How to hint a guy about a relationship: ways, leading questions, friendship and advice from guys and girls. How to hint a guy about a relationship. ways to get a guy's attention

There is no doubt that this is him, the same guy whom you have imagined in your dreams all your life. You want to date him and he doesn't show enough interest. Or maybe she thinks that you are an inaccessible girl, or she is shy, does not know how to take the first step. So he will never guess what you like, and you are not averse to starting a closer relationship with him. But how can he hint about it? It is not customary to speak directly on the forehead - suddenly he will be frightened. In this article, we will show you how to do it correctly.

Step 1. Gathering information

The first step is to find out all the "ins and outs" of the candidate. Suddenly he is a womanizer or, in general, girls are "not his", or some other flaw is present in him, incompatible with your happy joint future.

We find out all this carefully from mutual friends and acquaintances. Believe me, if you want, you can find a lot of sources of information, besides there are social networks - you can surf there and clarify the picture a little for yourself.

Step 2. Does he show signs of sympathy

If everything is okay, let's move on to the next point, namely, you need to make sure whether he really likes you. Suddenly he feels only purely friendly sympathy.

Usually, already at the first meeting, a man clearly understands how far he can go with this or that girl. This one - for a bed will go, with this one - you can decide on a serious relationship, but with this one - well, you can only laugh together in a common company, no more. Therefore, if he considers you as the second or first category, then there is a chance. But if he put you in the category of "friends", then I'm afraid that attempts to "breed" him into a relationship will be useless.

How do you know which category you are in? We'll have to watch him. If he likes you, he will try to close the distance, approach, start a conversation - whatever, even about the weather, even about currency quotes - it doesn't matter, but he will take the initiative. Will look for you with a glance.

If it doesn’t fit, keeps even, doesn’t shorten the distance, most likely you are in a friendly category.

Step 3. Begin active actions

Suppose all signs indicated that he is interested in you. In this case, you can proceed to real active actions. But let him not consider them too active. At this stage, you need to try to catch his eye more often, organize "random" meetings. In other words, we are getting closer to him in all possible ways.

Bodily contact is very important here. Anything, let you not dance under the moon, but just, for example, jokingly push him down the hill when he goes tobogganing in the park in winter - this is also bodily contact. If you are interesting to him, he will welcome any of your initiatives.

Good luck, everything will definitely work out!

Very often, girls are held hostage to the stereotype of love relationships.

In order not to break this rule, every girl should know little tricks to attract the attention of a young man without being too persistent.

After all, you can hint a guy about a relationship in a variety of ways.

Where does a relationship begin?

Only in romantic films does it come suddenly like Cupid's arrow really pierces two hearts at the same time.

There is much more prose in real life. Often, lovers look at each other for a long time, not daring to be the first.

It is possible that the first to approach will decide to go exactly a girl... If warm feelings have visited her soul, do not wait for the guy to notice languid sighs in his address.

It is quite possible that such carefully concealed feelings will be completely taken by him for indifference.

Little tricks help the girl to make the guy himself go to rapprochement. For this, the lady does not have to openly admit her feelings.

Viewing an object at a distance

The first thing to do before taking a decisive step towards meeting is to check whether it is worth taking this very step. - a kind of lottery.

You never know who a mysterious stranger will be. In order not to fall into the clutches of the villain, the girl should collect some facts about the "experimental".

In addition, the interested girl may well remain anonymous, which is very important at the first stage of the "offensive".

Should explore all the information available on the page... Everything that he wished to tell the world is important to analyze. Statuses, wall posts and uploaded photos. All this will allow you to sketch out some sketch of the character.

It is worth paying attention to the manner of communication. Comments under the posts will be enough to assess the level of upbringing. Abusive speech and other unpleasant statements can testify of bad temper.

Having looked through the list of friends, it is important to find your acquaintances among them. You can establish contact with them in order to find out interesting facts about the chosen one.

But do not overly persistently ask the guy's friends, because they can let slip.

Thanks to the page on social networks, you can learn about hobbies young men. Information about his family, hobbies and even pets will come in handy when you get to know each other. It is worth paying attention to the places where the "object" is. Perhaps you should join the same gym?

Acquaintance and friendship

Only in movies and novels does lightning fast.

In life, a guy and a girl will take some time to get to know each other and get to know their partner better.

It's good if the guy has already met. This will allow you to bypass almost the most difficult stage in "convergence"... If the guy does not yet suspect the existence of a beautiful lady, she will have to contrive a little and "juggle" the cards.

How to meet a guy:

  1. Set up an appointment... After observing the object of attention, the girl can easily determine where this very object is most often. The best option is a supermarket. Sweets unobtrusively scattered under the guy's feet will give him the opportunity to take care of the confused girl. You should not choose products that are "difficult" to clean.

    It is unlikely that the boy wants to collect sugar from the floor. The ideal option would be an orange rolled under the counter.

  2. Request for help. Option for brave girls. Having loaded heavy things into the bag, you can meet a guy on his way to the house. If a man has even a bit of a gentlemanly disposition, he will definitely agree to help with a heavy burden. The main thing is to ask him about it.
  3. Phone search... An old but effective method that has become a classic of the genre. You should hide your mobile phone in the deepest pocket of your bag. Playing sincere confusion, we ask the boy to dial his number, simultaneously assuming that the phone has been lost. When the melody sounds, we thank the assistant and leave. With the guy's number in the list of missed calls.

There are, of course, many other ways to meet. The main thing is not to show excitement and act as succinctly as possible.

Gradual convergence

Wait for attention from a guy, without taking any action, it can take a very long time.

Sometimes you can even see him fall in love with another girl.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to apply all the tricks and quietly grab his attention.

Before taking the initiative, it is worth making sure of the intentions of the young man himself. An interested man is very easy to spot. In the company, he tries in every possible way to reduce the distance, being next to his passion.

He will not miss and opportunities to talk, socialize. At the same time, the guy will choose topics that are interesting only for the two of you, avoiding the participation of the rest of those present in the conversation.

Will give out an interested person and. Eye contact for more than 2 seconds indicates an increased interest in the person. A girl can also use this trick by playing short peepers.

If the guy's behavior betrays his interest, you can't hesitate. It's time to move closer... The main thing is not to overdo it:

To shift communication from friendly notes, the girl is advised to act actively, but carefully. Violating the boundaries of personal space, you can greatly interest a young person.

When communication becomes regular you can move on to more active actions... However, if the guy shows signs of attention, it is advised to wait and pretend to be a "victim", not a predator.

Shortening the distance

How to shorten the distance:

  1. Don't be afraid to touch. After joking, lightly nudge him on the shoulder. Enter his space slowly but surely. Be at arm's length as often as possible.
  2. Arm yourself with humor. Kind jokes can help defuse the atmosphere if there is an awkward pause in the conversation. Making fun of a guy's appearance will also keep him interested. “After all, if a girl noticed a dented T-shirt, it means that she is not indifferent to me.” The main thing is not to offend the guy with barbs.
  3. Be weak. Ask a man for help, even if you can cope with the problem on your own. Take down Windows on a laptop and ask the young man to reinstall the system.
  4. Hide behind the guy's courage. Grab his hand while watching a horror movie or keep your hand in a dark park.

    For a man, albeit a young one, there is nothing sweeter than a demonstration of his own strength.

Strengthening communication

If the tricks used did not give the expected result, and the guy still hesitates, the girl should not give up. One has only to arm himself with "heavy artillery".

There is no need to be afraid of failure. If a young man communicates with a girl for a long time, it is unlikely that he completely excludes the romantic development of events.

The relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend is rarely fast-paced.

Most often occurs more than a dozen meetings before young people become a couple.

At the same time, there is no clear boundary when love arises.

To accelerate the emergence of a relationship, the girl is advised:

  • give him a little surprise. Give your boyfriend a nice little thing, like a keychain or a cool cup. Let a thing appear in his interior, reminiscent of a passion;
  • treat him to baked goods... Invite a guy for tea, arguing the invitation with a sudden culinary inspiration. The young man will definitely connect your flight of fantasy with his special person. If the cake seems like an incomprehensible magic, just buy a cookie from the store and pass it off as yours;
  • retire... For a while, disappear from the guy's field of vision. The sudden disappearance of an active girlfriend will further inflame the man's thoughts;
  • inquiry... Find out if the guy was interested in your person during the artificial "separation". If so, you can be congratulated;
  • appearing after fading should be fantastic. Don't skimp on hair and makeup. Let the hero understand how much he missed him.

If, after all the measures taken, the guy asks the girl out on a date, it's in the bag.

What is better not to do?

Opinion, as if in love and all methods are good in war, for the initial stage of the relationship is not entirely appropriate.

Hints that seem quite understandable to a girl can push a guy away to cosmic distance.

What a girl shouldn't do:

  1. You should not talk to a young man about his potential girlfriends. Advice on how to behave with other ladies, the girl herself writes herself in the category of "friends".

    It will be very difficult to get out of it, because the girl will know all the ins and outs of the young man, with which he is unlikely to put up with.

  2. No need to voice your big dreams... Dreams of a strong family and four children will surely scare a guy off if a relationship is just beginning. It is important to focus not on the plans, but on the personality of the young man.
  3. Immediately introduce him to his parents. Serious intentions are good, but you should not invite a young man to a family dinner in the first week after meeting. First, it's best to make sure that the friendship has already flowed into a love affair.
  4. Be unrestrained. Men claim to love sexy ladies, but in fact prefer modest ones.
  5. Don't talk incessantly... Men love it when a girl listens carefully. Try to portray interest even if you don’t know what a carburetor is.

How to keep interfacing?

In order not only to strengthen, but also to continue, the girl should warm up the guy's interest, but don't be too intrusive.

It is not necessary to completely absorb the young man's free time.

Deprive part of his leisure time of your participation. And never tell your chosen one that you have nothing to do without him. Respect your partner and don't take it as entertainment for my own bored nature.

Look for common interests. Joint activities bring people closer together. If you are not interested in a guy's hobbies, look for new points of contact.

Play tennis or dance together. Maybe you both will enjoy baking cakes?

Thinking about how to hint a guy about a relationship, it is worth using simple feminine tricks. Later, when friendship turns into romance, it will be possible to laugh together at the girlish tricks to conquer the male heart.

What should I do to get a guy to offer to date? Learn from the video:

Years go by, and more and more generations of guys ask themselves and those around them: "How do you hint a girl about a relationship and when should you do it?" The question is difficult because it is individual. No two girls are alike, so one can be hinted at at once, while the other will not tolerate such treatment, and the man will lose her. Let's consider the options.

When can a girl hint at an intimate relationship? Courtship is a hint

In general, the question is rather strange. Because when two people of the opposite sex admit their sympathy for each other, then this already has a relationship, presupposes them. But suddenly something went wrong, and the young man, through a misunderstanding or purposefully, got into the friend zone. In other words, he's just a friend. How to check the guess and, if it is correct, change the state of affairs?

1. Cinema. As the famous movie hero Hank Moody used to say: “A woman knows from the first second what she wants to do with a man - to sleep, send off or get married”. And for the most part, this is true. The process of courtship is dust in the eyes of others, so that everything looks decent. Another option is that when women are shy, they need help. In this case, a movie is perfect as a first step (no need to take tickets to the back rows, let it be just a trip to the movie). In principle, after the first date, it will become clear whether the girl likes to spend time with her boyfriend or not. Based on the information received, you can move on.

2. Restaurants. If the first stage of seduction went smoothly, then you can consolidate the success and invite the girl to a cafe or restaurant. There, while talking about life, a man will understand whether there is a spark between them or all this is empty.

3. Home. The third stage involves directly an invitation to tea (euphemism). If at this stage the girl begins to say that she is not like that, then all the efforts were wasted. But nothing can be done, this is life. Only by making mistakes can a person understand how to do the right thing. Perhaps there are two other scenarios for the development of events. The man will achieve his goal, or the girl will tell him that it is not in her rules to rush. And here it is very important to evaluate with an inner instinct: a man is being sewn off or really asked not to drive horses.

In any case, the question of how to hint a familiar girl about a relationship should be removed by going through these three stages.

Yes, he is the one. Like it, but not paying attention? This means either complete indifference on his part, or shyness. The first option is hopeless, and the second you can handle on your own if you know how to hint a guy about a relationship, and choose the appropriate way to do it.

Capture plan

First you need to get comprehensive information about his disposition to you with the help of friends. This will give you confidence that you are doing everything right, and not embarrass yourself. After all, he may have a girlfriend. Collect data as carefully as possible, it is better not to notice.

Next, you should make sure of the guy's real sympathy. To us, impressionable young ladies, an ordinary smile "out of politeness" may seem like a sign of a burning feeling. Ask your friend to observe your still not quite relationship: how he looks when you pass by, whether he turns around after him.

Move on to real action

  • Collision. Organization of a casual meeting. In the hallway, on the street - anywhere. Bodily contact is important. In such a situation, there will certainly be a conversation, albeit an absurd one. Show maximum feminine charm, fix your hair, touch your wrists. Any normal guy will not resist and will give you his attention.
  • Consolidation of the result. Accompany further meetings with a smile, play with a glance.
  • Stop. When the heat is already there, step back. Miss him a couple of times, ignore him. Just don't get carried away. The goal is to cause mild anxiety and bewilderment. Let him be afraid of losing you.
  • Forward again. Give him a stunning smile and fiery eyes.
  • Patience, only patience. Feelings until the castle, keep the intrigue.
  • Is it done? He came up! No, no tears of happiness, jumping to the ceiling. Calmly pretend to be amazed and throw something like "I'll think about it." You can agree right away, but it's more interesting.

A few more plans "B"

If the standard solution does not suit you, feel free to use other options.

A hobby is a great opportunity to get closer to the object, tune in with it on the same wavelength. Conversations about hobbies always arouse interest, cheer up, make communication with you more trusting. It is imperative to understand the subject not superficially, but at least at an intermediate level. Achievement of some heights in the sphere of his interests will be an excellent bonus.

If you are already more or less familiar, then an unscheduled meeting will help establish contact. You need to ask in a veiled way, ask questions in such a way that the guy does not answer yes or no. The dialogue can begin with something like this: "What are you doing tomorrow?" Further development of events according to the situation. We can say that someone invited you to a party, and you would like to go with him (he is an interesting interlocutor, decided to propose because you like it) or bought movie tickets, and your friend has her own plans.

A win-win idea is to visit an amusement park together and have fun. When it’s scary, take his hand - all men like to feel like a protector.

If he has a sister, befriend her. The ideal option is to win the favor of the boyfriend's mom. She will definitely hint to her son about such a beautiful girl.

You can play an anonymous fan: correspond on the Internet under the guise of a stranger or write him a note with a confession. In the latter case, he will begin to find out, look closely. Don't give yourself away right away, do it a little later.

Unambiguous taboos

  • You can't act like a friend if you like him. No discussion of other girls, no personal advice.
  • Do not impose, act carefully. Do not constantly flicker before his eyes.
  • No negligence in appearance. Always well-groomed, tastefully dressed.

Do not forget that you can always hint at a relationship honestly and openly. Yes, just take it straight and say: "I like you." Coquetry and feminine tricks will add seriousness to your relationship in the process, and then it will not be so important who approached whom first.

Communication rules for a successful continuation

  • Try to exchange information with the guy, not just chat. Better to smile sweetly and listen to him than to twitter about everything in the world.
  • Biography aside. About yourself and yourself - such a conversation tires the interlocutor, kills the interest in your person. Remain a mystery.
  • It is better not to discuss the former relationship, as well as problems in the family, difficult, annoying topics for everyone. Talk about something detached, but interesting for both.
  • The look "into the corner, at the nose, at the object" is ideal for a flirty date. It is clear that you want to see enough, but you should not drill with a gaze, he may feel uncomfortable.
  • Behave naturally. A feigned smile, unusual movements are for a doll. A live girl flirts, but does not go beyond the boundaries of normal behavior.

If suddenly the efforts are not crowned with reciprocity, never, you hear, - never get upset and do not make stupid conclusions. This is not a tragedy, but just an experience. Make a mistake, fall in love, there will definitely be a mutual feeling.

Sometimes it can be hard to muster the courage and tell a girl how you feel about her, so in this article we will analyze how to hint to a girl that I like her personally or by correspondence in contact, and whether it is worth using a social network when trying to tell her about your emotions.

Like any person, we tend to be nervous, afraid to confess our feelings, but the fear of being rejected may prevent you from building a happy relationship. Therefore, you need to gather all your will into a fist and confess your sympathy to the girl, perhaps she is also afraid to confess her feelings to you. So, the most necessary thing in the first stages is to get to know the girl better, to understand what she likes and what she wants. And only then look for an approach to it. Do not forget that all girls are different - one loves to be told about their feelings directly, while the other can be frightened at all.

Whatever one may say, guys often plan for a long time and think about how to make it clear to a girl that you like her, what to say to her, where to say, and when to say. If you have feelings for a girl, and you are crazy about her appearance, then a few phrases from which she will understand what attracts you to her can help you, for example:

  • “You have such beautiful eyes, I just can't take it away!”;
  • “The hair shines so cool in the sun, so soft”;
  • "It is immediately obvious that you are involved in sports, a beautiful figure."

If you decide to focus on the girl's appearance, you should not tell her, for example, about her chubby cheeks, she may start to complex and get upset about this, or compliments about her buttocks and breasts, they may also disappoint her, and she will consider you vulgar , a cheeky guy.

Make plans for the future, and think about how to make it clear to the girl that you like her using the methods of joint plans? Then it is worth understanding one simple truth - your sincerity with a barely familiar girl will be regarded as a joke, but if you have talked for a long time and are already thinking about how you will meet the sunrises and sunsets together, then these phrases will help you:

  • “You know, next year I want to give you an unforgettable Valentine's Day”;
  • “Maybe, of course, I am rushing things, but a joint vacation at sea during the summer holidays will give us the opportunity to relax and prepare for the new academic year. How do you like my proposal? "

A compliment is the simplest and most profitable step on the way to a girl's heart, so you can come up with a huge variety of them, and the girl will always be pleased. The main thing is not to overdo it and not translate the compliment into everyday flattery.

If you want to conquer your beloved, you should learn how to say compliments correctly. You should not memorize them, and in order to impress a girl, do not say obvious things, for example: “There is no one more beautiful than you in the world”, this is rather boring and already boring for everyone. Be creative with complements:

  • “Having traveled half the world, I have never met such a treasure as you”;
  • "Before we met, I thought what to say to you, but when I saw your charming smile, I forgot all the words."

Most importantly, remember to be sincere. If she realizes that you really admire her, she will appreciate your persistence. And if you try to memorize the text, she will immediately understand it and get angry. Do not repeat compliments very often, let them become unexpected.

If you suddenly overdo it, and your girlfriend is upset, ask her for forgiveness, and that you did not want to offend her.

You do not need long sentences, speak short, clearly and your intonation should not let you down.

If you still cannot overcome yourself or are not a male representative who can constantly flirt and compliment girls, but you are a serious straightforward guy, it doesn’t matter. This is even good, since the option suits you, to speak immediately and the truth about what you still want from a girl.

For example, let it be light, not complicated phrases:

  • “You are very beautiful, smart and I have been very fond of you for a long time!”;
  • "To be honest, I'm crazy about you!"

Tell the girl what exactly attracted you to her, how she stood out among others. And then she will feel her superiority over other females, which she will be extremely flattered.

Be honest, do not try to invent, because if you start to hang in front of the next compliment, it will seem very strange.

Let's pretend that you are already familiar with this girl, for example, study in the same group or class, work together, or you are in different courses, and now you meet your eyes, and you realize that this is exactly the girl with whom you would like to spend constantly its time. Then you shouldn't delay, it's time to confess your feelings to her, but you shouldn't do this in a crowd. Let you be alone. So that you feel more confident, and she is not embarrassed, as well as that her answer is sincere, since in the crowd of surrounding eyes she may not even announce herself, so as not to offend you or, on the contrary, accidentally humiliate you.

And if suddenly your solitude has taken place, take courage, tell her that you enjoy spending time with her, communicate, and you want to take it to the next level by inviting her on the first date.

In fact, it is easier to ask a girl out on a date than to say after a while that you love her. Thoughts immediately begin to come to mind, what if she does not reciprocate? Is this really love? What should I do if she also says that she loves me? You need to be prepared for both positive and negative responses. And for this you need to prepare.


Practice your speech. Decide what you say after the words "I love you." The Veda girl will definitely want to hear some kind of continuation.

A declaration of love should be memorable, therefore, in order to get more chances that you will not be refused, choose a place for a date, as well as agree with the girl about the time and date in advance.

Even if, having confessed your feelings, you do not hear an answer, do not start asking questions: “Do you love me?”, “Do you want to tell me something?”. The girl may not feel love for you, but she could just be confused and embarrassed. Therefore, be patient and resilient before the meeting.


Seeing your chosen one, you do not need to rush immediately with words of declaration of love. Take a walk, enjoy each other, wait for the right romantic moment, and only then tell her: "I love you."

Do not rush the girl, she needs to be aware of what she has heard.

It is important to remember a few tips:

  • Try not to be nervous and not pretend to be a person who you are not;
  • Before you confess your feelings to her, think carefully if you really love her;
  • There is nothing shameful in practice, so rehearse your speech;
  • When you meet, give the girl all your attention, take care of her;
  • Having confessed your love, do not press on her, she will open to you when she is ready.

You are a cheerful and responsive guy, so this can be your trump card up your sleeve. Try to demonstrate your sympathy for her by using positive notes, for example, the phrases:

  1. “And I would marry you!”;
  2. "I envy the life of your cat, maybe you can take me in his place?"

If suddenly the girl also decided to joke, and even if she did not succeed very well, you should not criticize her, support and laugh together.

Now we will try to make it clear to the girl that we liked her, but at the same time you saw her for the first time. Here you will have to sweat, the most important thing is to try to bring her into dialogue, because if she is not interested in you, then she will flatly refuse to talk to you, and you simply cannot express your feelings.

What do we need to do?

  • Try the simplest thing, ask her for the time or how to get to a certain place;
  • After answering, you can compliment her, and if you get a smile in her face, you can continue communicating further;
  • Ask if she wants to spend time with you or talk on the phone, online;
  • A girl interested in you can herself hint to you that she would not mind spending time with you for a detailed acquaintance;
  • If, after the compliments, you saw how her face was embarrassed, or she is trying to look away and turn away from you, then you should not waste your time on her.

Now let's deal with the hints. They will depend on the type of your beloved, since we would not advise using vulgar hints for a modest and intelligent lady, she simply will not understand you correctly, but she will also be disgusted with you.

Let's take a look at some examples. Let the first one be "uninhibited", with this type of women you can throw jokes on bed topics and other 18+ topics, and also speak directly about your sympathy, about a beautiful, sexy body, etc.

There is also a "quiet, modest woman", with them you need to choose hints more carefully, since such girls usually hide any emotions in themselves.

In order to understand what type your girlfriend is, let her open up in the usual general, look at how she dresses and behaves with other people, and only then choose an approach for recognition.

We believe that the Internet is not the best place for declarations of love, of course, a little below, but if it came to hints on the Internet, then let's figure out how to hint a girl that I like her by correspondence using the simplest methods.

The easiest and most effective way is to write to her in plain text that you are not indifferent to her. From the pros - she can immediately reciprocate you or not, but from the minuses - the girl can simply ignore the message, without answering anything, since she may receive dozens of exactly the same confessions.

Also, as an option, you can send her musical compositions, which to one degree or another hint at your feelings for the girl. You shouldn't dwell on music, you can also throw videos or simple pictures to it. An interested girl will reciprocate you, and then you can already offer her something more serious than just hints.

Now we hope that you have no questions left about how to hint to a girl that I like her in VK, since the methods described above are 100% effective and then either you will receive a refusal or a continuation where you can already invite her on a live date.

If you have not seen the girl before, but are in the mood for a declaration of love or sympathy, then we do not advise you to do this through social networks or other remote methods.

Here are some reasons why we think the internet is a bad thing to admit:

  • Your beloved can read the message and immediately leave the network without telling you anything, just ignoring your confession;
  • On social networks, beautiful girls are often confessed in love and moreover several times a day, if you want to be in the company of men who have not been answered, then go for it;
  • You will not be able to convey all the sincerity and show how important it is for you through messages in VK or SMS, it is best to do this face to face when you meet;
  • The girl may also think that you are trying to trick her or want to make fun of her, so she will simply leave this message unanswered, or discard you an emoticon.

Recently we chatted with friends, the topic came up, how to make it clear to a girl that you like her. I don't know who thinks and how, but you can invite her somewhere just for a walk. Surely she will understand that those girls who do not like the guy will not be invited for a walk. But there is a downside to the coin - it can resist.

Dear guys! Never hint to girls that you like them on VK. It immediately seems that you are afraid to say this in private. And if so, then why do we need such communication at all. And how many times the girls do not respond to such messages, just because they themselves do not understand anything.

I think that some kind of non-standard approach is needed. Surely, if a girl is beautiful, then many hint to her that they like her, because over time, immunity can develop. If a man wants to show, then he needs to show it with all perseverance, and not hint or state a fact.

Girls almost never take the first step, only the brave can. They are afraid of being rejected. Therefore, a man will have to take matters into his own hands. If he sees that he likes her, then why not take the plunge? Why empty hints, neither take nor give.

Hinting a girl about sympathy is a difficult business. Especially if she's very modest. Now I don’t know how and what to tell her. I'm afraid to go too far and offend. I read the article, but there are quite a few ways that I will apply. And I certainly won't write to her about it.

I was thinking about how to hint to her that I like her. The girl got ahead, said everything herself, that is, she wrote VK. You know what? I don’t want any more to be admitted in sympathy with me. It’s not very pleasant, and I’m not going to do it myself. Better to hint somehow with your eyes, smile, fool around together.

Once I saw a girl on the subway, I liked it very much. Didn't know how to speak to her. I went after her, fortunately I did not think that I was some kind of maniac. He ran up, asked how long it was, said that he had forgotten his phone at home. We talked and decided to exchange numbers. He took out his phone and began to write it down. It turned out awkward ...

Recently I asked a girl if she wants to continue talking in a cafe. She said so categorically "no". What a twist. Therefore, now, at first, I am trying to find out if the girl likes me even a bit, otherwise you will learn all the methods and you will be a fool.

And I just said bluntly, without hints. Why unnecessary body movements, if you can say everything to your face. I don’t regret it, there is no need to be afraid in any case. Then you will only regret it. Therefore, take courage, a year's supply of compliments and go to battle!

Damn, I like a girl and I rarely see her and every time I jelly that I don’t have a knot and today I gained strength and I’ll give a knot and I advise you not to be afraid to take the first step.