Antenatal payments in Russia: conditions for obtaining and the necessary documents. Registration for pregnancy. Postpartum payments: to whom, when and how much

You are planning a pregnancy, expecting the birth of a child, or have already felt the joy of motherhood. One way or another, you decided that it's time to find out what payments and benefits for the birth of a child in 2019 you can count on. It is easy to get confused here, it is not surprising, because in our state there are a number of measures to support motherhood and childhood.

In this section, dear visitors, we will try to help you deal with all the many payments, benefits and other support measures for the birth of a child in 2019. Please note that you can use the benefit selection service to select all payments and benefits due.

Priority attention should be paid to the following points:

  • payments at the birth of a child can be one-off(paid once) and monthly (paid monthly until the child reaches a certain age), as well as support measures are provided in the form of a certificate (birth certificate, maternity capital, a certificate for the purchase of housing) and benefits (for example, reduced travel or a discount on utility bills) ...
  • Federal-level childbirth allowances apply to all citizens, but there are also regional payments - they can be received by residents of certain regions of the Russian Federation. This is the next important point.
  • The number of children born and / or adopted matters!

If you are not officially employed and have not entered into a voluntary insurance contract with the FSS, then maternity benefits (they are also payments for pregnancy and childbirth) and a lump sum when registering in the early stages of pregnancy are not allowed.

Now about the payments and benefits for the birth of a child, in order:

The test showed the cherished two stripes ... For further possibility of obtaining, you should register at the nearest antenatal clinic before the onset of 12 weeks of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, you will most likely need vitamins or medications, read about this in the article Free medications for pregnant women and children under 3 years of age.

It's time to calculate the amount of maternity benefits that you will receive when you go on maternity leave in the maternity calculator.

Only officially employed women (or individual entrepreneurs who have entered into a voluntary social insurance agreement with the FSS) at the onset of 30 weeks of pregnancy are eligible to receive a lump-sum allowance for women registered in the early stages of pregnancy.

Maternity benefits and benefits from 30 weeks of pregnancy.

  1. At the onset of 30 weeks of pregnancy (28 with multiple pregnancies) in the antenatal clinic you will be given a certificate of incapacity for work, which will be required at your place of work to receive maternity benefits (maternity benefits) paid to an employee in 100% of the average earnings. The maternity allowance is assigned within ten days after the submission of all the necessary documents. Calculator for maternity payments.
  2. The amount of a one-time allowance for women registered in the early stages of pregnancy is from February 2019 649.84 RUB(in January 2019 - 628.47 rubles). You will need a certificate from a medical institution about registration up to 12 weeks. Documents must be submitted at the place of receipt of the pregnancy benefit.
  3. Together with the certificate of incapacity for work in the residential complex, you will be given a generic certificate. Coupon No. 1 of the birth certificate will remain in the antenatal clinic, coupon No. 2 you will need in the maternity hospital, and coupon No. 3 in the children's clinic.
  4. Perhaps, in your constituent entity of the Russian Federation, additional regional benefits are paid at the birth of a child. Muscovites are paid 600 RUB for registration up to 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Payments and benefits after the birth of a child

  1. Lump sum for the birth of a child. The amount of the benefit remains in 2019 at 16 870 rub.
  2. The monthly parental allowance for a child up to 1.5 years old is paid in the amount of 40% of the average income for the previous two years before pregnancy to a person who is actually on parental leave and caring for him (may be mom, dad, grandmother and other relatives relatives). Minimum monthly care allowance from January 2019 - 4 512 RUB for the first child and RUB 6,284.65 on the second, maximum - 26,152.39 p. MONTHLY... Calculator of the amount of monthly care allowance.
  3. At the birth of the second and subsequent child, mothers must be issued a certificate for maternity capital with a nominal value 453,026 p. (in 2019 the amount of maternity capital remains unchanged)... It can only be spent for specific purposes. In a number of entities, regional maternity capital is additionally issued.
  4. Families with three or more minor children are provided benefits and benefits as large families. And also, for the third and subsequent children born not earlier than January 1, 2013, an additional monthly allowance is paid up to 3 years.
  5. Regional payments for the birth of a child. For Muscovites, these are: 1) Lump-sum payment at birth the first child - 5500, for the second and subsequent - 14500 rubles. 2) Additional allowance for young families (Luzhkov payments). Paid to parents under the age of 30: for the first baby - 5 living wages, for the second - 7RM, for the third and subsequent ones - 10RM. Since the 3rd quarter of 2018, the Moscow subsistence minimum per capita is 16,260 rubles, for the working-age population - 18,580 rubles. 3) Happy birthday three or more children at the same time 50 thousand rubles. regardless of other benefits for the birth of children.
  6. One-time and monthly

    The maximum amount of monthly childcare allowance from January 1, 2019 increased in Russia to 26.1 thousand rubles. (from the previous 24.5 thousand rubles). The size of the pregnancy and childbirth allowance for 140 days of the decree will be 301 thousand 95 rubles in 2019.

    As you can see, the list of payments, benefits and benefits at the birth of a child is substantial and not final. We are constantly striving to replenish it, subscribe to the news of the site in a way convenient for you!

The demographic situation in Russia remains alarming. The natural decline of its indigenous population continues. The generation born in the early 1990s is the smallest in the last hundred years in our country. The migration outflow of Russians is not decreasing either. The size of the population of working age and childbearing (reproductive) age is declining.

Dry statistical data change the situation for the better, mainly due to the influx of citizens from neighboring countries.

In a difficult demographic situation, measures taken in recent years in the country to support young families are giving the expected (positive) results: every year the number of large families is increasing, the maternity capital program has proved its effectiveness, the mortgage lending program (social mortgage, mortgage plus maternity capital and etc.).

Antenatal payments

Unfortunately, not all women know what interests us childbirth allowance- fortunately, this is not the first state payment that she can count on. The amount of prenatal benefits is small, but for many young families, this money will not be superfluous.

By registering for (the case) of pregnancy in an antenatal clinic for up to 12 weeks, a woman can receive a one-time benefit in the amount of 590.28 rubles (as of 2019).

Please note that this is a Federal payment. Regional authorities can increase this amount from their budgets. So, for example, residents of Moscow are paid 600 rubles for registration before (I recommend remembering) 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Maternity payments

At the 30th week of pregnancy (as well as at the 28th, if twins are expected), the expectant mother receives a special document in the antenatal clinic - a certificate of incapacity for work (sick leave). The prenatal period is 70 calendar days, and in the case of the so-called multiple pregnancy - already 84 calendar days. The postpartum period also lasts 70 calendar days. Exceptions are cases of complicated childbirth (86 calendar days) and the simultaneous birth of two or (this is true, quite rarely) more children (growth up to 110 k. Days).

The maternity allowance (this is worth paying special attention to) and childbirth, paid by the employer, is calculated based on 100% of the woman's average earnings. Moreover, the average earnings are calculated for 2 so-called calendar years that preceded the year of maternity leave.

The lump-sum allowance for the already mentioned pregnancy and childbirth will be paid in financial terms in total for the entire period of maternity leave. The upper bar (maximum size) of maternity payments is indexed annually, and in 2019, with, if I may say so, a normal pregnancy and a proper vacation of 140 days, it is set at 228,603 rubles.

Simultaneously with the certificate of incapacity for work, the pregnant woman receives, which consists of three coupons. The first coupon should be left at the antenatal clinic, while the second coupon will be required at the maternity hospital, and the third at the children's clinic.

Pay attention to the fact, quite important, that a lump sum paid when the expectant mother is registered in the early stages of pregnancy (you need to know them), as well as maternity payments are not allowed for women who are not officially employed and have not entered into a voluntary insurance contract with the Social Insurance Fund (FSS). Women - individual entrepreneurs must also have an agreement with the FSS.

One-off childbirth allowance in 2019

After the birth of the baby, one of the parents has the right to receive the one-time benefit of interest to us at the expense of the financial means of the FSS of Russia (RF). This allowance is due for each child born (that is, it does not matter: the first, second or third, etc.) in an equal amount. It is indexed annually:

  • in 2011 it was only 11 703.13 rubles;
  • in 2012, there was an increase to 12,405.32 rubles;
  • in 2013 already - 13,087.61 rubles;
  • in 2014 it was 13,741.99 rubles;
  • in 2015 - 14,497.8 rubles;
  • in 2016 - 14 497.8 rubles.
  • in 2017, the amount remained the same.
  • in 2018 - 14,830.5 rubles.
  • in 2019 - 15,113.2 rubles.

The allowance does not depend on the woman's labor status and her income level.

Registration of the manual

After the birth of a child for receiving a lump sum it is necessary to submit a package of documents either at the place of work (official) of one of the parents, or to the FSS department (in some regions - to the department of social protection of the population).

You must apply for this benefit within 6 months (this is important to remember) from the date of the child's birth.

The list of documents presented at the place of work (or, for example, service) of the parent:

  1. What is most important is the application for the appointment of benefits.
  2. Particularly important is a copy of the child's birth certificate (main document).
  3. Which is quite logical, a certificate from the place of work (or, for example, service) of the second parent about the non-appointment of the benefit in question (provided that the second parent also works).
  4. And of course, a certificate stating that the 2nd parent has not previously received the allowance we are interested in (provided that this 2nd parent is not employed with the necessary official documents). Issued by the department of social protection of the population or the department of the Social Security Fund.

List of documents to be submitted to the FSS department:

  1. Passport and a copy of the passport of the parent who is applying.
  2. Actually, a statement asking for a benefit.
  3. Certificate issued by the registry office and certifying the birth of a child.
  4. Also, a certificate stating, again, that the 2nd parent did not receive this benefit (provided that the 2nd parent, as we said above, does not have formal employment). Issued by the department of social protection of the population or the department of the Social Security Fund.
  5. If both parents do not officially work, then their work books with corresponding dismissal records will be required.
  6. If the child's parents have never worked, then they need to present certificates or diplomas of education.
  7. Single mothers present a certificate from the registry office containing information about the child's father.
  8. Extract from the decision to establish (this is a standard document) custody of the child (this is necessary for citizens replacing parents).
  9. The original and a copy of the identity document, with a note (this is the exact name of the document) on the issuance of a residence permit or refugee certificate (but this is only for foreign citizens, as well as stateless persons permanently residing in the territory RF (Russia), and besides that for refugees).
  10. A temporary residence permit and its copy (this is necessary for foreign citizens, as well as stateless persons temporarily residing in the territory of Russia (RF) and not subject to compulsory social insurance).

Payments of a one-time allowance for a birth and a child are made within, a little, a lot, 10 days from the date of submission of a full package of documents.

This allowance can also be received by adoptive parents, adoptive parents, guardians who accept a child who does not have parental care into their family.

When a dead child is born (which is very tragic), a lump sum is not awarded.

Additional (regional) one-time benefits and payments at the birth of a child

The amounts and conditions of additional regional payments for the birth of a child differ markedly from each other. On the territory of the Russian Federation, there are subjects (regions) where such a practice does not exist at all.

Additional benefits for families with a newborn baby are called "regional capital". It is due to residents of certain subjects of the Russian Federation.

The Moscow government, for example, makes the following compensation payments (regardless of the level of family income) in the past 2015:

  • 5,500 rubles for the birth of even the first child in the family;
  • 14,500 rubles upon the appearance of the second and subsequent children;
  • 50,000 rubles in connection with the birth of three or more children at the same time.

In addition, one-time state. childbirth allowances are due to all young families in Moscow, in the case when both parents have not reached the age of 30 at the date of the baby's birth. The amount of this additional, but still a lump sum:

  1. In case of the birth of the first child - 5 times the living wage;
  2. In the case of the birth of a second child, this is already a sevenfold indicator;
  3. In the case of the birth of a third, and possibly subsequent children, the indicator will increase tenfold.

Women, whose place of residence (or permanent residence) is St. Petersburg, are provided in addition (to federal payments) with one-time compensation payments for the purchase of goods for children’s range, and in addition, also for baby food (for newborns). The aid is of a targeted nature and, accordingly, is transferred to a specially provided, magnetic plastic card "Children's", its value does not depend on the level of family income.

In the past 2018, subsidies are paid in the following amounts:

  • at the birth of the first child - 21,503 rubles;
  • the second - 28 671 rubles;
  • for the third and subsequent children - 35,838 rubles.

With the simultaneous birth of two or more children, a lump sum (which is also logical and understandable) is assigned and paid for each child born.

  1. In the Voronezh Region, one-time regional family support for the birth of a child is 20,000 rubles, regardless of which child was born.
  2. In the Nizhny Novgorod region, a one-time payment from the regional budget for the birth of a second, as well as subsequent children in the family, is 25,000 rubles.
  3. In the Orenburg and Pskov regions, 100,000 rubles are paid for the birth (adoption) of a third and subsequent child.

Regardless of other payments at the birth of a baby, a lump sum (8,822 rubles 40 kopecks) is due to the wives of military personnel who are currently undergoing the well-known conscript service. In addition, such mothers are paid a monthly allowance on the occasion of the birth of a child in the amount of 20,725 rubles 60 kopecks. To calculate benefits, women-mothers must contact the appropriate department of social protection of the population, located at the place of residence.

Social payments and benefits accrued in connection with a joyful event - the birth of a child, personal income tax. persons (that is, personal income tax) are not taxed.

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In 2019, young families with children will receive support at both the federal and regional levels. Lump-sum benefits for the birth of children will be indexed, that is, their size will increase.

You learned about becoming a mother. Rejoice from the bottom of your heart, because perhaps there is nothing more beautiful than this news in the world. But at the same time, try not to forget about many important issues, including financial ones, that are associated with the onset of this period. Finding yourself in an “interesting position” in 2018, you are eligible for multiple benefits. Further, each of them will be described in sufficient detail to remove most of the questions that inevitably arise in many ladies.

Allowance for registered early pregnancy

It is worthwhile, without delay, to contact a medical institution - a consultation or a medical center licensed and licensed to conduct pregnancy, in order to register, which will give you the right to receive the very first of the benefits.

You can get help from the state at the very early stage of pregnancy. By registering with an antenatal clinic during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, you are eligible for lump sum... Its size in 2018 is 628 rubles. 47 kopecks

More information about this type of payment can be found on the Early Benefits page.

In order to receive benefits, the following conditions must be met:

Those who work, study full-time on a free or paid basis, or are in military service, the allowance is paid at the place of work, service and training.

Those who were forced to resign due to:

  • The onset of an illness that makes it difficult to work or makes it impossible to stay in a certain area (due to unsuitable climatic and other conditions, about which there is a document drawn up in full form in a medical institution);
  • The illness of a family member for whom care is required, or the presence of a disability of the 1st group (in both cases, a document issued by a medical institution is needed);
  • The need to move out of their settlement to the place of residence or new work of the spouse.

Payment of benefits is made at the last place of work if the onset of maternity leave refers to a period within a month after the dismissal.

Those who are fired for the following reasons:

  • The company or enterprise where the woman worked was liquidated;
  • Suspension of work as an individual entrepreneur;
  • Suspension of the work of lawyers, private notaries and those who, by occupation, are obliged to go through the state registration procedure.

Payment of benefits is carried out by regional employment services at the place of residence if the woman received official status of unemployed no later than one year after the above circumstances occurred.

Documents for registration of the manual

It is necessary to collect the following documents for receiving benefits for those registered in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy:

  • Passport or other proof of identity;
  • A certificate from the medical institution in which the woman was registered in the first 12 weeks;
  • Statement on the need to assign benefits in the prescribed form;
  • Certificate from the employment service of the population about obtaining the status of unemployed;
  • A certified extract from the work record book;
  • A certificate from the district office of social protection at the place of residence of the pregnant woman with information that they did not pay the benefits.


  • For payments made through the FSS, copies are required along with the originals. All necessary documents can be sent to the district office of the FSS by mail.
  • To receive benefits at the place of work, a certificate from a medical institution about registration, as well as an application, is required.
  • Upon departure to the place of work or residence of the spouse, it is required to provide a certificate from his work and a marriage certificate.
  • When leaving the place of residence for medical reasons, you must provide a certificate from a medical institution.
  • When caring for a sick relative or a disabled person of the 1st group, you must provide a medical certificate of the patient's condition and documents proving your relationship.

The procedure for applying for a lump sum, or where to bring documents?

Submission of documents for receiving benefits is provided after the 12th week from the date of pregnancy. Having prepared everything you need, you must bring a package of documents to work, at the place of study or to the territorial department of the FSS.

You won't have to wait long for a decision. Payment is due within 10 days from the date of submission of the necessary documents.

Accrual and payment of maternity

The procedure for calculating benefits before January 1, 2013 was different. The calculation before this period was made depending on the average salary that a woman received for one year. Now the estimated period is 2 years prior to pregnancy. And now let's take a step-by-step look at how maternity payments are calculated using the example of 2017. More information about the calculation and amount of payments on the page Maternity size.

An example of calculating maternity leave

Employee of LLC "Gastronom" Petrova P.P. brought a "sick leave" to the accounting department, confirming maternity leave. The sick leave period is 140 calendar days (from January 9 to May 25, 2017 inclusive). Insurance experience of the employee P.P. Petrova more than six months. Previously, Petrova was not on "children's" holidays.

  • The settlement period will be the time from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016 (731 calendar days)
  • During this period, Petrova P.P. accrued salary in the amount RUB 710,000, including: for 2015 - 380,000 rubles; for 2016 - 330,000 rubles.

Petrova P.P.'s earnings for 2015 and 2016 did not exceed the limit values ​​( RUB 670,000 and 718,000 rubles... respectively). Therefore, when calculating the allowance, all these payments will be taken into account in full.

In 2016, from November 15 to December 5 (21 calendar days) Petrova P.P. received benefits for temporary disability. This means that the duration of the calculation period will be (731 - 21) = 710 calendar days.

Average daily earnings are:

RUB 710,000 / 710 days. = 1000 rubles / day

What documents are required to receive maternity benefits?

  • Sick leave issued by the medical institution in which the woman registered, it is provided at the onset of the 30th week of pregnancy (28th - with multiple pregnancies);
  • If there were several places of work for the last period, the payment of maternity is carried out to the place of the last of them, a certificate is required that the payment was not made in another place;
  • Upon dismissal as a result of the liquidation of the company, maternity payments are made by the social security department, subject to registration with the employment service and the availability of a certificate of this (in this case, the allowance will be 628.47 rubles per month);
  • If it is impossible for the employer to pay the allowance, it is paid by the insurance company, the name of which you can see on the compulsory medical insurance policy.

Calculation of maternity benefits for individual entrepreneurs

Benefits for individual entrepreneurs are accrued in the event of payment of insurance premiums for the last year before the onset of maternity leave (BIR). The amount of the allowance is tied to the size of the minimum wage.

To pay maternity individual entrepreneurs, you must provide:

  • Application of an individual entrepreneur to the FSS of the Russian Federation with a request to assign an allowance for BiR;
  • Sick leave.

If the individual entrepreneur is employed simultaneously under an employment contract, while contributions to the FSS were paid for two years, the pregnancy benefit will be received both at the FSS department and from the employer who entered into this contract.

What benefits can the unemployed expect?

Maternity payments are not made to the unemployed, except in cases where the dismissal is the result of the liquidation of a company (enterprise), or if a woman is studying at the full-time department of an educational institution of higher, middle and primary level (the benefit in this case will be equal to the scholarship and will be paid by the educational institution itself) ...

Non-working people do not receive payments due to registration at an early stage of pregnancy. Although different regions may have their own payments. For example, in Moscow, upon registration (for a period of up to 20 weeks), a woman registered in Moscow receives a lump sum payment, which is also valid for those who do not work.

Benefits after childbirth

What happiness. Everything has happened, and you are a happy mother. Again, a huge cause for joy. And during this period, you can also expect to receive various benefits.

One-time childbirth benefit from February 1, 2018 - 16,759.09 rubles. When several children are born, the allowance is received for each individual. Unfortunately, the birth of a still child is possible, in which case payments are not made. This allowance can be received not only by the mother, but also by the father or any person replacing the parents.

If you are eligible for benefits, you must collect the following documents:

  • A certificate from the place of work stating that the lump-sum allowance was not paid to the other parent, as well as a certificate from the employment center on the status of unemployed from an unemployed parent;
  • Certificate from the registry office;
  • Child's birth certificate.

If both parents are unemployed, the payment of a lump sum at the birth of a child is carried out in the district department of social protection after the presentation of documents:

  • Certificates from the registry office;
  • Birth certificate of a child;
  • Labor books, in which there are records of dismissal, for those who have not worked before, presentation of a diploma or certificate.

Monthly childcare benefits for a child up to 1.5 years old

The amount of payments of the monthly allowance for the care of a child up to 1.5 years is 40% of the average salary for the two previous years. The person who is directly caring for the child, and this can be any family member, is eligible for the benefit.

The minimum monthly payment for caring for the first child from 02/01/2018 is 3142.33 rubles. - unemployed and 3788.33 rubles. - working people, for the second and subsequent child - 6284.65 rubles. The maximum allowance for a child under 1.5 years of age in 2018 is 24,536.55 rubles.

Documents required to receive benefits

  • Application for the provision of benefits;
  • A copy of the child's birth certificate (if there is another child, a copy of his birth certificate is also required);
  • Certificate from the place of work about the non-use of the second parent of maternity leave and non-receipt of the monthly childcare allowance;
  • A copy of the sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth.

These documents are provided to the employer.

When receiving benefits through social security authorities, you must provide the following package of documents:

  • Application for the appointment of benefits;
  • Birth certificate of the child, if there are other children - birth certificates and theirs too;
  • Certificate from the employment center about non-receipt of unemployment benefits by an unemployed parent;
  • Certificate from the place of work of the second working parent stating that he did not receive benefits;
  • Labor book, which contains a record of dismissal;
  • A copy of the order on granting parental leave for a child under 1.5 years old (for those dismissed during the vacation period from liquidated enterprises).

Just as in the case of maternity benefits, the regions may have their own payments in addition to the amount determined by federal law.

An example of calculating parental leave for a child under 3 years old

Since May 25, 2017 Petrova P.P. takes parental leave to care for a child under 3 years old, for the period of which a monthly allowance will be paid until the age of 1.5 years.

The billing period will be the same as in the example above - from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016, 710 calendar days(the period of temporary disability at the end of 2016 is not taken into account).

Earnings for 2 calendar years - RUB 710,000

Thus, the monthly allowance for caring for a child under 1.5 years old will be:

RUB 710,000 / 710 days x 30.4 days x 40% = 12 160 rubles.

In 2018, a one-time maternity allowance (BIR) is provided for the period of childbirth for women, subject to compulsory social insurance(at the place of work or service) and is not paid (except for those officially recognized as unemployed within a year after dismissal during the liquidation of the organization).

The allowance is paid in the same way as in previous years: for the entire period of maternity leave(usually 140 days) as compensation (insurance coverage) for the fact that some time in prenatal and postnatal period(in the simplest case, respectively, 70 days before and 70 days after childbirth) a woman will not be able to work and receive a salary.

Who pays - the employer or the Social Insurance Fund?

Initially, the personnel department at the place of work must be provided with and (usually combined with an application for the provision of maternity leave). Then, on the fact of payments between the employer and the FSS, a netting takes place - as a rule, against the insurance premiums payable. That is, in fact, it turns out that the money is ultimately paid from the FSS funds.

Only after the court decision comes into force, the mother of the child will be able to receive money (FSS). It is easier to issue a payment without litigation through the FSS in the regions in which it operates.

If a woman works for two or more employers(insurers) have worked for them at the same time and for the last two years, she can issue full payments each of them separately. If during the last two years the expectant mother has worked in other places, the allowance is issued for one of the current jobs (at the applicant's choice).

Pilot project "Direct payments" with registration in the FSS

Some workers have conflict situations with the employer, especially during the economic crisis, when, according to the law, he must pay benefits, but does not.

  • In accordance with the terms of the project, usually the documents (sick leave and salary data) are submitted to the FSS by the employer himself.
  • In some cases, a woman will be able to do this herself - then you need to apply to the FSS at the place of registration of the employing company.

This opportunity simplifies the life of a woman, the company's accounting department and the FSS employees themselves. Accountants do not need to calculate the amounts of netting with the FSS. And a woman who has gone on maternity leave, regardless of how her employer's financial affairs are, will receive payment:

  • in a timely manner;
  • correctly calculated;
  • in the right amount.

How to get maternity benefits

The benefit is paid for the number of days that the woman will actually be on maternity leave... The right to go on maternity leave and at the same time to receive benefits:

  • 30 weeks (7 months) for a normal pregnancy;
  • 28 weeks - with multiple fetuses;
  • 27 weeks - for women living or working in an area contaminated after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or PA Mayak;
  • on the offensive premature birth- between 22 and 30 obstetric weeks.

The important point is that a woman should apply for the maximum within six months after the end of the vacation in BiR... It happens that, for some reason beyond the control of the employee, it is not possible to apply within such a period. Then, if there is a valid reason, you can apply for benefits later and.

Good reasons are:

  • insurmountable obstacle (natural disaster, fire);
  • long-term illness for more than 6 months;
  • moving to another locality;
  • illegal dismissal and related forced absenteeism;
  • death of a loved one.

If the deadline is missed for another reason, you can go to court with a request to recognize her as respectful.

Procedure for appointment and payment

First, a pregnant worker should contact an antenatal clinic, where she will be given sick leave with indication. This certificate of incapacity for work is presented to the accounting department of the enterprise or directly to the FSS.

The claim for the benefit is usually made on the same day... This can happen:

  • On the day indicated in the sick leave- this is done most often. Then the benefit will be assigned (in general) from the 30th week.
  • Any other day after the start of the maternity period stipulated in the sick leave - it makes sense if a woman feels good and wants to continue working. Then the vacation days during which the woman worked simply disappear, and the benefit is assigned from the day indicated in her application.
  • Any day after giving birth, observing the deadline stipulated by law - the money will be credited from the date of actual maternity leave (except in cases of premature birth, when the benefit is assigned for the full period).

In general, the benefit is calculated for the standard period of sick leave. If, for example, complications related to childbirth have occurred, then the employee is issued, on the basis of which the payment is recalculated. The additional amount is transferred to her account.

Terms of payment and transfer of money

The law provides that when applying for benefits to the employer maternity allowance:

  • appointed before 10 calendar days after submitting and registering an application;
  • is transferred on the day next to the appointment on which it is usually carried out payment of wages(the benefit itself is transferred to the salary card).

When registering a benefit through the FSS sometimes you have to wait a little longer:

  • the application is also considered during 10 days;
  • in case of a positive decision, the money can be paid by the 26th of the next month for the month of appeal (then the payment is transferred to the woman's bank account or credited by postal order).

How to calculate your maternity allowance

  • at work at two employers for at least two years, you can apply for the calculation of maternity leave to each of them;
  • if, before going on maternity leave, for some time from the previous two years, a woman was in or, she may replace settlement years.

When adopting a baby the payment is calculated from the date of adoption until the end of:

  • 70 days from the date of birth of one child;
  • 110 days from the date of birth of the adopted twins.

Will fall within certain strict monetary limits. For working women, with a maternity leave of 140 days, it cannot be:

  • less than the minimum amount (from 01.07.2016 - RUB 34,521.20);
  • more than the maximum (from 01.01.2016 - RUB 256,027.40).

What documents are needed to receive benefits

The basis for calculating benefits is. With him, a woman should contact the accounting department of the company where she works.

Usually, in the organization's business, the registration of the allowance is combined with the registration of maternity leave. Woman writes one statement to go on maternity leave and to receive maternity leave. Taking leave is a prerequisite in order to apply for a benefit.

Obligatory documents for assigning payments from the employer are an application and sick leave. You may also need other documents:

You need to apply to the FSS with a passport or other identity card. When submitting documents for payments, the following should be taken into account. The woman should change documents in a timely manner in case of a change of surname upon marriage, otherwise her application will be returned to the FSS.

Application for maternity allowance in 2016 (sample)

The application for granting benefits must state the following mandatory information:

  • the name of the organization to which it is submitted (name of the employer, branch of the FSS);
  • Full name of the applicant without abbreviations in accordance with the passport;
  • information about the identity card (passport);
  • information about the place of registration and separately - about the place of actual residence;
  • a request to provide (the dates from the sick leave are indicated) and accrue benefits;
  • method of receipt (by mail, bank transfer);
  • grounds for appeal (in this case - maternity leave);
  • applicant's signature, date.

Sample application

The application can be submitted in person, through a legal representative by a notarial power of attorney, or sent by mail. In it, a woman declares her desire to go on maternity leave and apply for a BBR benefit.

When using the scheme (pilot project), the employer is excluded from the scheme for calculating and transferring benefits. However, he still must accept the application and the sick leave from the employee, submit to the FSS a certificate of the woman's salary for the previous two calendar years.

Certificate 182n about the amount of earnings for calculating benefits

The main purpose of the 182n earnings certificate is to become the basis for. If a woman draws up a payment at her enterprise, then no help needed... It is provided by:

  • transferred from an additional place of work of a woman, if she draws up a BIR allowance from the main employer.

Help form and the procedure for its issuance were approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 182n dated April 30, 2013. From the order number, the conditional name of the document comes from. In addition to other data (details of the employing organization, full name of the pregnant woman, etc.), the certificate contains:

  • The amount of salaries, other benefits and payments for which insurance premiums were charged for the two calendar years preceding the year of maternity leave.
  • The number of days during these periods during which the woman was temporarily disabled, was on maternity leave, childcare.

If necessary, a certificate is issued by the employer on the last working day of the employee. If the organization in which the woman worked has ceased to exist, or the certificate cannot be obtained for other reasons, the salary data are requested independently by the employees of the FSS in the Pension Fund.

Order on the appointment of maternity benefits (sample)

There is no approved order form. The document is published in any form... The organization order usually combines the same information as in the woman's statement:

  • the head of the organization orders to send the woman on leave for the BIR and assign her an allowance;
  • the document is drawn up on the basis of an application and sick leave.

Example order

In the accounting department, organizations know how such orders are made, and there are usually no problems with paperwork. A copy of the order is given to the woman in her arms by subscription about acquaintance on the main copy.

Other social benefits for maternity

In some regions there are analogues of maternity benefits, which are paid through social protection from the regional budget on different terms. For example:

  • The local BIR benefit is paid only to the unemployed, university graduates, and people with disabilities of I and II groups. The payment amount is small - about 326 rubles. for each full month of pregnancy from 12 weeks.
  • An additional monthly allowance of 500 rubles. can apply for a pregnant woman from a family with a low per capita income.
  • In many, a local supplement is due to pregnant women with the wording "for food". So, in 2016, for each month of pregnancy, starting from the 4th, until the very birth, they will be given 300 rubles, in - 580 rubles, in - 566 rubles.

Also, each individual employer on their own initiative can establish a supplement for a woman on maternity leave, but this amount will already have to be taxed with personal income tax. Exception - if the additional payment for the birth of a child is issued as material aid and represents an amount up to 50,000 rubles.


The maternity allowance is due to working, civil servants, women studying full-time - that is, those from whose income insurance premiums are deducted... The payment is made out together with the place of work, service or study. Those dismissed due to the liquidation of the enterprise should apply for social security benefits.

In some regions, there is a BBR manual, which is very convenient to use.

  • She has practical benefits for all parties: women, employer and FSS.
  • Only drawback of the project - poor awareness of the population that the payment can be obtained in this way.

The payment is charged for the entire period. Under normal conditions, this is 140 days (70 days before and after childbirth). The payment is due to a woman regardless of the length of service (service), but its amount depends on the time of work in the company. For those who work less than six months, it will be calculated by the size of the minimum wage(will amount to 34,521.20 rubles for 140 maternity days). In general, the payout will be 100% of average monthly earnings.