How to make your appearance bright without makeup. How to look good without makeup. Daily exercise and a healthy diet

Surprisingly, lately more and more girls prefer naturalness. You can even say that naturalness and natural beauty have become fashionable. But how to look beautiful without makeup if you have been using cosmetics for many years and cannot imagine yourself without make-up on the street? Admit it, this is already an addiction. But in order to reveal your beauty, it is not at all necessary to apply a ton of paint on your face. Here are 10 simple tips to keep you attractive even without makeup.

Self confidence

Confidence is the most important aspect in any endeavor. Even the most beautiful girl will look like a gray mouse against the background of a simple woman who is confident in herself. Therefore, before giving up makeup, you need to prepare for this change psychologically. After all, the constant wearing of a make-up is a real addiction, which means there will be a "withdrawal syndrome". You are so used to the rich colors of blush, lipstick, eyeshadow, etc. that your natural look may seem too pale and expressionless. But in reality, this is not so, you just lost the habit of real yourself. It is enough just to give up decorative cosmetics for a month to see how the skin is evened out and the lips become brighter.

Use what you have

Every time you use makeup, you paint your face, creating a mask with certain proportions, lines, sizes. The result is a completely different person, a girl who looks older than her age and sometimes even seems provocative. It's time to take off that mask and show your real face. And in order not to seem like a gray mouse, you can resort to little tricks that will make your look more expressive.

Take a closer look at your eyebrows first. It would be nice to give them a clear shape with the help of a master in the salon or on your own. Too light eyebrows can be dyed with a special paint or permanent dyeing can be used. This will allow you to forget about shadows and pencils for a long time, and your face will immediately become noticeably brighter and more beautiful.

There are also special dyes for cilia. They paint over the lighter ends of the eyelashes, making them appear longer and fluffier. Well, if this option does not suit you, then you can always make extensions in order to forget about mascara and problems with the expressiveness of the look for a long time.

Beautiful skin is the key to success

To look beautiful without makeup, you need to pay a lot of attention to your skin. After all, any imperfections and irregularities immediately catch the eye, and the perfect face by nature is a rarity. Therefore, write a memo-schedule for yourself, which will outline the order of caring procedures and the days when you need to perform them. You can hang this "schedule" in the bathroom next to the mirror so that it is always in sight. An approximate list of activities that you need:

  • Deep cleansing of the skin once a week;
  • Peeling or scrub 2 times a week;
  • Face mask 1-2 times a week;
  • Day and night cream daily;
  • Facial massage daily.

If you have serious skin problems such as inflammation, acne or acne, then you should visit a dermatologist-cosmetologist's office to find out the cause of the disease and prescribe a competent treatment. In no case try to squeeze out pimples and pustules, you can infect an infection.

Lightweight, thin and transparent

The fact that you have given up decorative cosmetics does not mean at all that you need to exclude all cosmetics altogether. It is perfectly acceptable to use products that do not contain dyes. This will not only enhance your natural beauty, but also improve skin care. For example, transparent lip gloss and hygienic lipstick will make your lips softer and smoother, while transparent powder applied in a thin layer will get rid of oily shine. Eyebrow and eyelash gel will help to make your look more expressive and brighter.

Sun protection

It has long been known that ultraviolet rays are bad for the skin, thinning it and causing premature aging. Even if there is no sun outside, do not flatter yourself, this does not mean at all that ultraviolet light cannot reach you. To avoid future skin problems in the form of early wrinkles, pigmentation and dryness, be sure to use sunscreen before going outside. And of course, don't forget about sunglasses on bright days. Of course, this does not mean that you will have to give up tanning altogether. But it is imperative to protect the skin from harmful effects.

Well-groomed hair

Remember that popular Shamtu shampoo ad, in which the girl mesmerized all the men in line with her gorgeous hair? Well, beautiful hair is not just an addition to your appearance. This is a great way to draw attention to your beauty. It is important that your hairstyle always looks flawless and that your hair is strong and shiny. If you are used to coloring them, then choose the most natural shade of paint. In order not to spend a lot of time styling, choose hairstyles that look beautiful without much manipulation.

Be sure to keep your hair clean. Hardly anyone will be impressed by the oily sheen and lack of volume. On the contrary, it can spoil the impression of you. Therefore, be sure to wash your hair regularly, use natural masks and rinses to improve the quality of your hair and give it a healthy look. But a hair dryer and various irons are best avoided if possible.

And again about nutrition

Man is what he eats. This expression did not appear out of nowhere, after all, you probably noticed that it is worth eating too much fatty or sweet, as the skin becomes covered with pimples or rashes. Therefore, there is no better way to look attractive than eating well and drinking plenty of fluids. Include plenty of fiber in your diet. It helps to quickly cope with the removal of waste from the body, and also improves metabolism. 70% of the diet should be fruits, vegetables and herbs. Yes, that's a lot, but it's worth it. You will see improvements quickly.

Clean water is essential for looking attractive. Our body for the most part consists of water, it is the use of 1-1, 5 liters of liquid per day will relieve you of dry skin, peeling, etc. In addition, a lack of water, as well as an excess of it, can cause swelling and puffiness.


For a healthy glow and elasticity, the skin simply needs an adequate supply of vitamins. And in general, your well-being depends on this. So do not be lazy to visit the pharmacy and purchase a good vitamin and mineral complex that contains vitamins: C, B, E, retinol, selenium, biotin, zinc and silicon. These are the most important substances for maintaining natural beauty.

Well-groomed lips

The lips are perhaps one of the most delicate areas of the skin on the face. This means that they need attention and care. To make your lips beautiful and smooth, make a rule to massage them with a toothbrush every day. This will improve circulation and help get rid of dead skin cells, leaving your lips soft and smooth. It's a good idea to exfoliate once a week and apply a quality lip oil or lotion before bed.

Adequate rest and sleep

How many times have you heard that proper sleep is essential for well-being? Do you always get enough sleep? But in vain! After all, lack of sleep leads to serious health problems, depression, as well as bruises under the eyes, faded eyes and a deterioration in complexion. So make it a rule for yourself to sleep at least 7-8 hours at night and, if possible, at least half an hour during the day. However, naps are not required. You can just relax, read a book, watch your favorite TV show, or lie down with your eyes closed. This will allow you to relax and calm your nervous system, as well as find inner harmony.

These are the simple tips you need to use in life in order to be attractive without makeup and save a lot of time. After all, applying makeup in the morning and removing makeup in the evening every day is about an hour of your life, which can be spent for the benefit of yourself or loved ones!

Every representative of the fairer sex wants to look attractive, beautiful and happy every day. But this requires little effort. Our tips will help you organize yourself in order to be in good shape and have a great view all the time.

1. A healthy eight-hour sleep. In the event that you get enough sleep, you will not have dark circles and swelling under your eyes. And accordingly, you will not need to waste your precious time fighting them.

2. Exercise every morning. This will help you to be in good shape during the day, have a great mood, look beautiful and confident. In addition, classes in the gym or dance classes will not interfere.

3. Be sure to have breakfast. The morning meal is important because it charges you with the necessary vigor and energy for the whole day. Do not have breakfast with sandwiches with coffee, but cook yourself a variety of cereals.

4. Choose clothes for the next day in the evening. This will allow you to calmly choose a set of clothes, choose accessories for it.

5. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. This will moisturize the skin from the inside out. Also, water helps to remove toxins from the body.

6. Take a contrast shower daily. It tones up the body very well. If you want to feel more invigorated, you do not have the opportunity to take a shower, then dip your hands in cold water up to your elbows.

7. Do not overeat at night, eat dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime. Try to eat less spicy and fatty foods, especially at night. To stay in good shape, eat more fruits, berries, vegetables, and less meat, pastries, sweets. Try to chew food thoroughly. All this is reflected in the appearance.

8. Get rid of bad habits, if you have any. Smoking affects the color of the skin and teeth, and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages makes the face swollen.

9. Monitor the condition of your hair. They must always be clean, well-groomed and healthy. Choose the right hairstyle for your face shape. Stylishly styled hair creates your look.

10. Take care of your hands. Apply hand cream several times throughout the day. Make sure that your manicure is always flawless.

11. Do not use a lot of perfume. A little bit of the right scent is enough to complement your chosen look. Losing an excessive smell of perfume, you repel the people around you.

12. Never and never wear the same clothes for two days in a row. No matter how neat and tidy you are, clothes still wrinkle throughout the day. And putting it on a second time, you will have a stale look.

13. Your purse should always be in order. Although this is quite difficult to achieve. Remember that a handbag should always contain those things that will help her to be protected and confident throughout the day. What must be in a woman's purse? Naturally, wallet, mobile phone and apartment keys. In addition, the purse should also contain wet and dry wipes, compact powder, lipstick, a hairbrush, spare tights or stockings, a small notebook and pen, pads, a plaster, chewing gum or refreshing lollipops, a shoe sponge.

14. Pay attention to your shoes. She should look perfect. No dirt, dust, worn out heels and chipped soles. This all affects the impression of you.

15. Never adjust clothing or makeup in public. If there is no designated place nearby, find yourself a secluded corner and do it there.

We hope that our tips will help you to be attractive, beautiful, irresistible every day. And don't forget about the smile. A smile always adorns a woman and attracts the attention of people around her.

For many girls, applying makeup is a daily morning routine. And this routine is sometimes time-consuming. But what if you get up in the morning, wash up and immediately go outside? Agree, not every girl has the courage to do such a "desperate" act. But you can look beautiful without decorative cosmetics. There are a few important rules to keep in mind.

Regular exfoliation of the skin

By regularly exfoliating your skin, you remove impurities and dead skin cells from its surface, which can "clog" pores. Mechanical peeling helps to improve complexion, smooth the skin, eliminate oily sheen - the skin looks young and beautiful even without the use of foundation and powder.

Use a scrub (purchased or made yourself) 1-3 times a week. The number of treatments depends on the specific type of cover.

Facial masks are included in home facials by many women. As a rule, the procedure is done in the evening - after removing cosmetics and cleansing the skin. But the time it takes you to apply makeup in the morning can be spent on a morning mask.

Correctly selected cosmetics will help refresh the complexion, smooth the skin, nourish skin cells with useful substances. Choose express masks - they give a good effect in a short period of time. Wash, wipe your face with tonic or lotion, soak the mask on the skin for the allotted time, then wash again. That's it, you can go on business - you look great!

Protection of the cover from ultraviolet radiation

The impact of sunlight on the cover has a negative effect on its condition - the aging process of skin cells is accelerated. Therefore, even if today you decide not to paint, do not forget to apply a cream with UV filters on your face!

And it doesn't even matter what time of year it is outside - the skin must be protected from ultraviolet radiation. Skin care products will also provide the skin with proper hydration - you will look fresh and beautiful.

Well-groomed eyebrows

Decided not to wear makeup today? You don't have to put any makeup on your face, but your eyebrows should be perfect. Therefore, you still have to spend a couple of minutes in front of the mirror.

You don't need to use a pencil to shape your eyebrows. Take a special clear gel (sold in a tube with a brush). Cosmetics will fix each hair in its place, make their natural color brighter.

If you do not use mascara, this does not mean that the eyelashes will be "liquid" and invisible. Be sure to use tweezers to give them an attractive curve. A tool with a silicone pad will work - it will not injure the hairs.

You can use a clear gel to fix the smooth curve of your lashes. Makeup will make your hairs a little thicker and brighter.

Extend your eyelashes

A great way to stop using mascara altogether is to extend your eyelashes. And even if you leave the house without makeup, your eyes will be expressive and wide open.

Modern techniques allow you to get a good result - it won't even be noticeable that long, lush eyelashes are "fake".

Eliminate skin problems

The skin should look beautiful and healthy. And if you do not take care of the cover, eliminating aesthetic defects, you will have to mask them every time with layers of decorative cosmetics.

Acne and blackheads, age spots, inflammation, peeling - consult your beautician how to fix the problem once and for all. This is the best option, since very often it is impossible to solve a particular problem with the cover without the participation of a specialist.

Choose the appropriate skincare cosmetics.

Whiten your teeth

If you have a snow-white smile, no makeup is needed - you will look great even without it. Coloring food, bad habits, inappropriate oral hygiene - it can be difficult to keep your teeth white. A beautiful smile will give you self-confidence and give you the opportunity to "hooligan" without putting makeup on your face.

Today there are many methods of hardware teeth whitening - consult your dentist which procedure is right for you. But home bleaching methods (for example, using soda or lemon juice) are not recommended - aggressive substances can contribute to the destruction of tooth enamel.

Coconut oil on lips

Coconut oil is often used in cosmetology. It smoothes and moisturizes the integument, promotes the healing of micro-wounds. Use a natural product for the beauty and health of your lips!

Chapped, flaky lips will clearly be too noticeable if you don't wear lipstick. A little coconut oil on your lips before going to bed, and in the morning they will look much more attractive. Use oil instead of lipstick - treat your lips with it before going out.

In the morning self-care procedures, you can include lip scrubbing - coconut oil and sugar.

Unkempt hair will make any look unkempt. And even more so if you decided not to wear makeup in the morning. Wash your hair, style your curls - no one will even notice that today you have no mascara on your eyelashes. There are a lot of beautiful and "quick" hairstyles that you can easily do yourself - for going out, for everyday life.

To save time and not have to stand in front of a mirror for hours, choose a comfortable haircut that can be quickly styled into your hair. Visit your hairdresser regularly to trim split ends for a cleaner look.

Self-tanning instead of makeup

If you have pale skin that only cosmetics "transforms", try using a self-tanner. Then, even without makeup, you will not look "faded". A light tan will give your skin a healthier appearance.

The main thing here is not to overdo it! It is not necessary to use cosmetics 2-3 tones darker than the natural shade of the cover. Fake tan should be light.

Apply self-tanning not only to the face, but also to the neck and décolleté.

Well-chosen makeup will help transform any face for the better in a few minutes.


Get a masking pencil. Apply it on problem areas of the face, lightly hammer it into the skin with your fingertips. This way you can hide why you will look younger and more attractive.

How to apply makeup to correct facial imperfections, see the plot from:


Choosing the right eyeshadow is important. If they are red, pink, the eyes will look tired. Better to stay on olive, silvery. Take a few minutes at home to experiment, see what color shade suits you. Apply them in a thin layer so they are barely visible.

Mascara should also be used to a minimum. With it, lifting the eyelashes of the upper eyelid.

Eyes must be expressive


Like eyes, lips should always be in order. If they begin to peel off, peel at home. To do this, apply lip balm to the toothbrush, massage them. Periodically make masks not only on the face, but also on the lips. Go outside and wear lip gloss.


Nature has not endowed everyone with strong nails. After visiting the nail salon, this part of the woman's hands will look perfect. But even at home, you can keep an eye on your hands.

To keep their skin soft, add a teaspoon of sea salt to 1 liter of warm water, hold your hands in this bath for 15 minutes, rinse, wipe, lubricate with a nourishing cream. Such a procedure, carried out in 1-2 days, will help the skin become softer and the nails stronger. Cover them with medicated enamels. Nails will look beautiful and well-groomed.


The hairstyle will help the face become irresistible. Decide what color, hair length suits you. If curls suit you, but there is no way to do them every morning, wrap them overnight on soft papillotes. To keep the curls last 2 days, first lubricate the strands with styling product. Then during this time will be minimal. It is enough to comb in the morning, and beautiful curls will look natural.

If you want to make the effect of wet curls, wash your hair in the morning, dry your hair to a slightly damp state with a hairdryer. Apply some hair gel to your hand. Press the strands with your hands from all sides from bottom to top so that they become corrugated. Dry the curls at this time with a hairdryer, fix the hairstyle with varnish.

Curls make the look more feminine


After your face and hair look amazing, you need to pay due attention to your clothes. It can magically hide body flaws from prying eyes, highlighting the beautiful parts of your body.

If, she doesn't need to wear tight jersey T-shirts, skirts. Give preference to suits. They will turn the figure into a spicy one. The fabric from which the suit is sewn must keep its shape. The button of the jacket, which is fastened under the bust, will accentuate this significant part of the body. It's great if the jacket is fitted. The length of the skirt also plays an important role, choose the one that suits you.

If you wear trousers, then pay attention to their length, short ones can visually shorten your legs. High-heeled shoes will help make them more attractive, slim. You don't have to wear high heels all day. The comfortable wedge will help lengthen your legs and keep them from fatigue throughout the day.

1. Make your eyebrows

Eyebrows of the correct shape, suitable for your face shape and the shape of the eyes, painted in the salon with permanent paint, will transform your face and will not require a pencil or mascara. Just brush them with a brush and you're done!

2. Choose the right shade of clothes

If you choose your clothing color wisely, you can easily make your face fresher, your skin tone healthy, and your overall look rested. The rules are simple: if you are a fair-skinned blonde, choose warm pastel shades. If you are tired lately, do not get enough sleep and your face looks painfully pale, while your hair color is from light brown to dark blonde, choose cold shades of pink, yellow or red, shading them with contrasting white. If you are a dark brown-haired woman, pay attention to warm shades of gray, sea blue, wine and emerald green. And if your type is fair skin and dark hair, then any combination of black and white is your safe bet.

3. Watch your hair

15. Wash your face properly

Washing according to the Lazlo system will relieve your skin of blackheads and comedones, restore its healthy color, blush and delay the need to visit a beautician for a long time!