If the husband was fired from his job! What to do? (1 - Moral side). What to do if your husband was fired from work: advice from a psychologist

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Former husband quit his job and does not pay child support

Such an ex-husband quit his job and does not pay child support for the second month, is not going to work. How can I be, where to go?

Hello! Is alimony recovered by court order? Then let the bailiffs calculate the debt and indexation for you.

Hello. Go to court to request a change in the way you pay lump sum support. And then take from the bailiff the calculation of the alimony debt and go to court with a demand for the calculation of a forfeit.

The ex-husband paid child support in court, then he quit his job and did not even go to the bailiffs, now he got a job with a salary of 10,000 rubles, and wants to pay me a penny and his current wife is expecting a child.
Should I go to the bailiffs and tell them about his dismissal?
Will the birth of a child affect child support?
Is it possible to increase the amount of alimony (since he receives much more than officially written)?
Do I need to take any action (go to the bailiffs) or should they do everything?

Hello! You can demand the establishment of alimony in a fixed (fixed) amount, which is likely to be more than the share for the specified earnings. However, the issues of enforcement of such a decision will cause difficulties in implementation. The birth of a child to an ex-husband will affect the amount of alimony if actions are taken to change this amount.

The question is. The ex-husband quit his job and does not pay child support for 3 months. Three weeks ago the court filed the applications. bailiffs on the resumption of the alimony arrears case. The statements were accepted. Today is exactly like Three weeks. I would like to clarify the work of the court. bailiffs and how does it happen at all? I haven't been able to get through to them for a week. I live over 5,000 tons. Km, I heard that for 2 months of not paying alimony, a serious punishment is already being taken on the debtor.

Good day to you. Dear Ksenia, in this case, I advise you to file a complaint about the inaction of the bailiffs to the senior bailiff or to the district prosecutor's office at the location of the bailiffs.

Former husband quit his job and does not want to pay child support (lives in another city) where to go?

Good evening to you Dear Svetlana, in this case, if there is a court decision, then contact the bailiffs, if not, then you need to file a claim with the court for the recovery of alimony.

Good day! Bailiffs are obliged to comply with the court's decision, let them take enforcement measures, seizure of property, restriction of driving licenses, etc. If the bailiff is inactive, then you need to file a complaint with the senior bailiff and the prosecutor's office on the basis of Art. 10 Federal Law on the Prosecutor's Office. Also in the order of Art. 360 CAS RF, you can appeal the inaction of the bailiff. Good luck with your question.

Good day, dear site visitor! You need to file a lawsuit to establish a flat-money support payment.

Good day! You need to apply with a writ of execution to the bailiffs at the place of residence of the debtor.

The ex-husband quit his job and does not pay child support. Lives far away. What to do.

Hello, if the debtor does not work, then the alimony will be calculated based on the average earnings. At the same time, debt will accumulate. Good luck and all the best.

☼ Hello, In this case, the bailiff will charge the alimony arrears based on the average monthly salary in Russia, which is currently about 38,000 rubles. I wish you good luck and all the best!

The ex-husband quit his job and does not pay alimony, before that 10 thousand were transferred from work, will the debt for him grow or not?

Hello. Yes, of course, the alimony debt will grow, increasing every month. All the best and thank you for contacting the site.

Hello! Yes, of course, the debt will grow, and if your ex-husband does not work or will work unofficially, you have the right to go to court with an application for the transfer of alimony in a fixed amount.

Hello! If he still does not pay in the near future, you can go to court in court. Your situation will be resolved. And the debt will grow if it doesn't pay, of course. For help, you can contact the lawyer of your choice on the site. All the best!

The ex-husband quit his job and does not pay child support. Now it works unofficially, where to go and what should I do? Tell me please. We live in different cities. ...

You can turn to the bailiffs with a statement about bringing to criminal responsibility, as well as about being wanted by the police. Good luck to you.

Good day. Go to court for the appointment of alimony in a fixed amount. Since your ex-spouse is not officially employed. You can calculate the amount of alimony yourself, based on the needs of the child, or declare the amount equal to the minimum subsistence level for a child in your region.

SK RF, Article 83. Collecting alimony for minor children in a fixed amount 1. In the absence of an agreement between the parents on the payment of alimony for minor children and in cases where the parent who is obliged to pay alimony has irregular, changing earnings and (or) other income, either if this parent receives earnings and (or) other income in whole or in part in kind or in foreign currency, or if he does not have earnings and (or) other income, as well as in other cases, if the collection of alimony in proportion to earnings and (or) other income of the parent is impossible, difficult or materially violates the interests of one of the parties, the court has the right to determine the amount of alimony collected on a monthly basis in a fixed amount or simultaneously in shares (in accordance with Article 81 of this Code) and in a fixed amount of money. 2. The amount of the fixed sum of money is determined by the court proceeding from the maximum possible preservation of the child's previous level of his provision, taking into account the material and family situation of the parties and other noteworthy circumstances. Go to court with a claim for the recovery of alimony in a flat amount based on the regional cost of living. Write to the bailiffs a statement about declaring the debtor on the wanted list and limiting his right to drive a vehicle.

My ex-husband quit his job in September 2016 and has not paid child support from that moment. In the database of the bailiffs in December, they put the amount of 48,000 in debt on the website. And in August I filed for a search for him and they refused me and wrote that as of today the balance of the debt remained the same. How to understand this? Where did the period from December to August go? What am I supposed to do?

The ex-husband, after moving to another city, was fired from his job and has not paid child support for more than a year. On calls to the bailiff, I get excuses that they cannot find him. What to do and where to go to find him all the same and resume payments?

Valentina, to resolve your issue, you need to write a complaint about the inaction of the bailiffs to the Prosecutor's Office and the Chief of Bailiffs. Good luck and all the best.

Hello. Write a complaint about the inaction of the bailiff. Ask to take measures to search for the debtor's work, request information from the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate about the taxes transferred by the debtor, declare the debtor on the wanted list, issue a decree on a temporary restriction on the debtor's departure from the Russian Federation, send a request to the Federal Reserve System of the Russian Federation to request information about his property on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The bailiffs have a search service. Contact the senior bailiff with a complaint about your bailiff. And submit an application with the requirement to declare him on the wanted list.

First, you need to familiarize yourself with the materials of the case, namely, what specific actions were taken by the bailiff, whether his search is really being carried out. You have the right to do so. Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings" dated 02.10.2007 N 229-FZ (last edition) Article 50. Rights and Obligations of the Parties to Enforcement Proceedings 1. The parties to enforcement proceedings have the right to familiarize themselves with the materials of enforcement proceedings, make extracts from them, make copies of them, submit additional materials, submit petitions, participate in the execution of enforcement actions, give oral and written explanations in the process of enforcement actions, give their arguments on all issues arising in the course of enforcement proceedings, object to petitions and arguments of other persons participating in enforcement proceedings, to declare objections, to appeal against the decisions of the bailiff-executor, his actions (inaction), and also have other rights provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on enforcement proceedings. Until the end of the enforcement proceedings, the parties to the enforcement proceedings have the right to conclude an amicable agreement, an agreement on conciliation, approved in court. In case of inaction on their part, for example, not sending requests, not being wanted, etc. you can file a complaint about the inaction of the bailiffs to the court or the prosecutor's office. Good luck.

Valentine. Good afternoon. If you know the city where the debtor left, write a statement to the senior prefix for the inaction of the bailiff. Demand to submit a request to the address bureau.

My ex-husband quit his job and now he cannot pay child support, we live together. What do I need to do so that he doesn't have problems with the law.

You can cancel the court decision on alimony. Submit a claim for exemption from the payment of alimony. Or submit an application to cancel a court decision due to newly discovered circumstances. It's just that it will be difficult later on to resume everything (alimony payments) if the circumstances change again.

The ex-husband quit his job and does not pay child support for a month. Please tell me, I can contact the bailiffs if the alimony has not been paid for only a month.

Good day! Alimony must be collected immediately. You can apply to the OSB UFSSP of Russia with a Statement on the search for the debtor and his property (2 copies) addressed to the senior bailiff of the head of the OSB UFSSP, the main thing is that your copy is stamped, input. No. and signature. If it does not help, then you can apply with Complaints about the inaction of the bailiff and the senior bailiff of the head of the OSP UFSSP of Russia to the Prosecutor's Office or immediately to the Court (no state duty is imposed). Russian Federation. Responsibility for late payment of alimony 1. If a debt arises through the fault of a person obliged to pay alimony under an agreement on the payment of alimony, the guilty person is liable in the manner prescribed by this agreement. 2. If a debt arises through the fault of a person obliged to pay alimony by a court decision, the guilty person shall pay the recipient of the alimony a forfeit in the amount of one-second percent of the amount of unpaid alimony for each day of delay. The recipient of alimony shall also have the right to recover from the person who is liable to pay alimony, who is guilty of late payment of alimony, all losses caused by the delay in fulfilling alimony obligations in the part not covered by the forfeit. Article 99 of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings" dated 02.10.2007 N 229-FZ. The amount of deduction from wages and other incomes of the debtor and the procedure for calculating it 1. The amount of deduction from wages and other incomes of the debtor, including from remuneration to the authors of the results of intellectual activity, is calculated from the amount remaining after withholding taxes 2. When executing a court order ( several executive documents), no more than fifty percent of wages and other incomes may be withheld from a citizen debtor. Deductions are made until the full execution of the requirements contained in the executive document. 3. The limitation of the amount of deduction from wages and other incomes of a citizen debtor, established by part 2 of this article, shall not apply when collecting alimony for minor children, compensation for harm caused to health, compensation for harm in connection with the death of a breadwinner and compensation for damage caused by a crime. In these cases, the amount of deduction from wages and other income of the debtor-citizen cannot exceed seventy percent.

My ex-husband quit his job and has not paid alimony for a month, when he gets a job again, will I get the debt for this month from the new organization?

According to the court's decision, the alimony must be paid monthly, if the payment is not received, the bailiff will calculate the debt.

Good evening. For the period when the husband did not work, the bailiff's alimony will be calculated as a percentage of the subsistence minimum in your region, if they are collected in shares of earnings.

The ex-husband quit his job in June 2015 and does not pay alimony to the bailiffs, he only promised that they would find him and he would start paying, but there was no result. What to do in this case, who to contact?

What to do in this case, who to contact? You have the right to file a complaint with the senior bailiff or directly to the court.

Svetlana, for a start I advise you to familiarize yourself with the materials in use. production have every right. From the materials, you will see what was done by the bailiff, or maybe nothing, and this is already a reason for going to court with the administrator. claim in the order of Art. 220 CAS.

The ex-husband does not pay child support for three months. They were dismissed from work under the article (drunkenness and absenteeism). I got a job not officially, without labor, working on a rotational basis in another city. I went to the bailiffs, explained the situation, they called him on his mobile twice, he did not answer. I was advised to find out from him where he works, and then come, or bring him himself. I can’t do that, he doesn’t say where he works, and he’s not going to the bailiffs. What to do, where to go, please tell me.

Hello. This is the job of the bailiffs. Write a complaint about them. Good luck to you.

The bailiff should find out this, write a complaint about inaction to the prosecutor's office, they will start working

the problem of alimony is solved very badly ... unfortunately the bailiffs will not look for the debtor ... you will probably have to find him yourself ... however, you can go to the police with a statement to initiate a criminal case - sometimes this makes the customer pay alimony ...

Hello Antonina! To get started, contact the senior bailiff of the ROSP, where your enforcement proceedings are being conducted. If it does not take effect, then file a complaint about the inaction of the bailiff to the supervising prosecutor.

My ex-husband quit his job and now does not pay child support for two children.
He is registered in the Stavropol Territory. I went to court. with an executive sheet to the bailiffs, they told me that there was nothing they could do. They told me that all the documents must be sent by mail to the place where it is registered. But he lives in St. Petersburg, but I do not know at what address.
Tell me what to do, how to achieve justice. On good terms, he does not want, how many times have agreed on good terms with him, in the end, deception is always, tired of going to meet him, there is no sense. There is no more patience. Please advise what to do?
Thank you in advance)

P.S. I also read that you can turn to the prosecutor's office for help, is it true?

To protect your rights and represent your interests, it is best to hire an experienced lawyer, but if there is no money to pay for his work, then it is quite possible to contact the prosecutor's office and ask for help in collecting alimony "

Tikhvin, Leningrad Region.

Unfortunately, no one will be involved in the search for your spouse. Write a statement about bringing him to criminal responsibility. Maybe they will find it within the framework of a criminal case.

My ex-husband quit his job and has not paid child support for the second month. We live in different cities. And there is no way to go to his city to the bailiffs. Tell me how to correctly write an application for the recovery of alimony in order to send it along with a writ of execution?

Hello. Submit your application. Preparation of documents for a fee

Hello. If the writ of execution was in production, from which the husband quit, the enterprise itself had to return it to the bailiff after the dismissal. If the sheet is in your hands, the application is written in any form - I ask you to continue the execution of the court decision on the recovery of alimony from (full name) in my favor, in the annex to it there is a writ of execution. You need to send with a notification and a list of attachments. If you find it difficult, contact a lawyer

The ex-husband does not pay child support for half a year. He quit his job and returned after a while, the writ of execution was lost. Is it possible to sue for his work with him?

Hello. Alas, this is not possible. You have to put pressure on the bailiffs.

Get a duplicate of a writ of execution

the writ of execution can be obtained again, but the new court has nothing to do with it, alimony has already been appointed. the limitation period for presenting the sheet to the bailiffs is 3 years

Where did you return, to work or to you? :) You need to get a duplicate of the writ of execution and contact the bailiffs or submit it to work again.

My daughter's ex-husband has not paid child support for three months and quit his job. How much alimony can you expect?

does not pay according to the writ of execution or at all?

The ex-husband quit his job and registered at the employment center, just not to pay alimony. He himself works somewhere unofficially. The debt is already 200,000 rubles. After 1.5 months of calling him and calling for an appointment, she finally handed him a piece of paper in person, so that he would hand it over to the employment center so that alimony was written off from benefits. But it's not a fact that he will hand over this document ... Can the bailiff find out at the employment center if he handed over this document?

Maybe the bailiff should take steps to enforce the court decision

My ex-husband quit his job and took the writ of execution with him, has not paid alimony for 2 months, what to do and where to go?

To the bailiffs. They must comply with the court's decision.

My ex-husband quit his job and has not paid child support for two months! Is his debt dripping, in what amount and how can the bailiffs help?

Good day! You can apply to the OSB UFSSP of Russia in your region with a Statement (2 copies) addressed to the senior bailiff of the head of the OSP UFSSP, the main thing is to put a stamp on your copy, input. No. and signature. If it does not help, then you can apply to the Prosecutor's Office or immediately to the Court with Complaints about the inaction of the bailiff and the senior bailiff of the head of the PCB of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia in your region in accordance with Article 441 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation to the Prosecutor's Office or immediately to the Court (no state duty is charged). Russian Federation. Responsibility for late payment of alimony 1. If a debt arises through the fault of a person obliged to pay alimony under an agreement on the payment of alimony, the guilty person is liable in the manner prescribed by this agreement. 2. If a debt arises through the fault of a person obliged to pay alimony by a court decision, the guilty person shall pay the recipient of the alimony a forfeit in the amount of one-second percent of the amount of unpaid alimony for each day of delay. The recipient of alimony shall also have the right to recover from the person who is liable to pay alimony, who is guilty of late payment of alimony, all losses caused by the delay in the performance of alimony obligations in the part not covered by the forfeit. Article 99 of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings" dated 02.10.2007 N 229-FZ. The amount of deduction from wages and other income of the debtor and the procedure for calculating it 1. The amount of deduction from wages and other income of the debtor, including from remuneration to the authors of the results of intellectual activity, is calculated from the amount remaining after withholding taxes 2. When executing a court order ( several executive documents), no more than fifty percent of wages and other incomes may be withheld from a citizen debtor. Deductions are made until the full execution of the requirements contained in the executive document. 3. The limitation of the amount of deduction from wages and other incomes of a citizen debtor, established by part 2 of this article, shall not apply when collecting alimony for minor children, compensation for harm caused to health, compensation for harm in connection with the death of a breadwinner and compensation for damage caused by a crime. In these cases, the amount of deduction from wages and other income of the debtor-citizen cannot exceed seventy percent.

If he does not work, then alimony is calculated based on the average wage in Russia.

The ex-husband quit his job, said he would pay alimony not officially, as he used to give it to me, and I wrote him receipts. How much should he give me every month or is it at his will (how much he brings, he will bring as much)? I hope I wrote it clearly. Thanks.

Optionally, tk. the amount is not determined by the court

The ex-husband quit his job, got a job not officially and does not pay child support. Where to go, thank you!

Hello! To the court - with a statement of claim to change the procedure for collecting alimony. Collect such in a fixed amount

Hello! In this case, the debt will go. After such a debt will be quite large (200,000 rubles), you can apply to the bailiff for criminal prosecution.

The ex-husband quit his job and registered at the employment center so as not to pay alimony. The CPC withhold alimony from the allowance. But BM unofficially works in the organization. I turned to the employment center, to the bailiffs to figure it out. The bailiffs made a request to the organization. The official answer is that it doesn't work there. The bailiffs took from him an explanation, where he denied that he was working in this organization. Although just in a conversation with the same bailiffs he told that he really works there. The bailiffs explained to me that there was nothing they could do in this situation. Although I think they just do not want to ... What can be done in this situation?

Enlist the support of witnesses, the organization where he works. There is no other way to prove that he really works there. It will not stay on the exchange for long, after the third refusal, it will be removed from the register.

My ex-husband paid alimony by court order, but in May it will be a year since he quit his job and does not pay it, nor does he help in maintaining, not only in upbringing, moreover, in December it was a year since he last took him to his place. And he is not even interested ... To initiate a criminal case against her ex-husband, what amount of the debt should be for alimony? And can I bream his parental rights if I myself do not officially work?

It is possible to revoke the rights. And you need to find out the amount of debt from the bailiff, he calculates it. Article 69. Deprivation of parental rights [Family Code of the Russian Federation] [Chapter 12] [Article 69] Parents (one of them) may be deprived of parental rights if they: evade the duties of parents, including in case of malicious evasion from the payment of alimony; refuse without good reason to take their child from a maternity hospital (department) or from another medical organization, educational institution, social welfare institution or similar organizations; abuse their parental rights; cruel treatment of children, including physical or mental violence against them, encroachment on their sexual integrity; are sick with chronic alcoholism or drug addiction; committed a deliberate crime against the life or health of their children or against the life or health of a spouse.

already contact the prosecutor's office with a statement about bringing to criminal responsibility under 157 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Lack of payment for a year is already enough and the amount is not important. Deprivation of parental rights is possible under Art. 69 RF IC

I filed for alimony and my ex-husband refuses to pay and quit his job for the sake of not paying or lying to his place of work?

Hello. Submit an application to the bailiffs and let them check whether he is officially working or not.

The ex-husband does not pay child support for the second month (he quit his job) and wants to go to France, to make French citizenship. In May, his wedding is there. The day before he asked to stay with us, like, he misses the children. 02/03/2015 in the morning made a scandal and beat me, after which I kicked him out. I filed a complaint with the police, I was in the trauma center, everything was recorded there. Question: if he leaves for France, will they not initiate a criminal case? And one more thing: will they give him citizenship, knowing that he was tried in Russia?

If he has a debt for alimony, contact the bailiffs, they will prohibit him from leaving the Russian Federation.

My ex-husband paid me child support before. A year ago he quit his job and has not paid alimony for a year now. Tell me if he is charged any debt, if so what? And what can I do next, I can write a statement under Art. 157. uk? Thanks!

Bring him to a criminal answer, collect a penalty. If the bailiff does not work, appeal his inaction in court

My ex-husband quit his job in May, and has not paid alimony since then, the bailiffs are in another city and I was told that he quit his former job, I have utility bills in arrears, and I have a salary minimum and I do not have the opportunity to pay it, how can my ex-husband be forced to pay alimony?

Fiddle with the bailiffs and transfer the case to the husband's place of residence. But if BM has nothing, then the debt will grow and that's it.

According to the current legislation, if a citizen from whom alimony is withdrawn is unemployed, then he is charged an amount equal to a quarter of the average wage in the country at the time of collection. In addition, you can go to court with an application for the recovery of alimony in a fixed amount. In the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 157 provides for liability for the parent's malicious evasion of payment by court decision of funds for the maintenance of minor children, as well as disabled children who have reached the age of eighteen, - is punishable by corrective labor for up to one year, or forced labor for the same period, or arrest for a period of up to three months, or imprisonment for up to one year.

The ex-husband has a child support debt, and he quit his job so as not to pay. The son entered the institute for 18 years in January 2015. Where to go to pay child support?

You need to contact the bailiff who conducts enforcement proceedings If there is a debt, you can foreclose on the debtor's property

Contact the bailiffs.

The ex-husband quit his job and does not pay child support.

What is your question?

The ex-husband does not want to pay alimony, quit his job and trades with left-wing earnings. Now I cannot take a certificate of income (alimony) for registration of subsidies, child benefits. Can I revoke his parental rights (paternity)? and how can this be done?

This can be done in a judicial proceeding, article 69 of the RF IC.

Contact the department for minors, they will create a commission, notify the b / husband, establish the fact of not fulfilling the obligation to raise and support the child, and will fine. When the Commission's Resolution comes into force, use it as one of the evidence and deny rights in court. In case of deprivation of rights, the obligations for alimony will remain with him. Then take a certificate from the bailiffs on the indexation of alimony and debt, in order to confirm in social protection that you are not receiving money.

The ex-husband quitting one job and settling in another for 2 months has not paid alimony. There is also a court order on receiving alimony from the first job. The bailiffs offered to voluntarily write an application to the accounting department to collect alimony from him from his new job while they raise his case from the archive. He refused. Can I take any measures to it, for example, Article 69 of the UK and Art. 157 cc rf? besides, the concealment of the true income is also an evasion. Since he officially receives 8 thousand and not an official 60 thousand, how can I properly draw up such a claim and where to file it? And can I be paid alimony for this period as the average salary in their region. He does not communicate with the child at this time and is not interested in life.

Can you prove real income?

The ex-husband quit one job and got a job in another for 2 months now, does not pay alimony. There is also a court ruling on receiving alimony from the first job. The bailiffs offered to voluntarily write an application to the accounting department to collect alimony from him from his new job while they raise his case from the archive. He refused. Can I take any measures to it, for example, Article 66 of the UK and Art. 157 cc rf? How can I properly file such a claim and where to file it? And can I be paid alimony for this period as the average salary in their region. He does not communicate with the child at this time and is not interested in life.

In order to bring to criminal responsibility there must be malice and this is a failure to pay for about 3-4 months, then you can submit an application to the bailiffs to bring him under Art. 157 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Write a complaint about the inaction of the bailiff, where the writ of execution now is not clear. He had to be sent from his old job to the PCB. There are no grounds for initiating a criminal case yet.

The ex-husband quit his job and has not paid child support for the third month, the bailiffs said wait, we cannot do anything. Tell me if this is really so and what to do?

Dear Ekaterina Gennadievna! In the absence of earnings, of course, the SPI cannot collect child support from him. However, the work of the SPI does not end there. Alimony arrears will accumulate, then the SPI can initiate criminal proceedings for failure to pay alimony under Article 157 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. As a rule, all debts on alimony from debtors can be collected only after their retirement. Which cannot be hidden or hidden.

The ex-husband quit his job and does not pay alimony, allegedly going to leave for another region, another city! It is not known whether it will work or not! If he does not pay alimony, will the State pay some kind of compensation or not?

Unfortunately, there is currently no compensation from the state.

The ex-husband has not paid alimony for half a year, quit his job, changed his place of residence and registration ... bailiffs cannot find .. what to do to me in this situation ... I know from the words of his relatives that he is now engaged in a private taxi ...

bailiffs can make a request to the FMS, let them look. In addition, you can appeal the inaction of the bailiff of the executor in court.

write an application for tracing the debtor's property.

My ex-husband quit his job where the salary had not been paid for two months, respectively, and I did not receive alimony the same. Almost two months have passed since the dismissal, and there is still no alimony. What should I do to get this money as soon as possible, please tell me.

Natalia Georgievna! You need to contact the bailiffs to the performers so that they have a conversation with your husband in order to fulfill his obligations to the child.

Natalia Georgievna, the Administration is obliged to transfer alimony within 3 days from the date of payment of the employee's salary. The delay in salary according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is UNACCEPTABLE. I advise you to contact the PCB and have them conduct an appropriate due diligence on the employer.

The ex-husband quit his job and does not pay child support. Is it possible to arrange everything quickly and being at home, since the mother is disabled and cannot move independently?

You need to contact the bailiff service. Find out where the executive document is.

The ex-husband, alimony, quit his job and registered with the SZN so as not to pay alimony. What can be done in my case? And how long will he be able to stand there?

Good day! Go to court to change the procedure for paying alimony, i.e. if earlier he paid in shares, now he has the right in a fixed amount of money in accordance with Art. 83 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation

The ex-husband quit his job and has not paid alimony for half a year, what strictest measures can be applied to him?

can be prosecuted if there will be a malicious evasion from the payment of alimony

BM quit his job and began to pay alimony irregularly and not in full, as a result of which there was a debt (he did not report his new place of work). The joint venture issued a resolution on alimony arrears in October 2013, with which BM got acquainted. In March, a new order was issued on the debt on a monthly basis, on the basis of which I calculated the forfeit and filed a lawsuit. Shortly after the new ruling, BM paid the alimony arrears. The judge dismissed the claim in full.

appeal against this court decision

The ex-husband quit his job and does not pay alimony, I receive alimony by a court decision. What to do in this situation, how to get alimony for the months for which he did not work and in what amount? And please tell me what time the father can see the child if the mother of the ex-spouse picks up the child for the weekend on Friday evening, and he takes her to spend the night from Saturday to Sunday with the family with which he lives in another city (there he does not work with her, places there is no separate sleeping room for her, she lives with a woman in a civil marriage), then the mother of the ex-spouse takes her daughter to the garden on Monday morning. What should I do so that he sees her less, anyway he does not deal with her on weekends, does not take part in kindergarten fees (parental contributions, repairs, etc.)

1. Go to court with a claim for the recovery of alimony in a fixed amount. 2. Go to court with a claim to determine the order of communication between the father and the child

The ex-husband paid child support for 5 years. now does not pay for 7 months. since quit his job and went to St. Petersburg. The bailiffs cannot find him. He writes to me in the social. networks that does not work officially and will send whenever he wants and as much as he wants that he has his own family, and he needs to take care of them. I can sue the fix from him in a current situation. Alimony in the amount of 15,000 RUB

There are grounds for collecting alimony in a fixed amount. Alimony is collected in multiples of the subsistence minimum per child in the region.

My husband quit his official job and now we do not know how to pay child support to his ex-wife? He will tax and the work will not be official. Can we ourselves sue for fixed alimony, or only the ex-wife has such a right. How to proceed?

alimony will be calculated from the average earnings in the country

The ex-husband has not paid alimony for 6 months, applied for a recount, quit his job and moved to live in another city with his new wife, the bailiffs do not take any action. I can't get through to them, they constantly switch and fold. What should I do in this situation, where to go. I have two children. Best regards, Ekaterina.

a complaint against the bailiff's inaction can be filed either with the bailiff's leadership

How long have you been acquainted (read or photographed) the materials of the enforcement proceedings? It is possible that there are grounds for going to court with a complaint about the inaction of the bailiffs. You have the right to go to court with a claim for the recovery of alimony in a firm sum of money.In this case, it is easier to calculate debt, interest, penalties, etc., as well as with a claim for the recovery of a penalty in the amount of 0.5% for each day of delay (180% annual). Moreover, if you wish, you have the right to recognize the debtor as a malicious defaulter (if the debt is more than 6 months) and deprive him of his parental rights, due to the fact that he evades his responsibilities for the upbringing, education, maintenance of his child. The main thing is to correctly collect and draw up all the documents. Best regards, Deineko N.G.,

What to do in such a situation: the ex-husband quit his job in December and does not pay alimony, turned to the bailiff, he opened the envelope with the writ of execution from the last place of work of her husband in front of me, who came back in January, said that he did not work and pay he has nothing, as he is being treated after the accident. What can be done in such a situation?

Apply with a complaint to the name of the senior bailiff on the issue of non-performance of his duties by the bailiff who has enforcement proceedings.

You do not need to write a complaint against the bailiff, first you need to get acquainted with the enforcement proceedings, we have extensive experience working with the bailiff service, if you need help, please contact, you can always collect alimony, you just need to know how.

The ex-husband quit one job and already got a job in another, he does not refuse to pay alimony in the accountant at his new place of work, they know that he is an alimony worker asked him to bring a certificate of divorce and a certificate of birth. Salary says white. How will the writ of execution from the previous job get to the new one? Thanks!

Good evening! The IL from the previous place of work must return to the bailiffs, after which they must send him to the new place of work.

hello ........... Article 111. Obligation to inform about the change of place of work of the person obliged to pay alimony 1. The administration of the organization, which made the withholding of alimony on the basis of a court decision or a notarized agreement on the payment of alimony, is obliged within three days inform the bailiff at the place of execution of the decision on the recovery of alimony and the person receiving the alimony about the dismissal of the person obliged to pay the alimony, as well as about his new place of work or residence, if she knows it. 2. A person obliged to pay alimony must, within the time period established by paragraph 1 of this article, notify the bailiff and the person receiving the alimony about the change of place of work or residence, and when paying alimony to minor children, about the presence of additional earnings or other income. 3. In case of failure to report the information specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article for an unjustified reason, the officials and other citizens guilty of this are brought to justice in the manner prescribed by law

My ex-husband quit his job and does not pay child support what to do?

You can sue for a lump sum alimony payment. Alimony for minor children in a fixed sum is recovered by a court decision, based on Art. 83 RF IC. Reasons: the parent who is obliged to pay alimony has irregular, changing earnings and (or) other income, or if this parent receives earnings and (or) other income in whole or in part in kind or in foreign currency, or if he does not have earnings and ( or) other income, as well as in other cases, if the collection of alimony in proportion to the parent's earnings and (or) other income is impossible, difficult or materially violates the interests of one of the parties. Also, the court has the right to determine the amount of alimony collected on a monthly basis, in a fixed amount or simultaneously in shares and in a fixed amount. The amount of the fixed sum of money is determined by the court based on the maximum possible preservation of the child's previous level of support, taking into account the material and family situation of the parties and other noteworthy circumstances.

The sequence of actions to collect alimony debts: 1. A written appeal to the bailiff to issue a resolution on determining the alimony debt. 2. After receiving this resolution (a) a written request to initiate administrative proceedings under Article 534 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Failure to comply with judicial acts" and the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five MCI. 3. At the same time, a written appeal to DISA (Department for the Execution of Judicial Acts) with a request to implement enforcement measures, and to issue a resolution on a temporary restriction on the Debtor's departure from the territory of Kazakhstan. 4. Also, if the Debtor has any property, and the amount of debt is an impressive amount (for example, more than 500 thousand tenge), it is possible to impose a claim on the Debtor's property through a court or a court executor. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that ALL your appeals must be made in writing, in two copies, and submitted to the bailiff through the Office of DISA. Otherwise, all your oral communication with the court executor will not lead to anything) Remember that "You cannot sew the word to the deed" and he will never fulfill the promises of the court executor given to you orally.

The court appointed the former. the husband is paid alimony for 2 children in the amount of 1/3 of his earnings. He quit. Now a neophyte works part-time. Can I claim to be neophyte. Income?

Well, if he does not have official earnings, then there is nothing to withhold alimony. He will accumulate debts, and the alimony will be calculated from the average earnings in the country.

The ex-husband quit his job and now has not paid alimony to 2 children for 3 months, in the amount of 1/3 of earnings. I found out that he works unofficially, how can I apply for his unofficial. Income. We must prove that he is a neophyte. Works, but how? follow him?

Hello! Your ex-spouse must pay child support for any kind of income. Another thing is that it is very difficult to prove that he is working unofficially! Contact the administration of that organization - maybe they will go to a meeting and give you documents confirming that he is actually in an employment relationship. Then you will be able to present these documents to the court to the executor for withholding the money. sums But hardly!

The ex-husband quit his previous job and did not pay alimony for 5 months, now he got a job at another place. Will alimony be paid for 5 months that I did not pay?

There will be. Go to court. to the contractor to calculate the debt

The ex-husband quit his job and does not pay alimony for 5 months. The bailiffs are in no hurry to collect them. For 3 months, the ex-husband did not work and was registered at the employment center, where, as he claims, he received 1150 rubles. And two months ago I found a job with an official salary of 7000. How much will I get in 5 months? And how to ensure that alimony is charged not lower than the subsistence level?

There is no way to achieve it now. If alimony by a court decision is collected as a percentage, then so far there have been no violations on the part of the husband and the bailiffs. If you want to receive at least a living wage, then you can apply for a change in the method of execution of the court decision, and collect in a fixed amount.

Since February, alimony has been deducted from the salary, but now BM has quit and is not working officially. Pays the agreed amount on hand. Can I pick up the writ of execution now and what needs to be done for this? And will it be possible to resume the production process in case of termination of payments?

In the event of the termination of the payment of alimony, you can present a writ of execution for execution

The ex-husband paid child support for two children. I learned that he was fired from his job. I don’t know where to start or how. How to collect alimony from him now - he does not work yet and most likely will not find a job soon (binges). Please tell me how and where to start, and how much alimony can I expect? Thank you very much.

You need to file a claim to change the amount of alimony from a share to a flat sum. How many? Generally at the discretion of the court, but, as a rule, this is at least half of the subsistence level for this category of citizens (minor children) in your region

The ex-husband quit his job and now does not pay child support. I ask the bailiff how I should be and she tells me that I’ll get him a job so that he pays you? Wait until you get settled and then we will collect. So I've been waiting for about a year. What should I do personally to them I cannot come. I live in Transbaikalia and the bailiffs are in Khabarovsk. You don't have to call for weeks on the phone.

Dear Marina! Write a statement to the SSP to indicate the reason for the lack of payment of alimony, to consider the issue of bringing the debtor to criminal liability for this. By registered mail with notification.

The ex-husband, after he quit his first job, hid for 1 year and did not pay alimony. After I found him, I reported his data to the bailiffs. Further, the bailiffs sent me a decree in which it was stated that he owed-50 tr. Then, after some time, the bailiffs send me another decree, which states that he owes not 50 tr., But 24 tr. They explained such a decrease in debt as follows - that he presented a certificate of a salary of 6 tr! But I know that he earns 2 if not 3 times more I will not see anything)! now I get 3 tr (1/4-debt + 1/4-as planted once a month). After the debt is paid off I will receive only 1.5 tr, I myself do not work as a student.! QUESTION: HOW CAN YOU DO IT SO TO RECEIVE ALIMENTS FROM ALL EARNINGS? WHERE DO YOU NEED TO CONTACT FIRST? or is it useless ?! Thank you very much in advance.

Dear Ekaterina, it is almost impossible to prove a black salary. But you can go to court for the recovery of alimony in a fixed amount.

My ex-husband quit his job and does not pay alimony yet, I would like to apply for the payment of alimony in a fixed amount, can I indicate 1 1/2 (i.e. 1.5) mrot there, will they not refuse me an application and is it possible to apply for one and a half mrot? (and in the application and write 1 1/2 mrot) Thank you.

You can indicate the amount in the minimum wage.

How to proceed. The ex-husband quit his previous job, and has not paid child support for his son for two months. How can you establish his current place of work, and will it be possible to collect alimony for these two months?

You need to contact the bailiff at the place of residence of your ex-husband. If the bailiff has not received a writ of execution, find out in the accounting department at the former place of work of the husband, whether they sent and / l or not. If the sheet is lost or the accounting department refuses to talk to you, get a duplicate and / l in the archive of the court that made the decision and give it to the bailiff at the place of residence of your ex-husband.

My ex-husband said that he quit his job and child support for our son, born in 1991. will not pay. Leaves to work in Holland and will contribute money on a voluntary basis. And I want a writ of execution. Tell me my actions. Alimony has not arrived for 2 months. I have no writ of execution. Can I prevent him from going abroad? The ex-husband lives in another city.

In principle, in accordance with Article 15 of the Federal Law of August 15, 1996 N 114-FZ "On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation" (as amended and supplemented from July 18, 1998, June 24, 1999 g., January 10, 2003) evasion of a person from the fulfillment of obligations imposed on him by the court - until the fulfillment of obligations or until an agreement is reached by the parties, may be the basis for restricting a citizen's right to leave the Russian Federation. Meanwhile, the arrears in alimony in the amount of two regular payments are not such a serious reason to prevent the father of your child from going to work abroad from the point of view of the law, he is not a malicious defaulter. Sincerely,

Ever wondered what men talk about the most? Of course, about work. After that, they can chat a little about women, football, cars, fishing, hunting, beer ... But work is incomparably more important. For many, all her life she remains the most seductive lover and the only means by which they can establish themselves in life, gain authority, financially provide for themselves and their family. It is the job (not the make of the car, not the number of children and money) that determines the male personality, be it the personality of a scientist or an electrician. Even if this scientist (electrician) is reputed to be an excellent family man, it is still only the background of his main activity.

Home and family remain his rear, a place where you can rest, relax, gain strength, tinker with children, have sex, eat and sleep, and in the morning again surrender to your favorite business. And the muttering about the "hateful, stupid" work does not mean anything yet. The whole world is amazed at the Japanese phenomenon: it turns out that 70% of Japanese people do not know what a vacation is. And if there are free days, then the male part of the population spends them on improving their qualifications and bypassing the competitor.

To the psychologists' question: what would you do if an earthquake caught you on the road, forty out of a hundred people confidently answered: “I would call the boss,” and only 9% decided to tell home. Despite the fact that hatred of the boss and the busy work schedule sometimes overwhelms them, only work gives the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun a feeling of being in demand.

This is not unique to the Japanese. The well-being of a man, his physical and moral health directly depends on how successful his business is and how much he is in demand and recognized in his team. And you don't need to be a psychologist to understand what happens to our strong men, who are suddenly deprived of this core.

Dismissal, according to psychologists, is the most powerful shock for men (we are talking about responsible individuals, this has nothing to do with "moths"). In American textbooks on psychology, a scale of male stress is presented. According to her, the stronger sex tolerates even the death of loved ones more calmly than a crisis in the official field. The likelihood of losing their jobs is a major source of fear for most men.

With a forced dismissal, a person is depressed not only morally. The event brings with it a whole "bunch" of nervous, cardiac, gastrointestinal, endocrine disorders. Ulcers, hypertension, headaches, sleep disturbances, impotence are constant companions of such situations. Education, position, profession, the presence of a box of money and real estate in this situation have absolutely no meaning. Everyone suffers, rich and poor alike. And even those who did not like their work: in fact, it turns out that for them it was the meaning of life. For women, being fired from work has never been synonymous with personality collapse, because in her life there are many values ​​and interests in parallel. Work is just one link in this chain.

If she disappears, a woman, even if she gets upset, she will quickly fill the empty niche with classes with children, home, flowers, embroidery, driving courses, lessons in the gym, chatting with a girlfriend, in the end. And how can a man fill this void? The question, you see, is almost rhetorical. The "breadwinner" will deflate like a bursting balloon. It will be a crash, a disaster, a disaster! And no amount of encouraging admonitions will be able to bring him out of this state.

Personal tragedy

A familiar situation: the husband is offered a job that is more interesting and better paid. After hesitation (everyone knows that the best is the enemy of the good), he agrees. But at the "promising" job all the mechanisms have not yet been debugged, the owners themselves do not know what they want, as it turns out, they do not have money for salaries, and as a result, the husband ends up on the street.

Pride does not allow asking for an old place. In addition, a good seat is never empty - and a new person is already sitting in its chair. Friends, to whom the poor fellow turns, promise to find out something and disappear like snails in shells. It seems to my wife that nothing terrible has happened: just think, he was left without a job and is looking for a new one. But for a man, especially one who has worked in one place for a long time and is not used to changes, what is happening is a real tragedy. And if the wife offers to temporarily take a break, take a time-out, engage in creativity, the husband looks at her as if she were inviting him to play checkers during a natural disaster.

How difficult it is for him, she understands only when she sees that he is not sleeping for the second, third, fourth (and so on) nights in a row. Lies and looks at the ceiling. This is called depression. After ten to twenty years of successful work, the person realized that he was not appreciated, thrown out as an unnecessary thing - he was not ready for such a turn of fate. It would seem that you can stop, analyze the situation, look inside yourself, draw conclusions and emerge victorious. But, unfortunately, few are capable of this.

As practice has shown, a little boy still lives inside every strong and intelligent man. This boy can sometimes be scared to death of unforeseen circumstances or offended. He feels like a failure, a defeat. But sympathy, female affection and tenderness will certainly fight back. He must at least scare someone! Pay no attention to this. And even more so, do not be offended. Otherwise, you can lead the "kid" into deep depression and destroy the remnants of his self-esteem.

The period of looking for a new job is extremely painful for this category of men. This is not at all the same when a person is dissatisfied with work and, at the same time, is looking for a new job. In this situation, the “rejected” specialist communicates with the “lucky ones”, “winners”, people who do not know the taste of defeat. Moreover, men never admit their dependence on anyone. They do not even consider dependence on the boss as such. It seems to them that they can leave at any moment by slamming the door. The forced search for a new place destroys this theory.

Your strength is in your faithfulness

But what about the wife? We are talking about those who seek to understand their husbands and help. It turns out that most are psychologically not even ready to spend more time with their spouse than before. The wife seems to understand that it would be nice to load a temporarily free husband with household chores, but when they go to the store or the market together, she cannot hide her irritation. And he bought the wrong tomatoes, and took a lot of sausages, and put everything in the bag wrong. The constant presence of another person in the house “on its territory” infuriates the most patient hostess. In such a nervous situation, you need to protect not only the state of mind of the spouse, but also your own.

Do you have to go shopping together? Send it alone, and tune in yourself that, in fact, not exactly what you wanted will be bought. Your discontent and comments will only make matters worse, and praise, albeit hypocritical, can inspire. After all, is it worth ruining a relationship over a couple of rotten tomatoes or stale bread? This is a trifle compared to what is happening in the soul of a real man. So it turns out that weak, fragile women have to lift and support the shaky "support".

Only love, wisdom and devotion will be faithful helpers in this. And if you run out of strength and love for an adult who has dropped his hands, have pity and love the little, defenseless boy who lives in his soul. This is not so difficult to do. You just need to be able to see the one who needs you.

Psychologists from the University of Padua (Italy), led by Dr. Marco Bertoni, recently introduced the expression "fired husband syndrome" into everyday life. They found that many women whose husbands were fired from their jobs experience intense stress and even depression. It is the working ladies who suffer the most, not the housewives who have been left without a breadwinner.

As it turned out, a good half of women, whose classic symptoms of stress and depression are observed - insomnia, anxiety and depression. And the symptoms appear the brighter, the longer the husband is out of work. A mystery for scientists was that it was the working wives who were most acutely worried about the loss of their spouse's job, although it would seem that unemployed women should have been more upset - after all, they were practically left without a livelihood!

However, an explanation was found for this phenomenon: after all, if the husband does not have a job, but the wife has, then the role of the main earner in the family automatically passes to her. And this in itself is fraught with a stressful state.

“The fact is that they are already experiencing the stress associated with their own work in their lives, so they simply have less time and energy left to emotionally support their husbands,” says study leader Marco Bertoni. women now have to work even harder. "

How should a woman behave if her husband is among the dismissed, which is quite likely in a situation of economic instability?

Here are some tips from psychologists on how to avoid a nervous breakdown about this.

Pull yourself together.

In this section:
Partner news

Do not lament: "Oh, how are we going to live with you now?" Wailing won't change anything. You need to draw up a strategy that will help you survive in a difficult situation. Recalculate your family budget. Decide what expenses can be reduced, to whom you can turn for financial assistance in case of difficult circumstances (for example, parents, close relatives, friends).

If there are loans, this issue should be addressed first. Perhaps it will be possible to agree with the bank on debt restructuring due to difficult circumstances. Expect to live in austerity for a while. But this is not fatal, and, as they say, what does not kill us makes us stronger ... Try to see the positive sides in the situation.

The good news is, first of all, that now your husband will be able to spend more time with his family. You can plan joint activities for which there was not enough time before (preferably not very expensive). In addition, you can ask your husband to do something around the house that your hands have never been able to do before.

A non-working spouse can sit with children, go to the store, cook dinner for you to come home from work ...

Get busy as soon as possible.

Do not expect him to start doing it himself: many men swing for a long time before taking action. Place your husband's resume on the Internet, look through vacancies, call your friends and acquaintances - what if something is found?

You can try to talk to your superiors - it is possible that if you yourself have established yourself as a good employee, the boss will meet you halfway and find a place for your "half" ...

If you are not currently working, look for a job yourself.

Of course, one should hope for the best, but not the fact that the husband will find a new job quickly. Therefore, if both spouses are left without work, look for vacancies not only for him, but also for yourself. By the way, a woman can succeed much more quickly: the fair sex usually behaves more actively and more often makes compromises - for example, they agree to a lower pay or work outside their specialty.

If there is no work in the near future, look for new sources of income.

It can be any family business, say, for cutting dogs or painting nesting dolls ... Apply your abilities and skills, try to be creative - and you will start making money! You can rent or sell surplus housing, a summer residence, a car - whatever you have. This will help keep you going through a difficult period.

My husband was fired from his job ... It seemed that this would never happen. Stable life is so good. And here it is! So what to do now?

If you are familiar with the situation: you or a family member was fired from your job then the information below will be useful to you.

We will consider two sides of this issue: moral and practical. In this article, we will consider the moral side of the problem.

The material, for ease of perception, is given in two articles:

1. If the husband was fired from his job! What to do? (1 - Moral side).

In modern world job loss is not, unfortunately, already something surprising and unreal. We certainly do not want to believe that someday this may happen in our family. And when such an event comes into our lives, we often find ourselves not ready to accept it with dignity: morally, financially and practically. And if only the husband works, and the wife is a housewife, then the pressure on the family increases even more.

Consider possible options for action in this difficult, but not desperate situation, when my husband was fired from work.

The moral side of the issue

1. Do not panic.

I know it can be difficult, our family went through it too. But you need to try very hard to control yourself, because panic entails rash actions, and this can only worsen the situation.

Find ways to distract you from your worries and cheer you up. When the first wave of emotions has passed, and you have calmed down a little, you can make certain decisions.

If finances allow, it will be good to finally go on a long-awaited vacation with the whole family, and with new strength and ideas that you will get on vacation, start solving the problem, namely job search... And you don't have to fly to distant countries. You can visit relatives or friends in the village, in the neighboring town ...

Go to the cinema, theater, swimming pool, skating rink ... You know better than me, how to cheer yourself up.

The financial side is described in more detail in the second part of the article (Practical side).

2. Don't blame each other.

Blaming each other's husband and wife is bad in any situation, and especially now that husband unemployed... Everything has already happened, and now you need to be worthy deal with a difficult situation. Sharing problems can help strengthen relationships. married! Situations in life are different, but you still have to live together!

The circumstances and reasons for dismissal may be different, and if this is the husband's fault, then do not blame him for this. Try to solve problems together.

3. Support each other.

In a situation job loss difficult for both husband and wife.

The husband is the leader and breadwinner of the family. And it is a great stress for him that he cannot fulfill one of his most important functions. - taking care of the family... One man can hide his feelings and pretend that nothing happened, but he will still feel all the pain of the situation in his soul. And the other - to withdraw into oneself, to show panic, aggression, hyperactivity ... In any case, women, treat your husband's behavior with understanding and show sympathy, understanding and care! Also tell your husband how you feel so that he can express his support for you. Men don't take hints!

4. Help each other.

Take up a job search together, work on your resume and cover letter, assign responsibilities - become one close-knit team! When we are together, we are strong!

Let the husband, on time of unemployment, will take on part of the household responsibilities, thus helping you and feeling important and belonging to the family. But not many and not all at once! It will be hard for a man, and you will be annoyed because of things not done on time (as you are used to) or not done well.

For more details on the practical steps of finding a job, read the second part of the article (Practical side).

5. Do not "nag" your husband.

Phrases like: "You are unemployed, go do something useful around the house!" He who does not work does not eat! ”,“ You see what a fellow neighbor - a hard worker. Take an example from him! ".... Do not change the situation for the better, but ruining your marriage!

6. Do not "lisp" with your husband as with a child, and do not underestimate the extent of the problem.

This can lead to a distorted perception of the seriousness of the situation and discourage action! On the other hand, don't exaggerate. This will lead to panic and even more stress in family relationships.

7. Don't lose faith and hope!

We never know how long the difficulties will continue in our life. But someday they must end.

8. Pray.

I'm serious. And this point should be the first. Even if you don't believe in God, still pray! This will give you the feeling of having an additional source of help, you will see.

Ask your believing friends to pray for your job search and for a favorable atmosphere in the family. Many churches have a section on prayer needs on their websites and social media. Contact there if you do not want to personally ask your friends for help.

Good afternoon, friends, at any time - crisis or not, if the breadwinner is left without work - hard times come for the family. It is important at this moment to morally support the husband, to try to direct the spouse to a new field of activity so that he can find a new decent job. Today we will talk about which strategy to choose for this loving wife and children. So what if your husband gets fired from his job? How to keep peace and balance in the family despite the current difficult financial situation. A few tips from a psychologist to help the family get through this difficult period, to support your spouse so that he does not become depressed.

The moral support

For a normal man, being fired and losing his job is a blow to his pride. Forced resignation from work can severely undermine his faith in himself. And here it is very important for the second half to choose the right tactics. What not to do? It is not worth the wife to pour out negativity on her spouse, let alone openly speak out towards her husband, calling him a loser ... Such an attitude will only add fuel to the fire and the husband will less often go to interviews and may eventually lose hope of finding a good job.

It is important now to support a loved one: to show attention, to encourage with a kind word, to participate in the discussion of his affairs. And instill confidence in such words: "Honey, everything will be fine", "Whatever is done, everything is for the best", "I know you will find a worthy use for your talents." Such support from your side will be invaluable!

We look at the situation in a business way

We imagine that a family is an enterprise. And then force majeure or unforeseen circumstances happened at the enterprise. In this case, we take a business approach:

  1. At first. The first step is to sit down with your husband at the table and reduce debit to credit - to calculate the balance of the money and how much it will last.
  2. Secondly. Then, together, think about how to change the system of spending and savings so as to cope with temporary difficulties.

By the way, the roles in the family can be changed at this time. Your unemployed husband can take over part of the housework for now. Then you can find some part-time job.

Showing wisdom

There is a possibility that the husband will be delayed by the work of a “housewife”. Therefore, so that he does not sit at home, as soon as the storms subside, immediately start a conversation about his future plans. Ask your husband leading questions: "Dear, where would you like to work?" etc.

It is necessary to conduct a conversation about the prospects of his future work skillfully - calmly and judiciously, you need to try to choose the right vector of interaction: the man will know what to look for and how, and you - what kind of support he needs. A lot can be achieved with smart praise. It increases a man's self-esteem. Remember his past achievements more often: "Look what a beautiful coat you bought me last year!"

Children's question

Even the smallest offspring cannot be hidden. They will definitely notice that there is less money: attractions are only on holidays, toys and sweets are bought less often ... Try to calmly and clearly explain to the children what these changes are connected with. Show your heirs that a lot depends on them.

Let the guys try to come up with new ones for themselves, cook some kind of dish from those products that are in the refrigerator.

And, perhaps most importantly, try to convey to the children the idea that a lot can be overcome if in difficult moments of life you act as one team. Even if the husband is left without work, you can cope together and overcome everything!

Then the difficulties associated with losing your husband's job will only strengthen the relationship and bring your family together. After all, who, if not close people, should help each other in difficult times!

Video: "Lost your job - look for the pluses in this!"

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