What is a scrub. What is a hot scrub? A new trend or a cunning marketing ploy? Pros and cons of using scrubs

Scrub is the best remedy for beauty and radiance of the skin, which can literally transform it! The three scrubs in this book are the bomb! They are easy to make, all natural, smell great and work great! You will no longer want purchased ones, now you will always have a really cool product. You can also update it as you wish by changing and adding ingredients. After all, you will master the secret of its creation - the formula, and this is the basis and will be your knowledge from now on forever!

What is a scrub

The name of this cosmetology product has migrated to us from English (English scrub - rub, scrape, clean). But the tool itself has existed since ancient times and was popular even among the beauties of the ancient world. It consists of a base - an emulsion, it is a fat cream or a light gel, and abrasive particles, which have a massage and scrubbing effect.

So the formula is:

Scrub = Base Emulsion + Scrub Particles

What does the base emulsion include? Often it is a cream, gel or cosmetic clay. And for your skin, you can choose what it needs at the moment!

Dry, narrow pores, get rid of oily sheen?

The answer is a clay base (as a rule, it helps well with oily and mixed skin types)

Nutrition, soothing irritations?

The answer is a cream base (suitable for dry and sensitive skin)

Suitable for any skin universal remedy?

The answer is a gel base

The following can be used as a basis:

- cacao butter;

- olive (other) oils;

– natural handmade soap;

- ordinary liquid soap;

- shower gel;

- cosmetic clay.

What are scrub particles?

- egg or nut shells;

- crystals of salt or sugar

- almonds or walnuts;

- apricot or grape seeds;

- cereals (semolina, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal);

- natural coffe;

- dry herbs

- artificial granules (polyethylene, for example). They are considered sparing, as they have even, smooth edges.

Important! All of these components, except sand, must be ground in a coffee grinder. It must be remembered that the finer the grinding of abrasive particles, the more gentle their action will be. And the more sensitive your skin, the more delicate the scrub should be, and the finer the grinding of the particles, respectively.

How the scrub works

Scrub due to abrasive particles relieves the upper layer of the epidermis (skin) from keratinized (dead) cells, working like an eraser, erasing these obsolete cells, scraping them along with the remnants of cosmetics, sweat products and pollution. The emollient base protects the skin from damage, micro-scratches and micro-traumas, it may also contain active anti-inflammatory components. As a result of using the scrub, oxygen exchange and blood circulation of the skin improves, it becomes smooth and tender, begins to glow, becomes rejuvenated, bright and fresh.

Scrub - peeling - exfoliant - gommage?

Let's make it clear! Scrubs, exfoliants, peels, gommages are called all cosmetic preparations designed to remove the upper stratum corneum of the skin. Peeling is the name of the process of exfoliation, that is, the procedure. In the world of cosmetics, all of the listed names are used, so there is confusion. Even more confusing is that all the names are borrowed, which means that the meaning behind the beautiful word is not always completely clear to us. It is important to understand that all these products are designed to perform the same task, and the way to achieve the result is different. So, the first meaning of the word “peeling” is different types / ways of cleansing the skin.

Types of peeling

1 - Mechanical. Means remove the stratum corneum mechanically (scrubs) according to the principle of sandpaper.

Active ingredient - abrasive particles

2 - Chemical. Means dissolve keratinized skin scales.

Active ingredient - acids of various composition and concentration

3 - Physical. Means before removal soften the layer of dead skin cells.

Active ingredient - laser, ultrasound, ultraviolet, water vapor, brosage (cleansing of pre-steamed skin with small hard brushes)

4 - Biological. Peeling with the help of small fish swimming in an aquarium, where their legs, for example, and the fish pinch off dead skin particles. The process is painless, entertaining, popular with tourists in hot countries, effective.

Active ingredient: Gara Rufa fish

The second meaning of the word “peeling” is the general name for all products that remove dead skin cells.

Scrub rules

Whatever scrub you use, you should remember that mechanical cleansing is a “rough” process for the skin, which means it must be done carefully. This cleansing should not be carried out too intensively.

Apply the scrub to damp skin, which can be pre-steamed and moistened with an appropriate product (moisturizer, for example) to further “soften” the procedure.

Remove the product from the face only with warm water - just wash your face, but never use tonic or other means for this purpose.

Use a scrub for face best before bed. Scrub is applied to wet skin, then you need to massage your face for a couple of minutes with soft circular motions. It is necessary to move along the massage lines: from the middle of the forehead to the temples and from the middle of the chin to the earlobes. It is impossible to clean the skin around the eyes with peeling. At the end of this procedure, it is necessary to wash off the product with warm water and apply a nourishing cream. On the body the scrub is applied like a shower gel, and a massage is also carried out, the intensity of which everyone chooses for himself, based on the sensations and reaction of the skin.

Do not turn peeling into a daily procedure, as the constant forcing of the regeneration process will eventually lead to the opposite effect and deplete the protective layer of the skin, and disrupt its water-salt balance due to the fact that the evaporation of moisture from its surface is accelerated. The skin can become drier and more susceptible to infections and irritation. Therefore, the scrub should be used wisely and in accordance with the type of skin. For dry skin, scrub should be used every 10-12 days. For sensitive and dry skin, scrubs with synthetic abrasives (polyethylene granules, for example) are recommended, as they do not have sharp edges. Oily skin can be exfoliated once every three to four days, normal skin once or twice a week as needed.

For especially sensitive skin, before peeling, it is recommended to apply a thick layer of moisturizing cream on the face after removing makeup, like a mask, and after a few minutes remove the remnants with a damp cloth, and only then proceed to applying the scrub and peeling procedure. If there is redness that does not go away for several minutes, the skin burns and tingles, then most likely the composition of the scrub is not suitable. An allergic reaction test before using any product has not been canceled! It must be carried out by applying a small amount of the product to the skin area and after waiting for some time, after which you can see a skin reaction to the composition of the product, in this case a scrub.

Scrubs for hands and feet are more convenient to use during manicures and pedicures, and for the body - immediately after taking a shower or bath, so that the skin is steamed. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to problem areas - the upper arms, thighs, buttocks, heels and elbows. After using the scrub, you can apply milk, oil, butter or cream to the body. But if you used a nourishing scrub, this is not necessary.

NB: Scrub should not be used on the face and body if you have inflammation, wounds, acne, pustules, scratches, burns, acute forms of dermatitis, psoriasis and other skin diseases. All this is an absolute contraindication to the use of a scrub! After all, the scrub, gently injuring healthy skin, helps to cleanse it, and if there is damage on its surface, it will act to the detriment. In this case, you can further injure the affected area or, even worse, infect the infection and aggravate the existing problem. Therefore, you first need to treat all inflammations with an antiseptic, dry it, and after a while evaluate the situation again. It is not recommended to use a scrub if you have irritated skin. During this period, it is better to seek qualified help and carry out the necessary procedures in the cosmetologist's office. Scrub should be used very carefully for people with sensitive skin. They should choose products with synthetic granules and use them no more than once a week, but it is better to consult a specialist.

Scrub is one of the first places among cosmetic products. It is both a cream and an abrasive. In ancient times, homemade cleansing body pastes were the equivalent of modern skin care.

Scrubs are popular, they are available in any cosmetic store. They can also be prepared at home, on your own.

There are cleansing creams for the face, body, hands and feet.

The scrub consists of a base and abrasive particles.

Abrasive particles are solid substances that scratch the surface.

Most often, solid particles of edible and sea salt, brown sugar, coconut flakes, honey, grounds from brewed coffee are used in the cream. Ground cereals (buckwheat, rice) can be used.

The base of the scrub is soft. These are: cream, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, various fruit mixtures, cosmetic clay and vegetable oils.

You can use natural oils: olive or sunflower, linseed, castor, ginger, sesame.

Scrub and skin type

For sensitive and dry skin, it is better to choose cream-based scrubs. For hard particles, use ground oatmeal.

Dry and sensitive skin needs gentle abrasive additives and a nourishing base.

For oily and mixed skin, you need to use scrubs that will help to cope with excess shine and narrow the pores. Cosmetic clay should be used as the basis for these products.

To combat cellulite, it is better to add abrasive particles of coffee grounds, brown sugar to the scrub. Caffeine breaks down cellulite plaques. The reward for such a scrub will be a shade of tan on the skin.

As a basis, you can use a moisturizer, natural or cosmetic oil.

An additional component is menthol, it refreshes and tones.

How the scrub works

Solid particles remove, scrape off dead cells, impurities, cosmetic residues, secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands.

Emollient, anti-inflammatory components are taken as the basis of the product, so the skin does not suffer from mechanical damage (scratches, microtrauma).

Scrub not only cleanses the epidermis.

The tool stimulates blood circulation in skin cells, improves oxygen metabolism, restores the metabolic process. As a result, the pores are narrowed, and the skin receives additional nutrition and becomes smooth and soft.

Scrub rules

A scrub is not a simple cosmetic cream, it contains small hard particles. Before using the product, the skin needs to be moistened with warm water, or herbal decoctions.

It is useful to use a scrub after a bath - the skin is steamed, cleansed and moisturized. Solid particles do not injure or scratch the epidermis.

The scrub should not be applied to the delicate skin around the eyes and lips.

Spread the product over the skin with your fingers. Movements should be performed along the massage lines: from the middle of the chin to the ears, from the middle of the forehead to the temples.

Massage in circular motions for 2-3 minutes. It is better to use the remedy in the evening, before going to bed.

After the procedure, wash off the scrub with warm water, and treat the skin with a nourishing, oily cream. After five minutes, be sure to remove the remaining cream with a damp cloth.

Frequent scrub procedures can disrupt the natural protective layer of the epidermis and the water-salt balance of the skin. Moisture from the surface will evaporate, the skin will become dry and susceptible to any infection.

Scrub frequency

Each type of skin has its own regularity of using a scrub.

With dry and sensitive skin, it is unreasonable to use a scrub often. Abrasive cleansing will be enough 1-2 times a month. For this type, it is recommended to use ready-made products containing synthetic abrasive particles, they do not have sharp edges.

For normal skin, you can use a scrub once a week.

Oily and problematic skin needs frequent care. Therefore, it is allowed to use the product 2 times a week.

Do not use a scrub for irritation and inflammation of the epidermis. Scratches, bruises, various forms of skin diseases are also contraindications for use.

If during cleansing with a scrub on the skin there are unpleasant sensations, itching, burning - complete the procedure.

Problems are possible due to an allergic reaction to the components of the product or large particles damaged the epidermis.

How to make a scrub at home

A homemade scrub cannot replace professional skin care products. But if it is not possible to purchase ready-made products, recipes for homemade cosmetics are nearby.

An allergy test is required before use. To do this, apply a small amount of funds on the wrist.

If redness, itching and burning do not appear on the skin, you can safely apply the recipe. After the procedure, be sure to moisturize the face with cream, and the body with moisturizing milk or lotion.

Chocolate Facial Scrub

To prepare the chocolate mass, you need 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder and 1 teaspoon of sour cream or cream.

On clean and damp skin, apply the mixture along the massage lines. Massage for 1-2 minutes, rinse first with warm water, then wash with cold.

Chocolate scrub for oily skin

To prepare, you will need 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder, 1 tablespoon of ground oatmeal, 2 tablespoons of milk, 0.5 teaspoon of fine salt, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.

Mix cocoa with oatmeal, add warm milk, salt and lemon juice.

Apply on the skin of the face. Massage for 1-2 minutes, perform movements strictly along the massage lines. Wash off with warm water, then rinse your face with cold water.

Sugar body scrub

To make a sugar scrub you will need:

  • Cosmetic oil - 1/4 cup.
  • Shower gel - 1/2 cup.
  • Sugar - 2 cups.

Mix all the ingredients, the consistency of the composition should be like wet sand on the beach. If the product turned out to be liquid, add granulated sugar.

After a bath or shower, apply the scrub on the body in a circular motion, leave for 1-2 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The composition of the mixture contains shower gel, soap should not be used when rinsing.

Anti-cellulite coffee scrub

To prepare a coffee scrub, you will need 1/2 cup of fresh coffee grounds, 2 tablespoons of sugar.

For a soft base, you need 1-2 tablespoons of oil. You can use olive oil, peach or almond oil. Suitable for grape seed oil base.

These oils include: essential oils of lemon, patchouli, rosemary, grapefruit, juniper, rosewood.

You can not mix different essential oils, some of them are not combined with each other and can cause allergic reactions.

Cream scrub

This is a product for the care of normal skin of the face and body, it rejuvenates and tightens the skin.

Preparation and use of the product is simple: mix 1 tablespoon of sea salt and 1 tablespoon of cream. Gently apply to face or body.

Do not rub!

Leave the scrub on for 10-12 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Oatmeal scrub

Ground oatmeal makes the softest body scrub. For cooking you need:

  • Essential oil of lavender and mandarin - 8 drops.
  • Chamomile essential oil - 8 drops.
  • Oatmeal ground into flour - 1 cup.

Mix flour and essential oils thoroughly. Add water to the mixture until it becomes a thick paste. Apply to the skin with light, rubbing massage movements. This scrub can be used for body and face care.

Homemade scrub should be used immediately after preparation. It is better not to store the unused mass, and if there is a lot of funds, offer cosmetic skin care to your loved ones.

Simple recipes and homemade scrub does not take much time. Healthy and beautiful skin loves to be cared for regularly. Constant work will definitely give a positive result. The main thing is not to be lazy!

Scrub is a thick cosmetic substance containing small solid particles. It is designed to cleanse the face of sebaceous plugs and dead cells.

Vitamins and other ingredients are also added to the product to tone, nourish and renew the epidermis.

What is it for, how is it used

What does a facial scrub do, why is it needed? The purpose of any cosmetic scrub is thorough cleansing of the skin, at which:

  • peeling is removed;
  • pores are tightened;
  • blackheads and pimples disappear;
  • lymph flow is activated.

With regular use, the skin should become even, smooth, matte.

Regular massage with abrasive particles stimulates the epidermis to cell renewal, helping to smooth out wrinkles.

Is a scrub included in your daily skin care routine? The product is recommended to be used every 7-10 days for dry skin types. Normal and combined needs treatment every 5 days. With oily type epidermis, use 2-3 times a week.

The cleansing procedure can be carried out in the morning or in the evening. before going to bed, applying a small amount of scrub to the moistened surface of the skin, distributing it along the massage lines with small circular or loop-like movements for 2-3 minutes. Then rinse off with running water.

Types and useful properties

Cleansing the skin with scrubs - the shortest, but traumatic procedure. It is important to choose the right cosmetic product.

For a dry sensitive type, delicate cream, oil or gel-based products with very fine abrasive particles are needed (features of the use of such).

It is best to purchase gommages for such an epidermis, and at home to make mixtures of finely ground oatmeal.

Oily skin can be “polished” with cosmetic clay products, which perfectly cleanse and tighten pores, making the face matte.

Such a scrub is easy to make at home by adding aromatic oils, salt or soda to the clay base.

Normal and combined are effectively cleaned with gel or soap-based mixtures with the addition of ground apricot kernels or walnuts.

How useful is this face scrub? It frees the treated surface from peeling, allowing the skin to breathe and renew itself.

You can make an exfoliating mixture from any nuts ground in a coffee grinder with the addition of a foaming cleanser or shaving cream.

How to choose a face scrub:

The benefits of natural products

Homemade scrubs are easy to make. Depending on the ingredients used, wonderful results can be achieved for any skin type:

  • even tone;
  • smoothness;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • increase in elasticity.

The use of components such as coffee and honey can remove swelling and puffiness in a short time.

The most effective recipes

For quick and safe cleansing, it is best to use oatmeal, honey, ground coffee (read recipes), fermented milk products and fresh pitted berries (raspberries, strawberries).


The basis for such scrubs is coffee grounds, for the preparation of which two teaspoons of finely ground coffee are brewed in 100 ml of hot water.

Liquid after 10 min. poured, and add to the thick:

  • 10 ml of washing gel, a pinch (for oily and combined type);
  • 10 ml cream (dry type);
  • a little foam or shaving cream (for normal skin).

Caffeine enhances blood flow to the surface, activates collagen synthesis, and small particles of coffee "polish" the treated surface, making it radiant.

Anti-aging scrub with coffee:


On the basis of ground Hercules flakes, the most delicate scrubs for dry and sensitive types are prepared.

To prepare 20 g of flakes (you can grind them in a coffee grinder), brew 150 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. The liquid is drained, leaving it to wash after the procedure.

In brewed flakes add:

  • 3 g, 3 g salt (for oily and porous skin);
  • 10 g sour cream or 5 ml avocado oil (for dry and sensitive).

Normal and combined can be cleaned with the resulting substance without additives. To enhance the effect, you can pre-lather your face with a cleanser.

Scrub with oatmeal:


Scrubs based on raspberries and strawberries contain fruit acids that have a rejuvenating and brightening effect on the epidermis.

enough before the procedure. grind 30 g of berries and add to the resulting puree:

  • 10 ml of cream - for dry skin;
  • 15 g of honey - for oily and combination;
  • 10 ml of washing gel - at normal.

Two weeks after applying the berry cosmetic mixture, the face will become brighter, wrinkles less noticeable, skin soft and velvety.

Strawberry Face Scrub Mask:

Rules for choosing finished products

Plus industrial cosmetic products - convenience, delicate texture, rounded polymer particles as an abrasive, pleasant smell.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the basis of the product and the main additional component (hyaluronic acid, vitamins, etc.).

Owners of a dry and sensitive type are better off taking cream-based products - masks, scrubs and gommages.

You should not choose a product with aggressive components - caffeine, fruit acids, vitamin C.

Such components may cause irritation. Cleansers with them can be made at home.

For oily and combination skin, products with green, black clay or kaolin-based products are suitable. Sour and vitamin supplements are welcome.

Rolls and gel-based scrubs will effectively clean normal.

You should not buy products with collagen, enzymes and elastin for any type. These ingredients increase the price significantly, but are useless when cleaning.

Expert advice on choosing a store scrub by composition:

Variety of store supplies

The cosmetics industry is constantly delighting women with pleasant-smelling, convenient innovations, including innovative cleansers.


Scrub gels are a transparent substance with an admixture of two types of abrasive particles:

  • granules to remove mechanical impurities and dead cells;
  • microgranules polishing the epidermis, gently massaging it.

The products perfectly clean the surface, but are useless for those who want to get rid of black dots (we will talk about these types of scrubs).

At the same time, they cleanse, exfoliate, nourish, removing blackheads with regular use. They are a creamy mass with an admixture of the smallest particles.

When applied, apply to the face, massage, leave for 10-15 minutes, rinse.

Suitable for all types, including dry and sensitive.


This is cream with an admixture of microgranules. Effectively relieves peeling, inflammation and acne.

For cleansing, apply to a moisturized face for 5-10 minutes, rinse. There is no need to rub your face.


An effective tool for those who want to quickly get rid of peeling, achieve skin renewal. It is a white transparent gel.

Apply to dry face(the time is indicated in the instructions on the bottle), then you need to intensively rub the skin, rolling off white particles from it.

Suitable for everyone. The advantage is that it is impossible to injure the skin.

The exfoliation process should be completed when the particles stop rolling off the skin.

with clay

Ideal for oily and porous skin, tightens pores, freeing them from sebaceous plugs.

They are a green substance with an admixture of abrasive particles.

Manufacturers add a soap base to this product for the most effective cleansing.

What to choose

Making scrubs at home, you can choose a composition that will completely solve all problems with facial skin. But experimentation takes time, effort and space.

Women over 35 are advised to focus on natural cleansers. They exfoliate, keep the epidermis in good shape.

Younger people can experiment with purchased scrubs. They will quickly get rid of excess fat, peeling and black spots.

A rare woman will resist the temptation to purchase a beautiful tube or bottle that promises instant results. Whether he does or not, time will tell.

Do not exfoliate your skin every day. He must recover. Dry it takes 7-10 days, normal - 5-7, and oily and combination - 2-3 days.

Sometimes after using scrubs on the face, peeling intensifies, especially with the combined type. The reason is insufficient moisture of the epidermis.

Therefore, do not give up scrubs. You can solve the problem like this:

  • complete refusal for 30 days from nourishing creams, masks;
  • intensively moisturize the face with cream in the morning and evening, after cleansing;
  • enjoy the thermal water during the day. It can be sprinkled over makeup.

Scrub with dehydrated epidermis can be used once every 5 days.

The use of nutritious cosmetic products is resumed a month later, after the skin is completely saturated with moisture.

Precautionary measures

After exfoliating, the face should be wiped with a tonic, and then lubricated with a moisturizer.

Scrubs should not be used if there are purulent acne, open wounds and cuts on the face. Caution should be used for rosacea, birthmarks and warts.

Facial scrubs have firmly entered the everyday life of every woman. You should not approach their choice automatically.

When cleansing with this wonderful remedy, many problems can be solved, subject to a balanced selection.

Every girl has one or more scrubs in her beauty arsenal. In one procedure, this remedy can make the skin smooth and shiny, get rid of enlarged pores and blackheads, and smooth out wrinkles. But you need to use a cosmetic product only taking into account the characteristics of the skin and in accordance with the instructions: not too often, but regularly, with light massage movements, on moistened skin. After the procedure, the skin needs to be additionally moisturized.

What is a face and body scrub, mask, gel

A scrub is a cosmetic treatment for the face and body that contains solid particles. The product is intended for soft or deep cleansing of the skin from dead cells, giving freshness, improving blood circulation. Regular use of the scrub improves the color and texture of the skin, helps to make keratinized areas (elbows, knees, hips) soft.

What is a cosmetic product? The scrub is hard particles and a soft base. The composition necessarily includes abrasive particles that mechanically remove existing contaminants. These can be natural ingredients or synthetic ones. Most often, these are crushed apricot pits, plant seeds, sea salt, synthetic balls or coffee. The softest scrubs are for the lips and skin of the face, while the compositions for the body contain larger particles. As a basis, gel, cream, oils are used (attention: this is only permissible for very dry skin), kefir or sour cream (for home remedies).

Some scrubs can be used not only for their intended purpose. So, a mild remedy for normal skin from the domestic brand "Chistaya Liniya" with raspberry and lingonberry extract seems too soft even for those with sensitive skin, so many people use it as an excellent exfoliating lip product. There are scrubs-gels, masks, foams. Gels and foams are best used for washing, but they can dry the skin. Masks with solid particles give a good effect on oily skin.

How the cosmetic works

A scrub is a tool that removes dead skin particles mechanically, that is, through direct exposure to solid particles. The cosmetic product allows you to achieve an instant "wow effect" and gives good results with regular use. The condition of the skin improves if the scrub is used correctly and not very often. In addition, you need to choose the right product. Some scrubs are designed for sensitive skin and won't work on oily skin. And products for oily skin will make dry skin more sensitive and can cause peeling.

How to use a scrub correctly: rules

A scrub is not a daily skin care product. If the skin is normal, it is enough to use a cosmetic product once a week. For owners of oily skin, the scrub can be used twice a week. If the skin is dry, then you should use the product no more than two to three times a month. The body scrub can be used once or twice a week.

It is best to have a mechanical effect on the skin immediately after bathing or bathing. Steamed skin is easier to tolerate the aggressive action of solid particles and is better cleansed. It is advisable to carry out the procedures in the evening, because street dirt and dust can easily get into the pores open after using the scrub.

Before applying the product, you need to cleanse the skin of the face and moisten with water at room temperature. Take a small amount of cosmetic product with your fingertips and apply it on your face with gentle movements. Within two to three minutes, you need to massage the skin (preferably along the massage lines), avoiding sensitive places, which are the area around the eyes and lips. Then the scrub soap or gel is washed off with warm water. After the procedure, it is advisable to apply a night moisturizing or nourishing cream.

You can massage the skin with your fingers or a special glove. Be sure to moisturize your face and hands before the procedure, because otherwise you can severely injure the skin. Those who often get blackheads can be advised to use a special tonic after the scrub, which closes the pores. For any dermatological diseases, the use of cosmetics should be discussed with the attending physician or cosmetologist.

How to choose the right scrub for your skin

You can make a skin scrub at home or purchase a ready-made cosmetic product. In any case, you need to focus on the type of skin. Owners of sensitive skin prone to inflammation, it is better to pay attention to scrubs with artificial granules. They have a more regular shape, so they scratch less. The softer the skin, the less abrasive particles should be.

For oily skin, a clay-based product is the best option. Such a cosmetic product will help eliminate oily sheen, close enlarged pores and make the surface silky. You can safely choose scrubs with natural particles (for example, crushed plant seeds) and gel-based. Scrub masks will also give a good effect. Such products are applied to the skin, massaged, and then left for a few minutes so that the mask has time to act.

How to make a homemade scrub with natural ingredients

For problem areas, you can use homemade scrubs based on oatmeal and rice. For cooking, you will need two tablespoons of oatmeal, a tablespoon of ground rice grains and the same amount of vegetable oil. You can use this composition only for the body. In the fight against cellulite, a homemade scrub based on sour cream or cream helps. You need to add a few drops of orange essential oil and six tablespoons of fine sea salt to a glass of dairy product.

Coffee scrubs for the body (from cellulite and not only)

The most popular are homemade coffee scrubs for cellulite. You will need two tablespoons of coffee, the same amount of salt, one tablespoon of castor oil or olive oil, two drops of citrus essential oil (grapefruit, lemon, orange). Everything needs to be mixed, wait a little before use so that the salt crystals disperse a little. With this scrub, you can massage problem areas once or twice a week. If the skin dries quickly and flakes, then salt can be replaced with sugar, additional cosmetic oil (base) or honey can be added.

Scrubs for dry and sensitive skin

A scrub for facial skin that is prone to flaking and dryness should be soft. A cosmetic product from the Chistaya Liniya brand with raspberry extract is suitable. Excellent reviews earned scrub cream with rice powder and Kenyan shea butter Planeta Organica. Fresh Line works very delicately with fruit acids and grape seed oil. This remedy is great for aging skin because it contains antioxidants. Having familiarized yourself with the compositions of the most popular products, you can make a scrub yourself: in grape seed oil, for example, add crushed rice grains or coffee.

Scrubs for oily skin

Oily skin needs more frequent cleansing. A good scrub will help get rid of shine, narrow pores, reduce inflammation and even out the relief. In stores, you can find scrubs for oily skin with apricot kernels (Clean Line), blueberry extract and salicylic acid (Clean Skin Active from Garnier), bamboo microparticles (Hydra Vegetal from Yves Rocher), algae extracts and glycolic acid (Peel Me Perfectly by Givenchy). In choosing a product, you can rely on your own preferences (consistency, smell, abrasive particles), but you should still stop at a product marked "for oily skin."

Pros and cons of using scrubs

Many experts are very wary of scrubs, arguing that these cosmetics most often cause skin irritation, rashes, and even premature aging. This is true, but it is enough to follow the rules for using the product and not be too zealous. Natural particles, if used every day, will injure the skin, lead to breakouts or drive an existing infection deeper. There is a risk of completely depriving the dermis of protection.

Scrubs also have many advantages. Mechanical removal of keratinized particles stimulates the production of hormones, and this process makes the skin more youthful and elastic. There are no equal body scrubs in the fight against cellulite. Regular exfoliation stimulates blood circulation, promotes the removal of excess fluid and ensures deep penetration of active ingredients into tissues. In addition, any scrub can include ingredients that "work on all fronts", that is, not only cleanse the skin, but also moisturize and nourish.

Scrubs, along with acid and enzymatic peels, are special deep cleansing products. Before applying them, you need to wash your face using a gel or foam, and then steam it so that the pores open, the skin becomes softer and more supple. Body scrub is used after a hot shower. The exfoliating composition is applied to wet skin. After a short massage of the tissues, the scrub is washed off with warm water.

Scrubs must be used if there is:

  • enlarged pores;
  • comedones (black dots);
  • milia (millet, whiteheads);
  • tendency to inflammation;
  • hardened areas;
  • calluses, corns;
  • peeling;
  • dull, grayish complexion;
  • pigmentation, scars;
  • increased sebum secretion.

Scrubbing is recommended to be done before dyeing the eyebrows, applying self-tanning, wrapping. It prevents ingrown hairs after waxing, sugaring, shaving. This is a mandatory event before many cosmetic procedures, as it makes the skin more receptive. For the same reason, after exfoliation, it is useful to make masks: the active substances of the formulations penetrate clean, softened skin more easily.

It must be understood that any mechanical cleaning is a rather aggressive procedure. That is why scrubbing is not suitable for owners of sensitive, couperose-prone skin. A gentle alternative to scrubs are gommages - peeling rolls that work on the principle of an eraser. Abrasive particles are undesirable to use on thin skin: in the area of ​​​​the eyes, neck, decollete.

Contraindications to scrubbing are violations of the integrity of the skin, various formations, rashes, spider veins, allergies to the components of the formulations. It should be borne in mind that after a rough mechanical impact, the skin becomes thinner, becomes more susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, and therefore post-traumatic hyperpigmentation may develop.

Advice! Avoid the sun immediately after scrubbing. Use sunscreen in spring and summer.

When choosing a product, consider the type of skin. Scrubs based on clay or gel with large hard particles will help improve the condition of oily skin. Peeling should be done every 3-4 days. If the skin is dry, give preference to cream and oil formulations with a fine abrasive. Apply the scrub no more than once every two weeks. Normal skin is suitable for all types of products. Frequency of application - once a week.

Algomask's Bora Bora Soothing Scrub not only gently exfoliates, but also remineralizes the skin, leaving it matte and radiant. Regular use of the product allows you to even out complexion, strengthen blood vessels. The composition includes extracts of red algae, volcanic powder, kaolin. The product is suitable for all skin types.

New Age coral scrub from the Israeli company GiGi has a delicate creamy texture, which gently removes dirt and dead epithelium. With thick rough skin, it can be used as a wash. A two-week course of daily use can significantly improve the condition of problematic skin. The composition contains soothing and strengthening ingredients: vitamin E, bisabolol, lecithin. The abrasive is finely dispersed coral powder.

South Korean deep cleansing scrub "Dermahil" perfectly copes with existing comedones and prevents the appearance of new blackheads. The sebum-regulating and pore-constricting effect is exerted by plant extracts: papaya and grapefruit fruits, carnation flowers, sophora roots, camellia leaves and eucalyptus. The contained complex of peptides works as a rejuvenating component.

Scrub-microderm from Lingot (Switzerland) will provide gentle, and at the same time effective care for problematic, overly sensitive skin of the legs. Cream microgranules gently polish, enhance microcirculation. The main ingredient HIAZINC + B-glucan promotes healing of cracks. Almond oil and lanolin soften rough skin. Extracts of cucumber, pineapple, lemon, lavender deodorize, tone, moisturize.

After scrubbing, the skin becomes softer and smoother. The skin relief is leveled and, as a result, the dull shade disappears. Stagnant and age spots, scars become less noticeable. Scrub in combination with moisturizing masks, anti-aging serums and creams helps to reduce the severity of wrinkles. Peeling relieves peeling, stimulates cell renewal. Scrubbing improves local blood circulation, increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the tissue. The procedure contributes to the normalization of lymphatic flow, due to which edema and the manifestations of “orange peel” are reduced.

So, scrub is an exfoliating agent with abrasives in the composition. With its help, mechanical cleaning of the skin of the face and body is carried out. The product is ideal for owners of oily, combination and normal skin. For dry skin, it is better to use a scrub cream with small synthetic granules. This remedy is not suitable for owners of thin, rosaceous, sensitive skin.

You can get acquainted with the prices and choose a scrub in the section:.