How to wash fleece items in the laundry room. Dry fleece garments properly. Washing fleece jackets and ski suits

Fleece is a uniquely soft fabric that many people mistake for natural. For this reason, hostesses begin to wash fleece things incorrectly, provoking thinning of the fibers. The material ceases to retain heat, and the functional properties of the thing gradually roll down to zero.

Like any synthetics, fleece reacts negatively to exposure to aggressive detergents, high temperatures and professional stain removers. But even at home, it is possible to provide fabrics with full-fledged care, which guarantees the maintenance of the product in optimal condition.

Fleece care rules and features of its processing

Before washing a fleece blanket, soft jacket or neat hat, you need to familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's recommendations on the label, approaches may differ significantly.

In addition, it is worth considering the universal rules for handling capricious products:

  1. Despite the fact that fleece products are allowed to be cleaned in the washing machine, it is still better to handle them by hand.
  2. The drum cannot be loaded to the limit, things must remain free, otherwise they will quickly wear out.
  3. In order to wash fleece with a high quality, all items must be turned to the wrong side, having previously fastened all the zippers.
  4. To obtain the maximum positive result, it is recommended to pre-soak the items in soapy water, but for no more than half an hour.
  5. Bleach, solvents and dry cleaning are strictly prohibited, so these things can only be handled at home. Instead, you need to use gentle or specialized products that restore the water-repellent properties of the fabric.
  6. After processing in a washing machine, an automatic machine or long-term wear on things made of fleece, static electricity often begins to collect. This will not happen if you add various conditioners to the water during cleaning.
  7. Regardless of how you had to wash a blanket or other product, it is forbidden to squeeze the fabric. After processing, it is laid out on a horizontal surface or hung on a hanger, allowing the liquid to drain freely.
  8. Drying fleece items is permissible only in a natural way. Exposure to artificial heat sources quickly destroys the product, rendering it completely unusable.

Tip: It is quite normal for pills to form on the surface of an object after cleaning. Problem areas just need to be treated with an old, dull razor or electric long hair razor.

How to properly wash fleece in a typewriter and by hand?

Starting directly to work out items in a washing machine, you must take into account the following recommendations of professionals and experienced housewives:

  • It is prohibited to wash a blanket or more complex fleece items in hot water. The indicator should not exceed 30-40 ° C. Even if the contamination seems to be very persistent, this rule cannot be violated.
  • Going through the options for the washing mixture, it is better to give preference to the most delicate products. In extreme cases, the fleece can be washed with laundry soap, but it is better if it is a neutral gel with mild enzymes. It is imperative to add a water softener to the powder product, for example. It can be up to a quarter of the total volume of the detergent.
  • The mode can only be delicate or manual. As a last resort, we independently reduce the number of revolutions in the washing machine to a minimum.
  • To wash colored fleece and keep it bright, you need to add color stabilizers. Bleaching agents are used only when processing white products.
  • Spinning and drying on the washing machine must be turned off, otherwise all the delicacy of the approach will be reduced to a minimum.
  • Fleece things are not ironed, they are just given time to hang. If all cleaning manipulations were carried out taking into account the rules, then, after drying, the object will return to its original form.

Some housewives try to wash fleece with a steam cleaner, but this is not the safest option. If you are lucky, the fabric after such processing will only slightly thinner, but it can also be hopelessly deformed. Don't invent complicated cleaning options for fleece. Even in warm water, it perfectly gets rid of dirt with minimal mechanical assistance from the outside.

Many have items made from fleece in their wardrobe. In order for such products to serve for a long time, you need to know how to properly wash fleece clothes, blankets and bedspreads.

Choosing a detergent

Fleece is a synthetic fiber and it is very important to choose the right detergent for cleaning. For this material, you can use liquid powders, and also wash it even with simple laundry soap.

It is also important to use conditioners at the end of the wash for rinsing, which will prevent things from electrifying and make them soft and fluffy.

Washing machine

Not all housewives know if fleece can be washed in a washing machine. And they often spend a lot of time and effort washing by hand. Throwing your clothes into the vending machine not only gives you a perfectly clean item, but also saves you a lot of energy.

But when loading such things into the machine, it is important to follow certain rules. First of all, it is necessary to wash the fleece at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees. The ideal water temperature for this material is 30 degrees.

Do not add too much detergent, as powders do not rinse well out of fluffy material. With just a little bit of gel, you can see your clothes are perfectly clean. Fleece doesn't need a lot of powder.

In addition to observing the temperature regime, it is also important:

  • Disable spinning when stretching, as spinning into the machine can ruin the item.
  • Fleece items are placed in the washer only inside out.
  • Products are washed only on a delicate cycle.
  • It is also possible to add special solvents, which help to maintain the water-repellent qualities of the material.

Suit washing

The fleece suit can be loaded into the washing machine, add a little gel to the powder compartment and wash the garment on a delicate cycle without spinning at 30 degrees. Then the wet suit is taken out, lightly squeezed with the palms and laid out on the grate above the bathtub so that the water is glass. Then the thing is laid out on a flat surface on a terry sheet and left to dry completely.

Jacket washing

Large items such as a fleece jacket are more difficult to wash. Usually such products are impregnated with water-repellent compounds, and therefore it is extremely important to choose the right powder.

A great option for a fleece jacket is a water-repellent treatment. The fleece jacket is also loaded into the washing machine, the delicate mode is turned on, the spin is turned off and the set is 30 degrees.

Hand wash

The safest of all. They do it as follows:

  1. Before washing, the product is inspected for stains and heavy dirt. If there is contamination, then they are moistened with water and rubbed with simple laundry soap. In half an hour, the item will be ready for washing.
  2. Then, washing powder is dissolved in lukewarm water. Wool is best. The safest water temperature for fleece is 30 degrees.
  3. The product is immersed in a washing solution for half an hour.
  4. After soaking, the garment is washed by hand, paying special attention to the soiled areas. Usually these are pockets, collars, shelves, cuffs.
  5. After washing, the garment should be thoroughly rinsed with plenty of cool water to rinse out all the detergent from the lint.
  6. It is not recommended to wring out the fleece after rinsing. It is quite enough to spread the wet thing on the grate above the bathtub to glass the water, and then dry it on a terry towel in a horizontal position, evenly spreading it out.
  7. Jackets and sweaters can also be dried on hangers, hanging evenly. The only rule is that the hanger should be wide.

Shrinkage after washing

Every housewife is afraid that things will shrink after washing. But polyester does not shrink or stretch during washes. But, if a cotton thread is added to the fiber, then the product can really shrink a little. This usually happens due to high temperatures or vigorous spinning.

What if the tag says cotton is added to the fleece? In this case, add 100 ml of table vinegar to 5 liters of cold water. Then the thing is soaked in solution for half an hour. After soaking, the product is laid out on the grate above the bathtub, without squeezing all the excess water into the glass. In the process of drying, the thing is stretched a little by hand to give it the required volumes.

Fleece care

Fleece items will last a very long time if you follow the simple rules of caring for them.

Do not overstretch your clothing - it should be washed as it gets dirty. You cannot neglect the manufacturer's recommendations for washing clothes, otherwise it will very quickly lose its attractive appearance and become not so fluffy.

Do not hang wet clothes in the closet, as they will smell unpleasantly damp. Things are put into storage only well dried. If you are exposed to rain, dry your clothes thoroughly first.

As you can see, cleaning and caring for your fleece garments is very easy. These clothes do not wrinkle and look very beautiful.

Fleece is a popular fabric for warmth in cold weather. We decided to put together a guide explaining what fleece is, how much warmer it is than wool and whether it can be ironed.

What is fleece?

This is a polyester or polyester fabric. Polyester is melted into very thin threads that are woven together like knitting. The polyester web is pulled along rotating metal brushes, which pull fibers from the small loops of the web and fluff them up. And the already treated side becomes soft, fleecy and looks like the fleece we are used to.

How to wash fleece?

Before washing, turn the fleece inside out and close all pockets. If the clothes are heavily soiled, soak them for 1-2 hours to quickly remove the dirt. Wash fleece with laundry soap.

When washing in a washing machine, the fleece garment should occupy no more than 1/2 of the drum. Choose gentle modes: click, outdoor, wool. 30-40 ºС will not spoil the fleece clothes. Bleach, conditioner and stain remover - fleece will not hold up and will lose its warming properties. Use liquid detergents when washing in a washing machine.

After washing, clothes should not be wrung out. If there is a lot of water draining off the fleece, substitute a basin and use the palm of your hand to remove excess water. Dry the fleece flat at room temperature. Drying it on the balcony is not the best option, because the sun can literally dry out the warming properties of clothes.

How to wear fleece?

Despite the pleasant tactile sensations from the fleece, it is not worn on the naked body, but used as a second layer of clothing. We remind you that the first layer: T-shirt or shirt; second: fleece; third: jacket or raincoat.

What temperature is the fleece designed for?

When choosing fleece clothing, 2 criteria must be taken into account: the intensity of physical activity and the ambient temperature. You sweat more during intense physical activity. To keep your clothes dry, it is important to choose a fleece made from breathable material. The breathability of a material is its ability to wick away moisture. Ventilation is ensured not only by the breathable material of the product, but also by the multifunctional zippers. By unfastening or buttoning them, you can control the ventilation level depending on the load. Zip collar, front zip, side zippers - everything goes. With less intense exercise, we warm up more slowly and sweat less.

Depending on the weather, you will need cooler or warmer fleece clothing. For colder weather (above 7 ° C) choose micro fleece: a high quality fleece that benefits from lightness and compactness. For cold weather (below 7 ° C) use a long pile fleece (fabric with coarse curls or long fibers on the inside or outside). The material retains more air and provides better thermal insulation.

Why is fleece good?

  • Light
  • Keeps you warm even if it gets wet
  • Does not cause an allergic reaction
  • Soft and pleasant to the touch
  • Air permeability

Which is warmer than fleece or wool?

Ross Gilmore, a blogger from Bulgaria, conducted a study comparing the warming properties of fleece and wool. He found out that in dry and wet conditions, these fabrics cope on an equal level. But in practice, it will be warmer to put on a naked body, and on top of it fleece clothes. Remember to use fleece as a second layer of clothing to keep you warm.

Can fleece be ironed?

Ironing, steaming and drying on a battery - you cannot, otherwise the fabric will deteriorate. It is enough to dry it flat. By the way, do not forget to look at the recommendation label, because it will always tell you how to take care of your clothes.

Fleece is usually used for permanent wear. Therefore, the question of washing arises quickly enough. In general, fleece items are easy to care for. But if handled incorrectly, they can suffer greatly, for example, deform, become covered with pellets, and become thinner. What to do to prevent this from happening?

Fleece is 100% synthetic fibers, that is, it belongs to the category of delicate fabrics. Therefore, before washing, you should correctly approach the choice of detergents. The following recommendations will help in this matter:

  • Use liquid detergents to wash fleece items. Since this material has a fleecy structure, it will be problematic to rinse powder or soap out of it.
  • Laundry soap is suitable for soaking fleece clothes if machine wash is planned in the future.
  • Pills form on the surface of things made of this material (especially budget) over time. Delay their appearance with liquids and gels for delicate fabrics and wool.
  • If whites have discolored or are stained, you should never try to fix the problem with strong stain removers or bleach. Under the influence of aggressive chemicals, the canvas will become thinner and the product will lose its appearance.
  • Synthetic wool fibers store static electricity, which neutralizes the fabric softener. But whether to use it or not depends on the type of product. It is essential for casual wear and blankets. And it is not recommended for sports or uniform jackets and suits, as it nullifies the water-repellent properties of the fleece.
  • If you intend to wash special-purpose clothing, you should stock up on a hydrophobic impregnation for rinsing.

You can wash your fleece at home by hand or in the washing machine.


If you have a machine, it is advisable to wash fleece products by hand if:

  • it is recommended by the manufacturer on the label;
  • we are talking about a children's wardrobe;
  • a blanket or blanket does not fit into the drum.

Hand washing of fleece is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Warm (temperature not higher than 40 °) water is poured into the container. If the product is small, then use a basin. Large items such as a blanket, coat or jacket are washed in the bathroom.
  2. A detergent for delicate fabrics is diluted in water and, having immersed the product in a basin, is left to soak. For small wardrobe items, 10 minutes is enough, the blanket can be left to soak for half an hour.
  3. If stains remain on the surface of things after soaking, they are washed locally with laundry soap.
  4. During washing, the material must not be strongly rubbed or twisted. It is only crumpled with palms, periodically turning it over in the water.
  5. A large amount of water is required to rinse the fleece. The items are rinsed several times until the water in the bathroom is clear.
  6. Conditioner is added at the last rinse of the garments and blankets. For outerwear made of fleece (jackets, sweatshirts), it is replaced with a moisture-repellent agent, for example: "Nikwax Polar Proof".

Fleece must not be wrung out strongly. Wardrobe items are left in the basin until the main moisture drains. A blanket for the same purpose is laid out on the grate in the bathroom.

Machine wash

Most fleece items are machine washable well if certain precautions are taken:

  • One of three modes is set on the panel of the machine: "delicate wash", "synthetics", "wool". The "spin" and "dry" functions should be disabled.
  • Detergent and conditioner are poured into the cuvette. If the jacket is washed, the latter is replaced with a water-repellent impregnation suitable for automatic washing, for example: "Granger's clothing repel".
  • Before putting in the drum, buttons and zippers are fastened on outer clothing, the fur collar is unfastened, welt pockets are pulled out. After that, the product is turned inside out. If you want to wash a fleece blanket, then you must take into account the capabilities of the washing machine. When wet, it will weigh 2-3 times more.
  • It is advisable to put ribbed laundry balls or tennis balls in the drum along with the products. They will fluff up the pile and prevent formation.

Correct drying

The fleece does not shrink after contact with water, but may deform if not properly dried.

  1. Any products cannot be dried vertically. They will stretch out.
  2. Fleece is laid out on a horizontal surface, having previously spread a terry towel or natural fabric under it.
  3. Do not hang things in direct sunlight or place them near heating appliances. Synthetic material dries quickly, and room temperature is enough for it.

Dried items must not be ironed, as polyester melts at high temperatures.

Things that combine visual appeal, comfort and practicality are always relevant. Fleece products fully comply with these requirements. With proper care, they will stay in good shape for a long time.

How nice it is to wrap yourself up in a warm fleece blanket on a cold evening! Or hide from the piercing wind in a warm jacket made of this fabric. Many people love to wear clothes made from this material. And not in vain, because it is so soft, warm and cozy at home. But not everyone knows how to wash fleece correctly. Well, are we going to study?

The fleece material is made of synthetic fibers, therefore it requires special care and gentle care. He is not friendly with aggressive detergents, chemical stain removers, high temperatures. And now about this in more detail.

Choosing a detergent

Laundry soap is a great choice, just not for an automatic machine! Choose a neutral detergent powder, without any bleach. Synthetics also take liquid detergents well. Forget chlorine bleach too. Have you spilled coffee on your favorite blanket and are afraid that stains will not be removed? Dirt with fleece clothes is forgiven very easily, so soaking even very dirty things for a few minutes will return them freshness and cleanliness.

Rules for washing fleece clothes

Fleece items can be washed by hand (a more gentle option for the material) and in a machine (better cleaning and saved time). But, as always, there are some nuances here.

It is advisable to do this by hand and in warm water, especially if you are going to wash the blanket. Pay attention to the water temperature! Hot (above 30-40 degrees) water can permanently ruin your favorite fleece items. So, in warm water (about 30 ° C), carefully dissolve the detergent of your choice and begin to fight the dirt. After washing, it is better not to squeeze the fleece, but to let the water drain itself. Or, iron the fabric with your palms downward to help the excess moisture escape faster.

How to wash fleece in an automatic machine? Do not completely clog the drum, turn the clothes inside out, fasten everything that can be fastened so that the material does not get damaged during washing. Set the delicate (manual) wash mode, minimum spin, but better without it at all. Avoid drying in the machine, too. The fact is that this fabric is of different quality (kultex, microtex, polartec and microfleece). One does not "sit down" and does not roll (Polartec, for example) after washing, while the other can change its shape and appearance over time.

Can I add softener while rinsing? Many fleece items are water-repellent, and conditioners, especially anti-static ones, destroy this impregnation. You may be able to find a special rinse aid that will restore this protection.

How to gently dry your fleece

After washing, be sure to straighten your fleece clothes and hang them on a string. If possible, put on a coat hanger and dry like that. Do not hang on the battery, because synthetic fibers deform when exposed to high temperature. Too warm air, like hot water, is destructive for them. Don't worry, fleece items dry very well at room temperature.

Fleece must not be ironed! As well as it is impossible to use a steam cleaner or dry cleaning to remove stains.

This is how capricious it is, your favorite fleece blanket, but how soft and cozy it is!