How beautifully draw the arrow by eyeliner. Always with me. If the eye pencil turned out to be hard ...

Expressive eyes are one of the main women's weapons. Properly made makeup helps adjust the shape of the eyes and arrange important accents.

Arrows drawn on the eyelids can radically change the image of a woman, giving her mysteriousness or playful immediacy. At the same time, a roughly made-up eyeliner will easily spoil even a flawless appearance, which is why it is important to learn how to draw the arrows clearly and beautifully. For applying arrows, apply eyeliner, a special brush or pencil.

Draw arrows pencil

First you need to deal with the basic principles of drawing the shooter with a pencil, which is considered the best choice for inexperienced makeup artists.

The first thing you should do is take care of the surface of the century and make the skin as smooth as possible. As the basis, use beige matte or special agent for the eyelids. Lighten with dark circles under the eyes, using a conservaler: It will make a look more open.

Stiffness pencil

Then choose a pencil. To avoid scratches or injuries of the century, do not use an overly sharpened pencil (first check it on the pillow of the finger). But note that too soft will not allow to draw an elegant sophisticated line.

It is better to choose a pencil of medium hardness, which allows you to draw clear lines, but it can be decisive.


As for the color of the eyeliner, it would be incorrect to dwell only on the black version. Light-eyed women are perfectly suitable silver, blue or green arrows. Also, light eyeliner is suitable for visual. Do not add brightness to your image!

Making day makeup, try to make the eyeliner looks as natural as possible.

As for the evening options, there is where to raise fantasies. Gorgeously looks like everyone's favorite "Smokey Ice" in combination with rustic arrows. And for split-style parties, you can afford unusual geometric arrows.

Tips for drawing shooter with a pencil:

  1. You need to draw the eyeliner on an open or half-open eye.
  2. So that the hand is not trembling, put the elbow on the table.
  3. Surplus makeup can always be removed with a cotton wand.
  4. If you have little experience in drawing the shooter with a pencil, first draw a dotted line, and only then outline it.
  5. Drawing a thick arrow starts from the finest plot, and finish the decisive eyeliner.

Due to the fact that the pencil arrow is easily adjusted, even completely inexperienced women can learn it.

IMPORTANT: Pencil arrow is unlikely to last all day. To strengthen it from above, you must walk with liquid eyeliner or shadows.

If you apply a waterproof pencil for eyelid eyelid, remember that it is hardly erased from the skin and in the case of incorrect strokes, most likely, you will have to rinse the whole makeup.

Drawing a pencil arrows, you can not worry about the fact that the uneven line will be problematic to correct. It can always be growing or partially overlap with shadows.

How to draw arrows on my eyes: photo step by step with a pencil

If you do not know which arrows are suitable for you, you need to choose time and experiment with images. So you will do your hand and decide on the style of the eyeliner.

So, bow to the pencil, shadows and cotton chopsticks. Begin to draw:

  1. Sit so that you clearly see your eyes in the mirror (if necessary, refer to the face an additional light source).
  2. Look straight into the mirror (not on the side and not below).
  3. Start drawing an arrow from the middle of the upper eyelid, gradually leading the line to the outer corner.
  4. Try to draw eyeliner closer to the growth zone of eyelashes.
  5. It is time to thwart the arrow, giving it the final length and adjusting the form. At the same time does not play the roles: you do it from an external angle to the inner, or vice versa.
  6. If necessary, draw the angle inside the eye.

Useful advice: To draw a classic pencil arrows, it is advisable to observe the parallelism of the lines, that is, the arrow bend should be parallel inner bending of the eyebrows.

Another way to draw pencil arrows is presented on the next step by step photo:

Everything is clear here without words. Sit down and try right now! The only thing that needs to be considered is: bright expressive arrows will be suitable for the evening makeup.

After the pencil technique is mastered, you can proceed to drawing the arrows using a liner.

Draw arrows eyeliner

The arrows are drawn using a liquid, cream liner or means similar to a marker. In order to understand what method is suitable for you, you should try to sum up in different ways.

It is easiest to bring the eye to the eye-felt-tip pen, which is often used when moving from a pencil to liquid means. The arrogant does not smear, dries quickly, but it does not last too long.

Liquid liners are also called liners. They are often uncomfortable brushes, which have to adapt to long, because it is quite difficult to control the liquid eyeliner. First, the arrow can get insufficiently wide and even a curve, but over time you will definitely learn how to draw a saturated bright eye makeup.

Algorithm for applying arrows is the same for all types of eyeliner. Remember: Bright eyes will be attractively looking only with smooth and visually healthy skin, so do not ignore the tones, and make the eye make the eye.

Be sure to apply the basic remedy for the entire surface of the eyelid. This visually makes the eyes more and lighter, and will also provide a lot of makeup. Take the eyeliner and start acting.

How to draw arrows in front of the eyes: photo step by step with eyeliner

In order for the drawn arrows to look perfectly smooth, you can stick to the outer corners of the eye adhesive tape and it is clearly clearly on it.

  1. After gluing the tape on the side of 2 eyes, we draw a thin eyeliner along the growth line of the eyelashes.
  2. Load the outer angle of the arrow along the adhesive tape.
  3. Thickening arrows and painting eyelashes.

Who among our compatriots are not familiar and loved eternal classics - arrows in front of her eyes?! Already no one will remember the first woman who drew them, but it seems that they were always. Without the informed eye, it is impossible to imagine women known all over the world - Sophie Lauren, Merilin Monroe, for whom the arrows have become a business card style.

How did they appear?

Just since the time of Ancient Egypt, the history of the arrow appears began. Moreover, those first were with religious meaning and reproduced the incision of feline eyes, and after all the cats worshiped the Egyptians as a sacred animal. The arrows were applied to the eyes of black paint (a mixture of clay, henna and Nielsky Ila). A narrow strip from an eye angle reached almost to the ears.

With the Macedonian campaigns, the Greeks began to bring eyes, then the Romans. I must say that lead was used for paint production. Therefore, the elders of a beauty from Rome early, their skin was literally driving a lead.

The inhabitants of medieval haremov belongs to the birth of a new, eastern "shooting" tradition, when the arrows have been drawn already with a mixture, where there was antimony from the raggy fat, almond oil and bass. It happened here a ash was added here.
After the temporary forgotten of the era of the Renaissance, fashion for the elected eyes was born again. Italy The first in Europe of the XIV century remembered them. Painted on the face, which was covered by Belly, so far, it seems that the artist draws on the canvas: eyebrows, arrows over his eyes, lips. Cosmetics flourishing could not even stop the bans of the Church. Not only women have come to decorate themselves with the arrows. Men were engaged in this.

From Italy, the championship was adopted by the French. It is here that not just long large lines come into fashion, but anterorant curved, twisted in rings, black, purple, blue, burgundy flowers.

By the XIX century, cosmetics were already produced manufactory. The eyeliner was sold dry, and before applying was divorced with water. Natural makeup, aerial beauty in fashion. The arrows themselves are shorter and fond, often very short - barely noticeable notches in the corners of the eyes. It was permissible to draw them long and thick only to the ladies of the sewer.

The last century made its adjustments. First, small and timid, then sharp and clear, thick with a pointed end in the upper eyelid, like Audrey Hepburn, or very thin, like Twiggy. Arrows made of black steel gold and silver, then turned into black, longer and thicker again, but such smooth, curved, feminine.

The modern choice of arrows is not limited, except that, fantasy and taste.

Arrows should be perfect

With them, the look becomes expressive. It knows every woman. But if you think it's not worth a lot of work to draw smooth arrows - this is a delusion.

Tip!Try to do this for the first time. Never you will not call such a thing easy.

Move the arrows unevenly, crooked, or not corresponding to one other length or height, and your makeup will be hopelessly spoiled. You will have to start first. After all, from these ordinary, it would seem, the impeccability of your image depends on the lines.

How to bring the arrows right?

First choose the appropriate option:

  • arrows are sharp and thin, traditional;
  • wide lines, in fashion always;
  • arrows double, mysteriousness and chic;
  • "Fine eyes", cunning and so seductive.

And you need to start with a general makeup on the face, while not assigious eyes: toning the skin, let off, the eyebrows adjust. Then, depending on the appointment of makeup (day or evening), apply shadows. If there are no shadows in your plans, you miss this moment.

Secrets of the right arrows

  • Try to spend the line as close to the growth line of eyelashes. You will get a visual impression that the eyelashes are very thick, and at the same time avoid between the edge of the eye and the white stripe arrow - it looks so ugly.
  • Do not want eyes to look sad - aiming the tip of the arrow up. Typically, the line is the line of the lower eyelashes. The arrow serves as a continuation.
  • On the inside of the eye, the contour should be barely noticeable, and on an external one - it is specifically supplied several times.
  • If the shadows are also applied forever, the arrows should draw on top of them, and on top to fix them with shadows of a similar shade.

  • All of the unevenness are removed with a cotton wand, which was dipped into a soft means for removing makeup (without oils) or tonic. When the line came out particularly uneven, dark shadows deposited from above and decayed to the outer edges of the eyes.
  • To bright shooters should add as bright eyelashes, so do not forget about the mascara.

Having made such a noticeable emphasis on the eyes, take care of the immaculately looking area near the eye: these are disguised circles under the eyes and leaning the skin tone.

Tip! Follow the secrets given, and the result will not disappoint you.

Arrows and eye shape

When sorting out the eyes, their form is always taken into account. The rule it remains very important. The wrong line, as well as uneven - is spoiled makeup, not to mention the image.

  • For the eyes, over which they hang eyelids, a thin undisturbed arrow is the perfect option.
  • The decoration for a round eye will be the arrow sewn.
  • Having eyes, planted close, the line is better to draw since the middle of the century, thickening it at the same time. When the eyes are planted, on the contrary, wide, the thickline of the arrows should be drawn along the entire upper eyelid.

Remember! The elected eyes go to all absolutely women. The main thing is to draw them correctly and choose from a variety of those that fit perfectly to you.

Makeup options

There are many variants of eye arrows. The most famous and popular:

  • Through all the top eyelids. Suitable round eyes. By changing the thickness of the arrow, directing it to the temple, you pull out the eye of the visually.
  • Through the top and lower eyelid. They can connect from an outer corner of the eye, or internal. May remain separate. From the situation may depend on the thickness of the shooter. They perfectly complement the evening, masquerade or festive makeup.

  • At the bottom century. The arrow serves as an addition of existing makeup created by shadows, even completes the image. Black color for her is completely optional. You can use the colors of your eyes, and on the upper eyelid - any other shadows.
  • From the middle of the century. So you will increase your eyes a little. It should look at the arrows naturally, without sharp boundaries, and use them is quite appropriate during the daytime.
  • Repeats eye contours. Eyes will become clearer. These arrows to the temples are not sent, but end in the outer corners of the eyes. You can use if you create smoky makeup.

Tip! Try different options, experiment, fantasize and be sure to find your own option.

What and how to bring eyes?

You should think about it too. The drawn arrows must be resistant. In the modern beauty industry, this problem has tried to solve a long time of a variety of cosmetic products. So the woman today has a wide variety of funds.

In your cosmetics for these purposes, must be to choose from:

  • Liner is the same liquid eyeliner. It is not necessary to use it with it. It requires a good practice so that the hand is naked.
  • Podolok-felt-tip pen - more convenient to the liner, but also not for beginners.
  • Eye pencil - a great tool for beginners. There is always an opportunity to erase or correct the flamns. There are disadvantages. All day, the pencil in the eyes will not last. But you can apply an eyeliner or shadow over it. By the way, the pencil should be perfectly sharpened.
  • Dry eyeliner / shadow - cool thing for new things. Always grow if the hand shook, thereby saving makeup.

All these tools are greatly different in both the consistency and results.

Methods of applying arrows

  • Starting from an inner corner of the eye. The contour is beginning to lead from the inside of the eyelid along the growth line of eyelashes to the external.
  • Starting from the middle of the eye. First of all, from the middle to the outer edge, then from the inner corner to the middle. So make an arrow smooth easier.

If you think that one solid line is easier to draw, you are mistaken. It is much easier to do this in two right: an inner corner - middle, from here - to external.

At the top of the century, over the entire contour, the eyeliner plays several points and connect them into the line.

Technique drawing

Depending on the tool chosen by you, it varies slightly.

To draw flat beautiful arrow with a liquid eyeliner, an excessive amount is better to lubricate the edge of the tube. Then applied the brush to the base of the eyelashes is possible, and now it is possible to confidently, but smoothly, draw the desired contour. If the hand still trembled, the line can be corrected with a cotton wand. The line will turn out clear and not at all fat.

Nothing can make a look so expressive and spectacular as perfect arrows. We tell how to draw beautiful arrows on the eyelids, when I really want to create a chic beauty-image and combat everyone drank!

What can draw arrows?

If you are interested in how to make arrows, first to be determined with the tool, so to speak. Arrows can be created using different means that differ in the texture and complexity of application. A pencil is considered the easiest product, as it can be wiped out if necessary and not be afraid that the hand drifts a little - the perfect option for newcomers in this difficult business.

But the brightest and contrasting arrows are obtained using eyeliner. It can be a liquid eyeliner, gel or stylist-felt-tip pen. Now the gel eyelbs are particularly popular, it is easier to apply that liquid, besides, they do not spread and do not smear. Draw arrows with gel eyeliner you need using a special brush.

Of course, no one has canceled the perfect arrows by a classic liquid liner. But it is worth lecing before your movements will be honored, and the lines are perfectly even. If you are new in the drawing of the shooter, it is better to first inflict the eyelid pencil, and then the effect of the eyeliner. Also among the shooters of the arrows are very common - felt-tip-guns, which can be managed quite easily, but they do not always give the desired saturated shade.

How to draw arrows by eyeliner?

Pouring patience and acceptance is the fact that immediately get a clear and smooth arrow will be quite difficult. Only many attempts and funny chalks will teach you to draw beautiful shooters on the machine.

So how to draw arrows on the eyes? To begin with, you should find a place with excellent lighting and a large mirror. Remember, it is better to remove the arrows at the open century, so that then do not encounter a line by curvature when the eye is opening.

In order for the error to be not terrible, first spend the arrow with a light pencil, and only then fasten the result with a liquid or gel liner. To "feel" the arrow, take advantage of a thin brush with a slant cut, which will allow you to produce all the necessary manipulations. Starting the line from the middle of the eyes and until the end of the cereal circuit, and only then Dorisuy the arrow from the inner corner of the eye and to its middle.

How to draw arrows in your eyes so that you do not have to redo everything? Stretching a little eyelid to draw a clear smooth line and create a beautiful tail. Draw an arrow as close as possible to the rash contour and the capture so that there are no spaces - so the line will get the most accurate and beautiful.

Draw beautiful arrows on the eyes - not the easiest task. Initially, they go out with curves and inaccurate. If one turned out to be successful, it is not yet a fact that the second will be the same. When the perfect lines begin to go out, it turns out that the selected type of arrows does not look at all. To avoid such surprises and learn how to quickly and qualitatively draw the arrows, you can use several secrets beautifully informed eyes.

Properly selected eyeliner

Showcases of cosmetic stores are filled with a whole arsenal of a variety of means. Each product has a number of their advantages, but not everyone will fit beginners. Before painting your eyes by eyeliner, you should deal with possible options and alternatives. Today in stores are the following means for drawing the arrows.

Shadow, or dry eyeliner

Best option for beginners. They can always be growing, without spoiling makeup. They are applied to a beveled brush with small strokes.


Suitable for the practice of novice. Pencil can be drawn and adjusted. But the pencil has several drawbacks, because of which it cannot be used constantly. He is often imprinted in the eyelid. In addition, it is not as resistant as the liner or eyeliner. Understanding how to draw the arrows with a pencil, you can safely move on to the felt-flyer or liner.

Podlet felt-tip pen

It is convenient to use, with its help you can make a quick and symmetrical eye makeup. But the beginners will work hard with this means due to too large lines.

Liquid liner, or liner

Suitable for those who have already naked hand. It is the arrows drawn by liquid eyeliner look stylishly, neatly and for a long time hold on the eyes. But beginners have a lot of chances to draw a liner with a curve line. If the arrow came out unsuccessful, it will have to flush and draw everything again. Therefore, before using eyeliner, you need to be carefully practiced with pencil or shadows.

Stages of drawing arrows

Deciding for himself, how to make eye by eyeliner, you can move to the eye directly.

There are several rules how to properly paint the eye by eyeliner. They will help learn to quickly make beautiful and symmetrical lines that will not pay anywhere during the day.

Preparatory stage

The eyelid should be prepared. For this, the shadow base under the arrows is perfect. It is best to prefer the shadow of beige color - they will look with any eyeliner or pencil. Moreover, with their help makeup becomes more resistant, even in hot weather. Before painting your eyes by eyeliner, you need to perform all other stages of makeup, for example, to align the tone of the face and paint your eyebrows. But it is necessary to curl and paint the eyelashes after losing your eyes.

Draw contour

It is a good task to draw a good task. therefore it is better to first draw the contour of the arrow, but only then paint it. This step will help insure from large shortcomings that cannot be fixed in any way. The contour is best made small sharp strokes. At the stage, when we learn to draw arrows, the beveled brush will be indispensable. With its help, the line turns out to be smoother.

Rules for building arrows

Types of arrows are a huge set. Many have to choose a unique form. However, the tail of the arrow should always look up. Otherwise, instead of a seductive "cat" look, you risk getting sad, dreary eyes.

Fix Makeup

If a pencil was chosen as a tool, it is best to fix with shadows or a liner. Then it will last longer, does not swim and crashes.

We remove the shortcomings

No one is insured against small mistakes. If the arrow came out a little inaccier, it can be corrected by a consilet. But it is impossible to overdo it, otherwise the whole makeup will look dirty.

Arrow and eye shape

Before bringing the eyes by eyeliner, it is necessary to take into account the individual features of the eyes, their shape, color, landing and cut. Arrows can hide some flaws of the face if approaching them to choose with the mind.

Little eyes The line is suitable, which begins with the middle of the eye, expands and is lengthened outside the external angle. It visually will increase the eyes and make the look more brighter and expressive.

Closely planted eyes It should be painted over the entire length of the century, smoothly expanding the line to an external corner.

When widely planted eyes The emphasis should be made in the inner corner. It needs to be thoroughly drawn, but not to overdo it.

Overly round eyes Decorate a uniform long line, going beyond the limits. Thus, they will seem more elongated.

Narrow eyes It will decorate a long feature over the entire growth line of eyelashes, but it should become thicker in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pupil. Thanks to this nuance, the eye will look wider and open.

Harder to draw arrows on eyes with hanging age. If the hanging is very pronounced, it is better to refuse them at all. But sometimes the arrow can become a good makeup item. It is important to remember that such an arrow needs to be drawn in an open eye.

Summing up the system of how to properly cut the eyes with eyeliner and which form of the arrow will fit specifically, you can easily create a good and beautiful makeup.

Video - how to make eyeliner

In order to bring the arrows, you need to train your hand and gain patience. This is, though simple, but quite painstaking, requiring concentration of attention.

Than draw

You can draw an arrow using various means, each of which has its own application nuances. Those who are just starting to master the eye-sharing technique technique, it is recommended to use a pencil. They are easier to draw a line, and removed flaws. Pencils with fatty consistency do not injure the gentle skin of the century, form smooth connections.

The following means are used to draw arrows.


  • represents ;
  • applied with a long thin soft tassel;
  • has a longer service life;
  • not used in techniques including a growing;
  • requires a longer time on the dross.

  • has a solid tip;
  • easy to use;
  • not used with the rustic;
  • the service life is small (dries quickly).


  • easy to use;
  • light application technique;
  • it is not blind;
  • during the day, it needs to be adjusted due to the low coating strength;
  • produced in a large spectrum of colors and degrees of hardness.

Dry eyeliner

  • has the shadow structure;
  • applied with a damp thin brush;
  • is considered a professional tool;
  • hard apparent technique.


  • have a liquid structure;
  • create a smoky effect that allows you to use a podium makeup;
  • applied fine long bone;
  • the waterproof base makes the coating durable and stable.

How to draw arrows

In the applix of the arrows, the complexity represents only the handling of the hand. The first time most likely will not be the expected result, and it is not scary. Trying to guide the line, you need to drink the elbow of the liner about a solid object. It will give confidence. Immediately you do not need to create a thick layer.

The eyeliner should be elegant and pass through the cable border. Make the main emphasis on symmetry. Eyes wide open or close at all. A semi-open eyelid will create the necessary conditions for controlling the arrow formed.

Podding technique:

  1. clear face from cosmetics;
  2. minimize the skin with transparent powder or shadows of a soft structure in the skin color;
  3. remove defects, if any, using a consileder and again to grow the eye zone with a soft brush;
  4. highlight the outline of the eyes of the shadows of saturated shades;
  5. under the eyebrow to apply pearl shadows for the allocation of natural bend;
  6. growing a pencil or liquid liner between eyelashes;
  7. outline the end point arrows;
  8. slightly pulling out the outer angle of the eyes, draw a thin line from the middle of the century;
  9. from the inner corner to spend a thin arrow to the middle, carefully connecting it into one whole;
  10. if there is a thickening of any zone, perform it in stages;
  11. to issue the outline of the lower eyelid by contrasting shadows;
  12. slightly growing the arrow border with transparent shadows for consolidation.

How to make them perfectly smooth

In order for the arrow line to be smooth, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • control the position of the eye, not to break them wide;
  • the elbow of the working hand must be rested in solid place, so the jitter will decrease and confidence will appear;
  • it is necessary to make a liner only after applying a carcass;
  • observation of symmetry will help control points made pre-;
  • moisturized cotton wands will help remove irregularities;
  • those who do not have to make a lineal line, you need to use a solid pencil.

Types of arrows

The eyeliner is carried out in different forms, which makes it possible to choose each woman the most successful option for its appearance.

Among popular are allocated as follows:

  • Elegant and emotional shape "Feline Eye". Thin lines start from the middle of the upper and lower eyelid with the thickening to the corner. In the corner of the line are not connected, the gap between them is painted with light shadows.
  • Classic form He emphasizes the fine line all the eyelids or only part of it, profitably feeding appearance.
  • "Sharp arrows" They are applied thin line all over the century most often with a pencil. In advance, it is necessary to evil the eyelids with light shadows.
  • "Double arrow-color" Applied by loving of different colors. More often a thick main line is drawn by black or dark brown. And the other, thin - raspberry, blue and other bright shade.
  • "Smoky Eye arrows" They emphasize all the attention in the eyes, so no more bright cosmetics in make-up is used.

For those who often use eye liner in makeup, there is a way of applying an arrow with a tattoo. The effect remains for 4-10 years with the necessary adjustment every 2-3 years. Permanent makeup resistant, which allows for a long time to free women from daily drawing arrows.

How to choose a form

The arrows are distinguished by the form, line thick, length and it allows you to adjust any eye cut. When selection of the type of arrows should take into account the anatomical features in order to emphasize natural beauty, and disadvantages to disguise. And even if the incision has perfect parameters, light reincarnation will allow you to feel yourself in a new image.

When selecting makeup options, there should be a nuance to help avoid errors:

  • Round eye shape Visually pull out the density line of the dark shade will help. To lengthen the cut, the side corners of the lower and upper century should be connected and lengthened, directing the tail up. The classic type of arrows in the upper eyelible will also be appropriate with the outdoor corner.
  • Little eyes Suffal thin line lines are suitable on the upper age. The lower eyelid is better to make silver or golden eyeliner. Dark color will make the form even less.
  • Widely planted eyes It requires a dark color of only the upper eyelid. The inner corners are well drawn, and on the sides of the line with a short tail rises sharply with the beginning of the rise of a little earlier than the corner.
  • With close landing The line must be started from the middle of the century. Reaching an exterior angle, it should be sealing it and give an elevated form.
  • Thorough eye shape Corrects a multi-level liner. The first thin line is drawn along the upper age without an internal corner accent, and the second thick is applied only for the middle of the upper eyelid. The lower part is drawn by dark shadows.

Color selection

The shade of the eyeliner can approach the form of a cut, but to merge with the color of the eyes.

Therefore, there are rules whose compliance will help make the right:

  • Green or nut The color of the rainbow shell gives a beautiful amber tint, emphasized which can purple, burgundy or plum arrow.
  • Brown The color of the rainbow shell itself is expressive and warm. It is possible to emphasize it with the help of cold shades: blue, plum, greenish. And make a glance with arrogant and mysterious will help coral or golden eyeliner.
  • Blue and gray Rainbow shells look well with a bronze or copper arrow. Also suit purple and brown colors.
  • Dark Eyes will suit almost all the colors of the eyeliner. It is advantageous to emphasize the look will help purple or plum shades.

Frequent errors

When applying a liner, such errors should be avoided:

  • The use of black or dark-brown eyeliner for the design of the lower eyelid small eyes is unacceptable. The visual effect reduces the size.
  • It is not recommended to use a thick line for the design of the lower and upper eyelids with a narrow eye shape.
  • When drawing the arrows, you need to stand in front of the mirror directly, not at an angle or tilt. Then control the trajectory of the line will be easier.
  • Drawing a line with ripples will not give a good result. It is recommended to spend the arrow without a separation before it is completed. Small errors can be corrected by a moistened with a cotton wand.
  • Do not stand in everyday makeup to use Smoky Eye application technique. This method is intended for evening time. With daylight, the effect of dense tinting is the opposite. Playful image converts into vulgarity and beamless.
  • Do not experiment with the types of arrows. You should select an option for the individual eye form. Otherwise, narrow eyes can be visually narrowing even more, and widely put to emphasize and strengthen the negative effect.

The secrets of application, various "chips"

In order to get beautiful and smooth arrows, you can use the following life-hacks:

  • To form a beautiful line of arrows will help in advance made on the place of the tail.
  • Do not immediately move the centuries. The paint needs to give time to dry off (30-60 seconds).
  • To obtain a beautiful homogeneous line, you need to pre-cover the liner between the eyelashes.
  • Before pointing the arrows, you need to prepare the area around the eyes, it must be perfectly smooth. To do this, you can use the corrector, a consulter, transparent powder.
  • The beautiful tail lines can be drawn using a stencil made from Scotch bands. Then all awkward movements will remain on the film.
  • Before using the eyeliner, it is recommended to align the eyelids in the color of the skin or colorless powder. And the top of the dried line is better to fasten with the same transparent powder. So makeup will continue longer.
  • If you have a desire to emphasize the color of your own eyes, you need to make a double arrow. The first thin line is brought to the dark eyeliner at the cilia borders. And the second, also fine, draw the zone slightly above, using a pencil in the color of the iris.

Bright makeup always attracts the attention of others. It is important to observe the measure and use the focus on one part of the person to prevent the creation of the screaming image. Beautifully made eyeliner will give grace and individuality of any woman.