How to wash the hair with shampoo. My hair is right! Washing dry hair folk remedies

About beauty

What water wash your hair?

From what water you wash your hair will be the results. Or the hair will have an elastic healthy view or dull and the other day to have an unattractive look.

Therefore, to wash your head, you need to specially prepare water.

The softer water, the better you promoted your head and hair. You are on the river in the summer warm time often wash your hair with running water, provided that the reservoir is clean. I remember, I studied at the institute and was in practice. There was one lake there, in more often the forest. Every evening I went to this lake bathed and almost every day washing the hair with this practically cool water and ordinary toilet soap. No shampoo did not apply, and at that time it was complicated with it. And the hair was well well maintained and always had a neat look. The water in this lake was clean, transparent and most importantly soft. Since then, for myself, I realized that wash your hair is best with soft water.

There are many ways to prepare soft water for washing hair, head. An advertised column is used for washing. And this is justified, because in softened water, not only the machine parts are preserved, but for us the owners are no less important and well-wedged underwear. I love well-wedged underwear, smelling cleanliness, freshness, summer meadow and creating homemade comfort.

And how to make soft water for washing hair head. After all, it is also important for normal well-being. The tap water is not soft, as it contains a lot of impurities: iron oxide, magnesium salt, calcium, etc. Such water makes hair brittle and dull, and often the cause of hair loss, irritation of the scalp and dandruff. Fortunately there are many methods for softening hard water:

1) boiling,

2) adding 1 teaspoon of ammonia alcohol per 1 liter of water,

3) adding ½ teaspoon of boric acid powder per 1 liter of water,

4) adding ¼ teaspoon of soda per 1 liter of water,

5) If you have greasy hair, you can soften the water by adding 1 tablespoon of glycerol to 1 liter of water.

6) Mitigating the water drinking soda, a buoy, ammonic alcohol, and you can prepare infusion of birch or nettle, which wakes well. In addition, it is necessary to perform not simple conditions that must be observed.

Always wash your hair with warm water- Too cold water contributes to the narrowing of the capillaries, which adversely affects hair growth. Hot water dries the scalp and hair, which can cause dandruff.

It is very useful to wash the hair with melt water, since after melting ice water changes its molecular structure and turns into a biostimulator, positively affecting the skin of the scalp and hair skin.

Give a healthy look, make them soft and shiny will help snow water. Snow water, in fact, is a solution that has no minerals and impurities, in its structure there are air oxygen, contributing to better cleansing and rehabilitation of hair. Yes, and for the body this water is very useful.

Snow for head wash need to be taken original, not touched by our civilization, pure away from roads and our cities. Here are many cottages in rural settlements, this snow is just suitable.

In the summer you can use the same success rainwaterwhich is considered the most soft and has a healing effect on the hair and scalp. Provided that the rains are not acidic. And then often rains fall out in our area, which are left on the asphalt after falling out a multi-colored divorce: yellow, green, pink, with some purple tint. And after such rains, the plants feel oppressed. And sometimes sick. What a healthy chapelur there is already talking about.

And yet our previous generation was able to maintain their health with natural healthy methods. Hair has always been beautiful and no fat.

So what was your hair your grandmothers? Without the use of shampoos and soap, that is, without chemistry?

Washing hair with liquor is one of the old agents used by our grandmothers.

If you have tried all the methods and have not achieved the necessary recovery, you can use liquor. And what you will not do in order to look good.
A glass of wood ash dilute water to the consistency of sour cream and applying on wet hair by massaging hands. Washing the hair with warm water, rinse them then acidified (with the addition of vinegar).

Oxygenwell clean the hair from pollution, make them soft and elastic.

Birch broom cut in the spring, with the kidneys - an excellent means for washing the head.Rinually broken with hot water, it is necessary to pour it with boiling water. After half an hour, the infusion for washing the head is ready.

Quasian Human- Good antique hair wash. As a soap can also serve as oatmeal or dough, mixed on the walls - wormwood, hop, chamomile and linden colors.

Useful tips for strengthening hair(information is taken from the Internet)

According to popular beliefs, it is impossible to trim the hair on a decreasing moon - they will play early.

At the first signs of suping hair, their visible uncertainty, the hair must be washed. Hair washing deadlines are choosing individually, well wash the head as coarse water: dilute with water 1 cup of wood ash to the consistency of sour cream, apply this mixture on the hair and strong massaging movements of the hands to rub into her hair, and then rinse with acidic or infusion of chamomile.

Fatty hair is well rinsed by the following infusion: Pour 1 glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. Mixtures of equal amounts of the Hypericum, yarrow and oak bark and put a saucepan for 1 hour. in pelvis with boiling water. After that, the infusion is strain, cool and they can be used.

If fat hair deliver you trouble, try using a dry mustard instead of soap. However, often do it can not be done so as not to cut the hair.
Try very fat hair, try to rinse with a solution of ammonic alcohol (1 tsp for 1 cup of warm water).

Older people who have become thin, brittle and dull, it is recommended to make a hair mask once a week: 1 tbsp. l. Vegetable oil and yolk 1 eggs are thoroughly stirring, smeared with a mixture of hair and wrapped with a towel. After 30 minutes. Wash your head thoroughly in soap foam. Sew hair should be wiping with a soft towel.

Sick hair is restored if you wash them into the infusion of dried leaf of black poplar:peel into 5 liters of water for 10 minutes 100 g of powder made of leaves, cool and insist the night. Before use to heat and within 15 minutes. Wash this brawl over a basin, pre-applying 2 whipped yolk on your hair. Rinse the hair with acidic water.

To strengthen the washed hair, pour the decoction of ivy.

To strengthen the hair, wash the hair with a white clay solution, then within a month after washing the bare places rub the slightly baked sliced \u200b\u200bslices of lemon.
Hair rinsing
After washing the head, slip the hair with a monthly infusion of a tea mushroom. Thanks to this, the hair will become soft, shiny, the color will become more intense, they will be easier to comb. It is best to rinse the hair with an infusion of a tea mushroom after each head washing.

Bio-Oil for hair and scalp

Pour the dried leaves of nettle bought in a pharmacy, heated monthly infusion of a tea mushroom and insist for some time, then be perfectly strain.
- After washing the head, moisten the skin of the head in infusion and cautiously massage it.
- It is not necessary to rinse the hair after the procedure.
- Specific smell will disappear after a while.

Herbal rinsers

To prepare herbal compositions for rinsing, you will need several teaspoons of dried flowers or herbs and 120 ml of a monthly infusion of tea mushroom. Depending on the type of hair, make such mixes:

- For fatty hairtake 1 teaspoon of sage, rosemary, thyme and horsewa.
- For weak brittle hairmix 1 teaspoon of nettle leaves, rosemary and daisy flowers.
- For dull hairuse 2 tablespoons of dried crushed friction leaves.
- Fill herbs or flowers with boiling water, insist them for 15 minutes, then strain.
- Mix the infusion with the infusion of tea mushroom.
- After washing the heads, rinse the hair with the resulting means.
- After that, hair is no longer rinsed. Sew hair carefully terry towel.

For all types of hair in herbal rinse, you can additionally add 1 teaspoon of birch leaves and lavender flowers.

For fatty hairyou need to take plants with the properties of more astringent, tanned. Penetrating into micropores of the hair tissue, binders are adsorbed on them and take over the excess fat. For this purpose, it is necessary to mix a laugh of the oak bark with a decoction of sage, souls, other herbs.

For dry hair and dandruff, On the contrary, the decoctions should be as soft as possible. Chamomile, hops, nettle suitable here.

By the way, the spectal baths for the head are very well helped from early layers.


As you mature, man as a species produces universal models and recipes. And no matter how strange it sounded for the male part of humanity, but even to such a banal and everyday procedure, like washing the hair, there is a correct and incorrect approach. And the question of how to wash the hair, does not seem absurd for the beautiful half of humanity. Consider the following important parties of the frequently repeated process:

What needs to be done before washing hair?
Use shampoo, balsam.
Proper head wash technique.
Frequency of the hygienic procedure.
Water temperature.
What to do after bath or soul.
Psychological and physiological factors of hair beauty.

Points such complex and such simple are directed only to comprehending the Great Casual Secrets: "How to wash your hair."

How to need to wash your hair?

Each person combs her hair after washing the head. But to do the same before the adoption of the bath or the soul will not be superfluous. Why is it so important?

Prevents hair tuning during water procedures.
Provides blood flow to the head.

The technique is extremely simple: comb while as usual for ten minutes, if there is more time, you can not hurry. Before you ask yourself, and how to wash your hair correctly, you need to go through the preparatory stage.

My hair is right water

Tap water is gained in the bath. In it, a person takes the bath and her head washes. Someone prefers to use flowing water for these purposes, that is, the one is poured from the crane. Like one. So the other is the root of the wrong approach.

My hair is warm (no more than 40 degrees), and not hot water. With too high temperatures, the work of the sebaceous glands is activated and there is no sense from washing, very quickly the head becomes dirty and untidy, the hair shine is lost.
Water should be pure (filtered, beepowed or boiled). If it is possible to soften it, then it's good. The recipe is simple: add either a food soda (one teaspoon per liter of water), or the ammonia alcohol (one teaspoon on two liters of water).
Written books about the benefits of a contrast soul. And it is not surprising, here he will also come in handy. After completing the main part, when the hair and the head is clean, they should be rinsed cold (optional item).

What wash your hair?

How to wash the hair with shampoo for women by no means idle, for the appearance of beauties depends on the choice of means. Therefore, during a fascinating investigation, several tasks need to solve and get reliable answers:

What shampoo to choose and how to understand what it fits? Shampoo must first wash off dirt and fat, but this is not the only one useful quality. If it were so, then alone would come up with everything. Shampoo choose depending on the type and specifics of the hair. If the roots are rapidly contaminated, and the tips, on the contrary, remain dry, the woman will help the microgging and microspheres. If, then you need restoring and feeding shampoo. But one cosmetic means can not do here, since hair fragility and sequencing tips are a serious illness and to solve it need a set of measures. If the hair is normal, then you need a shampoo that satures with vitamins. People write instructions on the packaging that help to figure out an unprepared person, so they are better to follow and believe. As for the quality of the shampoo, but should not rely on his "foam", because it is just enough to fake a chemical parameter. Such a myth goes in the people: the more abundant the shampoo foams, the better. You can choose and explore the shampoo only on your own experience. And no matter how bad it sounds - the self-satisfaction of a person here is an important factor.
? And again, individual features play a role here. One person washes his hair twice a week and he is enough. And the other - every day (he has greens, which quickly come out of the form). Therefore, one should not believe those who say that there are some irrelevant rules in this sense.
Proper hair washing technique? Wash your hair better standing over the bathroom. So the hair onions get blood flow. It allows them to stay on the ground. Shampoo is applied to the scalp, smooth rotational movements from the ear to the ear, then from the nape to the top of the top. Avoid sharpness to not be affected by the skin. Women can ask, how to wash long hair? Recommendations similar. In addition, the video will tell.

Hair care after washing shampoo

After the shampoo did its job. Two stages remain - the use of balm and drying.

It is necessary in order to give hair the volume and strengthen them. Even in this simple procedure, there are subtleties: balm is put on all hair, and not just on the tips. It is necessary to beware of cosmetic tools on the scalp. Nothing particularly terrible will not happen, but when you hit the scalp, the balm will take off the hair in the hair, and an hour later the head will be dirty again.
Hair should not squeeze or twist. Wet hair should not be combed, as they are confused. The best drying of hair is natural when a person does not speed up this important process, but not always there is time. However, the hairdryer should not be carried away if there is no exit at all, then you need to use thermal protection.

is it possible to wash the hair - a rhetorical question. Go to the medium that will help strengthen weak hair, add them volume and density.

Hair Mask. 4 recipe

Henna, kefir and bread

Henna, kefir and bread are mixed in the correct proportions and give the hair of a dense, and a wonderful mood of their owner. A glass of kefir (200 grams), a bunker from a quarter of a bread of bread and one teaspoon of henna (those who are afraid of the color of their hair can do without adding "grandmother's hair paint"). Henna is mixed with kefir and bread. The mask insists for 5 minutes, applied to the dried hair. Station assistants here are a food film and a terry towel. They need to wrap their head after applying a mask to enhance the effect. According to the canon, the hair will be obedient, thick and silky, if the mask hold half an hour. Warm water and apple vinegar will wash it off. Proportion: one teaspoon on a liter of water.

Eggs and red peppers

Eggs and red peppers enhance blood circulation in the head of the head, which is reflected in the thickness and brilliance of the hair. Two egg yolks are taken if the woman has medium long hair, if longer, then yolks will leave more. One tablespoon of pepper. Here, as in any recipe, you need to follow the proportions. Yolks and peppers mix and impose on the scalp. The remaining procedures are standard (towel and food film). Time is half an hour and a quarter, and if calculating in minutes - exactly 45. Morry major: if the mask will burn - flush, without waiting for the term. If desired and / or individual intolerance, peppers can be replaced by mustard.

Yeast and herbs

Yeast and herbs, oil from curtain seeds and eggs will give luxurious and glitter hair. Chamomile flower is suitable for blondes. Calendula - for redheads. Nettle and St. John's wort - Salvation for brunettes. The rest of the proportions are as follows: decoction of herbs - 2 tablespoons, yeast - one art. Spoon, one egg yolk. If a person is not preparing a decoction of herbs every day, and the packaging does not help, then take two tablespoons suitable for her hair and pour boiling water. Without a water bath, you can not do here, the time of tomorrow grass is 10 minutes. Then remove, give cool and filter. Wonderful food yeast and yolk are added to the decoction. The first is to grind, the second - beat, then there is a turn of the oil. Smooth movements in the head of the head and the entire length of the hair is rubbed, the resulting substance. The functions of a towel and food package are the same as in previous recipes. The head is experiencing the power of nature and yeast for 40 minutes, then the composition is washed off with warm water. In extreme cases, we recommend shampoo.

Honey and herb

Recommendations on herbs are similar as in the previous recipe. The decoction is 2 tablespoons, and honey (it should be liquid) - 1 tablespoon. If you do not know how to cook a decoction of herbs, then in the previous recipe, the procedure is described in detail. To the resulting herbal composition add a spoonful of honey and labeled it into the scalp. We must not forget about hair. It is best to do it after the bath or soul when the hair was already dried. Further, everything is as in the previous recipe: Food film, towel and 40 minute turn arrow on the clock. After the expiration of the agreed time is warm water to help.

- Excellent tool that supports hair in a difficult moment.

Healthy sleep, no stress and proper nutrition ...

Cosmetic procedures are powerless if a woman does not get pleasure from life. The main question is how? We answer:

Not less than 8 hours a day.
. Fish, meat, fruit vegetables, nuts. No strong coffee or tea, snacks in fast foods are canceled, chips and chocolates also fall into disfavor. And yes, if a woman suffers from the fact that she has dry and brittle hair, then this simple list will allow her to return health hair.
affects glitter, lush hair. The body is unity. Therefore, it is impossible to experience strong psychological loads and remain a cheerful and beautiful woman. And if so, then you need to deal with stress. Do not allow him to take up. Do not pay attention to the problems and, if only they are not threatened with dismissal. Wash yourself: reading books, watching movies or visiting a gym

Compliance with these rules to couple with the right wash and caressing for hair will give a woman a good mood and pleasure from life, about the irresistance of the girl modestly default.

April 13, 2014, 15:16

We all dream about that our hair looks beautiful and well-groomed. However, their beauty depends not only on the tools that we choose -, hair paints (learn more about), but also from that ... how much we are my head with you. Despite the fact that it would seem the latter - easier simple - washed, washed away, dried and combed, many of us manage to allow obvious mistakes on ignorance, and as a result of such mistakes, even the most good shampoo is powerless to cope with the challenge of hair care.

Today, in our heading devoted to the topic of hair care, we decided to tell you how to wash your head, how often it is worth doing, and what mistakes can not be reduced to not all our efforts ...

Why wash your head

In fact, there are a lot of people who think that the less often they will wash their hair, the better and healthier will look like their hair. Poorheads forget that not only hair, but also the skin of the human head needs regular cleansing, since

every day, its moisture part emits up to 2 grams of sebum.

It seems not too much, but if you multiply this amount on the number of days when you avoided washing your head, and add to all this remnants of those styling funds that you use to lay hair in the hairstyle -, gels, and also add pollutants to this From the environment of us - then, we will with you will get a very impressive layer of dust and dirt on the hair. And how can dirty hair be healthy? Hence their "fatigue", disobedience, they are poorly styling in the hairstyle, and look dim and lifeless ...

Correct the situation may be the correct "car wash" of the head. What often as it is necessary.

How often do you need to wash your head

A very rhetorical question, given that some are ready to do this several times a day, while others are confident that excessive contact with water contributes to the reinforced production with silent glands of the skin ... however, to our happiness, experts have long found the answer to this question -

hair is worth washed as often as it is necessary.

That is, if you are the owner of a fatty hair type - you can wash your head and 2 times a day. Moreover, for your type of hair, the means are specially designed for frequent use. If you have a dry type of hair, then the procedure can be done every other day ...

The main thing is to take into account that it is not worthwhile to massage the skin in the process of washing the head, and too hot water is also not worth using. It is better to give preference to the pressure of a contrasting jet - thus, due to the water temperature drops, the leather of the scalp will work more active, thereby improving blood flow to the upper layers of the skin. ABOUT .

It will be useful after washing to rinse the hair with cool water - it will strengthen them, it will help to wash off the remains of the shampoo, or the balm you used, and closes the scales of the cuticle.

If you are still somewhat conservative in the question of frequent head wash - you can use dry shampoos - we have already written about them on our website. They coped well with the task of absorbing excess skin and give your lapel tidy and fresh appearance.

Choosing Hair Care

In addition to the correctness of the technique of washing the head - we will return to this topic in our publication, it is very important that you choose the funds that you will wash your head. And, since such funds every day on the market appear more and more, we propose to repeat what you need to know about them.


The main feature of the hair shampoo is that it copes with the task of removing the skin and other contaminants existing on the hair and on the scalp. And, in order for the task, he coped to the "Hurray" - follow the recommendations of its manufacturer. If he writes that the shampoo must be left on his hair on 5 minutes - do not be lazy to do everything that way, otherwise, the existing components from its composition simply will not have time to be activated and act. This is especially true for special dandruff shampoos and shampoos to save color for painted hair. If you ignore this advice - do not be surprised why your shampoo did not work. About, .

Also, I would like to recall that in addition to the cleansing components, substances that protect the hair structure from the effects of chlorinated water can be included in shampoos. It is very useful. And, although ideally, we must wash your head with filtered or boiled water (o), it is not always obtained, and chlorine and lime settle in the depths of the hair, thereby harming his health. So, it is better to choose such shampoos that have in their composition components to mitigate rigid water.

Balsam for hair

Human hair can be represented in the form of a string of keratin protein wrapped in a layer of thick scales. The outer part of the hair is several layers of cells similar to tile, which is quite durable - that is why the hair can be twisted, align the iron (more about that,). And, it is on the outer part of the hair or a cuticle, as it is also called, the influence of balms, nutritious masks, air conditioners. All of them contribute to the best combing hair and ... to apply them only on the hair, avoiding hitting the scalp, since substances of such a balm, hitting it, can activate the work of the sebaceous glands and the head will be fatter faster. For the skin of the head it is better to use special tonic.

In addition, most of these balms are valid instantly, and after their application, you can immediately wash them off. But, this item is better to clarify the Balzam label once again ...

So we approached the answer to our main question - how to wash your hair. First of all, you need to moisten them, then, apply a small amount of shampoo on your palm, beat it there before the formation of foam and put this foam mixture on the skin of the head, and not on the hair. And how is the hair? Will they be dirty? The foam mass that has formed from you by contacting the shampoo with water, the hair itself will clean the hair along their entire length.

You can neatly massage with the pads of your head with your heads, but try not to fit the hair yourself. By the way, if they are medium length or you have a braid below the belt - it will be more convenient for you to tilt your head back when you wash off the shampoo.

Then the shampoo is to wash off the hair under running water until it is clean.

Every year more and more assortment of hair care products and scalp and every year there are more and more problems with hair. Maybe it's time to try folk remedies for the washing of hair, which people used the centuries and did not have the problems that we have?

1. Mustard

Mustard "Shampoo": 2 tablespoons of dry mustard solubite in a small amount of hot water. Continuously stirring, add 1 l hot water. The head of this composition should be washed, without applying soaps. Do not forget to rinse your head thoroughly. For oily hair.

Washing fatty hair mustard. One tablespoon of mustard dilute in 2 liters of warm water. Wash your head, rinse best of all herbs: Coltsfoot, nettle, hormour, plantain. Take 4 tablespoons of the mixture, pour 2 liters of boiling water, let it brew 30 minutes, strain.

Fat hair is useful to wash water with the addition of mustard (1.5-2 hours of dry mustard on the water pelvis).

You can wash mustard powder. Stir 2 tablespoons of powder on the floor of a liter of warm water and can be washed as a shampoo, only water is not foaming. Mustard perfectly removes fat. With prolonged washing mustard bakes. Retire immediately. It is advisable to lower your head completely into the water, because if you just merge water on the hair, the whole mustard may not be cleaned (this is, if you pour the mustard directly on the hair, and not dissolve in water). In this case, the perchot impression will remain - these are not washed white flakes of mustard. If the hair is completely lowered into the water and wash off there, then everything will be fine. Mustard will wash off and will not leave a trace either smell.

I take the lattice of warm water, throwing there at least four tablespoons of mustard powder, stirring up to the complete dissolution, pouring a solution on the head and rub slightly.

After washing the hair mustard needed to wash the hair and rinse the hair, be sure. For rinsing I use lemon juice, citric acid is sometimes, and sometimes salt. "

Apply mustard better, adding to clay, henne, bran, etc. mixtures for washing hair. For example, take 50 gr. Clay or Henna (any), add 1 teaspoon of mustard powder + essential oils. Dilute cool water. From this mustard is less. All apply evenly on the hair and head, rub up like shampoo. Leave for 15 minutes and wash off with water or decoction of herbs.

Dry powder mustard milking mineral water to the state of sour cream, rub into the skin and hair, leave for 5 min., Wash off with water or decoction of herbs.

For the hair of medium thick lengths to the shoulders: 1 hour a spoon of mustard, 1 hour Hnna, pour the decoction of herbs, you can add a little honey. This mixture is applied to the hair before washing. While you wash the body, this shampoo feeds and launders the hair, after 10-15 minutes you can wash off. It is advisable to certainly rinse with water or decoction of herbs with a small amount of lemon (1 h l). All healthy and beautiful hair!

Hair to mustard is better to teach gradually, not immediately go to it. Those. Mix mustard, shampoo with a small amount of water and mine. In a month or another, it is possible to easily quietly go to washing hair without chemistry. You will see the result and make you a mistake - "How did I use this mustard before"?

I laugh mustard with hot water and give 15 minutes to stand. Bursting begins if you added little water. Advised cool to breed, so as not to burn.

2. Clay

Yesterday I washed my head with a mixture of clay + ethers. It was rinsed well, the only minus - the hair is tougher and not shiny. Of the advantages, they have developed in the shocked curls. The main thing is without any SLS and other things there. Took black clay, because I have it most inconsolana. But with her hair a little darkened, so I think, the blonde should be taking white or yellow. Today I will wash yellow. And the ethers took, so as not to bother - Ylang, Geran, Bergamot ... Just for the smell I took, I love these ethers. I will try, maybe cinnamon with ginger and something else, say, lemon. Cinnamon is burning, it will be better to grow. Still today I will try to launch jojoba oil into the tips. We wash off with water just all)) about the proportion. I got used to doing everything on the eye. Well, I think a couple of tablespoons of clay (long hair) and ether droplets of 2-3. I think it will be fine. So that the hair was shining, the last time rinsing them with a bathing vinegar: 1 tbsp.

And I have already soap my hair and the whole body of clay! And the result pleases me! I grind it to a creamy state, on the washcloth, and forward! Feelings are pleasant. Hair is also good. They are long. Under the shower, everything is well washed off, when calculating is not very confused. And no dandruff!

Blue clay with hair is very difficult to wash. All the same particles remain. It is better to impose green on the hair, the effect is the same and wash it easier.

3. Bread

I somehow instinctively two years ago stopped my shampoo wash. Instead, I use black bread, and finally passed dandruff, and the hair despite pregnancy and feeding just became better.

And about washing, then I do not feel the washed after soap and shampoo. Some sensations are others. I tried to wash your head with bread and lighter my head. After the hair shampoo, some heavy, and after bread - soft, light. And the skin is right breathe ...

I crumble the black bread without crusts in the ass, pour hot water, and then, when it cool down a little, before applying on the hair, rubbing between the palms - it turns out such a solid mass. I put it on my head, I rub in my hair, and then washed. In the hair, nothing excess remains. Hair shiny, clean, beautiful!

About the hair - you can wash your head with bread. I take the cheapest, rye, 2-3 pieces pour hot water, floor liters, I give to stand the watch. I wipe through the sieve and this weighing my hair. Then rinse thoroughly and rinse with water with lemon juice. Hair immediately becomes two times.

I my head with black bread - rye, and most of all I like "Borodinsky" with Tmin. Bread I first crumble, pre-cutting a crust, because From them, the crumbs in the head are most likely. I pour almost boiling water (85-90 degrees.), And when it will cool down a little - I take this mass into the handful and peat the palms to the porridge mass - and now I smear it on my hair. Then washed off well.

I decided to make a bread mask for hair. Hair is long, and in the recipe, except for bread and water nothing ...

And most importantly, that alert, the shampoo does not need to apply and about hair balm - not a word, but without him, do not comb your hair! I risked, weave the bread, scented. I slept the whole bath of cereal albeit, but it was smelled. With horror, late thought, but how do these chips from the hair, wash-a-anhy. But there is nowhere to retreat. It is necessary. Herself wanted. (Moreover, exactly the same recipe has a bread shampoo, that is, it is also possible to wash the head.) I pulled the film and for about 15 minutes, I definitely stood up, I didn't have enough strength. I wash off, and I do not suffer a question: wash my head or not wash? Balm to apply or risk? If anything, you can go and wash your head again ... The result: to wash, of course, complicated (but what was not washed, in the form of crumbs will catch it). But, the hair on the touch is absolutely clean, clearing - even better than when I used the balm. In this case, you can decently save on the shampoo and balsam - getting completely cheap, without any chemistry, natural shampoo and balm in one bowl!

Bread mask. Ingredients: 100-200 g of black bread, crusts or breads from black bread, 0.5 glasses of boiling water. Cooking method. Fill with steep boiling water bread. Close the lid and leave to swell for 1 hour. When the water cools, scroll the bread to get liquid cashem.

Wrap the cashis from bread into the hair and the scalp. Tie the head with a plastic film and leave about 30 minutes. Then wash your head with warm water. Shampoo do not need to apply.

I my head without all. Rye bread, chunk, pour boiling water, give a bit of standing. Do you put the hair on your hair, again, it is a bit of hold and how the shampoo is normal.

Washing hair bread: from rye bread cut crusts, put in a saucepan, pour boiling water and cover with a lid. When the bread risks, stretch it with his hands in Cashitz. It, rubbing, put on the hair, leave for 5 minutes. And wash off with water. You don't need to re-rinted the hair with shampoo. You can rinse them with water into which vinegar or lemon juice is added - 1 tablespoon per liter.

The other day I read the whole theme, I tried to wash my head with rye bread - the first time was so well washed, I was delighted. The hair was magnificent and the most important dandruff passed !!! And there is no smell, like after the egg. I still add a pair of tea tree droplets there - it's good for the skin and head.

Instead of shampoo, use rye bread. For two years I have not been using shampoo. Previously, dandruff and the hair fell out, even from expensive medicinal shampoos. And now, despite the childbirth and feeding - the hair became thicker and dandruff. The recipe is very simple - a hunk of rye bread poured boiling water. Cooled - you can wash like shampoo. My my native grandmother was superimiles - she was my whole life so my hair is gorgeous.

Washing fatty hair with rye bread: 150 g of rye bread pour boiling water. Kashitza "Naming" head, keep 5-10 minutes. Then thoroughly rinse the hair with water. To give a beautiful brilliance, they are rushed by the infusion of birch leaves.

I usually fill with boiling water bread, after five to ten minutes the water is completely absorbed into the bread, it turns out the porridge consistency meak without solid lumps. Here I put this porridge on my head. Depending on the degree of hair pollution, I keep on time. If the hair is dirtier, then accordingly longer. Wash really not very simple. Under the shower it is difficult to do. I usually go to the filled bath on your back and lower my head to the water to the face. And in the water gently wash the hair with his fingers near the head. From the middle of the hair you can already wash off the shower. I do not know if the process described. But you can catch it so that the crumbs in the head remains at all. And the procedure is more pleasant than under the shower.

If black bread crumbs pour water and insisted 10-20 minutes, formed by the casket, you can clean well.

I washed the hair with the ball with black bread and rinsed the decoction from nettle. I liked it, nothing in the hair was stuck, there is of course the feeling of immenseness, but hair looks like us.

Do not be washed - in the sense of remain fat? Leave bread for a while on your head and then wash off. If the hair is thick - there are more bread, less water. More bread can be with additives. This is not suitable. The simpler bread (cheaper), the better.

The composition of the detergent: the pulp of rye bread, separated from the crust, put into opaque dishes, pour it with a small amount of water. Cover the dishes with a lid and put in a warm place where bread should be before the start of fermentation. When the mixture begins to wander, add milk serum to it - the mixture is ready to use. You need to wash your head without soap and other detergents. The smell of sour milk, which can remain at the hair after using this tool, can be removed by rolling the hair with water into which a little dry mustard is added. After that, the hair must be rinsed again with clean water. For oily hair.

Folk recipes say that to strengthen the hair, the head washed with honey with bread.

Black bread boiling water, after 4-5 hours, throw back to the sieve, which will leak - use instead of a shampoo.

4. Flour

I tried to wash my head with rye flour. Hair looks clean and well-groomed like after washing expensive shampoo.

Dear girls, tried to wash our head with rye flour, I am delighted, the hair remains almost a week and a half clean and the feeling that they are more, I'm still after washing her grass and now I do not wipe anything else, the result is delightful!

My hair is thick, medium length, this is the best of all folk remedies at the moment from everything I have experienced. Hair is pleasant, like after washing a good shampoo. As part used rye flour.

Yesterday I tried to wash with rye flour, I wonder, and when we wash off there is a foam.

I can recommend for the hair ... Shampoo (flour + mustard + essential oils) ... the base of the flour, preferably oatmeal or rye (although you can experiment with different things, who will come true) ... Next, mustard powder, preferably old), and then It will burn ... or just throw a little ... well, plus a couple of three droplets of the essential oil ... it is also to taste ... or by type ... it is individually ...

The procedure will take for 15 minutes longer than usual, but it is worth it! To be honest, then the hair just come to life!

In China, people are soapped with rice flour. Since then, it only uses this tool, says that it is possible to use rye, worse than wheat instead of rice flour. I assume that you can use oat and buckwheat.

After using rice flour (as a shampoo), the root of the root of the burdock ............ ah! Standing in their grill ... The wind played with clean hair, tested his shoulders, and it was a feeling - flight, airiness, purity.

And it is better to wash the head of flour, diluted with water. Only flour must be low with a low gluten content, such as pea, oat or corn.

Flour made of peas cooked with a coffee grinder, fill with warm water. Give it in the night. Then apply Cashitz on your hair and leave this mask for thirty minutes. The pea mixture will take all the dirt and fat from the hair, and, having slipped the mask, you do not have to use shampoo.

Usually my hair with a yolk or corn flour.

The recipe for use is this: to take flour, the amount depends on the length and thickness of the hair, and pour it on the head in a dry form !!! Thoroughly obscure your head with your fingers, it is partially crushed, will partially stay on the hair, absorbing fat. Next, the hair is argued with warm water so that the flour is not brewed. Even if it is brewed, it does not matter when the hair is dried, it normally deducts the calculation.

There is another way of dry sink of the head, they enjoy the inhabitants of the desert, where water problems can be applied in the hike: pour flour on the head, massage and combust the flour of thick calculus. In this case, it is more convenient to apply coarse flour.

Yesterday I tried to wash my hair by natural product - dry washing head flour. I took the one that turned out to be in the bins - wheat coarse grinding. She grazed her hair, more thoroughly rubbed at the roots, washed away (she washed away for a long time - the hair was almost to the belt), rinsed in the infusion of nettle and black tea. He did not wisten with a towel - and dried naturally. I would never believe that there would be such a result - the hair fragrant lush and mine, obedient. That is, they used to be mine before, but all the time they are electrified, then the lack of attention was sticking out in different directions, they did not obey, probably wanted to escape. And now humble such, and the pigtail turned out.

5. Egg yolk (eggs)

Eggs are an excellent air conditioner for hair, they fill the lack of proteins, strengthen their hair, give them softness and obedience, rich in lecithin. For example, the yolk contains a huge amount of mineral elements and nutrients.

Now my head is just with one water every day and every four days with an egg. And before, I am every day with a shampoo (!!) - after a couple of weeks, it is noticeable that the hair began to recover, it became thick and softer, the dandruff no is no longer!

For half a year my head is only egg yolks. For the first time in life, the hair stopped sneeze. At all.

For more than two years, we use egg yolk yolks for washing hair. And we advise all relatives, friends and acquaintances. It is done very simple: we take an egg, carefully divide the shell, so as not to damage the yolk, separate it from the squirrel and take with you to the bath (or in the bath - it's just as lucky). The remaining protein can be used in culinary practice. Welcome hair with water and my contents of the yolk, it even slightly foams at the same time. The only moment that can be additionally advised - not to smear the whole head on the whole head, and how to "pour it out" from the shell, because otherwise the pieces of the film will remain on the hair, wash off with water, of course, it is possible, but difficult. In principle, if they do not wash them off, too, nothing terrible will happen - just with dried hair ... "snot" can be combined with the calculation - but there is nothing particularly pleasant in it. Therefore, we recommend the shell of the yolk to leave in hand, and the contents are to pour over the head. After that, the head should be solid with clean water.

2 yolk mixed with a tablespoon of honey, rub in his head and my, how shampoo 2 times. I liked it, the hair is well rinsed.

I tried to wash the head with 2 yolks + 2 tbsp. Spoons of honey. Feelings are good, the hair was washed as after a shampoo.

Shampoo recipe: 1 yolk 1 teaspoon honey, mix until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. The amount depends on the volume of hair and the degree of their contamination. Shampoo apply to pressed wet hair, massage the scalp, lift the hair upstairs and wait another 10 minutes. Then wash off warm water. After you can apply on your hair or a rinser or infusion.

This is a recommendation from some site. In general, you first need to wash your hair with a mixture of 2 yolks and 1 tbsp. l. Honey (I took 6 yolks and 3 tbsp. honey). Then it is to wash off warm water. And on the pre-cooked nast of nettle rinse the head. Do not wipe! Let dry. I was still washed with wretched at the same time, nice)) And I did infusion so: 2 tbsp. L with a top of nettle crushed in a large circle of hot water and left under the lid left. It was possible and more. In the morning I woke up and was amazed - the hair is absolutely clean, fresh, and the tips are not tough as usual, but straight peer. In general, I am satisfied and I intend to use this method for a couple of weeks, and then something with a chamomile is creating.

For more than a month, my head with egg yolk with honey, rinse nettle.

I still stopped on a mixture of yolk with a computer. Even at all and not long! Unless, of course, a possible chicken is not a pity. And I liked the decoction of the root of the burdock more.

And if we add a pinch of insoluble ground coffee to the yolk with honey, then the head is also massaged, it is better washed out (in the sense it becomes cleaner), the volume and purity remains longer, the hair is shiny and smell like a slight "tint" of coffee.

An egg yolk can really wash the hair very well. I interfere with very many components. For example, when the hair is strongly fat, then you can mix clay. You can dilute one or two yolks in some chamber, mix, it's not like a lot of five eggs to spend a lot of five eggs.

And with a yolk just everything is simple. You need to take the yolk, shake it in a half pack of water and wash this head, some add mustard, spoon-two, you can drop the essential oil. Someone even adds ordinary oil. I tried with usual. If you do not overdo it, it does not hurt it.

I use successfully such a recipe for hair washing (my hair is fat, length is lower than shoulders): 2 yolks without flavors + 2st. Spoons of honey + 2-3klines of fir oil. This mixture is a head of the head of five minutes, wash off the water, then watering the hair with the insistency. It takes a lot of time, it is cleared well. Hair is flimsy, bulky and alive. Rinse herbs.

I decided to try my head to wash the "shampoo" from brandy and yolk (promised to "decorate" hair from the first attempt). Indeed, this mask launders well as an ordinary shampoo, and the hair becomes softer and, as if darker (well, I'm brunette, I myself ...). Just need to wash well, since the brandy has the property to smell. 50 gr. Cognac + 1 yolk \u003d mix, apply on the hair, wrapped with a towel, wash in 40 minutes.

Washing fatty hair with egg - take 100 grams of children's soap, tighten it and pour 100 g of boiling water. Strain, add 25 g of alcohol or cologne. Before washing, beat egg (and protein, and yolk), labeled in the scalp. Head wrap wrapped in warm water towel, hold five minutes. Wash hair with a soap mixture.

Washing excessively oily hair egg - egg to beat, add 1 teaspoon vodka and a few drops of lemon juice. Blend into the skin of the head, wash off warm and then cool water.

Composition: 1 yolk, 2 tablespoons of water, 1/2 teaspoon camphor oil. Mix the mixture thoroughly and wash your hair like a simple shampoo. The mixture should be applied to moistened hair. After it is applied, it is advisable to obscure your head well. Wash off its flowing water, necessarily not very hot so that the eggs do not curl. For oily hair.

Homemade egg shampoo: break 2 eggs in dishes, stir for a fork, add a little boiling water (?) And wash your hair. If the hair is dry need to add a few drops of vegetable oil. If fat - campack oil.

I have a professional hairdresser's sister ... I saved me, or rather my hair. Now, of course, all kinds of modern funds are and just laziness to mess around many, in such ways saving their hair from falling out. She made me a mask before washing the head - honey + egg. Ring off a little warm water first, otherwise the egg will come, and then you can do water again. Somewhere this month, I soap my head and the hair stopped falling out.

On 1 egg 1 h. A spoonful of honey, rub in the roots, 30 minutes is quite enough, after that, I'm not my shampoo, my hair will be like silk ....

I'm trying to drop away from shampoo, while my head with honey with honey. I can say that rinsing well.

Egg shampoo can be prepared independently. Watch 2 fresh eggs and mix them with 0.5 glasses of warm water. Apply the mixture without delay to the hair and gently massage the scalp, like when washing the shampoo. Rinse warm water.

Use instead of shampoo whipped chicken egg. Good to add wheat or seeds passed through a coffee grinder.

Natural gelatin shampoo: 1 tbsp. Gelatin fill over 40 minutes. 3 tbsp. spoons with cold water, and after 40 minutes. To put this mixture on a water bath, it is not possible to heat up yet, then add 1 yolk, 1 tablespoon of any shampoo and apply for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This composition contains a lot of protein, hair becomes beautiful and thick. You can add another egg and wash your hair instead of shampoo.

Most of all my painted hairs liked home yolks and the color does not leave and smell no.

Son (3 years) My head quail egg - chicken too large. Curly grows.

6. Soynyanka

Natural shampoo - 30 gr. Soap roots (soap grass cleans, like soap), 30 grams. Plants corresponding to your hair (chamomile - blondes, rosemary or sage - for dark hair, currant - for red, lavender - for oily hair, altea - for dry, cumin - for everyone).

Pour the soap roots with boiling water and leave the clock for twelve. Pour into the pan and bring to a boil, boil 15 minutes, remove from the fire, add the plants that you prefer, stir, skip through the filter and run through the bottle.

Washing the head of the scales of the soapy medicinal - two packs of soapyanka (200 g) pour two liters of water and boil half an hour. In this brave, wash your head without soap and shampoo, rinse with ordinary water, and even better - disobedience of chamomile, if the hair is light, and the decoction of the oak bark - if dark.

Liquid shampoo: 1 tbsp. spoon of soapy powder; 1 handful of any herbs that are used in hair oils; Glass of boiling water. Fill the mixture with water. Cool, strain and use as an ordinary shampoo.

Shampoo for all types of hair: 30 g root of soap grass, 350 ml of pure water, 1 tsp. The carrier oils (according to your choice), 15-60 drops of essential oil (according to your choice). The crushed root of soap grass is poured by the specified amount of water, is brought to a boil, and then boils on slow heat for 10 minutes. After cooling, the liquid is filtered and poured into a plastic bottle with a tightly closing lid. Oils are added to the contents of the bottle and shake thoroughly. Shampoo is ready for use and can be stored in the refrigerator during the week. After washing the head with this shampoo, the hair is thoroughly washed using vinegar and herbal extract. With very fatty hair, the amount of oil is reduced or not used at all.

Shampoo: 25 gr. Sliced \u200b\u200bsoap root, 25 gr. Dry daisy flowers pharmaceutical, 250 ml. Hot water, 20 drops of sandalwood oil. Root and chamomile pour boiling water, to prevent well, cover and leave for the night to appease. In the morning, strain and add sandalwood oil.

7. Soda

I have already been my hair with food soda for a year, rinse with water with lemon juice. Very pleased. Svetlana Ermakova (author of books on beauty and health).

Hurryless Food Soda Shampoo (Gilda Clark Recipe): One tablespoon of food soda suits one glass of very hot water. Stir until completely dissolved. To dial the solution in the hand, distribute the hair (apply a hassle on the hair). Carefully rinse the hair ascorbic acid. Hold the minute and rinse with clean water. To give glossy hair, immerse the lemon twice in hot water, and then swipe through the hair, as it should be pressing.

I'm from time to time my head with a solution of food soda. This can be said, a unique detergent. The uniqueness lies in the fact that with the interaction of fatty lubrication of the hair (the release of the sebaceous hair follicles) and the drinking soda is formed soap (sodium salt of fatty acids) and glycerin (remember the glycerol soap).

Soap, clear business, washes hair, and glycerin softens the skin. I put one teaspoon of soda with a slide on a warm water circle (250 ml). Once wetting the hair with a solution - foam appears. Wash the head "individual" shampoo, then rinse the hair with water. The composition of the fat lubricant for each individual, which means the composition of the formed "shampoo" of each of its own and especially for you. "

I read on the forum that you can wash your hair soda (teaspoon with a hump on a glass of warm water). Thanks to the big advised! Washed cool!

You can, for example, rinse your hair from fat soda, then rinse the influence of chamomile and nettle, and in the additives slightly launched that juice from lemon and cabbage. Maybe even without lemon, it will come down ... In addition, juice cabbage with acids neutralizes the rest of the rest.

Washed her head soda. Washed very well. I came to work, shared the "experience" with a colleague. Lena said that I was crazy, because From soda hair is very sophisticated ... I didn't do it anymore, my hair is so thin.

8. Soap

It is necessary to wash your head with an economic soap (laying and rinse 2 times), and rinse with water with vinegar. Now all the time is so mine. The hair on the head was so much that no hairpins are withstanding! For my life, I never cut the hair, they just crushed and did not grow further, but here such a shock.

Basis for shampoo: 1 tbsp. a spoon of soap flakes (from children's soap); 100 ml of water; Vegetable extract or essential oil. Boil water in a saucepan, turn off the fire and add grated soap. Stir until it dissolves. Cool. Add a few drops of vegetable extract or essential oil.

1 tablespoon of crushed soap (it is desirable to use a good expensive soap), 1 cup of hot water. This composition can also add 1 teaspoon of the borants (sodium tetraborate). This recipe is also good in that instead of water you can use any strong decoction or infusion of medicinal herbs, which is suitable for your hair type. For all types of hair.

Washed her head with soap, then rinse with clean water. And then some time to rinse, but add a slightly table vinegar or lemon juice to the water. If the hair is greasy, they should also be washed only once every 6 days, laundering once the "bath" soap - it is suitable for the care of such hair. Soap foam from the hair should not be flush immediately, but after 2-3 minutes. When rinse your head pour in pelvis 2 h. Spoons of ammonia alcohol. However, after a bath (after 3-4 days), care is needed: rub the water-alcohol drug, infused on therapeutic herbs and "coined" vitamins.

On this occasion (about washing the hair of a household soap), the Council of Specialists read !! It is very harmful to wash the head of the household soap, as it contains a large number of rhymes and toxins, very harmful both for the skin of the head and for the hair themselves. Here is a vinegar to rinse it well, as this acidic environment and hair of a little hot acid is useful! So if you want to make sure of the poisonous composition of the economic soap, ask about the way it is prepared, you will come to horror ...

9. Hens

I, for example, in general, my henna's head. True, without oils. The alternate henna is ordinary and colorless and other methods of washing (already without henna). Just brewing how to paint, I nano on my head - from the roots to the tips, everything is massaging, so that it is evenly quenched, I hold three minutes, and then wash off. The most difficult thing in the entire procedure is to wash off. The head is actually clean after henna. Just, if you often wash the henna, it goes shine, but if you do a periodically such a mask, then everything is fine - the hair is lush, shiny. At first, I'm only a colorless soap, then I tried with ordinary redhead, because I had dandrunet after giving birth to appear, and the usual henna destroys it. "

I will say that such a wonderful effect for my hair I did not expect. With this method, the skin of the head is strongly dried, it can be washed at least every day. Plus times in 1 - 2 months I make a mask from the henna, the result is really great.

But I also wanted to say herself to say - it is often necessary to use it too (wash or painted?) - She dries hair.

Hair dump only with too frequent use of henna. If I use it every three months (in the form of a mask?), Then the hair is only the benefit of it.

10. Washing hair nettle

100 g of fresh or dry nettle pour 1 l of water, add 0.5 liters of vinegar, boil the mixture on a slow heat for 30 minutes. Strain. Add 2-3 cups of beam on the water basin. Wash your head (soap can not use). It is better to wash your head before bedtime, and then, having dried by a towel, tie with a scursery.

100 g of finely chopped nettle leaves boiled over 30 minutes in a mixture of 0.5 liters of apple vinegar 6% and 0.5 liters of water. My hair washing this composition every day. Course -30 days.

On this water prepare a networpful and birch infusions, which and without soap are well laundered. To prepare a nettical infusion, fresh nettle to fill in a pelvis with boiling water when the water cools down, is ready for infusion. Birch infusion is better to do in the spring, using a birch broom with kidneys for this. Broom rinse with hot water and pour boiling water. After half an hour, it is possible to wash. Rinse the hair with the infusion of lindens and chamomile: they have a positive effect on the skin of the head, prevent the appearance of dandruff. Proportions of cooking infusion - handful of grass per liter of water.

Take three tablespoons of nettle leaves of dwarm and mother-and-stepmother, brew in 1 liter of boiling water and after watch insteading, wash, wash your hair three times a week for a month, massaging the scalp (to strengthen the hair).

11. Bura

The borae suppresses the activity of bacteria on the skin of the head and stops peeling and itching, "the hair becomes the purest." It is necessary to rinse the hair with lemon (and precisely lemon) acid, only she can wash the residues of the bears from the hair.

How to make shampoo and soap - Pull the boar to the jar (you can use the funnel), fill the jar with hot water from the tap, shake several times, give the crystals to settle. After a few minutes you can pour a solution in tanks - this is soap. Bank volume of about 4 liters. Boers - one eighth cup. Buru Do not confuse Borax.

12. Dairy

You can moisten the hair with robes or sour milk, and then wash off with warm water. The hair is cleaned of fat and dirt, become soft, harmful.

Those who complain that the head after washing is "burning", it is bothering itching and tightening the skin, it is better to wash your head slightly heated acidic milk (ancient Russian way). The hair is wetted with milk and gently rubbing it into the skin, the cap (the attribute of the steam rooms) is put on and after half an hour, they are rinsed with warm water. It is believed that the sour milk strengthens the hair roots and nourishes the hair itself, so you need to wash your head at least once a month. Who does it, usually not being redeemed on its hair, as the hair becomes strong and shine no worse than after expensive shampoos.

Washing hair with sour milk. Ancient folk agent for washing hair is acidic milk. Since ancient times, many people of Central Asia have used lactic acid products for this purpose. And now they wash the head of the prostruck, kefir, serum. Lactic acid products create a fatty film that protects hair from damage to an alkaline solution, generated when the soap is dissolved in water. How to wash the head of the prostitute? To richly moisten my head, covered with a plastic shy, and from above - a terry towel. In 25-30 minutes, rinse in fired toilet soap fired<Детское>, <Ланолиновое>, <Русский лес> (mustard), thoroughly rinse with warm water, and then acidified (1 lemon on 2 liters of water, 1 tbsp. vinegar on 2 liters of water).

Shampoo from kefir. Slightly heated Prostokvasha apply on the hair and the skin of the head, cover with a polyethylene slam, and from above - a terry towel. After 25-30 minutes, rinse the hair with ordinary water well, and then rinse the acidic. To do this, you can use single lemon juice or three tablespoons of apple vinegar on 2 liters of water.

13. Ash (click)

Clock Recipe - Take the container, put the ash to half and stirring, fill with water almost fair. Remove the pop-up coals by noise. Put the container with the solution in a warm place, monthly mix. Or you can boil 3 hours on low heat. After that, give the solution to stand, then take it gently. The main thing is that it is completely transparent. The residues remained in the bucket, rich in trace elements, feed the plants, and should be observed.

When the solution, click, is ready, it is used for washing the head and body as a shampoo or liquid soap (50-100 ml), for washing (200-500 ml per pelvic linen depending on the contamination, 6-8-hour soak is required).

I am my head lying: in a half-liter bank ash, half the banks smeared, brewing boiling water, well prevent and give an hour, two. Quicks ready. I drag this tincture, clicks and not dilute on the wet hair. But for washing the hair I use not just water and decoction. Nettle softens the hair and they are not so confused. And the decoction of birch leaves strengthens hair. The hair is well washed, the skin is not a forcelet when washing and does not itch after.

My grandmother in the village is all the time by clicking, only she cooks it. I tried to wash my head, blew perfectly.

Grandmother told, they collected Bianana, the stove was treated, the ashes of them were sealed in the cast-iron and looked. And with this pitch, washed, washed, and I would not think better wash your head. "

Mom told me how during the war, far in the Transcaucasia, lived without soap. The stove there was basically the dry grass. Hair washed ashes from the stove. With her hair, no problems arose, very good her hair had.

As a picker, I realized that I didn't need to pour it too much to my head, so that my hair was washed and the cola was not stood.

14. Beer yeast.

Somehow, sacrificing the first aid kit, found overdue dry beer yeast, spread them with water, they stood the day, slightly rose and I struck them on the scalp as a mask. Then just washed them away with water, no shampoo head soap. Hair washed out perfectly! Steel clean and soft, shiny!

Raw yeast pour kefir and warm on a water bath. It turns out a jelly-like mixture, which can be applied to the hair and give them to soak for an hour, after which it was washed. The hair will be thoroughly washed.

15. Advanced

Largely with a mustard powder with a powder of Henna I am my hair, and rinse them with a solution of apple vinegar with water.

You can try to do without shampoos at all. Mix dry mustard with water (3-4 tbsp. Per 1-1.5 tbsp. Cool water), add a pair of tablespoons of olive oil Extra Virgin, a flax of flaxseed oil, drive the yolk - and all this on the head. Give the mustard to come down - then flush thoroughly. Be sure to use herbal rinse - chamomile or nettle depending on the color of the hair. Preferably the same rinse (and not water) to breed mustard. Other detergents in this case will not be needed. Inside it is desirable to take each morning the gentle wheat (2-3 tbsp) and the same oil of flaxseed seed - a couple of Art. spoons. All chemical shampoos and air conditioners are sent to the garbage chute.

Drain the mustard powder with cool water in a ratio of 1:10, add an egg yolk and a tablespoon of honey, pour the tea spoon of flaxseed oil. Apply as a mask, wash off with water without using shampoo. This is the treatment, and washing the head. The mustard stimulates hair growth and ensures their purity, honey, yolk and oil feed and moisturize hair.

Synthetic vitamins to use should not be used, add natural oils. Good to use the linen + yolk. You can add honey, also very beneficial effect on the hair, and anyone. And try to brew your mustard herbal influenza, use infusions constantly. If time is allowed, then make a mask for hair from a colorless henna + yolk + honey. You can wash off such a mask with a weak solution of mustard without additives.

Honey is perfectly washed off. One but. Try to wash your hair in standing water. Put the basin higher (for example, on the bench) - and thoroughly talk in the water. And then rinse the grass.

It is necessary to keep until you feel lung plugging, and do not bring to the fiery state :). And the benefit will not.

How often? - As an ordinary shampoo. Those. Mustard you use instead of shampoo constantly. The only thing is not to forget to add to the mixture of oil, yolk (you can and other good components), and not that hair is pushed. By the way, if it goes, then the mustard will be your favorite shampoo.

Mixture to apply on dry hair, not necessarily on everything, just put the mixture of the roots, because The tips at all and are so sufficiently dehydrated or just dry: they are just enough rinsing. "

2 yolks are taken, 2 tbsp. L with top of a mustard powder, green tea is added and mixed. Then gradually befeit oatmeal or rye flour and mix sour cream to the consistency. For long hair (below shoulders), approximately 400 ml of the mixture is usually required. Hair is well moistened with water. Apply this mixture ("Shampoo") on the hair, massage and washed. Solve the acidic solution with the addition of kefira, lemon juice or apple vinegar. Approximately 1 tbsp. L by 2-3 liters of water. No other cosmetic shampoos are used.

If no oil masks are superimposed before washing the head of the head "shampoo", you can wash once. If basic oils are put, you can use the "shampoo" twice. Instead of two yolks, you can take 3. If the hair is dry - you can take 1 tbsp. mustard powder, and instead of tea - low-fat kefir. Instead of green tea, you can add red wine, kefir, other fermented milk products, such as serum, beer, whiskey. It is important to remember that it is necessary to add flour to the mixture, and not grind oatmeal. They do not wash the shampoo without the help of an ordinary shampoo. Shampoo can be used for all types of hair. "

Homemade hair shampoo: 150 gr. Water, 1 tbsp. Spoon of soda, 2 tbsp. Spoons of vodka + 1 egg. Rinse with acidic water.

I do a quasha - in a 3-liter jar on a quarter dying porridge - buckwheat, rice, Hercules, a couple of kefir glasses 1% and fill with water from the crane. After a couple of days later, a quasha's bubber egg is quail with a shell together. On the shell useful as Mumiya. Stir. Flames fall into the sediment. You can wash your head. To add seeds, wheat, rye, oats. Passionate in the quasha, they will give the energy of germination, i.e. youth.

I my head is only two years for two years. Everything is fine. The first week was a weak cancellation syndrome - the hair salted, sorry, were, and then everything recovered and the head looks normal. In the morning I put my head under the crane, I slipped, and go ahead. Very convenient and economical.

I heard that one woman told how she was sitting at home and soap to the exams on the exams only with water, noticed that after some time the hair began to clean. Since then, she has not been soap with any shampoo heads for 30 years and excellent healthy hair. And here one girl Annie wrote that her brother was not sohes and the hair was cleared. I also think that it is necessary to simply pull out and the hair will be restored, but for now you can, of course, help the herbs.

And now - the recipe for my beloved shampoo. Since the beauty of us should be natural, then the means of achieving it will be natural. So: 1 yolk + 1 teaspoon of mustard powder + 1 teaspoon tincture of burning pepper (pepper bag pour 200 g vodka, insist 5 days), mix, rinse into the hair, rinse, rinse with water with apple vinegar (!) Or lemon juice. Hair after that lush and lie perfectly!

I am very pleased with the use of natural product washing products. I do not remember when there are soaps of their shampoo. I take as the basis of the yolk, or half a cup of kefir, or stealing rye bread, add 1 teaspoon of dry mustard and tincture of acute peppers, wash off the apple vinegar solution (1 tbsp. Spoon for 2 liters + 5 drops of grapefruit or lemon oil). The hair actually lie great. But, unfortunately, do not shine. To glisten, they say, they must be dried, dry with honey, washed off. But this is usually too lazy.

I have the best rusty bread launders (I am melted, my without shampoo only 2 months), and yolk mixed with colorless henna. And the wrinkle of the mother and-mache and nettle. Hair after that grow well!

Already about 2 months. I do not use shampoo. I tried the egg, mustard, and now I stopped on a white and green clay, just henny neutral hair is very cool. And of course I use tinkers, though the choice is not enough, but I found the nettle and oak boring, I still use green and black tea.

In general, as they say, there are a lot of various "alternative" methods of washing the hair - by dried bread, spoken, kefir, whey, a spectable decoction, pyrhy, birch juice, even a potato starch.

Means tested by me for washing the head: rye flour, rye bread, simple soap, clay, mustard powder.

My head black bread, yolk, clay, mustard.

For hair washing: Infusions of different herbs (chamomile, nettle, chamber, a series, oak bark), sour milk, mustard powder and more.

Grandma never washes her hair with shampoo or soap. Uses eggs, honey and rod (fermented milk product, the same yogurt, only without chemistry), but only homemade rustic. To wash your head, it is better to use the black knitting knife. It is rubbed into the skin of the head and hair and wash off warm water in 20-30 minutes. Hair seems to come to life, irritation is removed, dandruff disappears.

I was still told on mustard and yolk, then alternately, together. I must say, the hair for several months of using mustard and yolk steel have become much better than before.

Dry hair washing starch: Usually we are my head using water. But there is a dry way. It is ideal for the moment when you rush, and your hair needs to be put in order. Sprinkle with a potato starch. After 5 minutes, rub the dry towel and comb.

You can apply talc on dry hair, comb and wash off with water - such a quick way.

I know that, for example, you can boil rosemary and wash your head with a decoction. And I also heard that you can wash the kefir.

For three months, my head is exclusively kefir with an egg and mustard powder. For a glass of kefir (though it is better acidic milk, preferably home and not shop) one egg and a teaspoon of mustard powder. This portion is enough twice. One condition: the head is forced this case twice and very well rub, otherwise it will not be frightened. My hair I like this mixture very much, and if we wash with a chamomile or burdock with Air, then it will be great. But it's all for recovery and strengthening hair.

No one recommends to wash the head, kefir only rubbed in the roots of the hair in 30 minutes. before washing. Egg yolk then the head is better not to wash, because Relatively bold kefir do not happen. But if you make a "shampoo" from water, corn flour and mustard powder, then it will be sick. Mustard powder, they say, even oil masks are pushing. But it is necessary to care with him, since with a frequent use, it can cut the scalp.

Cossacks believe that it is absolutely optional to use shampoo every day. With him, they wash their hair only every 2-3 days, and in other cases they simply rinse them with acidic warm water.

You can wash with tomatoes. Of course, to wash your head, you need to make juice, and in this juice I added 1 egg.


In one medical college, the teacher at the lecture said that if you can eat shampoo or gel without harm to the body, you can wash them.

Detergents make sense to alternate: in each of its healing agents that are not in others.

It turned out that the head should be washed with water, the temperature of which is 36.7 ° C - that is, equal to normal body temperature.

To wash your head is better to use boiled water, adding some drinking soda or ammonia alcohol. Soft water degreases the hair well, does not irritate the scalp.

Someone said that it was necessary to rinse the hair with water with vinegar. Yes, hair will be smooth and combably comb. For me, this is very important because there was always a problem with it. But do you know that the vinegar destroys the tissue and bones of the body? From arthritis there are folk remedies in which vinegar should be added. The pain passes, but the bones become soft, fragile. And this is no longer a joke. Before rinse the hair with water with vinegar, think than it can end.

Head washing is the necessary amount of daily care, but many of us fulfill this procedure incorrectly. Do you know how much shampoo needs to be applied, what air conditioning use, what is the frequency of washing is optimal for hair? Professional doctors trichologists dispel the current myths, explaining what care is our curls need care. Consider how to wash your head.

No matter how paradoxically sounded, but the washing of the head, first of all, is not aimed at maintaining the aesthetic species of strands, but to maintain their health. In vain to believe that the less you are resorting to this procedure, the more beautiful and healthier will be animated. Since not only straight, but also the skin itself needs regular purification and care.

A daily layer of the epidermis distinguishes about 2 grams of sebumIf adding to this figure raid from using sprays, mousse and hair varnishes, we will get a very impressive raid on your head. You should not ignore and external factors - daily skin and curls are settled with pollutants and dust.

The result becomes the "fatigue" of the hair, their sluggish appearance, the grains of the tips, the thinning of strands. Without to be careless, the curls look lifeless and sluggish, they become disobedient, high loss begins. All this can be avoided if you know how to wash your head correctly.

6 Gold Rules for Effective Persons

Determine with frequency

Wash curls are necessary so often as required by the condition of the hair. If you wash the curls too often, then you risk strain from the skin even minimal lipid raid, which is necessary to power the curls. It can also lead to the formation of a magnifying glass. Excessively chemical composition of shampoos also alarming and makes you think.

If you resort to the use of the procedure too rarely, then you risk closing the pores of the scalp, "thanks" to which the balanced channels of the curls will violate, which will lead to the development of various problems.

  • hair Type;
  • season;
  • the necessary power of the epidermis head;
  • status of curls and their length;
  • the form and composition of shampoos, the use of additional means of care and styling agents.

We draw conclusions

Accent on shampoo

Photo: Wash hair with shampoo

How to wash your head shampoo? Proper care relies on hair type. Therefore, tyrichologists are recommended to choose the shampoo based on this. Modern care products are divided into the following types: for dry, for normal strands, means against a magnifying glass, shampoos to strengthen strands, for painted curls.

As a rule, manufacturers indicate the appointment of shampoo on its packaging, so there is no problem with the choice of the right tool. It is recommended to purchase purchases in proven places (pharmacies, major trading offices). Otherwise, you risk acquiring a fake, which clearly will not improve the appearance of curls or their health.

An important aspect is the composition of the selected fund. The less chemical elements in it, the better and safer is the shampoo. It is not recommended to choose universal products that are both shampoo and balm at the same time. Since the action of these goods cannot be combined, otherwise the curls and skin of the head will not receive any high-quality cleansing, nor proper humidification.

Trichologists advise regularly changing shampoo. No matter how good the means is, the head epidermis gets used to it, and the former effect becomes impossible. You can resort from time to time to use other brands for a couple of weeks, after which you can return to your favorite care line.

Photo: Wash head shampoo

Shampoos analogues

More natural and useful care can be considered homemade shampoos. The following components are needed to create it:

  • eggs;
  • lemon juice;
  • olive oil;
  • warm water.

Mix the indicated ingredients before the formation of homogeneity. We use the resulting mixture as a shampoo - we appline hair and washed after a couple of minutes.

Some ladies prefer to care for curls with soap. To do this, you should choose economic and children's models. Although they are distinguished by an increased alkali content.

Photo: Washing hair with soap

The adherents of this method are confident that this method of washing makes curls softer, obedient and silky. Use pre-grated and mixed with warm water. Thus, we get a soap solution. Wash out the soap shampoo very carefully, otherwise the curls can stick together and be covered with a bold. The optimal end of the washing procedure is washing with strands with lemon juice.

Additional care

Proper care for strands is impossible to submit without the use of balms and air conditioners. They contribute to smoothing curl scraps, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, make curls softer and obedient. The following means should also be applied:

  • rinsers;
  • cream;
  • sprays;
  • masks.

All of them are used after washing the head. Some species do not need to flush. They are applied to the dried strands.

Water - does it affect the health of the curls?

Many girls are desperately monitored on the quality of shampoos, air conditioners and styling means, but completely forget about that water, with which we are my curls. Water from the crane is extremely dangerous, as it contains an increased chlorine concentration.

Trichologists recommend choosing boiled, bottled or filtered water, which has a soft composition and favorably affects the external state of strands. If you still use water from under the tap, add her herbs champs into it or a small amount of soda.

These components neutralize some harmful substances. Pay attention to the temperature of the water used. The optimal option is the temperature of 40-50 degrees. If you have a fatty skin type, you can choose more cool water.

Photo: Water washing

How to wash your head - Effective technique:

  • prepare the need for the procedure for care and a pair of towels;
  • before washing well, spread it well, it will allow you to better clean the hair and remove dead scales;
  • adjust the correct water pressure with the recommended temperature;
  • water hair along the entire length, evenly;
  • squeeze the shampoo and scroll it in the palms;
  • apply the root to the roots, smoothly distributing it throughout the length, use massage movements;
  • an ordinary shampoo should be flush immediately if the tool has a specialization for "recovery", then hold the shampoo on the strands of several minutes;
  • wash the remedy well by paying for several minutes;
  • repeat the washing procedure - it will help to eliminate pollution completely, as well as favorably affect the appearance of the chapels;
  • when using Balzam, apply the tool to the already washed columns, wait the specified time and wash off.

During my head washed, you can use additional techniques that will improve the blood circulation of the epidermis. The most common option is a massage in the form of stroking (conducted by the pads of the fingers). No less effective are techniques of rubbing (circular movements with fingertips), stretching (intervals between the fingers should be captured by thin strands and carefully pull up), the tendering (light tapping on the head of the head).

Actions after washing hair

It is necessary to comb straight, but it is strictly prohibited to do it on wet curls. By weight of water, they easily fall out and break. To comb, choose smooth crests, not combs. The best option is a wooden ridge, which is easily beaten and does not scratch the epidermis head.

The permissible option is brushes from natural bristles. It is recommended to use them with increased loss of curls. Please note that fat and contamination can be harvested, transferring them to curls after washing. Therefore, from time to time, clean them with a solution of alcohol.

Long strands need to start combing the tips, gradually moving to the roots. If you have short hair, then the ridge movement scheme will be reverse - from the roots to the tips. If the curls are too confused during washing, then you first need to divide them into small strands and start scattering from the periphery to the center.

Then there is a matter of drying hair. Give strands to dry by naturally or use terry towels to speed up the process. To do this, take a high-quality towel, preheated on the battery. Out of the curls, tilt the head of the bottom, and start rubbing. A towel will absorb an extra moisture and will allow the hair to dry significantly faster.

It should be used only in emergency cases, since the thermal impact leads to damage to strands, they become dry and are easily damaged. The optimal option is to use a cold hair dryer. You should also use different oils and sprays that protect the hair from the effects of temperatures.

How to teach your head to rarer wash:

  • use shampoos for dry curls;
  • try less to touch the curls, since you leave lipid raid and dust on their surface;
  • completely comb your hair, especially before bedtime;
  • thoroughly wash the shampoo and other treatments;
  • use high-quality products, preferably with a professional bias;
  • in their free time, collect strands in the tail - so dust and dirt fall on them;
  • two use of fixation to minimize.