If the baby has foamy stools. Liquid stool in a breastfed baby: educational program for a young mother

Newborn babies often have problems with digestion and bowel movements. A symptom such as loose stools in a breastfed baby is manifested when the gastrointestinal tract is not yet fully formed. It should be borne in mind that when keeping a baby on artificial feeding, his stool will be harder than that of a child feeding on mother's milk.

It is normal if it does not bring any worries, accompanied by the deterioration of the child's condition. Feces can have a different consistency and color - yellow, green, brown.

With changes in the color shades of the stool, you should not worry, because this is the way the baby's body reacts to the food received from the mother. For example, if a nursing woman consumes dairy food, the baby will react to her milk with yellow stools, and when eating plant foods, the stool will turn green.

Due to the body's reaction to food that is easily digested, curdled lumps with a sour smell may appear in the child's feces, which is also the norm.

However, a discharge supplemented with blood or mucus is not normal, so if these inclusions are found, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Signs of normal stool:

  • stable weight gain;
  • deep sleep;
  • lack of restless behavior.

Also, parents of a newborn should take into account that during the first 4 weeks of life, the baby often poops, and this process can occur about 10 times a day. Many children defecate after every meal. From 2 to 6 months, the frequency of bowel movements decreases to 3-5 times. After 6 months, children poop 1-2 times a day in small volumes.

Artificial feeding

With artificial feeding, feces parameters differ slightly from stool during breastfeeding. Firstly, in this case, the stool is darker in color, which has a yellowish or brownish tint.

If the mixture is improperly prepared, the feces may be too thick.

With artificial feeding, liver problems may occur, and then the feces will be bright yellow or orange. The presence of blood in the stool is indicated by the black color of the biomass.

Mixed feeding

With mixed feeding, the newborn's stool can be brownish, and the process of defecation has a frequency of only 1-2 times a day. When preparing a mixture that is too thick, the baby may form curdled particles in the feces - this process does not pose a threat to health if it disappears after a few days. Breast milk with mixed feeding can also cause stool changes.

This reaction is manifested due to an unbalanced diet, the use of foods or medicines prohibited for the baby.

If, with a mixed diet, loose stools are observed, in no case should you refuse to feed with breast milk, since it is in it that all the necessary trace elements are found for the proper development of the baby.

Unlike loose stools, diarrhea poses a health risk to the baby and needs to be recognized and treated quickly.

Signs of diarrhea:

  • increased frequency of bowel movements;
  • the presence of water in the stool;
  • harsh bowel movements, accompanied by gas and a strong sour odor;
  • bright green color of feces;
  • discharge is accompanied by mucus, foam, blood streaks;
  • there is a deterioration in the baby's condition;
  • bloating;
  • temperature may appear;
  • loss of appetite.

If diarrhea does not go away on its own within 3 days, it is necessary to show the baby to the pediatrician. Otherwise, the child may become dehydrated.

What to do for parents

Symptoms of the disease

In some cases, loose stools can be the main symptom of a developing disease, so it is important to monitor the child's condition. An urgent need to call a doctor if the following symptoms are observed:

In no case should the treatment be delayed, since a long progressive course of the disease can disrupt the development of the baby.

How to restore stool

To normalize the stool in infants, doctors usually recommend using certain feeding techniques and principles.

Often, loose stools in an infant is a common occurrence, which is within the normal range, but it is necessary to constantly monitor various changes in both feces and the general well-being of the newborn. If liquid feces began to be accompanied by mucus or blood, this indicates an illness that must be treated immediately. When other uncharacteristic signs appear, you need to seek help from a pediatrician.

Yellow mushy feces in an infant are the norm when they are excreted without third-party inclusions and with a slight sour odor. If the baby feeds only on breast milk, the frequency of bowel movements during breastfeeding depends on the number of breastfeeding per day. With artificial or mixed food, the stool looks thicker and brown. It is allocated 1 time in 1 - 2 days or the baby is emptied up to 4 times a day. Where does loose stool come from in a newborn who eats exceptionally useful products? Experts give several answers to this question.

Why do feces liquefy?

Whether diarrhea will open in a baby is decided by the anatomical and physiological characteristics of his body. But the discharge of yellow liquid feces usually signals an infection of the intestines or poor absorption of food masses. Sometimes liquefied yellowish masses indicate diseases of the biliary system.

The main reason for the discharge of loose stools by a child under 1 year old is rotavirus infection. Additional symptoms of the so-called "intestinal flu" are:

  • consistently high temperature;
  • nasal congestion;
  • cough and redness of the throat.

Initially, yellow liquid feces are excreted for 2 days. Subsequently, the shade changes to a dirty gray. This condition is not treated with antibiotics, since it is associated with viral activity.

Another answer to the question why the baby began to empty liquid stools with yellowness is the diet disturbed by the nursing mother. Eating forbidden foods and eating too much food leads to a change in the character of children's poop. If the mother begins to monitor her diet, the doctor's services can be refused. Diarrhea will stop on its own.

The third point that divulges the secret of discharge of watery stools is the partial suction of breast milk. The appearance of a liquid yellow stool in a baby suggests that the baby satisfies hunger only with front milk. What does this lead to?

  1. The fatty product remains in the mammary glands.
  2. The kid does not receive enough nutrients.
  3. The assimilation of milk is incomplete.
  4. The feces come out of a very liquid consistency, sometimes with foam and increased gas formation.

Danger of liquid emptying

With prolonged diarrhea, the child's body loses fluid and many nutrients necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes. Each frequent bowel movement in a toddler under 2 years old takes 50-100 ml of fluid, which leads to dehydration.

The following signs help to recognize this dangerous condition:

  • pronounced excitement on the first day;
  • weakness, lethargy and drowsiness in the following days;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • cracking of the lip tissues;
  • sunken eyes and dark circles;
  • decrease in the amount of urine with a change in shade to dark saturated.

Dehydration affects the child's body so much that he refuses to eat, loses weight, suffers from changes in body temperature. These symptoms require immediate medical attention. Stool like blood streaked with water is considered a very dangerous condition.

How to treat a newborn for diarrhea

If the yellow liquefied stool in a child is released due to illness, it helps to cleanse the body. Prolonged diarrhea with loss of salts, fluids and vitamins already requires intervention. Thus, the treatment is directed towards the restoration of losses. Parents can conduct it on their own before the arrival of the doctor.

  1. Record in writing all changes in your own diet and baby food, if the baby is at the stage of introducing complementary foods. Examine the gums for teething and see if your baby has cold symptoms. These factors can upset the bowel movement.
  2. Set the degree of dehydration. A cheerful mood, curious moist eyes, a diaper stained with urine and feces, and the absence of an exhausted look indicate that the child's body is in control of the situation and does not need medication. Opposite cases signal the need for urgent medical intervention.
  3. Eliminate all food irritants and only breastfeed or formula feed the baby. Do not maintain any intervals, apply as required.
  4. Drink the "artificial" with a pharmacy electrolyte solution. Stick to a daily dosage of 130 ml / 1 kg of body weight.
  5. Restore bowel function gradually along with your diet. Add rehydration solution to half the amount of baby food. On the third day of home therapy, feed the baby with the usual food often and in small portions. And so on until normal digestion is stabilized.
  6. Give the child a sorbent - Smecta, Atoxil or Sorbex. Do not use medications for adults, as they have the opposite effect. If diarrhea is triggered by taking antibiotics, it is better to treat the baby with acidophilic powder. The drug will restore the intestinal microflora.

Breastfeeding a baby is not an easy period and, frankly, requires many abstinence so as not to provoke digestive problems in your baby. Recall that during the first two months of its life, the baby's digestive system is still developing.

Loose stools in a newborn does not always indicate a health problem and the onset of any illness. Inexperienced parents can be very puzzled by this, but we hasten to calm down, this is how the maturation of the body looks like, adaptation to the world and new food. Stool frequency in infants will increase after about the fourth day of life. Usually the stool is mushy, light in color, practically odorless. It can be taken immediately after feeding, or two or three times a day.

The less frequent bowel movements, the fewer calories your baby gets.

By the age of two months, the baby's stool will become more systematic and regular.

2. Causes of loose stools in infants during breastfeeding

Do not worry about loose baby stools, let's try to figure out the main causes and problems together. The causes of loose stools can be:
1.Infection. One of the explanations for this problem is intestinal infection. Unfortunately, even with very clean and hygienic parents, this is possible. The fact is that the baby's body is still beginning to form, and the protective functions of the stomach are weak.

Often microorganisms that are not dangerous for an adult, cause significant damage to the newborn.

An infectious disease occurs abruptly, with pain in the tummy, the child cries a lot. Sometimes a high fever rises;
2. Dysbacteriosis. A common cause of loose stools in children. Reaction to various drugs, antibiotics. Stool consistency varies. And the treatment for this reason is taking probiotics in a return dosage. And which ones, of course, only the pediatrician will tell you;
3. Violation of proper nutrition of the mother. Improper nutrition of the mother or child can also cause the baby's diarrhea, the use of foods that contribute to the liquefaction of the stool, such as cucumbers, beets, apples, pears, etc. A reaction to the introduction of new products can also be manifested in this way. to which the baby's body is not yet used;
4. Intolerance to certain foods. Separately, I would like to highlight the congenital intolerance of the child's body, specific components. This is due to the pathology and deficiency of enzymes, which is the reason for the disruption of the intestinal digestive process. Pathology manifests itself gradually. The medical name for this is malabsorption syndrome;
5. Teeth. Not always loose stools, indicative of intestinal diseases. When the first teeth appear in infancy, diarrhea is common. This happens mainly after the age of six months, but it also happens at four or even three months.
but, if something really worries you, contact a specialist and consult, only a competent doctor can identify the exact cause and prescribe a course of treatment or dispel your suspicions.

The correct treatment for loose stools is supported individually, depending on the cause of the occurrence. Of the general rules, it is worth highlighting only that with loose stools, a lot of water is lost, dehydration may occur. To avoid this, give saline solution - oralit or rehydron. Also, the drug enterodesis is a part of activated carbon, and it is known to have an absorbing effect of all toxins. Any of these means, it is advised to have in the home medicine cabinet all the time. Give your baby to drink, both from a bottle and with a pipette, in small doses so as not to provoke vomiting. Ordinary boiled water is not enough, it is important to give salty water in order to restore the water balance.

In addition to solutions, you can give smecta, polyphepan, enterosgel. These medicines are like a sponge, absorbing toxins that have entered the stomach. However, this does not completely kill bacteria. Also, review your diet to exclude provoking foods from it, they include apples, cucumbers, etc. (for a more detailed list, see our article: "Nutrition while breastfeeding."

Loose stools in newborns are similar to water and, as mentioned earlier, are quite common in the first days of life. But if the baby is less than three months old, and you have already changed the diaper for the fourth or even five times, then do not self-medicate and urgently call a pediatrician. You can heal yourself, at best, to constipation. Be careful!

What is suitable for an adult, in case of illness, can harm the baby.

During the infection, food should be continued, but in smaller amounts. Babies on artificial feeding are advised to feed fermented milk mixtures. When feeding, you can add half a mezim-forte tablet. Monitor your baby's reaction to the foods you eat, but it can change, so the baby adapts. Liquid stool in a child, as we have already said, is due to intolerance to certain foods, namely the enzymes that they contain. To identify which, you and your baby will have to go to the clinic and get tested.

This is a disease, which is popularly called intolerance to certain enzymes in foods, namely not the ability to perceive them. It is divided into two types:
1. Lactase deficiency is milk intolerance and manifests itself from the very birth of a child, while breastfeeding. Stool in case of insufficiency with foam, greenery, colic and vomiting.
The baby must be switched to lactose-free food and within a month the condition will return to normal.
2. Celiac disease is a disease of the damaged small intestine. With this disease, the body is not able to digest the cereal category of foods, such as wheat, oats, rye. This problem manifests itself in the first four months after the introduction of these products into the diet. Stools with foam and oily sheen, frequent. It is enough to exclude these foods from the diet and the state to recover.

Often, the protein found in artificial mixtures is foreign, for example, from cow's milk or soy. This is of little benefit to an infant, unlike breast milk. Allergic inflammation in the stomach may develop, the production of lactase will be disrupted. Such processes are rarely manifested by a skin rash and outwardly it is not noticeable. At the same time, there are malfunctions of absorption of many substances in the intestine, impaired digestion of lactase. And for this, if a child on mixed feeding has diarrhea for a long time, it is necessary to be tested for allergens.

A child is always a big responsibility. And it's not about the upbringing or financial well-being of the family. Children are most susceptible to disease.

It can be difficult for inexperienced moms to recognize them and deal with problems. What is normal for an adult is a serious illness in a child.

Diarrhea in infants is common. Almost all children are exposed to this disease during the first year of life.

A small organism is sensitive to any changes, both external and internal. Many parents, due to their inexperience, are afraid of these changes and call an ambulance almost every day.

Diarrhea: True or False?

To understand what it is, you need to know what diarrhea looks like in a newborn. Up to 6 months, babies have unformed stools.

It can be runny, mushy, light, or yellow. Also, white blotches, the presence of mucus and green masses are quite natural for this age.

It should be understood that if there really is a problem, then the behavior of the newborn will "speak" about it. It will definitely change, the child will become more nervous and capricious.

Since the baby cannot tell about the problem, his crying is the main indicator. In this case, crying can be accompanied by the release of a tear.

What does diarrhea look like in babies?

The main signs of diarrhea in a child:

  1. Change in color and consistency of feces.
  2. Constant whims for no reason.
  3. In children, stool odor becomes pungent, possibly putrid. Then, as on breastfeeding, the smell of feces has a sour, milky smell. On artificial feeding, it is more unpleasant.
  4. The bowel movement is profuse and frequent.
  5. The discharge is slimy and large in number. In the intestines, this mucus serves as a protective function for the walls. When it all comes out with diarrhea, the intestines become more susceptible to infectious lesions.

In infants, the daily bowel movement rate varies. In principle, only a pediatrician can distinguish real diarrhea from a normal physiological process.

Some babies poop 1 time in 2-3 days, others can empty themselves after each feeding or 5-6 times a day.

The main positive indicators if the mother suspects diarrhea in the child:

  1. Body weight is normal and weight is not decreasing.
  2. The child eats with great appetite.
  3. Doesn't refuse water.
  4. Plays, sleeps and does not suit whims.

These signs indicate that diarrhea does not actually exist and no treatment or intervention is required.

Moms need to know that their nutrition is very important. Any changes in food will affect the condition of the child and his feces.

What could be the reasons

Why does diarrhea appear? Various factors affect the condition of a newborn's stool. They are not always considered dangerous, it is possible that these are simply physiological changes in newborns.

Up to 3-4 months, a child can defecate up to 10 times a day and this is quite normal.

It's another matter when the baby has already begun to receive complementary foods. The stool becomes thinner and thicker. On artificial feeding, a one-time bowel movement per day will be considered the norm.

In this case, no treatment is required. It's just that the child and his body are adapting to the environment.

If the child begins to defecate watery stools without accompanying factors, then you can think about the problem. It is likely that this is indeed a "wake-up call" of the onset of diarrhea.

Diarrhea in babies is a dangerous phenomenon that requires an immediate solution. Even in an adult, with prolonged diarrhea, dehydration can begin, and in a newborn, the water-salt balance is disturbed in a matter of days.

Loose stools lead to the loss of beneficial trace elements, electrolyte levels, which will cause cramp in the baby.

If diarrhea begins in a newborn, what to do and give in this case? Don't panic in the first place. To begin with, it is worth identifying the factors that cause diarrhea.

This is an important condition that will help the pediatrician to establish a diagnosis in the future.

A variety of factors affect intestinal disorders in children: teething, nervous shocks, the introduction of complementary foods, a decrease in immune defense, and much more.

Any changes associated with both the child and the mother affect the well-being of the child's body.

When diarrhea occurs, it is imperative to replenish the water-salt balance. For this, as much fluid as possible must enter the body.

Indeed, with diarrhea, beneficial bacteria are removed and the body stops absorbing the necessary substances. As a result, dehydration appears.

Whatever factors affect the presence of diarrhea in children, it is necessary to promptly seek help from a pediatrician and begin treatment.

Causes of Diarrhea: Teething

Sometimes parents start to panic about diarrhea in babies, although it was teething that influenced the change in stool. At this moment, the baby's body is under stress and immunity is sharply reduced.

The painful process also causes other accompanying symptoms:

  1. The baby is constantly naughty, sleeps poorly and cries even at night.
  2. The baby must have a fever. This is the main symptom that accompanies diarrhea throughout the entire time.
  3. Due to such changes and severe pain, children may even have a fever.
  4. Parents should observe the concern of the newborn. At every opportunity, he pulls various objects into his mouth. If you scratch his gums with a clean little finger, he will calm down and feel relief.
  5. Profuse salivation in infants.
  6. The place where the tooth erupts swells.

How can diarrhea be treated? Teething is a natural phenomenon and more than one parent will not be able to bypass it.

All children experience this time in their own way. Special treatment for diarrhea is not required, but symptom relief is essential.

  • At this point, you should not visit crowded places. Since immunity in infants is significantly reduced during this period, any infection can instantly join and worsen the condition of the baby.
  • A newborn needs to relieve gum disease with special gels. The product has a cooling effect and relieves the condition of the child.
  • Due to the fact that in children saliva flows abundantly and liquid feces come out, the result is dehydration. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to replenish the level of water and electrolytes in the body.

It is worth understanding that the duration of diarrhea in a child should not exceed several days. Usually 3 days is sufficient. Maximum - 5 days for the organism to adapt to the onset condition.

There may be cases when it is impossible to cope with the disease at home. Then you should contact your pediatrician. It is likely that the child will have to be transferred to inpatient treatment.

In any case, one should be more careful about the state and behavior of the baby. Serious symptoms should not be ignored. You can play it safe and seek specialist advice.

Food intolerance in a child

The newborn has a deficiency of enzymes responsible for the digestion of food. In this regard, the child undergoes a long adaptation to any innovations in complementary feeding.

The digestive system is underdeveloped and the stomach does not absorb nutrients. Enzyme deficiency has a medical name - malabsorption.

This type of congenital pathology has its own classification:

  1. Lactose intolerance. The child's gastrointestinal tract is not able to assimilate dairy products, due to a lack of the lactase enzyme.
  2. Celiac disease. This is an intolerance to cereal products. Gluten, if ingested, destroys the intestinal wall.
  3. Cystic fibrosis. This is a serious and dangerous disease. You need to know that such an ailment cannot be treated, which means that if it is detected, immediate assistance of specialists is required.

Throughout the entire time, the baby is under the close supervision of a doctor. Diet changes will not change your symptoms in any way.

Most often, babies from this group of causes are lactose intolerant. In this case, the mother needs to remove all dairy products from the diet.

If the diagnosis has shown gluten intolerance, then it is impossible to give the child products made from wheat flour, porridge, soy and other components that contain gluten for up to a year.

What can be done and how to treat diarrhea with intestinal infections?

Common diseases include: salmonellosis, typhoid fever, dysentery, Escherichia coli. All these problems are associated with the ingress of harmful microbes into the body.

Most often, children under the age of one year are exposed to the disease. It is worth knowing that any disease can play a negative role in the development of the child.

Symptoms of intestinal infections:

  1. Severe diarrhea.
  2. Vomit.
  3. Heat.
  4. Lack of appetite.
  5. Pallor.
  6. Increased gas production, bloating and colic.

If there is a suspicion of precisely these reasons, then you should immediately seek the help of a pediatrician. In most cases, the child is assigned to a hospital for further observation, accurate diagnosis and treatment.

What to do and how can diarrhea be treated? Self-medication is not allowed at home. This will only aggravate the situation and lead to complications. But you can give first aid to the baby.

It is necessary to replenish the water-salt balance and increase the resistance to harmful bacteria. In this case, the child needs to be given a medicine of the Rehydron type.


Children under one year old do not have stable immunity, therefore, a variety of reasons affect the appearance of diarrhea. Any changes affect the state of feces: bronchitis, otitis media, nervous shock, overheating, hypothermia.

The exact reasons can only be identified by a specialist after diagnosis. What can parents do in this case? Treatment cannot be started without a diagnosis.

But parents need to stay hydrated. In this case, the infant should consume more fluids with added electrolytes. A remedy that relieves concomitant symptoms is allowed.

Useful video

Causes of loose stools in infants

There are a great many reasons for the occurrence of loose stools. Single liquid bowel movements often pose no threat to the baby.

Liquid stool in infants treatment

If you have frequent loose stools that cause severe anxiety, urgent medical attention is needed. But even before the arrival of doctors, you can try to alleviate the condition of the child.

Frequent urge to defecate threatens dehydration. Therefore, you should give the baby as much fluid as possible.

You should not give your child medicines or folk remedies on your own.

It is necessary to regularly measure body temperature, monitor the general condition of the patient.

There is no need to stop breastfeeding. And it is better to refrain from other products. In this case, a nursing mother must adhere to a strict diet.

In order to prevent diaper rash, you should use dusting powder or baby powder after each bowel movement. From time to time, you can lubricate the skin with baby cream.

After examination, the doctor will prescribe the most rational treatment. With severe dehydration, electrolyte solutions are prescribed. If diarrhea is caused by an infection or dysbiosis, antibiotics will help.

Sorbents (activated carbon, enerosgel), imodium have a beneficial effect.

Green loose stools in infants

Liquid bowel movements of a green hue, accompanied by frequent urge to defecate, an unpleasant odor and skin irritation, may indicate the development of enteritis. Green color indicates that the causative agent is Salmonella.

Liquid green stools with mucus also occur with dysbiosis or inflammatory diseases. Intestinal infection is possible. In this case, a pungent odor is noted.

When taking antibiotics, the intestinal microflora is disturbed, feces can become liquid and green. In this case, various probiotics are prescribed.

The baby has liquid yellow stools

Yellow stools are not observed during acute rotting processes, usually it is associated with a violation of the diet, with nervous disorders, and some infectious diseases.

With enteritis caused by staphylococcal infection, there is a liquid yellow, almost lemon-like stool. Feces have an unpleasant, pungent odor and the ability to cause irritation.

Liquid, pale yellow stools that persist for a long time undoubtedly indicates a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

Loose, frothy stools in infants

Loose, frothy stools are noted when:

  • inadequate nutrition.
  • imbalance of back and front milk. If the nipple is not properly gripped, so that a lot of air enters the stomach during feeding. The result is increased gassing.
  • lactase deficiency. In this case, a sour aroma will come from the feces.
  • incorrect introduction of complementary foods or with an allergic reaction to food. The feces will be greenish in color.