How women fall in love. How long does a girl's love last? Big money spending

A wave of love has already covered you with your head, but the acquaintance with the object of desire has not yet happened? Surely, all the ladies have faced a similar situation more than once. What is love? Many have tried to answer this question, but so far to no avail. No one knows what it is, but can understand and feel its arrival. Love always appears unexpectedly, just as suddenly it can disappear. It happens like a lightning strike - you never know where it will strike.

Why do people fall in love?

It is impossible to prepare for a meeting with such a wonderful phenomenon as love. As they say, love will suddenly come when you do not expect it at all. Similarity is the defining criterion. The role of the chosen one of the girl is played by a person, as a rule, equal in education, level of intelligence, social status, some specific character traits. When a potential candidate appears in mind, the brain automatically begins to evaluate it according to the above parameters. It is human nature to look for a soul mate who is a little better than him, more beautiful, more secure, and this "more" can be repeated all the time. It gives the impression that love invented in order to keep people from constantly changing partners.

Love as a state of consciousness

According to outward appearances love a bit like a nervous breakdown. The constant ringing of the phone or at the door, the sounds of the received message make you jump in place in the hope that it is your loved one who is worried or just wants to know how things are going. The reason for falling in love is biochemical processes, which are practically useless to resist. Lovers produce the hormone dopamine, so they feel constant bursts of energy, inspiration and strength appear. However, in addition to this, there is a feeling of anxiety, since a lot of adrenaline is formed in the body. Increased heart rate and trembling in the knees at the sight of a loved one or upon receiving any news about him are also due to the production of this hormone. Lovers become more talkative, willingly tell everyone everything and smile for no reason.

Signs of falling in love

Many signs of falling in love have common characteristics, and some are determined in accordance with purely individual characteristics, which include the age, gender and character of the individual. Sometimes you can make a mistake and take for love something fleeting, like a light flirt. The main sign of falling in love is a rapid heartbeat. Goosebumps constantly run through the body, and the palms sweat. At the sight of the object of adoration, the girls begin to tremble in the limbs, and can throw either hot or cold. All senses are sharpened, and appetite disappears. There is a feeling of flight and a strange clouding of reason. You should also pay attention to the complete lack of concentration. I want to sing, dance, do something unusual all the time, maybe even move mountains. Insomnia appears, which does not affect performance in any way, since there is no feeling of fatigue. The list can be continued indefinitely. In many ways, the signs of manifestation of love are individual.

random partner

Why is sometimes the object of love with there is a person with whom absolutely nothing was planned? Science explains this by producing a large amount of the hormone oxytocin, which can induce passion and confuse the further process of developing love. This rather cunning mechanism can be explained by the fact that women cling quite tightly to a partner who knows how to deliver sexual pleasure. A man who has excellent physical health and knows how to satisfy a girl can become an excellent father to her future children. People are much more likely to lose their heads precisely after casual contacts.

The chemistry of falling in love

It has long been proven that the emergence of falling in love is associated with various chemical processes occurring in the brain. Falling in love is largely due to the active work of nerve cells and endings. The human brain produces certain chemicals called amphetamines, which affect the nervous system, providing a stimulating effect, and therefore activate various life processes. That is why, at the sight of a loved one, a blush appears on the cheeks or begins to shake uncontrollably.

Signs of a man in love can be determined by the behavior and internal state, which is radically different after being infatuated with the fair sex. Every woman, when sympathy arises for her from a man, wants to know what exactly her chosen one feels for her or is it just her female guesses. Sooner or later, love comes into the life of every individual. Love is understood as the attraction of one individual to another for mutual connection and replenishment of life. In other words, this feeling inherent in a person is expressed in deep affection and sympathy for another individual. Aristotle defined the concept of love in this way: “to love means to wish the beloved object what you consider good and try to deliver these benefits to him.”

Recognizing a lover, in principle, is not so difficult, and a woman often feels a certain energy in her heart. When the views of a man and a woman intersect, then the man in love looks at the woman for a long time and intently, while the pupils of his eyes are dilated. The lover wants his chosen one to be always well: both physically and mentally. Therefore, he often says the phrases: “Are you dressed warmly?”, “I will pick you up from work”, “How are you feeling?” And so on. Some girls, after a while, take for granted such a manifestation of care, and cease to admire the actions of a loved one. If the manifestations of sympathy and care are pleasant, then it is a big mistake to behave in this way. It is necessary to appreciate every manifestation of male attention.

The first signs of love in men

Men's behavior changes a lot when a man begins to like a woman. When meeting with a loved one, the mood changes, it becomes more open, cheerful.

A man perceives any gentle look as an occasion to touch or hug, every word or gesture acts as a call for rapprochement. The lover is very afraid of offending and apologizes for every unsuccessful action.

Of course, all men are very different: some are secretive, while others, on the contrary, show their feelings. It all depends on the characteristics and the person.

How to recognize the signs of a man in love? Sometimes, the first feeling that arises in a man in love is confusion, even if before meeting a woman he was narcissistic and strong, then in this case he falls into the power of emotions and feelings, so it is difficult for him to think sensibly when his beloved is near. To all of the above, shyness and insecurity can still be added to the lover.

A man in love often shows great interest in a woman, wants to know more information about her. All lovers show this perseverance in different ways. Some invite you to a cafe, others just take a walk in the park, but they plan each offer in advance. Male attention can be expressed both in a benevolent form and in an aggressive one (sarcastic remarks, ridicule against the chosen one), which indicates uncertainty.

Signs of a man in love are very noticeable in the manifestations of care, the desire to look like a positive hero in the face of a woman. A man in love will never disappear for a day or even a week without warning the woman. He will not allow his beloved to worry, wind up bad thoughts, invent something for himself.

The lover is always available for a call, and if it is inconvenient for him to talk, he will notify about it. He will not mind if his beloved comes to him. If he has urgent business, he will either take his beloved with him or ask him to wait, for example, in his apartment. Such a man will not refuse help, he is always aware of where his beloved woman goes. When a lover is near his chosen one, he is not distracted by passing women. During a conversation with a woman, the timbre of the male voice becomes softer and more gentle. Often a lover becomes jealous when he observes other male personalities near his beloved, because he sees a rival in each interlocutor.

One of the signs of falling in love is an improvement in appearance. A man begins to carefully monitor his wardrobe, fragrance. When a lover is puzzled by the financial situation and tries to improve it, this also indicates love and serious intentions towards a woman.

Non-verbal signs of a man in love

Every woman is interested in signs of falling in love with men. If a woman likes a man, then she often thinks about how he feels towards her. Body language is more sincere than human words.

Non-verbal signs of a man's crush include the following:

- the man puts his hands on his hips, while clinging his fingers to the belt;

- a person in love tends to unconsciously shorten the distance;

- the male gaze wanders over the female image, but without focusing on a specific place.

Signs of a man secretly in love are frequent SMS, flowers, notes with beautiful words, delaying the moment of a date, and during communication, a manifestation of shyness and incomplete openness.

Signs of a married man in love

Being in love is a special inspiring state, so women often want to understand how a married object of desire feels and are his feelings mutual? It is sometimes difficult for married men to understand what they are experiencing. In the meantime, a woman's heart is tormented by conjectures: what exactly does a married man feel and is her touching feeling mutual?

What are the signs of a married man in love? In terms of neuroscience, after studying the work of the brain of men in love, love is defined as "goal-setting dopaminergic for the formation of pair bonds." Psychologists note that men in love behave differently from women, since they are psychologically different from the fair sex.

A married man, having his duties to his family and spending a lot of time there, at the same time considers new love his property.

True signs of quivering love is sexual desire. If a man is attracted to a woman, then she has a chance to become loved, but this does not mean that he is really in love with her. With the help of intimacy, the male gender asserts itself and sometimes it acts as a way to overcome personal insecurities. After a man gets his way, his interest may disappear. Therefore, desire does not always indicate love.

If a married person is really in love, then this may not be expressed in promises to leave the family, beautiful words of love, but in actions: attempts to live together, tight control, care, generosity, interest in the whole person.

Signs indicating that a man is in love psychology notes the following:

- the man tries to snuggle up, whisper something in his ear in a gentle voice, look into his eyes;

- the lover opens his shoulders, torso, throws his hands behind the belt;

- during a conversation, he carries a glass in his hands, rolls something round: apples, balls, an orange;

- the toes of the boots are turned towards the woman;

- constant desire to move closer;

- catches every movement, word, attentive to the little things, does not miss the opportunity to make a compliment;

- a careful, thoughtful attitude to their appearance: hairstyle, fragrance, clothes;

- a man introduces his parents and friends;

- the lover starts intimate conversations, conversations about creating a family;

- uses the word we instead of "You" and "I";

- shows care, generosity, understanding, support, compliance;

- the male look expresses admiration, inspiration, inspiration;

- when touching a man, a rapid heartbeat is heard;

- makes timid attempts at touching;

- a lover quite often makes calls and sends SMS with a wish of good morning and sweet dreams;

- a person in love is often kind, sympathetic, sentimental, very happy;

- says pleasant words, does not criticize, but can unobtrusively advise what can make a woman more perfect;

- Shows respect

- tries to look good in front of the acquaintances of his chosen one;

- does not hesitate to take the hand, kiss, hug in front of everyone, with the exception of those men who are not allowed by education;

- experiencing intimate desire;

- jealous of his chosen one;

- tries to please (smoothly shaved face, ironed shirts, pleasant perfume, polished shoes);

- the ability to self-sacrifice, a man is ready to share everything that he has;

- strives for spiritual rapprochement;

- makes concessions, corrects his life, spends his strength, time, energy on relationships with a woman;

- a lover is able to abandon the established rhythm of life, his habits and even friends;

- he is able to sacrifice his tastes, computer space, TV remote control;

- tries to guess desires and adjust to the mood of a woman;

- the lover will rejoice if he brings joy, makes him laugh, calms, surprises, protects;

- he will not hurt, will not betray, will not use psychological pressure.

Many young people and young girls are probably already familiar with the situation when falling in love has covered you headlong, but it doesn’t work out to get to know the object of your adoration ?!

What is this unknown love? Alas, this question has not been fully resolved to this day ... No one has yet been able to sensibly explain what it is? However, very many were lucky to feel her coming!
Love is often compared to a lightning strike.- no one can predict where and when it will strike.

Why do people fall in love?

Such a magically exciting feeling always falls on your head all of a sudden, like a bolt from the blue! Looking for his one and only soul mate, a person seeks to find his beloved, who will be a little more beautiful, a little more secure, a little more successful than him. And this “slightly” can vary ad infinitum. When a potential candidate for your “soul mate” appears on the horizon, the brain begins to actively evaluate it for all your desired requests.

Important signs of love

A man in love can be seen from afar, because outwardly falling in love looks like a slight nervous breakdown. Any phone calls, an unexpected knock on the door, make the lover briskly jump on the spot, hoping that it is his beloved who gives the long-awaited news!

Scientists have convincingly shown that biochemical processes are the cause of falling in love, and resisting it is completely useless. A person in love begins to actively produce the hormone dopamine, stimulating surges of strength, energy and poetic inspiration. However, at the same time, an excess of adrenaline is formed in the body, causing an unsettling feeling. At the sight of his beloved, or upon receiving any news about her, the lover's knees begin to tremble, and the heartbeat intensifies. Lovers become very talkative, sharing their emotions with others, constantly smiling for no reason.

Falling in love is random

Sometimes a lover becomes a person with whom you have absolutely nothing in common.. How does it happen? Scientists believe the “culprit” of this phenomenon is the hormone oxytocin, sometimes produced by the body in excessive quantities and awakening passion in a person, which completely confused the usual process of falling in love. It is known that girls hold on quite tightly to a man with excellent physical health, who managed to give her sexual pleasure. The girl intuitively feels that such a chosen one can be a great father for her future children. Therefore, often people just after random, and seemingly meaningless, meetings, completely lose their heads.

Manifestations of signs of love

Although it is believed that signs of love are very individual, we can highlight some common points of their manifestation. First of all, this is a rapid heartbeat at the sight of a loved one, a state of sudden fever or chills, an aggravation of all feelings, loss of appetite. This is insomnia, which does not affect performance, since the lover does not experience any fatigue. This is the desire to “move mountains”, dance and sing endlessly. This is the feeling of floating in the sky. And much more. It is not surprising that a lover begins to shake at the sight of his beloved, and a bright blush appears on his cheeks!

You met recently, and this event changed your whole life? Now you can’t think of anything else but him?

Closing your eyes, you see his beautiful eyes and smile, you want him to always be there, and kiss, kiss him incessantly. Surely you have already managed to try on his last name to your first name, and also figured out how to name your future children. If a girl with such behavior is asked what is wrong with her, she will say that she has fallen in love. But if you ask the question differently: "Do you love him?", The answer will be positive. So what is the correct name for this state when you want to sing, fly and think only about it?

Feeling in love or love? And is it worth it at all to distinguish between these concepts, because they carry the same meaning. As it turns out, it's worth it. It is about whether it is love or love, or maybe just passion and lust, how to recognize and distinguish them, will be discussed below.

What does psychology say?

Science itself and its followers are able to make the topic of a scientific dissertation out of a simple definition and event, to make you think about such things that, through the prism of the vision of an ordinary person, seem extremely understandable. Relationships between partners are their favorite topic. So, according to their theory, falling in love is a fixation on something or someone alone, fixation on the object of adoration. And it's not just about a new guy, but how girls can fall in love with new shoes, men with cars, kids with toys. Indeed, in this case, falling in love has the same symptoms as in intersexual relationships. You begin to think about the desired object, feel an unreal need for it, notice it everywhere. A new car, a spinning rod or a fur coat with a handbag may even be a dream.

Workaholics fall in love with their profession and devote not only their working time to it, but also all their free time.

Butterflies in the stomach

This phrase is most often heard from girls in love, guys usually say that they feel warmth in the lower abdomen. But can this controversial moment be considered a sign of serious intentions. And what does this fact testify to in general: about sympathy, falling in love or love, that very deep and about which novels and poems are written, songs are sung and films are made? In order not to be unfounded, it is necessary to consider in more detail love, the symptoms that indicate its arrival.

Love- this is a prolonged fixation of the thoughts and feelings of the individual on the object of adoration. This is a special, altered state of consciousness, which is often confused with love. The signs of falling in love are so eloquent and pronounced that they sometimes resemble the symptoms of various mental disorders.

Disputes about whether falling in love is inherently painful or not have been and continue to be conducted in the scientific community, but, meanwhile, doctors have already given their answer to this question.

In 2000, ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases) was amended. Under the cipher F63.9 a new disease has appeared, classified as a mental disorder -. So veiled and difficult, scientists called the state of falling in love.

In the same place, in ICD-10, all falling in love symptoms:

  • obsessive thoughts about another, obsession syndrome;
  • insomnia, restless sleep;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • inflated self-esteem and self-pity;
  • drops in blood pressure;
  • headaches;
  • allergic reactions;
  • impulsive, thoughtless actions.

If translated from "medical" to "human", then all these symptoms are known to people as signs of falling in love:

  • redness of the face, neck;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • fever, increased sweating;
  • loss of appetite and sleep;
  • glitter in the eyes;
  • "butterflies in the stomach";
  • trembling in the body, tremor of the hands;
  • mood swings from apathy to euphoria;
  • anxiety, suspiciousness, anxiety, constriction, shyness, absent-mindedness;
  • partial loss of the ability to think logically, analyze and make informed decisions;
  • the inability to concentrate on anything other than a loved one or thoughts about him;
  • the desire to express their experiences creatively (poems are composed, music is written, pictures are drawn, and so on).

Why doctors considered falling in love a dangerous disease? Because the lover experiences unusual psychological and nervous stress, accompanied by outbursts of emotions and feelings, loses the ability to think sensibly, simply overstressed mentally and physically.

It is not without reason that there are expressions: “in seventh heaven with happiness”, “fly in the clouds”, “soar above the ground”. They are romantic, but the lover is really like an astronaut, only mentally, takes off above the ground and withstands a similar load on the body.

Scientists refer to falling in love with the category of deviations similar in symptoms to:

  • drug addiction,
  • neurosis,
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder.

However, no one is afraid of falling in love. No one will run to the doctor to complain: “I fell in love and suffer from it!”. On the contrary, people want to fall in love and get sick passion, only under one obligatory condition - reciprocity of feelings.

It is without reciprocity and in the case of unhappy love that a threat to the mental and physical health (and sometimes life) of not only the lover himself, but also other people can arise.

Being in love can turn into a disease if only the subject will focus too much on her if he forgets about everything except the object of desire and “drowns” himself in the abyss of feelings.

As always, everything depends on the personality of a person, on his psychological maturity, willpower, age and other individual characteristics.

If it is not customary to go to the doctor about painful love, then to a psychologist You definitely don't have to be ashamed to apply. It will help you understand yourself and your feelings.

But even when everything is fine, and there is mutual attraction and sympathy, to some extent falling in love distorts reality and changes the state of consciousness. The world seems more beautiful, brighter, more colorful, I want to love everyone and everything, but at the same time hide my happiness from everyone, and the object of adoration itself seems ideal and the best person on Earth.

Happy love can also be described as something, albeit in a positive way, but still deviant a state similar to drug intoxication.

The psychology of men and women is different. These differences are determined genetically, socially, physiologically and strictly individually.

In addition to the general symptoms and signs of falling in love, a man in love pretends to be:

  1. signals non-verbally about affection:
  • his pupils are dilated,
  • the look is long, direct and studying,
  • the body is inclined towards the woman,
  • he smiles not only with his lips, but also with his eyes;
  • tries to be closer to her, looking for a reason to touch and so on.

It is important to remember that falling in love is not love yet, therefore, all of the above signs, although they signal sympathy, do not guarantee that the couple will have a harmonious and happy relationship or that the man is serious. Falling in love only indicates that the young man is interested in the girl and is ready to build relationships.

When a woman is in love and it's mutual (or she suspects reciprocity), it's hard not to notice. She blooms and smells, flutters like a feather, energetic, always cheerful and sweet.

Falling in love is already a state that “deprives” the mind, and since women are also more emotional, cordial, intuitive than strictly logical creatures, a woman in love is sheer spontaneity, lightness, coquetry and flirting. Of course, a woman in love has enough embarrassment, embarrassment, anxiety.

In addition to the above and general features love in women, there are also special ones:

  1. Flawless appearance. A woman in love gets prettier, and not only because she chooses an outfit more diligently, does a beautiful hairstyle and paints her lips with bright lipstick, but also because she smiles more and maintains good spirits.
  2. distraction. Forgetfulness, inattention, frivolity and “walking in the clouds” - all this is about a woman in love.
  3. Femininity. In a woman, when she is in love, there is more softness, smoothness, kindness and responsiveness, and she also becomes more sentimental (cries and is touched more often).
  4. Responsiveness. If a man can boldly and actively show sympathy, then a girl is supposed to be more modest. But by the readiness to make contact and communicate with a guy, you can guess about sympathy. A girl in love will not refuse to go to an event, and even more so on a date with a guy she likes. Maybe, of course, he will not agree the first time, but by the reaction to the proposal it will be possible to guess about the reciprocity of feelings.
  5. Non-verbal signs:
  • eye shooting,
  • barely noticeable, shy smile,
  • hair play,
  • straight posture, in which there is a deflection in the back, and the chest moves forward,
  • gentle, quieter than usual voice.

Each person is a unique person, so falling in love is not always expressed and manifested in the same way.

Guessing "loves or dislikes", you need to listen to what the inner voice tells you. After all, if people fall in love intuitively (in one second it is not clear why sympathy flares up), then you need to look for it, relying on inner feelings.

The unconscious knows and understands much more than the conscious. While the mind of a person will observe and count the signs of falling in love, the unconscious will surely have time to draw conclusions.

There is no need to be afraid of your feelings, just as you should not be ashamed to show them and speak directly about your love.

  • Jonathan Robinson "Love Without Conflict"
  • Robin Norwood Women Who Love Too Much. If “love” means “suffering” to you, this book will change your life.”
  • Larry Young, Brian Alexander