How to develop clear speech: basic techniques and exercises. How to develop a child's speech from birth? Maintaining speech dialogue, games

The mechanism of formation of speech in a child starts from the very first day of life. For this process to proceed quickly and smoothly, we adults need to become the most active participants in it. This long-term investment of our strength and emotions will pay off with interest in three to four years, when we get an interesting interlocutor with our out-of-the-box thinking and judgments. The development of speech in children is the daily work of the baby and the parents. Let's look at the stages of speech development in a child.

Where do you start? Parents are the speech model for the child. This is why it is so important to carefully monitor not only what you say, but also how you say it. From the very first days, stimulate the baby's speech: talk to the child as much as possible - pronounce the words clearly, slowly, but emotionally. Vocalize everything that you do, while trying not to be limited only to everyday speech. Read nursery rhymes, poems - everything that rhythmically and well fits the ear. Consider together, or rather, study the pictures in the book that the baby likes, ask questions. At first, he will only show what you ask, and then he will try to repeat after you. Play with your child in toys, in the theater. Give him a sample of building dialogues, situations, and gradually the child will answer you, and then he will come up with the conditions of the game.

Speech is life itself, so do not confine learning to print and interactive toys... The surrounding world, nature will inspire your baby to new verbal discoveries, develop imagination and awaken imagination. While walking, try to pay attention to details such as a curled dry leaf that looks like a tube, which can become a telescope, or a dewdrop, which can become a real sea for ants. In the summer, build sand castles with winding passages, launch paper airplanes together, lay out drawings from natural materials on the sand. In the fall, collect bouquets of leaves (at the same time learn the names of trees, shades of flowers), acorns, maple seeds, which will then be used for crafts. In winter, make snowmen and paint them with paints, bring an icicle home - let it melt in a basin. In the spring, let the boats run in the streams, show the baby the drops, listen to the chirping of the sparrows. All these actions fit into the child's regime moments and do not require special expenses. But if you miss the time, leave the baby to himself, then closer to school you will have to catch up with leaps and bounds and what was so naturally laid down in childhood will have to be crammed in large portions. And from such information overeating, you yourself know what happens: fatigue, nervousness, unwillingness to learn.

Unfortunately, not every parent has the time and opportunity to deal with their child systematically. Specialists-teachers can come to the rescue, including children's speech therapists in children's development centers. Most often, the programs in them are aimed at ensuring that the child develops harmoniously, receiving and assimilating information in accordance with age and individual characteristics.

How to continue your child's education

What happens next? And then we teach the child to use what he has accumulated, that is, to correctly and smoothly express his thoughts - to explain, prove, build the logic of the story and compose. This is already a more complex process that goes beyond everyday speech and is related to verbal creativity. This is where future works originate.

Let's start this stage from the basics - the ability to compose a short story about any living and inanimate object or object. In the future, this kind of information will be useful to your first grader for preparing reports: after all, very often it is the inability to properly dispose of a large amount of information that leads to the fact that the child finds it difficult to start a story, to compose a story from a picture. This process is comparable to the question from adult life: "How are you?" We will use diagrams - these universal cards, which are clear step-by-step instructions and do not allow you to go astray on the right path of word-creation, at the same time, eliminating repetitions and hesitation in speech.

What is the outline of the story?
Who → What group does it belong to → Description → Where does it live → What it eats → What benefits it brings → Features

For example, here's a story about a dog that can be composed according to this scheme:

"The dog is a pet. The appearance of the dog depends on the breed. Dachshunds are small, with a long body, an elongated muzzle and a long tail. Their paws are short. These dogs are intended for hunting foxes in narrow burrows. Boxers have a flat muzzle, wide chest, strong paws - this is a fighting breed. In villages, dogs live on the street in a kennel. In cities, dogs are kept in apartments. They eat meat, special food. Since ancient times, the dog has been a friend and irreplaceable helper of man. She helped him guard the house, graze sheep, hunt wolves, foxes, birds, saved people both on the water and in the mountains. There are special guide dogs for the blind. "

A similar scheme applies to inanimate objects.
What → What group does it belong to → Parts → What is it made of → What is it for

After the child has learned to compose stories-descriptions, you can proceed to the next stage - learning how to compose stories from a series of pictures. The ability to build a logical chain is important here: to arrange the pictures in the correct order, because all our actions in everyday life are performed according to certain schemes.

It is important to convey to the child that the pictures and the events taking place on them are not abstract stories, but what surrounds the baby in everyday life. Have the child identify with the main character. He will tell you what he would have felt, said and done in the place of the character. Let him give his name and the names of his friends to the drawn children.

Let the kid tell the rules of the game of hide and seek, tag, what needs to be done to brush your teeth, boil water in a kettle or go down to the first floor.

It is very important to broaden the horizons of the child, to talk about everything that surrounds him - this will greatly help to enrich the vocabulary of your child and develop a full-fledged literate speech faster. Try to be with your child in different places, try as many different things as possible, play a variety of games. For example, if the kid has never been on a fishing trip, he will not be able to compose a story about the funny adventures of fishing boys on the river, since there are laws and terminology.

Then we teach the child to compose stories from the picture. Let's connect our imagination and turn one picture into a series of three, mentally imagining the beginning and then the ending of our story.

And the last stage - the most difficult - is the ability to compose a story-description of nature from a picture. At first glance, there is no action, no heroes, only one forest. But, closing your eyes and stepping out of reality into the thicket of an imaginary forest, you find that life is in full swing here. In order not to get lost in this more often, we will come to the rescue, again, the description diagram will take the seasons.

Day and Night → Weather → Plant world → The world of birds, animals, insects.

Here is an example of a story about autumn, drawn up according to this scheme:

"In the fall, the days are getting shorter and the nights are longer. At the beginning of autumn, there are fine days. This time is called" Indian summer. "But then the sky is darkened, covered with clouds and the tedious rain drizzles all day. A piercing cold wind blows. Trees dress up in painted clothes - yellow, red, orange, purple. The wind blows - and the colorful rain of leaves will fall from the trees. Autumn is the time of leaf fall. Birds gather in flocks and fly away to warm lands. Animals are preparing to hibernate, fatten up, store food for the winter. Squirrels, hares change their summer coats for winter ones. "

And finally - communication with the child

In preschool age, a child's natural habitat is play, so turn learning into play. Get engaged, that is, communicate while walking, on the way to the garden, shop. Do not sit at home at the table, as in school: just let the child look through the book, and do the task that interests him, together. If your child is motivated to study, then, on the contrary, you can play with him in school. In any case, be guided by the individual characteristics of your child, find an approach to him, and he will answer you with interest, sensitivity and understanding.

Listen carefully to the child, do not interrupt or rush him, do not scold or compare with others. Exercise at a time when the child is in a good mood, when he has slept and is not hungry.

The Russian language, like any other, requires regularity, so it is better to study every day for 15-20 minutes than once a week for an hour. When our children begin to learn a foreign language, we understand that only regular classes can guarantee the result and effectiveness, the study of the Russian language and the development of speech is also no exception and requires a systematic approach.

From an early age, it is necessary to teach a child to speak not only in the language of everyday life, but to use all the wealth of the Russian language in his speech. Communication is one of the basic human needs, and your little one needs it like no other. Everyone has the opportunity to create, and we can do it every minute, creating small verbal masterpieces. Language is not only one of the most important means of communication, but also a living material that has its own color, shape and taste. We have to reveal this to children by teaching them to create within the framework of certain laws. This is a long way, and it depends on us adults whether they will have a narrow wandering path or a wide road on the way to new knowledge, discoveries and free communication.

  • T.Yu. Bardysheva, T.A. Chokhonelidze "Retellings and Stories".
  • T.A. Tkachenko "Big book of tasks and exercises for the development of coherent speech of the baby."
Try it. And ask the kid to tell you what he heard ...
Leave the premises for 5 minutes ... and ... let him restore the course of events for you while you were away ... and compare with what is on the disk ... here's the work on the errors ...

I don’t know how to explain this, but my older child didn’t know how to tell from pictures at all, didn’t understand the order .. no matter how much I fought, there was no result ...
But he was a very developed child, he spoke cleanly from the age of one and a half, a large vocabulary, easily and quickly learned to read and count and generally understood well, now everything is also in perfect order ...
In short, my conclusion is that this skill does not speak about anything .. It's just that someone sees these pictures and knows how to add them up in history, someone does not. I also admit that this is useful :) But inability is not fatal :)

The article is really good.
But - I will say right away - I am a ped, not a _logo_ped. But the speech problems of their children had to be dealt with tightly, specifically and, uh, massively.
Because the elder is already an adult - and he had a bunch of speech diagnoses - and, in fact, everything was straightened out and in general he showed quite good results in his studies and development, I dare to criticize: the idea of ​​accustoming a small child to schemes is extremely vicious.
Yes, there is a chance to get an excellent student in elementary school. Maybe this honorary title will hold up to middle school and even high school. So what?
In one of the best Moscow schools (in fact, what to hide? - in 2007 * -)) there is a methodology aimed at correcting the "schematic", "schoolboy" system of thinking - that is, getting rid of the consequences of the training that we are told about in this article. Unfortunately, in this school there are no primary grades and they begin to teach a child to think not in schemes only at the age of 11 ... To be honest, the method does not help everyone * - (

Decent article and to the point, which is nice

From an early age, the baby should be taught to correctly express his emotions, to build sentences correctly. At first glance, it seems that the process will not cause labor, and there will be no difficulties on the way to achieving the goal. However, every child is different and may not start talking right away.

When to teach a child to speak

There are age periods by which it is possible to determine how correct the development of speech in a baby is. There are no strictly defined rules. The learning process should begin from birth: the baby should sing songs, tell stories, talk to him while walking. The mother's heart will tell you how to act.

In the period from 6 months to a year, there is an active formation of brain centers that are responsible for speech, therefore, increased attention should be paid to communication with the baby.

In the period from 2 to 3 years, the speech areas are almost completely formed. It is at this time that children begin to freely express their thoughts, speak, and learning should be as active as possible. Do not worry if there is no sharp jump by this age. The best option is to consult with a specialist, and in the absence of signs of illness or physiological abnormalities, continue to develop the speech apparatus.

Speech norms of children of different ages

Each period of growing up is characterized by certain sounds, words and sentences with which the baby expresses his emotions.

What does a child under 12 months say

The first sounds from a baby can be heard as early as 2 months (in addition to screaming and crying). The kid is happy to say "-gu", holds out the vowel "-a". It is important to answer the little one, to make it clear that communication is important. After a few months, more complex combinations can be heard. It is useful to turn on music, audiobooks, etc. for him. A one-year-old baby knows about 5-10 words consisting of a pair of syllables.

Speech norms for children 1-1.5 years old

A child's speech becomes more extensive in one year and older. His vocabulary is growing every day. He understands very well what his parents ask him, for example, to go wash his hands, go to bed, etc.

By 18 months, a baby can memorize up to 20 new words.

The little one likes to learn everything new, he himself is happy if he remembers and reproduces more. Well in this period, books with three-dimensional pictures help to develop, which must be considered together and asked questions about them.

How children 2-3 years old should speak

At 2 years old, the vocabulary of children includes about 70 words, and in a year the baby knows more than 200 new expressions and about 1000 words. In addition, the child already knows how to inflect words by case, inserts pronouns into sentences. Sound reproduction is not clear, but by the age of 5 this problem is solved by itself.

What a child should say at 3-4 years old

Starting from the age of three, kids can learn small songs and poems, guess easy riddles. The speech of the crumbs can be easily understood, even despite the mistakes in the use of gender, number and case.

The dictionary reaches almost 2,000 words by age 4.

The kid begins to fantasize, invent his own expressions. More adverbs, pronouns, adjectives and numbers appear. The main problems at this age are the rearrangement of syllables in places, the absence of sounds [p], [l] or [c].

What children say at 4-5 years old

The speech of children from 4 to 5 years old consists of 3,000 words, not including "reworked" in their own way. The sentences are already full of different prepositions and adjectives. Kids do an excellent job with tasks such as describing an object, retelling a small fairy tale, reciting a poem with intonation, and alternating between quiet and loud pronunciation. Most children can count to 10.

Child 6-7 years old

The speech of children 6 years and older is literate, with a small number of grammatical errors. They easily communicate with peers and adults, can easily describe any life situation and objects. With more than 4,000 words in stock, a child is able to compose an interesting story, come up with a name for it. The main problems in this period are the distortion of unfamiliar words, the wrong staging of stress.

How to teach a child to speak and develop a speech

The development of speech in one-year-old children, older toddlers and preschoolers is different. It is important not only to be guided by the established norms, but also to take into account the individual characteristics of the child.

How to teach a child to speak at 1 year

Often parents are faced with a situation when a child does not say what is considered the norm for this age in a year. What to do in this case?

  • Try to communicate in a way that makes him responsive. For example, when going for a walk, you can ask what color of shoes he likes best. Naturally, the baby will not be able to respond appropriately, but several coherent sounds are also the result.
  • Communicate with your baby more often: on a walk, at home, in a store, on a visit.
  • Speak aloud all your actions and his actions. This can be cleaning the house, discussing animals, toys.
  • Pay attention to reading a large number of books, viewing pictures. You can choose not only fairy tales, but also encyclopedias for children. Perhaps the baby will show interest in animals, insects, climatic phenomena, etc.
  • Communicate using the correct speech, without shortening or distorting words. Talk to your baby like an adult.

Don't worry if you can't get a positive result. It often happens that a baby is not yet ready at 1 year old for full-fledged communication.

Development of speech in children 2-3 years old

If the child communicates with difficulty or does not speak at all at 2 years old, it is necessary to stimulate his speech.

What can be done:

  • Play alphabet. Kids of this age love to repeat letters after adults. It is necessary to clearly and loudly pronounce the sounds, this gives certain skills in learning the alphabet.
  • More often ask questions that are difficult to answer unequivocally: "no" or "yes".
  • Repeat those words that are difficult for the baby to cope with, or those where he "swallows" the endings.
  • For any problematic sound, poetry or songs should be selected. In this case, you need to pronounce each line with the child so that he sees how an adult does it.
  • Correct the kid every time he tries to replace a complex sound with a simpler one. Most often it happens with the letters "l", "g", "p" and "s".
  • Give children songs to listen to, watch educational cartoons, introduce new people: peers and adults. In communication, the baby will develop faster.

You shouldn't worry about the wrong pronunciation of the letter "r" at this age. Specialist help will be required if the problem is not resolved by age 6.

Teaching the speech of a child 4-5 years old

The development of speech for children aged 4 to 5 years should take place through games, exercises and training.

Do not forget about sharing picture books. It is necessary that the kid tries to talk as much as possible about the objects that he sees. Learning poems and songs by heart helps a lot.

How to develop speech for children 6-7 years old

The main thing in the development of a 6-year-old child's speech is to form a phonemic hearing, to teach how to distinguish words from large sentences, and specific sounds from words. In addition, it is important that children divide at least small words into syllables. This is important not only for speech, but also for the further ability to read carefully and be aware of what was read.

To avoid speech lags, you need to do the following:

  • Give children the best literary works on a regular basis. Moreover, the child should not just listen to him (if he does not know how to read), but try to retell or prepare a scene where he would play the role of the main character.
  • Make riddles, give a variety of tasks related to texts or words. For example, it can be the correct arrangement of syllables, words in a sentence. You should carefully monitor the mistakes, correct them in time, regularly repeat what the child has noticed a weak point in.
  • Play word games. The simplest and most popular are associated with rearranging letters in the opposite direction, choosing synonyms. Many children enjoy playing the "extra third" game.
  • Speak proverbs and sayings with the baby. This is considered one of the most effective methods of developing the speech apparatus, eliminating defects.

It is best if all problems are eliminated before going to grade 1 so that the baby does not experience difficulties in reading and writing.

Many parents do everything to ensure that the child's speech apparatus develops correctly: they re-read mountains of literature, sign up for consultations, contact children's centers. The best thing is to try several methods and choose the most suitable one for the baby.

Method "Bukvogram"

Developing technique "Bukvogramma" is a real assistant for parents. The program, developed by S. Shishkova, candidate of psychological sciences, is based on the principles of neuropsychology, speech therapy, and defectology. Designed not only for preschool children who are poorly focused on the material and restless, but also for adolescents.

The purpose of using the technique is to activate memory and attention, as well as to correct all types of speech.

These tasks are accomplished through fun activities included in the program. Mental work alternates with breathing exercises, physical exercises. Shishkova believes that proper breathing helps to strengthen the work of the brain centers. In total, the program includes 20 lessons that require regular performance.

Shishkova about the Bukvogram technique:

Cartoons for the development of a child's speech

Watching cartoons is one of the favorite activities of any child. However, even this hobby can be turned into a useful one. There are many speech development cartoons that will be of immense benefit when chosen correctly.

At the age of 3 to 5 years, the baby absorbs all the information he has seen and heard, so you can replenish his vocabulary through cartoons with colorful characters.

It is worth paying attention to age restrictions. Some educational cartoons ("Smeshariki. Pin-code", "Fixies") will be of interest to elementary school students, but "Mickey Mouse Club" or "Aunt Owl's Lessons" are ideal options for preschoolers.

Games that develop speech in children

To develop speech, you can play with children. If a child loves to make faces and make faces, he will like to play "funny grimaces". One of the parents should sit down opposite the baby and tell what is required of him. This can be a request to puff out your cheeks, stick out your tongue, move your jaw in different directions, etc. The main thing is to use as many combinations as possible in order to use the maximum of the facial muscles.

In the game "watch" it is necessary for the child to work with the language, imagining that it is an hour hand. They should be moved, changing the speed each time, in different directions.

Another version of the game is to invite the baby to portray a giraffe and a mouse. In the first case, the baby should kneel, raise his hands, clenched in the palms, stretch as high as possible while inhaling. Accordingly, on the exhale, the baby depicts a mouse, crouching, head down, clasping his knees with his hands. It is imperative to observe the repetition rate.

The famous pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky advises parents not to worry if the child does not speak until 2 years old. It is worth sounding the alarm if the baby has reached the age of three and does not know how to correctly express his thoughts or refuses to speak at all.

  • You need to talk to a baby without using diminutive suffixes.
  • If the kid is silent for a long time, then the kindergarten will help fix the situation. Some children open up in just such an environment.
  • Children need to regularly turn on music, from funny songs from cartoons and fairy tales to classics. All this has a positive effect on the perception of speech, sounds, and the world.
  • Use any free minute for conversations. You can discuss everything: the color of a car passing on the street, the height of a running dog, vegetation, etc., the main thing is to use a large number of adjectives.
  • Constantly ask questions, even if the baby refuses to answer them.

Positive dynamics with regular exercise will certainly be noticeable if the baby is healthy and does not have any physiological abnormalities.

Ushakova's technique for the development of speech in children

Learning to speak coherently is a long and complex process. The methodology of the famous doctor of pedagogical sciences O. Ushakova can help parents. The goal of the program is to improve the pronunciation of sounds, improve diction.

The technique is based on small poems, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes and games.

The program involves the use of syntactic, lexical, and phonetic systems in order to accelerate the development of meaningful and coherent speech. It is great for young children attending kindergarten, for schoolchildren. Many speech therapists choose the technique as the basis for correcting speech defects.

Speech development of preschoolers based on the Ushakova methodology:

Tongue twisters for the development of children's speech

Tongue twisters are helpers not only in learning the native language, but also in improving the speech apparatus. Moreover, many children prefer tongue twisters rather than poems or songs, which is due to the fascination of their pronunciation and fun. Pronouncing difficult phrases quickly can eliminate most problems.

If you correctly build the process of familiarizing yourself with tongue twisters, then it will already be difficult for a crumb to break away from their study. He will love not only the fun activities themselves, but also the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities to friends. You can start with such easy examples as "the puppies brushed their cheeks with brushes" or "there lived a giraffe, chewed fat."

Don't worry if your child doesn't speak at an early age, as everyone's speech skills appear at different times. There is no single rule for learning, parents will have to choose from a variety of options, experiment, watch the reaction of the crumbs. Patience and listening to your baby will lead to a positive outcome.

Every parent considers the moment when the baby begins to speak is the greatest joy in the development of a child. Of course, it all starts with simple sounds and syllables. This is the very first step of a baby on the path of mastering speech. This process is very laborious and will require efforts not only from the child, but also from the parents - after all, you need to make a lot of efforts to consolidate the baby's interest in speech. There are some simple rules on how to develop a child's speech.

First rule: you should never guess a child's thoughts. Each had a situation: a toddler of one and a half to two years old points, for example, to a kitty and says: "Kisya". Mom immediately picks up the child's thought and begins to tell: “Yes, it's a cat. She is very beautiful. You see, she is walking along the path. " Mom said everything for the baby, why should he add anything else? If you are already wondering how to develop speech in a child, then, first of all, do not guess his thoughts. It is better to ask your kid questions and wait for an answer, even if you know in advance what he will answer.

Second rule: have conversations with your child. Yes, it is with the child, and not just in the presence of him with someone else. When reading a fairy tale to a kid, stop and ask what, in his opinion, will happen next, what the hero of the fairy tale will answer. Do not think that since the baby is silent, then he has nothing to say. Do not forget that he needs time to think, so do not rush him with an answer, but wait patiently. The most important thing in the question of how to develop speech in a child is to stimulate him to speak. Ask more questions. The speech of children at 2 years old is thinking out loud.

The third rule: it is worth teaching your baby to speak in correct sentences. It is necessary to thoroughly approach the question of how to develop speech in a 2-year-old child correctly. First, the baby learns simple words, then phrases, and then moves on to sentences. And here the task of the parents is to help the child master the complete art of speech. Ask him leading questions, ask him to tell about some object that comes your way on your walk, about an animal, a bird.

Fourth rule: relive this day with your child every night. Before you talk to him about what you saw, did that day. Ask him what he would like to do tomorrow, make plans together. If you have not spent the day together, then have the child tell you what he did and with whom, what new he saw and learned. In these moments, the baby not only develops, but also learns to listen to others. Such conversations are very helpful for parents to correctly develop the speech of children at 2 years old, teach them to think logically and in stages.

Fifth rule: ask your child to describe each item. Draw his attention to all the bright objects, tell him what you see together. The next time you see a tree, cloud or animal again, ask your baby to describe it in his own words. You can also ask him to come up with a story related to what he saw. This will help you not only to answer the question of how to develop speech in a child, but also to the question of how to develop his imagination.

The sixth rule: it is the last and most important in the question of how to develop speech in a child of 2 years old - always speak correctly. You should not lisp with the child, distort the words in his way. Do not repeat the words incorrectly pronounced by the baby, always correct it and say the correct version, you may have to repeat one word 10 times in a row, but the child will remember it correctly. Do not forget, at this age, the baby is your mirror, he completely imitates you, and as you say, your little one will try to speak.

Idea 1. When communicating with children over 3 years old, more often use generalizing words in your speech - concepts (vegetables, fruits, berries, transport, clothing, shoes, hats, dishes, furniture, animal, pet, wild animal, plant, tool etc.).

For example: “Put your shoes back. Let's put the dishes on the table - what kind of dishes will we put for breakfast? What kind of transport did you see while walking with your grandmother? Guess what fruit the compote is made of? Guess what vegetables I bought at the store. Let's put the clothes back. Help dad get the tools. "

Research shows that generalizing words are best and easily learned by children, who often hear them from close adults in everyday life.

Idea 2. It is important that the child himself analyzes, compares, draws conclusions and discoveries and reflects his own thoughts in his speech, and does not remember - reproduce the thoughts of adults.

For example, it is absolutely useless to memorize from a book that "beets and carrots are vegetables, and apples and pears are fruits." It is better to make the kid discover for himself what the difference between vegetables and fruits is.

To do this, let's buy a few real vegetables for soup and salad in the store with the child, on the way home we will discuss with the baby how these vegetables differ from each other (in size, color, taste, shape, surface nature - smooth or No). Then, together with the child, we will lay out all the vegetables, consider them and find how they are similar to each other. And together with the baby we will derive our own definition of what vegetables are.

A question for a child who will help us - how are all vegetables similar to each other? For example, all vegetables are similar to each other in that:

a) grow in a garden on the ground or in the ground,
b) people grow them, they do not grow by themselves,
c) edible vegetables - soups, mashed potatoes, stews, etc. are prepared from them.
Make a conclusion with your baby - which plants are called vegetables.

Then you just need to consolidate the child's ideas in the course of life, asking questions such as "Guess what vegetables I made the soup from?", "What vegetables did dad bring from the store?" And also - play in the store, where the child will have to put vegetables and fruits on different counters.

Similarly, you can discuss with the child and other generalizing words (furniture, dishes, clothes, etc.) and clarify them.

Idea 3. More often compare objects with each other with your child.

There is absolutely no need to buy special pictures for this.

On the way to kindergarten, you can compare your jacket and the child's overalls - how they are similar and how they differ. Compare details, their shape, size, color, material.

For example: “Vania's overalls have a hood, but my mother’s jacket has no hood. The jacket is short and the jumpsuit is long. The jacket has a high collar and the jumpsuit has a low collar. The overalls have cuffs, but the jacket does not, "and so on. Likewise, next time compare shoes (boots and boots). You can compare the two houses you pass by (how many floors and entrances, what windows and balconies, what is on the ground floor, etc.). When preparing dinner, compare a saucepan and a frying pan, a cup and a glass, name their parts, shape, color, material, purpose. On a walk, compare trolley and bus, truck and car, spruce and pine, birch and oak.

Such tasks develop not only speech, but also attention, perception, thinking of the child.

Idea 4. Remember that what is exercising develops. Therefore, ask the child more often about his plans, experiences, ask him to tell about interesting cases from his experience.

On the way to kindergarten, to grandmother's or on a visit, ask what he wants to do, how he will play, with which toys, which toys he likes more and why, and which less. In the morning - ask him to tell a dream that he had or come up with an interesting dream in the evening. Discuss how he wants to spend the weekend, what toys he will need for a walk, how he is going to play.

And in the evening after kindergarten, be sure to ask not what he ate, but how the day went, what was interesting, what upset him, what pleased him, what surprised him, with whom and what he played, what he learned and what he learned. In the evening, tell Daddy together with the baby about the events of the day, about the books that you have read (retell the most interesting and favorite fragment).

So the child will quietly learn consistently, coherently and understandably for the interlocutor to express his thoughts and talk about events from personal experience.

Idea 5. If it is difficult for a child to tell about an event from personal experience, help him with leading questions (How did it all start? What happened next? What did you say ...? What did you answer? Igor was upset? And you? How did it end?). Or start the phrase, and the child will continue it: "I really liked how ... I was upset when ... We read a book about ...". First, the kid will tell with the help of your "supports", then you will notice that he no longer needs supports - he has learned to build a statement.

Idea 6. From the age of 4, use the "written speech" situation.

No, it's not the kid who writes. It is you who write, under the dictation of the child, a story he invented for a friend or a letter to dad. This is a very effective way of developing speech, because the baby begins to listen to his words, to be aware of them, learns to plan his statement. Let's start the phrases: “Today we were ... where? There we saw ...? They were…. We became… .. And ducks…. ". Gradually, you will notice that the child's speech has become more coherent, and the child began to easily build a coherent text - a story about an event.

Idea 7. Even with very young children, it is very useful to comment on their actions out loud with the baby.

When you are going for a walk or feed a child, say what you are doing, naming in exact words all objects, their signs, qualities and properties (fluffy, smooth, shiny, rough, soft, hard): “Now, let's take a towel and dry Vanya. This is the kind of towel we have - soft, fluffy, white. Where is Vanya's handles? Here are the pens. Let's wipe our pens ”and so on. It doesn't matter if the child is not speaking yet or is not speaking well.

By commenting, you create a nourishing speech environment for the development of the child. It will pay off handsomely when he starts talking.

Idea 8. Always accurately name all objects and actions in your speech.

Instead of saying “put on your pants” name the item exactly - “put on trousers (or - jeans, shorts, leggings, tights). This will help your little one learn how to compare and distinguish similar things from each other. Consider the things in the house. How are trousers and leggings different and similar? How are the beret and the cap (panama hat) similar and different? What are the similarities and differences between a cup, a glass and a glass? Chair, stool and armchair? Such exercises in everyday life are a powerful key to developing a baby's thinking and speech.

Idea 9. From 4 years old and older, the child really needs communication with peers, and not in the classroom, but in free play.

Analysis of the speech of children shows that when a child needs to explain something to a peer, help him, show and talk about something, children use several times more complex syntactic structures than in class with adults! This means that the grammatical structure of the child's speech is being formed.

Idea 10. If the child is mistaken in a word, do not repeat his mistake. This will only fix her in his memory. Instead, just say the correct one a few times.

For example, my daughter says: “I have laid out a lot of spoons and forks on the table,” and you answer: “Clever girl! Yes, you put a lot of spoons and forks on the table. That's how many spoons! And there are many forks! Thank you, I helped. " Use intonation to highlight the correct ending in the word. A child 5-6 years old can already be prompted like this: “You are now mistaken. Correct yourself! " But all the same, do not repeat his mistakes!

Idea 11. Compose fairy tales. This can be done even with three-year-olds and right on the road, in line or anywhere else.

The little ones will need your help - the beginning of phrases. You start the phrase and the child continues. For example: “Once upon a time, they were… They loved… Once…. Suddenly ... The butterfly asked ... Then ... And the animals decided ... "and so on. It is very good to come up with such fairy tales even with kids everywhere - on the road, in line, in a situation when you need to keep the child busy, but there are no toys at hand. You will notice after a few months of such an essay that the baby himself began to use words in his speech - links between sentences that he heard from you in composing fairy tales.

Idea 12. Play riddles with your child.

You can play "on the way", while preparing dinner, on a walk, at a children's party, that is, anytime and anywhere. The simplest riddles available for a child from about 4 years old to compose are based on comparison. For example: “He is yellow like ... (the child continues -“ the sun ”), but not the sun. He's fluffy like…. ("Vata" - the child continues), but not vata. He squeaks like…. (rubber toy) but not a toy. Who is this?" (Chick). Or “Green like…. (crocodile), but not a crocodile. Jumps like…. (hare), but not a hare. Lives in the pond, but not (duck). Who is this? (Frog) ".

By writing riddles, the child learns to list the signs of objects in sequence. Make a fictitious riddle for dad, older brother, grandparents. First, you will begin phrases, and the child will finish them. Gradually, he will become more active and will begin to invent them himself!

Idea 13. Make homemade simple books with the results of the baby's verbal creativity.

It is very important for a child to touch, touch, see the result of his speech creativity.

Fold a few scrapbooking sheets in half and sew them together. Sign the cover beautifully. On each page on top you glue a picture, and under it write a riddle, fairy tale or story, invented by the kid.

You can make a book more interestingly designed - using photos of the baby, pictures from magazines and catalogs, his drawings. There is room for creativity!

Idea 14. Play rhymes with your child.

For example: "Where are you, zainka, galloping?" (I was looking for mom and dad), "Where are you, Mashenka walking?" (I collected flowers), etc. This develops the child's linguistic flair, a sense of rhythm and rhyme.

Idea 15. If a child makes mistakes in coordinating words with each other (for example, he says so - "red dresses" instead of "red dresses", "beautiful cloud" instead of "beautiful cloud", "I draw with a red pen" instead of "draw with a red pen" ), then a grammar game will help you.

When going for a walk, consider clothes, shoes, hats and ask a riddle about your belongings. While pronouncing the text of the riddle, highlight the endings of the words with your voice:

“BEAUTIFUL NEW - is it a dress or a T-shirt? Guess! "

“BEAUTIFUL NEW - is it a jumpsuit or a coat? (jacket or jacket) "

“THE BEAUTIFUL NEW - are they pants or a jacket? (shoes or bag) "

“BEAUTIFUL NEW - is it a hat or a sweater? (skirt or dresses) "

If the kid is wrong, say: “Do we say so - a beautiful T-shirt? How do we talk about a T-shirt? What is she? That's right, beautiful. So beautiful is what? Yes, the dress. "

You can also play this game while walking: "GREEN YOUNG - is it a birch or an oak?", In a store "Fresh crispy - are these cucumbers or a watermelon?"

In the game, the kid learns to listen to the endings of words in speech and to be guided by them, to correctly coordinate words in gender and number.

Idea 16. Remember that in the youngest children, speech development is associated with the development of the cerebellum.

This has already been proven in studies by neurologists. The cerebellum is responsible for articulating sounds, coordinating muscle work, and automating the correct pronunciation of sounds. And the cerebellum develops only in the active actions of the baby himself. Therefore, it is very important that the child becomes independent as soon as possible and moves a lot, so that the baby learns already at 8 months to drink from a cup held by an adult. And in a year - he himself held a cup in his hands (he took it in his hands and drank from it) and used a spoon (an adult feeds).

At an older age, any activities that develop coordination of movements are useful - a bicycle, a jump rope, jumping with rubber bands, ball school, sports games.

Idea 17. When reading children's books to a child, pay attention to interesting, unusual words and expressions - epithets, comparisons, personifications - "hung up his nose" ".

"Collect" them in a magic chest - whoever noticed or remembered an interesting word or expression from a fairy tale, story or poem, he puts it in the chest (we use beautiful chips). And then "get" out of the chest when you compose your fairy tales. Ask your child what else to say this about.

Idea 18. Remember that you need to talk with children in a completely different way from adults, especially with small ones - more calmly, measuredly, with bright intonation, clear pronunciation of syllables and words, without haste.

Otherwise, babies cannot isolate individual words and sounds from the stream of speech of adults, and the development of active speech is delayed.

Idea 19. Try to get rid of constant noise in the apartment (such negative noise can be a TV or radio that is constantly turned on as a background).