Valentine's Day entertainment for young people. Scenario of the competition program "Valentine's Day" at school

Scenario of the game program for Valentine's Day for schoolchildren

Valentine's Day is an optional holiday. However, this is a great opportunity to talk to children about friendship, companionship, love. In addition to the educational purpose, Valentine's Day is also held in order to expand children's knowledge about the culture and traditions of residents of other countries.
A game program can be held on February 14. Children are given "homework" - to make valentine hearts.
For the celebration, it would be good to decorate the hall in the style of Valentine's Day: hearts pierced by Cupid's arrows, valentines with the names of schoolchildren, proverbs and famous expressions about love.
Purpose of the program: the formation of communication skills in children.
Objectives of the program:
1. to create a festive and welcoming atmosphere;
2. to attract pupils for active activities in the organization of leisure;
3. to develop communication skills, the ability to work in a team, a sense of mutual assistance.
Material description: The material will be of interest to teachers and organizers of extracurricular activities. The event is held before the holiday on February 14.
Working methods: methodology for conducting a literary and game program.
Decor: the hall is decorated in the style of the holiday, hearts, balloons, posters.
The program is led by a teacher and two costumed characters: Valentine and Aphrodite, the role of which can be played by one of the high school students.

Event progress

Characters: Leading teacher.
Love, love, we believe in you with hope,
And for you in our hearts, our doors are open.
But, if you don't knock, then where can you meet?
And what is love, who will answer us?
How many words, songs, poems have been written about love, but each of us opens it in our own way. Let's talk today about this wonderful feeling, especially since there is a reason, because today Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day is celebrated all over the world, why Valentine, today we will try to understand this by looking into the history of this wonderful holiday. And Valentine himself will help us with this. Please welcome!
"Valentine" comes out to a beautiful melody
Valentine: Greetings! Let's get acquainted, my name is Valentine, and I came to you from a magical land, the land of Love. Do you know what love is? Have you already heard how your heart pounds when you look at another person? Or how does it get warm and calm when mom or dad is next to you, because this warmth of their hearts warms you? Or maybe you know the feeling of sympathy for your friends and classmates? Do you know these feelings? (children answer) This is all a manifestation of love. There is a lot of love in the world, and it manifests itself for everyone and in every moment in a special way, because Love is always a miracle. Therefore, the goddess of love, Aphrodite, will help us deal with this concept. Please welcome!
Aphrodite comes out - a love song sounds.
Aphrodite: I am Aphrodite - the goddess of Love, and I am happy to see so many beautiful young people and girls at this holiday, the holiday of all lovers! Despite the fact that outside the window February and spring have not yet come into their own, you have an atmosphere of joy here, blossoming and open to all the pure and beautiful youth and the anticipation of love. She will definitely find you all, and perhaps she has already touched someone. As, for example, to the heroes of this scene for Valentine's Day.

2. Comic scene for schoolchildren "Pierre in love"
Maman: Pierre, what's new at school? Have you got any problems?
Pierre: Yes, maman, I want to make friends with Mary, but I don’t know where to start.
Maman: First, Pierre, she needs to pay attention to you.
Pierre: Thank you, maman, I will.
Host: Pierre comes from school with a big bump on his forehead.
Pierre: Good evening, maman.
Maman: Good evening Pierre. Well, did Mary point you out?
Pierre: As I said, my mother. I pulled her by the bow, and painted the collar on the dress with a marker with red polka dots. She marked me with a pencil case. I think that the mark will not last long ...
Maman: You acted stupidly, Pierre. You better make her laugh.
Host: A week later ... Pierre returns home sad and upset.
Maman: What, Pierre, are you so sad? Couldn't you make Mary laugh?
Pierre: We did it, mother. I tickled her in class so much that she jumped as if she had been stung and laughed to tears! But now you are called to school.
Maman: You acted wrong, Pierre. You can't pester a girl so rudely, and even in class. You just have to be more attentive to her.
Pierre: Follow her, or what?
Maman: Oh, I have you stupid, Pierre. You have to give in to her in everything.
Presenter: Another week has passed. Pierre came from school.
Pierre: Hello, maman!
Maman: Hello Pierre. How is your relationship with Mary?
Pierre: Good. Today they were cleaning up the trash, and I gave her the biggest garbage bag.
Maman: Again you acted stupidly, dear Pierre. It was necessary to be the first to take this bag and help Mary. My last advice. Give Mary the most precious thing you have. So that she will remember your gift for life. Just look, make no mistake this time!
Pierre: Thank you, maman, this time I will definitely not be mistaken!
Presenter: Pierre took the rope, came to Mary. He tied her to a chair and put the most precious thing he had on her lap - his beloved rat, Larissa. Many years have passed since then. Pierre grew up, Mary grew up. And as soon as she sees Mary Pierre, as she remembers about the gift - the rat Larissa, she runs away as fast as she can. But she liked Pierre from the first grade!
Presenter: This is the kind of love ...
Aphrodite: Yes, love can be different ... And maman from this comic scene advised her son everything correctly, if you love, you need to give joy and give the most precious thing, you need to be able to give in and trust ... only Pierre was not yet ready for a real feeling, that's why he did all wrong.
Valentine: But I'm sure when he gets older and wiser, he will be able to win the heart of his beloved. Because you also need to be able to express your feelings correctly. And today you have a unique opportunity to show a feeling of sympathy and friendship for each other.
Educator: Which means it's time for our game program. And may His Majesty Chance help us to form pairs for her.
(Hearts with the names of schoolchildren are attached to darts, throwing darts, they choose each other and gradually form pairs from competition to competition, it is necessary that everyone took part in the program)
Aphrodite: Flowers are one of the main attributes of lovers, even if they bloom with us today.

3. Game for Valentine's Day "Let the flowers bloom."
This is a general competition, for which the guys need to be divided into several groups of 5 people.
The essence of the game: as many blanks for flowers are scattered on the floor as there are groups, all of different colors, only the core is the same for everyone - yellow. Each group needs to collect their flower faster than the others.
(using darts, 2 pairs are determined for participation in the next competition)

4 .. Competition "What is the Valentine made of?"
Each pair is given a sheet of paper and a pen.
The essence of the game: two people come up with and write down as many words as possible that can be made from the letters found in the word "valentine".
(darts determines the next 2 pairs for the competition)

5. Competition "Dress up the chosen one"
Of the props, 2 satin ribbons, about seven meters long, are needed.
The essence of the game: the girls hold the twisted ribbon in their left hand, the boys take the end of it with their lips and without hands, begin to unwind, trying to “dress up” their partner in the game as beautifully as possible.
(more can be done if needed)

6. General competition "Dance Marathon"
On the floor are cut (randomly) into two parts, each must find a pair to participate in the dance marathon. Two halves of cut hearts, like in puzzles, can only fit together. It will not necessarily be a boy-girl, but the pair of players that is found faster than the others will be declared the winner in the first round.
The second round is a dance marathon. Cuts from a variety of folk and pastoral melodies are included, which pair is better - Aphrodite and Valentine evaluate.
(Aphrodite and Valentine are giving out small prizes to everyone who has distinguished themselves in the heart-shaped medal)
7. Romantic mail
A musical pause is announced, during which everyone can throw a valentine, signed to someone, into the prepared "mailbox". Then the postman (teacher) will distribute them to the addressees

Valentine: Well done! We see that you know how to be friends, which means that love will not bypass you with its attention.
Aphrodite; And now I see that the guys already love
Valentine: Isn't it too early for them?
Aphrodite: Do you not know that love of all ages is submissive, and I am now talking about the love of life, for this wonderful holiday, which is named after you as Valentine's Day
Valentine: And in your honor - Valentine's Day!
Aphrodite: What do we wish the guys?
Valentine: Let's first check what they want. To do this, let's play a game of attention.
Aphrodite: Now Valentin and I will read the desire, if you agree, shout: "yes, yes, yes", if you do not agree and do not want this, then: "no, no, no"

8.Chant about "desires"
Valentine: Do you like Valentine's Day?
Guys: Yes, yes, yes!
Aphrodite: And, a menu of green toads?
Guys: No, no, no!
Valentine: Do you want to be loved?
Guys: Yes, yes, yes!
Aphrodite: Did you forget to buy sweets?
Guys: No, no, no!
Valentine: Do you want to get big?
Guys: Yes, yes, yes!
Aphrodite: With funny warts?
Guys: No, no, no!
Valentine: Screaming, pugnacious?
Guys: No, no, no!
Aphrodite: And what, smart, beautiful?
Guys: Yes, yes, yes!
Valentine: Well, we will congratulate everyone?
Guys: Yes, yes, yes
Aphrodite: All love - wish good?
Guys: Yes, yes, yes

Valentine: Then I congratulate everyone on a wonderful holiday - Valentine's Day!
This is a holiday when we do not hesitate to show our feelings.
Aphrodite: a holiday that gives rise to hugs, kisses and various pleasant gifts and surprises
Valentine: Love each other!
Aphrodite: Take care of each other!
Valentine: And, be sure, be happy and loved!

If you decide to hold a corporate holiday for Valentine's Day for your team, we offer you a beautiful romantic program. Before the start of the holiday, decide on the number of participants - there must be the same number of representatives of both sexes. Create a pleasant romantic setting in the banquet hall. Prepare flowers and cute romantic things as incentive prizes: scented candles, photo frames, etc. As the main prize: a beautiful bouquet, decorated in accordance with the theme of the holiday, candies and champagne.

On an impromptu stage, arrange the chairs in a semicircle according to the number of participants.
All guests, upon entering the hall, hand over paper hearts, they will be needed at the end of the voting program.

So, the guests are in the field. Candles flicker beautifully on the tables, champagne sizzles in glasses. Beautiful solemn music sounds, the participants enter the hall and take their places on the stage.

1. Acquaintance.
In this competition, each participant needs to submit a short story about themselves. Sincerity and creativity in completing the assignment is assessed.

2. Warm up.
"The ideal man" - the girls will have to name the qualities that, in their opinion, are inherent in the ideal man. Accordingly, young people should compose a psychological portrait of an ideal woman. Sense of humor and originality are assessed.

3. "I blinded him from what was ...".
The fair sex will receive A4 sheets. Using nothing but their hands, they must, by carefully pulling out or using the Origami technique, craft the silhouette of the "prince of their dreams."

4. Portrait of a beloved woman.
Each man receives a tablet and markers. “Muses” are selected from among the participants. Task: to draw a portrait with a blindfold.

5. Serenades.
How have knights at all times achieved the favor of a lady of the heart? With the help of a serenade, of course. Spring is coming, and our knights are reincarnated as "March cats". They will not sing their serenade, but meow in the proposed image (offer the participants a little costume dressing, this will help men "get used to" the image, and the competition itself will be brighter and more fun). As such a "serenade", the melody of the song "Moscow Nights" is wonderfully suitable.

6. Private dance.
And now our ladies have to become wonderful seductresses and charm men with their dance. Here, as elements of costumes, airy translucent shawls, capes, oriental loincloths with coins are perfect.

7. Unresolved situations.
A creative competition in which our participants will have to show not only acting skills, but also the ability to resolve the most difficult situations. Participants are divided into pairs, and each pair gets their own task. After a little preparation, the couples should act out small scenes, in the final of which, the situation given to them finds its solution. Examples of tasks:

  • Shop. The buyer demands to weigh him a pound of raisins from fresh buns, but the seller refuses.
  • Bus. The conductor and the granny trying to get her goat on the bus.
  • Dentist's office. Doctor and patient refusing to open his mouth.
The moment of voting:
A large tablet with the names of the participants is brought into the hall. All guests of the holiday are invited to give their hearts for the most worthy of them. Hearts are attached opposite the names, and the scores are counted.
All participants are awarded with pleasant gifts and kind words, and the winners receive the main prize and open the dance marathon with a beautiful slow dance.

A festive game program for schoolchildren of grades 8-11, dedicated to Valentine's Day - February 14

Description: Methodical development will be useful for teachers of additional education, teacher-organizers, senior counselors, class teachers.
The target audience: children and adolescents of middle and senior levels of school.
Target: Organization of leisure activities for children and adolescents through a festive game program.
Team building of the class.
Development of intellectual, communication skills of students.
Formation of competition in the team.
Organization of students' leisure activities.
Fostering respect for classmates of the opposite sex.
Form of carrying out: festive game program.
Equipment and materials:
Mailbox for valentines.
Chairs, ropes (according to the number of participating pairs).
Paper, scissors, instructions for assembling an origami boat and a sample (according to the number of participating pairs).
Special target for darts, darts.
Printed word tables, red highlighting markers for each pair.
Sheets of paper with a drawn heart and scissors for each participating pair.
Musical accompaniment.
Balloons in the form of hearts, posters, children's drawings for room decoration.

Preparatory work for the competition:
Study of literature on the topic.
Development of the event scenario, selection of presenters and jury members.
Preparation of the necessary equipment and materials, incentive prizes and gifts.

Event progress
Two presenters take the stage - Valentin and Valentina.
Valentine: Hello Valentine!
Valentine: Hello Valentine! Addressing the hall together: Good evening!

Valentine: Today we will hold a festive game program "Valentine's Day".
Valentine: In honor of St. Valentine, the holiday of lovers is named - February 14.
Valentine: And why is this holiday called "the holiday of lovers" and what does Valentine have to do with it?
Valentine: There are many legends about this. Almost all of them are beautiful and romantic, and most surprisingly, they may well turn out to be true. Here's one: a young priest named Valentine lived in the Roman Empire. In those days, Rome was ruled by the emperor Julius Claudius II, who forbade his soldiers to marry so that they would not be distracted from the main military affairs. But the young priest Valentin, against the will of the emperor, secretly crowned everyone who wanted to marry, for which he was sentenced to death as a result.
While in prison, the young man learned that his guard had a young blind daughter. And Valentine healed her of blindness. Having seen clearly, the girl saw Valentine and fell in love with him, but she could not save him from the death penalty. On the eve of his execution, on February 14, the young man sent her a love letter with the inscription "Your Valentine". Since then, February 14 is considered to be Valentine's Day, giving valentines with declarations of love.
Valentine: In my opinion, it is very touching and romantic. Today we will still refer to the legends of this holiday and its traditions, but now it is time to invite to the stage and introduce the participants of our game program.
Presentation of the participants.
Valentine: Fans, let's welcome our contestants again!
Valentine: So everyone is ready. Now let's discuss the terms of our festive gaming program. All couples are given the opportunity to take part in three contests. This is the semi-final. The performances of our couples will be judged with the help of special glasses. The more points a pair has, the more chances the guys have to reach the final. And vice versa. But you will learn more about the rules when the contests start. The jury will keep track of the competition table and count the points, welcome it!
There will also be express contests for fans, the most active and erudite fan will receive an incentive prize.
Valentine: also for you only today the mail of Cupid is working: everyone can throw their valentines into a special mailbox. At the end of the evening, the box will be opened and the valentines will find their addressees. And our holiday will end with a disco. So let's get started!
Valentine(addresses couples): We have already said that our contests will be somehow connected with the holiday of lovers. And now is our first assignment. Each couple is faced with many hardships and difficulties, those couples who overcome them go through life side by side. Let's simulate the situation and see if our participants can cope with difficulties, how strong their "bonds of love" are. That is how we will call this competition - "Bonds of Love". For each pair, we will tie the legs with a rope (the left leg of one participant in the pair and the right leg of the second participant). In this state - with their legs tied - the couple needs to run to the chair, walk around it and come back. The couple that does it faster wins. The competition is held simultaneously for all couples. The competition is assessed as follows: the first pair, who completed the task, gets 3 points, the second pair, who coped with the task, gets 2 points, the third pair - 1 point. All subsequent couples will not receive points.
Chairs and ropes are taken out for each pair.
Valentine: Fans, you can cheer on your favorites by cheering and chanting the names of the members. So are the fans ready? Are the couples ready? Let's start!
The results of the competition are summed up, the points scored in pairs are calculated.
Valentine: The writer Alexander Green has a romantic story about a young girl Assol, who believed that her prince would sail to her on a ship with scarlet sails. Let's help Assol's dream come true and create, albeit not scarlet sails, but a paper boat.
Props are taken out, given to couples.
To do this, you will receive a finished boat figurine as a visual aid and sheets of paper. Each couple is given 4 minutes to perform. During this time, the couple must make at least 2 boats. For each figurine executed correctly, the couple gets 2 points. If the contestants make more than 2 boats, then they receive an additional point for each boat in excess of the norm. All clear? Then, at my command, let's start!
Valentine(in the auditorium). We see that on the stage there is a fruitful work on the manufacture of boats. So, the task for the fans!
- What is the name of Pierrot's beloved (Answer: Malvina).
- What is another name for the god of love Eros? (Answer: Cupid, Cupid).
- Name the films, the title of which contains the word "love" (Possible answers: "Love and Doves", "The Story of First Love", "Once Again About Love", "Love in the Big City", "Love-Carrot", " Love is Evil "," Real Love ", etc.)
The results of the competition are summed up, points for the competition and for the game are calculated.
Valentine: Another competition awaits us.
Valentine: This competition brings us closer to the semi-finals. At the end of the competition, the terms of which I will now announce, the couple with the lowest number of points following the results of 3 competitions, unfortunately, is eliminated from our game. And at this crucial moment, we ask the fans to support their players, help them with friendly applause!
Valentine: As you know, in ancient Greek mythology, the goddess of love was Aphrodite, and her son Eros, firing arrows from the bow, pierced the hearts of people with them, forcing thereby either to fall in love with a person, or to stop loving. Today our competitors will find themselves in the place of Eros and compete in dexterity and accuracy.
Props are taken out: a special target for darts and darts.
Valentine: Each pair is entitled to 3 throws. Who will throw - the participants themselves decide. Since today is Valentine's Day, we also have a special target: hearts of different colors and sizes are placed on it. The competition will be evaluated as follows: for hitting the red heart 3 points are given, for hitting the green one - 2 points and for hitting the yellow heart - 1 point. At the end of the three throws, the points are added up. The points for this competition are added to the points for the previous competitions.
Is the task clear? Then, at my command, let's start!
On stage, couples perform a task.
Valentine(in the hall). Questions to fans:
- Who was the first apple taster? (Answer: Eve)
- What work was most often performed by young men in love, standing under the windows of their chosen ones? (Answer: Serenade).
- Name the most jealous man (Answer: Othello).
- What was the name of the young man from the ancient Greek myth, who was punished by the goddess of love Aphrodite for his misdeed by falling in love with his own reflection? (Answer: Narcissus).
After the competition, the results are summed up. Valentine goes up to the stage. A para-outsider is determined based on the results of all three contests.
Valentine: The pair # ... got the least points.
Valentine: We ask our guests-fans to applaud this nice friendly couple, and in connection with our holiday - the holiday of lovers - we urge everyone to love and favor them. ( Appeals to a couple) And you guys, we ask you to go into the hall and take seats for the guests of honor at our celebration.
Valentine: We are moving on with you. And I propose to start the next competition.
Valentine: The semi-final is over. On stage - only 3 pairs and new rules of the game. Forget glasses, you are all on the same level again. We have reached the home stretch, and with each competition, 1 pair will be eliminated. And so on until we determine the winner of our holiday.
And now - our task. On February 14, it is customary to give valentines - paper messages with declarations of love. Each couple will be given a sheet of paper on which scattered meaningless letters are written in a tabular form, but not all letters are put down like this - the word "love" is written 5 times in the table - horizontally and vertically. The task is this: find all 5 words "love", highlight them on paper with a red marker and raise your hand.
The competition is evaluated as follows: the couple that completes the task last is eliminated. Are the couples ready? Let's start!
At the end of the competition, the losing couple is awarded an incentive prize, and it is invited to enter the hall with applause from the audience and take pride of place.
Valentine: Well, here we are with you and came to the finale. The couple who wins this competition will receive our grand prize. Fans, support your finalists!
And I propose the following task. Each pair is given a sheet of paper with a heart. The participants of each pair need to take scissors - the girl has one ring in her right hand, the boy - the second ring, also in his right hand. See how to do it (Valentine and Valentina demonstrate how to take the scissors). Did everyone succeed?
Valentine: Now try cutting out the heart together. Remember to hold the scissors exactly as shown with your right hand. Once your "heart" is ready, you lift it up so that everyone can see.
The pair that completes the task first wins. Attention! Place the scissors and paper on the table. Ready! Let's start!
The competition is held, the results are summed up. The losing pair is awarded first. After the presentation of the prizes, she is invited to go to the hall. Then the winner pair is awarded. The most active fan with the most correct answers for the entire evening is also awarded.
The evening continues with the opening of the mailbox and the distribution of valentines.
At the end of the program, the presenters wish everyone this year to meet a loved one or beloved, once again congratulate everyone on Valentine's Day and invite everyone to take a collective photo for memory. After that, the disco begins.

Scenario of the competition program for Valentine's Day

The song "Valentines" sounds

The presenters come out :(an excerpt of the melody "I will never forget you" from "Juno and Avos" + presentation)

Leading: Good evening, dear friends! Today we have a wonderful holiday with you - Valentine's Day. Perhaps this is the most romantic day of the year. Everyone is waiting for something romantic, gentle, exciting and, of course, creative on this day.

Leading: In America and Europe, this holiday has long been celebrated on February 14. And the emergence of the holiday is associated with a romantic history:

Leading: In the 3rd century AD, the priest Valentine lived in the Roman city of Ternia. Emperor Claudius commanded the legionary troops. To preserve the military spirit, the Emperor Claudius issued a decree prohibiting the legionnaires from marrying.

Leading : The young priest Valentine, not fearing the imperial wrath, continued to secretly marry the legionnaires in love.

Leading: Having learned about "illegal marriages", the emperor ordered to imprison the priest and then execute him.

Leading : In prison, Valentine fell in love with the jailer's blind daughter and healed her. On the night before the execution, he sent the girl a farewell note filled with love and tenderness with the short phrase "from Valentine." Hence - and postcards "valentines"; and the holiday itself - February 14 - is the date of the execution of the priest, who was not forgotten and was chosen as the patron saint of all lovers.

Leading: Saint Valentine protects those who are strong friends and loves from troubles, helps all lovers

Leading: Valentine's Day - one of the most favorite holidays of young people.

Leading : Today we dedicate this evening to the eternal theme - love!

Leading: That's right, because everyone in this room is in love.

Leading: You are exaggerating something, I do not believe.

Leading: Do you want me to prove it to you that those who are here are in love.

Presenter: I want!

Leading: Look, kids love their parents, parents love their kids, okay? (appeal to the audience)

Someone loves their unique cat, someone - an interesting book, and many love movies, Coca-Cola, fried potatoes.

(To viewers): Who loves to eat - raise your right hand, who loves to sleep - your left, who loves to eat chocolate and watch TV - stamp your feet.

You see !

Leading: But today's holiday implies a different love, sublime!

Lead: So we will try to talk about the sources of the greatest feelings, we begin our game "Love is different"

Leading : What do you think is, in your opinion, an ideal couple? When he and she understand each other without words? When they walk hand in hand down the street and everyone looks back at them with envy? Everyone has their own idea of ​​ideal happiness for two. Maybe every couple considers themselves ideal ... But today we will choose the most ideal of all the couples present. This requires a little courage and true love!

Leading : Among those feelings that we all know about, love is the most beautiful.

Falling in love, we become kind and suffer.

And we believe, burning ourselves, again and again.

Into it open without any pretense,

But as always, it all starts with an acquaintance:

Musical accompaniment)

Charming, attractive and charming girls are invited to the stage.

This is----

Meet no less charming young men - this is

Each pair is asked questions, for each correct answer a point is awarded.

1. What scoundrel married the prince? (Cinderella).

2. With the help of what eastern vessel, did the peasant son marry the Shah's daughter? (Aladdin's magic lamp),

3. Which bride had a mouse as a matchmaker? (Thumbelina).

4. What is the name of the girl who, with the help of love, melted the icy heart of her friend? (Gerda)

5. In what fairy tale did the prince wake up the princess with his kiss? (Sleeping Beauty).

6. What flower is a symbol of love? (the Rose)

7. What is the name of the winged arrow of love? (Amur)

8. What is the name of Pierrot's beloved? (Malvina)

9. What do all newlyweds in Russia listen to? (Mendelssohn's "Wedding March")

10. What piece was most often performed by young men in love, standing under the windows of their chosen ones? (Serenade)

11. Which feature films have the word "love" in their titles? ("Love and Doves", "The Story of First Love", "Once Again About Love", etc.)

12. What period of life is associated with first love? (Youth)

An excerpt of the song " The most dear person "gr. "Tootsie"

Leading: Words of love will never get old. And now ... Let's confess our love to each other in different languages!

Everyone repeats after the presenter:

In English: I love you.

In German: Ich liebe dich.

In French: Je t "aim.

And finally, in Russian: I love you!

Leading : Yes, how nice it is to hear so many words about love ... But even more pleasant is not words, but actions for the sake of loved ones. Remember the days of noble knights. All their deeds were performed exclusively in the name of the lady of the heart. Where are the real knights now? Are there still those among men who are able to prove their love not only in words, but also in deeds?

Leading: A girl should always be beautiful, and even more so on Valentine's Day. Therefore, our participants of the competition go to the salon, where the masters will be able to professionally paint their lips, only these masters are men with mittens on their hands. The winner is the couple whose ladies have perfect lips. (Music-005)

Lead: (Game with girls))Everyone knows that every lady in ancient times had her own knight. You have to give the name of the man associated with the lady, which will be named by the presenter.

  • Juliet - (Romeo)
  • Tatiana Larina - (Eugene Onegin)
  • Natasha Rostova - (Andrey Bolkonsky)
  • Bonnie Clyde
  • Margarita-Master
  • Eve-Adam
  • Angeligna Jolie-Bret Peet
  • Pugacheva-Galkin
  • Desdemona Othello
  • Lyudmila-Ruslan
  • Isolde-Tristan
  • Rose-Jack

Leading: The next contest is "Understand me without words".

Young men are pulling cards on which are written an invitation to the theater, cinema, concert, library, restaurant, disco, hunting, skiing, circus, watching an action movie. (musical accompaniment).

Leading : After reading the assignment, the young man must show without words, only with gestures and facial expressions where he invites her. The girl answers, as the young man understood

(The presenter reads the assignment after each invitation)

Leading: It happens quite often in life that Cupid hits the wrong heart with his shot. But unrequited love is also happiness, because it helps a person discover many wonderful qualities in himself.

The song sounds.

Play with the audience. 4 young men are invited to the stage, who choose girls from the audience. To the music, they should present a flower, holding it in their teeth, to their other half ("Michael Jackson's Moonwalk", "Lezginka", "Kolyana Dance", "Quadrille")


Then only to be in the heart of love
When they let her in there.
- And how to treat the broken?
- For this they are revived!

Leading : Contest "Bring the Heart to Life" is that couples must draw a heart, only do it with their left hand.

Leading: Couples stand sideways in front of each other, draw only with their left hand a face to the heart, doing this as quickly as possible. (Musical accompaniment)

Leading: Love is different: happy, mutual and unrequited. But true love always elevates a person, makes him better. A person cannot live without love, love keeps us from birth to the last day. We love our homeland, friends, neighbors, loved ones.

Leading : Let this feeling accompany each of us in life!

Leading: And we are summing up the results of our competition …….

Veda .This day is special, beautiful,
When all hearts are open to love
Our efforts, believe me, are not in vain,
To discover talents to the end.
He who loves will not lose his heart:
Love calls, leads and inspires

Leading: And now our program is coming to an end, it's time to say goodbye. It’s a pity to part. But let Love never part with you - the most beautiful, inspiring and, of course, mutual! Love and be loved!

In addition to cards on Valentine's Day, roses are given, as they are believed to symbolize love, candy-hearts and other objects with images of hearts, kissing birds and, of course, the rightly recognized symbol of Valentine's Day - the little winged angel Cupid.


Competitive game program on Valentine's Day "Love Mosaic"


Education of spiritual and moral qualities of a person, mutual respect of girls and boys;

Activation of cultural and leisure activities of adolescents.

Equipment: for the first part of the class hour: a sheet of Whatman paper (or two sheets of Whatman paper glued together), lined with 9 cells. Numbers are written in the cells: top row - 1, 8, 4; medium - 6, 2, 9; lower - 3, 7, 5; two multi-colored flags; sheets showing body parts, for example: "Head", "Legs", "Hands", "Waist", etc .; easels or tables to draw on, a set of markers, two hoops, a set of small children's toys.

For the second part: leaflets in the form of hearts with questions (two sets of 5 each), a set of felt-tip pens, a set of "valentines" (at least 10 pieces).

Musical arrangement- audio recordings of love songs, funny dance tunes.

Preliminary work:

Two teams are formed in the class - girls and boys (8-9 people). Jury members are selected. The playing teams are entrusted with "homework" - to stage a clip of any love song (up to 3-4 minutes). The program is led by two presenters (preferably a boy and a girl). It is better to spend a class hour in the assembly hall of the school.

Class hour

Introductory talk from the homeroom teacher about Valentine's Day:

Among the ancient Slavs, February bore the apt name "lute". Gloomy, blizzard, now with real severe frosts, now with nasty wet snow, this month evokes in us far from the most pleasant associations. But in England, America and other countries, the word "February" evokes funny and pleasant thoughts. And this is not connected at all with the difference in climate, but with the fact that Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day, is celebrated on February 14.

This holiday has no deep religious basis. Its history is unusually romantic, and this day got its name after the Christian martyr Valentine, who was sentenced to death by the Roman pagans. In the III century. n. NS. the Roman emperor Claudius issued a decree forbidding people to marry. He believed that marriage kept men at home, and that they were destined to be good soldiers and fight bravely for Rome. The young Christian priest Valentin did not heed the decree and secretly married the young lovers. Having learned about "illegal marriages", the emperor ordered to imprison the priest and then execute him.

In prison, Valentin, deprived of the holy books, whiled away his leisure time, writing notes for the jailer's daughter. Obviously, both the messages and the daughter were good. Young people fell in love with each other. Despite the cruel circumstances and near death, Valentine did not stop thinking about his beloved. Before his execution on February 14, 270, he sent the girl a farewell note filled with love and tenderness with the short phrase "from Valentine", which later came to mean eternal affection and fidelity. And the date of death of the priest, who betrothed lovers, despite severe obstacles, and did not see his own happiness, has forever remained in the memory of people. His ashes were buried in the Church of St. Praxidis in Rome, its gates began to be called "the gate of Valentine".

Later, the Church canonized him, and the lovers chose him as their patron.

Since Rome was still largely pagan in those days, for many, Valentine's Day merged with the ancient feast of Lupercalia. It was held on February 15 in honor of Faun - the god of fields, forests, pastures and animals - in a grotto on the slope of the Roman Palatine hill. All the rituals were performed by the priests-luperki, who sacrificed a goat and a dog to the Faun. After that, they ran around the Palatine, lashing with whips cut out of the skin of a sacrificial goat, the women they met, which should have contributed to their fertility.

According to legend, on this day, birds pick up a couple for themselves, and the forests are filled with ringing bird voices. Lupercalia was also a holiday of lovers, it was patronized by the goddesses Juno and Fauna, who favored women and marriage. A kind of youth festival was taking place. The girls threw beautifully designed letters into the vessel, and the young men pulled them like lottery tickets and thus chose their boyfriend and girlfriend for the next year.

At one time, the choice of a pair by lot was widespread. Marriage papers with the names of girls were placed in a special box, from which they were pulled out by potential suitors.

In England, Valentine's Day began to be accompanied by the secret delivery of gifts and postcards "with meaning."

The tradition of writing messages on Valentine's Day has survived to this day. Having written touching words of love to his beloved, Saint Valentine could not even imagine that they would turn into a huge number of love notes in poetry and prose, serious and humorous, from young to young and from old to old. After all, as you know, all ages are submissive to love! Announcements in the newspaper, both with an expression of love and even with an offer of a hand and a heart, and humorous, often encrypted messages, the key to which only the initiates know, have become a kind of congratulations on Valentine's Day.

On Valentine's Day, the demand for flowers, especially roses, increases dramatically. The custom of presenting St. Valentine's bouquet with a special message was borrowed by the British from the gallant French at the beginning of the 18th century. and reached the height of fashion during the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901). A young man in love expressed his feelings to the chosen one with the help of a carefully selected bouquet, where each flower had its own subtle meaning.

And yet the floral emblem of St. Valentine is considered a red rose.

Rose remains an open confession of true love.

Soon, lovers in Russia will receive their valentines, and in our harsh February we will feel the breath of spring.

It is probably unnecessary to explain why the accepted symbolism of this holiday is the image of the heart.

Two presenters appear on the stage.

1st host: What is love?

2nd host: Probably, no one knows this, except our hearts and ... participants in our today's game.

1st presenter: "Tic-tac-toe" is a child's play, but today is February 14 - Valentine's Day, so our

"Tic-tac-toe" is about love. And in the game, you guessed it, the beautiful half of humanity is girls ...

Nine girls take the stage.

2nd presenter: ... the other half are young men.

Nine young men enter the stage.

The drawing of lots is held: who will draw "zeroes" in the cells of the poster, and who - "crosses".

1st host: Where does love begin?

2nd leader: From the ideal. She, after reading, having seen enough of the series, decided that he should be tall, slender, handsome, tanned, smart, talented, witty, with a great future and a mysterious past.

A stereo tape recorder, a car is a must, a bathtub made of blue tiles is desirable. And so that he was young - from 30 to 70.

1st presenter: He is more modest in his requests: living space - at least 30 sq. m per person, the character, if not golden, then at least Nordic. In short, if not Venus, then Miss Uryupinsk will certainly.

2nd facilitator: And now the task: girls should draw a portrait of an ideal man, and boys - an ideal woman. We will draw with the whole team, each of the participants his own part of the overall portrait. And what happens - an ideal or a caricature - we'll see.

The team members draw out the sheets with the names of the body parts that they will have to draw, occupy places on the side of the stage.

On the other side of the stage are easels. At the signal, the participants take turns to run to the easel and

draw. It is not the speed that is evaluated, but the quality. The winning team draws its mark in cell 1.

1st presenter:

The two of us.

Late hour.

Silence enters the room.

How old are we all

The first date lasts.

2nd moderator: First date - the beginning of the beginnings. The first date is unforgettable, especially the one that the teams will show us now.

Situation for girls:“Hot summer morning. Small lake. There is a boat in the middle of the lake, there are two in the boat: he and she. They selflessly admire nature. Suddenly, water begins to flow into the boat quickly. The young man and the girl frantically scoop out the water, and it still arrives. It is a pity, but neither the boy nor the girl can swim. "

Situation for young men: “Summer beautiful morning. Sochi, you are far from the city, on the beach. Hot sand, warm sea. You feel good, you sunbathe. Suddenly you hear a woman's voice. She says that her clothes have been stolen, so she cannot leave the beach. When you turn around, you also don’t find your clothes ”.

Teams offer a way out of this situation and stage it. The winning team draws its mark in box 2.

2nd host: And now we are going to talk about the secrets of happiness.

1st host: The secret of happiness is simple - you have to love. When a person loves, he sings, and sings, of course, about love.

2nd host: We invite you to play musical football.

The teams will take turns singing along the lines of songs containing the word "love".

The last team to sing the song fills space 3.

1st host: It all starts with love, and often ends with a legal marriage. The symbol of marriage is, of course, wedding rings. An engagement ring is not just a piece of jewelry, it will tie the knot forever.

2nd host: We also have our own wedding rings.

The teams join hands, and the first team members receive a hoop. The whole team, without breaking the marriage bond, that is, without unhooking their hands, must go through the hoop. Whoever does it faster will win.

The first players raise the hoops a meter from the floor, and the presenters can do this. The winning team places their mark in the square with the number 4.

1st host: Love, where did you take me? Of course, it is not bad to rest in the Canaries, and I will certainly be there, only I will take a song on the road.

2nd host: No, it's better to go to the Canary Islands on a cruise surrounded by stars.

1st presenter: So we will do it.

The teams got their homework: to stage a clip of any song on today's topic. So, on board our liner ...

The teams take turns showing the clips. In this competition, the winner is determined by the number of applause from the audience. The sign is placed in cell 5.

2nd presenter: Often he says to her: "We will not register, my bird, because there is such a fuss with divorce ..." But if he and she tied themselves in marriage, then this is a real family.

1st host: Life in a family is not only love, but also complete mutual understanding and mutual assistance, it is no coincidence that the word "spouses" means "walking in the same harness." Nothing unites a family like joint economic activity.

2nd host: We have a small business quiz, with girls answering men's questions, and boys answering women's questions.

Questions for girls.

1. What is shit?

a) Firewood for kindling.

b) Woodworking costs.

c) Wooden sticks used for fixing plaster. +

2. What do they do with a jigsaw?

a) Measured.

b) They undermine.

c) Saw out. +

3. The birthplace of the Chrysler ...

a) Austria.

c) Great Britain.

4. Radicchio is ...

a) car brand.

b) plant - salad chicory. +

c) the name of the sports club.

6. Bucanars are ...

a) men's trousers.

b) a man's shirt. +

c) boots.

Questions for young men.

1. How many grams of rice are in one tablespoon?

2. Praline is ...

a) type of clothing.

b) cosmetic product.

c) nut filling for sweets. +

3. Poultry is plucked ...

a) from top to bottom. +

b) from bottom to top.

c) across.

4. Range is ...

a) precious stone.

b) a device for irrigating the face with steam. +

c) cosmetic product.

The winner is determined by the number of correct answers. Representatives of the winning team place a sign in box 6.

1st host: The key to the successful existence of a family is a decent budget and a great ability to multiply it.

2nd leader: And for this, the spouses must be earners. Everything in the house, everything for the family. Pick the most adventurous on your team and listen to the assignment.

1st moderator: We blindfold your "earner", and he should bring home as many toys as possible. But you will have to collect them only by listening to your commands "cold - hot".

The competition runs for three minutes. The commands suggest the direction of the search. The number of collected toys is counted and cell 7 is filled.

2nd host: As you know, family life is not without scandals.

1st presenter: The nature of the scandal is simple: word for word, and then, you see, we move on to decisive action.

2nd leader: Introduce a black box! The black box is a useful attribute of a scandal. Whichever team names this item first will win.

Moderator 1: We will make it easier for you: each team has the right to ask three questions in turn, but those that can only be answered "yes" or "no".

A black box may contain a rolling pin, a frying pan, a wooden spoon, or an iron. The guessing team puts their mark in cell 8.

2nd presenter: The decoration of the family, the flowers of life - these are children.

1st presenter: As they say: small children - small troubles, big children - big troubles. The teams will now have small children, and the task will be big. You will have to compose a new lullaby based on the old tune.

2nd presenter: Remember: "I baiushki baiu, do not lie down on the edge"? It is necessary not only to compose a lullaby, but also to sing it by the method of the relay - each one line by line - carefully passing from hand to hand of your baby.

Whoever does it better will write his sign in cell 9.

While the teams are coming up with a lullaby, the presenters conduct a game or a quiz with the audience. After the lullaby is played, the last cell of the table is filled, the results of the game are summed up, and the winning team is awarded.

1st presenter:

Believe in the great power of love!

Believe sacredly in her conquering light,

Into her light, radiantly saving!

2nd presenter:

A world mired in mud and blood!

Believe in the great power of love!

1st host: But our meeting is not over yet, we want to invite five people from each team to participate in another program - "Love at first sight" and determine the ideal couple. Think for now who will be involved.

2nd moderator: You, of course, remember that today we have gathered with you to talk about love ...

About love at first sight, and maybe even at second sight ... Do you believe in love at first sight? Me too. And in general, I think that love and school are inseparable things. After all, as a rule, the first love visits a person precisely at school age. What is love?

1st host: We can read about love from Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in his novel "Eugene Onegin". We can learn about love from the school history course. After all, it is historians who acquaint us with the feat of the wives of the Decembrists, who abandoned secular life and luxury, went to distant Siberia to hard labor, where their husbands were exiled.

But let's not go into history ... We'd better turn to the poets. After all, they are the ones who sing love.

2nd presenter:

Love. We read about it in books.

Love. We could not understand about this.

But gradually the boys grew up and grew up to her.

Do you remember - we didn't want to know,

And often choosing paths for her,

We counted her until she was thirteen

A feeling that despises everything.

(R. Rozhdestvensky. "Love".)

1st host: I remind you that we have gathered in this room to choose the perfect match. We welcome our participants, who will form, so to speak, ... a "pair" of our participants.

(Five participants come out.)

1st presenter: Our participants ... We greet them with thunderous applause ... (Five participants leave.)

2nd presenter: And now, according to the rules of the game, we, the presenters, must briefly tell about each participant in our game with the name "Love of all ages ...".

1st host: We met the participants. And now we will meet the participants.

(Cards to be completed and read out.)

2nd host: So, let's start our game.

1st leader: The first task for our competitors. And we called him ... "Tell us about yourself."

I give you leaves (in the form of a heart), on which - questions:

1. Favorite singer (singer).

2. Favorite dish.

3. Favorite animal.

4. Favorite subject at school.

5. What is the last book you read?

Answers are given 3-5 minutes. While you are filling out our "hearts", I ask questions to everyone present at our class hour:

1. What is the largest and most multi-page poem-tale by A.S. Pushkin. ("Ruslan and Ludmila")

2. Name the most important god of the ancient Greeks. (Zeus)

3. Name the Moscow pop singer who released the most disco albums in the 80s-90s of the last century. (Alla Pugacheva)

4. What is the most famous Egyptian queen. (Cleopatra)

5. What is the name of the lady of the heart of the saddest knight Don Quixote? (Dulcinea Toboska)

Students and invitees who answer the questions correctly are encouraged by the class teacher or jury members.

2nd moderator: So, our participants have filled in their cards and are ready to answer the questions-situations.

The first situation is for girls.

You like a guy from a senior class. You are not familiar with him. And I really want him to notice you. Your actions:

1. Will "flirt" with him, flirt, try to get to know him. And in the end you will get your way.

2. You will carefully hide your feelings and avoid him, that is, suffer and sigh alone.

3. Tell him everything at an opportunity (for example, during a dance, of course, inviting him).

(Answers girls)

1st host: Our acquaintance continues. Well, now - we listen to our young men.

The first situation is for young men.

The situation is similar. You like the girl, but you don't know her. Your actions:

1. Do your best and impossible to get to know her.

2. Quietly, in proud loneliness, you will sigh about her, afraid to speak to her.

3. Ask your friend to tell her about you and your feelings.

(Answers of the young men)

2nd host: Our acquaintance continues.

And here is the second situation for girls.

You are dating a guy who really likes you. And he is not for you. But you meet with him according to the principle "Everybody has a boyfriend and me." But this is not interesting, without reciprocity. You are bored with this. Your actions:

1. Immediately inform him about it.

2. Are afraid to tell him and wait for him to understand everything.

3. Do not say anything to him, pitying him and his feelings.

(Answers girls)

1st facilitator: Second situation for boys.

You promise your girlfriend an amazing evening, go to the video salon to watch a new movie. But the session was canceled due to insufficient number of viewers. The girl is disappointed. You decide to go with her to the nearest cafe. There is no ice cream in the cafe. It's autumn outside, cold wind, you have guests at home. Your actions:

1. Apologize and walk her home.

2. Walk with her until you turn blue in the street.

3. Your own version.

(Answers of the young men)

1st host: The third situation for our participants.

A boy you know, who you really like, has invited you to his birthday party. But your mother forbade you to go, arguing that he is a bully and his company is not suitable for you. Your actions:

1. You won't listen to your mom and go to your birthday party.

2. Stay at home worrying and crying into your pillow.

3. Your own version.

(Answers girls)

2nd host: And the third situation for our boys.

You accidentally found out that your girlfriend has agreed to participate in the Miss City beauty pageant. Your actions:

1. Throw a scandal on her and set the condition: "Either I, or a competition."

2. Pretend that everything is fine. And with your friends you will go to this show.

3. Do something else.

(Answers of the young men)

1st host: The second round of our game "Love for all ages ..." has ended. Let's move on to the next round. It is called "Talk to me, my friend!" What is the essence of this tour?

Now each of you, our dear participants and participants, will be able to ask each other a question.

So who do we start with?

(Questions - answers)

2nd host: And the last, fourth round.

Questions for girls:

1. You like a guy who is currently friends with a girl with whom you are in a fight. Your actions?

(Answers girls)

2. How do you get rid of the guy you are already tired of?

(Answers girls)

1st presenter:

Questions for young men:

1. You will take revenge on the girl who left you for your friend.

(Answers of the young men)

2. If you like a classmate, will you pull her hair or take away the textbook?

(Answers of the young men)

2nd moderator: And now our participants must make their choice.

On the back of your heart with a name, you write the name of the girl or boy you like. While you are making your choice, the audience and I are watching ...

(A previously prepared number of amateur performances is performed - a dance or a song.)

1st host: And now we will see if our pairs have matched. So your choice ...

(The cards of girls and boys are read out.)

We got ... steam. We hope your choice is correct.

2nd presenter: (Referring to the member of the "ideal couple" by name). Why did you choose ...? ... what did you like most about the appearance ...? Etc.

1st host: We thank everyone for their participation. We present you with our "Diplomas of Participants" and see off with thunderous applause.

And our ideal couple (determined by the volume of the applause) is waiting for the comic competition "Mothers and Daughters".

(The girl and the boy stand side by side, their hands are tied. Each has one hand free - you need to dress or swaddle the doll.)

2nd host: Well done! And this test was passed successfully. Accept modest prizes from us and our sponsors.

Leading (together) ". Goodbye! See you again!

May love always accompany you through life!