What to give colleagues for the new year? Ideas for gifts colleagues for the new year: inexpensive and creative options

To begin with, the advice of a person for whom to choose the New Year's gifts to employees is a direct service duty.

Maria Gilev, head of the company BINET.__.PRO:

- What to give members of their team? Find creative and non-standard ideas for gifts is always not easy, especially if the team has already played and people work together not the first year.

There are unusual ways to encourage employees for the company's loyalty. For example, branded gifts for work experience: 1 year of work - icon, 2 years - Slippers, 3 years - Polo, 4 years - Plaid, 5 years old - Svitushot, 7 years old - backpack, 10 years of work - Bomber.

You can conduct an annual presentation of premiums to employees of each department for contributing to the development of the company. Office workers give gifts in the following nominations: "The best employee of the year", "the most initiative", "contribution to the company", "head of the highest sample", "golden hands", "valuable element", "Activist of the Year", "Success / breakthrough year "and others.

Original gifts can be collective. Here you can give nominations on the department:

  1. Case passage.
  2. Hike to billiards.
  3. Movie tickets.
  4. Visit to master class.
  6. Bowling game.
  7. Dinner with a boss.
  8. Drawn portrait of a team.
  9. SPA session or massage.
  10. Gift certificates in beauty salon, gym, swimming pool or perfume shop.

Be sure to pay attention to the children of employees. Usually such a New Year's gift is toys depending on age + chocolate (box of New Year's sweets). You can give souvenir children depicting the symbol of the upcoming year, or icebreakers / Tubei - options can be different. It will be an excellent solution to order a house to workers who have children, Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, who will give gifts.

Usually companies choose gifts for any holidays based on corporate culture. I will give examples of gifts for organizations.

Top 5 gifts for a bank or a serious enterprise:

  1. Book, diary.
  2. Gadgets (flash drive).
  3. Purse.
  4. A pen.
  5. Cup.

Top 5 gifts for the actively developing IT company:

  1. Board games.
  2. Concert of the famous group on corporate party.
  3. Coloring "Antistress".
  4. Headphones.
  5. Ball - "Antistress".

Interesting options for gifts tied to one topic, such as winter.

Top 5 gifts in the topic "Winter":

  1. Gloves for touch screens.
  2. Scarves.
  3. Caps.
  4. Thermokes.
  5. LED garland.
  1. If a gift is personally an employee and you know the size, you can stay on branded clothing.
  2. For mass gifts, choose branded souvenirs and things that are suitable for any employee.
  3. In no case cannot give knives and stitching / cutting things, personal hygiene, cosmetics, perfume. It is better to give gift certificates.
  4. Use corporate colors in gifts and company logo so that employees feel involvement in the general case. If they will use branded things in everyday life, then this is also a PR company.
  5. Try to pay attention to quality. Qualitative things want to use and show familiar, friends, which will certainly affect the company's reputation and increase your rating among competing organizations.

The best my present ...

Master's gift affairs shared festive ideas with us and their suggestions for this new year. Inspire!

Natalia Sabirova, Advisor to Gifts Gift Decision Agency "Summer" :

- Of course, the most popular positions that employees from the company receive are souvenirs supporting the company's corporate style. These are diaries, handles, calendars, notebooks.

At the end of the year, many employees celebrate recognition signs. Therefore, premium products are literactions on plankins, Cups, badges are a significant part of client requests for miscalculation to our company.

In the first place among functional gifts remains textiles - hats, scarves, mittens. And this is understandable: Sharfs-mittens in the corporate style make it possible to managers not to think about the presentation of their company in mass urban events. And employees are satisfied with the fact that gifts have a long life cycle and practical application.

Also in the trend - small leather goods and New Year's dishes.

From year to year, gastronomic gifts are out of fashion, creating an atmosphere of New Year's holiday. It is jams from cones, and chocolate dumplings, and there may be even a suitcase with products of our own production. For example, the Novosibirsk poultry farm gave her employees "sausagecasters".

Unfortunately, in the new economic conditions for many companies, gifts have become luxury. Therefore, we use with a stable demand for small signs of attention, designed to support the New Year's mood. This year they became the "chyshe marmalaki", pine tsukati, chocolate curtains.

From the unusual and interesting ideas of this year, the order of Niko-Bank can be noted from Orenburg - a plate in the form of a Christmas tree for Christmas snacks.

Gifts for employees are better presenting at corporate events or reporting meetings. In this case, they are most appropriate and do not lose their meaning. Do not forget to issue gifts - at least wrap in bright paper.

Even if they are awarded in the office, try to enter the elements of the event and games. For example, if you have a real estate agency, build a house from the balls on the table of the chief accountant and hide your gifts there. Or maybe you have an office on 5 floors? Then send your employees to a fascinating quest in search of gifts.

As an option - to meet employees at the entrance to the office in Santa Claus and Snow Maiden costumes and spend the comic New Year's fortune telling "Recipes of happiness from the chef". Recipes, by the way, you can bake a personally in your branded cookies.

If you just need to convey the atmosphere of the holiday, "settle" in the company a good fan - distribute employees of the "smiles on chopsticks" with the registered wishes of the head on the reverse side. And besides the set of selfie in social networks, you will get a sunny command mood that will accompany your company entire coming year!

With the new gifting year you, friends! Surprise and surprise!

Anastasia Arefieva, Head of Workshop Hug-Monsters:

- I believe that it is more appropriate to issue a premium as a gift! But small souvenirs are also very good. True, I do not like the idea of \u200b\u200bthe mandatory placement of the company's logo. These gifts will hint to employees: "Advertise your company is always everywhere." Gifts are good for the anniversary of the company - then they become a memorable souvenir. But not for the new year. Always relevant souvenirs with the symbol of the upcoming year, this year are roosters.

By the new year, I sewed a lot of pretty souvenirs. The main criteria for the manufacture of products chose an inexpensive price and classic forms. These are textile rocking horses, hearts, stars, decorated with ringlets, beautiful ribbons and lace. For lovers, the original forms sewed chanterelles. Also did not bypass the opportunity to make fragrant souvenirs - Christmas trees with a trunk of cinnamon, which gives such a winter and warm fragrance! And, of course, in the assortment - cute textile cockerels filled with silica gel with a wonderful aroma of apple, cinnamon, orange and fragrant pepper.

Hand gifts, of course, best on the corporate. If it is not possible to arrange a chic celebration in the restaurant for employees, you can organize tea drinking with a cake.

Oksana Pereova, Mistress workshop "EKEKY YUNGA" :

- In childhood, we knew that in the New Year, parents would bring sweets, deficit tangerines and chocolate. Parents got grocery sets with caviar, servolet and expensive candies. If today the company's head decides to give his employee, he, knowing the features of his team, will find an opportunity to thank and inspire members of his team. Here I, for example, I will give all my colleagues of boots with silicone galoshes. I think they will definitely be grateful to me.

However, what am I? As if not the mistress of a honey-ginfed workshop. Of course, the new year is primarily a family holiday, and on this day as never appropriate sweets.

Of course, enjoy popular and gingerbread, and honey, and chocolate candies are the newest New Year's Gifts. Tradition, base base. No wonder in our chocolate business they say: "In December one day, feeds." In addition, gastronomic gifts are almost a win-win. But I think that it is worthwhile to avoid well-known brands like Rafaello or Korkunov. We all go to the same stores, we see billboards with advice on candy. I think that sweets from hypermarkets on this day will only spoil the impression of a gift. Postpone the box for another case, and in the New Year will please the exclusive. Moreover, you can now find a lot of options quite yourself at the price of Fererro Rocher Candy Box.

We, for example, have developed a special New Year's collection of gingerbread and gingerbread sets for every taste and wallet. And only once a year we make Christmas honey with spices and slices of ginger. It is essentially useful in winter yummy on the table, and the basis for mulled wine, a shot or ginger tea on an ambulance hand. Just warm any drink and add this honey to task there. I also want to pay attention to our chocolate candies. I think that sets in gold boxes will be a hit of this holiday.

Marina Kostyoskina, Creator and Director of the Sedora Children's Holidays Agency, as well as a unique creative project Paint & Taste. :

- The choice of gifts, of course, depends on the company's budget. If the manager does not want to bother and divide gifts for men, women's and children, then you can confine ourselves to the gift set of New Year's gingerbread gingerbread. Especially now it has become fashionable and in demand.

As an idea - you can combine corporate with a gift. Now we are just conducting such events as part of the Paint & Taste project. This is an art party on which you are having fun with colleagues in one of the restaurants of the city and at the same time draw a picture under the direction of the artist. All participants receive a festive mood, a delicious dinner, a cheerful creative atmosphere and the finished picture written by personnel. The picture is just acting as a gift that you take home. This recreation format is gaining momentum and is becoming increasingly popular.

Therefore, in my opinion, there will always be traditional sweet and alcoholic sets in the trend, gift cards from stores and, as indicated above, creative creative gifts, especially if they are made personally.

Chief chips

The executives of companies shared with the readers of the "thirst" with their experience congratulations to employees with the most important holiday of the year.

- I am ambiguous about gifts. A gift is only a small part of the New Year's ritual. It is much more important to create a special mood at the pre-New Year time.

What is new year? This, first of all, is a completely different mood, which is invariably creating a tree, champagne, smell of mandarins. Once I thought how to make a festive mood in the office long before the new year. Since then, we have a traditional office decoration contest every year. I myself choose among the decorations the most unusual options. All participants receive tangerines (in kilograms, of course) and champagne. Despite the fact that we have a "dry law" office, without this attribute can not do.

In addition, there are people in the CVT, which work almost from the date of the company's foundation. For them, I always have something special, but again I don't want to call it with gifts. Rather, the desire to emphasize their importance to me and the company as a whole.

Mikhail Reudov, Service for the delivery of products with recipes at the House "Party of Food":

"I believe that a gift should not be a banal mark of attention, which will put on the far shelf and forget. Let it be useful. New Year is a family, home holiday, so it is worth the gifts that the employee can share with loved ones.

We have in the "Party" all about food. Therefore, for the last new year, we gathered in a cozy company for a delicious holiday table, and everyone could choose any of our dinners as a gift to prepare them for their relatives. I think it is important that the staff know the product, getting acquainted with it in an informal home environment.

Usually we are going together in one of the offices and congratulations to colleagues. Marketing department comes up with poems, songs or games. Boring holidays we do not have

- I would like to talk about the tradition of congratulations to customers that we have in the company. We are not supporters to give various souvenirs and dust collectors, we want to give emotions. And when did we have the strongest emotions? In childhood! Therefore, for its customers, we have collected a package from childhood, where there are bengal lights, special New Year matches with a label from "for all 360", Petard, a slice of a rod with a strip of a rain, a little confetti and handmade serpentine.

It turned out the most New Year package with the New Year's mood, because The package also had a New Year's congratulation in the format "for all 360", the web version of which can be seen by reference

We spend more than half of life in the workplace, so our numerous colleagues have long become the second family. Well, how not to please them with a good gift for the most important holiday in the year. With colleagues, you passed fire, and water, and numerous reports and verification of the bosses, you know exactly who of them would be taken to intelligence, and who would have trusted the main secret of their lives. In general, colleagues - they are not just colleagues, but the most real close.

From year to year, we wonder what to give colleagues for the new year? Of course, to give, even if a near person, but not a native, something expensive would simply be tactfully. For colleagues, numerous baubles are suitable, which can be easily used with tea and champagne.

What to give a colleague to a woman for the new year 2019

If girls in your team are too much, then you should not think about individual gifts. Associated and very laborious. You need to choose a good, inexpensive gift that will easily come up with all your colleagues immediately. What to give the women's half of the team for the new year?

Under the New Year, you need to choose something in the topic, for example, balls for the Christmas tree or the statue of the symbol of the coming year.

Nothing terrible, if you give to colleagues that bought basal bathroom sets for the bath. Perhaps one of them saves the whole year on shampoos and gels so that you pleased them with a good set.

If girls at work complain that the street is too cold, give them special heating for shoes and gloves.

You can choose a New Year's gift to a colleague woman associated with office office, interesting sets for storing papers, and there may be a special backlight bookmark, while reading it can be fixed on the book and read with it will become even easier.

You can give girls mini kits for cooking and storing food. Surely most of them wear from home from home, it turns out more economical, and calories are easier to calculate.

Surely women from your team will be pleased to get some kind of kitchen utensils, for example, Solonka in the form of a symbol of 2019. You can give an apron with New Year's theme, grab or tablecloth.

What to give a woman to the chief for the new year 2019

Another thing, if your work is a boss. If there are no more girls and women besides, then here you need to thread on serious and present something truly worthwhile. For example, a good travel set for travel.

What to give a colleague to a man for the new year 2019

Well, if you have joint gatherings and small Sabantui at work. In this case, it is easy to answer the question: "What to give a male colleague for the new year?", - A bottle of good vodka, brandy or whiskey will be a very relevant gift.

Just do not give a bottle in pure form, you need to pack it in a beautiful, New Year bag. And then you will see a joyful brilliance in the eyes of your colleague, and maybe get an offer, to use, so to speak, New Year's drink together.

A fun fixture has recently appeared on sale - this is the so-called overhead beer handle. It turns into a mug any container, ranging from a simple glass, ending with a vase. Well, this, as they say, who has any requests.

What to give a colleague-motorist on ng

Motorists a good gift will be a special pad for a panel, which is easily held by a variety of items, ranging from the phone and ending with handles, cogs, bolts or what's there in your car are constantly lying in your place. Yes, and the keychain-defrost to the colleague castles is clearly not excess, especially for the new year 2019.

What to give to the head of a man

It should be such a gift so that your leader has no longer risen the hand not to sign you leave or write a fine for late. It is necessary to give a lot, expensive and preferably from the whole team. Prepare for the new year in advance and choose a good gift. It is clear that your chief already has everything, it means you need to take original, exclusivity, a piece of work.

An excellent gift will be a picture, wall clock, showing pressure, image instrument with handles. You can also buy a bottle is not just a good, but an excellent drink, which would be a peer, if not the boss itself, then at least his older son who received to the institute.

What to give to the head of a woman for the new year 2019

Instructions for the choice of New Year's gift similar to the male part, only in this case you need to be more selective with a gift. It is better to entrust this business to someone from women, they are surely aware of the last rumors about the boss, as well as her desires and requests. The amount will also be needed not small, you will have to throw off, in any case, this gift is not only for the boss, but also a pledge for a happy future for all of you.

We will pick up a gift to a boss woman for the new year. If a picture, then not butter, but made using LEDs, if the box, then a reliable safe. From the point of view of etiquette and tact, in the New Year it is allowed to smear women alcohol, preferably excellent quality. Women love all sorts of sweet liqueurs most, take one of the traditional Irish cream lyters. Tasty and useful, especially with regard to your future quarry.

So, finally disassembled that to give colleagues to work for the new year 2019.

As statistics show, usually the new year colleagues give mugs, shampoos, towels. All this is definitely cute. But we offer you more modern options - proven gifts at a pleasant price. We are confident that they will definitely come to your colleagues in the soul. After reading the article, you will learn what to give your employees for the New Year.

Not everyone can afford to give colleagues expensive gifts. Therefore, the article will be the ideas of presents that are inexpensive. In addition, these gifts will suit everyone. After all, you do not always know about the preferences and hobbies of your colleagues. In these cases, it is better to give something universal.

  • What to give a colleague to a woman
  • What to give a colleague man
  • Original gifts
  • Creative
  • Unusual
  • Funny
  • Useful
  • Comic and funny

What to give for the new year a big team

An excellent gift for women for the new year is decorative candles. It is they who create a New Year's atmosphere at the celebration and make it unforgettable. For example, candles can be chosen in the form of animals. Symbol of the new 2019 - Pig. In addition, you can buy candles colleagues in the form of tangerines.

Another inexpensive gift is chocolate in a festive wrapper. He will like sweet tooths, and does not hurt the company's budget.

Important! When choosing a gift, take into account who will be designed a gift - a woman or a man. They often have completely different hobbies and preferences. It concerns this and the choice of packaging. Girls better give gifts in wrapping paper gentle, pastel tones. And men will like more restrained shades.

What to give a colleague to a woman

Your female colleagues will undoubtedly appreciate useful gifts. They will gladly enjoy them at home or in the office. Assortment of possible gifts is quite large. Therefore, when choosing them can be confused. Therefore, we are confident that it will help you decide on the choice.

That's what it can be:

A woolen case for a mug - a viscous cuff will retain the drink warm and will not give to burn hands. Agree, it's very nice in cold weather to warm your hands with a cup of hot drink. Such cuffs for mugs can be purchased in the store or make to order.

Essential oils are a great gift for your colleagues - fan aromatherapy. These oils will have excellent effect on the body. They will help bring into account the skin and hair, get rid of the depressed mood, save from fatigue.

The original stand for business cards and handles is an interesting accessory. Even at work your women - colleagues want to stay stylish. Therefore, the stacked glass stands are what you need. They will organically fit into any room and become an excellent gift for girls who appreciate beauty.

An anti-stress toy is a soft pleasant gift that from the inside is filled with balls. When a person moves his hands such balls, he relaxes and feels calm. These toys are selling online stores on the Internet. They are very different - in the form of cartoon heroes, butterflies, caterpillars and even pigs. They are pleasant to the touch and look.

What to give a colleague man

For men, a lot of practical products are also represented. You can buy an excellent gift in the online store or buy what you need in the supermarket.

Here are some ideas:

The keyboard cleaning vacuum cleaner is a wonderful thing for everyone who works a lot at the computer or plays computer games. This is a small thing in size that will help you get rid of garbage between keys.

Lamp for reading - this gift will like those men who love to read at leisure books. This thing is also small. She attaches straight to the book and illuminates the book where it is necessary.

Stand for a laptop is a useful device will help substantially extend the life of your computer. To do this, in the store you need to choose a stand with a surface that is made of metal mesh. In this case, the laptop will be rejected from the fan.

Headphones - an excellent gift for men who like to listen to music on the way to work or from work. To do this, buy miniature headphones to which the microphone is connected and the call control button. Such can be connected to a smartphone or tablet.

Board game - This gift will enjoy lovers of intellectual games. They will definitely like to spend leisure after the game in the "mafia" or "say otherwise".

Gift options for colleagues for the new year of pig

The question is - what to give for the new year to employees is always very acute. The fact is that even in the Great Team you must congratulate everyone. In addition, there are some etiquette rules that relate to business gifts. They also need to be considered. Too personal things to give colleagues to the new 2019 year is not worth it.

Cup with a pig. A gift will not be banal if you try to put your soul into it. And everyone gives some kind of special cup.

Another gift option - cup holders or thermal corrosions. He is well suited to brutal men.

Please give a pleasant surprise. You can even give her a good hand cream. She will appreciate it.

But the boss is better to give a gift for more expensive. It can be a globe - bar, original business card reader or even expensive whiskey. Of course, if the chef is not an opponent of such gifts.

Original gifts

Colleagues you can see almost daily, give small souvenirs made with your own hands. You can actually make them yourself, but can be ordered from professional masters. It can also be calendars on a wall or volume magnets with photos of colleagues. Also for your favorite colleagues, a good gift is the gilded pig figurine. This is what is needed in the coming year.

In addition, the original gift will be diplomas that lists the merits of each colleague. Few people can stay indifferent to such a gift.

The boss will be delighted with a gilded handle from a well-known brand or stylish souvenir.


Silicone brewing kettle - a very original gift for your male colleague. It may be the most different shape - in the form of a rocket, in the form of seal or a little man, even in the form of a rocket.

The adjustable rolling pin for the kitchen is undoubtedly a useful gift that your colleagues will define. It contains measuring rings that regulate the thickness of the test. In addition, measurement divisions are applied to such a rope. It helps to adjust the size of the cortex when a person is preparing baking. This rolling pin is preparing absolutely from a natural tree or stainless steel. Thanks to her, you can easily prepare pizza, Torah, Lazagany.

Interesting flash drive in the form of chocolate tiles, shoes, lipstick, Christmas tree or pigs. This gift will lift your colleagues in harsh labor weekdays. Inexpensive and nice.


Salt heights - a great gift in winter. These are small figures with a variety of drawings. If the salt drift bend, it will warm up to 55 degrees. It is also an inexpensive gift. Their cost in online stores is 150-200 rubles.

Heated slippers are a "cozy" gadget that will be salvation in winter. After all, we often come to bad weather to work with wet and frozen feet, and this circumstance will significantly spoil our mood. And warm slippers, as they will help to warm up and tune in to work. Slippers can be selected both women and men.

Another original gift - USB - stand for heating mugs. He will very need an office employee. Not always, we have enough time at work to drink coffee or hot tea. Often we are interrupted to solve some urgent question. By this time, the drink can cool. That is why the hot stand is an excellent solution to the problem. It is also an inexpensive present. Its cost is about 250 rubles.


If you want to hand over cool gifts to your colleagues for the new year, then you are on the right track. They greatly emphasize your good sense of humor, and will also help make your relationship with colleagues most trusted. Let's see what you can give this wonderful holiday:

Keychain - electric shock (of course, with a slight voltage and hand it during a handshake;
Funny certificate (for example, freebie);
Konter in the form of ink stain;
Cheerful cartoon with each features;
Handle-syringe with red or blue ink;
Voodoo doll;
Computer mouse in the form of a gold ingot in gift wrapping;
Girls can give a funny screen rubber in the form of a duckling.

Mini-gifts for the new year to colleagues

In some teams there is a New Year's tradition - to share with colleagues with pleasant trifles. And the choice of such souvenirs can be very large. It is appropriate in this case glasses, candles, kitchenware, decor elements. Of course, it is important to think over - to whom, and what gift you will hand. Do not give you, for example, a man's kitchen tap. Well, except that he has a first-class cook. Then he will appreciate this sign of attention.


Diary and stationery is a classic gift of your colleagues. It is important to check before buying so that all the handles, notepads, diaries were high quality. The cover can be a photo of colleagues, original quotation or congratulations.

Bath accessories - this gift is popular, because it is useful and pleasant. Various bath foams, body lotions for girls will never be superfluous. Yes, and for men you can choose something original.

Convenient pillow in an office chair - this gift should really like your colleagues. Choose proven options - with the correct anatomical shape and reliable fastening. This will help reduce the burden on the spine and drive fatigue.

Comic and funny

On New Year's days, your colleagues will certainly raise funny surprises. For example, glowing hours or flying alarm clocks. A large selection of such gifts on the Internet. Of course, it is important to see in advance that colleagues will appreciate your humor and jokes.

You can hand these gifts during a comic game. For example, games in the phantas. To do this, you will need to prepare cards with funny tasks in advance. And after you will be left at the right moment to start the game. Colleagues will be delighted.

Budget gifts for colleagues for the new year

Toys on the Christmas tree - this gift is not too original, but this is a good option for the holiday. You can be sure - this gift will be used. After all, in almost every home for the new year, you dress up the Christmas tree. Buy colleagues, for example, a set of three gift balloons. They can be purchased in stores at wholesale prices. The approximate cost of one such set will be approximately 250 rubles.

Note! Give out gifts can also be in the form of a lottery. Prepare for this red cap Santa Claus. From it, employees of the enterprise can pull the numbers by which the sets of balls will be played. Each colleague must be solemnly invited to the presentation, read it with merits last year. We are sure that it will be very soulful, and everyone will remain satisfied with pleasant souvenirs.

If the balls for you are too banal, you can buy some other christmas toys. Clappers and Bengal lights can also be included in the sets.

A good idea will give to colleagues on a bottle of champagne and cake. In addition, other edible souvenirs can also be presented. We are sure they will like good tea, coffee.

Also a good option inexpensive, but a pleasant gift - wet wipes for the monitor. They will definitely be useful to colleagues in the work. You can also give them the original cups with New Year's theme.

Gifts for colleagues made by hand

If you know how to make something well with your own hands, why not please these colleagues? Of course, you are unlikely to make gifts on the big team. But if you have some employees - then you can please them with handwork.

First of all, think about what your colleagues like? What gift can please them? In addition, the important role is played as close to your relationship. You should not give colleagues too expensive gifts. There may be inconvenience.

You can give stylish bracelets, the original picture of the threads, a bouquet of sweets, a bath bomb ... options can be a lot. Manifest a fantasy, and you will present a much more valuable gift to colleagues than the one that can be purchased in the store.

For most people, the working team has long ceased to be just employees. These are the people with whom you spend a lot of time to go and become almost one big friendly company who has a lot of common interests and classes. Of course, such people close to you in life are worthy of the best gifts for the new year. In this article, we will consider the most relevant options for presents and tell you how to guide when you choose inexpensive gifts to colleagues for the new year 2020. For your convenience, probable presents will be broken down to logical categories to make familiarization with the best ideas.

CouncilChoosing gifts for employees is important to remember the subordination and rules of etiquette existing for such cases. It is worth abandoning too personal expensive presents. Accuracy must be taken in the choice of humorous gifts, everyone's feeling of humor is different, so do not forget about the borders.

Original presents for colleagues so that the new year 2020 has become unforgettable

Unusual and interesting presents are exactly what will make it possible to demonstrate to your employees that you have come to choosing a gift for them and have no riser to acquire the first thing that came to the eyes. It is no secret that it is precisely the original presents to remember most and, it is quite possible that they will help you to give you a real guru in the team in choosing the presents. So what to give?

  • . Is it possible to be something more useful and at the same time more interesting than a similar gift? Such an accessory is simply indispensable to every employee. After all, probably, everyone had a feeling when it seemed that the forces were no longer there and urgently need to relax, and there is still a whole working day ahead. That's just for such situations and reassign the anti-stress toy, it will help to cope with emotions and relieve tension.
  • Unmissal pencil. Is your colleagues tired of constantly distracted to buy new pencils, which are from a lot of work and the writings connected by it, end? Then the unusual "eternal" pencil is exactly what you need. It is easier for them simple, in order to sharpen - you just need to use a special piece of sandpaper. And your colleague with this pencil, as a symbol of many years of work, can even retire to leave, believe me, the pencil even until that distant time will not end.
  • Stand for a cup with a USB port. At work, there are often situations that only made your favorite drink and decided to relax a little, as I immediately had to be distracted by the urgent task. And now the drink completely cooled, and the break is spoiled. With the stand presented under the cup, it will never never happen anymore, because it connects to the USB connector and maintains the drink temperature.
  • Bowl with predictions. Do not know what to order in the office for lunch? Do not even help long discussion? Well, now the problem will be solved much easier, because in making such simple solutions and tasks to your colleagues will help a real ball predictor.
  • A cup of motivator or a cup of original, it is possible that it is quite even fun design. It can be the original gift for the new year 2020 for colleagues who love to spend a few minutes for chatters with a favorite cup of the same favorite drink.
  • Unusual ballpoint pen. For example, such a handle can be made in the form of a divorce key, if your colleague is a man more interesting handle in the form of lipstick, etc.

Present colleagues from the bosses: what could it be?

We are confident that your teams are lucky with an excellent leader who is always with great joy indulging their subordinates in small souvenirs on the eve of the New Year holidays. Of course, in the choice of gifts, you should show a special vigilance, remembering the subordination and without scoring that the expensive presents will be completely inappropriate. Preference is best to give something useful or enjoyable for the whole team, the non-mea, correctly selected personalized gifts can also be a wonderful mark of attention.

  • which will create an excellent atmosphere in the office that promotes well-feeling of employees, and, therefore, their productive work.

  • Magnetic graphite board, on which daily can be written various motivating phrases, and also use it to solve various tasks with a visual description of the scheme, etc. This is a very useful accessory in work.
  • Personal T-shirts with Corporate Design and in the corresponding colors. A wonderful idea in order to better rally the team.
  • Unusual postcards with personalized congratulations. Similar postcards should, of course, sign the personally and, given that you already know about your employees, you can be customized. It will be a very nice gift.

Souvenir New Year's products as gifts for colleagues

As is known, symbolic New Year's gifts for colleagues are particularly popular at the pre-year time, which are usually associated with the symbol of the upcoming year and can be expressed in a wide variety of things and accessories.

  • - The most relevant and good idea for the present for the new year. After all, it is the elegantly decorated Christmas tree - the main symbol of all the upcoming holidays. And the toy you prey to the colleague will become another beautiful decoration of this tree and will help create a really wonderful solemn atmosphere of the approaching winter magic.

  • Small printed festive Christmas tree for desktop For each colleague, the New Year's atmosphere reigned in the office, and it became even more pleasant to work.
  • Aromatic candles with the smell of the upcoming holiday. Such cute accessories allow you to create both in the house and in the office a truly relaxing festive atmosphere.
  • Handmade soap in the form of snowflakes or Santa Claus, Snowman, Christmas Toy - A wonderful gift for female colleagues. Such a present will be not only a wonderful decoration of the bathroom, but also pampel the addressee wonderful aroma.
  • Piggy bank in the form of a cute rat with a cool inscription "Copper on vacation". The perfect solution for decorating the desktop for the entire subsequent year, and even a very useful thing.
  • Key ringAgain, made in the form of traditional New Year attributes or the symbol of the upcoming year - rat.

Gifts useful in work

Among the colleagues are gifts associated with work, are certainly the greatest popularity. They are practical, and always appropriate, and their assortment is quite large to choose something special for each of the colleagues.

  • To climb in the morning, it was now fun and nice.

  • Desktop calendars, including eternal, that is, those that can be used throughout life. This is a very useful thing for the desktop.
  • Stand for various stationery. A really useful accessory that will allow your colleague to organize on your desktop everything is most convenient and always maintain order. On timely market, such organizers are presented in various variations, so you can easily choose an interesting and inexpensive model made, for example, from plastic, multicolored metal mesh, wood, etc.
  • Computer mouse pad. For a long time, everyone has ceased to use faceless mats, as a rule, select models with images associated with a hobby, you can also present the themed New Year's rug or, for example, to spend a little of your time and order for each colleague rug with printing on it.
  • Various stationery, useful in performance.
  • Dated diary for writing important information.
  • Notepad with tearing self-adhesive pageswhere it is very convenient to make important notes.
  • Lanchbox in the form of a heated container for lunch. Such lunchboxes may have several sectors for storing full lunch. Such products made of special food plastic are manufactured.
  • Rat paper clamp - symbol of the upcoming year. Not only the original working accessory, but also very useful in working with documents thing.
  • Business card holderSo that all business cards are always at hand and are conveniently organized.
  • USB flash drive in original design. In the age of information technology, when most information is stored on special devices, and not on paper - a flash drive is one of the most essential attributes in the work.

ActualSuch "professional" presents to colleagues for the new year 2020 are perhaps one of the most practical and useful solutions. Difficulties with the choice of presents of this character will not have exactly, and you can be sure that the acquired thing is certainly useful to your colleague.

What to impress colleagues? Of course, gifts impressions!

If you want your presents to really remember for many years and gave them to recipients a lot of positive and bright emotions, we recommend that you pay attention to the so-called present gifts for colleagues for the new year 2020.

  • - Wonderful New Year holiday with congratulations, sweets and smiles.

  • Winter picnic with sled riding kebabs and play in snowballs. Wonderful New Year's fun for a friendly and fun team, for which everyone will be very grateful for you.
  • Movie tickets - Original and th time not very expensive decision, how to congratulate your colleagues with the upcoming holiday and all together have fun together.

You give for a new year a feast or delicious presents for colleagues

Nobody will be treated with various goodies, no one will be opposed, so you can choose various edible and delicious gifts for work colleagues 2020.

  1. Big corporate cakewhich will be an excellent treat on a lunch break or a real decoration of the new year corporate celebration.
  2. Traditional ginger christmas cookies in the basket, made in the form of snowflakes and other symbolic figures.
  3. Jars with jam or honeythat will become an excellent addition to daily dining tea.

As can be seen from our article, the choice of a gift for a colleague is not such a difficult task, as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to remember that your presents should not be too personal and in no case should not allocate someone concrete from colleagues.

New Year is a magical feast for any person and sharing gifts is an important part of the festive tradition. Getting presents are nice, but it is also necessary to pay attention and show friendly feelings towards others. What to give colleagues for the new year 2019? The question is difficult, because to choose good gifts to employees are not easy.

Next to colleagues are daily labor weekdays, which are significantly more in life than weekends. Therefore, gifts for employees need to be picked up first. Further relationships with colleagues depend on their correct choice.

A wonderful idea will tie your present with the theme of the holiday. This may be a congratulatory inscription or engraving with New Year's wishes to the team. The main thing is that the gift pleased the eye, has become a pleasant surprise and brought both practical and emotional benefits.

When choosing a present, it is necessary to take into account not its preferences, but the desires and interests of the person you intend to present it. In order not to guess with the gift, some subtleties should be observed. It is necessary to clearly understand who the souvenir is meant: just a colleague or boss.

It should be considered what this person on temperament and nature, as far as he or she can perceive comic greetings. When buying a gift, it is recommended to pay attention to the hobbies and hobbies: it will help you quickly decide on the choice. You can also rely on the type of professional activity. After all, when dealing with a common matter, it is not difficult to determine that there is not enough colleague for productive work and a full-fledged rest.

It is important to remember about the age of employees. If the team employs the guys to 30 years old, then options for cool and funny presents, which are able to evaluate young people. It will be appropriate to give T-shirts with funny images or signs with a funny sense for a working office. But such gifts for the new year do not buy for the older generation.

Special attention should be paid to the packaging. Souvenir in a box with a ribbon will look much more spectacular than just in a penny polyethylene sachet.


Winter holiday makes bright colors and pleasant emotions into our lives. The main thing is to carefully think about the purchase. It should be considered, who needs to be presenting presents.

Universal gifts

Universal gifts to colleagues for the new year 2019 should be selected in advance. Such presents can be symbolic, as the main goal is to create a festive atmosphere and express their attitude to employees at work.

An excellent option for business people will be:

  • office organizers;
  • business card holders;
  • diaries with New Year's symbolism;
  • various accessories for equipment that can be used in the workplace;
  • unusual mouse pad;
  • stand for disks;
  • wall calendar with symbol of the year.


Women fits something or romantic or practical. One of the wonderful options will be the purchase of an aromatic lamp for essential oils. It can be chosen on New Year's style: it can be a funny snowman or yellow pig as a symbol of the Future 2019. Such products are made of ceramics and have a beautiful appearance. With the help of the lamp, the house will be filled with a fragrant smell, in addition, you can choose your favorite fragrance of employees to the lamp.

An excellent gift will also live a decorative Christmas tree in a flower pot, decorated with toys and tinsel. You can buy cute interior items that will serve to create a coziness in the house. One of the excellent ideas will be purchasing a LED candle. It can be used as a night light to create a unique atmosphere during the holiday.

Also suitable kitchen accessories, which any hostess will find application. Useful Presentation will be an organizer for cosmetics with numerous departments. Such a thing is useful for both the bathroom and business trips and travel.


Men can pick up a huge number of non-standard gifts. The most win-win version will be a bottle of good brandy or whiskey. You can give a thermocruise for a motorist: such a desired autumn and cold winter days the object is made of stainless steel and has a heating function.

For the owner of the vehicle will also fit the stand for the smartphone into the car. This useful device is produced with a flexible rod and anti-slip silicone base. To make a pleasant New Year's surprise employee, present him a nominal handle or a flash drive "Army token" with engraving.

Variants of gifts

By purchasing the present, it is important to remember that the main gift is mutual respect and understanding, because with colleagues usually spend the same time as with family at home. There are different options for souvenirs for the new year. It is necessary to decide what kind of present is suitable for employees:

  1. For work. In this case, the classic options will be sets of handles and notepad. For office workers, you can pick up original computer mice. Good tea will also become a useful gift. You can take advantage of all colleagues and acquire it with different tastes, given the priorities of all employees. In addition, before the holiday, it is possible to buy it in the New Year's packaging.
  2. For home. A set of bright unusual candles or a sachet interesting handmade soap is perfect for this purpose. Coffee or tea service will be a useful gift. The main thing is to comply with the tradition of the holiday and choose the presents of the New Year's theme. Buying similar gifts, you should give preference to the most universal things so that they can come in handy in any apartment.
  3. By hobbies. To show your attitude to colleagues, it is important to take into account their interests and hobbies. If working comrade is fond of fishing, it can be pleased with the accessories and the necessary things for fishing. For tobacco amateur it is worth buying an original cigarette party. What can be given to an employee who likes to cook, like a gift publishing a culinary book. Such care will be pleasant and demonstrate attentiveness.
  4. Creative. In a good friendly team, it is customary to give gifts with meaning. A properly chosen mug of a demotivator with a cool inscription is suitable for this purpose for the new year. Choosing an expression on a cup, you can take into account the character traits and the interests of the colleague. Each will have their own personal mug and confuse them in the office will not work. For the idea of \u200b\u200bgifts with a creative approach, the choice of photo frames, which can be printed in advance and insert funny photos from corporate events. This is a reason to remind expensive colleagues about friendly relationships in the team.

What to give to the head

When choosing a souvenir, the supervisor should give preference to a useful and relevant gift, which is usually given from the whole team. In this case, to give too personal things is not entirely ethical, it is recommended to select a status or memorable gift. A rare publishing of a book or handmade chess from the original material will benefitly emphasize the position of a person in society and will become significant for him to give it.

An excellent gift at all times was considered any work of art. Portrait of an oil leader, an exclusive embroidery or panel will be a wonderful solution to the question that give for the new year.

Inexpensive gifts

If there are restrictions in financial capabilities, then you need to buy symbolic souvenirs, because the main task is to show attention to your comrades. You can stay at the option of delicious gifts: this present will be cheap, but will be pleasant for a person. High-quality chocolate in a beautiful wrapper, aromatic coffee in a gift wrapping or a jar with honey will surely delight colleagues. Such a surprise will definitely not dust on the shelf in the office.

What to give is not worth

When the question is solved that to give employees to the new year, it is necessary to observe the beat. Presents in the form of personal hygiene can offend a person, serving a hint of his uncleanness.

Do not handle gifts not to confuse a colleague. It is not recommended to present objects with a symbolism of the company, as it will look trite and predictable. Perfume or cologne are also considered a far from the perfect gift, since each has their own preferences in fragrances.

Appreciate and respember your colleagues, give them significant gifts, and let the climate in the team be New Year, but not cold, and warm and friendly. Whatever the ideas of the team either caught fire, the main thing, no one to bypass the side and show respect for everyone.

Useful video about to give colleagues for the new year