Integrated lesson “Traveling the Islands” in the middle group. Integrated lesson in the middle group. lesson plan (middle group) on the topic Open lesson in the middle group integration

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school No. 70

Abstract of the open

integrated lesson

in the middle group

Topic: “Journey to a Fairy Tale”


Aldoshina E.S.

Lipetsk, 2015

Program content:
1. Teach the ability to correlate a number with the number of objects;
2. Give knowledge about the seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn);
3. Teach the ability to group objects according to basic characteristics.

Reading fiction: teach children using visual
material of a work of art, recognize it and take part
in a conversation-discussion.
1. Develop basic mental processes - memory, attention, imagination
2. Develop oculomotor functions, gaze fixation, fine motor skills
hands (corrective work).
Socialization: develop a culture of behavior and ability to perform
the assigned task.
Materials and equipment: geometric shapes, house-Teremok,
pictures of animals, soft modules.
Techniques for managing children’s activities in educational activities:
1. Techniques for setting goals and motivating children’s activities:
commenting, communication game.
2. Techniques for activating children’s activities: conversation, creation
development environment, asking riddles, creating a problem situation,
analysis and conclusions.
3. Techniques for organizing practical activities for children: show
pictures, commenting, productive activities.
4. Techniques for maintaining interest in children: situation of choice,
physical education minute, musical accompaniment, alternation of types
children's activities.
5.Techniques of assessment and self-assessment: encouragement, joint determination with
teacher and children quality of productive children's activities,
mutual assistance of children.
Creating an environment for organizing and conducting OA: magnetic
board, animals, music, geometric shapes, Teremok house,
soft modules, letter from the wizard.
Types of children's activities in OD:
Cognitive and research.
Musical and artistic.
Reading fiction
Expected results:
 Developing students’ interest in mathematics and the environment
to the world;
 Children's ability to act independently;
 Demonstration of emotional responsiveness in activities and communication
with adults and peers;
 Education of moral qualities;
 Ability to solve intellectual and personal problems;
 Formation of universal prerequisites for educational activities;
 Expansion and activation of vocabulary.

Criteria for assessing the activities of children in school:
1. The child asks a question.
2. Actively participates in productive activities.
3. Shows independence.
4. Provides assistance to his peers.
5. Empathizes.
6. Reacts emotionally.
7. Subordinates motives.
8. Shows strong will.
9. Gives reasons for the assessment.
OD plan
1.Introductory part:
Creating a problematic situation.

Determining the goal.
Analysis, examination, conclusions.
2. Main part:
Making riddles
Working with a magnetic board
Visual gymnastics
3.Final part:
Assessment of children's performance and self-esteem.
Summing up the OA.
AP duration
2 minutes
15 minutes
3 min.
Progress of educational activities
Parts of the OA Contents Areas
1. Introductory part.
Creating a problematic situation.
Creating a motive for children's activities.
Determining the goal.
Conversation about wild and domestic animals, about the seasons, reading a letter from
wizard Folding geometric shapes.
Analysis of the survey, conclusions.
Q. Guys, I went to kindergarten today in such a good mood!
Today is the first day of winter, which means New Year is coming!
Educator: Guys, what mood did you have when you came to kindergarten today?
Children's answers
Q. We’ll check this now. I will read a poem, and I invite you to perform the movements. Let's hold hands and make a big circle.
The teacher and the children, holding hands in the middle of the hall,
form a circle - “sun”.
Educator reads a poem and asks the children to perform the movements.
« On the right is a friend and on the left is a friend.
You are my friend and I am your friend.
I wish you well today!
You wish me well today!
If it gets difficult, I will help!
Let's hug you
And we will rise above the ground,
Let's unite the warmth of hearts
And we will become one sun!”
Educator: So we gave each other warmth, became kinder and
friendlier. Has your mood changed?
The children answer.
Q. Yes, now I see that your mood has become much better.
Q: Do you guys like to travel? (yes)
- Then I want to invite you on an exciting journey through fairy tales. We can be there if we close our eyes and say the magic words: (Snip-Snap-Snure-Bure)

(music, light effect)

Guys, I turned into a magical fairy. I have a magic wand. Now I will wave my wand and we will find ourselves in a magical clearing.
B: Oh! Where are we?
And we found ourselves in a clearing of figures.
What figures? (children's answers).

What figures? How to call these figures in one word?

To get into a fairy tale, you need to complete the task, add up all the shapes according to their characteristics (color, shape). Apparently an evil wizard was playing tricks here, he mixed everything up. Let's split into two teams. The first team puts round shapes into a round box. The second team puts the figures in red in a red box.

Now close your eyes again tightly and repeat after me:
- “One, two, three - into a fairy tale
hit it!”
And which one? Here's a hint:
There is a tower in a field.
He is neither short nor tall.
What kind of fairy tale do you think we are in?
got it? (Teremok)
A little mouse runs past
(toy). I saw a little mansion,
stopped and asked: Terem-
little mansion! Who lives in the mansion?
The magical voice answers:
Teremok will open its door

my tasks!

Guys, are you ready to complete the tasks?

Are you ready to help the mouse?
Exercise 1."Riddles about the seasons"
I open my buds
In green leaves
I dress the trees
I water the crops.
Full of movement.
My name is... (Spring)

I am made of heat,
I carry the warmth with me.
I warm the seas.
“Go for a swim!” I invite.
And love for it
You all have me. I am... (Summer)

Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers.
The blizzard is walking, when does this happen?
I bring the harvest
I am sowing the fields again,
I send birds to the south,
I strip the trees
But I don't touch the pine trees
And Christmas trees. I – ... (Autumn)
- How many seasons are there? (Four.)
Name them in order, starting with winter (Winter, spring, summer, autumn.)
What winter month is it now?
Guys, name the signs of winter?
(children's answers)
Well done! We did everything right
so the doors of the mansion opened
for the mouse.
A mouse came in and began to live there.
Who galloped to the tower next?
(A frog - a frog (toy) jumped up to Teremok.

She saw the tower, stopped and asked:

The magical voice answers:
Teremok will open its door
only to the one who does everything
my tasks!
Guys, let's remember, with
which will open the door to
teremok (With the help of a task)
Listen to the next task.
Approach the board.
Task 2. Game “Collect Right"
You must connect the number with
card on which
corresponding quantity
– Which card did you connect the number 1 to? (Card with a mouse).
- And the number 2? (Card with two frogs).
- And the number 3? (Card with three bunnies).

What about the number 4? (Card with four wolves).

Number 5? (Card with five chanterelles).

Number 6? (card with six bears).
- Well done, children, everything is correct
done, so the doors of the mansion
opened for the frog too.
The frog entered the mansion and stood there
A little runaway bunny (toy) galloped up to Teremok.

He saw the tower, stopped and asked:
Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?
The magical voice answers:
Teremok will open its door
only to the one who does everything
my tasks!
Task 3. Visual gymnastics
“Find with your eyes.”

Guys, find an object in the hall that looks like a circle (ball, tennis ball, plate, box, drum, tambourine)

And now to the square. (table, box, napkin, cube, board)
Educator: And you completed this task, so the doors of the little house opened for the bunny.
The Bunny entered the little mansion and began to live there.
Who came running to Teremok?
D: (Spinning top - gray barrel (toy)).

I saw a tower
stopped and asked: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?
The magical voice answers:
Teremok will open its door
only to the one who does everything
my tasks!
- Children, can we help our Little Wolf?
Then pay attention to the table.

Task 4. Classification of objects
(game "The Fourth Wheel")

There are animals on the table, but there is some kind of mistake here, one of the animals is superfluous.

Which animal is the odd one out?
Q: Guys, name the wild animals.
Q: Name your pets.
Q: How are they different?
Q: Who cares for pets?
animals? Where do they live?
- The task was completed correctly,
so the doors of the mansion opened and
for the wolf.
The wolf entered the mansion and began to live there.
Who ran to Teremok next?
D: (Sister fox (picture)).
I saw the little mansion, stopped and
asks: Terem-teremok! Who in
lives in the mansion?
The magical voice answers:
Teremok will open its door
only to the one who does everything
my tasks!
Task 5: Q: Look, what is this lying on our table?

It looks like some kind of letter. - Who is the letter from?
And this letter is from the “Jolly Wizard”
- Guys, can I read this letter to you? (Yes)
- Then I read.
“So that you can continue on your way and help the little fox-sister
to get to Teremok you need to name the types of “transport” on
which fairy-tale heroes traveled."
A wizard from the land of fairy tales.
Q: Guys, do you think we can cope with this task? (Yes)
- Well, then listen carefully!
What did Emelya ride on to the Tsar’s palace?
Leopold the cat's favorite mode of transport? (Bike).
What did the good fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella? (Carriage).
What did Aladdin fly on? (Carpet plane).
What did Kai ride on from the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”? (Sled).
Baba Yaga's personal transport? (Stupa).
Q: Well done! All questions were answered correctly, so the doors of the mansion opened for the fox.
The fox entered the mansion and began to live there.
Help me guys remember who else came to Teremok?
(A bear walks past. He saw Teremok and howled:

Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?)
The magical voice answers:
Teremok will open its door
only to the one who does everything
my tasks!
But the bear did not listen and wanted to climb Teremok.

And the fox is a sister and says to the bear:

“Misha, let’s build another mansion, a big one, so that everyone has enough space in it!
Task 5. Children build a tower out of
soft modules.
- Well done, guys, they built a big and spacious house.

Now the animals will live together happily and happily.
– How many heroes are there in this fairy tale?
– Who helped the animals become friends?
(Fox.) And, of course, you and yours
- Now it’s time for us to return to
group. We pronounce magic
words. ( Children become close their eyes, they say magic words)
One two three four five -

Back to kindergarten!

Organization: GBOU School No. 1212

Location: Moscow

Software tasks:

1. Intensify the use in speech of special terms that characterize opposite parameters of quantities, weight, taste, temperature and other properties of objects and phenomena.

2. Consolidate the use of learned concepts - “big”, “smaller”, “even smaller”, “smallest”, “small”.

3. Recognize geometric shapes in symbolic images of objects.

4. Improve counting skills within 5. Fix in the minds of children the relationship between numbers and digital symbols.

5. Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name the seasons.

6. Develop logical thinking (continue to teach how to solve descriptive riddles)

7.Intensify the use of prepositions to indicate the location of objects in space and relative to oneself.

Materials and equipment:

  • an envelope with a letter, a map, a children's naval uniform, a ball, five keys of different colors numbered from 1 to 5, a ship (the chairs are covered with a cover because of the ship);
  • book, numbers from 1 to 5; cards with images of geometric shapes; subject cards;
  • schematic images for the fairy tale "There lived a man...»
  • magnetic board, picture
  • chest, bagels;

Progress of the lesson.


Guys, we have guests today. Say hello.

Look what happened to the music hall? It turned into magical islands. (Open the envelope, find a card in it, examine it.)

Look, there's something else here ( take a letter out of the envelope).

The teacher reads the letter . The map indicates where the treasure is located. But to get to the treasure, you need to travel across these islands. At each of them, tasks await you - tests, they are very difficult, and only the very attentive, smart, dexterous, those who know how to listen and think can cope with them. On each island, for completing a task - a test, you will be able to receive assistant keys, only then will you be able to find the treasure. There are five keys to wake up.

(Refer to the map)

First island - Island "On the contrary"

What will we sail on? (On the ship). We will become a very friendly sea team. - Well, shall we swim? Then let's go. (Music)

Island game "On the contrary"


Educator: On this island everything is the other way around: fish fly, birds live in the water, the sun shines at night, and it snows in summer. So our task on this island is called « Vice versa" (with a ball):

Low - high, long - short, narrow - wide, soft - hard, light - heavy, hot - cold, clean - dirty, empty - full.

Well done, you completed the task!

Guys, what key is this by counting, by color? (First, red). Let's move on (turn to the map).

(The situation with the ship is played out - the children imitate swimming movements with their hands.)

Island game “Say in one word” (generalization) with a ball.

Apple, pear, plum, lemon - ... (fruit).

Bed, bedside table, chair, wardrobe - ... (furniture).

Dog, cat, cow, goat - ... (domestic animals).

Dad, mother, grandmother, grandfather - ... (relatives - family).

Cube, doll, car, ball - ... (toys).

Slippers, sandals, boots, sneakers - ... (footwear).

Bee, dragonfly, fly, beetle - ... (insects).

Plane, helicopter, rocket - ... (air transport).

Educator: Guys, what key is this by counting, by color? (Second, blue)

Island of "Geometric Shapes"

Educator: There is a book of “Geometric Figures”. At the top of one page there is a square, on another there is a triangle, on the third there is a circle, and on the fourth there is a rectangle. Pictures depicting objects similar to geometric shapes are scattered on the table.


The wind tousled the book, and the pictures, which looked like geometric shapes, all fell out of their pages. Maybe we can help the book "Geometric Shapes" ? You need to put all the pictures on their own pages.

- Find a page with a figure that has no corners and looks like the sun. Misha, what figure is this? (Circle)

Take a page on which there is a figure that has three corners and three sides. Vova, what figure is this? (Triangle)

Find a page that has a shape without corners that looks like a circle but is elongated. What figure is this? (Oval)

What is the name of a figure that also has four corners and four sides, but the sides are different in length (rectangle). What figure is this?

Now find an object in your pictures that has the same shape as the one on your page. (Children attach pictures to the corresponding pages of the book)

Educator: Guys, what key is this by counting, by color? (Third, yellow)

Gymnastics for the eyes.

We board the ship. Guys, freeze.

We are sailing on the sea. Without turning your head, look at the island on the left. Look at the island on the right. Lift your eyes up and look at the clouds. And now the sun is rising in the sky. It wakes up in the east, moves across the entire sky and sets in the west (I show). And now we saw a seagull. (Place your finger in front of you). She comes closer and then moves away from us. We arrived, there must be a castle somewhere. Shall we look through our binoculars? (Fists clenched.)

Island "Count the animals that are present in D. Rodari’s fairy tale “Once upon a time there lived a man...”.”

(The situation with the ship is played out)

Educator: I'll tell you a fairy tale about an amazing person.

There lived a man

Crooked legs

And he walked for a whole century

Along a crooked path.

(Show pic.)

And beyond the crooked river

In a crooked house

Lived in summer and winter

Crooked mice.

(Show pic.)

And gnarled Christmas trees stood at the gate

Gnarled wolves walked there without a care.

(Show pic.)

And they had one crooked cat

And she meowed. Sitting by the window. (Show pic.)


How many animals did he meet on the road? (five)

That's right, what figure represents this number? (children show the number 5). How many mice? Volkov?

Educator: Here is the key - our assistant. (key, children call it serial number 4 and color).

(The situation with the ship is played out)

Island game “What time of year?”

What time of year does everyone swim and sunbathe?

At what time of year do birds fly south?

At what time of year do snowdrops bloom?

What time of year do they play snowballs?

What time of year does the snow melt?

At what time of year do the leaves fall from the trees?

At what time of year do thawed patches appear?

Educator: Here is the fifth and last key. (children name its serial number and color).

Educator. So we got to the treasure. What key should you use to open it?

Exercise. To open the chest you need to hang the keys in descending order .

(Big, smaller, smaller, even smaller, smallest)

The chest opens. First the letter is taken out. Read out:“You have found the most precious treasure - your knowledge. Everything you did on your journey today is a treasure.”

So we returned home. Although we are no longer a sea team, we will remain friendly guys.

Well done. It was also very interesting for me to travel with you in search of treasure.

Children 4–5 years old attend the middle group of preschool educational institutions. This is middle preschool age, which means that the children are little by little beginning to prepare for school life. The main tasks during this period are the development of existing abilities and replenishment of the accumulated knowledge base. For this purpose, integrated and comprehensive classes are conducted in kindergartens.

Theoretical foundations for conducting integrated and complex classes in the middle group of preschool educational institutions

A 4-5 year old child perceives the world around him as indivisible. He cannot isolate a separate object and does not consider it within just one industry. For example, a preschooler cannot say that numbers come from mathematics, plants and animals come from familiarizing themselves with the world around them, letters come from reading or writing, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct integrated and comprehensive lessons that combine materials from several areas related to specific phenomenon or concept.

Integrated and complex lessons include techniques aimed at revealing the essence of a certain topic in various types of activities that are interpenetrating and complementary. The main feature is that the topic is revealed most fully and deeply, but the lesson lasts as usual. As a result of such intense activity, the children become more motivated to study, and in addition, they have more time for walks or outdoor games.

Complex and integrated classes are dynamic and include various types of student activities

Common features and main differences

The common points of an integrated and complex lesson are:

  • building around a specific topic;
  • the presence of interdisciplinary connections;
  • multidirectional actions;
  • a combination of several types of activities (speech, artistic, musical, cognitive, physical).

Both in integrated and complex classes, pupils are actively involved in activities with the help of game moments, because play is the leading activity in preschool age.

A complex activity can be built around a main character, for example, a cat. Children can perform various tasks: cognitive (talking with a cat about polite words), physical (outdoor play with a cat), counting (counting how many whiskers a cat has), etc. It turns out that the tasks are connected by one topic, but each of them fulfills its task. Any of the tasks can be used as a competition or mini-game. Performing such actions does not lead to systematization and expansion of knowledge, unlike tasks in an integrated lesson.

The main difference between an integrated lesson and a complex one is that it is almost impossible to divide it into components. This activity involves a smooth transition from one activity to another through the integration of blocks from different disciplines. For example, a lesson about spring may include tasks to remember other seasons and their features, and concepts such as flowers, animals, birds, weather, etc. will be gradually included in the topic. The result will be a holistic lesson, from which it is very difficult to isolate a separate block.

Goals and objectives

The overall goal of both integrated and complex activities is to develop the essence of a particular topic through a combination of different activities.

Tasks may vary depending on the topic of the lesson:

  • educational - to consolidate children’s knowledge about objects or phenomena, expand their understanding of their properties, activate and enrich their vocabulary, and consolidate previously acquired skills;
  • developing - to develop memory, speech, attention, coordination, fine motor skills, the ability to express one’s thoughts;
  • educational - to develop a friendly attitude towards people, animals, respect for nature, and the ability to cooperate.

Lesson objectives depend on the chosen topic and subject areas studied


To achieve the goals, you can use the following techniques that are relevant for the middle group of kindergarten:

  • Techniques for setting goals and motivating students:
    • commenting on actions
    • gaming methods.
  • Activation:
    • conversation,
    • solving riddles or puzzles,
    • posing problematic questions (“how did you understand this?”, “explain”, “prove”, etc.),
    • activity analysis and conclusions.
  • Organization of practical activities for children:
    • showing pictures,
    • listening to audio recordings,
    • independent completion of tasks by children.
  • Maintaining interest:
    • offer of choice,
    • physical education minute,
    • musical accompaniment,
    • alternation of activities.
  • Assessment techniques:
    • praise,
    • joint discussion of the results of the lesson,
    • mutual assistance of children.

In classes with preschoolers, visualization plays an important role.

Methodological techniques for organizing a complex or integrated lesson can also be: psychological mood, surprise moment, encouragement, explanation, direction, artistic expression, etc.

How to conduct an integrated and comprehensive lesson in a middle group

The differences between conducting an integrated and complex lesson begin to emerge already at the preparation stage. If the essence of the topic can be revealed through alternating activities, then you should choose a complex lesson. To prepare it you will need:

  1. Choose a general theme based on material already familiar to the children, for example, “Spring.”
  2. Choose a narrower topic (or a specific character) to organize preschoolers’ activities around it. As part of the theme about spring, this could be the activities “Waking up the Bear”, “The Adventures of the Snowdrop” or “Fun Games in the Spring Meadow”, etc.
  3. Come up with tasks for organizing the children’s activities, united by the chosen topic. For example, if the theme “The Adventures of a Snowdrop” is chosen, then you can include in the lesson such types of tasks as viewing paintings depicting this plant, or inviting children to draw a flower themselves, the game “Who is faster”, during which they collect snowdrops from paper in baskets, or learning a little song.

An integrated lesson will take longer to prepare. To organize it, you need to choose a topic that the children already have an idea about and think through the lesson plan in detail. You can use a smart card for this. This is an outline that contains all aspects of studying a topic. In the center is the key concept. All other concepts on the topic are branches of the central term. With the help of such a map it becomes easier to model and conduct a lesson.

For example, for an integrated lesson on the topic “Winter”, the main concept will be “Winter”, it is located in the center. The branches will be words that reveal the essence of the time of year, for example, warm clothes, snowman, snowflakes, New Year, etc. The scheme can be supplemented indefinitely, but you need to remember that the lesson should not be long. Often integrated classes, united by a common theme, are held in a series. You can prepare the necessary material and draw up such a mind map at the end of the lesson with the children.

A pre-compiled smart map will help organize information on the topic

At the age of 4–5 years, preschoolers show special curiosity about everything that surrounds them and learn to interact with the world around them. Complex and integrated classes in the middle group allow children to expand their knowledge of objects, learn about their purpose and characteristics, and include games, exercises and tasks that contribute to the development of speech, thinking and creative abilities in preschoolers.

Topics of integrated and comprehensive classes in various subjects

Integrated and comprehensive classes can be conducted in a variety of subjects:

  • During a mathematical lesson called “The bunnies are out on the lawn,” you can repeat with children the concepts of “many” and “few” and count the ears, paws and other parts of the animal’s body. The “Building a House” activity will introduce children to new geometric shapes. An interesting integrated activity can be based on famous fairy tales, for example, “The Ryaba Hen,” where all the characters consist of geometric shapes and are clearly demonstrated.
  • The development of speech occurs in classes where parts of the body of people and animals are studied and compared (“Paws and Hands”), descriptions of objects and actions (“My Day”).
  • In classes on the surrounding world, you can study fruits and berries (“Making Jam”) or types of animals (“Going to the Zoo”) and plants (“Walk in the Forest”).
  • Musical integrated and comprehensive classes can be dedicated to preparing for a holiday, and it doesn’t have to be the well-known New Year or March 8; you can conduct a class dedicated to Dad’s Day or Sweet Tooth Day.

During the lesson, children can get acquainted with a variety of areas of human activity.

Time plan and lesson structure

Children 4–5 years old can maintain attention for no more than 15–20 minutes; this must be taken into account when preparing and conducting classes. In the case of integrated and complex classes, where activities constantly replace each other, the total time can be within a time frame of 30–35 minutes.

A comprehensive math lesson can have the following structure:

  1. Greeting, getting ready for work, repeating previously covered material, for example, the game “What has changed” to compare the width and length of objects (from 3 to 5 minutes).
  2. Introducing a new topic, for example, measuring the length and width of a rectangular object using multi-colored ribbons (can be further complicated to a ruler or measuring tape) (5-7 minutes).
  3. Children independently complete a similar task (7–10 minutes).
  4. Summarizing the learned material during the game “Who is longer” (5–7 minutes).
  5. Summing up (3-5 minutes).

The children’s attitude to work plays an important role in conducting the lesson.

The structure of an integrated lesson about the time of year could be as follows:

  1. Getting ready for work (game of comparing the chosen one with three other seasons) (3-5 minutes).
  2. Reading a fairy tale about the time of year (5–7 minutes).
  3. A game based on a fairy tale we read (3–5 minutes).
  4. Summing up, discussing the characters, making a collage on the theme “Winter”, etc. (5-7 minutes).

Lesson notes

The lesson notes should reflect the following information:

  • objectives of the lesson;
  • tasks;
  • necessary materials;
  • progress of the lesson.

The most impressive component is the flow of the lesson. It describes the 3 parts that make up any lesson:

  1. Introductory - sets you up for work, indicates the topic and purpose of the lesson.
  2. Main - contains the main tasks, during which the set goals and objectives are achieved.
  3. Final - sums up the activity.

The introductory part (3–5 minutes) includes 3 points:

  • organizational (attracting the attention of children, reminding them of the rules of discipline, etc.);
  • interesting (appearance of a fairy-tale character, solving a riddle, etc.);
  • message of the purpose of the lesson.

The main part (20–25 minutes) consists of games and tasks on a specific topic.

If the teacher notices that the children are tired, you can include physical education on a relevant topic during the lesson.

The final part (3–5 minutes) includes:

  • generalization, recall and discussion of tasks;
  • assessment of children in general and by name (in early preschool age we indicate only positive aspects);
  • creating a favorable environment that makes you want to come to such an activity again (game or song, advice, recommendations, etc.);
  • transition to another activity.

Table: example of a summary of a comprehensive lesson in the middle group

Name"Journey into the magical world of emotions"
TargetIntroduce children to the types of emotions and teach them to distinguish between them.
  • Educational:
    • develop the ability to use expressive means: intonation, facial expressions, gestures;
    • develop imagination.
  • Educational:
    • expand your vocabulary;
    • consolidate knowledge about intonation.
  • Educational:
    • teach children to be responsive;
    • cultivate a sense of empathy;
    • instill interpersonal communication skills.
Necessary materials
  • Audio recordings;
  • wallpaper and markers;
  • a picture of a flower with two emotions (sadness and joy) depicted on different sides;
  • toys;
  • cards depicting various emotions (joy, anger, calm, etc.).
Progress of the lessonThe teacher greets the children:
  • Hello kids,
    Girls and boys.
    How beautiful everyone is,
    Smart and strong!
    Come on, everyone sit in a circle,
    To our green meadow.
    Look at the neighbors
    You will talk to them.
    Who's the good one here?
    Who's the handsome one here?
    We're all pretty
    We are all pretty!

V.: Today we will take a journey through the magical land of emotions. Will everyone behave? No one will scream, stomp loudly, clap and cry? Then let's go! And we will fly to a magical land on this magic carpet. But I don’t know how to get there, so now a good gnome will come to us and he will show us the way.
The gnome appears, greets the children, seats everyone on the carpet, and he sits in front.
Audio recording starts.
V.: We are already approaching the land of emotions. Look, guys, we are landing on the Smeshinka clearing. In this clearing everyone is smiling and having fun. Like this. (Shows a picture with a cheerful smiley face).
And now we all stand in a circle, hold hands and look up at the sun. Let's all smile at the sun together! Sweet sunshine, come to us quickly and caress our cheeks.
Dwarf: Well done, guys, now I also want to have fun with you.
V.: How good, fun and joyful we are. But, it seems, not everyone.
They approach the hedgehog.
V.: Oh, what an angry hedgehog. Here it is. (Shows an angry emoticon).

  • Once upon a time there was an angry hedgehog,
    Scared everyone with needles
    He wasn't friends with anyone
    And he sat under the tree.
    He was so angry - snort-fir-sniff!
    And he got angry - snort-fir-fir!
    He grumbled - pshsh-pshsh-pshsh!
    And he shouted - pshsh-pshsh-pshsh!
    How terrible - rrr!
    Calm down, dear hedgehog,
    You won't find friends that way.
    Clench your fists tighter
    Drive away your anger quickly!
    If you are very angry,
    Got angry at someone
    Squeeze your hands, close your eyes, (children clench their fists)
    And say quietly:
    "I'm calm, I don't shout,
    And I don’t knock my feet.
    And I won't be angry -
    Anger is of no use at all!” (unclench fists, blow)
    We count to five together
    And we rest peacefully:
    One two three four five!
    You need to lie down quietly.

The gnome and the children lie down on the rug.

  • Everyone lay quietly
    We rested and took a nap.
    But it's time to wake up
    Stand up and smile!
  • A sad bear sits in a clearing,
    The bear is tired, the bear wants to go to his mother.
    Bear, bear, don't be bored,
    Better play with us!

Dwarf: Let's sing a song about a bear together?
They sing the song “Teddy Bear” and do the movements.
Dwarf: Hurray, the bear is having fun! But look, here is a flower. He is sad too. Flower, why are you sad? He says he is sad because he has no friends.
V.: Let's cheer him up? Shall we draw him some funny friends?
Everyone sits on the floor and draws flowers with smiles on a large piece of wallpaper.
Gnome: Look, guys, the flower is cheerful now.
We flew further through the land of Emotions.
Everyone sits down on the carpet, the Dwarf is in front.
The music turns on.
V.: Guys, we have arrived. Look at our gnome, how calm he is. Like this (shows a calm emoticon).

  • Our gnome got up early today,
    And he stretched sweetly.
    In a calm mood,
    He probably woke up:
    He has peace of mind
    It's easy for him to walk,
    Of course he feels good
    At least he doesn't smile.
    We are pleased to be next to the gnome,
    We love to talk to him
    We don't want to go back so bad
    Leave this fairy tale.

V.: The gnome remains here, in the fairyland of emotions, and it’s time for us to fly home. Hop on our magic carpet.
The music turns on, the children sit on the carpet.
V.: Well, while we are flying on the carpet, let’s once again remember the emotions with which we met today. Let's show everything (show).
It’s great that we helped the bear, the flower, the hedgehog, and also met the gnome, right? Everyone is so great. (Highlights the most active).
OK it's all over Now.

  • We flew on the carpet,
    All emotions were recognized.
    Hey kids, well done!
    Daring men and brave men!

Photo gallery: cards with images of emotions

A calm emoticon demonstrates a smooth emotional background
Angry emoticon expresses negative emotions
The emoji is sad because it has no friends. The happy emoji shows joy and pleasure.

How to conduct a final integrated and comprehensive lesson

The final integrated or complex lesson is held at the end of the academic year. The main task of such a lesson should be to summarize and consolidate the knowledge acquired by children throughout the year. This task is very broad, so a large number of activities are included in the lesson. The final lesson should not exceed the usual duration. Its structure and level of complexity should not be any different.

It is more convenient to organize the final complex lesson in the form of a journey through the stations, where children will be given various tasks (for example, “A magical journey into the forest”). The final integrated lesson can be carried out in the form of a game of a fairy tale known to children, in which they will become the heroes for a while, and then help the characters complete tasks (for example, “In Search of the Magic Chest”).

The arrival of a fairy-tale character to the group will help maintain children’s interest throughout the lesson.

Among other things, final classes develop a sense of unity among the group’s students, cohesion, and teach children to act in concert.

Related videos

It is advisable for a teacher preparing a complex or integrated lesson to become familiar with the experience of colleagues in this area. The presented videos will help with this.

Video: integrated lesson on the development of cognitive activity in the middle group

Video: integrated lesson on speech development in the middle group

Video: a comprehensive lesson on the formation of mathematical concepts in the middle group

Video: comprehensive music lesson in the middle group

The form of conducting complex and integrated classes can be different, but in any of them you can unlock the potential of children and develop the necessary skills in them. Careful preparation of the teacher for the lesson guarantees preschoolers’ persistent interest in the developed material, positive motivation and a trusting attitude towards the teacher.

Anna Ponomareva
Integrated lesson in the middle group

Integrated lesson in the middle group.

Educational areas: "Social and communicative development", "Cognitive Development"

Sections: Fiction, Mathematics.


Exercise children in recognizing and naming geometric shapes, comparing shapes based on two characteristics (color, shape);

Strengthen children's ability to break group of objects by color, form; continue to learn to correlate. numbers with the number of items;

Improve the skill of orientation on a sheet of paper (upper right corner, lower right corner, in the center (middle) etc.) practice counting to 5;

Develop an auditory analyzer;

Give children joy and pleasure from games that develop


Reinforce children's previously acquired knowledge.

Demo material: recording of Baba Yaga's voice, for a fabulous winter forest (imitation snow; path; stumps; trees); symbols: color, shape; House hoops 4 pieces; metallophone, box, sweets (surprise, drawings based on an English song "Man Crooked Legs",5 houses with holes instead of windows + numbers for them from 1 to 5, 3 long ropes.

Handout: geometric hats figures: large triangles, large circles, large squares, large ovals (colors blue, yellow, red, green); Numbers from 1 to 5, landscape sheets, colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson.

Children are invited to group room without knowing why (the room has a fairytale forest setting).

Educator: "Children, look where we have ended up! (we look around) I wonder why we are here?" (in a visible place in a snowdrift lies a magic casket).

Educator: “What a beautiful casket lies there, and no one is there, let’s see what’s in it, maybe we’ll find out who lost it. Interesting, who is it from?" (the casket opens and the recording of Baba Yaga starts)

I stole your nanny

I bewitched her

I'll turn her into a mouse

Or maybe in the frog

She will live in a hut

Wash wash, but only for me

And how will the whole house be cleaned?

Then he’ll go to Koschey to wash.

Will take forever to clean up

And shed tears.

If you want her back,

Then you'd better run

Yes, look for assignments.

How will you fulfill them?

I'll let you go this very moment

Your dear nanny

And I won’t do that again!

Educator: “So that’s why our Elena Vladimirovna is not there. Let’s go help her out? Let’s find the first task. Look at the tree, there’s an envelope hanging and it says "from Baba Yaga" this is probably the first task (Baba Yaga's voice comes on)

Along the path you will go,

And turn left there,

There's a corner to the left,

And in a small snowdrift

There is a difficult task

And you will find out which one!

There are 3 rope tracks of different colors on the floor (right, straight, left)

Guys, let's think about which path to take? How many paths are there in front of us? Please tell me what color the path is

to the right, which one to the left. Well done! Which way should we go? Well done guys, you answered correctly!

Children walk along a rope, the teacher takes out a task from under a snowdrift -

“Turn into geometric shapes and restore order among the figures,

resettle them in their homes."

Children turn into figures (wear hats of geometric shapes). - Now let's get to know each other now.

Children take turns naming their signs. - I'm a red triangle

I am a green circle, etc.

The teacher lays out houses on the floor - hoops with symbols colors: red, green, yellow, blue. The children go to their homes and explain their choice.

On what basis were the figures divided? (Children's answers)

The figures are sent for a walk, at which time the color symbols change to symbols of the shapes of the figures. At the teacher’s signal, the children choose their house and explain their choice.

Why did you choose these houses? On what basis are you divided?

Well done boys! We completed the first task.

Educator: Well done guys, you coped with the task skillfully, let's find the second message. Here it is, guys, hiding on a tree stump.

Remember everything without an exact count

Any work will not budge,

Without an account there will be no light on the street,

Without counting, a rocket cannot rise,

And the boys won’t be able to play hide and seek.

Get to work guys quickly

Count the animals that are present in the fairy tale by D. Rodari “Once upon a time there lived a man.”.

(Children sit on chairs.)

Educator: I'll tell you a fairy tale about an amazing person.

Once upon a time there lived a man with crooked legs, and he walked for a whole century.

Along a crooked path. (Show pic.)

And beyond the crooked river in a crooked house

Crooked mice lived in summer and winter. (Show pic.)

And the twisted Christmas trees stood at the gate

Crooked wolves walked there without worries. (Show pic.)

And they had one Crooked cat

And she meowed

Sitting by the window (Show pic.)


How many animals did he meet on the road? (five)

That's right, what figure represents this number? (children show the number 5). How many mice? Volkov?

Educator: Well done guys, you did a good job with the second task. Shall we look for a third task?"

Look, there is a gift under the Christmas tree - maybe we should go and have a look.

You will find flowers there.

They've lost their way

We got lost in the forest here.

Help them find their home.


On the snowdrifts there are 5 colored houses with holes instead of windows into which flowers are inserted

Guys, I know this story, if you want, I’ll tell it to you.

“Once upon a time there were colors. One day they all got together and decided to live together on the same street. We settled - each in his own house, then everyone went for a walk in the forest and got lost.” We guys need to help each color find its home. Guys, how many houses are there in total?

Educator: Guys, we successfully completed all the tasks. Somehow Baba Yaga is in no hurry to let our Elena Vladimirovna go. Oh look

Well, you kids are great! I did not expect

And you are also brave,

Three tasks are not enough for you.

Since Grandma I am Yaga-

Evil and treacherous

Here are two more tasks for you. They lie under the stump.

First task:

This is a spatial orientation task.

There are album sheets and colored pencils on the tables. The teacher names the tasks, and the children complete them on sheets:

Draw a red circle in the upper right corner

Draw a blue circle in the lower left corner

Draw a yellow circle in the upper left corner

In the middle (in the center) draw a green circle

Draw a brown circle in the lower right corner.

(In the center of the sheet we draw a face “My mood”)

Second task:

Now you need to close your eyes. Listen carefully, how many hits on the metallophone you will hear - show this number.

(Children listen carefully and show the necessary numbers)

Well, well done guys.

All my tasks have been completed!

I'll have to let me have your nanny,

And I would like to keep it with me

At least for a little bit!

Educator: Baba Yaga, stop making jokes! We completed all your tasks correctly! The agreement must be fulfilled! Give us back Elena Vladimirovna!

Educator: Did you enjoy the trip to the fabulous snowy forest? What task did you like? What was the most difficult thing? Guys, let's go back to kindergarten and tell our Elena Vladimirovna about our trip.

E.V.: I’m so glad to see you! Thank you for freeing me!

Municipal preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 29 “Spark”

Subject: Open final integrated lesson in the middle group

"Journey on a Fun Engine"


1st qualification category

Gneusheva L.A.


Age group: middle group, children 4-5 years old

Target: to summarize children’s knowledge by the end of the school year on FEMP, cognitive development and socialization, to consolidate children’s knowledge of numbers, to teach how to correlate the number of objects with a number; generalize children's knowledge about animals and seasons; develop logical thinking, memory, attention, observation, develop coherent speech, enrich children's vocabulary, cultivate a love for animals. Summarize knowledge on experimental activities.

Demo material:

Set of numbers up to 5; rectangular cards with a stripe in the middle; a set of geometric shapes (squares and circles) for each child; multimedia projector, laptop, plates with sand

Activating the dictionary: ruddy, breezy.

Methodical techniques: game situation, conversation-dialogue, looking at pictures, productive activity of children, analysis.

GCD move:

We have a guest in our group. And her name is “Tenderness”.

Why do you think it is called that? (soft, kind, affectionate).

Guys, she would really like to get to know you better. Do you want to meet? Then we will pass “Tender” around the circle and call our name affectionately, okay? Hold her tenderly, we will try to convey to her your warmth, a piece of your soul. Let's start with me. (my name is Lyusenka! etc.). Now “Tenderness” has returned to me. Did you feel how much warmth and affection she gave us? Let's leave it in our lesson.

Children, do you like to travel? (Yes)

What do you like to travel with?

Today I want to invite you on a journey on a magical train. (Sound of train)

Get ready! Has everyone taken their seats? Then let's go: The song of the engine from the cartoon "Tank Engine from Romashkov" sounds

Children, we have arrivedto the station "Matematicheskaya", get out of the trailers.

Guys, our road will go through a forest clearing where beautiful flowers grow.1 slide with flowers and butterflies

How many flowers grow in the meadow? (5)

Look. And beautiful butterflies fly high above the flowers.

How many butterflies fly over the flowers?(4)

Place as many squares as there are colors on the bottom strip of the card. And on the top strip there are as many circles as there are butterflies flying.

What are more circles or squares?

What needs to be done to make the figures equal?

How many squares and circles are there? (5)

Are the figures on the top and bottom stripes the same?

Well done boys! Our journey continues at the mathematical station. Guess the riddles.

1) A figure that has no corners and looks like the sun. What figure is this? (Circle)

2) A figure that has three angles and three sides. , what figure is this? (Triangle)

3) A figure without corners, which is similar to a circle, but elongated. What figure is this? (Oval)

4) What is the name of a figure whose all sides are equal? (square)

5) What is the name of a figure that also has four corners and four sides, but the sides are different in length (rectangle).

6) and look at the screen, what kind of figure is this? (cylinder)

2 slide with figures

Song of the engine Children, we have arrivedto Lesnaya station

Here we need to solve riddles. 3 slide

Guess, kids, who
Does it bark so beautifully?
Wags his tail merrily,
Does he walk with a leash?
You can pet him -

He'll wave his tail,
He will lick your hand. (Dog)

Who's screaming in the yard?

Wake us up at dawn?

He has feathers - fluff!

And his name is...! (Rooster)

Look what animals are depicted on the screen? Children list. What one word can you call them? (domestic)

Also listen to the riddles 4 slide d

In winter - white, in summer - gray,
I skillfully change the color during the season.
I eat cabbage and carrots
I weave my trail deftly.
I live in the forests
My enemy is the wolf, the bear, the fox.
What's my name, guess what?
Long-Eared Brother- (Bunny)

There lives a famous cheat in the forest,
He will outwit and deceive everyone cleverly,
The owner of a red tail.
Who is this? Sly Fox)

At night he howls in the forest:
“I’ll take the lamb away!”
Knows a lot about hares too
Angry, hungry gray...(Wolf)

Who sleeps in a den in winter?
The forest trembles from his roar.
Who can roar like that?
Well, of course... (Bear)

What animals are these? (Wild)

Children guess riddles, and the teacher shows pictures of these animals on the screen.

And now the bunny wants to play with you. Physical exercise to music

E. Zheleznova “The gray bunny is sitting”

The sound of a train

Now we have arrivedto the station "Magic Polyana"

Game "When it happens"

Here is a maple leaf on a branch.

Now it's just like new!

All ruddy and golden.

Where are you going, leaf? Wait! (A. Berestov) 5 slide

A picture depicting autumn is displayed.

Oh, the frost is angry;

The branches are covered with snow,

It grabs you by the nose and pinches you to tears.

The kids are not afraid

They go skiing and sledding,

They're making fun of the frost! (A. Bosev) 6 slide

What time of year is this poem talking about?

A picture depicting winter is displayed.

Already, the snow is melting, the streams are flowing

There was a breath of spring through the window

The nightingales will soon whistle

And the forest will be clothed with leaves. (A. Pleshcheev) 7slide

What time of year are these lines dedicated to?

A picture depicting spring is displayed.

The wind ran away somewhere

Summer wind at an early hour.

And when evening came.

He came back and hugged us.

And it smelled like mint,

Wrinkled, unwrinkled. (V. Stepanov) 8slide

What time of year is this poem talking about?

A picture depicting summer is displayed.

After summer, what time of year comes?

The sound of a train

Now we have arrivedto the station "Ugadajka"

Game "Find the extra object"

Each set of 4-5 pictures reflects belonging to a certain season, but one of them has a different content.

Selection options:

1. Chair, table, wardrobe, kettle.. Slide 9

2. Car, bicycle, plane, tram.10 slide

3Apple, cucumber, orange, kiwi.Slide 11 (you can have an orange because it’s yellow)

The sound of a train

to the station "On the contrary"

I I will throw the ball to you and say a word, and you will answer me the other way around.

Game “On the contrary”

Low - high, long - short, narrow - wide, soft - hard, light - heavy, hot - cold, clean - dirty, empty - full, young-old, big-small, white-black, sweet-bitter.

Teacher: Well done, you completed the task!

The sound of a train

Now you and I are goingto the final station "Igrovushka"

Let's Let's play with our fingers. The finger game “Like Grandfather Ermolai” is being played.

What you love more than anything else (playing with sand). Now we are going to play with the sand. Look what’s on my table (a jar of water), look how clear the water is. Now I'll stir the water. What has she become? Dirty. Why? Because there was sand there, and when it was stirred, it rose to the top and the water became cloudy.

And now we will play and draw in the sand. 12 slide

Look on the screen what can be drawn in the sand.

Children draw.

Bottom line : What do you remember about our trip?

What tasks were difficult for you?

Did you enjoy our trip?

Our journey is over, another surprise awaits us. Treat for children.