Energy connection between people: how to break a strong addiction. Energy connection with a person. Breaking Energy Ties

Cleansing from energy ties with former sexual partners! It's time to talk about why past love affairs can affect our current life and slow down the realization of our intentions.

Let's try to figure out why after a breakup there is such unbearable pain that does not go away even after contacting various specialists, including psychotherapists and bioenergetics, why even short relationships can bind us with chains of painful attachment.

If we rely on the entire baggage of knowledge accumulated by civilization about human consciousness, only the most typical reasons will be found at least a dozen. However, I would like to highlight three reasons that are of an exceptional energy and informational nature, without resorting to the arguments of specialists in traditional Western psychology and psychotherapy.

The first reason is information traces of old connections. No matter how much we are encouraged by experts in various fields that it is possible to erase and destroy energy attachments with people who annoy us with their contact with our destiny, promises to "neutralize" old contacts and cut off the threads connecting us, for example, with former lovers, with a deep analysis does not stand up to scrutiny. The sad news for those who want to destroy dead connections and forever erase negative experiences from their memory is this: information is not destroyed, the energy connection does not disappear. As long as our memory is alive, as long as at least a faint trace of past relationships remains in the most hidden depths of this memory, even in the form of men's names and blurry portraits, any reproduction of a minimal fragment of a person causes an instant connection with him: where our consciousness is, there is our energy. When women are asked to reveal to them the secret of a complete energy break with the one they loved, only one remedy comes to mind - complete amnesia. But even it does not guarantee energy isolation until the same diagnosis is made to the former partner. Men are, surprisingly, also people, their energy also resides where consciousness is. If the "former" accidentally remembers his "little girl", his energy touches the information structure that once connected them - a man and a woman.

There are various versions of how long the residual energy bonds are. I have encountered two of the most common ones: the connection lasts for seven years, and the connection lasts for as many years as the relationship has lasted. It turns out that if the spouses have been married for a couple of decades, and then one of them dies, the surviving partner has no chance to build a new relationship. After all, first, if you believe in the second version, you need to energetically part with one partner, and only then start a new romance. It turns out that 20 years need to be spent processing information about marriage. And by the time the disposal of information waste is completed, the desire to enter into a new love relationship may already dry up.

My friend told me a curious episode from her life. Her grandmother, being on the edge of life, fell into that fragile state of consciousness, in which the awareness of her true age and the realities of the present day alternated with the loss of a sense of time. And one day the grandmother saw in her own son a young man whom she had been in love with as a young girl. This image never surfaced in her memories and was probably not particularly significant. But in the back of my memory this episode was preserved, and the subtle connection flashed briefly and suddenly. The speed of thought is faster than the speed of light. And neither distance nor years is an obstacle for human thought, which becomes a vehicle for energy. Shards of memories fly like meteorites through the night sky and disappear into the cosmos of our mind.

The second reason is energy-informational resonance with a minus sign. Since the breakup of a relationship, like any breakup, is pain, and the threshold of pain sensitivity is different for everyone, the reaction to pain has different manifestations: from deaf defense with silence to heartbreaking tantrums. It becomes much easier for brawlers after quarrels and a splash of negative energy, but with their "seismic" activity they shake up the partner's emotional system and disable his energy balance. A partner who is emotionally included in the dialogue enters into resonance with the brawler. Such a negative resonance can cause illness and prolonged depression. Love has passed, but, as they say, the sediment remains, and a trail of unpleasant memories trails behind history for many years.

Experts who believe that the energy connection between a man and a woman lasts for seven years are not far from the truth. Only, perhaps, they are not familiar with one important property of energy - cyclicity. Seven years is the feminine energy transformation cycle. Every seven years, the body, energy and spirit of a woman perform a certain evolutionary task. Every seven years a woman moves from one level to another. It is assumed that seven years of a woman's life is a sufficient period for the processing of certain information. But in order for the processing to be successful and culminate in the transition to a new stage, the degree of awareness must increase. If there are no movements in the consciousness, energy and information become like stagnant water: it turns into a viscous swamp. The property of a woman is to be like the earth, that is, to receive and process information. If within seven years there is no processing and transformation of one energy-information into another, the energy component of the personality reacts first, and then the energy affects a lower level - the bodily one. Thus, seven years is not a period of maintaining an energy connection, but a period of information processing, especially if a negative resonance has occurred.

Master Ji often repeats such a wonderful thought: "We must process the negative energy-information and transform it into positive. And we must do even better the positive energy-information."

Resonance at high frequencies elevates, at low frequencies it destroys our personality. The principle of processing is to remember which energy-information element invaded relationships regularly, destroying the resonance, and then to understand what best qualities were realized due to the connection and what beautiful human and feminine qualities we lack after a break in relations.

The third reason is the lack of information. From the point of view of followers of Taoist philosophy, the path to healing begins with awareness of the problem. Unfortunately, most often we do not have enough information to understand the problem. And in the era of the information explosion, when almost any information is available to everyone, it is high-quality information that could be the first contribution to healing that is just not enough. To solve the problem associated with parting or loss, there is not enough information about the laws of energy interaction between people in general and between a man and a woman in particular. Exhausted by pain and despair, women are looking on the Internet for saving recipes - how to forget a loved one and break painful invisible ties. But it is impossible to forget or break. All described gap techniques are programs that allow you to relieve acute pain, but do not get rid of the disease itself. The healing information that could be salutary in such a situation is a detailed and deep presentation of the principles of interaction between a person with another person and a person with the whole Universe.

They say that everything ingenious is simple. Energy-informational therapy, for all its complexity and duration of the process, has a simple principle: "Knowledge is part of healing".

Everything suggests that there will be no more relations between you. But... some part of you or your former love still continues to hope - he / she will change his mind and return, take steps to restore relations, apologize for everything that hurt you and ... everything will get even better, than when the relationship started.

Or ... resentment and anger are firmly in you, the desire to take revenge and make him / she really regret your breakup. Your thoughts periodically return to what you said or to versions of what you could have done/said in that situation. Know that if you carry negative feelings with you - you have not broken up! Especially if you continue to have dreams, fists clench and tears well up ...

In any case, you do not have peace, striving for the future, since feelings hold you in the past. And this connection makes you stagnate, narrows the perception of future possibilities and does not allow you to fully surrender to joy in the here and now. These invisible bonds gradually begin to seem stronger than chains. You yourself fill them with energy and ... the thought gradually creeps in that this relationship was "the real one!"

All this is absolutely not worth carrying in yourself for a long time - in addition to the blocked future and energy costs, you risk getting health complications at the psychosomatic level in a completely unpredictable form. Moreover, there are at least three levels of effective solution to this problem. Therefore, if you have already gone through all the stages of denying the inevitable and have tried it, proceed to the next 3 steps.

1 - return of energy spent in relationships

Specialists who see the energy bodies of people know that even a frivolous relationship - a casual one-time intimacy - leaves an energy channel going from a woman's body to a man's body. Yes, if no efforts are made over the years, this channel will become narrower, but ... the movement of energy will continue.

It would seem that the situation is bad only for a woman who constantly nourishes her former sexual partners - the loss of freshness and beauty forces her to use cosmetics and surgery more often over the years. But for a man, a constant stream of energy from a woman who hates him quietly and from afar is far from a gift. And it can affect not only men's health, but also careers and future children.

Of course, specialists with psychic abilities can help you with this, but I suggest that you first do a simple practice on your own that will close all the leaks of your energy bodies.

1 - retire, put a chair in front of you and sit opposite - relax.

2 - imagine as vividly as possible your former love, sitting in front of you on a chair

3 - speak out, watching the reaction of your imaginary interlocutor - do not lose sight of him, sitting opposite. Express everything that you did not have time or could not say in person: what did you expect from him, how did he offend you, what do you feel for him now ... What did you lack in your relationship with that person?

Attention? Respect? Care? Love? Apologies? Joy?

4 - see that everything that you gave him in emotions, expectations and feelings hangs on your interlocutor, like jewelry / clothing accessories - take them away from him. And take off everything that you feel energetically belongs to him - after all, he also gave you expectations, feelings, emotions. "I take everything that is mine, I give everything that belongs to someone else forever"

5 - now carefully study the space between you. If you see a thread, rope or chain stretching from you to the interlocutor, you need to cut it. You can do it just with a wave of your hand, you can imagine something sharp and heavy in your hand. Do until you see that the connection between you is interrupted. Return the chopped end to your energy - wherever you feel - in the stomach, in the chest, in the head. Do the same with the rest of the connection for your interlocutor

6 - thank your interlocutor for all the good things that happened between you - for the valuable experience for later life that he gave you.

7 - feel if you can relate to the object of your former passion or love, as to any person - evenly, calmly, without interest? See if the interlocutor is satisfied with the result of your work? Perhaps he has already got up and left ... Do you feel that you can also get up and go on joyfully and calmly through life?

2 - the return of particles of your soul.

If the previous exercise gave only a temporary result, and your thoughts still return to the past, then your situation is more complicated than emotional connections.

Very often people leave particles of their soul in someone or something. And this is not a poetic metaphor, or a magical Horcrux fantasy. This is a quite tangible energetically and emotionally process. After that, a person feels a loss, emptiness in himself. Thoughts begin to periodically return to the same person with whom relations can no longer be returned. Or to some situation where you were treated very cruelly. Or... when you So wanted to help someone who is suffering so much that they gave him a part of themselves.

Most often, such a loss of a part of oneself happens in sincere and strong love relationships, in moments of the most complete openness. At that moment it seems that it is forever ... that it is "the same one! the same one!" But after a while, it happens that the couple diverges just as violently as they met before. And... unspeakable pain remains on the heart.

There are many ways to regain peace of mind after such a break - ancient, folk, magical ... The most important thing in such a situation is not to leave everything as it is, although there is a category of people who make a fetish out of this and toil with it for many years. Most often, only because they find sympathy for their pain from friends and girlfriends. However, this emotional loss not only reduces the meeting of new true love, but also constantly sends energy recharge to your ex.

Peace of mind is not the only motivation to stop this self-torture. If you collect all the particles of the soul that you left in your past, you will feel like a whole and much younger divine being + you will have resources and ideas not only for meeting new love. This force can be directed to career, health and to the realization of all those desires, the fulfillment of which for some reason does not happen.

In order to independently regain even one particle of the soul, one must either have the necessary innate abilities, or undergo special training. Personally, I recommend using theta practice for this, because without much effort on your part and at any distance

returns all alien particles of the soul that lingered with you, their owners

returns all your soul particles that you once distributed to others.

At the same time, you only need to retire, completely relax your body and let go for a walk for 5-10 minutes all-all-all your thoughts. It depends on your sensitivity and calmness whether you can observe the changes taking place at the time of the session of the theta practitioner. Images and memories will appear on your mental screen by themselves - you can watch them without comment, like a movie. More important is how you feel the next morning. After all, your subconscious and energy needs sleep to completely reset the renewed state of the soul.

3 - complete the karmic tasks of past relationships

It is unlikely that by this moment there is still something left between you in this life. The only thing that can come in dreams and fantasies is ... some historical or even fantastic stories in which you participate with your former love. And the emotions you feel are not caused by behavior or events in this lifetime. They are like a memory of something forgotten...

In this case, you are dealing with a karmic task that you should have completed with your relationships, but, apparently, you could not. If you yourself know how to see past lives and work with karmic debts, then you can handle it on your own. If not, then in order to close this past life debt, you definitely need a specialist for a regression session or a seer of karma who can teach you a special meditation technique. This problem can also be solved with the help of theta-healing.

About that, and on all other topics, you can read in my articles and services. Always at your service, Oleg Gnosis.

In contact with

The energy connection with a man after parting does not disappear without a trace. The woman continues to feed with her energy those who were once close to her.

The energy connection between a man and a woman occurs during intimacy - intimate or spiritual. The fact is that in the process of communication there is a powerful energy surge that triggers an intense exchange of energies. This forms a strong mental connection that unites a woman with her lover. At the same time, this energy connection can become a black hole if your relationship has long outlived itself. Naturally, such a binding is eliminated only after six to eight years. Even if you had one date, even if the man is a thousand kilometers away from you, the energy connection continues to exist and deprives you of vitality.

Why is it necessary to break the energetic bindings

Let's get to the heart of the problem. Let's say you are happy, successfully married, gave birth to beautiful children, but the ghosts of the past constantly haunt you. The echo of old connections does not stop and continues to exist, depriving you of feminine energy. For several years, and we are not talking about two years, but about six or even nine, communication with former partners makes you defenseless. It is impossible to hide from this - even after a quarrel, a man continues to "eat" you.

In the modern world, few girls meet exclusively with a single partner throughout their lives, so traces of old relationships continue to exist, former lovers on a subtle level pull women to the bottom. In this regard, experts strongly recommend using the technique of getting rid of energy ties in order to forever leave the past in the past and no longer waste your energy.

Rules for breaking energy ties

Most women are interested in how to break off the energy connection with a man if they don’t have the strength to forget him on their own. Let's face it: if your feelings for him still make you feel pain, these techniques will not help to remove these feelings. However, they are able to give a feeling of relief and cut off the energy channel, so that you can again breathe freely and think about new relationships.

If feelings for a man have long cooled down, then it will be very easy to break the energy connection. What needs to be done:

  • Take a piece of paper and write down on it the names of all the former men with whom you have had intimacy over the past ten years. Even if it was a chance meeting that ended in intimacy, or a relationship that meant nothing to you. The list should include all the men who in one way or another caused you strong emotions or feelings.
  • The technique of getting rid of the energy binding must be carried out on the 19th lunar day, so coordinate the date with the lunar calendar in advance. On these lunar days, it is as easy as possible to get rid of everything unnecessary and devastating.
  • Before carrying out the technique, it is recommended to clean the apartment, if possible, carry out energy cleansing, take a shower, put on clean clothes. Purity should be not only in your soul, but also around.

How to break free from attachment and reclaim your feminine energy

After parting with a man, you need to get rid of the energy connection that binds you with strong invisible threads. The following technique will help with this.

  • Sit comfortably, relax all your muscles and close your eyes.
  • Imagine a clear space around you.
  • Remember all the men with whom you want to break the energy binding. Invite them one by one to this space that you have created in your imagination.
  • Pay attention to where each of them is located, what feelings this or that man evokes.
  • Find these sensations in your body. This is the place of the energy channel.
  • Look at the man who is in your space. You must notice the energy threads, see their color and direction. Figuratively speaking, you and him are connected by an energy rope, which now in your thoughts you will cut once and for all.
  • If it was a strong love, a sexual relationship, or a powerful energy addiction, then imagine that you are burning a severed rope with fire.
  • Observe your feelings. Thank this man for the valuable experience that he gave you, and say goodbye to him forever, let him out of your space.
  • Open your eyes and repeat the practice with every man who has played a role in your life. After that, burn the list of names, and scatter the ashes in the wind.

Do this technique as many times as needed until your condition improves dramatically. If thoughts about this man keep coming back to you, there may be a deeper reason that needs to be worked out with a specialist. Dear ladies, we wish you a great mood, love, happiness. take care of yourselfand don't forget to press the buttons and

Hello. I broke up with a girl for 4 months already, during this time I signed up for a gym, started working more. I try to always be busy with something so as not to return to thoughts about her. but here again I stumbled upon her in the src network, she is already with the other, everything is great and good with them. I'm downright pissed off about this. although I forgave her for all the bad things and the pain that she inflicts on me. I really want to start all over again, but I feel that I am attached to it, I can’t let go of how to get rid of this addiction, sports and work help, but not as much as I wanted. I really want to forget her and move on to live my life and not get angry and worry about her while asking myself why I am why with me. If there is a solution to this problem, can you advise something.


Evgenia Sergeeva

Administrator , Moscow

Subject, good morning. Write, please, how old are you and your girlfriend? Are you working, studying?
The psychologist will comment on your situation after a while, follow the topic.

I'm 27, she's 29, I work, so does she. My field of activity is mechanical engineering. ooh leader.


Tema, hello! We have already worked with you on one of your previous topics. You write that after breaking up with a girl, you made a lot of efforts to distract yourself from difficult experiences: the gym, work. Is there anything in your life that brings you pleasure right now? What is your social circle? During periods when a person is experiencing the trauma of loss, and you have just such a case, the support of loved ones is especially important to him. Who is in your support circle?

Sorry for the delay in answering. I began to establish communication with old friends, comrades. great joy gives sports, communication. Just the other day, my ex-girlfriend contacted me. asked to help her out, I refused, otherwise I would have done it to my own detriment. Here's how to just forget not to worry, not to think like her. when we broke up, she was sick, maybe an operation was needed. experienced horror, but everything worked out now is on the mend. Now I know she's fine. Therefore, I want to break the connection that somehow still holds me. I don't even want to think about it. there are new girls in my life, but somehow everything is not right. I still sit firmly on my memories of how good and easy it was with her then. Goloaoy then I understand that everything will be nothing. that it is necessary to move only in front without looking back. only mental trauma interferes. I did an introspection and found that it was the emotional background that hindered me. here's how to remove it to break this connection. drew attention to something else as soon as he forgave, let her go, she immediately made itself felt. Life has decided to teach me a lesson once again, but I don't want to do that anymore. maybe we'll see her tomorrow, I want it, but at the same time I'm angry with myself why I let her so close. I don't want to experience that discomfort again.


Tema, your feelings are very understandable: you, like a man, decided to deal with the problem, in one fell swoop to end a relationship that brings a lot of pain, and in which you do not see prospects. This is worthy of great respect. I would like you to understand: despite your decision (to cut off the tail immediately, and not cut it in pieces), the psyche of any person is a little more complicated. You can end the relationship right away. But usually no one succeeds in stopping their experiences. You can control your behavior (and you do it effectively), but no one knows how to control their emotions. The pain will still be with you for a while. You are great, you are doing everything very competently: both sports, and communication with old friends, and even relationships that you have with new girls - this is all that you do for yourself, for your future and present. I am sure that sooner or later your efforts will lead you to a new page, when new impressions will gradually replace the old ones. However, don't expect an instant switch from yourself. For a while, memories will come to you, longing and sadness about a lost relationship is completely natural for a period when a person is coping with a loss.

Perhaps it will make it easier for you to understand the mechanism of what happens when the connection with a partner is broken: during this relationship you had a certain project of the future with a girl in your head, unconsciously you built a picture of how your life would be arranged if you continued this relationship . At the moment of the breakup, you lost not only the relationship with this girl, but the whole project of your own future. And that makes your loss especially painful. Therefore, you need some time to rebuild. Your unconscious is doing a great job right now, in fact, it is canceling the program that was created during your relationship and replacing it with another program that has not yet been determined. The emotional background of people experiencing loss is always somewhat reduced, bright despair is replaced by depression, during this period the human brain tries to process the difficult experience in order to adapt to the new reality. As soon as this process is completed (usually about a year after the loss), you will begin to look at the past differently, you will still have memories, but they will not be so painful, you will have new impressions, interests that are no longer related to this a person, and they will occupy your thoughts and emotions much more than your past. This process is continuous, that is, every day your past will have less and less power over you, especially since you are actively engaged in this and bring the moment of liberation closer. And yet the changes, although they happen to you every day, are not abrupt. Gradually, it will become easier for you, try to set yourself up for smooth changes in your condition.

In order to make you calmer about this, you could start keeping a diary in which, on a daily basis (or several times a week), you could note how many times you remembered the girl and everything connected with her, what feelings were experienced. At the end of the week, and then the month, you can see the dynamics. Most likely, it will become clear to you that you are less and less returning thoughts to these relationships and more and more freed from this burden. How do you feel about my diary idea?

Do you need any help in anticipation of a possible meeting with a girl?

You are absolutely right about everything. The diary is cool, I'll start it today. I had, there is a main dream in life is a family a child. she skillfully took advantage of this and said that I returned to the one whom she loved and wanted to have children. this is my weakness, but I still refused her checkmate. help. now with less enthusiasm obschaetsya. to be honest, I could help her out, even if it would be hard for me. But thinking with my head, I still said no. if there is a meeting tomorrow, I want to be sure that I won’t impose myself on it. She often asks me if I'm alone. I answer evasively. I don't think I'm an open book with her. you are right, a year will pass and it will be better, even until recently I generally treated her calmly, but I wrote a lot of gifts to her on the page. I saw who gives went to his page, and there is an apartment in which I created a family of comfort. he's there all fine cool love. Evil has taken me, and everything is based on a new thought of experiencing. in general, I forbade myself to ever repeat these actions. now a little easier ufff straight uttered. Yes, I want to know your opinion on how I should behave when meeting with her. and another question when people communicate, ask questions to each other, then this is a diologist. I had exactly the opposite before she turned. that is, I tried to find communion with her. she completely ignored me. then I said to myself let it not take the initiative anymore. but she asked for help, I said I will answer later. and you know, until I told her about my decision, we had a very good conversation. when he said no then the communication became dry. I supported her in every way I asked God, life so that everything worked out for her. Yes, I still ask happiness for her. I loved, and maybe still love. and so I had doubts crept in at that moment when we talked nicely. and suddenly throw again. it's been twice. Doubt is the worst quality. I try to avoid it, it's better to try and fail weeks to doubt the act. that's why he refused. Now I see the situation on the other hand, I think it's just self-interest, nothing more. but I really wish it wasn't. part of me still hopes that maybe life will bring us together and there will be a family and children. These are the doubts I'm talking about. I'm ready to give her a second chance. but not for yourself. only here it is not I do not need this chance at all. how a person can forget to quit everything, renounce everything. I honestly envy her. It's probably a gift from life not to regret anything. People say about me that I am kind and sympathetic. Yes, I myself see all this, that I give people smiles and happiness. all these problems didn't break me, I didn't drink myself, I didn't quit myself, I started working on myself, and it's very difficult. By the way, since the beginning of this year, the following events have happened to me, my grandfather died Sueuid, there my relatives, as if for selection, refused everything. sold the car bought a good ring, I thought I would marry my lover. he was stolen. then the father died. and the worst thing is that we grow up on her initiative. Now I feel that my soul has grown, I have become stronger. I treat people like before. If asked, I will help if possible. I learned to appreciate everything that surrounds me, not to take it for granted. I appreciate life. It's probably stupid to say so, but there were thoughts about suicide. although I appreciate this weakness. maybe it's all just a springboard to something new good, kind and bright. At least I believe that everything is fine with me now and in the future. you are right, even now I am writing to you and reorganizing myself. only here are the words of the year, emotions. pull back


Tema, let's try not to mix everything together, you really have a lot of events over the past year.

So, I will write what I understood from your last message, and you will correct or supplement me, okay?

You wrote that your grandfather and father had died in the past year. You were in a relationship at the time with the girl you've now broken up with, right? For you, these are significant losses, were your grandfather and father important people for you? How much time has passed since the loss of a grandfather, the loss of a father? How long has it been since you broke up with your girlfriend? By the number of events, you are dealing with multiple trauma, and your body may need special care, as you have to cope with a large number of experiences in a short time. You should not demand too much from yourself now, since you objectively need calmness, warmth and time in order to recover. It is good if during this period there will be people next to you who love you, accept you the way you are, do not ask too many questions and support you.

Regarding your doubts about the sincerity of the girl's feelings, I understand you very much. So that I can reason with you, could you describe in a little more detail how your communication took place after breaking up, and what is her current request to you, which you refused her? Did I catch correctly that the girl shows an intention to restore relations, and you are afraid to agree? Also explain the episode about your visit to another man's social media page: Do you assume that she is in a new relationship? What then can be connected with her desire to get close to you again, do you think?

Speaking specifically about the upcoming meeting: on what specific occasion are you meeting? Is there a chance that the girl will turn to you again with a request for financial assistance? What is behind this request for you? Could another girl, to whom you do not have such feelings, turn with a similar request to you? What would be your decision in this case? What if a man you know made this request? Please discuss this?

Good day. Yes, I was in a relationship. I haven't seen my father for at least 12 years, but it's still a loss for me. I wanted to talk to him about many things. I forgave him for everything. why I didn’t find a meeting before, with age I look differently at things that I didn’t want to understand before. grandfather was very sick morally, I was ready for this. When relatives leave, it's still hard. no matter how worried. 6 months since the grandfather died, 3 months as the father. 3 months since I broke up with my girlfriend. This is where my worst moment was. our communication was in the same vein, I ran after her asking for another chance, humiliated myself in every possible way, in general behaved from a position from the bottom. now I am ashamed of such behavior, but then there would be very strong emotions, I needed her support. She increasingly me put in full ignore. more indifferent than words. she had financial difficulties and then she herself got in touch asking for help to solve them. when I refused her, I again found myself completely ignored) I think that she needed money and the rest is fiction. about that guy, she told me that it was just communication, he is younger than her, I treat him like a younger one. just communication. now sleeping with him. Why did he come in, hurt himself for that he was convinced of this. Yes, I periodically help people to borrow money whenever possible. no matter man or woman. probably, in relation to the former girl, I again came up with an internal entertainment for myself (everything will get better, the new boyfriend didn’t come up, etc.)

Ekaterina, I thought about everything that draws me to her (former) and came to the conclusion that this is my first, true love. After all, I gave her everything and strength and time. spared nothing for this. and that seems to have ruined everything. created a certain value for her, forgetting about himself. I think that this pushed her away from me at some point. now I look back at all this, but the events are not pleasant, but I definitely learned a lesson, an experience. We never met her and she stopped responding. I'm not even mad at her for it. I think I understood everything that is happening to me, there are no more hopes for the restoration of relations, I will build new ones. and memories will be easier to forget over time.

It is important to know how to break the energy connection with a man, because such a connection negatively affects the life and health of a woman. It is believed that the mark that remains after sexual contact exists for seven years. Let's figure out how to eliminate traces of energy binding and get rid of it forever.

It happens that a woman is married for a long time, raises children and is happy. But the echoes of old connections with former lovers are always present in her life: for seven years, there is an attachment with every man with whom she had a sexual relationship.

It is impossible to close from this - even after parting, a man continues to feed on female energy at a subtle level. That is why in any religion special attention is paid to female chastity.

In the modern world, rare girls meet only one man throughout their lives - traces of old relationships continue to exist, former partners draw energy from a woman. That is why it is necessary to apply techniques for getting rid of old connections in order to leave the past in the past and not waste energy in vain.

Cleansing Methods for Breaking Old Ties

Many girls are interested in how to cut off if you cannot forget it yourself. Let's say right away: if feelings and memories of him still live in your heart, technology will not help to remove emotions. But they will bring a sense of relief, cut off the energy channel - thanks to this, the chances of meeting a new love will increase.

If you don’t have feelings for a man, it will be very simple to perform the techniques, and the connection will stop quickly.

  • Take a piece of paper and write down the names of all the men you have had sexual intercourse with in the last seven years. Even if it was casual sex or a relationship that means nothing to you
  • You can also include in the list those men with whom you did not have sexual relations, but for whom you experienced any feelings.
  • It is best to carry out techniques for getting rid of old ties on the 19th lunar day - this period of time is most suitable for parting with everything superfluous and unnecessary
  • After you complete the techniques, clean up the house, take a shower. Purity should be not only in your soul, but also around

Letter of grievances

Use this method in relation to men who offended you. If you have not forgiven, feel anger, resentment or other negative emotions that haunt you, use this method.

Proceed like this:

  1. Get a pen and blank paper ready
  2. First, describe all the negative feelings you have for the man. Do not be shy in expressions, write harshly and clearly about what you are offended, angry about, what actions he caused you pain
  3. When all the negativity is on paper, proceed to the next step. Thank the man for all the good times that were between you, list his attractive character traits. Feel Gratitude Sincerely
  4. Ask for forgiveness for your actions, which could be unpleasant for a man
  5. In the end, acknowledge that this person came into your life for a purpose. He brought you experience, taught you something, played an important role in the development of your personality.
  6. Do not spare words - write about your feelings as detailed and sincere as possible. As soon as you feel that you have "written out", mentally release the man and thank him. Burn the letter - immediately after that you will feel tremendous relief.
  7. Then you can take a bath, put on clean clothes, drink water, believers - to pray.

Very often, after such a practice, a man may reappear in your life - call, insist on a meeting. You need to talk to him politely, thank him and let him go without continuing the conversation.

If the letter did not help 100% the first time, repeat the technique a few more times.

Meditation "Burning ties"

Fire energy is incredibly powerful. It is she who is often used in various practices to get rid of old ties.

  1. Pick a time when you can be quiet and alone. Set yourself up in the mindset of goodness, be calm and relaxed
  2. Mentally imagine a man with whom you had a sexual relationship. "Put" his image strictly in front of you
  3. Then imagine that your bodies are connected by multi-colored threads that come out of each chakra (seven in total)
  4. Pick up a lighter or matches, light a fire and start burning through these threads that unite you. Feel completely how you let go of this man - you must be really ready to say goodbye to him.
  5. In the end, take a look at yourself and the man as if from the outside - see that there is not a single connection left between you. On this technique is considered finished.

A similar meditation is worth doing for every man with whom you have had an affair over the past seven years. It is very easy to check which one is still feeding on your energy - in the near future it will appear in your life.

Also, as in the previous case, after meditation, you need to do a general cleaning, throw away all the old rubbish and especially memorabilia reminiscent of former men.

Watch a video about a popular way to get rid of old ties using the Larisa Renard method:

And remember: every person who comes into your life is there for a reason. Everyone taught something, gave experience, helped you open up. Therefore, try to get rid of negative emotions and take any situation as a lesson necessary for the healing of your soul.

After the successful completion of the practices, you will feel how you are filled with energy that ceases to be wasted on former men. It is very important not to renew contacts with those who will begin to appear again in your life.