How does the wig stay on the head? Synthetic wigs - rules for the use and care of curls. What to do if the hair falls out very much in the new wig

The history of wigs is interesting and rich; this accessory somehow managed to be noted in the cultures of many peoples of the world. There were times when such "headdresses" served as attributes that could emphasize the social status of their owner. Other peoples used wigs in the ritual field. But many saw in it, first of all, an excellent practical benefit - for example, a wig helped (and helps) to hide baldness.

It is assumed that the very first wigs began to be used in primitive tribes, and mainly in the course of magical rites. Of course, these were not at all the wigs that we are used to seeing today. The ancients made magical accessories from bird feathers and the fur of wild animals. The wig was not worn on the head, but was glued to one's own hair with resin or other similar adhesives. Of course, it was not possible to easily remove such an “accessory” from the head: when their own hair grew, the wig was cut off from the head along with them.

If we talk about the ancient history of wigs, it can be noted that the rulers of the states of Mesopotamia, as well as Egypt, were addicted to such an accessory. In ancient states - Greece and Rome, wigs were also very common.

A separate and especially important milestone in the history of false curls should be called their use by the rulers of Western Europe. At the royal courts, wigs became unusually widespread. What are the pompous buildings that flaunted on the heads of noble people at the court of King Louis XIV. I must say, under the "sun king" the choice of wigs was simply huge: about forty-five varieties. There were options for different occasions. Some wigs were intended for home wear - they were simpler. Others were used for going out, for formal occasions - of course, these were chic false curls. It was believed that at the royal court, every self-respecting person had to have three wigs - no less: that is, for going out in the morning, in the daytime, and also in the evening. And in order for the owners of luxurious false hair to always look great, at least five thousand hairdressers served at the court.

In the twentieth century, the production of wigs was put on stream. And in the ranks of the producers inevitably began discord. The fact is that, in addition to wigs made of natural hair, there were "headdresses" made of artificial hair. Undoubtedly, both of them have their own pluses - as well as minuses. But due to fierce competition, it was not so easy to identify the characteristic features of natural and artificial wigs. Each manufacturer tried to characterize his own product from the best side - and, as a result, belittled the quality of competitors' products. Sometimes information to the consumer was given directly opposite. But today we still managed to find out the most important points.

What is a wig
In its structure, the wig resembles a hat, which is tailored in a special way and fitted directly to the shape of a person's head. How can a wig be very securely fixed on the head? The secret is a quality basis. It is called "monture". The base of a good wig cannot be solid. It is sewn from separate parts (they look like lace elastic bands). Thus, the scalp of the person wearing the wig can breathe. The hair is arranged in steps, however, the calculation is made such that one tier invariably overlaps the base of the other. Accordingly, the base of the wig will never be visible. In the event that the hair is combed into the parting, a lining imitating real skin is made at the place of combing - thus, the comb closes.

The only thing that wig manufacturers have not been able to achieve so far is to create a natural hairline. That is why on all wigs the hairline is closed with bangs. In the same case, if bangs do not suit you, you can very well use the so-called “semi-wig”. Own hair, when put on, is thrown forward, which means that it partially covers the wig - and artificial hair will not be visible. Therefore, wearing a high-quality and properly selected wig will never arouse suspicion among others.

Hairdressing products include not only wigs or semi-wigs. There are also many accessories that do not hide their own hair, but only emphasize their beauty. These are, in particular, small overlays for hair, hairpieces, tails, strands and much more. By the way, today it is considered very fashionable to combine “dummy” curls with your own, natural ones.

The so-called "lightweight wigs" are in great demand today. How are they different from normal ones? First of all, when tambourizing hair, they have a significantly larger cellularity. Such a wig does not repeat the circumference of the head, and it does not have a frontal, temporal, and occipital parts. A lightweight wig is a mesh wig with your own hair pulled through the mesh. Such products are intended, first of all, in order to significantly increase the volume of the hairstyle. Also recently, lightweight wigs are also used to create the effect of colored hair, or highlights. In this case, the color of the wig should not be the same as the color of your own hair.

The undoubted advantage of such wigs is that the “complementary” hair, together with relatives, looks very beautiful and natural. Of course, in order to achieve an excellent effect, the wig should be selected very carefully - and not only by the color of your own hair. It is also necessary to take into account the structure of native strands. Perhaps the only drawback of such an accessory can be called the fact that it will take a lot of time to create a hairstyle: after all, all the strands of your own hair will need to be carefully distributed over the cells of the wig.

A separate category is wigs that are designed for various masquerades, fun holidays (the so-called "show wigs"). In this case, it is absolutely not required that the wig has a natural look. Accordingly, the price of the product is reduced - along with its quality. True, this is unlikely to harm anyone, because it is unlikely that the owner of such a wig will wear it every day.

natural or artificial
Having decided to purchase a wig, each person will face a choice. What to prefer: a product from natural hair or from artificial materials? Natural wigs are made, as their name implies, from natural human hair. Most of the hair is purchased in Asian countries (this is Korea, China). Meanwhile, wigs made from European hair are considered the best in terms of performance - such hair is much softer than Asian hair. After being bought, the hair intended for the manufacture of wigs is sorted according to three parameters: color, length, and thickness. Be sure to carry out disinfection with the help of special preparations - and after that the hair enters the direct production process.

It is very difficult to say exactly how many "scalps" of hair are required to make one wig. If the customer wishes, the hair can also be dyed during the production of the wig. However, like living hair, the coloring process will definitely not add “health” to them.

As for artificial hair, the manufacture of wigs from them began only in the twentieth century. In 1938, scientists developed a new artificial fiber - nylon. Its most important difference from other materials is that it was not a natural material that was used, but a synthesized polymer with fiber formation properties. It goes without saying that the very first nylons were nowhere near the quality of the materials we are used to today. However, the revolution in the production of wigs occurred precisely at that time.

At the moment, it is very easy to distinguish high-quality artificial hair from low-quality ones. First: it's the price. A wig made of bad synthetic hair will cost unbelievably low. Secondly, not only under electric light, but also under normal daylight, such hair will have the characteristic sheen of a synthetic material. And the structure of the hair itself is recognizable literally from the first touch. If artificial hair is stretched, it will not break, but will become thinner and begin to curl.

At the moment, the best synthetic wigs are those made from kanekalon. And despite the fact that many people still have a prejudice against artificial hair, it is quite difficult to distinguish this material from natural hair. Quality wigs made from kanekalon look great like their natural counterparts. One wig requires several shades and types of hair, since the color of our hair by nature is not perfectly uniform. And the thickness of the hair on different parts of the head is different.

The main characteristics and features of wigs
In order to determine the main characteristics and features of natural and synthetic hair wigs, we suggest that you conduct a comparative examination.
  • Mode of production
As for human hair wigs, you can buy a finished product. However, in general, such "headwear" is made to order.
If we talk about artificial wigs, then this is exclusively in-line production.
  • Wig base
In fact, there are no special differences here. In both natural and synthetic wigs, the base can be made from a variety of materials. Options are possible, rather, in the size of the layout, rather than in its structure. It all depends on how the wig is sewn - for sale or to order. In the case of human hair wigs in the case of custom made, the dimensions of the base are perfectly tailored to the customer's head, which means that the fit of the wig will be excellent.

In the case of synthetic wigs, the pieces are usually one size fits all (because they are in-line). You can adjust the size of the wig with the help of elastic bands and Velcro. In principle, you can adjust the wig to almost any head size. However, it can be very difficult to do it yourself, and therefore you should immediately contact the seller for help.

  • Wig weight
Of course, this indicator will depend, first of all, on the length of the wig. Natural ones are somewhat heavier: they weigh from 120 grams. Artificial ones are a little lighter, their weight is from 45 to 145 grams.
  • Service life of a wig
In the event that the wig is carefully and properly looked after, it will serve for a very long time. A natural hair wig (if quality hair was used) will last at least five years. The lifespan of a synthetic hair wig also depends on the quality of the fiber. A cheap wig lasts no more than six months, an expensive and high-quality one - up to three years.
  • Price per wig
Natural hair, of course, will cost much more than artificial hair. Tail or hairpieces will cost from 150 euros. An average wig made from natural hair will cost 800 euros. For an individual approach, of course, you will have to pay more. Synthetic wigs are much cheaper. Low-quality consumer goods - only 500-600 rubles. But a high-quality synthetic wig is about 200 euros.
Features of wig care
There are special products designed specifically for the care of wigs. As for natural hair, it is very difficult to care for them, and in some cases it is even recommended to contact specialists. To wash the hair of a wig, ordinary shampoos and conditioners are used. Do not wash your hair in a wig more than once every two months. If we talk about artificial hair, then you need to wash them every three months. The most common products are also suitable - the same shampoos and conditioners with which you usually wash your native hair.
Possibility of dyeing, curling and changing hairstyles
In order to style hair in a wig, special tools are required. With natural hair, styling is not particularly problematic if the hair is straight. If the hair in the wig is curly, the styling process will be a little more difficult. But with artificial hair, there are practically no problems, since they perfectly keep the shape that was set for them at the factory, during production.

Natural hair provides freedom for various experiments. They can be dyed a different color, permed, or restyled. However, this is unlikely to benefit your wig.
As for artificial hair, there are practically no changes. You need to immediately choose the desired shape of the hairstyle and hair color.

Human hair wigs are resistant to rain and snow. However, they do not like the processes of curling and dyeing. But artificial hair tolerates all procedures, except for heat treatment. You can not dry them with a hot hair dryer and use curling irons.

How to put on a wig
Of course, you don't have to cut your own hair in order to wear a wig. If you want to hide your natural hair, buy a special hat made from a large mesh. Dress her first, and only then - the wig itself. Such a cap will fix native hair securely, and the wig will sit perfectly on your head.
Why natural wigs are more expensive
Natural parks are not only more difficult to manufacture. The price of a wig also includes the cost of materials, i.e. hair. Surely every person at least once saw ads with the content: "We will buy hair." How much does it cost to sell your own natural wealth? On average, a kilogram of twenty-centimeter hair (this is the minimum length that is accepted) will cost 1,000 rubles. If you part with hair 50 centimeters long, then a kilogram costs 1800 rubles. But if the "seller" has a very luxurious head of hair of exceptional quality, then you can part with it for the amount of 150 USD. - however, this is the rarest case.

By the way, China is currently the world leader in the supply of natural hair to the market. The only competitor in this country is India: the so-called “temple hair” is supplied here. The fact is that the Hindus have a custom: in the case of "gifts of fate" (unexpected happiness, miraculous recovery), a person must part with his hair. And of course, the ministers of the temples understand that the hair of such lucky people is a great way to earn money. The hair is sold to local dealers. An interesting fact: only one temple, located in the city of Tirupati, has an annual income of more than five million dollars from the sale of hair.

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For many years now, we have been treating the wig as an accessory, a part of fashion. Many designers, models, actors use wigs for spice and exclusivity of their image. But, back in the days of the creation of wigs, the main purpose of their use was solely to hide baldness or very rare hair. This gave a fashionable look not only to women, but also to men, if they knew how to properly wear a wig.

Wigs were invented in ancient Egypt, then they served as the main accessory and everyone knew how to wear it. This tradition continues to this day, but for many it is not a fashion, but a salvation. People with serious illnesses and losing their hair are forced to wear a wig. For some, even the most expensive drugs cannot fight against hair loss and the only way out is a wig. And for the rest, lovers of experiments, a wig is an element of style that hides flaws and gives a chic look.

If you decide to buy a wig to look beautiful and amazing, it is worth knowing some features of choosing and wearing a wig.

The quality of a wig is the key to protecting your skin

Synthetic materials do not allow air to pass through, due to its lack, this is bad for the health of your skin.

Therefore, it is worth giving preference to high-quality wigs that are made from natural human hair.

The advantages of a natural wig are that you can change its color and shape, and it also needs to be looked after in the same way as hair. Minus - natural wigs are very expensive. What can not be said about synthetic wigs, which can be purchased at affordable prices.

Artificial wig care is more complicated, it is recommended to use special shampoos and use a stand for storage and care.

How to wear a wig

  1. Gather your hair properly. The first step is to properly tie your hair into a bun and secure it with bobby pins. For short hair, it's easy. If the hair is very long, then you should use a special mesh.
  2. Get your wig ready to wear. Make sure that the hairs of the wig do not stick together, but are separated.

    Then you need to sprinkle with water so that the wig takes the desired shape. Remember, if he is curly, then you should not do this.

    After shaking, hang the wig on a stand to dry.

  3. Wear your wig correctly. When you have done everything correctly and all the hair is completely laid, proceed to put on the wig, in the direction of the back, pressing firmly. Be sure to check that it is dry. Pull the back of the wig over the back of your head, and make sure that the center wad passes through the center of your head.
  4. Wig is on, next step. Pay attention to the edges of the wig, it should be clear and even on all sides. If a little inaccurate, trim it so that it does not fidget all over the head. In case of inappropriate size, for example, if studs. This will hold your wig tighter.
  5. Finishing touch. You already know how to put on a wig, but what to do next? Buy a special wig product that will style your hair more precisely.

Proper care will ensure a long service life

  • Take into account the main advice - do not use a hairdryer to dry, because this can harm and ruin the wig. Although, many argue that such devices will not harm if the wig is natural. But, nevertheless, it is better not to risk it. The comb should be soft, and not tear strands when combing.
  • If we are talking about artificial wigs, then they need to be washed once every three months, using special wig care products. If you decide to use shampoo, then first you need to dilute the shampoo in water to make foam, and then dip the wig there for a few minutes (15-20). After that, rinse well with cold water, it is also recommended to use conditioner.
  • Never wring or rub, just place the wig in a towel to remove moisture. Do this carefully and after washing, place on a special stand.

Wigs are for all ages

I walk along a busy street and, looking around, peering intently at those around me: no, no one in wigs. At least with an unprepared look, it is not possible to detect crowds of citizens wearing non-native hair on their heads. And yet they are, here, somewhere nearby. There are many, many people who love to "borrow" other people's hair. Manufacturers of wig products assure. After listening to them, I understand that almost every second tried on a wig. With apprehension I look in the mirror: do I even have my own hair? So far, yes. It turns out that the idea that in the modern world a wig is an attribute of only young old women and people who have real problems with their hair has long and hopelessly become outdated. There are many more reasons to let alternative vegetation literally sit on your head today.

Why are they wearing wigs?

First, it is fashionable again. Secondly, convenient: a great way to quickly and effortlessly put your head in perfect order. Thirdly, it allows you to change yourself as radically as you like, without doing something irreparable (nothing changes the image like a new hairstyle). And they also say that in winter wigs completely replace a hat ... In general, the percentage of non-native hair put on for “medical reasons” has greatly decreased in recent years (from about 40 to 20%), although, unfortunately, the number of heads in need of such help is, unfortunately, did not become less.

The percentage has changed due to a significant increase in other categories of consumers of post-dressing products. Now the main part of the fans of wigs are quite prosperous women of average income and above (about 40%) and very young people (also about 40%). If the former is usually driven by the desire to look good, saving time as much as possible, then the driving forces when buying a wig in the second category are somewhat different. Young people are more interested in shocking than the choice is due to: false hair is often radically different from their own. By the way, they say that the audience of consumers of the product we are considering is uncontrollably getting younger.

But it's all about the ladies, but what about the gentlemen?

It turns out that they do not share the enthusiasm of their companions and are practically indifferent to wigs. As a result, the number of "parikonosny" men in our country today is not at all large.

To the main listed categories, one can add a relatively small, but the most striking group of wig fans - these are theater and film actors, pop stars and show business. For them, this accessory is not just an element of the image, but an integral working "tool".

Miracle in feathers

The history of wigs is more than rich. During their centuries-old existence in the cultures of different peoples, they managed to serve many purposes. These "headdresses" have been used as toilet articles for the banal concealment of baldness, and as attributes emphasizing the social status of the owner, and even marked themselves in the ritual field. It is believed that the very first wigs appeared in primitive tribes and were used during magical rites. It is difficult to recognize in them relatives of our modern false hair. They were made from animal hair and bird feathers and tightly glued to the head with the help of radical adhesive substances such as resin or animal droppings. It was possible to remove this bulky structure only after their own hair had grown, so they cut it off along with the wig.

In the ancient world, the powers that be in Egypt and the states of Mesopotamia were noted for their addiction to artificial hair. This accessory was also quite widespread among the inhabitants of ancient Greece and Rome. A separate page in the history of alternative curls can be called their life at the royal courts of Western Europe. Some pompous structures on the heads of the French nobility of the time of Louis XIV are worth something! Under the “sun king”, the number of varieties of wigs reached 45. Special options were developed: simpler for home wear and chic for formal occasions. Every self-respecting person had to have at least three wigs: for going out in the morning, afternoon and evening. For the benefit of these heads, 5,000 hairdressers served at the court.

The twentieth century brought discord into the ranks of wig manufacturers. The once united community split into two camps. Natural hair was opposed to artificial hair. There are definitely pros and cons for both of them. But it turned out to be not so easy to identify them, and sometimes even impossible due to the fierce competition of the parties. Trying to characterize their product in the best possible way and in every possible way belittling the quality of "opposition" products, manufacturers sometimes gave information directly opposite, mutually exclusive. And yet, something was found out.

What is a wig?

In terms of structure, the wig resembles a hat tailored in a special way, fitted directly to the shape of the head, completely “overgrown” with hair. The secret of a successful "sitting" of the product on the head is a good foundation. The basis of wigs - monture - should not be solid, but sewn, as it were, from separate ribbons, usually most reminiscent of lace elastic bands, which allows the head to breathe. As a result, the hair is arranged in steps, but in such a way that the base is never visible - one tier will always overlap the base of the other.

If the hair is parted, then a special lining is made in its place, imitating the skin and covering the parting. The only thing that has not yet been able to give a natural look is the hairline. Therefore, all wigs always cover it with bangs. If the bangs categorically do not go, you can use a semi-wig - when putting it on, your own hair is thrown forward and partially covers the wig, completely eliminating the reason for suspicion. So, wearing a good, well-chosen wig, you can not be afraid of being exposed.

Post-styling products are not only wigs or semi-wigs, but also hairpieces, small overlays, strands, tails and a bunch of other small hair accessories designed not to hide, but only to emphasize the beauty of native hair.

By the way, the combination of your own curls with fake ones is now very popular. Lightweight wigs are in demand. They differ from ordinary ones in greater cellularity when tambourizing hair. They do not repeat the circumference of the head - many parts are missing in the pattern: there is no occipital, temporal and frontal. They are a mesh wig through which native hair is pulled. Such products can be used both to increase the volume of the hairstyle, and to create the effect of highlighting or coloring (in case the color of the wig is different from your own). The undoubted advantage of this product is that the “complementary” hair mixed with your own looks very natural, of course, provided that the wig is well matched not only in color, but also in the structure of the hair. The only drawback lies in the fact that the painstaking work of distributing your strands into the cells of the wig will take a lot of time.

A separate category is the so-called show wigs worn for holidays and masquerades. They usually do not require such an accurate imitation of naturalness, which significantly reduces the price, and at the same time the quality of the product. Which, however, is unlikely to harm anyone: it would hardly occur to the owner to wear such a wig every day.

Living and dead wigs

Having decided to buy a post-production product, we will face a difficult choice: what material to prefer, artificial or natural?

Natural wigs, as the name suggests, are made from natural human hair. The bulk of the hair is bought up in Asia (China, Korea), however, products from softer European hair are considered the best in operation. After buying, the hair is sorted by color, length and thickness, subjected to a special treatment that provides disinfection, and only then allowed directly into production. Thanks to this mixture, it is difficult to say exactly how many “scalps” are spent on one wig on average. If necessary (customer's wish), the hair can be dyed before making a wig, although this, like their living colleagues, will not add “health” to them.

Artificial hair was born like this: in 1938, chemists developed a new synthetic fiber - nylon, its fundamental difference from everything that existed before was that it was not a natural fibrous material that was used, but a synthesized polymer with fiber-forming properties. And although nylon was far from the quality of modern materials, the revolution happened just then.

Distinguishing good artificial hair from bad is now quite simple. In addition to the incredibly low price, they are characterized by: a characteristic synthetic luster not only under electric light or in bright sunlight, but also in ordinary daylight; a certain, not similar to natural, hair structure - if it is stretched, it does not tear, but thins and begins to twist.

Today, Kanekalon products are considered the best synthetic wigs. And although there is a prejudice against artificial wigs in Russia, it is not so easy to distinguish this material from real hair. Kanekalon hair is very similar to its natural counterparts. One wig always takes several types and shades of hair, because by nature the color of our hair is not completely uniform, and the thickness of the hair on different parts of the head varies.

Wig production method

Natural - you can buy ready-made, but custom-made production is widespread. Artificial - always in-line production.

In fact, there are no differences: in both wigs, it can be made of different materials. The only variations are possible not so much in the monture itself, but in its size, and, consequently, in the size of the product itself. It all depends on whether the wig is made to order or not. Natural - in the case of individual tailoring, there are no questions with a suitable size, they will sit perfectly on the head. Artificial - a direct consequence of in-line production - usually a single size. Regulation - elastic bands and Velcro. You can fit almost any head, but it’s very difficult to cope on your own, you need to seek help from the seller.

There are special tools, although conventional ones are also suitable.

Natural - caring for them is quite complicated, sometimes it is even recommended to give it at the mercy of specialists. Regular shampoos and conditioners are suitable for washing, frequency: no more than once every two months.

Artificial - care is relatively simple.

Means are ordinary, excluding specialized and medical. The frequency of washing is about once every three months.

Need special tools for wigs.

Natural - styling is not too problematic if the hair is straight and the wig is well cut. With curly - much more difficult.

Artificial - styling is practically not required, such wigs perfectly keep the shape set at the factory, including curling.

Possibility of change

Natural - give freedom for experimentation. You can dye, do or remove a perm, change your hairstyle. Although the wig is not very useful.

Artificial - practically do not leave chances for creative processing. Color and shape should be chosen immediately.


Natural - like living hair, they are afraid of snow and rain, they do not like dyeing and curling. The last procedure to reduce the negative impact is generally better to entrust to specialists. Professionals will gladly work on a wig for 700-3000 rubles, depending on the length of the product.

Artificial - indifferent to weather phenomena, but cannot stand heat treatment. They are contraindicated curling irons, thermal curlers and drying with a hot hair dryer.

Naturally, it strongly depends on the length of the hair.

Natural - from 120 grams.

Artificial - always lighter than "competitors", from 45 to 145 grams, an average of about 90 grams.

Degree of comfort

It mainly depends on how hot the head is under the wig. It was not possible to draw an unambiguous conclusion from the opinions of stakeholders.

Natural - for general reasons, natural hair should be less hot, which is what manufacturers insist on. The only "but": they are heavier.

Artificial - manufacturers claim that, despite their synthetic nature, such wigs are better breathable and they are not hot even in summer. Mystery…

Life time

Significantly lengthens with respect and proper care, and vice versa. Natural - if the hair is taken of high quality, up to five years and even more.

Artificial - depends on the quality of the fiber. If from cheap - 3-6 months. If from a high-quality, more expensive (kanekalon) - up to 2-3 years of regular wear.

Natural - pleasure is always expensive. The price gap is huge. Tails, hairpieces and overlays cost from 150 euros and up. The minimum cost of a wig is 250-300 euros. The upper limit is sometimes sky-high - 60 thousand rubles. not yet the limit. For an individual approach, you will have to fork out additionally. Well, the average wig made of natural hair will cost about 800 euros.

Artificial ones are much cheaper. Low-quality market consumer goods will cost you only 600-700 rubles. A good synthetic wig costs 200-250 euros.

How to put them on?

You don't have to cut your own hair to wear a wig. For those who want to hide natural wealth, there are special hats made of large mesh, after which you should put on a wig. They will fix the native curls distributed over the head, will not allow them to break through the base.

Gifts of the Magi

Surely you came across ads "We will buy hair." In any case, in areas where editorial staff live, such appeals appear on lampposts and entrance doors with enviable regularity. We decided to find out how much money the heroine of O'Henry's story "The Gift of the Magi" would make selling a scythe in our time. It turned out that a kilogram of 20-centimeter hair (smaller lengths are not accepted) costs 1,000 rubles, and 50-centimeter hair - 1,800.

There would be no happiness...

China remains the world leader in the sale of hair, the only real competitor to it is India, which supplies the market with the so-called temple hair. Hindus have a custom to shave their heads in the temple as a sign of gratitude for the gifts presented by fate. A miraculous recovery and unexpectedly found happiness should be “paid for” by parting with the hair. The temple officials realized that the hair of fortune's favorites is a real Klondike, and they sell them to local dealers, who, after processing the raw materials, deliver it to international distributors. A temple in the Indian city of Tirupati earns more than five million dollars a year selling hair.

We thank Yulia Volkova for her help in preparing the article.

According to the magazine "News in the world of cosmetics"


If using a wig is new and unknown to you, then our simple but important tips will come in handy.

As with everything else, it takes practice to gain experience. After a few repetitions, putting on the wig and styling his hair won't take you more than five to ten minutes.

STEP 1. Remove the wig from the package. Grab the front of it with one hand and shake gently to loosen and separate the hair. This action is very important and, as a rule, it is quite enough to make the wig look natural.

STEP 2. Using a regular spray bottle, spray a small amount of water at room temperature on the wig. In this case, the hair of most synthetic wigs will immediately take the shape originally given to them. Holding the wig in your hands, fingers or a wide-toothed wig, shape your hair into the desired shape by straightening the hair strands.

STEP 3. Let your hair dry by wearing the wig over or over any suitable object, such as a can of hairspray.

STEP 4 Gather your hair and secure it with bobby pins at the top of your head. If your hair is long, then it must be evenly distributed over the head and secured at a sufficient distance from the line of your hair. A convenient means of additional fixation of your hair can be a special one.

STEP 5. Place the front edge of the wig on the front of your hairline and press it down. Pull the wig over your head, pulling the back of the wig towards the back of your head. Check the position of the wig so that its front edge is exactly on the front line of your hair.

STEP 6. After you have put on the wig, it must be finally trimmed. There are special pads on the right and left sides of the wig, placing them exactly at the temples, you can properly align the wig. Sometimes, people don't wear the wig all the way down the back and pull it down a lot in the front, or put the wig on the top of their head like a hat, which can look very clumsy.

If the wig is too tight or too loose, adjust the size on the inside with the straps.

Good to know:

If you have never worn a wig before, then our simple recommendations will come in handy. Having tried on a wig several times, you will see that there is nothing complicated in this.

STEP 1. Take the wig out of the package. Grab the front of it with one hand and shake gently to loosen and separate the hair. This action is very important and, as a rule, it is quite enough to make the wig look natural.

STEP 2. Using a regular spray bottle, spray the wig with a small amount of room temperature water. This will return the hair of most synthetic wigs to its original shape immediately. Holding the wig in the hands, fingers or special comb give your hair the desired shape by straightening the strands of hair.

STEP 3. Let your hair dry by wearing the wig on stand.

STEP 4. Gather your hair and secure it with bobby pins. If you have long hair, then it must be evenly distributed over your head and secured at a sufficient distance from your hairline. A mesh can serve as a convenient means of additional fixation.

STEP 5. Place the front edge of the wig at your forehead hairline and press it down. Pull the wig over your head, pulling the back of the wig over the back of your head. Make sure the front edge of the wig is exactly on the front of your hairline.

STEP 6. After you put on the wig, you need to finish straightening it. On the sides of the wig there are special pads, pull them down with both hands and symmetrically place the wig on the temples. Often the wig is not worn all the way in the back and is pulled down a lot in front, or the wig is worn on top of the head like a hat, which can look very clumsy.

At the bottom of the wig there are elastic straps sewn on both sides, allowing you to adjust the size of the wig cap around the circumference of the head, taking into account its individual characteristics. The required size is fixed with straps using Velcro or miniature plastic hooks. The size of the wigs provided in our salon varies from size 54 to 60.

- Do not style the hair of the wig tightly together, creating a thick head of hair. Only the lightness of separate strands can give your wig a natural look.
- Don't be afraid to experiment with your wig to give it a new look. Fingers, some water, a comb and your imagination - that's what you need to achieve the result.
- To fix the resulting image, use only special tools designed for this purpose. For synthetic wigs, the use of conventional hair products is not recommended.
- Keep your wig away from open flames and high temperatures. For example, a sudden blast of hot air from an open oven can ruin it instantly.