How to accelerate the growth of nails is the simplest and efficient ways. How to quickly grow long and strong nails

Beautiful and healthy nails are the same integral part of the female image, like well-kept hair and smooth face color. And if some representatives of the beautiful floor nails grow well from nature and require minimal care, then others have to make considerable efforts to give them a perfect species.

Nails are derivatives of skin cells. Each nail plate is located in his nail bed, and its hidden part has a good blood supply, due to which the nail is powered. On average, the nail grows at a speed of 3 mm per month, and its full update occurs approximately once every six months.

Factors affecting nail growth

On the rising nails Hormonal changes have beneficially influence (puberty, menstruation, pregnancy), summer period, as well as activities leading to the action of nails (work on a computer) or regular massage that improves blood circulation.

Naughty affect on rose nail: Violation of metabolism, diseases of the cardiovascular system, age-related changes.

Nail growth

First of all for nail health and growth need to eat. Eat foods containing vitamins A and B (greenery, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, liver, sprouted wheat grains), calcium (dairy products), silicon (seafood, onions, spinach). Be sure to enrich your diet of iodine, servo, and iron-containing food. You can additionally drink complex multivitamins.

note that nail growth slow down strict diets with low fat and proteins.

Cosmetics for nail growth

The modern cosmetics industry offers a wide range of products for strengthening and growth nailwhich, as a rule, more or lesser extent contain proteins, minerals and vitamins.

Popular on Russian exploits Network cosmetics Swedish production Oriflame offers nail growth agent Nail Growth Booster (120 rubles). It promises to achieve essential results after one week of use. Panthenol (Provitamin B5) included in its composition supports the water balance of the nail plate, vitamins E and C prevent its separation, and the calcium and amino acids of wheat helps the growth of strong and healthy nails. To achieve the best effect, the remedy is rubbed into the nail plate, and in the cuticle twice a day, if the nails are covered with varnish, then the tool continue to apply only on the cuticle.

French company Aurelia has developed a new generation funds for nails "Strength and growth of nails with a length of 3 mm" (290 rubles) with a mineral complex. It was created taking into account the characteristics of the nail plate and contains calcium - for strengthening, silicon - for plasticity, sodium and phosphorus - to maintain the natural mineral structure of the nail plate. One course of treatment is designed for 21 days, during which the tool is applied to the nails and is updated every three days. From time to time, for preventive purposes, it can be used as a basic basis or colorless varnish. German quality can be checked by using a special composition for accelerated growth and nail restoration "Nail Builder" (379 rubles) of the LCN brand (Light Concept Neils), which produces professional makeup for manicure and pedicure. The composition has vegetable origins and bitter taste, which is effectively in the fight against the habit of nailing. The first time it is applied daily before bedtime, and when the desired result is achieved, it is used as prevention once a week. In some cases, staining of the nail plate in yellow color is allowed, since it contains natural extracts.

Another European brand, just a beginner conquer popularity among Russian consumers - professional cosmetics for nails Sophin. Making a variety of decorative and therapeutic agents, in the assortment of its products there is a varnish for strengthening and growth of the nail plate Nailharderner (285 rub.) With keratin. It not only restores the nail structure, but also contributes to the acceleration of its growth.

The original remedy can be found in the collection of nail care preparations of the company Sally Hansen (USA) - a pencil for the cuticle Accelerating nail growth "Maximum Growth Cuticle Pen" (379 rubles). It contains vitamins A, E, C, Panthenol and aloe extract, which stimulates the growth of nails. Pencil is convenient to use, it can be worn with you in the cosmetic bag, and use at a convenient time for you.

Folk remedies for nail growth at home

If you are an adherent of all natural, you have time and desire to take care of your marigolds yourself, then home procedures will allow you to achieve effective results with regularly conducting them.

The easiest way to speed up nail growth and strengthen Their structure is a weekly five-minute warming oil bath. All you need for this - olive or any other vegetable oil, which must be heated a bit (approximately forty degrees Celsius), hold the tips of your fingers in it, and then gut their dry napkin.

To strengthen the nails, try the bath Based on sea or food salts. Dissolve one tablespoon in a glass of heated water and hold the nails in the resulting saline solution twenty minutes, after sure to lubricate your hands with a nutrient cream.

Nail growth bath

A more complex recipe for a bath includes: milk (125 ml), honey (3st. Spoons), freshly squeezed apple juice (15 ml), freshly squeezed lemon juice (1/2 lemon), salt (2 hours of spoons). Heat milk and add all the ingredients, lower the fingertips and hold twenty minutes. Make a half-hour break, re-warm the mixture and lower your nails for another twenty minutes. After that, to slip hands with warm water and apply the cream. Recommended frequency - 3 times a week.

Any baths can be alternate with rubbing in a nail plate of freshly squeezed lemon, cranberry juice, as well as a red or black currant juice.

Acceleration of growth and strengthening nails at home may be no less effective than in the beauty salon. The main thing is to use the right methods and

Accelerate growth and strengthen nails at home

Accelerate growth and strengthen your nails at home.

Despite the development of new technologies for extension of nails and creating an artificial manicure, classic beauty canons require more naturalness in this matter. Strengthening nails can be carried out by home methods, which plays an important role in the popularity of this process. For this, no expensive ingredients are needed - most of the components are practically in every home.

Our article contains the best recipes for the strengthening of nails at home, the application in the practice of which will help get a really good result.

Factors that affect the results.

All factors affecting our organism can be divided into external and internal. The effect on the growth and state of nails from the inside can be attributed to the full nutrition, chronic diseases, as well as heredity. Fix and improve these factors perhaps, if you regularly take vitamins to strengthen the nails, and also timely treat all the ailments.

It is very detrimental to nail health affects smoking, so it is desirable to get rid of this habit.

External negative impacts can be avoided if used protective gloves during daily cleaning, washing dishes and other necessary homework. If possible, it is better to get rid of manual washing or habits to scribe strong pollution on the dishes or any other surfaces.

In winter, warm gloves will be wearing better prevention, as well as regular humidification with nutrient cream. Reduced temperatures are very negatively reflected in the state of nails. This, by the way, will help not only save the health of the nail plates, but also the skin of the hands in general.

A good result is given local procedures, for example, baths for strengthening and growing nails that can be held at home. Salon methods usually include the strengthening of nails with gel and many more options that we will also consider in our article.

How to accelerate the growth of nails at home.

Folk medicine has many effective recipes for all occasions, including in order to speed up the growth of nails at home.

Recipe # 1: Quick Result.

In advance, the "security technique" of the application below is described. Making such procedures only in case of extreme need: Wedding, a solemn event or a long-awaited holiday in the resort. In general, this is not the option to beat the records to rapidly grow nails every time you want to surprise the girlfriends.

The acting ingredient means is red pepper, so with any forms of the rejection of this burning product, this method will be contraindicated. It should also be taken into account that the principle of express method is based on stimulating the blood circulation of nail records, so it is not recommended to apply it for more than a week.

The recipe itself is extremely simple: ground red pepper mix with any nutritional cream in equal proportions and apply twice a day to the surface of the nails. Duration varies from 20 minutes before half an hour, the process is accompanied by rather strong painful sensations. After the tool is washed with water, it is desirable to apply soothing cream on the skin and nail plates.

This method also has quite a lot of contraindications. Sensitive or too dry skin of the hands, damage to the cuticle or suspicion of fungus and inflammatory processes.

Recipe number 2: Baths for nail growth.

These methods are less radical than the previous one, but more accessible and well suited for daily use. Such procedures, especially in combination with the massage, perfectly stimulate the growth of nails and help strengthen the nail plate.

How to strengthen their structure.

Sparking in sea salt. For greater efficiency, you can add a couple of iodine drops. Determine the duration of the procedure yourself, water must be a comfortable temperature. Salt can be taken and ordinary cooking, you can replace it with food soda.

Oil baths for strengthening nails have a good effect. To do this, it is necessary to take any vegetable oil: olive, almond, refinery, castor and even traditional sunflower. In a small container, a slightly warm and hold the hands of 20 minutes. For greater efficiency, you can add a couple of drops of iodine and pharmacy glycerin to the mixture.

After the session, flush your hands with a napkin.

Decractions of therapeutic herbs will always come to the rescue. The big advantage of this recipe will be absolute versatility. You can use chamomile, sage, lavender or plantain. Good effect gives oak bark, eucalyptus or calendula.

Baths with the addition of essential oils will help calm the skin of the hands and will give additional nutrition to the nail plate. The use of essential oils is not recommended for individual intolerance and a number of problems and diseases of the respiratory system, for example, bronchial asthma. In general, if there are no contraindications, you can use almost all types of oils.

Want something interesting.

After such cosmetic procedures, it is desirable to apply a nutrient cream, slightly rubbing and massaging with its help a nail plate. After that, cotton gloves can be dined with an additional thermoelectility.

Recipe number 3: Masks for nail growth.

Regularity and patience are the main components of a successful and impressive result. It is better to give a couple of minutes every day for home wellness procedures, rather than once a month spend a few hours to restore in the cabin.

The great advantage of home recipes is accessibility, because the main components can almost always be found in the kitchen, and the purchase of missing ingredients will not leave a significant trace in the family budget, in contrast to the salon cosmetic procedures.

Effective methods for strengthening the nail plate.

Lemon Juice and Citrus - Excellent Vitamins for Nail Growth. Lubricate the plate with fresh juice or simply hold your fingers into the pulp. Such a procedure is guaranteed to give health and nail fortresses.

Regular surface lubrication by natural oils will help the saturation of the useful substances and trace elements. After such procedures, it is desirable to bite your hands with a napkin or dress gloves made of natural fabric.

Half a glass of milk boil with pre-crushed plantain leaves (3-4 fresh or tablespoons of a dry mix). After, apply to your nails or hold them in the brave. At the same time, saturation of vitamins and useful fatty acids occurs. Regular use will significantly accelerate the growth of nails.

The use of products containing vitamins A, B and E is also an excellent tool for nail growth.

These useful and delicious assistants are almost all dairy products, fresh greens, carrots, polka dots and beef liver. For emergency cases and during the off-season, you can purchase pharmacy multivitamins or special preparations for hair growth and nails.

Recipe number 4: Home paraffin therapy.

A good alternative to the salon procedure will be homemade wax or paraffin on the surface of the nail plate. To do this, in a small container, melt the original ingredient, which is better to purchase from beekeepers, and not just melt the candle. Hand finger tips in a liquid solution and hold a little.

Then you need to remove the hands and leave the mixture a little cool. On the air, wax or paraffin quickly hardens, you can leave it for the night. After several sessions, improvements will be noticeable: the plate will become stronger and shiny, irregularities are collapsed, and growth will increase significantly.

Recipe number 5: Unconventional methods.

Despite some non-standard ingredients, such funds are distinguished by an effective mechanism, many women have already managed to be convinced of their effectiveness. A selection of the most effective and unusual recipes is further in our article.

Methods of strengthening and growth of nail plates.

An ordinary toothpaste with regular use will make nails stronger and well stimulates their growth. To do this, it is enough to apply a paste on the tips of your fingertips regularly twice a day for about half an hour. This secret is unknown to be unknown, but why the best result gives a paste with the content of eucalyptus extract.

Once a week to "paint" nails with iodine mortar. The procedure is done overnight and usually disappear by the morning any traces of such a session.

Nonal tapping on the surface of the table, keyboard or game of piano contributes to a peculiar physical exertion and the nail structure becomes stronger.

Do not get involved in permanent manicures and buildup, because the surface of the nail plate is also needed oxygen access.

Try to make the gap at least a few days before renewing the coating. Good on the state of nails is influenced by a special "smart" enamel and purchased vitamin complexes, which also need to be applied in the form of varnish. The use of a lacquer remover without acetone and regularly secrets will allow longer to preserve the natural beauty of nails.

Salon procedures and methods.

In cosmetic salons there are many quick and effective methods for recovery and stimulating the growth of nail plates. Most of them are designed for a periodic update, but there are instant influence procedures. A brief classification of some of them is below.

Strengthening biogel.

The special composition of this fund was developed with all environmental standards, so suitable for use even during pregnancy. The initial goal of such a manicure is to strengthen the nail record and give it a well-groomed and natural look.

Strengthening the nails with gel and the coating of the gel varnish can be carried out at home, for this it is enough to purchase all the necessary materials and learn uncomplicated skills. It is recommended to first "highlight" the work of this Wizard, and already implement your potential.

Strengthening acrylic powder.

Compared to the previous method, this procedure has more contraindications and nuances of execution. Initially, the acrylic powder was used in the prosthetics of the teeth, but subsequently began to be used for artificial nail extension.

This method is more toxic and not suitable for pregnant women, nevertheless, is extremely popular and gives a good result.

Nails made thanks to acrylic differ in greater strength and less susceptible to peeling and mechanical damage than gel.

Healthy and well-groomed hands - business card of each woman. You can achieve an ideal not only thanks to salon procedures, but also methods of traditional medicine. Good tool for strengthening nails. Home masks and baths, all the necessary components for which will almost always be found in the house.

The above recipes are distinguished by affordable and efficiency. For the optimal result, they can be alternate, picking up the perfect recipe for rapid growth. It should not be ignored and special vitamins for strengthening the nails that can be purchased at the pharmacy, and you can adjust your food and get in pure form. An integrated approach and some patience and your nails will be impeccable.

Many girls are asked: "How to grow long and strong nails? How to accelerate the growth of nails? " It would be surprising if we could change the composition of our nails and stimulate healthy growth. And, it turns out, we can. Phrase: "You are what you eat" belongs not only to the skin and hair, but also to the nails.

Parents try to feed their children with specific products rich in various nutrients that contribute to growth and strength. So why is it forgotten when a person matures? There is no reason to stop strengthening your body from the inside, in the end, this is a great approach to a healthy lifestyle!

Therefore, if you want to improve the appearance and state of the nails, you need to start with meals to provide the best results.

Structure of nails

From a scientific point of view, the fabric of which consists of nail, is known as a stratified epithelium. The epithelial tissue covers the whole body of a person in one form or another, on the nails it is stratified (laminated). The upper layers of this fabric contain keratin. Our nails exist to protect our fingers, so it is important that they receive the right nutrients to effectively perform their work.

View of nails can tell a lot about human health:

  • Horizontal lines on the nail plate, may indicate chronic disease or infection
  • Vertical lines talk about poor nutrition, perhaps mainly built in use not healthy food;
  • Very pale nails indicate anemia;
  • Nail tips that are easily broken may be a sign of calcium deficiency;
  • Zinc insufficiency is revealed when white spots are present on the nails;

The nail plate consists of keratin, but the part of the nails that we paint and care for her is already a dead cloth. Live tissue of the nail plate is over the line of the cuticle, we do not see this part.

How to grow healthy nails

Adding a protein to the diet is important for calciting and promoting healthy nail growth. It can be found in various varieties of fish, cold nursing butter, red meat, chicken breast, nuts and sunflower seeds. Calcium additives, as well as biotin (B-complex) and vitamins C and E, make sense if a vegetarian person.

Smoking (which can reduce zinc level in the body), excessive use of alcohol, voltage, and a sedentary lifestyle, can contribute to the poor absorption of protein and other important nutrient elements, even if they are contained in good quantities in the diet.

Body hydration is also an extremely important part of nail health. If you are dehydrated inside, it will affect the lack of brilliance of your hair, as well as on your fragile and ribbed nails.

If you are impatient, and you do not know how to accelerate the growth of nails, then you will be helped by the following tips. Nail transformation can upset because it does not happen quickly. The nail growth cycle is very slow and depends, as a rule, from the state of health and age, season and climate. Nails on maiden and thumbs grow on a lot of slower, and the fastest growing nails are index and medium.

The nails on the dominant hand are growing faster, because blood flow (blood circulation) contributes to the growth of nails. Therefore, if you want to speed up the growth, array of hands and fingers will also be useful. Hobbies, such as guitar, game on piano, even just writing texts - all this is a way for fast and sufficient nail growth.

In addition to the massage of nails, the growth of nails from lemon juice and sea salt are well helped. Half juice lemon on a glass of sea salt solution (1 tbsp). To warm up to about 40 degrees and lower the fingertips of the fingers for 10 minutes.

Soda solution (1st. Spoon) and iodine (5 drops) in the glass of water blends well and softens the nails and cuticle. The temperature is about 40 degrees. Take a bath no more than 10 minutes.

You will also help you and baths from vegetable oil-plays, but better olive, with the addition of the juice of half of the lemon.

Nails are growing at the expense of the lunula. This is a light semicircle that you can see at the base of the nail plate. In fact, the lunula is a cluster of cells synthesizing keratin. Keratin is a protein from which the nails consist.

That is, the stimulation of the work of the Lunula inevitably leads to an increase in nails.

This effect can be achieved

    Improving blood flow due to massage

    Saturation of cuticle and lunula with vitamins and minerals

We wrote in procedures that stimulate nail growth.

Surprisingly, nails grow much faster if you often contact with water. At the same time, it does not matter whether you take baths every evening, wash your hands every 5 minutes or just do wet cleaning without gloves.

Although some manicure masters argue that a similar effect is possible only from water with sea salt, it is not. Many people during life notice the accelerated growth of nails from regular humidification.

Probably the whole point is that the moistened plate is more plastic. It breaks less. In addition, the exchange processes are better flowing in the moistened cuticle and the Lunule.

Baths - the best tool for growth

Whatever it was, the bath is the best tool for nail growth. During the procedures that you spend houses on popular recipes, useful substances are added in the bathroom. It can be essential oils, plants and vitamins. All these ingredients take care of the health of the cuticle and the nail plate. As a result, the nails grow strong and healthy, and this process flows faster.

But most importantly - folk recipes contain sea salt. This is a unique component. Unlike the usual food salt, the marine contains a large amount of minerals. Among them are calcium, potassium, magnesium. All of them contribute to the strengthening of the nail plate. A good nail structure is a pledge of his healthy growth.

Sea salt for the bath is better to buy in a pharmacy. Here you can be sure of the quality of the product. But still carefully study the label. Sometimes under the name "maritime" sold salt from ordinary salt sources. It does not have the same impressive list of useful components in the composition.

Prefer salt without additives and flavors - so you reduce the risk of an allergic reaction.

5 recipes that are easy to repeat at home

We collected 5 recipes for nails, which are easy to repeat at home. With their help, you can organize a full-fledged nail plate care, strengthen it and speed up the growth of the nails.

All the baths contain natural plant ingredients, and therefore I can cause allergies. Before starting the procedure, make sure that there are no allergens in the list of ingredients. If you are not sure of any component, apply a droplet to the filling of an elbow from the inside. Watch the skin reaction over the next day. If you notice any signs of allergies, including:

  • Raising temperatures


And other symptoms, from the use of funds you need to refuse.

Simple bath with salt

The simplest bath with sea salt is suitable for solving a variety of problems. She strengthens her nails, accelerates their growth, cares about the cuticle. Make it easy.

We need:

    2 glasses of warm water

    2 tablespoons of sea salt

Dissolve salt in water and lower your hands in the bath. After 15 minutes, wash the residues of the solution with leather with flowing water. Be sure to apply a nutrient cream, because the salt dries the skin.

Milk bath for strong marigolds

Milk contains calcium necessary for a healthy nail structure.

We need:

    A glass of milk

    Glass of water

    2 tablespoons salt

Mix water and milk. Heat the solution on the plate or in the microwave for 4-5 minutes add salt and stir until complete dissolution.

Lower your hands in the bath and leave for 10-15 minutes.

After the procedure, wash the remnants of the means with running water and apply the nutrient cream.

Hot Host Activator

The effect of this bath is based on the acceleration of blood flow. Due to this action, exchange processes and nail saturation useful trace elements are improved.

For the preparation of the bath you will need:

    2 glasses of warm water

    Teaspoon of the tincture of burning pepper

    3 drops of cinnamon essential oil

    2 tablespoons of sea salt

Water should be almost hot but not burning. Dissolve sea salt in it and add the remaining ingredients. Good stir. Lower your hands in the bath for 7-10 minutes. After the procedure, rinse the skin with flowing cool water and apply the nutrient cream.

Herbal bath with iodine

Herbs are used to care for skin, hair and nails. They purify, strengthen and have a tonic effect. Chamomile as part of this bath acts as an antiseptic and promotes the healing of small wounds on the skin of the hands.

For cooking, take:

    Cutlery spoon dry chamomile

    Cutlery with dry mint

    Dining spoon of dry nettle

    5 drops of iodine

    2 glasses of boiling water

    2 tablespoons of sea salt

Dissolve salt in boiling water and pour them herbs. Give fluids to strengthen within 1-2 hours. Strain the decoction and slightly warm it in the water bath or in the microwave. Add iodine. Lower your hands in the bath for 10-15 minutes. After that, rinse the skin with running water and moisturize the nutrient cream.

Bath with vitamins

This bath is completely based on vegetable and fruit juices. It will saturate your skin with vitamins and improves the nail plate. To achieve a real effect, it is necessary to use only fresh juices.

We need:

    Half glass carrot juice

    Half of a glass of orange juice

    Half of a glass of lemon juice

    Half of a glass of apple juice

    Two tablespoons of sea salt

Mix the juices and slightly warm on the water bath. Dissolve sea salt in a mixture. Lower your hand in the bath for 10 minutes. Rinse the skin with water, apply a moisturizing cream.

Wanted for growth must be made 1-2 times a week at least within a month. Align these procedures with taking vitamins for nails from, and also be sure to make a weekly manicure. It is also also a course of nail masks. Soon your nails will become stronger and will grow much faster.

Did you grow natural nails? Do you have a bathtub and other home care tips? Try the recipes described in the article, and leave your feedback about them!

Today in fashion well-kept, discreet manicure with nails of medium length. However, the main thing is that it is natural. Already seem to be vulgar old-fashioned extensive nails with thick plates and their own nails visible to them. To look natural and well maintained, you need to apply lacquer on your own nails without resorting to unnatural designs. In addition, modern technologies in the form of a shellac (helium varnish) allows the coating to hold back for quite a long time, even on natural nails.

However, not all nature gives up long and strong nail plates. Someone has a firm nails so much that it has to carry out hot baths for softening. But someone suffers from subtle, solid and soft nails, which do not grow even to several millimeters. Our article will help you strengthen your nails and speed up their growth when an important event on the nose on which it is necessary to look perfect is perfect.

Why nails break and grow slowly

  1. Huge importance for nail health has food. It must be balanced and full. The lack of some vitamins first affects the state of nails.
  2. Nails can break and be fragile due to cosmetic procedures, such as building, applying gel varnish. The fact is that for the best clutch of the varnish (or tips) with its own nail, the nail plate is stepping up to get a grungy surface layer. Frequent stratification leads to the thinning of the nail and its softness.
  3. Sometimes a person is difficult to notice the thrust nails, because he gnaws them. An unpleasant habit makes "grind" to the nails to the very foundation. With such a problem, it will be difficult to repel the nails even medium length. In this case, you must refer to the neuropathologist.
  4. Some factors in the life of a woman can affect her hormonal background and, as a result, on the growth of nails. The growth, as a rule, slows down or, on the contrary, increases during pregnancy, menstrual cycle, when climax.
  5. Over the years, the growth of nails is reduced - this is the factor, to change which, unfortunately, is impossible.
  6. The nails grow slower if the amount of adrenaline is often raised in the body. That is, if you are constantly nervous, you do not see long nails.
  7. The state of the cuticle affects the growth of nails. Finding on the nail plate of the cuticle holds back the growth of the nail itself, as the thin thymus of the skin overlaps the power of the base.
  8. It has been proven, the growth of nails slows down in the spring, since a smaller amount of vitamins arrive in the body.

It is very important to know the reason why the nails began to grow much slower. Especially if this contradicts the usual state of the body. But how to fix the situation?

Near a person grows about 1 mm per day. However, the negative factors that we described above can reduce this speed. To increase the growth rate of nails, you can use the following tips.

  1. Pay attention to food. Every day in the diet should be lean meat, vegetables, fruits, many dairy products, porridge. The milk contains calcium and iron that strengthens the nail plate. Place salads by natural oils so that the body gets a sufficient amount of fatty acids and lipids. The selenium required for growth is contained in a green bow and spinach. For the Fortress of the nails, vitamins A and B, which are many in the liver, blueberries, cereals, green and yellow vegetables. When iron deficit, there are apples, and to replenish silicon replenishment to seafood. To nails are strong and quickly growing, you need to eat pumpkin seeds and drinking it juice, eating different nuts. This is the basis of the nutrient diet for nail health.
  2. Keep your hands in the water more time. We wash the dishes more often, take the bath, clean the kitchen appliances. Moisture contributes to the acceleration of the growth of the nail plate.
  3. Accelerate the growth of nails and strengthen blood circulation in the tissues using a massage. Take the nutrient cream or cosmetic oil, apply on the nail plates and start massaging your fingers along the growth zone of the cuticle. This will allow you to improve blood circulation and activate metabolic processes.
  4. To get rid of avitaminosis, drink multivitamin complexes, especially in spring.
  5. Refuse to build up. In the application procedure, ask the wizard do not negotiate the top of the nail plate or do it minimally. Let the manicure be held less in time, but you will finally repel your healthy and strong nails.
  6. Many calcium and fluorine is contained in a simple toothpaste. Lubricate your nails on your hands and leave for a while. It will not make the nails grow faster, but will strengthen them significantly.
  7. Regularly tapping the nails on the surface of the table. So the nail plate is trained and strengthened. In the nature of claws in animals grow as they erase. Tapping on the table, you act on active points and as if to sign the body about the need for a new portion of strong "claws".

These simple rules will help you normalize the metabolism in the body and accelerate the growth of the nails. However, there are still many ways to make it quickly and efficiently.

Masks and nail growth baths

These cosmetic procedures will raise the zone near the nail plate with vitamins and elements that stretch the growth of the nail.

  1. Iodine salt baths. This is one of the most effective means for growing and strengthening the nails. In a glass of warm water, dissolve the tablespoon of salt and a few drops of iodine. Keep your hand at least half an hour.
  2. Repene, peach and almond oil. In these oils, a large amount of vitamin E, which is needed for nail growth. The selected oil should be warm and hold the tips of the fingers in this composition. After the procedure, you need to make a light massage to labeled the oil residues. Then wipe your fingers with a napkin and do not wash them until the morning. The procedure is better carried out before bedtime.
  3. Herbrails. You can normalize nutrition in the nail plates with the help of dilution of medicinal herbs. Chamomile, St. John's wort and an oak bark for this are best suited. Prepare a strong decoction - on the tablespoon of each ingredient on a glass of boiling water. Keep your fingers in the warm scaffold not less than half an hour.
  4. Lemon juice and lavender essential oil. Mix the lemon juice and lavender essential oil in equal proportions. Grease the nail plate and the skin with the cooked agent near it. It will help make your nails with strong and solid. After such a mask in the hands there will be a light flower-citrus fragrance, which will not leave you indifferent.
  5. Beeswax. In beauty salons there is a service - paraffin therapy. It is very effective for skin and nails - the plate is strengthened, the epidermis becomes soft and moistened. You can have such a procedure at home, but the usual candle is not suitable for this. It is necessary to find beeswax. Melt it and lower the hand in the warm composition for 10 minutes. It is not only very useful, but also madly pleasant.
  6. Mustard. This is an extreme way of natural "extension" of nails. Suitable only in extreme cases when the nails are needed to be needed to an important event. Mix mustard with light cream and apply to the skin near the nails. Mustard irritates the skin, causes blood flow, and enhanced blood circulation leads to the activation of all life processes. Instead of mustard, you can use red pepper. But remember, the burning composition cannot be applied to the skin after manicure - microscopic wounds can react with strong burning and pain.
  7. Iodine. Once a week, cover the nails with iodine using a cotton wand. Do not worry - until the morning, the whole yellowness from the nails will leave, but the fortress will remain. Nails after iodine procedures will stop laying out and will grow much faster.

These are simple, but efficient and time-tested ways to help you strengthen the growth of nails and strengthen their structure in a short time.

The famous singer, the famous artist and just a beautiful Lime Vaikule woman says that every self-respecting women should have their own "subsistence minimum" in beauty. In essence, this is the base, without which it is impossible to seem on people. These are decent shoes, healthy teeth, clean skin and hair, well-kept manicure. Indeed, whatever you are dressed, beautiful nails can be advantageous to emphasize your status. But vulgar bright nails, too long or unnaturally short can spoil the whole image. Follow the health and beauty of your nails. And then you will not be equal!

Video: how to grow nails in a week