If a man loves he will return. Less love, more irritation. Signs that the man wants to leave Husband said he loves but wants to leave

In this article, I will tell you if a man can leave his beloved woman / girl.

I emphasize, LOVED WOMAN. The one he loves. Really. For real.

Ordinary girls, to whom there is "nothing" (serious feelings, love), are thrown and abandoned, and for no reason, reasons, and without words, and just like that, and for some crap, this is all wrong, we will not talk about this today ...

Today I will speak only for those men who have serious feelings for a girl / woman (love). But, at the same time, they can still leave the woman, leave her, break up with her.

It is often said that if a man loves = then he will never leave.

Those. as a consequence of this, this arose: if a man left a woman, then he does not love her / did not love her.

It is clear to the naked eye who wrote it, from whose mouth it came and continues to this day.

Women adhering to this worldview = will never have long-term happy relationships, but all because they do not know what love is, and naively believe that love is eternal and everything rests on it =) (it's time to take off your pink glasses and enter into harsh realities)

Love is emotion. This is an animal instinct. This is an instinctive behavior.

I talked about this in more detail in the main article:

I mean, in any long-term relationship = all this love, emotions, passion, etc. = in any case will gradually cool down. As before, as in the beginning, it will not be. And you need to be prepared for this.

This is a priori, you know? That is why, that concept in style: loves - never leaves = is not true, because love is not eternal, and over time, this love, feelings, emotions, passion, etc. - cool down.

I do not argue that this reason has a place to be (at the end, we will talk about it). But! This reason does not reflect the real and true state of affairs. In any case, a relationship (long-term, happy) will not hold on to love alone, this chemistry. This is a priori. If you do not understand this, you are worse off.

Those young ladies who think that he left means he did not love (she took off the responsibility to feel the norms) = either still little girls (still far from everything) or adults, but brainless hens.

Here are the real reasons, I repeat, REAL reasons why a loving man can leave:

# 1. Your infidelity (female infidelity, no fidelity)

I think without further ado. To adequate people, everything is clear.

Cheating is something that changes everything once and for all. Immediately turns away from a person once and for all. And no matter how strong, real, real feelings were = after the betrayal = everything is already wrong and will never be the same ...

Serious real relationships are built on trust. If there is no trust or it has disappeared = game over.

Serious relationships after female infidelity, a priori, are no longer possible, in principle. Such relations no longer have any prospects for the future. With a girl / woman who cheats at least once, it makes no sense to continue anything AT ALL, because the girl's / woman's loyalty = this is her main quality # 1.

Accordingly, if there is no loyalty (devotion), then such a woman, a worthy man, for the long term (relationship, life together, procreation) is not needed.

The loyalty of a girl / woman is needed so that a man has clear clarity and confidence that whatever happens, well, for example, injuries, health problems, financial problems, swearing, scandals, quarrels, consumption from each other, or there is separation, absence, business trip, flight, army, etc., etc. things = a woman will be faithful (devoted) to a man to the end, will not go to another, will not leave for the sake of profit, will not change, will not change, will not betray, etc. and so on. Do you understand? This is extremely important ...

And what is much more important, it is extremely important for a man to understand that children will be from him. With this woman. And not from someone on the side with whom she can somersault. Understand? It is extremely important to understand that the genus, the genetic line, this man, and not someone on the side there. What his offspring. That he will educate, invest resources, etc. in his own piece, in his "flesh and blood", and not in the offspring of some Kolya, Vasya, Petit, Pykaper, etc. from this category. Do you understand?

If there is no loyalty in a woman = this is not a worthy individual, and building RELATIONSHIPS with such a shawl = meaningless. There are three of them, you can throw them around, there are no problems, but to build a joint life, relationships, family, plan children, etc., etc. = categorically not, because it’s worse for yourself.

Those who do not give up such sh * x, and forgive them for treason, are just dumb nonentities, heels, mattresses, weaklings, about which I don't even want to talk. They are not men. And the point. Everything. They drove on.

# 2. If a man realizes that he is not loved ...

By the way, point number 1. female infidelity also suggests that a man is not loved or respected.

How can you build a serious relationship with someone who does not have serious feelings for you? After all, feelings are manifested in actions (actions). If there are no serious feelings (love) = then there are no corresponding actions (actions) either. Everything is interconnected. As a consequence of this, point # 3 arises.

No. 3. A woman does not make a man happy ...

If a woman does not make a man happy = does not try, does not make maximum efforts in everything = this is not love, and such a relationship will not last long.

I was in love once, and I left the young lady precisely for this reason ...

In general, a loving man can leave a woman if he does not feel happy with her. If she doesn't make him happy. He does not try, does not put his best efforts in everything. If this is not there, then there is no love. Because love, serious relationships are not complete without 100% reciprocity.

For a truly loving woman, reciprocity is not an empty phrase ...

If the feelings are serious, if a girl loves a man, really, truly, she will invest in him, invest her time, desire, strength, energy, money, etc., etc., you understand?

The bottom line is that when a person is dear to you, important - you want him to be happy and you do everything (invest time, energy, energy, money, etc.) to make his darling happy.

For any kindness, a loving girl / woman will always respond with her own. For your gift - for yours. To your attention - to yours. To your deed - to yours. Etc. etc. Understand? I'll talk about this later.

If this is not the case, it happens (for example, a man does and does everything for her, invests in her, gives hey gifts, arranges surprises, invests all of himself, his desire, time, money, energy, strength, etc., etc.) - and the girl only receives, but does not give anything in return, or gives very little, there is no parity, she does not make the man happy in return, and there is no 100% reciprocity.

And a man feels it, inside himself, feels that he means less to a woman than she does to him ...

In this situation, there is no longer a balance in the relationship = it has already arisen, therefore, this relationship is already coming or the end has already come. Something there to demand or even ask for reciprocity, love or understanding is stupid and ridiculous ...

Success in relationships is possible only if the balance (parity) is maintained. Point.

What should a woman do to make a man happy?

At a minimum, cover all men's needs with high quality and regularly:

  • 1) Quality regular s * ks

It's probably no secret to anyone that s * ks is an integral part of a healthy, full-fledged relationship. Without high-quality and regular s * ksa = no relationship is, in principle, possible.

S * ks is one of the main elements of a man's attachment to himself, a loving girl will always monitor this, s * cally satisfy her man and always try to the maximum in this regard.

If this is not the case, there is no high-quality and regular bitch in the relationship (a woman does not pamper a man, does not please, does not satisfy, does not try, does not make efforts, etc., etc.) = hey, is the man satisfied anyway or not = hey don't give a damn = how because of = feelings (love) are not here.

  • 2) 100% loyalty (devotion) to a man

Without comment, everything is clear, I have already told you.


In short, only femininity is capable of all this. A feminine woman!

Read more about femininity, here, go and search immediately

  • 4) Attention to a man

A man should feel that he is needed, important, paramount, No. 1, that there is nothing without him.

If this is not the case, the girl does not sacrifice anything for the sake of the man = this is not love. If hey girlfriends / friends are more important = this is not love. If you are not her number 1, you are hey and not important / expensive, as a result, this is not love.

For a loving girl / woman, man comes first. Everything else is secondary. Much less important than a man. Hence the certain behavior on the female side.

  • 5) The value of a man

Reciprocity for a loving woman is not an empty phrase ...

Love is when both partners are invested in relation to each other. If this is not the case, one of the partners does not feel feelings. If a man hey everything, and a woman nothing - this is not love.

A loving woman, as I said, will reciprocate a man's love. If this is not there, then there is no love.

  • 6) The function of motherhood

This is already in the advanced stages. It is important here that a woman at the birth of a child should not forget about a man. Very often a child is born and a man is forgotten, and this is the main mistake.

A mistake that can destroy this relationship (union).

Remember. Sweetheart. You work with a man. Is always! Throughout life.

If you do not cover the needs of a man, do not expect anything good. Everything is possible. Point.

  • 7) Mistress function

A woman must perform this function in a quality manner, raise children, housekeeping (household function), etc., this function of a woman is needed in order to free her husband to perform his main functions (breadwinner (breadwinner) and protector of the family).

  • 8) and all that he lacks (lacks).

You already know better what is there and how. You have to feel it, know it, see it. You're a woman. But! At least (without fail), efficiently and regularly cover those 1-7 needs.

More details about all the needs (in detail) in the main article:

Needs were the first. And secondly…

And secondly, you, darling, need to make this man of yours - feel like a man - next to you. Your man should feel like a MAN - next to you.

To do this, you must be a FEMALE WOMAN. This is one of the key rules of the relationship between m and f. This is the key rule - it allows a man to want to be with this woman himself.

Femininity in yourself needs to be pumped! Work on yourself a woman. Work. No one is feminine - born. At the snap of a finger = nothing happens. There must be hard work!

  • Don't act like a man (develop your femininity)
  • Do not allow monotony, routine, routine in relationships with your man
  • Do not stop watching yourself constantly "do not hammer on yourself"
  • Avoid frequent fights in a relationship.
  • Do not allow long separation in a relationship
  • Don't act like a mom, you're a girl - be hey, wife - be a wife
  • Avoid Constant Jealousy in Relationships

These are the real reasons. 1) Cheated (no fidelity) and 2) No reciprocity (doesn't make you happy). I thought about what other real reasons there could be to leave a loving girl, more - I don't know.

No. 4. Someone else will say - he can stop loving ...

Again, at the beginning of the article, I already talked about this. The fact that the vast majority of people forget (or rather, do not even know at all) about what love is.

I remember. Love is emotion. This is an animal instinct. This is an instinctive behavior.

I mean that in any long-term relationship = all love, emotions, passion, etc. = in any case will gradually cool down. As before, as in the beginning, it will not be. And you need to be prepared for this.

And the majority are not ready for this. They think that everything will be forever. This is a huge mistake.

Here, success will depend on what kind of woman will be next to a man, what she is, and how this woman interacts on a regular basis with her man. It is also important what kind of man he is, and how he interacts with his woman on a regular basis. Do you understand?

If both a man and a woman CSGO (worthy high-ranking) + suit each other well, and at the same time interact very competently with each other = this reason will not happen.

Nevertheless, this reason is possible, indeed, which is why it got into this article.

Other reasons, if we speak for a man in love, experiencing serious feelings, I do not know.

With SW, administrator.

Not every woman can boast of excellent intuition. Moreover, sometimes the fair sex does not notice the obvious things: it happens that the beloved man with his whole appearance shows that he wants to leave. But when he still decides to pack his suitcase, the other half is very surprised at such an “unexpected” turn in life together. How to understand that a man is thinking about parting, says psychologist Anetta Orlova.

How a man's speech changes:

1. If earlier he himself talked about his life, relationships with colleagues, friends, plans for the coming years, career advancement or job change, then gradually such conversations come to naught.

Plus, the man doesn't ask questions about your life. The former interest in your space, business, environment with which you spend time, etc. has disappeared.

2. A man avoids heart-to-heart conversations. He clearly reveals your intention to bring the conversation to an emotional mood, to get closer, and at the very beginning tries to reduce everything to the genre of everyday dialogue or communication on an abstract topic. The rapprochement now scares him.

3. The suns, bunnies and bunnies ran away for a walk! In a man's speech, pleasant, gentle, cute nicknames are catastrophically reduced, the appeal to you becomes more formal.

4. Many men tend to destroy the image of the once beloved woman, because for them this is the easiest way not to regret parting. How is it shown? He does not want to see your positive qualities, he tries to depreciate even the best, because it is difficult for him to meet your merits, but he gladly emphasizes all the shortcomings.

5. In his speech, the man uses less and less words that indicate the stability of you as a couple. In his conversations, images of a joint future are no longer present. He tries to live in the moment and think over ways to escape. After all, he needs to take back all those promises that he made. The pronoun "We" is replaced by "You" and "I". Plans, things, friends also become "yours", "mine", and not "ours."

6. In the speech space, the names of other women and colleagues who help at work, or girls who are engaged in fitness on a nearby simulator begin to appear. In conversations, the names of former girlfriends and places of former military glory of a man, where he spent a lot of fun time, come up every now and then.

7. After your questions about the joint future, the man, before answering, seems to freeze - a superficial inhalation, then a heavy exhalation. He tacitly agrees with your statement, or he answers dryly: "yes", "ok", "aha", and quickly turns the conversation to an abstract topic.

8. If earlier you were for him a sensitive and fragile nature that needs to be protected from the whole world, now you are just a hysterical person to whom you can express the whole truth. In conflict situations, the man became harsh and even cruel. In a dispute, a woman is freed from resentment, jealousy, boredom and feelings of loneliness. She can ask questions that do not require answers, and all just so that the man reassures her and says that he loves her very much. If he does not follow the lead of this plan, such a scenario weighs on him, then we can assume that he has lost interest in the woman. The less love, the stronger the irritation.

9. When making claims, a man uses expressions: “you are in your repertoire,” “everything is as usual,” “well, everything is clear with you,” “you don’t get along with anyone,” “friends say the truth,” “it is clear why even your mother cannot communicate with you, ”and so on. Thus, he pursues several goals at once. First, he wants to expand his dissatisfaction with you to the level of a group of people who are also dissatisfied with you - mom, ex, friends, colleagues, children. Secondly, to generalize the difficulties, to expose your mistakes in such a light so that they turn into defects of your personality, preferably irreparable. This is a self-hypnosis technique. Thirdly, it tries to discredit you by comparing with those with whom comparison is traumatic for you. This is done in order to simply strike a blow at self-esteem.

How a man's behavior changes:

1. In your presence, a man seeks to retire to another territory. He is tolerant of silence, he can say three words for the whole evening, and those are not the most pleasant, he is more passionate about his own affairs and tasks than talking with a woman. This is a clear sign that feelings are cooling down.

2. A man is happy to give you the initiative in a relationship. If earlier he called three times a day, today it is difficult to write a couple of SMS, and those with the banal question: "How are you?" So he tries to calm your anxiety, but he does not have too much true desire to communicate. Gradually, he will answer your calls more than initiate communication.

3. The importance of the phone is growing sharply, and in such a competitive struggle you are clearly losing. He now carries a mobile phone either in a case (so that the display is not visible), or, by pure chance, always puts it face down.

4. A man becomes indifferent to your tears, if he hugs, then out of mercy, and all the time he glances at his watch, then at the phone. Your condition quickly irritates him.

5. When you find yourself in a beautiful place against which you would like to take a selfie together, he asks you to take a picture of him alone and immediately uploads the pictures to social networks - it must be admitted that he is not doing this for you. He just has other viewers.

6. He begins to avoid contact with your parents, although he used to be happy to initiate them himself. Parents are a symbol of conscience. A decent man is very worried when meeting people who see him as a potential son-in-law.

7. The money invested in you is no longer an investment, but a waste of a resource. The man becomes much more tight-fisted. When it comes to spending on you, he listens to mom's advice more than his own - it's safer this way.

8. Your requests seem to him more and more unfounded and unimportant. Your tone is displeased and harsh. Your attempts to get closer are violating his boundaries.

9. A man becomes the master of his word. He can not only give it, but also take it back with ease. His values ​​change in the same way as his attitude towards you changes.

We are all accustomed to the fact that people leave when love passes. "I love, but I am leaving" is a paradox, but often a woman can leave a man, loving him.

Love is a feeling that does not tolerate judgment, it cannot be measured and compared, you should not be prejudiced against it, as well as extol it. Love for each of us is individual and incredibly relative. Until now, no one can give this feeling a concrete definition.

Love has no boundaries and no prohibitions - no one will ever be able to connect two people if there is no such cherished feeling between them - love. And, conversely, in order to destroy what is there, it does not take much effort at all. Love leaves, leaving a painful mark every time. And time after time people ask themselves the question: what happened, how could this have happened? Why did love go away if everything seemed to be fine?

6 main reasons women leave men in love:

  1. A woman feels lonely.

It is very important for every woman in a relationship to know and feel needed, to know that she matters to you. If the one with whom she goes hand in hand does not support her, then she will look for her in her friends, mother, close people, herself. But does she need a relationship without the most important thing - the mutual return and support of a loved one? And sooner or later, despite her love, a woman realizes that there is no point in such a relationship.

For a woman, a beloved man is the whole world, this is her life. But for men, simple comfort is enough to get complete satisfaction. The moment a woman realizes that her importance in a pair is not equal to that which she attaches to a man, she leaves. A woman needs to be needed, and the union in which she does not receive this is no longer love and not even reciprocity. This is the main reason for her decision to end the relationship.

  1. A woman expects actions from a man, not empty words.

You've probably heard that a woman loves with her ears and is extremely sensitive to affectionate words. Do not throw your words down the drain. Once you have promised something, you must back up your words. I'm not talking about heroic deeds. These can be routine activities that you will do daily to prove and strengthen your bond with her.

It is not necessary to be Hidalgo, but it is necessary to be a man in everything: do not allow a woman to carry bags, wash shoes and take out the trash, do simple household chores without female reminders and requests.

Only realizing that the one to whom the woman has opened up and trusted, will be able to support her and protect her from any adversity, she flourishes, develops and always moves forward.

  1. The woman does not feel her attraction.

The intimate side in a relationship is very important for both partners, it is just as important to maintain and maintain interest in each other. It is necessary that its manifestations always have a place in the usual everyday life. Women always appreciate the manifestation of attention, small surprises, pleasant words, spontaneity in a man. Therefore, you should not be surprised if you pay attention to others or linger in front of the TV before going to her bedroom and find her sleeping. The woman sees and feels that the relationship between you has changed. It is at the very moment when she realizes that you do not want her, but some nurse from the film, that the relationship comes to an end. This means that a woman needs to move forward, but without you.

  1. Colossal life changes .

As a rule, not all women are mercantile. They don't care about a car, a fur coat or expensive boots. These are all stereotypes. The main thing that is important for a woman to receive from a man is confidence. As they say, both in grief and in joy, he should be only with her. But, life goes on, and significant changes periodically occur in it, which become a strong psychological test for a woman - menopause sets in, children grow up and leave. It is during such periods that she must be firmly convinced that these are only temporary difficulties, but he always remains nearby - a strong and worthy man who respects and shares her experiences.

If a woman does not feel this support, she is capable of destroying everything that has been built over the years in one day, in order to start everything from scratch alone. This will make it much easier for her.

  1. Lack of recognition

Typical behavior of men: with age, they practically lose interest in affairs and things that do not concern them personally. A woman, on the contrary, at any age needs these moments. It is important for her to hear a compliment from a man about a new dress, hairstyle, or see basic expressions of concern. These seemingly little things make her happy. Make it a rule not to be lazy in your relationship, maintain energy balance, and don't let boredom become a constant habit. A man should always remain the companion of his woman.

  1. "I'm not on my way with him!"

The days when a woman needed someone who would fully provide for her and satisfy all her needs are long gone. A modern woman is strong, patient, self-sufficient. She herself fully realizes her capabilities and wants the man next to him to be appropriate. With a hobby, hobbies, easy-going, with similar spiritual values ​​and intellect. If a woman feels that these things do not coincide, then she thinks about whether this is her man. And she can leave.

Which man is right for you, you will find out on

With love,
Irina Gavrilova Dempsey

Sometimes it happens that a man leaves the one he truly loves. And not because he is afraid of responsibility. And not because it seems to him that he is not yet ready for family life. And not even because the woman cheated on him.

Here are the five most common reasons a man leaves his beloved woman.

A man does not feel that a woman appreciates him

Male psychology is such that recognition is very important for them. And not only at work. The feeling of being needed is what keeps a man close to a woman. If a man realizes that a woman does not value him, he ceases to see the meaning in a relationship. If, on the contrary, a woman appreciates everything that a man does for her, he begins to feel his own importance. And then he will strive for development in order to be even better for his beloved.

The man sees that the woman is unhappy with him.

One of the basic male needs is the need to be needed. According to male logic, if a woman is unhappy with him, then she does not need him. The task of a man (in his opinion) is to make his presence and actions meaningful for a woman in the most positive sense. Therefore, if for all his efforts he does not receive a response (again, positive) from his beloved, then he will come to the conclusion that he is not able to make the woman he loves happy. If she is unhappy with him, then she is suffering. If she suffers, then it is better for him to leave and make room for the one who will make her happy. And he will leave, believe me.

A woman is constantly trying to remake a man.

No matter how delicately a woman behaves, a man will feel that they are trying to remake him. What if he doesn't want to be what his chosen one wants to see him? Then he will feel guilty in front of her. Feelings of guilt aren't good for the relationship, that's for sure. And even if a man begins to rape his own nature and adapt to a woman, at a certain moment an explosion will occur and the man will simply slam the door, because if he is being altered, then he is not loved.

Different life goals

The difference in life goals can be manifested in everything: in the choice of housing, in the number of children, in religion, etc. Do not underestimate this factor. Be realistic and don't expect everything to work itself out. Speak these questions in advance so that later there will be no unpleasant surprises, because breaking yourself, pleasing another person is not the best way out. Even any little thing that a couple initially decides to ignore can lead to the fact that one day a man leaves, realizing that they have no points of contact with his beloved.

Communication between a man and a woman is a solid negative

If there is always negativity in the communication between partners, the relationship begins to seem like a continuous burden. Of course, everyone has hard times, not a single family life can do without disagreements and quarrels. But if negativity and constant arguments have become your daily reality, you need to do something.

Male logic is simple: you need to avoid the bad and cultivate the good. Therefore, if his woman, on the contrary, constantly escalates the situation, it is unlikely that he will be enough for a long time.

Only his love will help to return a loved one. If he loves, he will return himself. Give a chance to time. It will arrange everything on the shelves as it sees fit. Do not bother him, otherwise it will play against you.

I will tell a couple of cases from my life, which will confirm the words about self-return.

NS first story. Zhenya and Zhenya met at the prom. At the time when it was three years from the date of their acquaintance - Zhenya (a young man), suddenly, decides that it is time to leave. Zhenya (woman), all tear-stained, calls her friends. They are shocked. Nobody expected something like this to happen. What happened was very unusual due to the fact that the couple was very friendly. It turns out that Zhenya (the young man) is just tired. Tired of seeing, every day, the same girl in front of his eyes. He needed a rest. And the woman Zhenya was crying and worried. She managed to get used to her young man - the namesake. And she did not want to lose him. Love because it was also there.

Zhenya, a few weeks later, returned to Zhenya. They still see each other. Indeed, the woman runs away from the registry office for the third time. Zhenya is naturally angry, but he tolerates it. It seems that she does not plan to leave Zhenya. Believe it or not, they've been together for nine years! And they do not live together, but see each other, spending the night, alternately, a friend with a friend. The girl is quite happy with this.

V The second story is not a story with a happy ending. The woman and the boy saw each other for a couple of years. Later, one evening, at the next meeting, the woman saw that her young man had changed greatly in relation to her. Women's intuition screamed SOS. And she was right: the young man really cooled off. And the circumstance is different. He was not frightened by the fact that the other had children (a boy and a girl), despite the fact that he claimed that he did not want other people's children. He left. The woman worried, was killed, cried. She begged him to come back. She threw him messages and called - the boy changed his number. Determined where he lives, came, any evening, to the entrance. The young man took his passion and changed his place of residence. And he told all his friends not to give him away. At the time when the woman asked them where her beloved was, they said they did not know. They know, like, only at the time when he left.

The woman went to fortune-tellers. In addition, she did love spells. Nothing at all helped. How to get a loved one back? A love spell will not help if the soul does not lie with a person of some kind. The woman struggled, tried. At the time when she felt that she was powerless, she did an unthinkable act: she went to a monastery. It was difficult for her, at first, in it. But she got used to it, and to leave, "Probably," from there, she is not ready. She decided, for herself, that she would no longer allow men to hurt her. Friends and girlfriends come to her, and her relatives do not forget. Indeed, not everyone understands her act.

In case you want to return

  1. Do not ring, thousands of times, landline and home phones. Obsession is not a good nonsense that gets in the way of many things.
  2. Not a guard, invariably, his at home. At the entrance - even more so. If, a couple of times, this happened - try, so that it does not happen again.
  3. Don't bother with your tears. The fact that you will cry in his presence will not help. By and large, men do not adore the tears of ladies, although they touch some of them.

Do your girlfriends say he won't come back? Don't trust them. They don't know what will happen next. Like every person. Live in hope, not versions. Thinking is possible, anything. But thoughts are not something that necessarily comes true.

Optimism has not yet been canceled. If it’s hard to be an optimist, try to remain just a person in whom there is a large amount of optimism. It is much easier to live with him (with optimism). And not only to those who suffer because of love. Optimists It’s always easier. Also to those who are very joyful.

If he directly told you that he would not return, do not look for an excuse for torment. It is invariably possible to find a replacement. The fact that there are no irreplaceable people is true. Just give yourself up to time. It will heal you. Do not expect a quick result, due to the fact that you will have to wait specifically. Expect, if you wish, for the time treatment to pass successfully. And do not be surprised that time will drag on like chewing gum. The wait can get you. If the young man asked to give him the opportunity to think about everything - give it, do not be greedy. Someday, you will realize that it was not in vain that you were not greedy. And it doesn't matter what happens next between you. Any of your actions is a school of life. You, thanks to such actions, gain experience. A lot of experience, albeit not positive.

If a man really fell in love with another, it is unrealistic to return him. Men, like women, blow off the roof from great love. They give everything to their beloved lady, completely dissolving in her. Not noticing anything around, they live and breathe the one that is so dear to them.

Do not worry! You will only make it worse for yourself. The violation is not a psychologist. By the way, you can go to a psychologist if you don’t feel dislike for people of such professions. One hour with a psychologist - a lot will change. Basically, be honest with him, don't hide anything. Express any of your ideas.

Do you love to be alone, at a time when you are not good? Leave, for example, to the village. Or to the dacha. Drive in the direction where, in your point of view, real harmony reigns. If hope does not leave you, live with her, do not drive her away. You know, everything is not uncommon in life. And the fact that a loved one returns is not the rarest of cases. He can come back. At the time when - it is unknown. Due to the fact that he himself, perhaps, does not know at the time when this may happen. Men say that ladies are very unpredictable personalities. Men are no less the same. They just, for some reason, love to deny their unpredictability.

Don't lose faith in the best. If you lose it, it will be difficult to find. Yes, you, most likely, will not want to look for her anymore, because you will begin to be disappointed in life at all. And she is in you. This mutual disappointment is dust, from which it is urgent to get rid of.

There is one more method…. Chat with someone from your family. Later, at the end of the conversations, put all your conclusions into one mosaic. See how easy it will become for you. You will be able to act rationally, and not think only with your heart! Do you have any dear people? Fine! They won't want anything bad for you. These are the recommendations of a psychologist.

Methods and means. - How to do to love you?

Circumstances To adore a guy, a man.- Why adore him? For what?

Do I need to return it? - How to forget the guy who threw?

A source:

Psychologist's recommendations. Methods and means. Only his love will help to return a loved one. If he loves, he will return himself. Give a chance to time. It will put everything on the shelves as needed

If a man loves he will return

What to do to prevent this from happening?

1. Do not bother him on the phone, that you can’t even a day without him, that you can’t eat, sleep, or go to the toilet. What is he to blame if you were divided by quite weighty circumstances (work, trip to the South, etc.)?

2. Try to find something interesting for yourself. (whether it be rollerblading, cross stitching, demonstration of the tongue to passers-by - everything is up to you). According to the principle: "Whatever the child is amused, as long as it does not cry."

3. If you acutely feel that you are about to start texting him and I'm not sure that you will stop until the morning, do this: write, but do not send. Or write texts to him on paper, or on a computer. You can pour out all your emotions, remember the first day you met, describe your first kiss, etc. When he comes back and reads, he will carry you in his arms (checked).

Understand that if he does not call as often as you would like, does not write messages, perhaps he is just busy, and he needs to settle things, and this takes some time to sort out work (parents, friends, finances). Give him some time, don't ring every five minutes. If he really loves you, he will show up himself as soon as he finally “settles” the situation. And if you sort things out: “Where have you been? You have forgotten me, you didn’t love me, you didn’t want to, that is why you flew away, ”he will tell you where to fly, or walk far and for a long time.

On the contrary, you should warm up his interest, and not look like a compulsive psychopath. For example: “Honey, how are you? Glad to hear from you. Today I was visiting friends, went bowling. I miss, I wait, I love. "

Checked. Feeling your independence, he will write you a bunch of SMS and call you every hour. And then, of course - a man is a true hunter, and you made him be in constant tension. Keep it up!

A source:
If a man loves he will return
What to do to prevent this from happening? 1. Do not bother him on the phone that you cannot go a day without him, that you neither eat, nor sleep, nor go to the toilet. He's something to blame if you were divided

How to return a loved one, a man?

How to return Love, interest, attention of an ex-boyfriend, a man?

Psychologist's advice. Ways and means.

Only his love will help to return a loved one. If he loves, he will return himself. Give a chance to time. It will arrange everything on the shelves as it sees fit. Do not bother him, otherwise it will "play" against you.

How to return a loved one, a man?

I will tell you a few cases from my life, which will confirm the words about "self-return".

NS first story. Zhenya and Zhenya met at the prom. When three years have passed since the day of their acquaintance - Zhenya (boyfriend), suddenly, decides that it is time to leave. Zhenya (girl), all tear-stained, calls her friends. They are shocked. Nobody expected something like this to happen. What happened was very strange, because the couple was very close. It turns out that Zhenya (the guy) is just tired. Tired of seeing, every day, the same girl in front of his eyes. He needed a rest. And the girl Zhenya cried and worried. She managed to get used to her boyfriend - namesake. And she didn't want to lose him. Love was also present.

Zhenya, two weeks later, returned to Zhenya. They still meet. True, the girl runs away from the registry office for the third time. Zhenya is naturally angry, but he tolerates it. It seems that he is not going to leave Zhenya. Believe it or not, they've been together for nine years! And they do not live together, but meet, sleeping, alternately, with each other. The girl is very happy with this.

V The second story is not a story with a happy ending. The girl and the guy met for several years. Then, one evening, at the next meeting, the girl noticed that her boyfriend had changed a lot in relation to her. Women's intuition screamed "SOS". And she was right: the guy really lost interest. And the reason is different. He was not frightened by the fact that the “other” had children (a boy and a girl), although he insisted that he did not want other people's children. He left. The girl worried, was killed, cried. She begged him to come back. She threw him messages and called - the boy changed his number. I found out where he lives, came every evening to the entrance. The guy took his passion and changed his place of residence. And he told all his friends not to give him away. When the girl asked them where her beloved was, they said they didn’t know. They know, like, only when they left.

The girl went to fortune-tellers. I even did love spells. Absolutely nothing helped. How to get a loved one back? A love spell will not help if the soul does not lie with a person of some kind. The girl fought, tried. When I felt that I was powerless, I did an incredible thing: I went to a nunnery. It was difficult for her, at first, in it. But she got used to it, and, apparently, she has no plans to leave. She decided, for herself, that she would no longer allow men to hurt her. Friends and girlfriends come to her, and her relatives do not forget. True, not everyone understands her act.

If you want to return beloved boyfriend, man - do not do these things:

  1. Do not ring, thousands of times, landline and home phones. Obsession is bad nonsense that gets in the way of a lot of things.
  2. Not a guard, constantly, his at home. At the entrance - even more so. If, several times, this happened - try not to happen again.
  3. Don't bother with your tears. The fact that you will cry in his presence will not help. In general, men do not like the tears of women, although they touch some of them.

Do your girlfriends say he won't be back? Don't trust them. They don't know what will happen next. Just like any other person. Live by hope, not speculation. You can think, whatever you want. But thoughts are not something that necessarily comes true.

Optimism has not yet been canceled. If it is hard to be an optimist, try to remain exactly the person in whom there is a lot of optimism. It is much easier to live with him (with optimism). And not only to those who suffer because of love. Optimists are always easier. Even to those who are very happy.

If he directly told you that he would not return, do not look for a reason for torment. You can always find a replacement. The fact that there are no irreplaceable people is true. Just give yourself up to time. It will heal you. Do not expect a quick result, because you will have to wait unambiguously. Wait, if you want the time treatment to pass successfully. And do not be surprised that time will drag on like chewing gum. The wait can get you. If the guy asked to give him the opportunity to think about everything - give it, do not be greedy. Someday, you will understand that it was not in vain that you were greedy. It doesn't matter what happens next between you. Any of your actions is a school of life. You, thanks to such actions, gain experience. A lot of experience, albeit not positive.

If a man, seriously, fell in love with another, it is impossible to return him. Men, like women, are blown away by great love. They give everything to their beloved, dissolving in her completely. Not noticing anything around, they live and breathe the one that is so dear to them.

Do not worry! You will only make it worse for yourself. The disorder is not a psychologist. By the way, you can go to a psychologist if you don’t feel dislike for people of such professions. One hour with a psychologist - a lot will change. The main thing is, be honest with him, don't hide anything. Express any of your thoughts.

Do you like to be alone when you feel bad? Leave, for example, to the village. Or to the dacha. Go where, in your opinion, true harmony reigns. If hope does not leave you - live with her, do not drive her away. You know, everything happens in life. And the fact that a loved one returns is not the rarest of cases. He can come back. When is unknown. Because he himself, probably, does not know when this can happen. Men say that women are very unpredictable personalities. Men are no less the same. They just, for some reason, like to deny their unpredictability.

Don't lose faith in the best. If you lose it, it will be difficult to find. Yes, you, most likely, will not want to look for her anymore, since you will finally begin to be disappointed in life. And she is in you. This "mutual disappointment" is dust that must be disposed of immediately.

There is one more way…. Talk to someone close to you. Then, after talking, put all your conclusions into one mosaic. See how it becomes easy for you. You will be able to act rationally, and not think exclusively with your heart! Do you have close people? Fine! They won't wish you bad. This is the advice of a psychologist.