How to care for fatty hair? Cosmetic procedures for salted skin. Video Review - How is the procedure

Porous oily skin occurs at the overwhelming majority of adolescents during puberty and about 10% of adults. Despite the fact that oily skin is less susceptible to aging than dry, it quickly loses attractiveness in the absence of proper care. In this article, we will look at the main types of salon and home procedures that help normalize skin condition.

The skin belongs to the fatty type in the presence of the following signs.

  • the appearance of brilliance on the forehead and in other areas on the face is already 1-2 hours after washing;
  • extended pores on chin, wings of nose and cheeks;
  • regular appearance on the skin of acne and inflammation (acne).

Why leather oily

Highlight three main causes of oily skin

Individual features organism. Some people have a greasy skin type from birth. In this case, it is necessary to properly care for the face to eliminate the brilliance, preventing the expansion of pores and the appearance of acne.

Hormone failure. When enhancing the production of certain types of hormones, for example, androgens, the sebaceous glands begin to work more active. That is why oily skin on the forehead, cheeks, chin is often found among adolescents, pregnant women and in the climax of women, as well as those who are on the treatment of hormonal therapy.

Wrong care. Too intense procedures destroy the natural protective layer of the skin. To restore it, the sebaceous glands are activated, and the face begins to glorify, the pores are expanding, becoming more sensitive to external influence.

Salon procedures for care per oily skin persons

Peeling. One of the features that the skin of the type under consideration is located in a thickened layer of burned epithelium. It is possible to get rid of it with the help of peeling of different types: mechanical, enzyme, chemical. Surface procedures using acids are particularly effective. Some of them can be used for oily skin and in the summer when the work of the sebaceous glands is enhanced. Conducting peels is permissible only in the disposition of irritation, inflammatory processes, traumatization of the skin. The need, the possibility of carrying the peeling, and the type of peeling, we recommend to coordinate with the doctor - a dermatologist, a beautician.

Moisturizing. Procedures aimed at eliminating the fatty shine and reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands often lead to dehydrated skin cover, and in this case the face starts at the same time and glorify and peel. Therefore, when choosing funds for cleansing, it is better to give preference to those that properly clean the skin without over with it. Moisturizing the skin must be regular. Select moisturizers for fatty skin.

Cleaning. Due to the reinforced salo formation of pores of oily skin, it is cleaned, which leads to their expansion and appearance of inflammation. To prevent this, it is necessary to regularly visit the cosmetologist for cleaning, which is carried out manually and using vacuum, ultrasound and other devices. The procedure lies in the deep purification of oily skin with the subsequent soothing massage and applying the tapered pore of the mask. Such a procedure is carried out only in the absence of acne on the face, since otherwise infection is possible.

Massage. One of the problems, to the appearance of which the enhanced work of the sebaceous glands leads is the deterioration of peripheral microcirculation. To eliminate it shows a regular plastic, metabolic or cryoissage. Also, combined hardware techniques, such as pneumatic photography, vacuum massage with subsequent phototherapy are also helpful for special care for oily skin.

Care in homemade conditions per skin fatty type

Regular cleaning. Care for porous things must necessarily include daily morning and evening wash using special gels or foams. Timely removal of sebum and pollution avoids clogging and their further expansion, and also helps get rid of acne. Once in 1-2 weeks at home can be made peeling, but it must be as gentle as possible, especially for those who have fat skin.

Using supporting pores masks. Make less noticeable expanded pores help the means in which fruit, salicylic or glycolic acids contain.

Protection skin. It is necessary to use moisturizing creams every day that protect fatty dehydrated skin from negative environmental factors: low and high temperatures, wind, etc.

In order for the listed care options for porous skin are effective, it is important to choose decorative cosmetics properly, preferring to nonconvenient and hypoallergenic means. They do not clog the pores and do not cause irritation of the skin of this type. Also, it should not be too long to sunbathe, as the level of seven glands increases in the sun, which leads to the appearance of acne on oily skin.

how look after per oily skin from help tools Clean & Clear ®

Clean & Clear ® offers fatty skin care products at home. Gel for washing, for example, from the line "Deep Action" Removes skin fat and pollution from face, help prevent acne. For skin of this type, a line of agents for oily skin of the face is created, which allows you to fight black dots: "Daily gel from black points 3 in 1", lotion and daily scrub. Tools for glitter control (gel, scrub and lotion) will help make face matte. And the means from the "Deep Action" series allow you to improve the condition of even the most problematic skin.

Increased oily skin is a serious factor that provokes the risks of acne's development. As a rule, oily skin of the face is due to the peculiarities of the production of some hormones. For increased selection of sebum and related skin problems, not only adolescents are complaining about, but also patients older age, especially during periods of hormonal oscillations, or persistent hormonal dysfunctions. In order to correct the selection of a hasty secret, its quality and prevent inflammatory skin processes, the site recommends paying attention to the injection procedures with the drug Meso-Xanthin F199 from Emet TM.

Features of the impact on the secretion of sebum at fat skin

Silest glands of the skin of the face are isolated by sebum, a substance that is a natural lubricant that supports the normal level of moisture and performing protective functions. Semum-contained fatty acids are part of the skin mantle and protected from penetration of viruses, bacteria, suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Silent lipids maintain the integrity of the horn layer, contribute to the delivery to antioxidant cells.

Against the background of changes in the individual hormonal status, Semum synthesis can significantly increase. The accumulation of the skin becomes the cause of blockage of output ducts, the expansion of the skin, the beginning of the inflammatory process - the development of acne. One way to significantly reduce the risk of formation of inflamed elements acne and prevent complications of the package is to reduce the fatty skin. For this purpose, drugs that have the ability to regulate the function of the sebaceous glands, are mainly derivatives of vitamin A, or drugs regulating the level of sex hormones in patients. However, it is necessary to take into account a number of side effects and contraindications when appointing them. To date, gaining popularity and are quite effective biorevitalization and mesotherapy procedures, which make it possible to improve the quality of the skin of patients with the risks of acne's development.

The ferotinoid Fucoxanthine F199 synthesized from seaweed became the main active substance of the injection drug Meso-Xanthin F199, which is used to correct the problems of oily skin.

Features of drugs used for patients with fatty skin

Aging problems with the manifestations of acne usually happen from those patients who had rashed in adolescence, but did not fulfill them to the end, and after 20 years the inflammatory elements continue to disturb against the background of hormonal bursts. It also happens that the woman did not have teenage problems with the skin, and first received the manifestations of acne against the background of the approaching menopause.

Meso-Xanthin F199 from EMet TM is a highly active drug that can be used for patients from 18 years and older when correction of increased fatty skin, manifestations of elements of acne 1 and 2 degrees.

Carotinid Fucoxanthin F199, obtained using biotransforming technology, in addition to normalizing the secretion of sebum, reducing the severity of pores and comedic formation, has also powerful antioxidant properties, optimizing rehabilitation processes in skin cells, and prevents the development of inflammation, reducing the risks of acne's development.

According to the results of using Meso-Xanthin F199 ™ injections, there is a significant improvement in skin quality:
. Normalizes the volumes of seminal seabling and reduces the pore diameter;
. Leather color is equalized, erythemical severity and stagnation decrease;
. Reduction of pigment formation decreases
. The severity of inflammation decreases.

In addition to carotenoid Fucoxanthin, Meso-Xanthin F199 contains vitamins that increase its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Reduced inflammatory processes and acceleration of skin regeneration contribute to regulatory peptides and growth factors contained in the injection preparation. Due to their activity, as well as the presence among hyaluronic acid ingredients with high molecular weight, the skin increases its elasticity, its texture and chromium improves, microcirculation is enhanced.

Depending on the condition of the skin and age, the patient is prescribed a course of treatment with Meso-Xanthin F199 from Emet TM. Usually recommended from 4 to 6 procedures with an interval of 7-10 days.

The effect of Meso-Xanthin F199 from Emet TM with fat skin and manifestations of acne 1 and 2 degrees are observed after the first procedures, which causes patient satisfaction and increases their commitment to treatment.

Fatty skin of the face has always brought a lot of problems with its owners.

As a result of abundant selection with sall glands of fat on the skin, black dots and numerous inflammations appear.

The face of women with such a problem will always glorify and is distinguished by an unnatural glitter.

Today we will talk about the fat skin of the face - what to do, how to improve its appearance, return beauty and health.

Fatty skin face - what to do: define and eliminate the reasons

Even the most effective drying cosmetics will not bring a sustainable result if you do not try to eliminate the causes of skin fat. The first step towards health of the skin of the face should be the normalization of the sebaceous glands. This is possible if such a type of skin is not due to genetic predisposition or heredity. So, the causes of problem skin:

Disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;

Thyroid diseases;

Diseases of the nervous system;

Hormonal disorders caused by sex ripening, pregnancy;

Improper nutrition;


Insufficient sleep;

Alcohol abuse;

Smoking, drug use;

Incorrectly selected cosmetics for fatty skin care products.

After eliminating the reasons for excessive seating, you will notice the improvement of the skin. Your nails and hair will also get a healthy appearance.

Fatty skin - what to do: full care at home

According to dermatologists, to normalize the work glands of the external secretion, it is necessary not only to correct the health and establish a lifestyle, but also to properly care for capricious skin. Following the simple rules, you can significantly improve the condition of oily skin.

1. Cosmetic products that you buy in stores or pharmacies must necessarily be designed to care for oily skin.

2. To wash it without using a sponge.

3. To purify the skin you need to take warm water. Hot water increases the salinity of the skin.

4. Refuse the use of products containing alcohol. First, they dry the skin slightly, but with regular use, subcutaneous fat production provoke.

5. To choose from decorative cosmetics, approach very carefully. As you know, the thickness of the skin is superbly controlling the kaolin clay. It is part of many tonal means with a dense texture designed for problem skin. Welcomes in the composition of zinc oxide product with anti-inflammatory effect.

6. Apply a tone with a sponium or brush. Rubbing cream with fingers, you stimulate the glands to intensive fat production.

7. Once a week, make steam baths based on insists of medicinal plants. Helpful herbs like mint, chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, calendula and a series are perfectly suitable.

Fatty face skin - what to do: use natural home masks

1. Mask based on cosmetic clay. For fatty skin, the skin is suitable yellow, white, green or pink clay. For one procedure, it is enough to take one tablespoon of clay. Add acid milk to it and stir up to the state of the casis. A mask is applied to clean skin for 15 minutes. It is very convenient to clean her with a very comfortable wet wet disc.

2. Mask of low-fat yogurt. It allows you to significantly improve the condition of oily skin. For the preparation of the mask you will need yogurt, potato starch and milk (ingredients take the proportion of 2: 1: 1). We thoroughly mix the components and we assign a mass on the skin of the face for 20 minutes. We wash the mask with warm water.

Fatty skin face - what to do: seek help to cosmetologists

Oily skin is a disease caused by violations in the work of the sebaceous glands. If you wish, it can be accelerated in the clinic or in the Cup of the beautician. As a result of inspection and analyzes, therapeutic procedures will be recommended, which are selected for each individual case and allow for a long time to get rid of the problem of oily skin. Consider the most popular and efficient methods of treatment.

Face cleaning

Facial cleaning happens: ultrasonic and mechanical (manual).

The procedure involving the use of ultrasound is safely cleansing the skin from the corneled layer of cells, fat, contaminants. As a result of cleaning, you can get rid of black dots, reduce extended pores, refresh the complexion and improve the tone, normalize blood circulation and lymph.

The mechanical cleaning of the face is a deep cleansing of the skin with a special tool - a cosmetological spoon of UNO. The procedure is shown in oily skin, clogged by pores, dim color of the face, acne rash, sebagne traffic jams.


With oily skin, cosmetologists recommend a massage in the dish. This technique of pinch massage is aimed at normalizing the work of the external secretion glands and improving blood microcirculation in the skin. The procedure allows to provide epidermis cells with oxygen and necessary nutrients. After passing a massage course, you will mark the decrease in the salinity of the skin, eliminate inflammation and pigment spots, an increase in skin tone. The tweezing massage has a general healing effect on the skin of the face.


This cosmetic procedure provides for mechanical and temperature effects on the skin of the face of a steam sprayed under pressure. It allows you to improve the complexion of the face, clean the pores, raise the tour, improve blood circulation and make the skin matte. For the treatment of oily leather, such types of vaporization are used:

Exposure to hot steam;

Exposure to cold ferry;

Application of ozonized steam.

So, we looked at the facial skin problem - what to do and what methods to choose depends on each specific case. The main condition for success is the regularity of leaving procedures and an irresistible desire to have a healthy and beautiful face.

  • Main tips on fat skin care
  • Overview of cosmetics
  • Salon Fatty Leather Procedures

Features of oily skin

Fatty skin facial features excessive shine and is often characterized as a problem. To deal with whether your skin includes fatty type, Biotherm's expert in Russia Elena Alekseeva advises to conduct a small experiment.

"In the morning, you will smell with a soft foam or gel. Do not apply any other means on the skin. Two hours in two hours, label the matting napkin forehead, nose, chin and cheeks. See 5 fat prints on a napkin? So, the skin and the truth is fat, "says Alekseeva.

To check how fat your skin is, two hours after washing, attach a matting napkin to it. © iStock.

Here are some more distinctive characteristics of oily skin.

  1. 1

    The skin is thick.

  2. 2

    Pores are expanded all over the face.

  3. 3

    Increased seal, bold glitter.

  4. 4

    Black dots, closed pores, acne and acne.

  5. 5

    The skin is not inclined to the early appearance of wrinkles.

Why the skin of the face becomes fat: the main reasons

The fatty skin is either hereditary or acquired.

"Most often oily skin - a young satellite. Then she, as a rule, becomes combined, - explains Elena Alekseeva. - Fatty and shine appear due to hypertrophied work of the sebaceous glands. "

Makeup is bad on the oily skin. © iStock.

We'll figure it out for which reasons the glands can go into reinforced work mode.

    Genetic predisposition.

    Hormonal imbalance. The fact is that hormones have a direct impact on the work of the sebaceous glands. Increases skin fat, for example, adrenaline, the level of which in the body grows at the moments of stressful situations.

    Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Eranny nutrition (acute, fatty and spicy food).

    Incorrectly selected skin care products.

"Many mistakenly believe that cosmetics containing alcohol need fatty skin: allegedly such funds will dry it and make matte. This is a wrong approach, and it will not lead to anything good. After all, the more you cut the skin, the point of which she reacts and produces even more sala, "Elena Alekseeva warns.

The most common myth - oily skin does not need moisturizing creams, both day and night. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite: the problem of unnecessary semism is helped to solve including moisturizing agents.

I ignoring the moisture stage, you will receive not only excessively active Cemum's production, but also peeling, which can aggravate the pore blockage.

In the summer, instead of moisturizing funds, the owner of oily skin use means with one matting effect. So should not.

Remember: The skin will in any case will highlight sweat and fat, and the lack of moisture will also strengthen this process. So invest in creams that, along with matting, will provide moisturizing.

For oily leather suitable cosmetics with a light texture. © iStock.

How to care for oily skin during the day

As with any other skin type, care is necessary round-the-clock.

In the morning


    Golden skin loves light textures - gels, foams, mousses. It is desirable that they were washed off, so cleansing will be as thorough as possible.


    Wipe your face with a cotton disk dipped in tonic to remove the remnants of contaminants, refresh the skin and restore the pH balance.

    Application of cream

    For oily leather, the means with a light texture of fluid or gel are suitable. In their composition, look for sebulagulating, anti-inflammatory, matting and exfoliating ingredients.

Fat skin need good moisturizing. © iStock.


Your main savior from oily shine is matting napkins. They contain sebligulating components and absorb excess fat, eliminating excess shine. You can use napkins an unlimited number of times.

In the case, if you have inflammation, jumped up the pimples or has a red "tubercle", use SOS to correct local imperfections. Such products have La Roche-Posay, Kiehl'sand Vichy..

In the evening

Approximately an hour before the waste to sleep, proceed to the evening ritual of care about the skin.

    Demaciazh. Use a special tool for removing makeup with eyes. The rest of the cosmetics remove the same means that they used to purify the skin in the morning. A good thing to care for oily skin is the Clarisonic MIA2 apparatus with a brush-nozzle for washing and deep purification of pores.

    Toning. This stage is obligatory because it will allow the skin to better assimilate the components of the cream that you are going to apply.

    Application of cream. Take the night cream in about half an hour before the deposit to sleep. Do not be afraid of oil formulas: for example, rosemary or lavender oils will help regulate the work of the sebaceous glands. The main thing, make sure that the means is marked "non-encoded".

    Deep cleansing. One or twice a week do cleansing masks with clay.

Overview of cosmetics

To prone to fatty skin, choose means with moisturizing and matting effect. This will help avoid the appearance of rashes.


  1. 1

    Light cream gel with matting effect Pure Focus, Lancôme The lipohydroxyc acid refreshes and matures.

  2. 2

    Moisturizing Cream Gel For Face without Oils Ultra Facial Oil Free Gel-Cream, Kiehl "S Keeps moisture supply in oily skin at the expense of glycerin. In addition, the formula is enriched with vitamin E having antioxidant properties.

  3. 3

    Moisturizing Emulsion Effaclar Mat, La Roche-Posay It has a matting effect and helps protect the skin from dehydration.

  4. 4

    Corrective cream gel for problem skin against imperfections and pedestal Effaclar Duo +, La Roche-Posaydoes not overload the skin due to light texture and allows you to moisten it for 24 hours.

  5. 5

    Light moisturizing cream with matting effect Daily Moisture, Skinceuticals With extract of seaweed, allantoine and panthenol, supports the optimal level of moisture and is responsible for a noticeable narrowing of the pores.


  1. 1

    Cleansing Mineral Face Mask Masque Pure Empreinte, Lancôme With white clay and minerals reduces the fat shine and aligns the microrelief of the skin of the face.

  2. 2

    Purefect Skin 2 In 1 Porefect Mask Cleansing Mask, Biotherm Based on marine extracts and white clay, clean the pores without overwhelming the skin.

  3. 3

    Mask for cleaning pores with Amazon white clay Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleansing Masque, Kiehl's Effectively cleanses the skin and cares for it due to the content of aloe vera.

  4. 4

    Cleansing Mask Magic Clay, L'Oréal Paris With clay and eucalyptus extract, not only reduces pollution, but also significantly softens and smoothes the skin.


  1. 1

    Gel For Deep Cleansing Skin Gel Pure Focus, Lancôme With lipohydroxyc acid gives skin freshness and well-kept look.

  2. 2

    Cleansing gel against black dots and oily shine "Clean skin", Garnier C salicylic acid and zinc will not allow dehydration of oily skin.

  3. 3

    Deep cleaning gel Normaderm, Vichy With glycolic and salicylic acids delicately eliminates pollution.

  4. 4

    Gel for washing, cleaning pores, Simply Clean, Skinceuticals It acts gently due to the formula with hydroxy acids and aloe juice.


  1. 1

    Exfoliating Tonic Purefect Skin Toner, Biotherm With algae and zinc extracts, it provides a visible result: the skin becomes clean and matte.

  2. 2

    Tonic, narrowing pores, Rare Earth Pore Refining Tonic, Kiehl's With Amazonian white clay and allantoin, lines face skin relief, refreshes the skin.

Fatty leather care for men

"The skin of men differs from the skin of women, as men's sex hormones have a huge effect on it. In particular, androgens and their derivatives reinforce the activity of Cemum's production, "explains Marina Kamanin, an expert of the L" ORÉAL PARIS.

Oily skin in men is more common in women than in women. © iStock.

By virtue of hormonal and physiological causes, men's leather is greater, has a tendency to block pores and the formation of comedones.

"The optimal means for cleansing can be the means with activated carbon, as it has good absorbent properties, carefully cleans the pores from contaminants and skin bass," it offers a decide of Kamanin.

Another useful component is salicylic acid that works on the principle of chemical peeling:

  1. 1

    dissolves communication between the horny cells on the surface of the skin;

  2. 2

    allows you to delicately get rid of them and smoothes the skin.

Mandatory point of care program - exfoliation. Dermatologists recommend using for this scrub with smooth polymer particles. But the rough crushed bones of fruit only injure the skin and can cause new inflammation or irritation.

What should be cosmetics for oily skin? To make the right choice, it is important to determine the criteria corresponding to the needs of the body. Overall skin is one of the options for the norm. To minimize problems, the correct care is important. When complying with simple rules, the skin's leather is capable of keeping a fresh look, without being subjected to such a phenomenon as early wrinkles. But in the pubertal period she can deliver a lot of hassle: greasy shine, comedones, acne, extended pores. In some cases, these problems persist and after 30 years. If fat is becoming a pathological nature, you should contact a dermatologist and an endocrinologist to eliminate serious malfunctional failures.

Get rid of comedonov

Before applying cosmetics for skin, it should be saved from various acne formations. Among them are comedones. This is a certain kind of cyst, which is formed by blocking the mouth of the hair follicle. There are two types: open - black dots, and closed - white subcutaneous balls.

Black dots acquire a dark color due to the oxidation of fats of the skin on the surface. This species is not dangerous to health.

The closed comedones in the form of white balls are located under the skin and do not have an open exit to the surface of the epidermis. Such conditions are favorable for breeding bacteria and fungi, so they need to be eliminated.

The reasons for the appearance of comedones are diverse:

  • changes in hormonal background;
  • the presence of diseases;
  • heredity;
  • improper nutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • toxic environment;
  • non-compliance with hygiene rules;
  • tablets, etc.

With black dots it is quite possible to cope on your own, today there are a large number of methods for eliminating this type of comments. And if there are white subcutaneous comedones, you must consult a specialist and undergo a course of treatment.

Cosmetic fatty skin care

To make decorative cosmetics well on the skin texture, it is important to choose the right tools. Cosmetologists recommend first to acquire one product from the series and test it. It matters not only the absence of a negative reaction, but also the presence of a positive effect. With satisfying a result, you can try the remaining tools from the selected line.

A full-fledged complex for fatty and problem skin must be multi-stage and include means for cleansing, tones, moisturizing and nutrition. To achieve the maximum effect, all procedures for cleaning the face and saturation of its useful substances are recommended to be carried out with a small interval, at least 10 minutes. This allows the tools at each stage of care to fully fulfill their functions and prepare the skin to the next procedure.

The main stages of fatty skin care

It is important to carry out all 5 stages in the care of oily skin. The first three of them are cleansing, the most important procedure for oily skin. Face cleansing should pay maximum attention. Toning, moisturizing and nutrition can also be ignored.

The composition of cosmetics for oily skin

The most effective substance against fatty is alcohol, however, the use of funds with it in the composition should be limited and strictly dosed. First, excessive drying of the skin leads to an opposite effect - strengthening the work of the sebaceous glands. Secondly, alcohol only enhances irritation. In view of this, it is absolutely not suitable for sensitive skin. Inorganic dye oxychloride bismuth and dimethicone, liquid silicone, contribute to the blockage of pores and the appearance of acne.

Decorative cosmetics

Very often makeup blocks the beneficial effect of care cosmetics and exacerbates skin problems. To avoid this, it is important to pay due attention to choosing decorative cosmetics. First you need to make a list of funds that you need, and from the rest to refuse.

Oily skin should breathe that it is impossible under the thick layer of cosmetics.

Ideally, it is desirable to stop using the basics of makeup, a tonal cream and powder, to reduce the number and regularity of the application of the Ruman. If it is impossible, choose creams with a light texture. Dry shadows and eyeliners are preferred for eye makeup. Warming wipes for face will help remove excess fat.

Salon treatments for oily skin

From cosmetic procedures, those are most effective are those carried out in specialized salons.

Ultrasound cleaning

Ultrasonic facial cleaning is one of the most popular extinguishing procedures. It is capable of effectively and painlessly clean the skin, not traumating it. The skin is cleaned of external damage and dead cells of the epidermis, the swings of the sebaceous glands open, decreasing in size in size, the blood supply is improved.

Chemical peeling

All of them preference is given when only the horny or several first layers of epidermis is affected. Acids brighten the skin, align its tone and surface relief, stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin. However, even multiple procedures will not allow achieving such a result, as from one-time median peeling. Almost completely eliminates the horny layer of the skin and affects the deep layers of the epidermis. This procedure is able to remove small wrinkles, rid the skin from scars, pigment stains and a pedestal. Common peeling component is. Depending on the desired depth of exposure, 15% or 25-30% solution for oily skin is selected.


The procedure satures deep layers by hyaluronic acid, the necessary element for nutrition and cell division capable of suppressing the activity of the sebaceous glands, thereby reducing the fattyness of the skin.


In the mesotherapy session, the cosmetologist fills the skin with vitamins and microelements by injection directly into the problem area. Local anesthesia is helped to make a procedure less painful. Cosmetic companies Natura Bisse from Spain and Dermalogica from the United States have developed special feeds for oily skin, including therapeutic components. After the diagnosis, the specialist picks up an individual set, which will provide the skin professional and complex care.


Cosmetics for oily skin care must have a cleansing, antiberizing, drying effect. To enhance the effect of cosmetics, salon procedures should be carried out. For oily leather, the face is perfectly suitable chemical peels, ultrasound cleaning of the face, biorevitalization and mesotherapy.