How to keep up? Free courses for pregnant women. Preparation for childbirth. Centers "Soon I will"

I often read information from many women, which is a useless time spending and an abundance of unnecessary information. Personally, this approach is surprising. But let's still figure it out: you need or do not need these courses.

A modern woman should not only be a wonderful wife, to give time to yourself, but at the same time still have to make a career and give birth to a child, and maybe even a few children. Therefore, she has very little time and do not want to spend him in vain. That is why many women consider vain spending time. After all, there is an Internet, social networks and YouTube, where you can find a video about how to correctly give birth, feed, scold, etc. Still, you need or do not need courses for pregnant women ?????

Courses for pregnant women in Moscow - Topics

Courses for pregnant women There are different and covers completely different questions. There are courses dealing only by preparing for childbirth. Most often on them much attention is paid to the physiology of childbirth,
proper behavior and physical training. Or, on the contrary, it is a psychological courses for childbirth, where they draw, listen to music and work on the configuration of women to the upcoming birth.
Rarely but meet preparation courses for childbirthMixed type. That is, they are engaged in the courses and psychological training, and physical. They act as midwife or doctors, telling about the physiology of the process of pregnancy and the birth of a child, as well as about the correct behavior during childbirth. There are also psychologists who help future mothers cope with their fears and tune in to the upcoming work in childbirth.
As the fear of childbirth is most covered by a woman, and about time after childbirth, as a rule, few people think about, the most demanding seminars for the care and feeding of the child are more in demand. The rest of the mother's topics are already studying in parallel with the development of their baby.
In my opinion, this is not a completely true way of preparing for parent, because it does not end anything. Namely after birth, a young mother faces a lot of problems and situations that require immediate response and in search of information has no time. Hence fatigue, irritation, incliops and other problems.

Courses for pregnant women in Moscow - what time is better

When a woman decided to attend classes for future mothers, the first question is: on what time
best attend courses for pregnant women? The answer is obvious - this is possible on any time. But it is much more efficient and more convenient to engage in the second trimester, starting from 20-24 weeks of pregnancy.
For duration, the courses are different: either it is 10-15 classes, or attend the program is possible until the end of pregnancy. It all depends on the needs of the woman itself. You can choose theoretical classes on topics to you, and fitness for pregnant women and breathing trainings attend to the birth.

Courses for pregnant women in Moscow - after giving birth all forget

Very often, future mothers do not want to attend courses for pregnant women. Be afraid to forget everything later and in the most difficult period again stay alone with your problems. It is very important to pay close attention to the selection of courses. Are there any practical classes, distributing material, free accompaniment after the end of the courses. If there are such bonuses, it will all help you remember the material or contact him when the need arises.
Escort after graduation is a very important and convenient service. After all, you can contact a specialist and ask him all the issues available, ask for help in solving a particular problem.
Remember that this is not related to medical issues! If your mother or child requires medical care, then it should be handled only in LPU.

Courses for pregnant women in Moscow - Maternity School Aisto

Maternity School Aistyok Conducted classes for future parents for preparing for childbirth and care
child. Future mothers can choose both individual seminars for preparing for childbirth or child care, so and go through the full program to prepare for motherhood. For example, out of 10 classes covers the themes of pregnancies, fees in the maternity hospital, childbirth, care and child feeding, as well as the first months of development.
Every month we hold seminars on various topics: preparation for childbirth in one day, preparation of a couple of partnerships, child care and development seminars. Here are future parents, can choose what you need.
Classes B. Maternity School Aistenok Highly qualified specialists have medical education and education in the specialty. This allows them to give competent information and correctly organize classes, which is also important. Even a fitness specialist for future mothers with us is a medic, because it is so important to choose certain exercises depending on the period of pregnancy so that they contribute to the improvement of the condition of a pregnant woman and gave positive energy.

At the end of our courses, all mothers get surprises with pleasant and necessary trifles. It helps a little to figure out the world of goods for future mothers and babies, as well as already have trial samples in the hands.
In addition, we continue to accompany our girls after graduation. They can ask questions or ask for advice from our specialists. And most importantly - our future mothers receive certificates for one full-time free patronage, which they can use if necessary. On this patronage, the specialist answers the questions of the young mother, helps to establish breastfeeding and suggests in caring for the baby.

Courses for pregnant women in Moscow - free

Is it possible to pass classes for future mothers for free? Sure you may!
Free courses for pregnant women There are randoms and female consultations. There you can get knowledge of the physiology of pregnancy and childbirth, breastfeeding and legal information. That almost
do not give commercial courses. The minimum set of knowledge to prepare for childbirth will be. And then, you already have something to work out on your own or visit a paid seminar.
But in public schools for mothers there is practically no practice and fitness for pregnant women. After childbirth, the pediatrician and nurse from the clinic will come to the patronage, but since it is a state institution staff, they are limited in time and functionality.

In this article I wanted to show you that the courses are not so useless. It's like a pleasant time
training for the future mother and the storehouse of the necessary information. It is important to choose good courses for pregnant women in MoscowSo that they meet your needs and gave good support at the right moment.
Well, if you did not have time to visit the courses before childbirth, then after the birth of a child you can visit along with the baby. In these classes, you will learn to interact with the child, learn the features of development at an early age and get information on the establishment and completion of breastfeeding, as well as child care.

Be healthy and easy pregnancy!
Head of Schoolmaternity Aistian,
Medical psychologist
Tarasova Alexandra

The main task of the motherhood school is the normalization of psycho-emotional state in pregnant women, preparation for childbirth. Lectures in such an unusual school read doctors, and lecture topics are divided into pregnancy semesters. In this school there will be no intermediate tests, there will be only an exam, an assessment for which you put yourself.

Why do I need it?

You are sure of yourself, one hundred percent you know how childbirth will pass, do not worry about anything about any negative thought in the head? Congratulations! So you work a gynecologist and know everything yourself. Or you just very rare happy.

For all other, simple mortals, this material is written. The nature of the future adult depends on the nature of the future adult, its resistance to various troubles, the ability to stand up for himself, the ability to enjoy life and love others depends on the nature of the future adult. Favorable circumstances folded thanks to the correct confusion of the mother in childbirth, her love, constant support, confidence and tranquility, which the baby absorbs in itself before birth to light.

In addition to theoretical knowledge, future mothers find "girlfriends fortunately", the same women as they can discuss all topical problems, health, preparation for childbirth. This gives great confidence and psychological unloading.

Teach at school, learn at school

When preparing for the birth of a future mother, you should learn a lot of important and useful infractions: the ability to "own the body" during the generic process and use various comfortable positions, massage of biologically active points in battles, conscious attitude to pain and the fulfillment of all the proposed psychoprophilax measures of pain (breathing, Relaxation), psychological training, information on the process of childbirth.

The approximate program of predatory training looks like this:

1 trimester (1 - 3 months of pregnancy)

  • Life before birth (gynecologist)
  • Therapeutic gymnastics (physical physical physician)

2 trimester (4 - 6 months)

  • Hygienic rules during pregnancy (gynecologist)
  • Physiotherapy
  • Mom - Medical Sister (pediatrician)
  • Child care (psychologist)
  • Joyful wait
  • Film "From conception to birth"

3 trimester (7 - 9 months)

  • Physiotherapy
  • Kid baby correctly (pediatrician)
  • Little World of Little Child (Psychologist)
  • Birth of a miracle
  • Consultation lawyer
  • Preparation for childbirth without fear (gynecologist)

Psychological training

Birth is a huge stress for the body of a woman. If you skillfully use the skills taught at the motherhood school, then you can reduce injury and mother and child, overcome the stressful state with the smallest losses.

But no less important than the physical condition is and psychological attitude. Mom needs to establish emotional contact with tea. Training programs can help.

The main directions of psychological trainings:

  • Positive and negative feelings and experiences associated with pregnancy
  • Use of resources and disclosure of new features of your own body
  • Work with fears and fears before pregnancy and childbirth
  • Passage and correction of one's own birth
  • Awareness and experience of aggressive feelings, the acquisition of ways to control and constructive exit from conflict
  • Acquisition of skills of anesthetic massage and breathing during childbirth
  • The development of more attention to their feelings and sensations that will help better understand themselves and other people
  • In the process of preparing pregnant women, a favorable emotional situation on theoretical and practical exercises is purposefully created. A psychologist develops in pregnant women of cheerfulness, optimism, confidence in their power. This is facilitated by the well-being of pregnant women and finding them in a friendly, cohesive team of pregnant women.

What I did, going to the official decree. I share with you free leisure activities of a pregnant woman who wants to know everything. The main thing is not to overdo it with the number of information!

Meetings with midwives in TsTU

CTA is the center of traditional obstetrics. It exists a long time and has a reputation as a place where the careful attitude towards the mother and the baby is practiced, namely - in every way they speak for soft childbirth. Here you can observe a pregnancy and conclude an obstetric accompaniment contract (when the selected midwife is going with you in the maternity hospital and is present throughout the childbirth, it helps to carry the bouts). Every week (accurate information on the site) there are meetings with midwives, which are told that such soft childbirth is needed, why need in the process of midwife, what she does and what helps.

Impression: With us at the meeting was one dad. He did not understand hard, why pay 50-60 thousand obstetrics, if you could agree with the doctor. At these free meetings, they tell why the midwife is needed.

Meetings for pregnant women "Two in one" from the online store Babadu

It's just some kind of carnival of pregnant! At one time and in one place - about 200 taisles, thirsting for new knowledge, winning the lottery and consolation gifts by number. The largest online store of goods for children created a giant community of pregnant women, giving them the opportunity not only to buy, but also self-reflection. Such social responsibility of the business, and very useful.

Meetings are held once a month in St. Petersburg and in Moscow with broadcast to the regions. You can get there, after registering on the site and receiving confirmation. If the letter did not come, do not hope to get on this holiday of life. Everything is very strict. Each guest is issued a number, then it will be given a big beautiful bag with gifts from partners.

The meeting consists of 5-6 lectures on topical "pregnant" topics with a pair of interruptions on a light snack. Throughout the meeting, prizes are played - from a set of diapers for newborns to electric milk pumps. And someone lucky!

Impression From the meeting is good, however, the third hour has become a little tedious. But no one left, everyone was waiting for bags. And in them - nozzles on the nipple, gaskets for nursing in a bra, a jar of baby food, wet wipes for sensitive skin skin, flyers for discounts and many other little things.

Trial classes in schools preparation for the genus "New Life"

This school has a huge network of branches - they are practically in every area of \u200b\u200bMoscow and Moscow region. To get on the first trial occupation, you need to sign up by phone or mail. The occupation consists of three blocks of one hour: gymnastics, answers to questions and breathing exercises.

Impression: In my group there was a man 12, and all on the venerable timing (deep in 34 weeks). And when, during the gymnastics, most women were intensely looked up legs, waved their hands and moved the pelvis, repeating the energetic teachor, the impression was created that they would now begin to give birth. Everything is in serious here.

The second block - conversation - consists of questions and answers and to a greater degree of coverage of those that will be discussed in classes. "But we will talk about this at the eighth year lesson," the teacher said.

Culmination, third hour - respiratory gymnastics. From the side it looked like this: 12 large women on Fitbolas puff, grumble, deeply inhale, quickly exhale. At times it was ridiculous, but do not forget about the benefits of such practices. Three hours maybe it is a little tedious for a pregnant change body, but, of course, not without good.

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