How to make lips without lipstick. How to make lips bright and beautiful without makeup

How to make lips red without lipstick: beauty secrets

Cosmetics / Lipstick

Every woman tries to look spectacular and attractive, it is for this reason that many of them wonder how to make their lips red without lipstick. Red lips, no doubt, attract everyone's eyes. But the owners of red lips have a difficult time, and all because you need to constantly maintain the color of the lips, tint them, and this is not always convenient and perhaps not under all conditions.

There are certain secrets that can help a woman achieve red lips without the use of any cosmetics. This can be done at home without much effort.

Folk recipes to help give your lips a red color

It must be done carefully and for two to three minutes. If you put in more effort than necessary, your lips could be scratched. Massage should be done twice a day: during the morning wash and before bedtime. After the procedure, wipe the lips with an ice cube and lubricate with vegetable oil.

This massage requires very little time and simple ingredients. We will get a noticeable result in 2-3 weeks: the lips will have a rich red tint.

  • This recipe will give you luxurious, firm lips with a red tint. To prepare it, you need to take one teaspoon of carrot juice and fresh cottage cheese, mix them with 1/2 teaspoon of heavy cream. You need to apply the mask for half an hour, after the time runs out, rinse with warm water.
  • There is an even easier way, which will not cause any trouble at all, and the result will please. At night, you need to do a honey mask, for this you just need to lubricate your lips with a little honey. Such a mask will protect the lips from drying out, there will be no need to use hygienic lipstick. This product leaves lips soft, and also keeps them youthful and brighter.
  • The secret of many recipes that are used to give the lips a red tint is to increase the blood flow to the lips. You can use a variety of spices for this, such as cinnamon and ginger. Such spices are in the kitchen of any housewife, just not everyone uses them for cosmetic purposes. A cinnamon stick or ground spice must be turned into gruel by chopping and adding a little water. Apply to lips for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water. Ginger is useful for rubbing your lips, you need to wash it off after a quarter of an hour.
  • Making lips red: lip exercises

    Lovers of an active lifestyle and physical activity will love the following suggestion, which you can try on yourself to give your lips a bright color: Lip Charger.

    1. During the day, you need to knead your lips. To do this, they should be folded into a tube, squeezed tightly, and then unclenched. You can be sure that your lips will delight with their brightness and attractiveness in a couple of weeks.
    2. A contrast shower is good not only for our body, but also for our lips. It's simple, you need to alternate cold and hot water, watering your lips. But do not overdo it with hot water, you may get burned.
    3. Your lips will become firm again and will take on a red tint if you do this simple exercise. To complete it, you need a cotton swab, which should be clamped between the nose and the raised upper lip. You need to hold it for about 10 minutes.

    A complex approach

    If you have free time and are a supporter of an integrated approach in everything, especially in matters that relate to your beauty, this method is just for you.

    Stage 1. First you need to prepare your lips. This will help the use of a natural lip scrub. This should be done to remove dry skin and dead cells, which often cause pale lips.
    To prepare a scrub, we need honey and brown sugar in equal amounts, mix the products and apply the mixture to the lips in a circular motion. Then rinse off the scrub with warm water.

    Stage 2. Wipe your lips with red fruit or vegetable juice. A bright red fruit (you can take cherries, cranberries, beets, pomegranates, etc.) you need to cut and rub your lips with it. If you want a brighter color, repeat the procedure 3-4 times. After that, a colorless balm applied to the lips will help maintain the resulting color for several hours. You can also use red food coloring, but this can cause the color to be too intense.

    Stage 3. Protecting our lips from harmful influences. First of all, this applies to prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. To keep your lips from darkening, you need to lubricate them with sunscreen. You also need to make sure that the skin of the lips does not dry out and moisturize it in time.

    Common female mistakes

    Many women believe that they can make their lips red without makeup if they bite their lips. You do not need to do this, since it will not produce the expected effect. Thus, you can only damage the skin and cause yourself additional problems and discomfort.

    According to numerous observations, during communication, people look at the lips of the interlocutor no less often than at the eyes: it is pleasant when they are of a beautiful shape, attract with freshness and juiciness. To do this, you need to remember how to paint your lips correctly, and learn how to apply this knowledge in practice.

    Many girls and women face different colors, up to contrasting tones, lipstick colors. This is great: you can change the image using one or another tone. However, do not forget that there is a right time and place for make-up, whatever it may be. After all, no one wants to look inappropriate at best, funny at worst.

    • Daytime make-up requires an approach to naturalness. Therefore, going to work in the office, give preference to matte and satin lipsticks one or two darker than the skin of the lips, which can emphasize their natural color.
    • It is better to refuse lipstick in the color of lilac and purple shades during the day: with it you will look artificial.
    • Remember that dark colors should be used with caution during the day, in natural light. These lipsticks visually make the lips look smaller. So if they are already small and thin, the effect will be the opposite of what you want it to be.
    • But with a product with a pearlescent shine, on the contrary, the lips will seem larger from the side. The main thing is that, as already mentioned, it should be the most natural shade close to skin color.
    • Bright dark lipsticks, pearlescent in unusual colors - what you need for evening make-up. They will emphasize the style, make the image defiant, mysterious, funny - the way you want it yourself and which is suitable for a particular occasion.
    • You can mix several shades if you use a special brush to apply the lipstick.

    How to reshape your lips?

    Any of us would like to have flawlessly shaped lips with a beautiful "Cupid arch", plump and seductive. Unfortunately, nature is not so generous as to give such gifts to everyone. But you can correct and even change the shape of the lips yourself. To do this, you need to know how to properly paint your lips with lipstick and pencil. A very important condition - the color of the latter is matched to a tone darker than lipstick. Otherwise, you will end up with something that looks like an unsuccessful photo frame. The contour line should be thin. And one more thing: so that during the day the lip contour does not turn into "Amur waves", you will have to look in the mirror more often and, if necessary, correct the defects.

    The contour is applied in a certain way.

    1. You need to start the procedure from the center of the upper lip.
    2. Then the line is carefully drawn to the corners, but does not reach them.
    3. Do the same with the lower lip.
    4. The final touch is the design of the corners of the lips.

    If you want to visually enlarge your lips, the contour should be drawn outside the natural border of the lips and applied under the lipstick a kind of base - gloss.

    Another way to achieve the visual effect of greater plumpness is to lightly run lighter lipstick in the middle of the lips painted with the main color. And do not forget to shade so that the transition around the edges is not striking.

    If there is an opposite goal - to make the lips seem a little smaller, in your opinion, that are too plump, makeup artists advise you to powder them first, and then draw a contour with a pencil, but already inside the natural border. After the contour line should be rubbed as carefully as possible towards the center. Owners of too large a mouth will have to forget about pearlescent lipsticks (about gloss, by the way, too): they are able to "puff" their lips even more. The most suitable option is lipsticks with a matte texture.

    Applying lip liner

    Who knows how to properly paint lips with a pencil, they use such a tool not only in a situation where it is necessary to draw a contour and prevent lipstick from getting out of it. It is also perfect for applying lipstick, replacing it with lipstick. Stylists claim that this option, without any additional tweaks, is able to give the lips additional plumpness.

    But it is better to sharpen the pencil shaft thinner, especially when it comes to creating a contour line. Otherwise, the lips will turn out not just plump, but will look like dumplings.

    There is one more condition that is very important when a pencil replaces lipstick: its high quality. This will avoid microscopic injury to the skin.

    As for the contour, if there is uncertainty in your skills and it is difficult to cope with the task, it is better to put the pencil aside and do with lipstick.

    Or use a small but very useful trick:

    • Place a dot in the center of the upper lip.
    • Mark a couple more at some distance on both sides.
    • Slowly, connect, without bringing the line to the corners.
    • Do the same manipulations with the lower lip.
    • Finish off with a contour in the corners.

    Lip shaping technique without a pencil

    If you are lucky with a flawlessly even lip contour, you can easily afford to save on buying a pencil: high-quality cosmetics are not cheap. Lipstick will accentuate the beauty of the mouth just as well. You just need to know what procedures should be done before applying it.

    1. A special tonic should be used to cleanse the skin of the lips.
    2. Then pamper them with chapstick (or lip cream).
    3. Apply lipstick on top of the base color - using a brush.
    4. Surely lipstick turned out to be a bit too much. The excess will have to be blotted with a paper towel.
    5. Cover your mouth a little with the powder you usually use.
    6. And the last action - apply lipstick of a lighter shade to the centers of the upper and lower lips, blend.

    Who is red lipstick suitable for? How to apply it?

    There is no girl in the world who would not be adorned with red lipstick. She is preferred by self-confident persons who are not afraid to respond to the challenges of the environment. And it is also good because, with a skillful combination with the rest of the makeup and clothes, it can be "worn" at any time of the day. Another thing is that you need to know which tone will suit you. Otherwise, you will certainly have to catch the surprised looks of colleagues at work or bystanders on the street.

    • Are you blonde or the mistress of ashy hair? Your shade of red is austere cold. Avoid brick and carrot notes. They will look out of place on your face.
    • Those with a yellowish or even straw-colored hairstyle should prefer a rich red. It is good for such girls to choose matte lipstick. You just need to take into account that its texture and color are able to make the slightest imperfections of the skin of the face catch the eye of others. This means that you have to take care of the quality of the make-up.
    • If you are a light-skinned brunette, then pay attention to the red and berry tones. For example, a raspberry color during the day would be fine. But dark-haired beauties with transparent porcelain skin should give preference to cold red with a sheen of blue or purple.
    • For slightly yellowish skin, the best option is a peach and even orange glow of red lipstick.
    • Red-burgundy tones and shades of dark cherry are very suitable for dark-haired women.
    • Since there is no time to go into subtleties, feel free to choose red terracotta. It suits absolutely everyone and will beautify you regardless of hair and skin color.

    There is nothing unusual in the technique of applying red lipstick.

    These are the same steps as using any other color:

    • concealer / foundation;
    • powder for a smooth surface;
    • highlighter on the "birdie" above the lip;
    • pencil outline;
    • pomade.

    How to properly paint lips with matte lipstick?

    This lipstick texture is extremely popular with modern fashionistas and beauties.

    There are several reasons for this general acceptance:

    • quite persistent, under certain conditions it stays on the lips all day;
    • you can feel calm in such lipstick: with awkward movements, it will not leave marks on clothes;
    • evenly covers the skin, gives the lips a fresh look.

    True, you need to try to achieve this effect.

    1. First, the lips should not be dry or flaky. All defects will “emerge” under the matte lipstick.
    2. Secondly, it is better to apply such lipstick with a brush. So the coating comes out evenly, filling in all the folds on the lips.
    3. Thirdly, it is necessary to start the procedure from the center. On the upper lip - from the "arch of Cupid", carefully moving to the corners. On the bottom - from the middle.
    4. Fourthly, a matching contour pencil will add visual plumpness to the lips, if necessary.

    The nuances of applying dark lipstick

    In the past few years, dark lips have been at their peak. Sometimes these are lipsticks of a rather unexpected color. It will not be easy to remember at least one fashion show, during which beauties with dark lipstick on their lips would not defile on the catwalk. And the original make-up always makes a splash.

    There are several subtleties to present a face in a winning light.

    1. The skin of the face should look perfect: the slightest flaw, from almost imperceptible redness to oily sheen, in combination with a dark lipstick from a "speck in the eye" will turn into a real "log".
    2. With a dark matte lipstick, you don't need to draw a pencil outline. But if you decide, remember: chubby persons need to draw it with straight lines, and on a narrow elongated face - curved.
    3. It is necessary to apply lipstick with a brush. With her, the layer of makeup will lie flawlessly.
    4. Make the lips darker in the corners and lighter in the center. This nuance will give them volume.
    5. The accentuated Cupid Arch will add sensuality to your look.

    Bright lips without lipstick

    If you really want to wake up completely unpainted, but with bright lips, it is not at all necessary to get a mustachioed man to kiss or kiss a hot frying pan. Biting your lips is also not recommended, as well as smearing with beets. Lip biting, although it will provoke blood flow, is fraught with bruises and cracks. Beets, among other things, can take on an uneven purple hue. Keep in mind that bright lips should look and be healthy.

    It is worth remembering that a dull lip color can be a sign of anemia. Therefore, pay attention to your gums - they should not be too pale. But if you have low hemoglobin, drink pomegranate juice and eat iron-containing foods.

    To make your lips red without lipstick, you can look in the store for a special menthol balm, but the "burning" effect on the lips is not pleasant to everyone, given the fact that this is the same chemistry.

    But for lovers of folk remedies, you can use a couple of secrets and make your lips not only bright, but also healthy:

    You will need a toothbrush and honey. Massage your lips in the morning and in the evening, this will accelerate the regeneration of the epithelium, they will become brighter, more elastic, and blood circulation will improve. You can dip your toothbrush in hot water with baking soda: 0.5 tsp of baking soda in a glass of water, and then wipe your lips with an ice cube. Then, grease the sponges with vegetable oil.

    Don't forget to lubricate your lips with honey and even leave the honey mask on overnight. Make a mask with 1 teaspoon of carrot juice, 1 teaspoon of soft cottage cheese and 0.5 teaspoon of heavy cream. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash off.

    They say a woman without lipstick is an unfinished painting. But now you can become a mysterious Mono Lisa without her.

    Most girls want pink and soft lips. Tanned or dark lips look out of place and you may be wondering how to cover it up with lipstick, etc., but your lips can be turned into a delicate pink with some natural remedies. Yes, natural methods are harmless and will help you get your rosy tones back so you don't have to cover your lips with lipstick, etc., or feel uncomfortable with dark, pigmented lips. Read below how to make your lips pink without lipstick at home.

    Moisturizing is essential because when lips are dry or chapped, they are more prone to darkening. Hence, it is best to always keep your lips hydrated. Use daily if your lips are dry.

    2. Scrub / peeling

    Exfoliation makes the lips smoother and also reduces darkening and pigmentation so that the natural pink color of the lips is enhanced. Did you know that regular cleaning not only makes your lips softer, but also pinker. This is a fairly simple but very effective way.
    You can wash your lips with old toothpaste or petroleum jelly. Apply petroleum jelly to your lips and scrub with a brush. An alternative remedy is a lip scrub. Mix some sugar and honey and apply to lips to wash them.

    3. Lemon and turmeric for pink lips

    Take 8-10 drops of lemon juice and add a pinch of turmeric powder to it. Apply to lips overnight and wash off the next day. Before applying, make sure your lips are not cracked or they will burn when you apply this product. This natural simple remedy is the best way to get pink lips. It removes pigmentation and dark lips when done regularly.

    4. Milk for smooth and pink lips

    Another way to make lips naturally pink is milk with cream and a pinch of turmeric powder. Apply to lips and keep it on overnight. It lightens the darkness and the lips turn pink within a few weeks. This is a very simple remedy that will heal dry chapped lips.

    5. Olive oil and salt

    The next beauty tip is for pink lips with olive oil and salt. Take 1/4 spoon of olive oil, sweet almond oil and add some salt to it. Apply oil to lips and massage gently. Keep the oil on your lips overnight and wash off in the morning.

    6. Rose petals for lips

    This rose petal beauty tip is very effective. You need rose petals. Crush them and add some cream to make a paste. Apply these rose petals, milk and cream to your lips. Rinse off the next morning to reveal pink lips. Soon the darkness will disappear and the lips will turn pink.

    What you need to do to get pink lips

    • Don't use cheap quality products.
    • Apply lip balms with SPF when going out in the sun.
    • Always remove your lipstick before bed.
    • Apply lip balms daily to keep them hydrated.

    Today in the article you learned tips and tools on how to make lips pink at home.

    What to do if a party is planned, and there is no scarlet lipstick in the cosmetic bag? The situation is familiar, probably, to every woman. How and what to replace red lipstick?

    The beauty of cosmetics is that many products can be mixed to create new colors and textures at home. And lipstick is exactly the tool that can be easily made from improvised cosmetics.

    • Lip balm + blush

    One of the easiest ways! You will need any lip balm and blush or pink / red eyeshadow.

    Apply the lip balm in a thick layer, then use your finger to work the blush or eyeshadow into your lips. Interestingly, if you apply a dry product with a hammering motion, the color will be more persistent, but less vibrant. Therefore, we recommend that you first drive the product into the lips, and then stretch it with stroking movements.

    If the tone turned out to be not quite even and went beyond the border of the lips, take a cotton swab and apply the same balm on it, and then correct the contour. This will help you get the perfect shape.

    Lip balm is a versatile item that will not only help fix makeup, but also remove long-lasting matte lipstick if you don't have a special product at hand. Just apply the balm on top of the lipstick and wait a couple of minutes, then wipe your lips with a napkin - the lipstick will be washed off without a trace. If you use menthol balm, the lips will become not only softer, but also visually plump. Look for even more interesting life hacks on using lip balm.

    • Cream + eyeshadow or creamy eyeliner

    The next option is also very simple. If you have an oil-based cream, you can mix any bright eyeshadow or cream with it. For example, eyeliner.

    To start, mix the cream and the pigmented product in equal proportions, then add one of the ingredients as needed. Please note that it is the oily cream that is needed (therefore, it is better not to use light fluids). The fact is that it is the fat (oil) that will dissolve dry and creamy products to a softer texture that is suitable for lips.

    By the way, if you still have any lipstick in a delicate shade (for example, pale pink) in your cosmetic bag, and you would like to make it brighter, it can be mixed with blush or shadows in the same way. Gently cut off some lipstick, warm it on the skin and mix with any product of a richer shade (warm or cold).It is better to use glossy lipstick, as matte lipstick is much more difficult to blend.

    Happy experiments! Look for beautiful makeup ideas with bright lips.