How to celebrate Valentine's Day - romantic options. How to celebrate Valentine's day and what to give to loved ones on this holiday


By the way, ancient Roman unmarried girls began to throw leaves with names into a separate box, which became the prototype of modern valentines, and unmarried young people, with curiosity and hope of meeting a beautiful stranger, got them from there. In the West, 14 girls stayed at home as long as possible: it was believed that the first man they saw on that day should become the chosen one. Since there were male servants in the house, the girls were careful and did not show themselves to anyone.

Of course, now there are no such traditions, and in Day Valentine's Day girls try to give their loved one as much tenderness and affection as possible. A great start to the holiday will be breakfast in bed for your beloved man. It's up to you to decide what it will be: pancakes with cherry jam, frothy coffee or heart-shaped toasts - the main thing is that you are next to your loved one at this moment, who will surely appreciate your efforts.

If you are both free on this day and can spend it together, try again to relive the sweet moments of your first date. Go to the same cinema or cafe, order the same food and drinks, share your most cherished dreams with each other. This will help you bond even more.

Even if on Day biathlon competitions fall out, a football tournament or boxing that your man loves and follows all the matches and the fate of the athletes, there is no reason to cancel either the holiday or the viewing. Try to combine them, especially since you will know about them in advance. Order your personal T-shirts from a specialized company: on the back - the emblem and name of your man's favorite team, and on the chest - the words "This is my girlfriend" and "This is my man." And go to the sports bar together. The admiring glances of all the other fans and the pride of your beloved man for your courageous act and a wonderful gift will be provided.

As for a gift, there can be a huge choice: a stylish scarf, wallet or cufflinks, your favorite perfume scent, or another disc with a new game. Also, in addition to the main gift, you can attach the Diploma of the best man / husband / lover / Casanova, etc. List his qualities and skills that you admire, and hand them over. It is better to print it in advance, and put your general photo of you hugging or kissing in the background.

Whichever option you choose to celebrate Valentine's Day, the main thing is to be close to your loved one. Indeed, in antiquity, the fourteenth of February was also celebrated Day birds. People believed that it was on this day that birds choose a mate for themselves on the eve of a new spring, which will surely come to a house where there is love and happiness.

Scenarios, games and contests for Valentine's Day. Options for marriage proposals on St. Valentine.

Valentine's Day is a holiday for all lovers, which has recently become popular in our country.

This trend came to us from Rome and the culprit of the celebration is a certain martyr Valentine, although there are still no serious and reliable sources confirming the existence of such a saint.

Valentine's Day: number, date

Now they celebrate the holiday on February 14th. Initially, there was a tradition of celebrating Lupercalia, a pagan animal sacrifice. Historians associate this holiday with high infant mortality.

At that time, a lot of invalids or cripples were born, who died immediately after birth. And the believers sacrificed young animals to the gods and skinned them with pieces of this skin, they beat all the women who passed by, believing that from this they would become fertile.

It is believed that Pope Galacius tried to cancel the Lupercalia, which replaced Valentine's Day. Although there is no confirmation of this.

Valentine's Day: Angels

During the Middle Ages, the personality of Nicholas began to grow overgrown with legends and fairy tales.

Residents of England and France believed that Nikolai was an angel crowning secretly loving couples. In those days, Claudius II forbade the soldiers to start a family and marry, as he believed that this negatively affects the fighting spirit of men. Nikolai was a doctor and priest who sympathized with the lovers and secretly married them.

Already in the XIV century, poets composed poems and love letters to their ladies. It was from this moment that the feast of St. Valentine. At the same time, this day was officially celebrated only in the 19th century. Then there was a tradition to give symbolic gifts - valentines.

Valentine's Day: Traditions

The Catholic and Orthodox Churches do not recognize the holiday, as they consider it pagan. But many lovers from all over the world congratulate their soulmates by presenting them with cute cards and gifts. There are a lot of traditions associated with this holiday:

  • In England, on this day, several centuries ago, children changed into adult clothes and sang songs.
  • In Italy (Terni), the day of the engagement is celebrated. It is on February 14 that you can first confess your love and offer the hand and heart of your beloved
  • In Wales, it is customary to give wooden spoons decorated with hearts and locks on this holiday. This symbol means "open my heart"

How and where to celebrate February 14 with your beloved?

  • The celebration option depends on the age of the lovers and the financial situation. It is necessary to feel the atmosphere of tenderness and love from the very morning
  • The dish does not have to be complicated and expensive. Almost any girl will be happy to have breakfast with heart-shaped scrambled eggs.
  • To do this, do not cut the sausage completely in half and place it in a hot skillet. It will curl up in the shape of a heart, you just have to drive in an egg. After all, very often there is not enough time for the usual surprises and little things that make up the puzzle of a happy life.

Evening options for Valentine's Day:

  • A romantic candlelit dinner in a homely atmosphere
  • Dinner at the restaurant
  • Festive evening in the club
  • If possible, you can go out into the countryside or go horseback riding at the country equestrian club, which usually offers rooms for relaxation and an entertainment program.
  • Well, the best thing is to go on a weekend to warm countries, but now not everyone can afford such a vacation.

How and where to celebrate February 14 with your husband?

Couples are a little tied up in their daily duties, so spending time in silence, away from children, is already a holiday.

Arrange for your holiday party in advance. Take the kids to their grandmother or relatives and go shopping for the gala dinner. It is best if a romantic evening becomes a surprise for your beloved.

Pay a lot of attention to the atmosphere of the celebration. Light candles, scatter rose petals and play some nice music. A bathroom with aromatic oils will help you to relax. Don't forget to get some pretty lingerie or a negligee.

Despite the fact that February 14 was created for two lovers, many couples want to spend time with friends.

  • In this case, it will be easier for you to organize a feast.
  • You can go to the cinema and or to the disco

How to celebrate Valentine's Day at home?

  • This is the most economical and common option, especially if there are not enough funds for expensive parties. You can just buy champagne with fruit and spend time together
  • The most romantic and unexpected option is the bathroom. You need to draw warm water, add foam and essential oils. Scatter rose petals everywhere. Turn on the music, light the candles. Move a small table to the room. Put fruit and champagne on it
  • You can start celebrating Valentine's Day in the kitchen. To do this, prepare breakfast using hearts for decorating and serving ideas. In the evening, cover the table with a tablecloth and prepare a gala dinner. You can order food from the restaurant

A festive evening on Valentine's Day: decoration

  • Women pay a lot of attention to what will be on the table. Men have a completely different attitude to this problem.
  • That is why, pay more attention not to cooking, but to preparing the room and yourself. After all, what a day in love after a whole day at the stove. Besides fatigue, you will not feel anything. It is enough to get by with a simple salad or fruit platter with semi-sweet wine.
  • You can decorate the room with heart-shaped balloons. The most interesting thing is that the floor, covered with a white sheet with rose petals, looks very advantageous. At the same time, the cost of decor is minimal. You just need to put out the light and place small candles-tablets on the floor.

Valentine's Day for two and for two

Several options for spending Valentine's Day at home:

  • An intimate evening by candlelight
  • Cozy home theater with romantic comedy viewing
  • Stylized national evening

If you don't want to sit at home on a festive evening, use the following options:

  • Invite your soul mate to take a walk in the places where you liked to walk the most in the first days of your acquaintance
  • Arrange a love story style photo session for your loved one
  • Book a guided tour of the most romantic places in your city

Valentine's Day February 14: a school holiday scenario for schoolchildren

At school, Valentine's Day is worth having fun with contests and games. Do not forget about the theme of the holiday. That is why all cards with tasks, tokens and gifts should be associated with Valentine's Day.

Contests for Valentine's Day at school:

  • Educational quiz. Just ask students questions about love. For example, whom did Gerasim (mumu) love, or the savior of the tsokotukha fly (mosquito)
  • Ask to split into two teams. Now each of the participants must read four lines from any poem about love.
  • You can prepare questions about love according to the principle I believe I do not believe
  • You can end the festive evening with a tea party or a disco. It all depends on the age of the students

Valentine's Day Games

Cheerful contests and games will give schoolchildren a great mood. Several games for the holiday:

  • Guess the melody. It is necessary to prepare introductions to songs about love. Students are divided into two teams. Everyone listens to several introductions. The task of the participants is to guess the artist and the name of the song
  • Cupid's arrows. This is an ordinary darts or dart game, only the participants have to pierce an interesting target with an arrow - a paper heart. Each is given three attempts to hit the target.
  • Pantomime. A classic game in which the facilitator distributes cards to the participants with what needs to be depicted without words. In doing so, choose proverbs or sayings about love. It is necessary for each participant to depict what is written on the sheet. The rest must guess the riddle

Valentine's Day contests

Fun and amusing contests will give you a good mood. The entertainment option is chosen depending on the proximity of the couple and the participant.

  • A ring. Each participant is given a match or a toothpick. A person must hold a match in his teeth and pass it on to another person. The team that drops the ring lost
  • Between two fires. Place two chairs and cover them with a blanket. It is necessary that there is a hidden space between the chairs. The girls sit on the chairs. In the ala, a guy is chosen who must sit down to the one that is most attractive to him. In most cases, the participant sits in the middle of the shop between the girls and falls into the void.
  • Movie. It is necessary to describe the plot of the film, and the participants must guess the title of the film. For example, a film about a poor guy and a wealthy girl who met on a ship (Titanic)

Funny scene for Valentine's Day

HOST: On Valentine's Day, we simply could not invite cupids to this. Meet cupids and their arrows!

IN ROLE: two young men run out in all white with bows and arrows.

AMUR 1: We are Cupids from the structure

Erotic culture.

AMUR 2: And the Caucasian Cupids

Instead of arrows, they take skewers.

TOGETHER: Our motto: Cupids - connecting people!

AMUR 1: Why do they call us Cupids?

AMUR 2: Oh, this is a long story ... In honor of the Amur highway! ... well, the M58 highway

AMUR 2: Well, remember how it shakes ... how the heart and all other organs beat ...

AMUR 1: Tell me, and we Cupids - are we for safe love?

AMUR 2: Yes. And what?

AMUR 1: I just can't understand why there are no arrows with antennae in our arsenal?

AMUR 2: This is a rhetorical question! Well, let's go do "amorous things" (go down to the hall)

AMUR 2: (approaches a large young man) Look what a healthy guy. An athlete, I suppose. Look, you can't hit him with an arrow. Here the shaft is needed.

Cupid 1 leaves.

AMUR 2: Where are you going, behind the shaft?

AMUR 1: No ... I'm for an ambulance.

AMUR 2: Yes, I'm not strong.

AMUR 1: Well, you are not strong, but he is an athlete, just give him a reason.

AMUR 2: (aiming at the girl's ear) Why are you aiming at this girl's ear? Like women love with their ears?

AMUR 1: No, no. The little girl just came up and said: "Uncle, pierce my ear."

AMUR 2: Hey, look where you are shooting ...

AMUR 1: Why?

AMUR 2: Why ... you're an arrow for a woman, you hit a man.

AMUR 1: So what?

AMUR 2: Nothing. So you shit indiscriminately, and then again this gay parade. Us to the authorities and the prize bye-bye.

AMUR 1: So shoot this brunette with brown eyes and this blonde with blue

AMUR 2: Why is it in them

AMUR 1: Their children will be beautiful

AMUR 2: Let’s then not be a brunette, but a brunette

AMUR 1: Why?

AMUR 2: They won't have children at all !!!

AMUR 1: (runs up to the couple) Look what a beautiful girl and guy. Now I will launch an arrow at them so that they would be together ...

AMUR 2: Wait (comes up to them, takes out of the bag) Here is the brandy and the keys to the hut! This is for sure!

AMUR 1: (points to three) Let me make these three with one arrow

AMUR 2: Shoot in Sweden, not in Russia

AMUR 1: (Approaches a large bald man. Moves away.) You know, we'd better cover our arrows. He says he has an arrow here.

AMUR 2: Shooting cigarettes is not an arrow! … Okay. Let's go just in case. Dear friends! On this day, we want to tell you: look for your soul mate ...

AMUR 1: Otherwise, we will make the choice for you!

Scenario for a corporate party for Valentine's Day

Very often, for the rapprochement of colleagues, managers arrange a corporate party for Valentine's Day. It is imperative to adhere to the style of the holiday, the general theme of love.

Competitions and games depend on the age of colleagues. The younger the team, the more mobile and frank the contests will be.

The presenter can act as Cupid or the god Eros.

The holiday begins with congratulations and wishes. After that, colleagues can drink a little.

  • The presenter announces a competition for the most beloved man. During the competition, two men must compliment the chosen girl. The first one to stop is the one who lost
  • Further, you can announce some kind of mobile competition, for example, Match (with a ring). The Clothespin competition perfectly brings colleagues together. To do this, women hang the men with clothespins. Then the girls are blindfolded and they must remove the clothespins with their teeth.
  • After that, colleagues drink and eat. Then a dance competition can be announced. During this competition, two teams must take off their clothes and lay out a line from them. Whoever gets the longest line wins

Competition script for Valentine's Day

If you are visited by those who do not yet have a couple, help them decide. Cut the heart out of red cardboard. The edges should not be even, but curly. At the end of the evening, ask to make up whole hearts and find your soul mate.


  • Part of the body. The presenter puts everyone in a circle and asks a neighbor to find the most beautiful part of the body. When everyone has answered, the presenter asks to kiss the part of the body announced by the participant
  • Divination. A flower or a branch in the ground is required for the competition. Hearts with predictions are hung on twigs. For example, you will meet your love at a bus stop tomorrow. Or, your lover's name consists of 5 letters
  • Lord of Hearts. It is necessary to hang hearts around the room in advance. Whoever collects the most valentines wins
  • Handkerchief. Several chairs are placed in the center, on which the girls sit down, facing inward. Men walk around the girls. The girl must drop the handkerchief, the one who was near him kisses the participant

Scenario for Valentine's Day for youth: video

At the very beginning, you can tell a little about the history of the holiday. After that, funny contests are announced. For young people, mobile competitions are suitable.

VIDEO: Scenario for Valentine's Day for young people

How to propose to your beloved on Valentine's Day?

Options to propose to a girl:

  • School. Write "Marry me (girl's name)" on the pavement at night. In the morning, come to her with a bouquet of flowers and ask her to look out the window.
  • At the restaurant. Book a table at a nice restaurant and ask the receptionist to light candles. Order beautiful music and offer your hand and heart to your beloved.
  • Invite the girl to the skating rink and propose to her over the loudspeaker.
  • On the roof. Organize a romantic evening on the rooftop of a skyscraper. Set up a table, candles and champagne. Your beloved will appreciate this unusual way of offering a hand and heart.
  • Invite your significant other to the place where you first met. Bring a box of chocolates and champagne with you.
  • Write "Marry me" on your belly. Ask your sweetheart to undress you and read the sentence.

A fairy tale on Valentine's Day: video

Not one celebration dedicated to Valentine's Day is complete without a fairy tale.

VIDEO: Tale for Valentine's Day

Photo shoot ideas for Valentine's Day: photo zones

It is best to seek professional help. Photo shoots in love in the snow look very romantic. At the same time, cute dogs - huskies can be included in the winter fairy tale. This breed is associated with winter and the North Pole.

It's good if the lovers have unusual hobbies and common interests. You can beat the photo session using your hobby.

  • For example, an extreme photo session on an airplane or in flight while jumping from a parachute
  • Everyone is already tired of the "sugary" photos of hugs. Treat the choice of topics responsibly and unconventionally
  • Recently, many people want to bring to life the adaptation of their favorite movie.
  • Use this idea when creating decorations and accessories for a photo shoot.
  • If you have a good camera, this does not mean that you can create a photo session yourself.
  • The opinion of a professional and his ability to choose the right angles is very important.
  • Unfortunately, few of your friends will be able to choose the right angle and convey all the romanticism or severity of the situation.

Photo zones for Valentine's Day

  • These are small corners with characteristic decorations for Valentine's Day
  • Such photo zones are usually set up in studios, but you can make such a festive corner for a photo at home.
  • Red balls in the shape of hearts, ribbons and rose petals on the photo of the white room look very harmonious

In the photo there are several options for festive photo zones for lovers.

Dance for Valentine's Day at school: video

There are a lot of dance options, the choice depends on the preparation of the students. Usually these are pair dances. For example, Waltz, Rumba or Tango, the last dance is considered the most passionate and suitable for explaining your feelings through movement.

VIDEO: Dance for Valentine's Day at school

Dance for Valentine's Day for two

You can prepare a romantic dance for two by contacting a dance studio for help.

But usually, one of the partners will present the dance as a gift and congratulations. Most often these are erotic pole dances or strip plastics.

  • In order not to spoil the holiday, do not do everything spontaneously. Book a restaurant table or movie tickets in advance
  • It is usually very difficult to book a table in a decent establishment already 2 weeks in advance. Consider the idea of ​​celebrating Valentine's Day at home in advance. Prepare contests, backgammon and treats

It is very easy to give happiness and joy on Valentine's Day to your significant other. It only takes a little imagination and time.

VIDEO: Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is the most romantic holiday celebrated by all lovers of the Earth. And I want to celebrate it somehow especially in order to surprise my soul mate and to remember for a long time that unearthly atmosphere of joy, happiness, love.

Valentine's Day is the Day of all lovers, the holiday of loving hearts, this is the Day of Love. This holiday is eagerly awaited by those who love, are loved and those who are only looking for their love.

Valentine's Day - what is this holiday

Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14 and is dedicated to Saint Valentine, who was a priest, and secretly from the authorities, under cover of night, he married men and women who love each other.

According to legend, the Roman emperor Claudius II forbade men to marry, and women to marry, because he believed that family life distracted men from the war. That only a man who is not burdened with a family is able to fight well with the enemy on the battlefield.

When the emperor learned that the priest Valentine was secretly illuminating the marriages of loving hearts, he was captured and sentenced to death and put in prison. There he met a beautiful girl named Julia, she was the daughter of a prison warden, and Valentine fell in love with her.

Before the execution, he sent the girl a note with a declaration of love and with the signature "Your Valentine". Valentine was executed on February 14, and since then, notes with a declaration of love have been called valentines and celebrated as Valentine's Day.

The holiday of Valentine's Day came to Russia quite recently, but every year the ranks of those celebrating this day are replenished. Valentine's Day has become one of the favorite holidays among young people, but married couples did not stand aside and are happy to exchange valentines and give gifts to each other and congratulate them on the Day of Love.

Traditions and symbols of the holiday

The main symbol of Valentine's Day is a valentine - a card in the form of a scarlet heart, in which lovers write passionate declarations of love or devote heartfelt love poems to their loved ones. On this day, all lovers exchange valentines, confess their love.

They arrange romantic dates, give souvenirs in the form of hearts, flowers - preferably red roses - a symbol of love, as well as sweets, soft toys.

In Denmark, it is customary for their lovers to give white dried flowers, and the French give jewelry to their loved ones. The Japanese prefer to give cosmetics, perfumes, sweets.

But every year more and more lovers present their halves with funny teddy bears and soft hearts with voice congratulations and declarations of love.

It is customary to arrange weddings on Valentine's Day in many countries of the world.

Happy Valentine's Day, it is customary to congratulate not only our beloved ones, but also our loved ones, relatives, those we just love - mom, dad, sister, brother, classmates, friends and girlfriends.

Where to celebrate Valentine's Day

How and where to celebrate Valentine's Day, so that it will be remembered for a long time and leave a lot of positive impressions. We offer you several simple options for the celebration.

Celebrating Valentine's Day at public events

In many cities, events dedicated to Valentine's Day are held, with various competitions with prizes, discos, evenings, concerts, mass launches of flashlights in the form of hearts are held, and if you are satisfied with such events, then your soul mate can be invited to celebrate the holiday there.

Celebrating love day at home

If it's cold outside or you don't want to go anywhere, then celebrating Valentine's Day at home is the best option for you. After all, at home you can arrange an unforgettable holiday. Enjoy a romantic candlelit dinner with champagne and heart-themed dishes.
The room can be decorated with symbols of love - hearts, red roses, angels, a couple of swans. Find beautiful music, good love poetry, or a movie.

Celebrating Valentine's Day in a cafe

Another option to celebrate the holiday is to go to a cafe. To do this, choose in advance a small, cozy cafe with a romantic atmosphere, pleasant music, a beautifully decorated hall and friendly staff. Pre-order a table with candles and order the dishes that your soul mate likes. Order a song for your beloved (beloved), congratulate on the holiday with beautiful verses.

Celebrating Valentine's Day in nature

You can unforgettably celebrate the day of February 14 in nature. To do this, you just need to leave the bustling city and leave the city, wander through the snow-covered forest, ride on sleds from the hills. Or you can organize a trip to the sports base, go skiing or snowboarding, recharge your batteries and get some fresh air.

Celebrating love day sportingly

You can spend a good day of all Lovers on the skating rink, you can take your beloved to a bowling alley, a water park, jump together on a trampoline, swim in the pool. If you don't like outdoor activities, you can go to the sauna, or go to hockey or other sports events. The main thing is that you two will spend this day.

Excursion to the romantic places of the city

Each city has its own romantic places, these are all kinds of gazebos, benches for lovers, parks and squares, bridges, embankments and simply beautiful places. You can wander around the city at night or go to the outskirts of the city, admire the starry sky, weather permitting. Take a walk around the zoo, you can go to the museum. It all depends on your imagination.

A romantic trip on Valentine's Day

The most unforgettable experience will be a romantic trip to another city or another country. If you have the means, you can organize a trip for your loved ones to any city in the world, and in the midst of the February frosts, find yourself in warm exotic countries.

We celebrate the holiday with friends and girlfriends

If your heart is free, that doesn't mean Valentine's Day isn't for you. Wonderful and unforgettable, you can celebrate the day of love with your friends and girlfriends, together with classmates.

You can arrange a themed disco or an evening at school, institute, at someone's home or in the country. Prepare a script for the holiday in advance, organize fun contests (the most romantic or coolest verse for February 13, or the most original declaration of love and other contests), as well as organize a love mail. You can pick up a soul mate for this evening. To do this, you need to draw different hearts, cut them in half. Give one part of the hearts to the boys, the other to the girls. Then find your soul mate and be inseparable all evening.

It doesn't matter where you celebrate Valentine's Day, at home or in distant countries, the main thing is that love lives in your heart and that it lasts forever! We wish you mutual love and happiness!

How interesting it is to celebrate Valentine's Day. How to celebrate February 14th? How to surprise your beloved, beloved on Valentine's Day? Useful tips and tricks for spending Valentine's Day.

There are many options for what to do on this day.

Here is some of them:

Book a table at a romantic cafe;

Go with your couple to a bath or sauna;

Go to the skating rink;

Rent a room in a hotel or a country boarding house and arrange a romantic evening; you can do the same at your or her home;

Go to the movies (as a rule, there is always a good selection of love films on this day);

Walk together through your favorite places in your city.

What to cook for Valentine's Day

If Valentine's Day you decide to celebrate together at a romantic dinner, it is important to make the right menu. After all, this day is not a New Year or a Birthday, so there should not be a lot of hearty dishes and spirits on your festive table. On the contrary, you must choose a menu that only fosters love. In this case, aphrodisiacs will help you.

The word "aphrodisiac" came to modern Europe from Ancient Greece and means "love delights" in translation. Aphrodisiacs are drugs that activate sexual desire.

There are various legends about aphrodisiacs, many of which are incorrect. For example, there is a version according to which if your partner eats a dish with the addition of any aphrodisiac, he will surely lose his head and feel an irresistible attraction to you. This is a fundamentally wrong opinion, since each person is an individual person with his own beliefs, principles and, finally, numerous complexes. Having taken aphrodisiacs, your partner will feel some excitement, he will probably become more relaxed, but he can only lose control of himself from you, and not from a magical remedy.

In general, aphrodisiacs increase arousal, exacerbate all your sensations, increase tone and vitality, help get rid of depression and maintain youth

Foods that, to a greater or lesser extent, have aphrodisiac properties: strawberries, chocolate, asparagus, avocado, melon, passion fruit, bananas, tomatoes, mangoes, grapes, peaches, shrimps, oysters, caviar, pine nuts, pistachios, ginger, honey, vanilla , coconut, quail eggs.

And a few more words about alcohol. In small quantities, it is an excellent aphrodisiac. However, if used excessively, it makes a man completely "incapacitated." But a glass of expensive wine or a glass of dessert liqueur is often an indispensable tool to relieve stress and make a man pay attention to the fact that there is a woman nearby who wants love.

How do you feel about love (test)

1. The love of loved ones is a necessary and very important condition for your life.

2. If you are not loved, then you feel lost.

3. If you are not loved, you try to find the reason for this in yourself.

4. If you are not loved, you feel unhappy.

5. If you are not liked, you lose confidence.

You can give the following answers to questions:

totally agree - (-2) points;

somewhat agree - (-1) point;

I am neutral - 0 points;

somewhat disagree - (+1) point;

totally disagree - (+2) points.

If your answer is with a "+" sign - you treat love realistically, soberly assess life. You have a well-developed self-esteem. Plus, you understand that love is not always a prerequisite for happiness.

If there is a clear preponderance of the "-" sign in the answers, then your requirements in love are overestimated. In addition, idealistic ideas about love make your relationships with people around you very difficult. Plunging into this feeling with your head, you easily lose independence and self-esteem.

Will you make a good husband (test)

1. Do you prepare breakfast?

2. Do you ever cook on a weekend?

3. Do you take part in a weekend grocery trip?

4. Do you help to bring food from the bazaar or from the store home?

5. Do you help when the house is being cleaned up?

6. Can you equip the kitchen with appliances that would make housework easier?

7. If your wife is late at work on urgent matters, will you go to the parents' meeting?

8. Are you able to repair broken electrical appliances?

9. Would it make you nervous if your wife goes to the hairdresser and you have to cook dinner?

10. Would you be offended if your wife comes home late from work?

Add up your points: "yes" - 3 points, "sometimes" - 1, "no" - 3.

26-30 points. Your future wife will be lucky, because you are a good boss and are irreplaceable in household chores. Your efforts will be rewarded with a positive attitude and gratitude from your wife.