How to clean the nose to the newborn or calm breath of the baby at a time or two or three. Clean the nose of the newborn: what and how it is correct if you need a baby that doctors say

Parents should know how to clean the nose of the newborn, make it quickly and painless for the kid. This procedure will allow croching to breathe during the disease when the mucus accumulated. Yes, and for daily hygienic procedures, the nose cleaning will not be superfluous, because it will make rid of crusts that can often appear in babies.

How to properly clean the nose newborn from mucus, crusts that are often the cause of capriciousness and irritability of the baby, sleep problems?

From this article you will learn

Why do it

Most parents from the first days of the life of Karapuz pay special attention to his hygiene. With the need to clean the nose of the newborn, they may face, as a rule, in two cases:

  • When he is sick.
  • When in the room too dry air.

And if in the first case, the toddler needs to be cleaned from the mucus, which accumulates there, and together with it, in the second case, you can do just cleaning. Rather, it can be abandoned by it at all, if you adjust the level of moisture in the room where the baby is located. After all, it can be the reason for the appearance of crusts in crumbs, a cold and difficulty breathing. It is possible to avoid all this if you comply with the level of moisture in the range of 50-70%.

With what can be carried out such a procedure

If the newborn has a mucus in a nose or Kozul, it is important that there are devices with which you can clean it, and your parents knew how to use them correctly. To clean the nose of the newborn can be used:

  • Wadded flagellas are a small amount of rolled wool. You can make it from a regular cotton disk, which is enough for four flashes, because in order to make one, it is enough to use the fourth part of the whole disk.
  • Cotton wands - it is better to use special children's sticks with a limiter. After all, it is possible to make a baby with usual and do not clean your nose, but shook the mucus deeper.
  • Sprintsovka, Pear - Mandatory with a soft tip.
  • Aspirator (mechanical, vacuum or electronic).

Of course, all these fixtures can be used, cleaning the nose of the baby. But the experience of many parents showed that among them there are two options that are most secure for the child and effective are flagella to clean the nose with aspirator. But if you turn the flagella from the wool is easy and inexpensive, then in the case of an aspirator, it may be difficult - its value. Based on this, parents choose what is suitable for them.

How to make cleaning

Before cleaning the nose, the newborn should be familiar with the sequence of the actions performed:

  • Moisturizing the nose - this procedure will make softening crusts, get rid of the goat and mucus, without applying special efforts. It is possible to carry out moisturies using a purchased salt solution (aquamaris can be purchased at the pharmacy) or homemade (in 1 liter of water to dilute 1 tsp. Soli).

2-3 drops of salt solution must be chosen in each nostril a few minutes before cleaning the nose. It is possible to replace the saline solution with oil, but in this case you need to know what butter to brush the nose newborn. For this purpose, boiled sunflower or vaseline is suitable.

  • Preparation for cleaning - it is very important that the baby's head is fixed so that it does not jerk during the procedure. If possible, it must be performed together, but if there is no such possibility, then under the baby's head should be put a roller made of a small towel and diaper.
  • Cleaning itself, during which you need to remove crusts, mucus, goats.
  • Installing the nose - it is carried out in the case of a disease of the kid, which was caused by the appearance of a runny nose. In addition, drops that have appointed the attending physician can be used.

This is a standard toddler spout sequence. It can only be varied to the device that is used for this. Therefore, with how each of them is used, in more detail.

Use cotton flames

How to clean the nose with newborn cotton flavors? First you need to take the fourth part of the cotton disk and twist the cone from it. Clean the nasal passage is needed clockwise. Be sure to ensure that it is not too deeply introduced in the nostril of the baby, as this can lead to the fact that mucus or crusts will be stuck even further, and it will become more difficult to get them. Therefore, during the cleaning of the spout of the snot, the cotton harness should be in the nasal sinus not deeper than 1.5-2 centimeters.

If you correctly clean the nose in order of daily hygiene, then you can get rid of mucus and crusts. But when the baby is sick, and breathing it bothers the accumulated mucus in the spout, which needs to be cleaned several times a day, then this method is not particularly effective. Yes, and to clean one nostril may need several flagellas.

Important! When we clean the nose of the baby with cotton flavors, you should remember that it is possible to use it for one nostrils only once. If you need to re-clean, then the firing used cannot be used, you need to twist a new one.

Use cotton sticks

In order to understand how to brush your nose with a cotton wand, you can use the information set out above. The procedure is carried out in the same way as in the case of flavors. The only thing that sticks are already fully prepared for use, but if necessary, the amount of wool on the tip of the wand can be slightly reduced - and for convenience, and in order not to cause crude discomfort.

The use of sticks can injure the nasal sinuses of the crumbs, so they need to be used extremely careful. During the procedure and parent, and the child must be as calm as possible, you can not allow sharp movements.

Using a fringe, pears

It is very convenient to use a pear or fringe to remove mucus, crusts from the nasal sinuses of kids. This method is very effective, and the probability is injured during the infant procedure minimal. How to clean the nose to the baby using a fringe or a pear?

To begin with, the instrument needs to be prepared for use - rinse, quive in boiling water and cool to a comfortable temperature. Prying the pear so that the air came out of it, put into the nostril of crumbs, and let go of the pear squeezed. In such a way, it will be possible to pick up all the mucus to the vacuum, and the fact that the crumb is breathing normally.

Before repeating the procedure with the second nostril, the pear must be rinsed. It is necessary to produce air from it before the tip will be given to the nose of the crumbs. Otherwise, a large stream of air may lead to the fact that the mucus will rise above, and this will complicate the cleaning process.

Using aspirator

Aspirator can be considered the leader in the rating of devices that help correctly clean the nose in the child and the first year of life, and a little older. Parents who have in a home first aid kit are, know how to clean the nose with a newborn aspirator, and which it has advantages. All you need is to know how to use each kind of it.

In the case of mechanical models, one tube is inserted into the nostril of the crumbs, and the air pulls into the second mom. The mucus, which was in the nose in the child, falls into the container provided for this. In the case of electronic models, everything is much easier. After entering the tube in the toddler's spout, it is enough to click on the button button and wait until the spout is cleaned.

There is another kind of aspirator - it is a vacuum, it works from a vacuum cleaner whose noise baby can be frightened. Therefore, the procedure must be submitted consciously and carefully.

Important! In order for the aspirator to bring the maximum benefit, you need to know how to clean your nose correctly with this device. It is important to know that by holding a free nostril, cleaning the second will be the most efficient.

Knowing how to properly clean the nose of a newborn and doing it regularly, you can not only facilitate the condition of the baby, but also prevent the development of diseases with which you will need to contact the doctor. The peeled nose, which in front of the procedure should be washed with a salt solution (how to make it independently, it was described above) will help get rid of the capriciousness of the baby, problems with sleep. Breastfall will be able to breathe freely, and the mucus and crusts that prevented his spout to breathe, they will no longer be inconvenient.

If you are nervous and panties whenever it comes to clean the newborn baby "feathers" - eyes, spout or ears, and even more so having cut the nogot - then any mom will understand you like no other. Do not worry, it will take quite a bit of time, and these everyday procedures will no longer seem to you so exciting. Especially if you will know exactly how to properly carry out this care.

To the eyes shine ...

Caring for the eyes of a newborn is many times easier and simple than you think. Of course, provided that the baby does not have any problems on the mucous eye - for example, conjunctivitis of newborns. This problem happens quite often - on the 4-5th day of the child's child's eyes can begin to be fed. Do not worry and do not panic - this attack is easily treated and does not affect the sharpness of the child. Special drops to eliminate conjunctivitis will appoint a children's doctor individually. He will tell how to use them right and how to combine treatment with ordinary daily wash eyes.

The usual care comes down to the following:

How often. 1-2 times a day, in the morning - necessarily.

What will be needed. Minimum 4 high-quality cotton discs, boiled water.

What to do. Prepare the container with boiled (room temperature) with water and cotton woven discs. Place the crumb on the changing table. Publish 2 disks into the water, squeeze the slightly and wipe both eyes strictly in the direction from the outer corner to the nose (and never trite in the opposite direction!).

Never use the same cotton disk on one and on the second eye. At each eye, always reserve a separate disk or gauze napkin. And remember: Wet napkins for skin care of the newborn are not suitable for the care of the mucous membranes! That is, the baby's eyes can not be wiped.

The second pair of dry disks will be useful in order to miss extra water from the eyes. Here, in fact, all - we will force the procedure for washing the eyes of the newborn and ends.

While the newly new little baby sleeps at least than at night, and is not yet bathed in a large bath (if, it is not recommended to bathe a child in a tap water) to wash your eyes makes sense 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening. When the mode gradually "stands out", and, his eyes will be washed by themselves.

What should not do:

  • Rinse the baby's eyes with any chasters, solutions, etc. It is quite ordinary boiled water. Using cosmetics, wet wipes, herbs champs or tea brew, you can harm the baby's health.
  • With the appearance of pus to engage in self-medication. As soon as you noticed that instead of a tiny whitish ball in the inner corner of the eye (which does not mean any illness, and simply appears due to the fact that during the night, physiological discharge on the mucous membrane, under the closed eyelids, accumulate in a small ball) in the morning of the infant literally Worn with whitish bunches - be sure to show the child to the doctor. Only a specialist may appoint an adequate treatment strategy, such as conjunctivitis or dacryocystitis (a non-discontinued disease among newborns caused by the blockage of a lacrimal channel).

Clean the ears

Caring for the ears of the newborn - the procedure is even more simple.

How often. 2 times per week.

What will be needed. Several cotton sticks with a limiter.

What to do. Your field of activity is only an external ear. The inner ear, as in adults, is cleared independently, actually by selecting the very sulfur that a couple of times a week you should be removed just from the area that only preders the auditory passage. Repeat again: it follows only the ear shell, without invading in no case in the auditory passage and further.

Newborn children are still too small for newborn children, and the eardrum is not protected, so excessively negotiating, you can inflict injury.

What should not do:

  • Clean your ears every day. Objectively, this is simply there is no need.
  • Trying to clean sulfur from the auditory pass. Getting through a cotton waller right in a rumor pass, you risk not to pull out sulfur outward, but on the contrary - push it deeper and pour it yourself to create a sulfur tube.
  • Grease cotton wand with water or some solutions. Water when entering the auditory passage can cause sulfur swelling, provoke a sulfur stopper or even call otitis. When the kid will grow a little, about a month after birth, this risk will become less. In any case, in the future, when you will bathe a child in a big bath, there is no reason to be afraid that the water naturally falls into his ears. The eardrum at that time will be more or less protected by an anatomical bend, and the water from the ear will freely flow out if you tenderly turn the baby's head on the barrel.

Kurnos Kurni snot ...

Of course, the spout should not. And since the snipes means, dry crusts were formed in it, or it was laid. And in that and in another case it is necessary to clean the nose.

If the baby often laid the nose, or dry crusts are constantly drawn in the nose, this is a sure sign that the climate in the room is unfavorable - too warm and dry. You can correct the position using the air humidifier and the batteries on the batteries. The perfect "healthy" microclimate in the room, where the newborn baby lives, implies the temperature not higher than 21-22 ° C and air humidity 60-70%.

But at such ideal conditions, it is from time to time to clean the nose. And all because the newborn still does not know how to blow herdoor. And rely on the fact that the kid sneezes and from the nose, by itself, "departs" everything is superfluous, rather rashly. A mucus, which is somehow still in the nose in the crumbs accumulates and dries, no matter how cool is subject to elimination. So:

How often. As need. How quickly will be formed in the nose in the newborn dry crust, directly depends on the climate in which he lives.

What will be needed. Small wool balls, apricot or peach oil (sold in pharmacies), boiled water or drops of type Aquamaris (sea water).

What to do. From watts twist a few small flavors. Theoretically, you can easily use cotton sticks, but only if you are confident (but gently!) You can fix the baby's head - Otherwise, he can pull his head and hurts himself with your wand. Pre-instress in a spout a couple of drops of boiled or sea water so that the dry crust is slightly. Then we wat a cotton harness or a cotton wand in oil and torque movements with them every nostril, not a prophetic flavor or wand too deep.

If the baby snaps into the nose in the nose, the liquid rises (he fell into the nose), a special children's aspirator will help to get rid of it for her nose.

What should not do:

  • Trying to pull your nose crusts with your fingers or dry chopsticks. It is unlikely that you will succeed. But you will probably hurt the gentle nose mucosa of the newborn.
  • Clean the nose without visible reasons. If the baby breathes perfectly perfectly, and visually you do not notice any "obstacles" in his nose, then no preventive cleaning is required. By itself, this procedure is not pleasant, and at all to treat the kid at all, and its mucous membrane is an additional risk of injury, just for no apparent reason.

All listed manipulations refer to healthy kids and healthy noses. If the kid for any reason the nose is laid or, on the contrary, abundant runny nose, should consult a doctor for the treatment program. Here the choice of medicinal droplets or ointments will depend on the cause of the cold - whether, for example, a cold or an allergic reaction.

How and when the nails have a newborn

While the baby grows and develops in the womb, his marks grow with it. By at the time of the appearance of all newborn kids have long "running" nails. However, they are not advised to cut them in the first few days. And so that Kroch accidentally did not scratch himself, he puts special cotton mittens on his handles.

But sooner or later, the moment comes when the mother should gain courage and cut the baby's nails - on hand and legs.

How often. As you grow. It is better to cut a nogot more often, but not too short.

What will be needed. Manicure scissors or tweezers. It is better to use the tool that you are used to "wrapping." In other words, if you are constantly cutting your nails with scissors, and the child decided to shorten the marks with the help of twigs - you are unlikely to do it carefully from the first time. Why experiment? Use the "inventory" that has long been confidently kept in your hands.

Special manicure scissors with rounded ends often turn out to be useless purchase - as a rule, they are too uncomfortable and ridiculous: too stupid, too small, and with blades that are sometimes thicker than the longest children's marigold.

What to do. Conduct the "haircut" procedure is the most reasonable thing when the baby sleeps - if you do everything neatly, the child will most likely even wake up. But in this case, by treating every finger, you need to hold the finiteness tightly (handle or leg) of the baby in my hand - otherwise the baby can bother and hurt. To avoid unpleasant burrs, remember the rule:

  • on the knobs of the nails, "in a circle" (then you mean the corners of the nail plate are cut off)
  • on the legs of the nails, it is strictly smooth (there is no cutting corners).

Ideally, to care for your baby's nails, it would be nice to start separate scissors. But if you do not see a special reason in this, enough before the procedure simply wipe your scissors with the usual alcohol-containing agent.

If you accidentally poured your baby's skin - do not fall into despair and self-called. Just lubricate the judge of the iodine, a greenk, or a similar means.

The physically baby is more relaxed (maximum relaxation is achieved in a dream), the easier it is to cut his nails. Therefore, many moms adapt to do this procedure until the child sleeps firmly after feeding.

What should not do:

  • Cut your nail after bathing. If your baby is already Doros before swimming in an adult bath, then after a 20-30 minute "swim", his marks become very soft, "booze". On the one hand, they are easily cut off, but on the other - it is for the same reason that the risk of the "live" part of the nail plate is very large.
  • Stream to your child when you are angry with something, nervous or upset. Even without scissors in her hands in a state of nervousness, anxiety or aggression approach to the child is not desirable. And being "armed with a secateur" and is suppressed - the risk is inadvertently injured by the tiny fingers of the baby is very large. Nothing terrible will not happen if you wait until your nerves are "wunted." But the result will definitely be careful.
  • Missing the kid's fingers with any cream in front of the "haircut". For nail cutting procedure, no preludes are needed using cosmetics. Even on the contrary - after a cream or softening oil, the kid's fingers (like yours) will become very slippery, "not reliable." What is the point of risk? It is wiser to do it all the opposite - lugged the marigold, and on "every fireman" made a light massage with anti-inflammatory children's cream. This is useful in all respects - it is believed that the light tactile impact on the pillows of the fingers stimulates the brain activity of the child, and the prevention of the occurrence of burrs is excellent.

Most of the young mothers and especially Dad immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital, try not once again not to disturb their baby so as not to scare it or not harm. When it comes to hygienic procedures, they are not lost at all, and do not understand what to do. But learn and learn how to nice the nose, you will have to. Even the minimum amount of mucus can negatively affect the calm breath of the baby.

What is the nose of the newborn

In the first few months of life, the infant is such a procedure as the cleansing of the nose is mandatory. This need is caused by the fact that the nasal moves of the newborn are very narrow, a lot of dust accumulates, mucus, which make it difficult to breathe, are a hindrance for feeding and sleeping. Even a tiny vile from clothes can cause clogging of the carriage of the karapuse. The baby does not know how to blow herdorship, it is too weak and will not be able to cope with this problem, so parents' help is needed.

Causes of crust formation

The emergence of dry goat (crusts) in the baby is associated with its physiological features. The slope mucous membrane constantly produces a mucus to which dust and other harmful substances fall from the outside. Air, which inhale small kids, dries these mucous seals, as a result, crusts are formed. Burning the noded and breathe newborns do not know how, so the appearance of dry snot is inevitable.

To the main reasons for the formation of crusts include:

  • Walled diseases, runny nose, which are accompanied by inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the nose.
  • Too dry air in the room where the newborn is located.

Reduce the appearance of crusts in the baby's nose perhaps following such advice:

  • Control the humidity of the air (the optimal indicator is 50-60%) in the room where there is a kid.
  • Constantly ventilate the child's room, especially in winter, because at this time various heating appliances are included, and the air indoors becomes hot and dry.
  • Put several living plants on the windowsill in the kid's room, they have a beneficial effect on the microclimate, well moisturize and clean the air.
  • If you can use the room in the room a special device for air humidification.

What can be cleaned the nose baby

Purifying respiratory manipulations are an unpleasant hygienic procedure for infants. It will twist the head, cry, and therefore it is necessary to be extremely careful. Modern pediatricians, such as Dr. Komarovsky, do not recommend doing the following:

  • Suck the mucus from the nose of the newborn with her mouth.
  • Driving in nostrils The baby breast milk in which microbes can instantly develop.
  • You can not use cotton sticks or matches with a wrapper wrapped on them, these devices can injure the slope of the little babies.

Before you start a newborn to clean your nose, you need to prepare all the necessary items in advance. The choice of such devices for cleaning the respiratory tract depends on the degree of cloghood of the spout, the age of the child, the reason for the procedure (concreteness, daily care). Let's look at the most common tools for cleaning the nose, their types and methods of application.


A special hygienic device for suction of mucus in newborns, which does not cause discomfort, is called aspirator. Before using this apparatus, the nose is slightly moistened with a special solution. There are several types of aspirators:

  • Mechanical. It is a small transparent container for snipes with a tube and removable nozzles. One tip of the tube is inserted into the nostril of a newborn, through the second mom sucks the air and pulls the mucus from the nose into a special container.
  • Electronic. This is a special "pear" on batteries, which by pressing the button pulls the snot. The electronic aspirator often has additional functions - moisturizing, aerosol.
  • Vacuum. This device at home is used very rarely. In appearance, it resembles a mechanical aspirator, but works from connecting to a special vacuum cleaner. It is uncomfortable, noisy, cumbersome.


For moisturizing the mucous membrane of the nose of a newborn, softening of crusts use natural marine water aquamaris. Apply this drug to the baby to the year is allowed only in the form of droplets, spray used for children over 1 year. The aquamaris drops include many trace elements and active substances, thanks to which the drug perfectly removes dust, cares about the normal functioning of the mucous membrane, increases local immunity.


The easiest to use and the common aspirator is a fringe. In appearance, it resembles the usual "pear", but has a special removable silicone tip. For newborns use smaller sizes with mild silicone nozzles. The principle of operation of the apparatus is simple - the fringe squeeze with the hand so that the air will come out of it, and then you need to insert the tip in the nostril the infants, smoothly dismiss the "pear" and roll out the mucus.


This is a traditional device that our moms, grandmothers used. It was made of dense rubber, had a thin and soft tip. The use of such an appliance is uncomfortable and attendant for a newborn. Modern pears improved:

  • they have a wide tip that is not too deeply included in the nostril;
  • the tip in the device is removable, it is easily unscrewed, washes;
  • the material of the pear is silicone, which is much stronger than rubber and leads to a smaller force of suction of mucus.

Wadded flashers

To remove a small number of snotes, crusts, daily hygienic procedures with newborns use cotton tours. To make such a flavor, you need to twist it from a piece of long wool. Next, the device is slightly wetted with a special solution or sterile vaseline and slow rotational movements are injected into one nostril infective to a depth of up to 2 cm, then slowly and neatly removed. The procedure is repeated for another nostril, but a new flagery is used.

How to clean the nose baby

In order not to harm the newborn, during the hygienic procedure for cleaning the nose, it is important to comply with such rules:

  • If the baby climbs, crying, postpone the procedure until he calms down.
  • Wash hands thoroughly with children's antibacterial soap, wipe them dry.
  • Prepare all the necessary devices, the means for cleaning the nose of the newborn.
  • Comfortable temperature for babies in the room - 20-21 degrees.
  • Provide normal humidity in the room.
  • Make sure that there is no dust in the room.
  • Never enter the device in the nose baby too deep.
  • Slowing crusts before pulling you need to soften.

To make you easier to clean the nose to the baby, consider the detailed guide:

  1. The process of softening a crust and mucus. Drink the nose of the newborn with aquamarine or brine. If the spout of the spout you will spend in the evening, try to organize a baby with a warm bath, while the mucus softening itself.
  2. Fix the child's head. To do this, sort it with rolled towels so that it can not dramatically turn the head.
  3. After 2-3 minutes after the instillation, clean the nose of the newborn one of the following fixtures:
    • Watt harness. Slowly shove the tongue in the nostril and check, then stretch it gently.
    • Pear or fringe. Before cleaning the spout, hide the device with boiling water and wait until it cools. Squeeze the pear in your hands to come out. Attach the tip of the device to the nasal passage of the child and release the pear squeezed in the hands. Under pressure mucus will be released. Then rinse the device and proceed to clean the following nostrils.
    • Aspirator. All the details of the device are boiling water, cool it out. For one part of the inspirator tube, attach a newborn to the nostril, and on the other hand, retract air.

How often do you need to clean your nose

The frequency of cleaning the nose of the baby depends on its individual physiological features, the constraints of the native body. One infant is enough 1 time per day, and the other is somewhat. Cleansing manipulations follow in such cases:

  • If there are dry crusts in the respiratory tract.
  • When the baby mucus accumulated in the nose.
  • When the nose of the newborn is clogged, it breathes hard and hear how the spout "grunts".
  • If the child jumped during feeding, and milk particles hit the spout.

Video: How to Clean Nose Breast

Pigeon hygiene should pay special attention. Each mother is obliged to know how painless newborn clean the nose. If the baby breathes perfectly, eats well and sleeps, it will grow harmoniously and develop. To find out more than more details of the care of the nap baby, learn how to make the cleaning procedure correctly, look at the next video:

The newborn baby needs every minute care and care. Nurses help the hygiene procedures in the maternity hospital. Having come home, mom and dad should be care for the cloth alone. Of all the hygiene procedures, the largest complexity is the cleansing of the nose. How to do it right to not harm the baby, let's figure it out.

The prelationship of the nose in newborns is quite often and is even able to cause the difficulty of nasal respiration.

Clean the nose on my own child can be solely in one way - Chihannia, in all other cases he should help his parents.

The nasal congestion and the appearance of dry crusts occurs when the mucous is inflamed and swells.

Important! Pediatricians are not recommended without the need to "invade" in the nose of the baby: if the mucous is well moistened, it easily easily departs. However, with abundant discharge of mucus, drying and converting into solid crusts to clean the nasal moves.

The fact is that the mucousness is imperfect, a slope is assembled, fast dried, as a result of which crusts are formed, which must be removed by mechanical path.

Despite the fact that the nasal moves of the children are very narrow, nature has taken care to establish the function of self-cleaning through Chihana.
In the first days of his life, the baby adapts to the fact that he should breathe air independently. At this time, parents notice a little embroying from the kid, but after a week, as a rule, breathing comes back to normal.

  • viral and bacterial infections;
  • low humidity indoors;
  • various stimuli: dust, cigarette smoke, etc.

In these cases, experts advise, first of all, eliminate the sources of the problem - moisturize the air, air the room, but only then do hygienic procedures if they need.

The problem of difficulty breathing is most worried about the baby during a runny nose, the causes of which can be:

  • allergic reactions;
  • ORVI or other colds;
  • teething.
  • breast milkMany Moms, and especially grandmothers, consider panacea from all childhood diseases: The fact is that milk is a favorable medium for active breeding of microorganisms that penetrate through the nasal moves into the crumbs of the crumbs;
  • sasse the mucus mouthsince microbes can get into the mother's body and provoke a disease;
  • remove the contents of the mucous membrane with a cotton wand or matches with a wound headAs they are able to damage the shell.

How and what to clean the spout from crusts

The method of cleaning the toddler's spout is determined by its degree of congestion.

Farm from wati

Tourooks or wool flagellas are used to remove dry crusts. This method is safe, simple, affordable and based on the following actions:

  1. From the mold or a small piece of cotton disk, a thin but tight flagery is twisted.
  2. The tank is wetted, peach or almond oil, vaseline.
  3. Before the introduction of turtleneck, it is recommended to drop a few drops of saline or sea water to the baby, which softened solid and dry peels.
  4. The firing is introduced into the nose of crumbs with rotating movements, to a depth of up to several millimeters.
  5. Repeat the procedure for the second nostrils.

Video: how to clean the nose newborn

Important! To purify the nose for each hole use a new turf. The harness does not apply twice.

Wool flagelties can be replaced with cotton woven:

  1. The cotton disk is cut in half, the resulting halves are divided into four parts.
  2. Quarters twisted in flagella and wet baby oil.
  3. Drip in the nose to the baby in 2 droplets of saline.
  4. By screwing movements, flagellas are introduced in a nostril for several millimeters.
  5. Conduct the same with another nostril.

If the crusts remain, the process is repeated.

Pear or fringe applied to cleanse children's nasal moves to decades. This method is very light, cheap, affordable.

It should be purchased for its application in a pharmacy: with a soft silicone tip - for newborns and kids up to 3 months, with a dense plastic end - for kids, older than 3 months.

Pearral purification is carried out by such an algorithm:

  1. Previously, for the softening of the dry contents of the mucous membrane, drip in the nasal strokes of the baby saline or sea water.
  2. The pear is compressed to the "stop" to squeeze out of it from it, the tip is neatly administered in one nostril of the child and let us go gradually. At the same time, the second nostril should be closed.
  3. The procedure is repeated until the nose is sufficiently read.

Well, if at the time of hygiene, the baby's head will hold someone.

Important! Before applying a pear, it is recommended to boil over a few minutes.

For hygiene of nasal strokes, such a device is used as a mechanical nasal. It is a hollow tube with a reservoir, in which the accumulated mucus is preserved.

The principle of operation of the device is quite simple:

  1. One end of the tube is inserted into the nostril of the child, towards the rear wall of the throat, and not to the eyes.
  2. Through the second end, the adult mouth sucks the air. The mucus is assembled in the tank.
  3. The procedure is repeated in a similar way with the second nostrils.

Before using aspirator, all its elements need to boil. This device, compared with other methods, thanks to the possibility of adjusting the strength and time of absorption of mucous discharge, the least attendant and most effective.

Nose Moisturizing Aids: Terms of Use

Today in pharmacies you can find a variety of drugs for moisturizing the nose to the baby. However, experts do not advise to be carried away by various drops, as they can cause addiction, overwhelm the mucous membrane, to cause pains in the toddles in the stomach, constipation, insomnia.

An ideal option is to use aids.

A penny pharmacy that does not cause addiction does not irritate the mucous membrane, absolutely safe in use. The preparation in the finished form can be purchased in any pharmacy. It is better to choose a solution for infusion 0.9%. It provides the following actions:

  • moisturizes the mucous membrane;
  • cleans from pathogens;
  • diluted mucus;
  • removes inflammation in the mucous membrane.

Irrigation of nasal strokes can be performed using a conventional pipette, a fringe with a thin nose or a syringe. If a pipette is used, then it is recommended to drip into the toddler's spout into each nostril 2-4 drops of solution.
With the help of a fringe or syringe, the washing is made in this way:

  1. Performance is gained in syringe.
  2. The child is placed on one side.
  3. Gently into the upper nostril, the tip of the syringe (fringe) is introduced and the medicine is gradually served.
  4. When the drug begins to leave the bottom or the same nostrils, the injection of the drug is stopped.
  5. Similar manipulations repeat, turning the kid to the other side.

It should be used to moisten the nose to a healthy child follows 1-2 times a day, with a weak rheore - 2-3 times, with a stronger - the number of procedures can be increased to 5-6 per day.

Did you know?The physically enters the human body by means of food. Its deficiency leads to indispensable vomiting, cholera-like diarrhea, hypofunction of adrenal cortex. The concentration of physiological solution in the human body is a pledge of good well-being and health.

Very often, the store physically is replaced by a conventional salt solution, which is prepared at home. Why is the salt used for moisturizing?

The fact is that all fluids of the human body - blood, lymph, tears - have a certain level of salinity and in their composition contain not only water, but also sodium chloride, better known as salt.

Its concentration equals 0.9%. That is why such a concentration of salt solution is safe for the body and moisturizing mucous membranes.

For the preparation of salt water for washing the nose, it follows 1 tsp. Cooking (marine) salt add to 1 liter boiled (distilled) water, mix well.

Salt water has the following:

  • moisturizes the mucous nose;
  • dilutes a thick secret;
  • removes edema and inflammation.

Washing should be carried out only with warm water, the temperature of which is equal to the body temperature of the kid. Hot solution can burn mucous membranes, and cold - provoke vessel spasms.
For each procedure, you need to prepare a fresh portion of the mixture. It is strictly forbidden to apply the exhaust solution.

The irrigation of salt water of nasal moves is carried out by this algorithm:

  1. The child put the side, slightly raising his head.
  2. With the help of a syringe in the nostril, which is located on top, enter the rivary water until it becomes poured out of any nostril.
  3. Repeat the procedure by placing the child to the other side.
  4. After washing, the baby put the "column" so that he could not swallow the liquefied secret.

To moisturizing the nose, the newborn several times a day is buried in both nostrils 2-3 drops of salty water.

Important!It is impossible to rinse and damage the nose if the child breathes only mouth. The introduction of the saline in a fully laid nose can provoke complications from the hearing aid, in particular, the hearing pipe and the middle ear. In such cases, before washing, it is recommended to use vasoconducting drugs.


Effectively purify and moisturize the nasal mucosa in a child under a year special pharmacy preparations - "Humer", "Aquamaris", "Akavoror":

Why don't you clean your nose with cotton wand

Some parents practice the method of cleansing the nose newborn with cotton sticks.

In the process of cleansing, the baby can spin, scream, pull his head, so in one embarrassing motion of the mother can damage the nose mucosa, shove the wand too deep.

The rod of sticks is solid and hard, with the slightest movement of the kid, he can harm the child, unlike a soft and bent flabby, which is completely safe and not honesty.

You should not use cotton wands for cleansing, it is better to replace them with more harmless tools.

Did you know?The first official humidifiers of the air appeared in 1879 in America. However, historians believe that the author of such devices should be considered the European gardener of Albert Magnus, who in 1240 invented a device to maintain the level of humidity in the middle of winter gardens, where tropical plants were grown. It is such a device that has become the prototype of humidifiers.

In order for the nose of the newborn to always remain clean, it should be taken care of not only about its timely purification, but also to maintain hygiene in the room where the crumb is located.

High temperature, heaters dried air, and with it dried with mucous membranes and respiratory tracts of crumbs. In order to normalize the level of humidity in the room, it is recommended:

  • to regularly air the room;
  • several times a day to carry out wet cleaning;
  • use

The optimal temperature in the apartment should not exceed + 22 ° C.
As you can see, cleansing and moisturizing the nose of a newborn - one of the mandatory hygienic procedures, which allows the baby to breathe freely. There are many methods, drugs and agents that will help to cope with the formation of dry crusts and thick mucus in the nasal crumbs. The task of parents is not to be afraid and prevent complications. A little practice, efforts - and then it will all work out.

How to clean the nose with a newborn to alleviate his breathing, but not harm and prevent complications? Use cotton wands, pear or aspirator? Comparative table of advantages and disadvantages of one way or another will help to figure it out.

Nasal mortgage in infants is often quite often and can even cause complications. This is explained not yet to the end formed the nasopality and hearing authorities. In this case, incorrect care can only exacerbate the state of the kid. Therefore, it is important to find out the reason and know how to properly clean the nose of the newborn.

Causes of the problem

Feeling congestion occurs when the nasal mucosa swells or produces a lot of mucus. In the first days of life, the newborn can come off, because he is only getting used to live in water, like mom in the tummy, and breathe air to independently. Sneezing, baby cleans the nose from the remaining liquid. Usually, breathing is normalized during the first week after the hospital. If the baby breathes with difficulty, then the reason can be:

  • dry air;
  • irriters: dust, perfume;
  • viral diseases.

Moreover, viral diseases are often a consequence of dry air. After all, when the baby's mucosa dries up, crusts are formed, and it becomes defenseless to inhaled bacteria. In addition, dryness can cause bleeding. In any case, due to the mortgage, it is difficult to breathe, eat and sleep.

First of all, check what air humidity in your room. It should be 50% for a healthy baby, and 70% - for the patient. You can measure the level of humidity using a special instrument - a hygrometer. And to solve the problem of dry air, use.

Nose Moisturizing Aids

Natural nose cleaning in newborns occurs during sneezing. But when too much mucus accumulates, it can penetrate into the nasopharynx and even a part. Then to take action to parents.

Despite the fact that there are many drugs allowed for babies, you should not abuse them. Drops can even more dry the mucous membrane and cause swelling of the nose walls and addictive. In addition, drugs can cause insomnia and the baby. Therefore, it is better to use special auxiliary means.

So, for washing on a regular basis, you can use:

  • physiological solution of sodium chloride - sold in a pharmacy;
  • a similar salt solution, cooked at home: 1 liter of boiled water 1 teaspoon of table salt;
  • a pharmaceutical solution of sea water for newborns in drops, including in disposable little tubes: Akwalor, Akvaamaris, "Maerrere", "Physometer", "Fluimarin", "Dr. Tais Aergol", "Moraenazal" (domestic analog " Aquamaris ").

It is not worth drifting the baby to the baby to breast milk, as grandmothers can advise. It will not cure a runny nose, and can even complicate the state. After all, milk is a favorable medium for breeding bacteria, which it becomes easier to penetrate into a small organism.

Overview of cleaning methods

The choice of device for cleaning the nose depends on the degree of congestion.

  • Cotton flag, or turtle. From ordinary cotton wool it is not very convenient. Therefore, it is better to take a cotton swab, burst it, and then burst into half. The resulting ¼ tampon twist the cone.
  • Cotton wand. It is better to choose on a plastic wand, which may bend, not on a wooden.
  • Pear, or fringe. Mandatory with a soft rubber tip so as not to injure the little nose.

  • Aspirator. Maybe several species:
    • mechanical - is a transparent hollow tube with a tube, between which there is a foam gasket to protect mom from bacteria. It works traditionally: the mother itself sucks through the mucus tube;
    • electronic - looks like pears on batteries and works by pressing the button. The design can be more fringe, but it is done so that it is convenient to keep in hand;
    • vacuum - looks like mechanical, but can work from a vacuum cleaner. It can scare, but in fact, if the suction force on the vacuum cleaner can be adjusted, there is nothing to fear.

Table - Comparison of the methods of cleaning the nose in the infant

DeviceEfficiencyRisk of injurydisadvantages
Cotton flagAverage, ideal to remove crustsNotRolling
does not help get deep mucus
Cotton wandAverageHigh risk of injury with a sharp movement of a childWith imperative use dried mucus, you can push even deeper
PearGoodNotDoes not clean completely nasopharynk
AspiratorHigh - sucks the deepest mucus, you can adjust the power of suctionNotExpensive device

No need to suck the mucus directly mouth. Bacteria in the nose of the child may seem adult innocuous, but still pose a threat and mother's health. The mechanical aspirator has protective interlayers for this.

Step-by-step instruction

So that the young mother knew how to brush the nose to a breast child, consider detailed instructions.

  1. Softening mucus and crusts. First method - Drink the nose with a salt solution. To do this, put the baby on your back so that the head is slightly trapped back. With infants it is convenient to do, holding them in your hands. 2-3 drops in each nasal passage will be enough. It's not scary if the kid sneezes, and part of the solution follows. Attention! Do not use for newborn sprays. The force of the injected medication may be strong and damage the nose mucosa and even a part. The second way - in front of the evening cleaning of the nose, organize the baby with a warm bath. At the same time, the mucus itself softens and it will be easier to get it.
  2. Fix your baby's head. Well, if someone will help you to hold a child. If you help no one, tightly put the head of the Karapus with rolled towels so that he could not turn back sharply.
  3. A few minutes after the instillation, clean the nose one of the methods. Attention! The depth of entry by any device should not be more than 2 cm!
    1. Cotton flag. Gently shove the harness in the nasal passage and check. For each nostril, you need to use a separate tonund. If crusts were formed in the nose, lubricate cotton wool or olive oil.
    2. Cotton wand. If the tip is too big, take the extra wool. Slide a stick in the nasal passage, carefully check and get the mucus.
    3. Pear (fringe). Throw the pure pear with boiling water and let it cool. Then squeeze the ball to get all the air from there. Tightly, but do not deeply insert a soft tip in the nasal passage of the child and release the ball. Under pressure mucus will be released. Before cleaning the second nostril, rinse the pear. Be careful not to accidentally blow the air into the nose to the baby.
    4. Aspirator. Wide with boiling water all the details of the device according to the instructions. First attach the tip to your palm to understand what force he delays air. Then gently insert it in the nostril and direct not up to the eyes, but to the rear wall of the throat. Tighten the air and through the transparent walls of the aspirator you will see whether it turns out to get the mucus. For greater efficiency while cleaning with a pear or aspirator of one nasal pass, the second is better to close. But if the child resists strongly and does not give it to do, nothing terrible.
  4. Cut the nose with thoroughbuilding drops. They need to be applied to the prescription of the doctor and if the mucus accumulates too fast. At the same time, it is possible to drip nose with such drugs, no longer than 5 days, otherwise addiction occurs.

It is necessary to clean the nose to the baby as it is contaminated. But before each feeding and sleep, be sure to check the breath of the baby.

Top 5 gadgets for children from the program "Miracle of Technology" on NTV. Among the tested devices - aspirator Nasal Baby-Vac.

When it's time to go to the doctor

The laid nose may seem like a simple everyday trouble, but if it does not pass or accompanied by other symptoms, then the problem may be more serious. So, to go to the doctor worth if the baby:

  • increased temperature;
  • swelling on any part of the face;
  • constitution does not pass longer than two weeks;
  • breathing is constantly rapid or too difficult even after cleaning the nose;
  • there is no appetite or baby at all refuses feeding;
  • strong whims and permanent crying.

Armed one who is warned. To know how to clean the nose newborn, it is important to help your baby and prevent complications. Little spouts should not come off, but freely breathe!
