Quotes pictures about love. Love fills life with meaning and with the advent of the meaning of life, the future of genuine moments and love

Who takes - fills the palms who gives - fills the heart.

A grateful heart fills a man's life with great joy.

Anyone in our life appears in it precisely when we most need a lesson that he carries with him.

The time will not stop, but it can be stretched by filling life with meaning.

Take care of love like a precious thing. Once it is bad to hurt with love and the subsequent will be needed with the withdrawal.

Love is a trap. When it appears, we can only see her light, but not a shadow.

Life is a riddle that you need to be able to accept and not torture yourself with a constant question: "What is the meaning of my life?" It is better to fill life with meaning and important things for you.

Everything that appears in your life is a reflection of something that happens inside you.

It is interesting to remember how you met a man how he saw him first and that he felt that he thought about him, it was somehow indifferent to him first, and then ... and then he became the meaning of your life.

Immature people falling in love, destroy each other's freedom, create addiction, build a prison ...
Mature people in love helps each other to be free; They help each other to destroy any dependencies. When love lives depending, ugliness appears. And when love flows together with freedom, beauty appears.

How to give your life more love and meaning de Angelis Barbara

7. Genuine moments and love

7. Genuine moments and love

There is only one road to heaven. On the ground we call her love.

Karen Goldman.

Of all the wonders that life offers us on Earth, the greatest is love. Love fills life with meaning. She makes magic and miracles. It brings the light to where the darkness reigns, it carries hope where desperation reigns. She is our great teacher and a gift that constantly send us.

Love is the greatest strength, like no other. She is invisible, it cannot be measured, and at the same time it is so powerful that it can change everything in an instant and give you more joy than any material values. When love becomes yours, no one can take it with you. Only you yourself can refuse her if you wish.

Love is the magic of the universe. She creates all of nothing. It was not here - and Paf! - She appears in all its glory, and you are admiringly welcome her parish. And how much beautiful it creates literally out of the air: smiles, laughter, goosebumps, hot rings, gentle words, silly names, happy tears and above all life. Love spawned you. Without her, there would be no here.

The greatest gift of love is her ability to sanctify everything that she touches.

Love sanctifies life. Everywhere where there is love, you catch the holiness glimmer. You run over your human start and see the world with divine vision. Your child, your beloved, your cat or a dog, your garden or something else, your favorite, appears to be delightful, precious, unusually beautiful and some incomprehensible way perfect, despite all its imperfections. Love also sanctifies time, place, property, giving them a special status: day when you met your husband; The anniversary of your wedding; the most bench in the park on which you talked; Rocking chair in which you nursed your child; An old wool handkerchief, which brought to you; The first phrase spoken by your daughter: "I love you, mom" - all this becomes sacred relics perpetuating love in your life.

But I am sure, love primarily gives you the opportunity for a complete spiritual awakening, because when we love, the usual boundaries separating us from everything else disappear; You are released from the illusion of distinction defining all human existence, and you are worried about unity. And so suddenly you stop feeling lonely in the universe. Between your being and those whom you like, the flow of fluids is formed. Your essence is overflowed into it, and its essence is in you. Your souls merge in dance.

Perhaps you had such moments, but you didn't quite understand why they treated you for living ...

You and your husband are standing by the bed of your newborn baby and see how he sleeps. His tiny Taurus raises and falls into the tact of smooth breathing, you turn to your husband, and your views are found. And suddenly you feel the power of love, which is passed to him from you, then your daughter and returns to you again, and, plunging into this energy field, you are aware of the eternal bonds connecting you. Nothing else simply exists. You completely give up this feeling.

Late in the evening you are sitting on the back porch, listening to the shrinking of crickets, and look at the stars. Your faithful dog, your best friend of the last ten years, pauses near and go to your nose to you. And, pressing his warm body to himself, you suddenly feel a tide of love for him for that unconditional loyalty, which he always showed you. He raises his head and looks at you for a long time, as if he says: "And I feel the same." The night immerses you both in peace, and it seems to you that there is no one in the world except you for two. This moment belongs to you.

Here it is the power of love. With her you do the way from disunity to unity. It penetrates through the usual boundaries, inside which you live, borders, at the expense of which you feel yourself, different from all, isolated. Usually you know that your husband or wife, a dog, a friend or sky is not you. And in those of the most authentic moments of love, your "I" turns into "we", something definitely more complete than you alone.

Thus, love creates unlimited, infinite, not knowing the obstacles. It allows you to go beyond yourself.

All love is an integral experience.

Perhaps you did not consider yourself a spiritually rich man, but any true love is spiritual, since your spirit comes with the spirit of someone or something else. Love becomes a door for you leading to the Divine.

Love is the main way to create true moments, because she forces you to comprehend. Love constantly imperts you at the present. She focuses on all your attention on what you are worried, it requires you to give up in her power. The better you learn to love, the more authentic moments you can create.

Any deep love relationship is the beginning, the path where many tests are waiting for you.

Barry and Joyce Vissel

Intimate relationships are the consecrated opportunity for you to use love as a path to personal and spiritual transformation. It makes you open where you were closed, feel where you were insensitive, express what you were silent, to extend to meet there, where you would come back. It is easy to imagine yourself with a loving and enlightened person, when you are alone, but when you enter into relationships, you encounter all the emotional limiters who are inherent.

Relationship is a permanent training ground. They make you look at yourself in the mirror, they detect those your sides that are not covered by love. They show you your dark sides. They are knocking in your heart, demanding that you discover the ones of its corners that have been tightly locked up. And then every day and every night they give you the opportunity to love, pull yourself out beyond the usual mental state and do it all better and better.

From the book the secret of absolutely femininity Author De Angelis Barbara

Genuine moments for two

From the book How to give your life more love and meaning Author De Angelis Barbara

Genuine moments and physical proximity with a loved one you are associated with sexual relations. At the moment of physical intimacy you merge together and your hearts, and your bodies most intimately. I think, following the ancient spiritual traditions that physical love is

From the book 25 of the golden rules that each woman should know Author De Angelis Barbara

What are genuine moments? What is an authentic moment? How to recognize it? All genuine moments have at least three properties that need to know. Curriculousness Then the moments arise only when you fully pay a report in where you are

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Part Two Genuine Moments and Our Life

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5. Genuine moments and work Your job is to find out what your job is to give it to her with all your heart. Buddha authentic moments occur not only on weekend. They do not save for a special case as the favorite thing you wear only on Saturday

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From the book of the author

Part Three Genuine Moments and Relationships

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8. Women and genuine moments

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Look for authentic moments in private with you. Here are some ways that we, women, we can create true moments for themselves. We have privacy, the periods of silence are needed, when the only voice that we hear is our own. We are so accustomed to count

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9. Men and genuine moments I reign almost fifty years with victories or with the world, the beloved subjects, the horror of the enemies, respected by my allies. Wealth and glory, power and joy just waited when I meline them to myself, and there are no earthly gifts capable

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10. Genuine moments and family

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11. Casual spirituality: Genuine moments alone with themselves only human beings are distinguished between human and spiritual. These concepts are inseparable. They are intertwined with each other. If you do not open your heart to people, it will be difficult for you to open

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13. Rituals and genuine moments when people participate in the ceremony, they enter the sacred space. Everything that is outside this space is losing its importance. Time flows in another dimension. Emotions pour over freely. Body participants

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What is genuine rules? When I was still a little girl, it seemed to me that the wedding day would be the happiest day in my life. Even nothing knowing at the time about the relationship between a man and a woman, I already understood that the day when I got married

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Part 4 Genuine Sex Rules Genuine Rule No. 17 Do not enter into sexual relationships before there is an emotional intimacy whether you have ever been in love with a man, but, having joined him into sexual relations, made sure that you have experienced

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Genuine rules for communication with the surrounding Genuine rule number 1: Contact other people as they would like them to contact you, if in your life you will follow only this genuine rule, then it is already very good. Everything is quite simple.

1. Buy love can not be anything else ...
Only sincerity in the manifestation of true love can wake themselves and others ...

2. My desire to go past you - was crowned with success ...
Now we are together - a single whole, two desires passing by each other ...

3. Breathing with my feelings, as I breathe your universe ...

4. Love makes the path of man to the Divine - short ...

5. Love gives birth to erotica two shower ...

6. Love makes man - man ...

7. Love is the greatest combinator of human feelings, relationships, emotions and energies ...

8. When love is born, then the sun is not one ...

9. Is it possible to love more than you already love? ... I think, yes ...
After all, unconditional love is a dimensionless feeling and condition ...

10. In your love - more than five letters ...
In your love - all the letters of all languages \u200b\u200bof the world ...

11. In love, appreciate everything ... But especially - the time you have ... Not for everyone comes tomorrow ...

12. Love fills life with meaning ... And with the advent of the meaning of life, the future necessarily appears ...

13. My love is a touch of voice to your heart and a gentle kiss of your soul ...

14. There are four things in life who can pass the depth and sincerity of the feeling of love - silence, poems, music, sex ...

15. Love is when the particle of her soul glued to the edge of his soul ...

16. Have you tried to press without your help? ...
How can you then love without soul? ...

17. It is impossible to love a person for something ... Love or is there, or it is not - without looking at anything ... and it is important to be able to distinguish love and love, love and passion, love and sympathy ...

18. Love:
It can not be banned ... it can not be killed ... it is impossible to buy it ...
It can be felt ... You can give it ... You can save it ...
She inspires and paints ... She is sincere and limitless ...
She is a prominent and all-friendly ...
She is definite and eternal ...
She is always patient and good ... She is not boastful and vain ...
It can only be real ...

19. The person we love - may be far, maybe with another person, can forget about you, but you can love him, without looking at all obstacles ... If you sincerely love ...

20. There is nothing in life that can stop the movement of two souls towards each other ...

21. We dream of love for yourself ...
And that this dream embodies into reality, it is necessary to become the source and generator of the Energy of Love to everything ...

22. Knowledge and feeling that those who love you are like to inhale the energy of life, flight and happiness ...

23. Love, manifested by relations in which respect is lost and gradually loses trust - first turns into a convenient and user state, and then - in emptiness and indifference ...

24. When the soul is dancing, what can be more beautiful and enchanting? ...
Only dance of two shower together ...

25. I become part of you at the moment when you think about me ...

Serge Gudman

2012 - 2017.

Why don't you have friends?
- I dont know.
- Why are you so difficult?
- I dont know.
- Do you know anything?
- Yes.
- And what?
- Queen of termites can live up to fifty years.
- And how will it help you in life?
- This greatly facilitates and fills the meaning of the sewing of buttons to sausages.

All that we see, hear, we feel - just the illusion of reality, created by our brain based on signals received from our senses. In reality there are no colors: there are only radio waves of different lengths. No sounds: There are only medium fluctuations. No time, no feelings and no sense. Each of us lives in their own universe, which himself creates and fills the meaning.

What if....

All that we see, hear, we feel - just the illusion of reality, created by our brain based on signals received from our senses. In reality there are no colors: there are only radio waves of different lengths. No sounds: There are only medium fluctuations. No time, no feelings and no sense. Each of us lives in their own universe, which himself creates and fills the meaning.

Someone said such stupidity that with the advent of children life ends ... My only begins - I play the ball again and draw, watch cartoons. I have a children's kindergarten and first class, first love, final exams. And I'm happy mom!

All that we see, hear, we feel - just the illusion of reality, created by our brain based on signals received from our senses. In reality there are no colors: there are only radio waves of different lengths. No sounds: There are only medium fluctuations. No time, no feelings and no sense. Each of us lives in their own universe, which himself creates and fills the meaning.

Someone said such stupidity that with the advent of children life ends ... My only begins: I play the ball again and draw, watch cartoons. I have a children's kindergarten and first class, first love, final exams. And I'm happy mom!

All that we see, hear, we feel - just the illusion of reality created by our brain based on signals received from our senses. In reality there are no colors: there are only radio waves of different lengths. No sounds: There are only medium fluctuations. No time, no feelings and no sense. Each of us lives in their own universe, which himself creates and fills the meaning.

All that we see, hear, we feel - just the illusion of reality created by our brain based on signals received from our senses. In reality there are no colors: there are only radio waves of different lengths. No sounds: There are only medium fluctuations. No time, no feelings and no sense. Each of us lives in their own universe, which himself creates and fills the meaning.

All that we see, hear, we feel - just the illusion of reality created by our brain on the basis of signals received from our senses. In reality there are no colors, there are only radio waves of different lengths. No sounds, there are only medium fluctuations. No time, no feelings and no sense. Each of us lives in their own universe, which it creates himself and fills the meaning.

Someone said such stupidity that with the advent of children life ends ... My only begins, I play the ball and draw, I watch the cartoons ... I have a children's kindergarten and first class, first love, final exams ... and I am happy mom !!

Someone said such stupidity that with the advent of children life ends ... My only begins, I play the ball and draw, I watch cartoons ... I have a children's kindergarten and first class, first love, final exams ... And I'm happy mom !!!

After some time ... the desire becomes a desire .. the desire to become the goal ... The goal becomes a dream ... The dream becomes the meaning of life !!!
But if there is no desire ... there is no push ... then it will be the point ... life will be ... But no with meaning ... do not want to do it ... don't want to go, put the goal, nor stop dreaming ...
Do, do neither stopping what you are trying to see ... Be anyone who wants to see you surrounding you .... Be what you want to see you ... Stay, dream, go forward, live ..

Someone said such stupidity that with the advent of children life ends ... My only begins, I play the ball and draw, I watch the cartoons ... I have a children's kindergarten and first class, first love, final exams ... and I am happy mom !! !