What is a person's fingernails for? Does a person need nails? (11 photos). How to soften toenails with fungus - helpful tips

Republican competition

research, design work among junior students

School age "Juventa"

Direction: Research work

Ecology and health

Job title: Why does a man need nails?

Work place:

S. Sadovoe

Municipal government educational institution

"Sadovskaya Secondary School No. 2"

Head: Pazukhina Svetlana Vitalievna

Primary school teacher


  1. Introduction ………………………………… 2 p.

1.1 Purpose of the study

1.2 Research objectives

1.3 Object of research,

1.4 Research methods

2.Main part ……………………………… .3-4 pages

2.2 What are nails made of?

2.3 Research: How Do They Grow?

3. Conclusions ……. …………………………… ..… ... 5 p.

4.It's interesting ………………………………… .5 p.

5.List of literature ………………………… .. 6 pp.


1. Introduction

Recently I have been wondering: “Why do we need nails at all? For beauty or for benefit? " Surely you have thought about this question more than once. And why are they the only ones that are practically devoid of any sensitivity?

In general, a lot of questions have accumulated on this topic, and I decided to collect all the comprehensive information about these necessary parts of our body.

1.1 Purpose of the study:

Learn more about the right parts of our body and find out why we need nails?

1.2 Research objectives:

Analyze the data in the encyclopedic literature on the research topic;
-Describe the features of the nails;

Examine nail growth

Collect material and place in a folder.

1.3 Object of research:

Human nails

1.4 Research methods:

Collecting information from encyclopedias, magazines, talking with adults, reading articles from the Internet, summarizing material, designing research work.

2. The main part.

2.1 Why does a person need nails?

Each part of the body has its own purpose, including nails.

At first glance, our nails grow more for beauty than for benefit, but I think that strong nails allowed our primitive ancestors to pick out edible roots, and if people are deprived of their nails, this will make fingers vulnerable to all kinds of mechanical and chemical influences.

Nails are needed in order to cut, tear, scratch. They can be used to open small valves or lift small objects. Sometimes nails are used for self-defense. Even a glass of water is difficult to hold with fingers without nails, as the grip will be weakened. It is impossible to play musical instruments or type on a computer keyboard without nails. Without these horny plates, even dialing a phone number is quite problematic.

2.2 What are nails made of?

After looking for the answer to this question on the Internet, I found out thatnails are made of cells, just like the rest of the body. But if these cells were alive, nervous, sensitive, then they would not be able to properly perform their protective function.

I can't even imagine that the nail hurts when he scratches something, when you sit in the hairdresser and tremble, as before execution, about any victory in a fight, for boys, in this case there can be no question! Therefore, nails are formed by dead cells that do not feel pain when they are broken or cut.

2.3 Research: How Do Nails Grow?

But they are growing, aren't they? How can non-living cells grow? Here again I am looking for an answer to this question.

It turns out that the fact is that at the very base of each nail there is a growth zone, where cells are alive and actively dividing. The "daughters" of these cells - at first living small cells - produce a lot of structural protein (keratin), so much that the cell is almost completely filled with it. Keratin is a strong, waterproof protein, it does not allow parts of the cell to "communicate" with each other, and from this the cell dies. New cells formed in the growth zone push the dead cells forward, and as a result, the nail grows back.

I also learned that the growth zone of the nail is called matrix and is located under the skin at the very base of the nail. It is long and thick, so a wide and thick nail plate grows out of it.

Look at your thumb. Do you see a semicircle at the base of the nail? This is not just a decoration of the nail structure, what you see is a lunula, a group of cells that synthesize keratin. Lynula - a factory of nail plates. New tissue of the nail plate is formed in the lunula and is added to the existing one. As a result, the old nail is pushed forward and to the sides. This is why the nail grows even though it is "dead". The small piece of skin above the lunula is called the cuticle and protects the keratin producer from damage. The cuticle protects the lunula from bacteria entering it and protects it from external mechanical influences: jolts, blows, and so on.

Nails grow slowly. On average, hand nails grow by 1 mm per week, and toenails by 0.25 mm. And I also learned that the nail plate reflects the state of our health. Changes in color or deformation of nails are often a sign of painful processes in the body.

I did a little research and found out that

Nails grow faster:

Conclusion: My nails grow faster than my mother's, and my mother's nails grow faster than my father's. I have it because my body is young and cells grow in the whole body. At mom's - as she looks after them, visits the hairdresser and does a manicure. And daddy grows slowly, as he takes little care of them.

In the summer, everyone's nails grow faster than in the rest of the year, as there are a lot of vitamins in the summer. And I also learned that on the working hand, nails grow just as quickly, because it is the body's defense mechanism for the fingers. For the whole family, these are nails on the right hand, and since I am left-handed - on my left.

I also learned that over the years the nail plate hardens and therefore the nails in children are soft, and in adults they are quite hard - ossified.

3. Conclusions

So, after conducting research on the topic "Why does a person need nails", I found out that nails are formed by "dead cells" and areone of the defense mechanisms created by nature.

Nails protect the sensitive pads of the hands and feet, perform a supporting function that helps the nerve endings to better touch the tips of the fingers and toes. In the absence of a nail, the sense of touch of the finger is also significantly reduced.

4. This is interesting:

I know from my grandmother that you can't throw your hair and nails around.

The hair must be burned, and the nails must be buried in the ground. This is the way

our Kalmyk ancestors.

This was done because there was a belief that nails from human feet are very fond of cows: with some instinct they find them everywhere and eat them when the Kalmyks wander with their cattle from place to place. Nails in the abomasum of a cow are not digested, and when caught with sharp ends, they remain hanging on the walls of the stomach, causing pain to the animal.

The Kalmyks' toenails cut off with a knife or scissors were collected in a pile and buried in the ground right in the wagon, tamping with their heels and saying at the same time: I will not give you up to the cow,

Don't betray me death!

Become a white marble rock

And I will become a gray-haired old man.

When the goat's horns reach the sky

And the camel's tail will reach the ground.

I will come to you on a horse

I'll bring lamb as a gift.

Only don't give me death,

And I won't betray you to the cow!

If you follow this custom, you will be in good health and long life. I wish you a long life and good health!

5.List of literature

1. The strangeness of our body. Entertaining anatomy. Dr. Stephen Juan.

Chapter 9.

2. Elements of great science. Web site.

3. Wikipedia.

4. Bank of answers: Beauty and health.

5. Site of the National Library. Amur-Sanana.

Ancient folk customs and rituals.

Why does a man need nails? September 14th, 2017

This is how you live your whole life and you don't ask many questions. You don't explore yourself and your environment. And then you looked at your nails and ask why you need them? A question that many people come to. It can be very useful to find out the answer to it. After all, nails are one of the most important indicators of the human body.

Let's find out why we need nails and what they can tell about the owner.

They have several functions: protection of delicate fingertips, tactile, and also diseases can be determined by nails.

A person's hands are very actively involved in his daily activities, therefore, they are often endangered and need special protection. The nail plates give our fingers a stiffness, they are needed to protect the delicate skin of the fingertips, perform delicate mechanical manipulations, and even for such mundane things as scratching the crown or nose. They can pick up and hold objects, physically feel objects.

In addition, nails reflect the state of our body. For example, excessive bulging of the nail plate and a light halo at the base may be a sign of tuberculosis, white spots may indicate a violation of carbohydrate metabolism or diabetes, and blueness of the nails may indicate problems with blood vessels.

Without nails, our life would be completely different, so attention to them and care for their condition have existed since ancient times and are filled with a special meaning!

Oddly enough, but the function of the nail is to protect the terminal phalanges of the fingers, so as not to damage the soft tissues in which the nerve endings are located. Nails are a hard cover to protect the delicate fingertips, with which we grip various objects and physically sense the bodies around us. Nails allow us to pick up something, if the object is small, then without such solid formations it is generally difficult to grasp it.

In Central Asia and Persia, it was believed that the soul is in the nails. Therefore, the clipped nails were buried in the ground, burned, so that they would not fall into the hands of witches, would not be used for conspiracies and witchcraft. There was a number of customs when it was generally forbidden to cut nails at a certain time of the year, month, week. For example, the ancient Slavs imposed restrictions on shepherds - not to cut their hair and nails, not even to make love while grazing, observing chastity.

It is known that the total length of nails trimmed over a lifetime in men reaches 3.9 m, and in women - 4.3 m.
From a physiological point of view, the nails actually perform a protective function. And about beliefs: the ancient Scandinavians still believed that from the nails of the dead who fell in Helheim, Hel during Ragnarok would build a huge ship on which he would sail to fight with the light gods of the aces. Therefore, it was customary for the dead to cut their nails so that Hel would get less.

In the Ancient East, it was believed that each nail is associated with some organ. In particular, the thumb was associated with the brain, and the index finger could tell about the lungs and the respiratory system, the middle finger was a marker of the state of the intestines, the ring finger indicated the health of the kidneys, and the little finger - about malfunctions in the cardiovascular system and heart.

Animals, unlike humans, boast surprisingly functional adaptations: keen eyes, fangs, claws, prehensile tails - all this provides animals with excellent survival even in the most severe conditions. A person is deprived of these devices, perhaps only nails remind him of his relationship with other representatives of the fauna.

It should be noted that a person is not a unique owner of nails. All primates have this organ. The fact is that primates, to which we also belong - people, most actively use limbs in their activities, and first of all hands. Obviously, based on this, the hands of the primate are the most vulnerable and vital organ, in need of additional protection. Nail rollers prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the growth sector of the nail and protect it from foreign bodies.

In our time, nails, to some extent having lost their original purpose, have acquired a number of new properties. For example, manicure and pedicure can be applied to them, according to their condition, a conclusion can be drawn about human health. Some owners of nails prefer to gnaw them, trying to attract fresh thoughts to their heads, or, conversely, to distract themselves from any thoughts.

A number of scientists consider nails to be an atavism, and on the feet they also consider fingers to be an atavistic remnant.

Atavisms are signs that arise in a person that were characteristic of his distant ancestors, the appearance of them in our time is explained by the fact that in any human DNA there are genes responsible for this trait, but they are suppressed by others and do not function. A genetic failure at one of the levels of development contributes to the manifestation of these genes, which translates into some kind of unusual property for a modern person.
At the same time, the nails perfectly protect the nerve endings located on the fingertips.

The nail, or stratum corneum, is related in origin to the hair or outer layer of human skin, claws and hooves of animals.
The color of the nails can also tell about the state of health. A healthy person should have shiny, pink, smooth nails that match the shape of the finger. With heart disease, the nails become unnaturally pale or bluish. A pale nail hole is evidence of anemia. Opal nails (also yellow) are a symptom of serious liver problems.

Nails react to various medications. Long-term antibiotic treatment produces yellow-brown stains on the nails, X-rays make the nails dark brown, the same result is observed in Addison's disease. In the case of diabetic thrombosis of the arteries of the upper extremities, the nails acquire a mourning shade.

The shape of the nail plate is used to judge the character of a person. Fortune telling by nails is called onychomancy. Long nails are for those who are slow, thoughtful, distrustful, and short nails are for logical ones, prone to criticism and control. The shortest nails have irreconcilable and quick-tempered ones. The owners of short nails are characterized by rapid career growth, they are prone to leadership. Hooked and curled nails are characteristic of tight-fisted and greedy ones.

Strong nails in the form of a spatula testify to the mind of their owner and his logic is clearly stronger than emotions.

Philosophically minded people have an angular or quadrangular shape of nails, they are strong in the field of literature and art, the humanities, but the sphere of exact calculations and numbers is also not alien to them.

The conical or pointed shape of the nail testifies to abilities in the field of art, these are artists, sculptors, architects, and other plastic arts workers.


A person's hands are very actively involved in his daily activities, therefore, they are often endangered and need special protection. The nail plates give our fingers a stiffness, they are needed to protect the delicate skin of the fingertips, perform delicate mechanical manipulations, and even for such mundane things as scratching the crown or nose. They can pick up and hold objects, physically feel objects.

In addition, nails reflect the state of our body. For example, excessive bulging of the nail plate and a light halo at the base may be a sign of tuberculosis, white spots may indicate a violation of carbohydrate metabolism or diabetes, and blueness of the nails may indicate problems with blood vessels.

Without nails, our life would be completely different, so attention to them and care for their condition have existed since ancient times and are filled with a special meaning!

Oddly enough, but the function of the nail is to protect the terminal phalanges of the fingers, so as not to damage the soft tissues in which the nerve endings are located. Nails are a hard cover to protect the delicate fingertips, with which we grip various objects and physically sense the bodies around us. Nails allow us to pick up something, if the object is small, then without such solid formations it is generally difficult to grasp it.

In Central Asia and Persia, it was believed that the soul is in the nails. Therefore, the clipped nails were buried in the ground, burned, so that they would not fall into the hands of witches, would not be used for conspiracies and witchcraft. There was a number of customs when it was generally forbidden to cut nails at a certain time of the year, month, week. For example, the ancient Slavs imposed restrictions on shepherds - not to cut their hair and nails, not even to make love while grazing, observing chastity. It is known that the total length of nails trimmed over a lifetime in men reaches 3.9 m, and in women - 4.3 m.

From a physiological point of view, the nails actually perform a protective function. And about beliefs: the ancient Scandinavians still believed that from the nails of the dead who fell in Helheim, Hel during Ragnarok would build a huge ship on which he would sail to fight with the light gods of the aces. Therefore, it was customary for the dead to cut their nails so that Hel would get less.

In the Ancient East, it was believed that each nail is associated with some organ. In particular, the thumb was associated with the brain, and the index finger could tell about the lungs and the respiratory system, the middle finger was a marker of the state of the intestines, the ring finger indicated the health of the kidneys, and the little finger - about malfunctions in the cardiovascular system and heart.

Animals, unlike humans, boast surprisingly functional adaptations: keen eyes, fangs, claws, prehensile tails - all this provides animals with excellent survival even in harsh conditions. A person is deprived of these devices, perhaps only nails remind him of his relationship with other representatives of the fauna.

It should be noted that a person is not a unique owner of nails. All primates have this organ. The fact is that primates, to which we also belong, actively use limbs in their activity, and first of all, hands. Obviously, based on this, the hands of the primate are the most vulnerable and vital organ, in need of additional protection. Nail rollers prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the growth sector of the nail and protect it from foreign bodies.

In our time, nails, to some extent having lost their original purpose, have acquired a number of new properties. For example, manicure and pedicure can be applied to them, according to their condition, a conclusion can be drawn about human health. Some owners of nails prefer to gnaw them, trying to attract fresh thoughts to their heads, or, conversely, to distract themselves from any thoughts.

A number of scientists consider nails to be an atavism, and on the feet they also consider fingers to be an atavistic remnant.

Atavisms are signs that arise in a person that were characteristic of his distant ancestors, the appearance of them in our time is explained by the fact that in any human DNA there are genes responsible for this trait, but they are suppressed by others and do not function. A genetic failure at one of the levels of development contributes to the manifestation of these genes, which translates into some kind of unusual property for a modern person.

At the same time, the nails perfectly protect the nerve endings located on the fingertips.

The nail, or stratum corneum, is related in origin to the hair or outer layer of human skin, claws and hooves of animals.

The color of the nails can also tell about the state of health. A healthy person should have shiny, pink, smooth nails that match the shape of the finger. With heart disease, the nails become unnaturally pale or bluish. A pale nail hole is evidence of anemia. Opal nails (also yellow) are a symptom of serious liver problems. Nails react to various medications. Long-term antibiotic treatment produces yellow-brown stains on the nails, X-rays make the nails dark brown, the same result is observed in Addison's disease. In the case of diabetic thrombosis of the arteries of the upper extremities, the nails acquire a mourning shade.

The shape of the nail plate is used to judge the character of a person. Fortune telling by nails is called onychomancy. Long nails are for those who are slow, thoughtful, distrustful, and short nails are for logical ones, prone to criticism and control. The shortest nails have irreconcilable and quick-tempered ones. The owners of short nails are characterized by rapid career growth, they are prone to leadership. Hooked and curled nails are characteristic of tight-fisted and greedy ones.

Strong nails in the form of a spatula testify to the mind of their owner and his logic is clearly stronger than emotions.

Philosophically-minded people have an angular or quadrangular shape of nails, they are strong in the field of literature and art, the humanities, but the sphere of exact calculations and numbers is also no stranger to them.

The conical or pointed shape of the nail testifies to abilities in the field of art, these are artists, sculptors, architects, and other plastic arts workers.

This is how you live your whole life and you don't ask many questions. You don't explore yourself and your environment. And then you looked at your nails and ask why you need them? A question that many people come to. It can be very useful to find out the answer to it. After all, nails are one of the most important indicators of the human body.

Let's find out why we need nails and what they can tell about the owner. They have several functions: protection of delicate fingertips, tactile, and also diseases can be determined by nails.

A person's hands are very actively involved in his daily activities, therefore, they are often endangered and need special protection. The nail plates give our fingers a stiffness, they are needed to protect the delicate skin of the fingertips, perform delicate mechanical manipulations, and even for such mundane things as scratching the crown or nose. They can pick up and hold objects, physically feel objects.

In addition, nails reflect the state of our body. For example, excessive bulging of the nail plate and a light halo at the base may be a sign of tuberculosis, white spots may indicate a violation of carbohydrate metabolism or diabetes, and blueness of the nails may indicate problems with blood vessels.

Without nails, our life would be completely different, so attention to them and care for their condition have existed since ancient times and are filled with a special meaning!

Oddly enough, but the function of the nail is to protect the terminal phalanges of the fingers, so as not to damage the soft tissues in which the nerve endings are located. Nails are a hard cover to protect the delicate fingertips, with which we grip various objects and physically sense the bodies around us. Nails allow us to pick up something, if the object is small, then without such solid formations it is generally difficult to grasp it.

In Central Asia and Persia, it was believed that the soul is in the nails. Therefore, the clipped nails were buried in the ground, burned, so that they would not fall into the hands of witches, would not be used for conspiracies and witchcraft. There was a number of customs when it was generally forbidden to cut nails at a certain time of the year, month, week. For example, the ancient Slavs imposed restrictions on shepherds - not to cut their hair and nails, not even to make love while grazing, observing chastity.

It is known that the total length of nails trimmed over a lifetime in men reaches 3.9 m, and in women - 4.3 m.
From a physiological point of view, the nails actually perform a protective function. And about beliefs: the ancient Scandinavians still believed that from the nails of the dead who fell in Helheim, Hel during Ragnarok would build a huge ship on which he would sail to fight with the light gods of the aces. Therefore, it was customary for the dead to cut their nails so that Hel would get less.

In the Ancient East, it was believed that each nail is associated with some organ. In particular, the thumb was associated with the brain, and the index finger could tell about the lungs and the respiratory system, the middle finger was a marker of the state of the intestines, the ring finger indicated the health of the kidneys, and the little finger - about malfunctions in the cardiovascular system and heart.

Animals, unlike humans, boast surprisingly functional adaptations: keen eyes, fangs, claws, prehensile tails - all this provides animals with excellent survival even in the most severe conditions. A person is deprived of these devices, perhaps only nails remind him of his relationship with other representatives of the fauna.

It should be noted that a person is not a unique owner of nails. All primates have this organ. The fact is that primates, to which we also belong - people, most actively use limbs in their activities, and first of all hands. Obviously, based on this, the hands of the primate are the most vulnerable and vital organ, in need of additional protection. Nail rollers prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the growth sector of the nail and protect it from foreign bodies.

In our time, nails, to some extent having lost their original purpose, have acquired a number of new properties. For example, manicure and pedicure can be applied to them, according to their condition, a conclusion can be drawn about human health. Some owners of nails prefer to gnaw them, trying to attract fresh thoughts to their heads, or, conversely, to distract themselves from any thoughts.

A number of scientists consider nails to be an atavism, and on the feet they also consider fingers to be an atavistic remnant.

Atavisms are signs that arise in a person that were characteristic of his distant ancestors, the appearance of them in our time is explained by the fact that in any human DNA there are genes responsible for this trait, but they are suppressed by others and do not function. A genetic failure at one of the levels of development contributes to the manifestation of these genes, which translates into some kind of unusual property for a modern person.
At the same time, the nails perfectly protect the nerve endings located on the fingertips.

The nail, or stratum corneum, is related in origin to the hair or outer layer of human skin, claws and hooves of animals.
The color of the nails can also tell about the state of health. A healthy person should have shiny, pink, smooth nails that match the shape of the finger. With heart disease, the nails become unnaturally pale or bluish. A pale nail hole is evidence of anemia. Opal nails (also yellow) are a symptom of serious liver problems.

Nails react to various medications. Long-term antibiotic treatment produces yellow-brown stains on the nails, X-rays make the nails dark brown, the same result is observed in Addison's disease. In the case of diabetic thrombosis of the arteries of the upper extremities, the nails acquire a mourning shade.

The shape of the nail plate is used to judge the character of a person. Fortune telling by nails is called onychomancy. Long nails are for those who are slow, thoughtful, distrustful, and short nails are for logical ones, prone to criticism and control. The shortest nails have irreconcilable and quick-tempered ones. The owners of short nails are characterized by rapid career growth, they are prone to leadership. Hooked and curled nails are characteristic of tight-fisted and greedy ones.

Strong nails in the form of a spatula testify to the mind of their owner and his logic is clearly stronger than emotions.

Philosophically minded people have an angular or quadrangular shape of nails, they are strong in the field of literature and art, the humanities, but the sphere of exact calculations and numbers is also not alien to them.

The conical or pointed shape of the nail testifies to abilities in the field of art, these are artists, sculptors, architects, and other plastic arts workers.

This is how you live your whole life and you don't ask many questions. You don't explore yourself and your environment. And then you looked at your nails and ask why you need them? A question that many people come to. It can be very useful to find out the answer to it. After all, nails are one of the most important indicators of the human body.

Let's find out why we need nails and what they can tell about the owner.
They have several functions: protection of delicate fingertips, tactile, and also diseases can be determined by nails.

A person's hands are very actively involved in his daily activities, therefore, they are often endangered and need special protection. The nail plates give our fingers a stiffness, they are needed to protect the delicate skin of the fingertips, perform delicate mechanical manipulations, and even for such mundane things as scratching the crown or nose. They can pick up and hold objects, physically feel objects.

In addition, nails reflect the state of our body. For example, excessive bulging of the nail plate and a light halo at the base may be a sign of tuberculosis, white spots may indicate a violation of carbohydrate metabolism or diabetes, and blueness of the nails may indicate problems with blood vessels.

Without nails, our life would be completely different, so attention to them and care for their condition have existed since ancient times and are filled with a special meaning!

Oddly enough, but the function of the nail is to protect the terminal phalanges of the fingers, so as not to damage the soft tissues in which the nerve endings are located. Nails are a hard cover to protect the delicate fingertips, with which we grip various objects and physically sense the bodies around us. Nails allow us to pick up something, if the object is small, then without such solid formations it is generally difficult to grasp it.

In Central Asia and Persia, it was believed that the soul is in the nails. Therefore, the clipped nails were buried in the ground, burned, so that they would not fall into the hands of witches, would not be used for conspiracies and witchcraft. There was a number of customs when it was generally forbidden to cut nails at a certain time of the year, month, week. For example, the ancient Slavs imposed restrictions on shepherds - not to cut their hair and nails, not even to make love while grazing, observing chastity.

It is known that the total length of nails trimmed over a lifetime in men reaches 3.9 m, and in women - 4.3 m.
From a physiological point of view, the nails actually perform a protective function. And about beliefs: the ancient Scandinavians still believed that from the nails of the dead who fell in Helheim, Hel during Ragnarok would build a huge ship on which he would sail to fight with the light gods of the aces. Therefore, it was customary for the dead to cut their nails so that Hel would get less.

In the Ancient East, it was believed that each nail is associated with some organ. In particular, the thumb was associated with the brain, and the index finger could tell about the lungs and the respiratory system, the middle finger was a marker of the state of the intestines, the ring finger indicated the health of the kidneys, and the little finger - about malfunctions in the cardiovascular system and heart.

Animals, unlike humans, boast surprisingly functional adaptations: keen eyes, fangs, claws, prehensile tails - all this provides animals with excellent survival even in the most severe conditions. A person is deprived of these devices, perhaps only nails remind him of his relationship with other representatives of the fauna.

It should be noted that a person is not a unique owner of nails. All primates have this organ. The fact is that primates, to which we also belong - people, most actively use limbs in their activities, and first of all hands. Obviously, based on this, the hands of the primate are the most vulnerable and vital organ, in need of additional protection. Nail rollers prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the growth sector of the nail and protect it from foreign bodies.

In our time, nails, to some extent having lost their original purpose, have acquired a number of new properties. For example, manicure and pedicure can be applied to them, according to their condition, a conclusion can be drawn about human health. Some owners of nails prefer to gnaw them, trying to attract fresh thoughts to their heads, or, conversely, to distract themselves from any thoughts.

A number of scientists consider nails to be an atavism, and on the feet they also consider fingers to be an atavistic remnant.

Atavisms are signs that arise in a person that were characteristic of his distant ancestors, the appearance of them in our time is explained by the fact that in any human DNA there are genes responsible for this trait, but they are suppressed by others and do not function. A genetic failure at one of the levels of development contributes to the manifestation of these genes, which translates into some kind of unusual property for a modern person.
At the same time, the nails perfectly protect the nerve endings located on the fingertips.

The nail, or stratum corneum, is related in origin to the hair or outer layer of human skin, claws and hooves of animals.
The color of the nails can also tell about the state of health. A healthy person should have shiny, pink, smooth nails that match the shape of the finger. With heart disease, the nails become unnaturally pale or bluish. A pale nail hole is evidence of anemia. Opal nails (also yellow) are a symptom of serious liver problems.

Nails react to various medications. Long-term antibiotic treatment produces yellow-brown stains on the nails, X-rays make the nails dark brown, the same result is observed in Addison's disease. In the case of diabetic thrombosis of the arteries of the upper extremities, the nails acquire a mourning shade.

The shape of the nail plate is used to judge the character of a person. Fortune telling by nails is called onychomancy. Long nails are for those who are slow, thoughtful, distrustful, and short nails are for logical ones, prone to criticism and control. The shortest nails have irreconcilable and quick-tempered ones. The owners of short nails are characterized by rapid career growth, they are prone to leadership. Hooked and curled nails are characteristic of tight-fisted and greedy ones.

Strong nails in the form of a spatula testify to the mind of their owner and his logic is clearly stronger than emotions.

Philosophically minded people have an angular or quadrangular shape of nails, they are strong in the field of literature and art, the humanities, but the sphere of exact calculations and numbers is also not alien to them.

The conical or pointed shape of the nail testifies to abilities in the field of art, these are artists, sculptors, architects, and other plastic arts workers.