How to effectively manipulate your husband so that he gets drunk on you and becomes the perfect husband. How to manipulate a man: female tricks

Most people think the secret to long-term relationships is listening and compromising, but this is not always the case. Some people are great manipulators, which is why family life lasts for many years.

Almost every one of us perceives the very concept of manipulation as something bad and forbidden. However, in some cases, this behavior is simply necessary and justified. After all, sometimes in order to make a decision or start acting, you need a certain push. Skillful manipulation exists to help this.

It is believed that the need to control men originated in our ancestors. Women have an innate instinct, because previously the ability to properly motivate the opposite sex was associated with the ability to survive. Of course, now those cave times are long gone. But there is probably some truth in these attitudes, since they live so steadily in our minds.

Some believe that manipulation works unilaterally. As a rule, these people ultimately fail. If you want to get something from a man, you need to respect him as a person. When you experience negative emotions, you will not be able to get what you want from the opposite sex.

Rules for Manipulating Men

First of all, one must sincerely admire his talents. Think carefully about what you like about your partner, what dignity he has, and what works best. Remembering to praise him for this can accomplish a lot. However, you need to remember your sincerity and really believe in what you are saying. It is not necessary to seek out grandiose action in his actions. If you like the way he makes tea in the morning, then tell him about it.

The second important point is a timely request for help. But it should not sound in an orderly order, but in a lighter form. Before you voice your request, tell your significant other that he is the best in this business and that you will not be able to do everything as well as he did. By recognizing his superiority, you thereby increase his value in your relationship. And this is what men like the most.

Last on the list but just as important is your appearance. After all, it is much more pleasant to do a noble deed and help that woman who looks gorgeous. Even if you have been in a relationship for a long time, this is not a reason to stop caring for yourself. Any man likes it when that catches the eye. It is for the attention and gratitude of such a representative of the fair sex that men are ready for anything.

By applying these simple rules, you can manipulate any man. However, it should be remembered that all compliments must be sincere and come from the heart. Indeed, without male support, women have to do a lot on their own, which destroys the harmonious relationships created by nature itself. Love each other, bring goodness and beauty to the world and don't forget to press the buttons and

And sexuality, these cunning women use as a means of manipulation of such a weaker stronger sex, and delicious food, and beautiful eyes, and promising phrases ... But you never know? And, meanwhile, the situation is somewhat different.

There are no less men who manipulate women, but the methods of their influence are much more merciless and unprincipled. Because the goal of female manipulation is marriage, and male manipulation is intended for somewhat different purposes.

Well, more on that. Let's talk about how men manipulate women in more detail.

Man manipulator. What is he?

In our life, situations are often encountered when a man, knowing that a woman loves him selflessly, begins to shamelessly use this love. There are quite a few such male manipulators, and they often turn loving women into dumb sheep, which, in the end, either leave them or make their victims for life. Of course, there are women for whom the role of the victim is quite suitable, and they are ready to endure psychological, and sometimes even physical bullying from their chosen one for many years. Such a life, of course, turns into continuous torment, nevertheless, for the "sheep" this torment is preferable to the loss of a loved one.

Well, well, each of us has a choice ... Such women, of course, can only be pitied. Usually these are sincere, trusting and conscientious people with low self-esteem, experiencing extreme psychological dependence on their partner. It is easy and even pleasant to manipulate them. However, even self-sufficient and quite self-confident ladies can fall into the clutches of a manipulator man and, imperceptibly for themselves, become one of his victims. If such a lady realizes in time that her beloved is trying to control her, she begins to resist. And then the man either retreats and leaves, or falls in love with her, losing his head. Well, if not, then over time she also becomes weak and vulnerable, submitting to any of his whims and forgiving all sins. How can you define a manipulative man?

The main qualities of a man-manipulator

As we have already said, the most frequent victims of manipulators are conscientious and gullible women. These wonderful human qualities turn into a real disaster for their owner when meeting with an experienced manipulator, who is able to determine who is in front of him almost immediately after meeting.

The manipulator, who has perfectly mastered the art of seducing women, usually at the first meeting asks heartfelt questions about various aspects of a lady's life, trying to find weak points of her character.

A sincere and trusting woman willingly tells him almost everything about herself, not hiding the negative aspects of her past. This is her main mistake. A manipulator man needs exactly such information - in the future, at the slightest opportunity, he will reproach the poor fellow for this or that misconduct from the past. He constantly reminds her of what she is ashamed to remember, in order to instill a sense of guilt in the poor fellow. And she, of course, will feel more and more guilty. And, in the end, she will begin to forgive her beloved a lot, because she, in comparison with him, is a worthless and insignificant creature. What does he expect from her ...

How can a woman be if she is, in fact, a person, decent and kind? Turn into an evil bitch? Nothing of the kind! Even this kind of manipulation of a woman can be prevented. She just needs to add to her positive qualities a little insight and common sense and try to consider her chosen one from all sides.

True manipulators are usually overconfident, cynical, self-sufficient, and pragmatic. These are selfish men who do not have a sense of guilt at all.

Of course, for the time being, until the prey is caught in their network, they will not demonstrate these qualities. As a rule, manipulators are well aware of the psychology of seducing women, and they skillfully play the role of a romantic, sympathetic and understanding person who can be completely trusted. They may try to arouse pity for themselves or allegedly sincerely list their unseemly actions, demonstrating with all their appearance. This is done only in order to provoke a woman to complete frankness and learn as much more about her.

Varieties of male manipulation

Male manipulations are designed for the emotionality of women. They have a very popular technique - meaningful pauses in a conversation, which are accompanied by a testing and penetrating look. A woman who is waiting for the continuation of the dialogue usually does not stand such a pause and tries to fill it. If she is naive, then she may even unexpectedly begin to make excuses or agree with what she should not agree with. As a result, any phrase expressed to her will begin to work against herself. Such pauses cause anxiety and embarrassment in women, in such a state, we, my dear ladies, are quite easy to control.

Another favorite technique of manipulators - experts in the psychology of seducing women - is to drag out the wait indefinitely. For example, feeling that a woman will be very happy to meet again, they may disappear from her life for a while, not call or appear. And after she, exhausted by the expectation, loses her last hope, the manipulator suddenly appears, explaining her absence by urgent matters, illness, business trip and so on. And she willingly believes any legend, not wanting to lose it and relive the excruciating uncertainty and loneliness.

This technique is explained quite simply. If a man returns to a woman quickly, she still has the strength to part with him forever. But then, when the expectation of her is completely exhausting, such forces for resistance simply do not remain. The unexpectedly returned manipulator seems to the yearned lady as a gift of fate, from which it is already impossible to refuse. If she has a weak will and extreme amorousness, then, as a result, she falls into psychological dependence on her partner, from which it is very difficult to get out.

Many manipulative men prefer never to tell the exact time of a date with a woman, referring, for example, to the occurrence of unforeseen difficulties in the service.

A woman, considering such a man to be businesslike and tactful, willingly agrees to wait for him for several hours in a row. Without knowing it, she begins to learn patience, the lesson of which he, in fact, teaches her. And the more she looks forward to the next meeting with him, the more she falls in love. And thus becomes ready to accept all his further antics.

There is only one way out of such situations: each of us, regardless of character, should develop self-sufficiency in ourselves, trying to find what we love. It should occupy the main part of the mental space, which will help in separation from your beloved man to minimize all internal torment.

Manipulators, no matter how decent and sincere they may seem, in fact, people are very cruel and power-hungry. Outwardly, they may seem simple and sociable people, but at the same time they have a very great potential of ruthless managers who quite easily subjugate inexperienced women. Often, manipulators play the role of a kind of infantile boy who is not responsible for his actions. Having committed some kind of offense, such an adult child only smiles innocently, skillfully subjugating mother-type women.

There are quite a few male methods of manipulating the female consciousness, but they have the same goal - to make a woman feel guilty for her own imperfection and admit that, for example, she is poorly brought up, hysterical, stupid, fat, old, dissolute, and so on. The manipulator tries to change the woman's value system and gain the upper hand over her in all respects. As a result, in the psyche of a woman, a substitution of concepts takes place, in which any, even the most unseemly act of a beloved, is interpreted as it is convenient for him. For example, the constant betrayal of a loved one is perceived by a woman as his lack of complexes, his disregard for household chores and inattention to her, - personal independence, and so on.

How to behave towards manipulators

Oddly enough, but male manipulators, despite the suffering they bring, women love infinitely. They are ready to follow such a beloved to the ends of the world, completely abandoning their own benefits. The phenomenon of such love and devotion can be easily explained: manipulators know how to play on contrasting feelings, sometimes escaping, then reappearing. They are almost never easy prey, so they do not bore themselves, maintaining a constant interest in themselves. In reality, this interest is not justified by anything: manipulators are simply slippery and unprincipled types who live only for their own good. They are extremely unreliable and can betray without much hesitation at any time.

If we have already managed to get into the network of the manipulator, it should be remembered that it is impossible to change it. These pragmatic and cruel people, even if they constantly talk about their seemingly sincere feelings, are simply not capable of unconditional love. And, in order not to completely disappear, submitting to the influence of such men, you need to oppose something to their consumer attitude towards oneself.

In principle, a woman who has good willpower and is able to consciously approach what is happening to her may well make the manipulator her psychological coach. To do this, you need to learn to look at the relationship from the outside and never accept a partner with all your heart. And this is a good way to develop self-control and learn to control your own feelings. In addition, if you choose the most effective way to save yourself from male manipulations, you can fully realize once the degree of your independence and originality.

However, not every one of us is capable of this. Manipulative men are usually extremely charming, and it is very difficult to resist their inner and outer charm. Therefore, those women who could not avoid the harmful influence of such a man, if they intend to prolong their relationship with him, should know his weaknesses. Usually the most vulnerable of these, self-esteem, requires constant satisfaction. As soon as a woman turns into a silent adoring slave, and the trick is in the bag, the manipulator is satisfied. If not, and she intends to maintain relations on an equal footing, she will have to constantly develop herself as a person and learn to control her chosen one.

How? First, manipulators, no matter how difficult it may be, sometimes need to twitch their nerves a little, disappearing from their field of vision. Let it be a little marked when a friend does not answer calls or when she answers offers to meet, she is busy. Secondly, it is necessary to exclude in oneself pity for the manipulator - this is a strong, full-fledged person, quite capable of doing without her. And, finally, thirdly, not to believe his lofty assurances of eternal love - as we have already said, this feeling does not exist for manipulators.

In a word, you can learn how to resist self-manipulation from the manipulator himself. If he makes us wait, we will make him wait. If he declares that he has things to do, then such things should appear with us. He is self-confident and self-sufficient - we will become self-sufficient and gain self-confidence.

After all, we are the most valuable thing we have! So why allow even very close people to destroy yourself and turn into a weak-willed dependent person who cannot count on the sincere affection of a manipulative man?

Moreover, in general, he is hardly capable of such an affection ...

Conclusion: you can avoid a strong influence from a manipulative man, even if he is very attractive to us. It is enough just to love yourself and take an active life position. Provided that we don’t like being a passive victim, of course. Otherwise, we are preparing for the eternal Calvary. There is always a choice.

Women manipulate men on an unconscious level and do not even realize that their tantrums, screams and tears are also methods of manipulation. At first, a man is even led by such funds, but after a certain amount of time he starts to get bored with it and he no longer responds to provocations. In the worst case, it annoys him and he leaves. When starting to play a sport or sports game, people learn the rules and fundamentals. So it is with men: in order to control a guy, you need to get acquainted with the principles and rules of manipulation.

Manipulation strategies

There are two strategies to manipulate a man: positive and negative. The psychological tricks of the first strategy lead to the fact that he will fall in love even more, try to do more because he wants to. Psychology of negative strategy - he will do everything, because it is necessary, out of the "stick".

Positive strategy methods are based on praise, sincerity, and admiration. If a girl wants to get something, she should admire her man, without any flattery. He wants to do something nice for her.

Wives, dissatisfied with the position of their husband or wages, start nagging him, calling him names, etc. These psychological methods have a one-time effect. Even if the effect is long-term, the partner will get tired of it over time.

It is necessary to replace negative manipulation with positive: to tell a man every day that he deserves a better job, that he will succeed, etc. After a while this will be reflected in his subconscious and he will go to look for a worthy position or ask for a salary increase for the sake of his beloved woman. Examples of positive manipulation:

  • "You have great potential in sports, if you started doing it, you would have achieved great success."
  • "You are worthy of a promotion like no one else, you are responsible, hardworking, a good conversationalist, etc."
  • "This work sucks all the life energy out of you, you deserve a better job."
  • "You would be a boss, you have a wonderful commanding voice."

The appearance of the manipulator is important. So, the guy is going to meet with friends on Friday night, the girl does not want to let him go. The unreasonable partner throws up a scandal, and what this leads to a quarrel. He will stay at home and express his dissatisfaction, or he will go "out of spite" to drink beer. To avoid this outcome, you can let him go for a walk or offer an alternative in the form of going to the cinema or theater. And the most effective way is to buy beautiful lingerie with stockings and champagne the day before. When the sweetheart is getting ready, you need to pretend that you forgot about his plans and wanted to offer him a drink. And to say all this already in underwear, wearing a thin short robe over it.

It is easier to negotiate with words if he sees a deep neckline, long legs from under a short skirt or an elastic ass in tight jeans. At this moment, his brain turns off, and he is ready to fulfill any requirements.

A delicious dinner is another key to successful negotiations. A hungry husband is an evil husband, until he is full, it is better not to try to discuss important topics. The wife wants him to fulfill the request, which means that first you need to sit him at the table, feed him. And only after all this, ask for something.

Guys of all ages want to feel like heroes. Therefore, the easiest way to get something is to ask for help. If the door has slammed, you need to call your husband right away. And he, like a knight, will come to rescue, and if he doesn’t come out, he will call a locksmith. It is important not to forget to praise the man, even if the employee did everything.

Weasel manipulation is also used. Stroking allows you to relax your partner, set him up in a positive way.

Agreeing with what a man says, even if the girl thinks differently, is a sign of wisdom. It also allows you to deepen trust, no matter what relationship the couple is in.

How to manipulate a woman

To control the Aries man, you need to make the girl's desires become his own. Aries don't like being commanded. You can lead to the desired solution by hints. Such men love affectionate and gentle women, so it is better to choose a positive strategy for manipulation. He wants to get rid of a screaming and hysterical woman as soon as possible.

Taurus love comfort: in order for him to fall head over heels in love, he should create greenhouse conditions for him. The weakness of Taurus is beautiful and sexy girls. A lot can be achieved by awakening his instincts. If a Taurus wants a girl, he will do everything for her. The use of touch is especially important - stroking, kissing, massage. This allows him to understand that his soul mate needs him. With Taurus, you can't behave independently or be a bitch.

Gemini are freedom-loving guys who love change. They usually have a lot of girlfriends. Before moving on to requests, it is worth listening to Gemini. They appreciate girls who can be told how they are doing, plans, interests, how the day went, what book he read. Gemini can't stand being framed and told what to do.

Cancers love to eat well, need affection and care. The girl must remain feminine and economic. We need to make him dinner, put him to bed and let him sleep. And when he wakes up in a good mood, you can put forward requests. To achieve something, you need to be feminine and gentle. Shouts and arguments will infuriate him. Also, in order to have power over Cancer, you need to have a good relationship with his relatives. Stubbornness and selfishness will alienate him forever.

Lions are used to being winners in everything. Such a man needs a worthy woman. To control a Leo, a girl will need pride. Other people are also involved in the manipulation. If he is pleased with his surroundings, he will also like the girl. After that, he will more often listen to the desires of his partner and fulfill them. And there is nowhere easier to manipulate them - for example, with the help of a conversation: "Everyone will envy you if I appear in public in this dress." Leos do not tolerate more successful women than themselves, as well as those who show their strength and make decisions for them.

Virgo is one of the coldest signs. He is reasonable, balanced and everything goes according to plan. A girl in communication with him should behave as an equal, make it clear that she does not owe him anything. If he sees support from his soul mate, he will do a lot for her. To properly manage it, you need to learn to accept criticism and not criticize in return. Nevertheless, sometimes he should say in a mild form that he, too, does not do everything perfectly. If you want to get something, try not to demand, but to ask, and at the same time indulge in explanations, connecting logic. If you explain everything to him in detail, in a calm tone, he will easily do what his partner needs.

Libra man is a man with good taste, he understands beautiful women and art.... To manage it, they need the following components:

  • beautiful appearance;
  • sense of tact;
  • manners;
  • the ability to negotiate.

They are also very sensitive to compliments, so before asking for something, you should emphasize the dignity of a man. Libras love casual, romantic surroundings. But it is difficult for them to make decisions, they hesitate for a long time, so they will need advice.

Scorpio is a jealous, secretive, vengeful sign. They need to have complete possession of their partner. You need to behave with Scorpio carefully, constantly give him vivid emotions and experiences. It will take a long time to learn how to control a Scorpio. Having revealed his weaknesses, the woman begins to put pressure on them, thereby controlling. For all men, sex is a weakness, but Scorpios give it a special role. Therefore, you can manipulate sex, use it as your main weapon. But not in terms of deprivation of intimacy, but as new adventures.

Sagittarius are men of a free disposition, idealizing the world around them. Their other half should share the same life views, be optimistic, be interested in the guy, his hobbies, hobbies. Sagittarius is upset if he is worse than his partner versed in some issues. Manipulating a Sagittarius is easy - asking him to teach you something. Another way to manage is praise. To achieve everything you want, you should tell him that he is the best.

Capricorn is a serious man with a cold disposition. It becomes a stone wall for the girl, behind which she can hide from all problems. They express their feelings with gifts of a practical nature. They love to express themselves in deeds, not in words. To control Capricorn, his half accepts the rules of the game. He will not accept any whims, if you do not instill in him the seriousness of the situation. He needs to feel important and significant.

Aquarius is a freedom-loving sign. You need to give him freedom, to remain a friend and adviser. As soon as he feels that his freedom is being encroached upon, he will immediately run away. This person is difficult to manage, you can only negotiate.

Pisces are very sensitive and vulnerable, they are easily hurt or hurt. These are difficult people, they do not know what they want from life. To manipulate the Pisces man, you need to get into his trust. Communication with him is soft and gentle. With a harsh and rude behavior of a partner, he will close in himself. They love to be comforted, sorry, and after that they will respond to all requests.

Experienced women are sure that they have studied the science of how to manage men to the subtlety. This category includes compassionate girlfriends, caring colleagues, and kind-hearted neighbors. In fact, it turns out that most of them have not succeeded in their personal lives. Fear the advice of such would-be well-wishers: instinctively or consciously, they predict unsuccessful options for the development of relationships.

To learn how to properly manage men, it is better to resort to professional skill in manipulation. Only a few happy chosen ones managed to absorb this art with mother's milk. Rare women instinctively feel how to subjugate men without experiencing resistance. The rest of the fair sex will help to learn the knowledge of male psychology.

This guide is intended for those enterprising women who want to learn how to manage men, getting them to fulfill their desires. Advanced Female Manipulation Guides include up to 50 rules. We offer our readers the quintessence of the most effective and trouble-free techniques.

The art of being a woman

Since nature has prepared for you the role of Eve's daughter, you should play this role in full. Remember, your trump card is that you are a woman, and the majority of bosses, colleagues, teachers and other significant persons in our world belong to the opposite sex. It is a sin not to take advantage of such luck to learn how to control a man.

Subconsciously, a man gives you an appraising look, even if the relationship does not imply an intimate continuation. To achieve protection and condescension, try to awaken in your counterpart the natural instincts, which for a while will cloud sound logic and cold mind.

It is worth preparing for a seduction maneuver in advance. When going to a meeting with a man you are interested in, dress more revealingly than usual. The main secret is not to overdo it. Hints that awaken men's imagination are preferable to a vulgar miniskirt or plunging neckline. Don't try to showcase all the charms you have. A casually unbuttoned top button of a blouse, a slit in the skirt, a slightly revealing lace stocking will work much better.

If the object of interest is not higher than you in status, for example, a colleague or friend, learn the tactile method. Appreciative pats on the shoulder, strokes on the hand will create a field of friendly comfort, when it becomes simply uncomfortable to refuse your request.

However, beware of violating the personal space of a higher-ranking person: a boss or a teacher. Such touching can be perceived as disrespect and violation of command.

If the first attempt failed to achieve the desired, the mantra "the most charming and attractive" must be strengthened with additional secrets of manipulation.

Don't put a man in a cage

Learning to control a man does not mean completely limiting his freedom. Like birds, these are rather freedom-loving creatures, feeling oppressed in captivity. Any encroachment on independence - whether it is control of pastime or a ban on gatherings with friends is perceived as disrespect for his personality and humiliation of dignity.

Your reproaches will have the opposite effect: they will make him act out of spite in order to establish his authority. This will inevitably lead to a conflict situation, which can be resolved in several ways:

  • "Dictatorial": the weak side surrenders to the mercy of the winner. The situation is unstable, as sooner or later a riot may arise in the men's camp.
  • "Did not get along": conflict leads to a quick separation.
  • "Manipulative": the woman takes the reins of covert control into her hands, leaving the man with imaginary freedom. He believes that he is doing things on his own, although he has long been under the thumb of his wife / lover.

The maximum task is to implement the last scenario so skillfully that your beloved does not notice that he is dancing to a woman's tune. Ideally, there is not even room left in the relationship for the treacherous thought of manipulation.

Here are some real examples of how to control a man in secret:

  1. Avoid the imperative mood in your address. Instead of a request-order, use a request-question: "Honey, I'm going to the store, could you help me with the bags?"
  2. Suggest an alternative. Is your faithful going to a sports bar with friends (football, fishing, bowling)? Do not prohibit doing this in an ultimatum. Offer a worthy substitute for shared leisure, adding a touch of intrigue to it. For example, book tickets for the premiere of a movie he dreamed of watching, or prepare a romantic dinner.
  3. Learn to give clear hints to suggest the solutions you need. Don't be eager to spend an evening at a beer party with his friends? Incidentally, hint that the place was not chosen very well. Invite him to taste real live beer and Bavarian sausages in a more authentic establishment.

Stop male manipulation attempts

Ladies, do not forget that you are not the only one striving to learn how to manage a partner. For his part, he makes reciprocal moves and himself is not averse to pulling the puppeteer's invisible strings.

Not happy about the prospect of spending leisure time doing laundry, cleaning and activities with children, watching your chosen one relax in front of the TV? Unfortunately, male psychology tends to limit oneself from boring household chores. Let's reveal a few typical tricks that you need to learn to resist competently.

"Hands in the wrong place"

A favorite male trick is to do homework "slipshod". When asked to wash the dishes, hammer in a nail, etc., they enthusiastically get down to business. The result is a broken service, a finger knocked off with a hammer, and loud regrets that nothing comes out again. As a result, the work has to be redone, and even to console the unlucky master. A similar situation repeats over and over again until you decide that it is easier to do everything yourself. This is exactly what the man wanted.

What to do? Learn to create conditions when an inept assistant will have to redo the work himself. For example, as if by chance place an unwashed appliance in front of him, noticing that it is his fault, and ask him to wash it again.

The first date rule

The first romantic meeting is a real duel, the outcome of which often depends on the continuation of the relationship. Just like in hostilities, the woman has her own strategy in him - to achieve the beginning of a strong bond. A man, as a rule, is governed by a more prosaic desire: to conquer his beloved, bending her to the night of love.

The mastery of manipulation is a complex art that requires not only knowledge, but also strict self-control. To subdue a man, sometimes you have to restrain your desires. If you don't want to end the relationship with the standard male phrase "I'll call," use the manipulation that has become the commandment of relationship psychology: do not allow intimate contact on the first date.

Learn to refuse correctly so as not to seem indifferent or cutesy. The phrase works well: "It's hard for me to lose the pleasure of spending the night with you, but I want to test my feelings and get to know you better." This form contains a transparent allusion to the continuation of the relationship. Even if the man did not plan a long-term relationship, the hurt pride will want to win, and you will have time to make the relationship stable, skillfully managing the situation.

Create a territory of psychological comfort

To establish a close emotional bond and build trust, discreetly turn the conversation into memories of a happy childhood. Psychologists have shown that early childhood is associated with a carefree world where there is no place for deception. Immersed in childhood dreams, the man returns to a time when everyone was small and incapable of manipulation. At this time, he ceases to control his emotions and is easy to control.

To learn how to use this technique, be as sincere as possible. Share real childhood memories, making the other person want to tell funny stories from childhood. A tactic can be considered successful if you managed to exchange 2-3 nostalgic stories before moving on to your "tiny" request.

Compliments for the best man

Smart wives use a trouble-free technique: "If you want to point out mistakes, first praise." A simple rule applies in any partnership, because strong men value compliments no less than weak women.

Having learned how to make compliments correctly, you will receive a reliable weapon in your arsenal. A skillful manipulator does not operate with superficial praise for appearance or new clothes. Banal compliments will only work on a blonde, but a man is a different matter. He lives more by reason than by feelings, so he subjects everything to analysis and doubt.

Having decided to resort to this manipulation, you must calculate everything in advance. Compliments should seem to the interlocutor as objective as possible, without raising doubts about sincerity. If you're complimenting your partner's performance, take the time to master a couple of professional terms. Hearing words like "puncher", "compressor" or "marketing analysis" from your lips, he will immediately understand how much you care.

Look for common interests

Almost espionage manipulation that is specially trained in certain professions. Remember the unforgettable phrase of Gleb Zheglov, who wants to arrange the witness: “Why, we are fans with you! How did Spartak play yesterday? "

In order to competently learn how to manage male psychology, you need to conduct reconnaissance in force. Try to find out what he lives, what books, music, films, sports he prefers. It is good for this purpose to involve old acquaintances of your chosen one under the pretext of finding the perfect gift for the holiday.

If you find a common hobby - great. Cultivate a conversation on this auspicious topic at the earliest opportunity. If it was not possible to find points of contact, create them artificially, even if for this you have to learn to understand the collisions of football battles.

The last and final rule

Use all of the above tips with a fair amount of caution. Observe the measure between obsession and sincere interest, friendly uninhibitedness and familiar persistence. This elusive balance holds the art of controlling a man.