Quotes about different sisters. Statuses about a younger sister. Statuses about a younger sister with meaning

Statuses about a sister with meaning are a good way to tell the world about the happiness of having a best friend in your life. A selection of such expressions will help to highlight exactly those words that are so important to say to a dear person.

Statuses about a sister with meaning

  • "If there is someone to whom you can tell your secret with the same trust as your mother, then only your sister."
  • "I have friends. But I cannot find such a faithful and dear one as a sister."
  • "Finding with your sister is a school of how to become a friend to other people."
  • "When you have a sister, you don't have to go through your problems alone."
  • "Sisters, teachings are not accusations or preachings. Multiplied by concern for you."
  • "Sister is your reflection and opposite at the same time."
  • "Friendship between sisters is like good wine - it gets stronger over the years. And like spring - the longer the cold, the more pleasant its arrival."
  • "None of your peers cares about your happiness as much as your sister."
  • "People who have siblings look more whole and happier."

It is not necessary to use statuses about a sister with meaning only for social networks. It can be a nice SMS or a note that will definitely cheer up a loved one.

Funny statuses about sisters

Statuses about a sister with meaning can be funny and ironic, as well as the relationship between relatives.

  • "Sharing all the news with my sister is pointless. She already knows everything."
  • "If a girl watches football, plays computer games and knows how to make a slingshot, then this is your little sister."
  • "As a child, my sister and I constantly fought. But then we grew up, grew wiser and realized - it is better to let them fight because of us."
  • "When she calls me stupid, I answer:" All in you! "
  • "Why do you need it if you have a younger sister?"
  • "To avoid having to do all your homework alone, steal your sister's personal diary."
  • "My little sister, when she found out that I was going to have a child, exclaimed:" And who will be - a boy or a girl? I need to know who I will be - an uncle or an aunt? "

Beautiful statuses about sister

Statuses about a sister with meaning, beautiful and funny are also a great way to congratulate. A postcard with an original statement from a loved one will be a nice addition to the gift.

  • "I am grateful to fate that I have such a treasure. Thank you for your presence in my life, sister."
  • "You and I are already happier than many people on Earth. Because we have each other."
  • "I can only allow you to be more beautiful than me."
  • "This birthday is not only your holiday. It is also my celebration, another favorite day of the year."
  • "Kinship is what unites in spite of thousands of kilometers. Despite quarrels and omissions. Despite all troubles and hardships."
  • "Happy are those who await a meeting with a brother or sister with trepidation and anticipation."
  • "Unfortunately, all life is not a holiday. But as long as you are in it, I can overcome everything."

The best statuses and aphorisms about a sister are those that come from the heart. These are the words that are able to awaken and express feelings. And it's worth sharing more often.

At times we are inseparable, and at times - I'm ready to beat my sister! She is ugly and grumpy sometimes, and sometimes she's beloved again. In general, it all depends on my mood.

Our parents give us life, they educate us, love us. But the most invaluable thing they can give us is to give birth to another boy or girl.

I grew up. Now no one coddles me, solves my problems. The older sister stopped taking with her because she saw a rival in me. Eh, I don’t want to grow up!

Parental love for all children is not identical. After all, all children are not alike, and therefore the attitude towards them is different.

Children with blood ties are natural enemies. It's like the British and the Scots. Or like the people of Wales and the Scots. Or Norwegians and Scots. Or Scots and Scots. Damn those Scots, all of Scotland has been disgraced!

You trusted her secrets, you considered her family. And she never betrayed, she was your sister. But the world is cruel, and it so happens that misfortunes burst into life: the one that was called a friend suddenly steals your happiness.

"Your sister almost died, and you sit and play calmly?" “Mom, when a person wants to commit suicide, he will not try to open his veins with a spoon. She just attracts attention to herself, and that's all "-" Next time she can do something more serious! " - "For example? Take the death jump off the porch? "

I know who the happiest person is! This is my sister, she records her laughter on a dictaphone, and then she listens to all this and even more laughs !!!

A sister's heart is a diamond of purity, an abyss of tenderness.

Are you going to the cinema without me ?! Friends are also called! - Zhenya, I will tell you a terrible secret: we are not friends, we are sisters!

I love one girl for almost 4 years now ... I love her more than anything else ... But how can you not love your little sister.

I adore you! You are the queen of bores, you are more stubborn than a donkey, but you are my sister, and I will not trade you for any other sister in the world.

Today I talk to my friend on the phone and say, “I have a cat flew in the course”. Little sister shouts “Don't lie to Lena, cats don't fly!”

Even my little sister, seeing his photo, said: yes, nature was joking well ...

Skype was connected to me! And now, before I sit down at the computer, I put myself in order.

A brother without a brother is like a falcon without a wing, a sister without a brother is like a naked twig

Ahhh, the world has gone crazy !!! My 5-year-old sister lies and listens to my mp3, and I sit and draw her coloring !!!

There is no rivalry in a family more acute than between sisters, and there is no friendship more lasting than friendship between adult sisters.

I found my diary, which I kept at the age of 15 ... at the end of the postscript by my sister's hand - and my mother is reading your diary! and then mom's signature - nothing like that!

I walk with my younger sister past the guys who ride bmx, sister: “Oh, what bad boys ... They are big, but they ride on children's bicycles.”)
Believe it or not, here I go out into the street with my little sister for a walk, everything is already melting, there are streams all around. There was nothing to do and I started boats with her, as in childhood.)

A sister is the best friend you can't get rid of.

On the phone: - Grace? - No, it's Debi - her sister, whose life you don't cripple!

Where do I get so many left-wing people in my VKontakte friends? - I thought for a long time and deleted them until I realized that I was sitting on my sister's page ...

- Little Johnny, - asks the teacher in a sarcastic tone, - could you explain to me why the essay that you handed me over yesterday coincides word for word with the essay written by your brother last year? - What's so surprising, Mary Ivanna? We have a common sister.

And you, too, have ever fought with your sister or brother over candy?

She broke up with her boyfriend, quarreled with her sister, relationships with her best friends deteriorate, and there are also problems in the family ... What could be better ?!

Love you, sister!

Mom, asking me three questions: why is the music playing so loud? Where is your sister? and who is locked in the closet? I realized that I knew the answers to all the questions ...)

There are conversations about friendship, about the noblest feelings between people. But there is no nobler than love for a sister, because it is based on an instinctive feeling of kinship.

If I eat porridge, a pipiska will grow, so my dad tells me, and my sister - about boobs =)

What kind of red-haired bitch is with you on ave? .. sister ... .so cute ..

My little sister's girlfriend wants to cut veins ... 10 years old child and is that normal?

She is like a sister to him, and he is her meaning of life.

I have not a younger sister, but a kick-ass walking!

Even to sit on the neck, you need to spread your legs.

Favorite and adored phrase of my sister: "Suck and die ... Beast" ...

Recently my sister wrote an SMS that she loves me, and I answered her: “What are you drinking?”, She was a little offended ...

Let's be friends. Let's be like brother and sister ... Like second cousin and second cousin. This does not exclude some of the nuances.

Sisters, wake up! The weaker sex does not exist!

A sister can be the best friend, which is not so easy to get rid of. Linda Sunshine

Of the two sisters, one is always looking and the other is dancing.

Cousin (6 years old) annealed. He comes up to mom and says: “Mom, here is a tiger - a tiger, a lion - a lion cub, and a leopard -“ leoperdik ”?"

And my sister (6 years old) today was swinging on a swing and saying: “You are my baby”. So cute…

My little sister has a birthday today, such happiness, she is 4 years old, so time flies so quickly ...)

I was jealous of the guy for her sister. When I found out that this pretty girl was his sister, it became so dumb!

Tanya, Thank you, sister. As always, you help me out!

She was 10 years younger than him, but had already managed to sit on his neck. See in all schools: “First Bell”.)

I love him so much. But later I realized it ... He is now with my sister ...

My sister is 10 years old. When to her question: “What did mom cook?”, I replied: “Look in the fridge,” do you know what she told me? - Thanks, Cap!

Today in the school hallway, a classmate hugged me in a friendly way. All this was seen by my younger sister, and immediately reported to my mother, as if I had a boyfriend.

Today I am talking to a friend on my mobile and informing her that our cat seems to have flown in. To which the little sister immediately reacts: "What are you lying, do cats fly ?!"

Today I accompany my brother to the kindergarten, and then he says to me: “Vika, let's hide the fact that you are my sister. You haven’t put on makeup, so it’s uncomfortable for me to appear in public with you. ” Lived: D

Dads and mothers usually treat their children differently, and they love everyone in a special way. Lee Salk

The younger sister is 10 years old. Once she asked: "What is for lunch today?" I said, "Look in the refrigerator." In response, I received from the petty: "Thank you, cap!"

They found my diary, where I kept notes at fifteen. At the very end, my sister wrote: "Mom has already read everything!" Slightly below my mother's hand: "Fiction, I have no idea what this is about!"

A sister's soul is a diamond of the purest water, a sea of ​​affection and tenderness. O. de Balzac

A brother without a brother is like an eagle that has lost its wing, a sister without a brother is like a branch without leaves. (Chechen proverb).

Read the continuation of quotes and aphorisms about the sister on the pages:

Cousin (6 years old) annealed. He comes up to mom and says: “Mom, here is a tiger - a tiger, a lion - a lion cub, and a leopard -“ leoperdik ”?"

Are you going to the cinema without me ?! Friends are also called! - Zhenya, I will tell you a terrible secret: we are not friends, we are sisters!

sister (5 years old) saw a star fall, and made a wish that I would never part with my boyfriend! Love her

I love one girl for almost 4 years now ... I love her more than anything else ... But how can you not love your little sister.

And you, too, have ever fought with your sister or brother over candy?

Recently my sister wrote an SMS that she loves me, and I answered her: “What are you drinking?”, She was a little offended ...

My little sister has a birthday today, such happiness, she is 4 years old, so time flies so quickly ...)

What kind of red-haired bitch is with you on ave? .. sister ... .so cute ..

Believe it or not, here I go out into the street with my little sister for a walk, everything is already melting, there are streams all around. There was nothing to do and I started boats with her, as in childhood.)

I know who is the happiest person! This is my sister, she records her laughter on a dictaphone, and then she listens to all this and even more laughs !!!

I adore you! You are the queen of bores, you are more stubborn than a donkey, but you are my sister, and I will not trade you for any other sister in the world.

I was jealous of the guy for her sister. When I found out that this pretty girl was his sister, it became so dumb!

He put me before a choice: either he or my sister. I chose my sister. Did I do the right thing? Or is this muck worthy of another choice ?!

Stole her personal diary from my sister - let's say YES to slavery! :)))

A sister can be the best friend, which is not so easy to get rid of.

We quarrel with our sisters or brothers, shout at them, blame them for everything ... and as soon as something happens to them, we will give our lives for them

A friend talks about her school years: they went to the gynecologist for an examination, he asks: do you live with men? She: aha, with my grandfather ... I didn’t understand why the doctor and the nurse were laughing.

Let's be friends. Let's be like brother and sister ... Like second cousin and second cousin. This does not exclude some of the nuances.

Of the two sisters, one is always looking and the other is dancing.

I walk down the street, in front of me is a little girl and a boy of about 6 ... The boy says: “My sister has such big breasts!” And the girl: “So what? Look, I have 3 size! " Hhhaaa, I fell out, you would know how I grunt when I heard all this.) Ha ha.

mom asking me three questions: why is the music playing so loud? Where is your sister? and who is locked in the closet? I realized that I knew the answers to all the questions ...)

A brother without a sister is like a wedding without a bride, a sister without a brother is a body without a soul.

The ability to get along with your own sister is an excellent school of relationships with people for the future.

Where do I get so many leftist friends in contact with me? - I thought for a long time and deleted them until I realized that I was sitting on my sister's page ...

Brothers and sisters are natural enemies, like the English and Scots, or the Wales and Scots, or the Japanese and Scots, or the Scots and other Scots. Bloody Scots! Ruined all of Scotland!

I have not a younger sister, but a kick-ass walking!

She is like a sister to him, and he is her meaning of life.

She kept good memories of her childhood only thanks to her sister. Therefore, I say to everyone: take care of your dear sisters!

I want my sister to be a true friend for me all her life, so I will be a true friend for her right now.

No one is more interested in your happiness than your family. And my sister is proof of that.

It's good when there are sisters, not those with whom they are in kinship, but those who have become them in life.

If I eat porridge, a pipiska will grow, so my dad tells me, and my sister - about boobs =)

How can you play when your sister nearly died ??! - Mom, she tried to open her veins with a spoon. This is an attempt to attract attention to yourself. - Stop it! Next time she can do, four-thread serious !! - Yes, for example, throw herself off the porch!

A sister can be the best friend, which is not so easy to get rid of. Linda Sunshine

What will great news be worth if I can't share it with my sister?

My friend came to the hospital to visit her boyfriend. Seeing a woman in a white coat near the ward, she took her for a doctor and asks: -I can see the patient? -I am his sister. -I am very glad to meet you: I am his mother! =)

A sister is a person who will express into your eyes everything that enrages her in you, and will tell everyone that you are the most wonderful person on Earth ...

even my little sister, seeing his photo, said: yes, nature was joking well ...

If it's hard for you to accept your own sister with all her shortcomings, in the future you will be unhappy with everyone.

Parents cannot show love to all children in the same way. This is because they are all different, and a special attitude develops towards different children. - Lee Salk

Everything you really need to know was taught to me by my sister when she was still a sixth grader. - Chuck Palahniuk

It's good that I have my dear sister. I always have someone to chat with.

My little sister's girlfriend wants to cut veins ... 10 years old child and is that normal?

She broke up with her boyfriend, quarreled with her sister, relationships with her best friends deteriorate, and there are also problems in the family ... What could be better ?!

And my mother quietly beat the dishes and cried. Why, losing, do not continue the game, but take revenge. Mom constantly asked me where my conscience was and how hard it was to be normal as a sister. And I just live, I live for my own pleasure ...

And my sister (6 years old) today was swinging on a swing and saying: “You are my baby”. So cute…

Even my little sister, seeing his photo, said: yes, nature was not joking.

Sisters, wake up! The weaker sex does not exist!

I walk with my younger sister past the guys who ride bmx, sister: “Oh, what bad boys ... They are big, but they ride on children's bicycles.”)

A sister's heart is a diamond of purity, an abyss of tenderness.

A brother without a brother is like a falcon without a wing, a sister without a brother is like a naked twig

Mom, did you give birth to me? - I AM! - And Andryusha? (younger brother) - Me too! - And Katya? (older sister) - Me too! - And who gave birth to you? - What do you think? - You too ?!

I love him so much. But later I realized it ... He is now with my sister ...

Conflict between sisters can be compared to illness. To heal, you need to fight not with the symptoms, but with the disease itself.

A sister can be a spiteful, grumpy and thorny, annoying as a fly, and harmful as a snake. Or it can be wonderful, funny and adorable, as well as very kind and cool, like mine !!!))

She was 10 years younger than him, but had already managed to sit on his neck. See in all schools: “First Bell”.)

Love you, sister!

Don't wait for your sister to take the first step.

Ahah)) Zheeest =)) My younger sister instead of “Kinder Pingvi” says “Kinder Pinder, and instead of November - November CDD

On the phone: - Grace? - No, it's Debi - her sister, whose life you don't cripple!

I love I love only you, and I will never love anyone else like that, there is no dearer than you, I will always be with you, my sister ...

A sister is the best friend you can't get rid of.

As if there are two sisters in me: faith and chance. And my faith cannot rule out chance. But chance cannot explain faith. Faith does not allow me to hope for a chance. And chance gives me too little faith.

There are conversations about friendship, about the noblest feelings between people. But there is no nobler than love for a sister, because it is based on an instinctive feeling of kinship.

Ahhh, the world has gone crazy !!! My 5-year-old sister lies and listens to my mp3, and I sit and draw her coloring !!!

Tanya, Thank you, sister. As always, you help me out!

It was just such a picture that killed. Vk I go to the page of my younger sister's friend. She is 12 years old. The status says: “I am looking for a guy for a serious relationship. I may be a bitch, but I know what love is! ”

The little sister is going to swim, looks in the mirror. - Nastya? What do you think, when I grow up, my prince will recognize me?

If you communicate more often, you will less often quarrel with your sister.

There is no rivalry in a family more acute than between sisters, and there is no friendship more lasting than friendship between adult sisters.

The greatest happiness for me is my sister !!! we live in perfect harmony with her, fist in the eye, heel in the ear !!! :)

I found my diary, which I kept at the age of 15 ... at the end of the postscript by my sister's hand - and my mother is reading your diary! and then mom's signature - nothing like that!

I’m sitting right now, unpainted, in home clothes, with a naughty boy on my head, wearing headphones, I’m singing. And my brother brought a friend. I’m leaving the room all red. And I hear his brother- What a beautiful sister you have))

There are conversations about friendship, about the noblest feelings between people. But there is no nobler than love for a sister, because it is based on an instinctive feeling of kinship.

Yesterday my sister (she is 11 years old and I'm 26) asks "Yul, do you believe in miracles?" I answer "Of course Yes!" She - "Then why are you still not married? ... and in general I would not believe in yours already!" ...))

Little Johnny, - asks the teacher in a sarcastic tone, - could you explain to me why the essay that you handed over to me yesterday coincides word for word with the essay written by your brother last year? - What's so surprising, Mary Ivanna? We have a common sister.

Growing up ... I solve all problems myself ... No one rushes around with me ... And the older sister does not take with her, because now he sees me as a rival ... Damn, I don't want to be an adult! (

Favorite and adored phrase of my sister: "Suck and die ... Beast" ...

Where do I get so many left-wing people in my VKontakte friends? - I thought for a long time and deleted them until I realized that I was sitting on my sister's page ...

Skype was connected to me! And now, before I sit down at the computer, I put myself in order.

Lord, how wonderful it is! When you feel bad, your little sisters come up to you, hug, kiss and say: “Don't cry, Lyulechka! We love you!"

Even to sit on the neck, you need to spread your legs.

We see in our relatives, and especially in our cousins ​​and brothers, grotesque caricatures of ourselves. Henry Louis Mencken

Sisters are divided into 2 types: younger and tyrant.

The greatest happiness for me is my sister !!! we live with her soul to soul, fist to eye, heel to ear

There are normal, adequate people ... and there are me and my sister ...

Sitting at home with a friend. We say we want to have a martini with olives. Then a 4-year-old sister runs in and says: okay you will drink martini, and olives, what the hell is this?

A sister is one who several times a day says: "You are a fool ...", and then adds: "all in me!"

My sister is very educated, she has a large vocabulary: half an hour cursing - never repeated ...

My sister is only 8 years old. Not only is she in touch, but in the marital status "everything is complicated"

Where do I get so many left-wing people in my friends? - I thought for a long time and deleted them until I realized that I was sitting on my sister's page ...

I would always share the news with my sister first of all, but she already knows everything.

Sometimes my sister not only asks me to listen to her, but also demands that I explain to her what she wanted to say.

A sister can be a spiteful, grumpy and thorny, annoying as a fly, and harmful as a snake. Or it can be wonderful, funny and adorable, and also very kind and cool, like mine!

Dear, what is this sheep in the photo next to you ??!?!? - Sister! - She's so sweet!

You are smart, beautiful
Friendly, kind,
I really, really like
That you are my sister!
And I will not hide from you:
I love you more than anyone!

World has gone mad!!! My 5-year-old sister lies and listens to my mp3, and I sit and draw her coloring !!!

It is easy for me to share one room with my older sister: in the evening and at night she walks, I sleep, and in the morning and in the afternoon - the opposite is true.

Sister is better dishwashing detergent.

Sisters are divided into two types: elder and informer.

My sister and I really want a brother! And my brother says that my sister and I are perverts.

If I eat porridge, a pipiska will grow, so my dad tells me, and my sister - about boobs

Sister - six letters, kilometers of understanding and just a lifelong friendship

Nobody calls life with my sister a holiday! After all, it is easy to share joys, you try to share troubles and understand not your own misfortune.

Statuses about the younger sister - Yesterday my sister (she is 11 years old and I'm 26) asks "Yul, do you believe in miracles?" I answer "Of course Yes!" She - "Then why are you still not married? ... and in general I would not believe in yours already!" ...))

It’s very nice when your little sister comes to your room and says: I’m dad’s helper, mom’s princess and your little one!

The younger sister is the only woman who can be raised.

One day a little sister asked an older brother, "What is love?"
He replied: This is when you steal chocolate from my portfolio every day ... And I continue to put it in the same place ...

Many simply do not notice how quickly time flies, today my beloved sister turned three years old, and it seems that she was only recently born.

Younger sisters are attracted only to those who do not have them.

It's so unusual to watch when your sister, who seems to be still so small, is already dating a boyfriend. Suddenly you realize how your parents looked at you and what they were afraid of.

Sisters are divided into two types: elder and informer.

It’s such a strange feeling when you marry your younger sister. Let him love her as much as I do.

Do you, too, have younger sisters turn your closet inside out until you see, measure all your clothes, put on high-heeled shoes and walk around, copy you?

Let the little sister choose her husband, the parents bless them, but I, as an older brother, will check him.

Growing up ... I solve all problems myself ... No one rushes around with me ... And the older sister does not take with her, because now he sees me as a rival ... Damn, I don't want to be an adult!

A little sister for a brother is always a small, cute, harmful creature that cannot be disliked in any way, even if he is offended at him.

I love one single one for almost a year now, I love it as I have never loved anyone and never ... How can you not love a little happiness, your little sister ?!

Forgive me little sister for sometimes insulting you, but know that no one in the world loves you as much as your older brother.

A sister is small, beautiful, of course sometimes harmful, but still dear and very beloved for her brother ...

Younger sisters are strange creatures. No matter how cute they are, you feel absolutely nothing for them. For me, my sister's underwear is just a piece of cloth. She's definitely beautiful, and all I think is that she really looks like me. This is how it happens with real little sisters.

When the younger sister falls, the older one helps her to get up; if the older sister falls, the younger one laughs.

My little sister said she wants to be nettles. I asked why. She replied: "So they don't touch me."

The greatest happiness in my life is my younger sisters. Every time I am upset, I run up to me, hug, squeeze, shout: we love you, do not be sad, we are with you. At such moments, the desire to live flares up with renewed vigor.

I am lucky in this life that I have such a sister! You give joy and warmth, warming your soul with a smile. I wish you health and eternally youthful beauty. Let all those whom you love so look at you with love.

Today my mother bought her little sister a rastishka with some kind of talking shnyaga. Small, so joyful runs up to dad: “Dad! Look! Mom bought me a talking rastishka! " Dad: "Well, go play with her!"