearance of a newborn, approximately the 15th week of development, and has a significant impact on the early formation of a children's psyche. Also, thanks to the possession of this reflex, the newborn has the ability to thicken his own hunger, which ensures, without exaggeration, he is survival.

As studies show, children who have had the opportunity for a long time to stay on breastfeeding or their not up to enough adult age, in later life are less susceptible to various harmful habits, they are more calm and balanced.

Each mother can make sure that as soon as the nipple or her nipple touches the sky in the mouth of the baby, he immediately begins to suck. Already in the first hours of his life, the baby is ready to take the mother's chest. Reflex is implemented in practice by rhythmic sucking movements that soothe irritated child. In the process of sucking the nipples, about 4 muscles are involved, and when the mother's chest is sucking - about 40. During sucking, the baby may even fall asleep, as it feels protected, it is comfortable and calm.

After the feeling of hunger, the reflex begins to weaken and, on the contrary, it is enhanced as soon as the feeling of satiety disappears. So, periodically repeating, the sucking reflex in newborns makes itself felt.

The signal to implement this phenomenon will be an elementary touch to the cheek or lips of the child. As soon as the mother touches the nipple or nipple cheek, the baby here will turn his head in her direction and opens the mouth. This signal indicates that the infants are ready to suck and mother should provide him with this opportunity.

How long does this phenomenon last

As already noted, the child who emerged begins to suck in a couple of hours of his life, and the formation and appearance of this reflex arises indeed long before the appearance of the light. A few hours after birth, the baby begins to actively look for the mother's chest enough to support and realize his natural instinct.

The duration in which the sucking instinct is most pronounced in infants - this is the first year of life. Gradually, closer to one year old, he starts to weaken. Approximately 3-4 years completely fuses.

In this regard, many experts point to the need for breastfeeding a child until a complete fuss of the sucking reflex in accordance with the norms of the norms.

Loose reflex sucking and its absence

In practice, there are cases when a sucking reflex manifests itself to a lesser extent, it is weakened or absent at all. The following symptoms will indicate the insufficiently developed skill:

  • a child during feeding rarely smoothes;
  • the baby itself will be sluggish;
  • during feeding, the infants can very much suck and even fall asleep;
  • in rare cases, the child cannot take the mother's chest at all.

The main causes of weak sucking are paresis of facial nerves, severe somatic states, mental retardation and other deviations in the development of the central nervous system. Such states may be observed in newborns as a result of transferred hypoxia during childbirth or during pregnancy. Other, more rare cases provoking deviations can become colds and viral diseases or.

At the very first suspicion of parents on a weak sucking instinct or its absence - a child should be shown to those skilled in the art.

To establish disorders or deviations in this complex physiological process, it will take a thorough diagnosis, after which treatment is possible.

From parents any self-medication in this case is unacceptable. The only thing they can provide a child is food from a spoon. For these purposes, you can use or mixtures. Feed the child from the spoon is necessary more often, as it may not go into one right.

If the child is all right, then parents can be calm about the state of the health and nervous system of their child. In this case, the formation and development of its organism occurs harmoniously.

Unconditional sucking reflex is formed in the womb of the mother. With the ultrasound study of the fetus, 3 trimester sometimes looks like a child sucks a finger.

After a few minutes, the newborn begins to make sucks of lips. But sometimes there are deviations from the norm.

Instinct for survival

At what age is the development of a sucking reflex in a newborn? The presence of a swallowing and sucking reflex in the infant is due to the formation in the womb of the mother of nerve endings in the oblong department of the brain.

In relationships, they provide the process of sucking and swallowing in newborns. After the child is saturated, reflexes are faded. After a while, they again appear brightly.

There is a moment of feeding. So that the sucking reflex in the newborn is to strengthen and develop, immediately after birth, it is applied to her mother's chest. The screaming child, having sucked the pole of the colostrum, immediately calms down.

Over the next year, from the moment of birth, it is enough to touch the child's mouth, and he begins to move lips, reproducing sucking movements. When does this reflex fade? After a year, instinct gradually begins to weaken. By 4 years disappears completely. Mom must be given a baby chest on the first requirement. If the child is an artificial, in periods between feeding, he needs to give a pacifier to the instinct constantly supported.

In cases where the newborn lacks caress from the mother, it is too early to anno from the chest, the consequences are very unwanted. In subsequent years, as a result of unsatisfied to the end of the sucking reflex, it is manifested in a distorted form. Sucking your fingers, nail polishes, pencils, handles - all these ugly habits come from infancy.

From here it takes a more adult age of a cigarette. Smoking people are particularly running to smoke when they are experiencing stress or in case of other emergency events in life. This is explained by the subconscious desire to make sucking movements to feel protected.

Pathological flaw

But newborn can have some deviations of the sucking reflex, which can be expressed in weak sucking, the inability of sucking.

In addition, pathology is possible, when it is originally this reflex, but through a short period of time begins to gradually fade. A weak sucking reflex is in premature babies, after generic injuries, weak children with insufficient weight at birth.

In order for instinct to develop, they need to make it more often to the chest.

The absence of a sucking reflex indicates violations of the central nervous system when the stem portion of the oblong brain is damaged. Such children are not able not only to suck, and also to swallow. You can only feed them using the probe. Because of such serious pathology, they do not survive.

The reasons for which the sucking reflex is missing may be:

  • injury to the oblong brain department during childbirth;
  • underdevelopment of chewing muscles and muscles, sliding mouth and language;
  • deep prematurity.

Cases when a sucking reflex at first is present, and then begins to fade, may indicate:

  • hypoxic traumatic lesions of the central nervous system of the fetus or baby during childbirth;
  • severe disease in the internal organs;
  • paralysis of the nerves responsible for sucking;
  • mental backwardness.

But the baby can also be physically healthy and at the same time start to suck the chest. For example, because of colds rhinitis. The reason may also be the feature of the structure of the mother's nipples when they are flat.

In any case, with a decrease in sucking reflex, it is necessary to show the infant to the doctor. He will appoint newborns necessary treatment.

For such an infant needed special care. In order for the child to receive sufficient food, it must be despicable from a bottle or from a spoon every 2 hours.

Sucking reflex in premature babies

A premature child is born with a small weight. In some cases, light and other organs may not be developed enough. The sucking reflex in the newborn is weak or not at all due to the underdevelopment of the muscles of the facial part.

Therefore, such children require particularly careful care. The deeper prematurity, the greater difficulties with nutrition at first.

In particularly difficult cases, it is injected with glucose through a dropper. Later, feed using the probe, measuring the necessary one-time dose.

When the development of a swallowing and sucking nearby, the attachment muscle reaches a sufficient level, feeding begins from the bottle. The amount of feedings should be at least 10. To teach a premature child to suck the chest at first difficult. It is applied only when the sucking reflex will be sufficiently sufficiently.

At first, they are limited to 1-2 applying with a bottle feeding break. Further, the number of breastfeeding is gradually increased. After a while, the baby fully turns into breastfeeding.

  • What it is
  • Norm
  • Causes of pathology
  • Symptoms
  • Treatment
  • Forecasts
  • Prevention

Reflex - spontaneously performed reaction to a specific external factor. It can be unconditional or conditional. The first contributes to the existence of a person in an external environment. Each child is born with a certain set of such reactions, and among them - a sucking reflex that provides the kid for survival conditions.

Sometimes a problem arises with its formation, i.e. it is either completely absent or simply weakened. This is fraught with various complications when feeding the newborn. Young parents must be understood in this matter to face such pathology, to know how to behave and what to do.

What it is

They are responsible for the sucking reflex in the newborn segments of the head trunk. In its activation, the cores of nerve steams are involved in the oblong brain (its stem):

  • triple;
  • vestibular;
  • facial;
  • wandering;
  • language;
  • sublingual.

The relationship of these nerves strictly coordinates the entire process of sucking from beginning to end. After feeding, the reflex weakens, and after 1-1.5 hours it is activated again. The newborn will suck everything that will be in his mouth: Mom's chest, nipple (if he is an artificial), his own fingers. This is not a habit at all, as it starts to form during the period of intrauterine development.

Scientists revealed that this unconditional response of the body has a great influence on the health of the children's psyche. Thanks to the possession of it, the baby can thicken hunger, which provides him to survive. Therefore, a bad sucking reflex should become an alarming signal for parents that measures are needed for its rapid recovery, it is not too late. But how to find out about the pathology? Only comparing with the norm and checking its symptoms.

It is interesting! A sucking reflex is laid after 15 week after conception, i.e. long before the appearance of a child to light.


There is a norm when the sucking reflex at the child appears (at what age) and when it fades. It is important to know to track whether everything is in order with the development of the baby. Any kind of deviations indicate that medical assistance needs and correction.

  • Maxi

The reinforcement of the sucking reflex is already visible on the ultrasound, i.e. in the maternal womb. On the monitor you can observe how the kid holds a finger in the mouth, is the norm.

  • Formation

Finally, a sucking reflex is formed in the very first minutes of the life of a newborn. If he is healthy and docking, it is applied right there to the mother's chest. Having received a few drops of precious colosure, the crumb calmed down. In such a simple, but very important way, the regeneration reflex is activated, a congenital instinct is supported.

  • Ugasania

Scientists find out when a child fits a sucking reflex normally, exercising for the body a protective function. However, opinions can diverge, to what age this reaction of the body is preserved. Most often called 1-1.5 years, when it is just advised to teach the baby from the nipple. Although many advise breastfeeding up to 2.5 years, which is also associated directly with the reflex. So the age framework, when the child disappears the sucking reflex, is quite blurred and undefined.

This is a typical way of forming a given unconditional reaction. But sometimes doctors are forced to diagnose (this can independently notice the parents) that there is no sucking reflex in a newborn: a certain number of problems with his health violate either its development at the stage of pregnancy, or its activation after the appearance of a child's child.

Blimey! There are also cases when excessively conscientious mommies continued to breastfeeding up to 6-7 years, thereby stretching the age framework of the extinction of a sucking reflex.

Causes of pathology

Parents must understand that if a child has a sucking reflex, he has serious health problems that need to be immediately solved with the help of physicians. There are several reasons for such pathology:

  • hypoxic or traumatic damage to the central nervous system, which can occur either in the womb, or during childbirth (about the hypockey of the fetus, read here);
  • violation of one of the nerves involved in the formation of a sucking reflex, most often - paresis or paralysis, in particular - facial nerve;
  • generic injury of the oblong brain;
  • the weakness of the language, the circular muscles of the mouth, chewing muscles;
  • somatic disease in the heavy stage;
  • mental retardation;
  • some diseases of the mouth and pharynx: pronounced stomatitis, rhinitis, respiratory viral infections (ARVI, ORZ);
  • flat shape of nipples in the mother;
  • deep presence when the weight of the crumbs does not exceed 1.5 kg.

If the course of pregnancy or childbirth was complicated by these factors, the newborn there is no sucking reflex at all or reduced to a minimum, which is fraught with the starvation of the baby and its defective development (both physical and mental) in the future. If you fall into the risk group, it is necessary from the first time the child's appearance to check the degree of formation of this unconditional reaction of a small organism. There are several ways to do it. And the parents themselves can see pathology, representing its explicit symptoms.

For your information. The flat shape of the nipples is not the reason to overcome the baby from the chest. There are ways to pull them out. There are a number of special exercises, proofreaders in pharmacies, surgical intervention. Take care of this problem in advance, because it also depends on the formation of a sucking reflex from a child.


In the absence of a sucking reflex or its underdevelopment of the baby, some signs may indicate. Usually they are revealed back in the maternity hospital, where all measures are being taken to save the child. But if for some reason the doctors did not recognize the pathology, the mother itself will be able to see that this reaction of a small organism is underdeveloped. Symptoms of deviations may be as follows.

Complete absence

When applying a newborn to mother breast:

  • he does not even try to grab the nipple;
  • if you put your breasts in your mouth, he will not make any attempts to her suck, will not hold it in the mouth;
  • this condition lasts more than 12 hours after the birth of a child.

If this situation has developed, I need urgent medical care. Parents often ask when the premature children appear sucking reflex, since such children have this protective unconditional reaction develops much later than healthy, poorly developing or absent.

Even with prematurity with the relevant medical care, the reflex should appear during the day (this is considered the norm). A longer period of time will indicate a serious problem.

Underdevelopment, partial incidence

After applying the child to the chest immediately after birth:

  • he makes some weak smacks;
  • can not keep the nipple in the mouth, although trying to do it;
  • it does not calm down, but on the contrary - it starts to cry even stronger.

Over the next days, a bad sucking reflex can manifest itself in the following:

  • the baby is not so much sucking the chest (nipple), how many smokes loudly;
  • constantly produces the nipple from the mouth, can not hold it;
  • feeding can last long, but at the same time the chest remains almost complete, and the baby is hungry;
  • rarely smoothes;
  • sluggish
  • falls asleep right at the beginning of feeding;
  • caprizins, loudly crying, sleeps badly, strifting - all this because of hunger.

If you notice a weak sucking reflex in a newborn, but not sure if you are right or not, it is better to consult a doctor. It will definitely refute or confirm the diagnosis. You can only independently put in the mouth of the crumbs your own finger and just follow his reaction. Normally, a healthy baby immediately grabbed him and starts to suck intensely. A premature or injured baby will not make sucking movements. Self-medium in this case is excluded: Qualified help is required.

Helpful information. After the lack of sucking reflex, it is necessary to immediately consult the doctor, better - at the children's neurologist or neuropathologist. This is his scope of activity.


To develop a sucking reflex in a newborn, it will take inpatient treatment under the obligatory observation of the doctor. There are already not only pediatricians, but also neurologists. The recovery rate can last different times, depending on the individual characteristics of a small organism and the causes resulting from pathology. Usually, the resuscitation of unconditional reflex occurs as follows.

With complete absence

  1. Treatment of root cause (injury, oxygen starvation, somatic, etc.).
  2. If within 12 hours the sucking reflex did not appear in the baby and it was not applied to the mother breast, prescribe parenteral (i.e., the passage of the intestinal tract) is powered by a solution of glucose.
  3. Protective feeding is practiced at the birth of premature babies at a clear decrease in the sucking reflex. The amount of power is dosed by a syringe from the calculation of the weight of the kid.
  4. Bottle feeding is allowed to move after the complete recovery of the reflex.
  5. The question of breastfeeding is solved in each individual case individually. It takes into account the overall condition of the newborn and the stability of its reflex signs. Recommended to start with 1 or 2 times a day. However, the child can be very tired of this, and then you have to register it from the bottle. Usually such kids are sent to feeding up to 10 times a day. The main thing here is not to rush the events.

With partial incumbent

  1. Question: Since with a bad sucking reflex, the kid is constantly undernourished, it will be shed from a spoon or from a bottle of writing milk
  2. Clear feeding schedule: every 2-2.5 hours.
  3. Dummy.
  4. Face massage before meal.

With a competent approach to the problem, a complete restoration of the sucking reflex in a newborn, which practically does not affect its further development. This is possible if no more than 1-2 weeks left for resuscitation activities. If they dragged themselves, the reflex may not return to the child at all or it will only take place partially. In this case, competing forecasts do not have to wait.

In addition. In case of violation of the facial nerve or underdevelopability of chewing muscles, a therapeutic massage is appointed, which gives good results.


The process of restoration of unconditional sucking reflex can be sufficiently long. Success is guaranteed with the competent joint approach of the doctors and parents of the baby. According to statistics, such children catch up with peers by the end of 1 (maximum 3rd) years of life. If the sucking reflex in children was not in a timely manner, he has two forecasts:

  1. Father outcome due to hunger, as it is a sucking reflex that does not give people to die from exhaustion.
  2. Power through the probe, as far as it is possible, but usually such children in 90% of cases die in the first year of life, the remaining 10% lifespan is not more than 2-3 years, since there is a violation in the first place of the gastrointestinal tract, yes And the remaining internal organs and systems develop pathologically.

Scientists also note that in children, early removed from the mother breast, focused by mixtures, is observed in the further suction reflex syndrome, not to the end of the implemented. This leads to the neurosis of obsessive movements, manifested in varying degrees. Manifestations can be the most different:

  • preschoolers - the habit of taking a variety of items (fingers, handle, pencil, dolls, spoon, etc.);
  • schoolchildren have a habit of gnawing nails;
  • in adults - smoking in large quantities, while they will not pull cigarettes from mouth for a long time.

A child for full-fledged development in the future must be able to pass the oral, initial stage of the formation of a sucking reflex so that neurotic reactions are normal. Babes, deprived of maternity milk, should grow with a pacifier as an object of sucking. Otherwise, mature, they can actively show real oral aggression (biting, evacuated, grieve), it can be expressed and passively (poor appetite, painful states). In order for such troubles with your baby, preventive measures are needed, and they should begin to apply them even during pregnancy.

And you knew that ... Scold a child for sucking your fingers at any age is categorically prohibited by doctors. It lies in the area of \u200b\u200bhis unconscious, that is, he cannot manage it. This is fraught with serious psychological problems for him.


It is enough difficult to develop a sucking reflex in premature and newborn even in stationary conditions, as it is laid out by nature itself. It is much easier to warn him, that is, to prevent those factors that become the cause of this pathology. What is able to make a future mother as prevention?

  1. Avoid hypoxic or traumatic damage to the central nervous system, if you take care of pregnancy and listen to the doctor during childbirth.
  2. For 9 months, a gynecologist is constantly observed, to pass all research and take all the tests assigned to them - this will help identify intrauterine diseases.
  3. By the time the baby appears to the light, the generic paths of women should be completely clean and healthy - it reduces the risk of child infection.
  4. Constantly check the baby for the presence of stomatitis, which is often the reason for the reduction of the sucking reflex.
  5. To learn how to properly apply a child to the chest from the very beginning (i.e., you need to go through the relevant courses at the end of the hatching).
  6. Try to do everything to fully convey pregnancy to the end.

A sucking reflex in newborns is one of the most important congenital reactions of a small organism, which has been given its nature to ensure comfortable living conditions and further development. His absence is a real misfortune, most often not compatible with life, and its partial decline is an alarming signal about serious neurological problems that need to start looking immediately and also quickly eliminate any available ways with the involvement of neuropathologists and other children's specialists.