Aviation Day (Air Fleet Day). Russian air fleet day

Despite the fact that since the past (2015) the Russian Air Force has been combined with the Aerospace Defense Forces to create the Aerospace Forces (VKS), the Russian Air Force Day is celebrated on a large scale in our country as a professional holiday for all military pilots. country. August 12 is an occasion to congratulate all representatives of various military aviation structures: long-range, army, operational-tactical and military transport aviation.

Today, the Russian Air Force celebrates the 104th anniversary of its birth. The official date of the appearance of military aviation in our country is considered to be August 12, 1912, when a decree was issued, according to which the state of the aeronautical unit of the Main Directorate of the General Staff was introduced into the structure of the military department of the Russian Empire. And for 104 years of its existence, Russian aviation has come a colossal way from aircraft, the speed of which can easily surpass a modern car, to truly unique multipurpose vehicles capable of conquering the air not only by the power of available weapons, but also by the beauty of flight dynamics.

The importance of military aviation in the context of virtually any modern armed conflict can hardly be overestimated. And obviously big problems will be observed in those who allow themselves to underestimate the capabilities of the Russian Air Force.

Literally at the first stage of the beginning of the participation of the Russian military aviation in the operation against the militants in Syria, there were exclamations of certain "specialists" who spoke in the spirit that Russian aviation was "on its way for a long time", and that all Russian combat aircraft at the Khmeimim airbase in Latakia - "flying scrap metal". When this "metal scrap" began to dispose of terrorists of all stripes along with their infrastructure in various provinces of the Syrian Arab Republic, and when the Syrian government army, thanks to Russian air support, recaptured significant territories from the militants, including ancient Palmyra, exclamations filled with irony about the capabilities of Russia in the air, began to thin, and then disappeared altogether. Today, an "expert" with a rare technical literacy will allow himself to speak about the Russian military aviation as something incapable of solving combat missions in a variety of conditions. And their contribution to such a reassessment of the state of affairs, even by liberal "experts", was made both by the developers of combat vehicles, technicians serving aircraft and helicopters at home airfields, and directly by the crews of fighters, attack aircraft, bombers, attack and military transport helicopters.

Nowadays, the Air Force, which is part of the Russian Aerospace Forces, is actively rearming itself, passing along the path of modernization. The newest multipurpose fighters Su-30SM, Su-35S, fighter-bombers Su-34, modernized attack aircraft Su-25SM3, fighter-interceptors MiG-31BM enter service. The Yak-130 combat training aircraft are being tested, including as part of the Wings of Tavrida aerobatic team. Russian Helicopters fulfill contracts for equipping units and formations with Mi-28N, Ka-52, etc. generation of military aircraft.

The Russian military aviation carries out a colossal amount of work to ensure the security of Russia's borders and to patrol remote regions of the planet in the interests of the Russian Federation. The number of long-range and strategic aircraft sorties is increasing every year. Over the past several weeks, long-range Tu-22M3 bombers have been actively striking the positions of the ISIS terrorist group (banned on the territory of the Russian Federation) in Syria. Just the day before, high-explosive fragmentation bombs were struck on the outskirts of the ISIS "capital" - the city of Raqqa in the province of the same name in Syria. Among the destroyed facilities - a plant for the production of chemicals for filling ammunition.

At the same time, combat training competitions are held within the framework of the Aviadarts competition, which is attracting more and more attention not only from professional pilots, but also from the Russian and world community.

Teams from four countries took part in the competitions of military pilots and navigators at the Ryazan training ground Dubrovichi: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and China. Russian pilots performed on Su-25SM, MiG-29SMT, Su-30SM, Su-35, Su-24M, Su-34, Tu-22M3, Il-76, as well as on Mi-8, Mi-8AMTSh, Mi -24P and Ka-52. The greatest number of points (555.25), both among the crews of fighter aircraft, and in general, was scored by the crew of the Su-30SM, consisting of Captain Ilya Sizov and Captain Yuri Balashov. They also received the highest rating from the jury for piloting - 253 points. According to the results of the competition "Aviadarts-2016", the Russian national team took the first team place, having received 1st place in all four international nominations.

Despite their professional holiday, many representatives of Russian military aviation today are on combat duty both to protect the air borders of Russia and to destroy terrorist groups in Syria.

Voennoye Obozreniye congratulates the military aviation personnel of Russia on the holiday!

The history of the holiday is as follows. In 1917-1930, aircraft construction, aviation sports and the military use of aviation developed at a rapid pace in the young Soviet Republic. The popularity of aviation among the population was unmatched.

The development of aviation in the USSR can be illustrated by the following major events of those years:

On May 1, 1918, the first military and aviation parade of the troops of the Moscow garrison took place on the Khodynskoye field.

It was attended by infantry units, cavalry, artillery and armored vehicles, as well as the first aviation detachments, and many of the aircraft also had the identification marks of the Russian Army.

Lenin arrived here from Red Square, after the rally (accompanied by N.K. Krupskaya and M.I.Ulyanova). He examined hangars, aircraft, talked with pilots and aircraft technicians.

After the passage of the infantry, artillery, cavalry, the eyes of all rushed to the sky, where the pilot I.N. Vinogradov on the Nieuport-21 plane flew over Khodynka and performed aerobatics.

January 17, 1921 - the first Soviet legislative act on aviation was adopted - the Decree "On air movements in the airspace over the territory of the RSFSR and over its territorial waters."

May 1, 1921 - the Moscow-Oryol-Kharkiv post-passenger airline was opened (served by old Ilya Muromets aircraft).

May 1, 1922 The first in the USSR international airline Moscow-Könnigsberg (Derulyuft airline) was opened.

February 9, 1923 - The Labor and Defense Council adopted a resolution "On entrusting technical supervision of air lines to the Main Directorate of the Air Fleet and on the organization of the Civil Aviation Council" - the official date of the creation of civil aviation.

March 8, 1923 - the Society of Friends of the Air Fleet (ODVF) was created, which took part in equipping airfields, raised funds for the construction of aircraft for the Air Force of the Red Army, and held All-Union gliding competitions in the Crimea.

March 17, 1923 - the Russian joint-stock company of the Voluntary Air Fleet, Dobrolet, was established with an authorized capital of 2 million rubles in gold. The main goal was the organization of air mail, passenger and cargo airlines, as well as the development of the domestic aviation industry.

September 3, 1923 - V. I. Lenin and N. K. Krupskaya contributed six personal chervontsy in gold to JSC Dobrolet for the purchase of a Junkers U-13 Pravda passenger aircraft.

January 23, 1927 - the Society for Assistance to Defense, Aviation and Chemical Construction - OSOAVIAKHIM (from 1951 - DOSAAF USSR, from 1991 - ROSTO) was formed.

March 20, 1930 - on the basis of the aeromechanical faculty of the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman, the Higher Aeromechanical School was formed (from August 29 - the Moscow Aviation Institute).

June 26, 1930 - near Voronezh, under the leadership of L.G. Minov, the first in the USSR mass training of parachutists for jumping from an airplane began. This day is considered the birthday of Soviet parachuting.

November 1932 Commander of the Red Army Air Force Ya.I. Alksnis submitted to the Revolutionary Military Council (the highest military body of the USSR) the proposal of the Air Force to establish a new holiday - "Aviation Day", "in order to further popularize civil and military aviation among the masses"

The holiday was proposed to be held annually in August ("the best time for meteorological conditions, after training in the summer camps of the Air Force personnel") in the form of aviation parades, with a demonstration of the best examples of military and civil aviation, piloted by the best military and civilian pilots, as well as with the participation of outstanding athletes aviators and parachutists.

Previously, there were no regular aviation holidays either in Tsarist Russia or in the USSR.

This proposal was considered by the Government and the Central Committee, after which on April 28, 1933, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted Resolution No. 859 "On the celebration of the day of the USSR air fleet."

So, since 1933, a tradition arose annually on August 18 to celebrate the Day of the Air Force of the USSR. This holiday was established both for military and civilian aviators, as well as for developers and creators of aircraft.

Day of the Air Force of the USSR was celebrated annually on August 18 until 1980, when Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X "On Holidays and Memorable Days" established that Day of the Air Force of the USSR is celebrated on the third Sunday of August.

Later, air demonstrations of new samples of military and civil aircraft were held at Domodedovo (the last one in 1967).

In 1977, an aviation sports festival of DOSAAF athletes took place in Tushino, dedicated to the sixtieth anniversary of the Great October Revolution.

In the 70s and 80s, central air parades were not held.

However, the tradition of holding air festivals dedicated to the Day of the Air Force of the USSR has been preserved at the regional (local) level. Annually, air festivals were held in Zhukovsky (by the test pilots of the Flight Research Institute), in Monino, in Kubinka and other cities of aviation.

From 1955 to 1991, the celebration of the Day of the Air Force of the USSR was opened with ceremonial meetings held by the heads of the Air Force of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Aviation Industry, the Ministry of Civil Aviation, DASAAF.

The first ceremonial meeting took place in 1955 in the green theater of the Park. Gorky (participated G.K. Zhukov), and the last took place on August 16, 1991 in the Concert Hall. Tchaikovsky (almost all members of the future GKChP participated).

All solemn Meetings of representatives of the workers of Moscow and the soldiers of the capital garrison, dedicated to the Day of the Air Force of the USSR, were held according to the same scenario.

They were held on Friday (the closest to Aviation Day) alternately in the Central Theater of the Soviet Army, the Column Hall of the House of Unions and in the Concert Hall. Tchaikovsky.

The official part was opened by a very representative presidium from among the leaders of the Air Force and aviation industries, general and chief designers of aircraft, sports-champions of aviators, cosmonauts of the USSR.

The main report was usually delivered by the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force, sometimes by the Ministers of the Aviation Industry and Civil Aviation. Then the foremost production workers from the aviation industry and the champions, record-holders of air sports performed. The official part lasted about 1.5 hours.

Russian Air Fleet Day is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of August. In 2019, it is celebrated on 18 August. All aviation employees participate in the celebrations: pilots, flight attendants, airport support personnel, and repair units. The celebration is joined by workers of aviation plants, design bureaus, teachers, students and graduates of specialized educational institutions.

Aviation moves people and goods over considerable distances in a relatively short time. Aircraft conduct important military operations: they take part in combat missions and supply units with equipment and food. A professional holiday is dedicated to specialists who are engaged in this industry.


On the Day of the Russian Air Force, aviation workers accept congratulations. The management presents certificates of honor and valuable gifts to distinguished employees. Colleagues gather at holiday tables. Events take place in cafes, restaurants or outdoors. The picnic is accompanied by fishing and swimming in ponds, cooking on an open fire. Those present say wishes and a toast that the number of take-offs coincide with the number of landings, exchange experiences, discuss technical innovations.

Television and radio stations broadcast programs about the history of aviation. Pilots, flight attendants, dispatchers talk about their work paths, incidents during flights.

This day also hosts Air Force (Air Force) Day events.


The first celebrations took place in 1933, after the publication of the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated April 28, 1933 No. 859 "On the celebration of the Day of the Air Force of the USSR." The document ordered to hold events annually on 18 August.

The tradition of celebration has been preserved in Russia after the collapse of the USSR. On September 28, 1992, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation issued Resolution No. 3564-1 "On the establishment of the holiday of the Day of the Air Force of Russia." The document formalized the holding of solemn events annually on the third Sunday of August.

About the profession

Aircraft pilots provide and conduct flights. They are obliged to operate the boards in accordance with the established rules and regulations. Maintenance personnel fix equipment malfunctions, replace it, check its functionality.

The path to the profession begins with graduation from a specialized educational institution. The graduate receives the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Before becoming an employee of the air fleet, you must pass certification.

The crew of ships has the right to retire earlier than the established age. This is due to the harmfulness and danger of the profession, which come not only from technology and nervous tension. In the upper layers of the atmosphere, where the routes of aircraft run, the level of radiation is several times higher than on Earth.

The first separate units of the air fleet were mainly used to obtain reconnaissance data. The rapid development of the aviation industry led to the development of heavy bombers, which, if necessary, could provide both air cover and an independent enemy attack.

Nowadays, the Air Force of Russia is a kind of air "shield" of the state, the main tasks of which are:

  • carrying out intelligence activities in the interests of the country;
  • providing protection against air attack (warning and repelling an attack);
  • provision of air fire support to ground and naval forces;
  • transportation and landing of troops and necessary equipment by air;
  • delivery of attacking air strikes against potentially dangerous enemy targets.

Air fleet pilots and aviation infrastructure workers have their own professional holiday.

When celebrate

Russian Air Force Day is celebrated annually on 12 August. The event was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 949 of August 29, 1997 (as amended by No. 549 of May 31, 2006). It has been given the status of a memorable day. Solemn events dedicated to the holiday are held in.

Who is celebrating

Military and civilian pilots, air traffic controllers, designers, mechanical engineers, as well as all employees of the aviation industry take part in honoring the honored heroes of the country in 2019.

history of the holiday

The date of the Day of the Air Force of Russia has a symbolic meaning. Most of the sources refer to the decree of Nicholas II of August 12, 1912, which is the historical starting point for the founding of the air fleet. However, in reality there is only one historical document with a similar content - Order No. 397 of July 30 of the same year (August 12, new style), endorsed by the General of Cavalry and Minister of War V. A. Sukhomlinov. According to this order, a special aeronautical unit of the Main Directorate of the General Staff was created under the direction of Major General M.I.Shishkevich.

About the profession

Civil and military aviation specialists are not only pilots and pilots. Every day, a huge number of people come to the service and design, build, repair, send vehicles into the air and do their important work. Their professionalism directly and indirectly affects not only the safety and serviceability of flying vehicles, but also human life. After all, they also deliver medical supplies to difficult-to-pass areas, disaster zones, carry out rescue and other operations.

In the very first military aircraft, there were no instruments to determine the location of the enemy, and the pilots had to constantly turn their heads around. To prevent the collar of the uniform from rubbing on the neck, silk scarves were introduced into the uniform. Some pilots still use them, as a sign of respect for traditions.

Russian aviation has repeatedly proved its courage in battles, defending our homeland from the enemy. As a sign of respect for the exploits of military pilots, in memory of those killed in the performance of their duty and the formation of an honorable image of military service among the civilian population, including among young people, it is customary in Russia to celebrate the Air Force Day every year.

Air Force DAY: Honor and Heroism Above the Clouds

The Russian Air Force is assigned such tasks as reconnaissance of enemy groupings, transportation of material resources, manpower and equipment, landing of troops, support for ground forces, warning of an attack, protection from air strikes of its own forces and important military-economic regions of the country, and also striking the military-economic areas of the enemy and his military groupings. As you can see, the Air Force plays one of the key roles in ensuring the protection of the Russian Federation against enemy invasion.

Moreover, today the presence of a powerful air force in the country is considered an excellent deterrent in the eyes of a potential adversary. Indeed, with the development of weapons systems, one combat unit of the Air Force is capable of unexpectedly inflicting significant damage to enemy troops, destroying all plans for an attack at an early stage. In addition, army aviation ensures the mobility of the armed forces, which makes it possible to ensure the formation of a decisive superiority in equipment and manpower in a specific direction.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Germans relied on the tactics of lightning war, which was supposed to bring a quick victory over the Soviet troops. One of the main points was striking airfields. The location of the military airfields for the Germans was not a mystery, since long before the start of the war, intelligence (including air) provided data on the maps of the Wehrmacht and the Luftwaffe. Having received a directive from the center, the command of the Western, Kiev special, Odessa, Leningrad and Baltic special military districts failed to timely transfer aviation to alternate airfields, which in large numbers were not prepared, and the camouflage of the main positions left much to be desired. Thus, on the first day of the war, the Germans managed to destroy about 1200 aircraft, which provided Nazi Germany with complete air supremacy.

Experienced aces of the Luftwaffe on aircraft that surpassed Soviet ones in technical characteristics shot down our pilots. Including the training of flight personnel of the USSR Air Force was often erroneous. After all, officers were taught that the battle should be fought at a high altitude, and the Germans sometimes acted even at the lowest altitudes. But over time, ours learned to beat the Fritzes, both on the ground and in the air. Glorious exploits of the hero pilots: Kozhedub, Pokryshkin, Amet-Khan Sultan, Gastello, Rechkalov, Evstigneev and many others, whose name instilled fear in the enemy. With their heroic actions, they formed the tradition of the air force of our country: steadfastness, courage, duty (the motto of one of the flying units of Russia).

* To fight the German aces, a special flight unit was created in the USSR, which recruited talented fighter pilots who won many victories in air battles. The 9th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment was created in 1942. During the war years, the pilots of this military unit shot down 558 enemy aircraft, which is the third indicator in the Soviet Union. 28 Heroes of the Soviet Union fought in this regiment, four of whom were twice Heroes.

Glorious are the exploits of the pilots who fought far from their homeland, carrying out orders and international duty. In the mountains of Afghanistan, over the Korean Peninsula, in the skies of Spain, our pilots, risking their lives, often saved the lives of soldiers and officers of ground forces. This clearly shows that oath, duty, honor are saints that have lived in the hearts of Russian pilots from generation to generation.

Air Force Day proves how the role of military aviation is highly valued in Russia. On this day, they remember and honor the pilots who did not return from combat missions, those whose names are forever inscribed in the history of the Great Victory in golden letters of glory and courage, those who participated in other armed conflicts, fulfilling their international duty in the heavenly heights. And it is also customary to congratulate those who have ever served in the Air Force, or who now wear shoulder straps with the emblem of the Air Force.

When is Air Force Day celebrated

To honor pilots and all those associated with army aviation at the state level, there is a holiday of the Air Force Day, the number of celebrations of which by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 29, 1997 No. 949 is set as August 12. The Air Force was founded in modern Russia in 1992. In 2006, in connection with the signing of the Decree of the President of Russia "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation", the celebration of the day of the air force was postponed to one day with the day of the Russian air fleet, to the third Sunday in August.

Air Force Day celebration history

The history of the formation of the Air Force dates back to the distant 1910, when the Russian Empire purchased aircraft from France. Then two flight schools were founded in Gatchina and Sevastopol, which were under the patronage of Prince Alexander Mikhailovich. Later, with his active participation, an officer school for aviation was created in Sevastopol. But at that time, the aircraft were considered an integral part of the engineering troops.

August 12, 1912 is considered the date of birth of military aviation in Russia. It was on this day that Nikolai II signed a decree on the creation of the first aviation unit in the Russian Empire. We are talking about the order of July 12, 1912 No. 397 of the Minister of War V.A. Sukhomlinov. about the fact that all matters of aviation and aeronautics are transferred to the jurisdiction of the aeronautical unit of the General Staff. In 1913, the aviation unit was disbanded.

Already in 1918, the Bolsheviks created the workers 'and peasants' Red Air Fleet. In 1933, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR approved August 18 as the date of celebration of the All-Union Day of Aviation, timed to coincide with the outstanding merits of the Soviet aviation industry, flight technical and flight personnel of the Red Army Air Force. Thus, for the first time in the history of the country for the celebration of such an event as the day of the Air Force, a date was set at the state level.

In 1980, the celebration of the Day of Army Aviation was postponed to the third Sunday in August by the corresponding Resolution of the Supreme Presidium of the USSR. In 1992, already in the Russian Federation, a corresponding regulatory document was adopted, by which the date of the celebration of the day of military aviation remained unchanged. In 1997, Air Force Day was established.

Taking into account historical realities, for military pilots a new date of celebration was August 12 until 2006, when the corresponding Presidential Decree was signed. Today, the third Sunday of the last summer month is a professional holiday for all those involved in military aviation.

In 2012, on August 11-12, a large-scale celebration of the 100th anniversary of the creation of the Russian Air Force took place. On this day, a grandiose air show took place in Zhukovsky near Moscow, with the participation of foreign and rare pieces of equipment (including biplanes from the First World War). In addition, aerobatic teams from Poland, France, Great Britain, Turkey, Latvia, Finland and Italy took part. The day ended with a grand fireworks display. A commemorative medal has been issued to mark the 100th anniversary of the Air Force.

How Russia celebrates Air Force Day, video:

Festive events on Air Force Day in Russian cities

In Russian cities, the holiday of military aviation is widely celebrated where air force units are deployed. All comers are allowed to the bases, military equipment is shown. Some lucky ones manage to sit at the helm of a combat aircraft or at the helm of a simulator. In large cities, air shows are held, in which a group of Russian aces "Russian Knights", "Rus" takes part. On TV on this day, they show the Soviet films "Heavenly Slow Mover" and "Only Old Men Go to Battle" and films about military pilots of various production (including the United States). Flowers and wreaths are laid at the pilots' graves. Of course, in small towns and villages where the remains of the dead pilots are buried, flowers are laid only on May 9. In cities where there are sports aviation clubs, small performances of parachutists and glider pilots are held.

Air Force Day Balashov

In the city where the Balashov Aviation Training Center is deployed on the Air Force Day, a ceremonial formation of cadets is taking place on Jubilee Square. After the solemn meeting, the line of cadets passes through the central square. Not only heads of local self-government bodies come to congratulate the personnel of the center, but also members of the "Combat Brotherhood" (societies of city officers).

Air Force Day Moscow

In the capital of the Russian Federation, at the Monino airfield, a parade is held on this day with the participation of all the complexes that are in service with the Air Force. Concerts and competitions are held in Monino, where the prize is a round-trip ticket to any city in Russia by plane. At the same time, special-purpose vehicles and transport aircraft are demonstrated. In squares and parks, everyone involved in the holiday gathers.

Air Force Day Saint Petersburg

In the village of Nikolskoye, on the third Sunday of August, events are held annually to coincide with the Air Force Day. The program usually includes: demonstration jumps, landing accuracy competitions among parachutists, demonstration aerobatics on sports planes, creative teams and artists entertaining the audience. In addition, a soldier's kitchen is open for everyone.

Air Force Day Kaliningrad

In the westernmost city of Rossi, celebrations are also held on this date. Usually, an exhibition of both military and civilian aircraft is organized under the patronage of the command of the Western Military District.

Air Force Day Volgograd

In the hero city, the doors of the Battle of Stalingrad Museum are open for everyone. Air shows or exhibitions of combat aircraft are often held here. And on the Volzhan embankment every year there is a concert.

Air Force Day Yekaterinburg

Every year at the Uktus airfield, grandiose air shows are held, where a large variety of military aviation equipment is presented, from front-line bombers to giant helicopters of the Mi family. City Day in Yekaterinburg is celebrated on the third Saturday of August, which allows you to combine two holidays into one, making it really interesting.

Air Force Day Krasnoyarsk

In Krasnoyarsk, the local aviation club puts on a show. Demonstration parachute jumps are a tribute to tradition, but flying on an excursion Boeing is a novelty. Also, entertainment areas and extreme attractions are installed at the airport.

Air Force Day Irkutsk

Usually all celebrations take place at the city's international airport. In the park named after Kirov, a rally and ceremonial formation of personnel of military units and the Irkutsk Higher Military Aviation Engineering School (IVVAIU) are taking place. After the laying of wreaths at the Eternal Flame, an open day is held at IVVAIU, where everyone can get acquainted with the samples of equipment at the training airfield.

Air Force Day Rostov-on-Don

Many servicemen from parts of Rostov-on-Don took part in armed conflicts in the North Caucasus, including pilots. In addition, Rostov-on-Don is a large city, where the command of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Southern Military District is located. Accordingly, festivities here are held on a wide scale: air shows, demonstration performances (including landing from helicopters, imitation of a battle) and concerts for the attention of Rostovites.

Air Force Day Vladivostok

This day of the Air Force is notable for the fact that naval aviation takes part in the holiday.

As the Air Force Day is celebrated in Khabarovsk, an interesting video: