How to behave with a man in bed: sexual temperament according to the signs of the zodiac. Men's advice for women: what to do and not to do in bed

Not all women know very well what to do in bed. You can try your best, learn a few tricks in a few years, but in order to learn everything, you still have to learn and learn. I reached out to my fellow boyfriends to hear their advice. After all, they know it best. They told me what they love and what they don't. The next time you are alone with your boyfriend, remember these tips.

Don't be shy

“There is nothing more unattractive than a shy girl who is not confident in herself - in bed or out,” says Ivan, 30. "If she loves her body and knows that she is beautiful, that is much better."
So, when making love, always remember that you are attractive. There are days when we don't feel super pretty (hormones, stress, etc.), to fix this, fool yourself into wearing sexy lingerie.

Stay fit

It can benefit both your health and your sex life. Therefore, it is necessary to do the exercises. “Fitness helps improve sex,” says Dmitry, 28. Research has shown that training increases strength and gives us more energy to be "active" for longer.

Don't be too loud

While you may have seen porn scenes with lots of sighs and moans, not every guy will like it. In fact, of the four men I interviewed, three of them dislike girls who are too loud during sex. So, lady, keep your moans to a minimum and definitely don't scream.

Tell guys what you want

Girls who lead and say what they want at the time, guys like more. A girl who does nothing in bed and is not an active participant should get out of bed and stop. Tell him what you love, what to do - it will only excite him more.

Yes to oral sex

Even if a man is embarrassed to say about it, this does not mean that he does not want it. Of course, this is an option for those whose relationship has already gone from fleeting to serious. Just do it, even if you've never done it before.

“This means that she is confident and knows how to fully enjoy sex,” says Artem, 32. If after some time the girl continues to refuse this form of sex, I feel as if unworthy of this kind of pleasure. I don’t understand what kind of prejudice it is - they don’t marry such people. They marry just those who know how to do everything. "

I don't know if women read men's magazines. We, men, look through your women's magazines! Basically, to be amazed: how you sometimes do not understand us. Especially impressive articles like: "10 reasons to leave you" or "How to bring him to orgasm." It's obvious to any of us that they were written by a woman. And you believe them, and think that your espionage sortie into our camp will bring you the desired renewal of relations with your closest and most incomprehensible person.

Naturally, there is no renewal, because you are not really going beyond your feminine logic. Therefore, you still better hear some things from a man. You are sure, of course, that we only think of one thing. 24 hours a day. This is true. We don't care much about money, good work, success and our friends. We really think about sex all the time. Let's talk about him. And the way you like it - some of you are organically unable to endure the monologues and the text "brick", so we will compose a la "hit parade" of what annoys men in bed.

Emotional indifference

This comes first! Coldness and lack of interest in what is happening excites only necrophilia. And since your man is in bed with you, and not with a brooding feminine from the morgue, then you should not copy her temper. Even more - if your partner is not a 16-year-old teenager with an excess of hormones, then a log-like state is the best way to discourage him from continuing the process altogether!

Fake orgasm

Unfortunately, no matter how much you give advice from glossy pages not to do this, there are still many among you who have not decided for themselves the dilemma that a man can offend more: an imitation of orgasm or its absence. In fact, we ourselves do not know. But when you realize that a woman is resorting to “fakes” at the most intimate moment, literally everything falls through you. And trust is completely lost. You feel a strange mixture of humiliation, disappointment and resentment - after all, we are able to understand that for some of you detente does not always come, you should not equate us with such a single-celled deception.

Inability to basically experience an orgasm

A man can find out about this in different ways: gradually, in the course of a relationship, or suddenly, for the first time. The effect, of course, is different from this discovery, but the result is always the same - our self-esteem falls downward at supersonic speed. To continue a relationship with such a "lucky woman", you need to experience very deep feelings or feel an emotional return, a spark from her side. Many women experience this peculiarity of theirs as inferiority, however, now we are talking about the fact that a woman should not dwell on the fact that this is a problem. It is much more important to understand that this also hurts us, and you can get out of this contradiction only by demonstrating that we make you happy without orgasm. Indeed, in fact, it is not the fact itself that is important to us: whether you have reached the peak or not, it is important for us to see in your eyes that we are real macho.

Complexes about your figure

If a man invited you to bed, then you are the standard of sexuality for him. And you shouldn't say that you have small breasts right after you undress in an apologetic tone - it annoys us (it concerns not only breasts).

Incomprehensible tricks

If you are not ready to go for something, it is better to say it directly, you do not need to refer to a bad mood, a negative astrological forecast or something else, if in principle you never have oral sex.

Negative comments on our actions

If we do something wrong, this is not a reason to stigmatize us - you can delicately direct us in the right direction, because in fact, purposeful self-harm is not part of our plans.

Hard-hitting expressions

Expressions like : "Why are you so thin?" or "I didn't expect you to have it small!" do not add enthusiasm to us, but your pleasure. Think about what you are depriving yourself of with such exclamations ... Although a real macho always has a couple of jokes in store about this. Well, if you come across a shy guy, all that remains for you after that is to run to the pharmacy for Viagra.

Switch off your mobile phone!

There is nothing worse when your girlfriend, sister or mother calls you at the most crucial moment. You will discuss the size range in a fashion store later.

Monotony of behavior

Women who strive for total submission, total suppression, or to get pleasure in a strictly defined position, quickly get bored ... maybe sharply, but it's true.

When you call us by other people's names

Even if we understand well that the woman with whom we share the bed is not our destiny, even if we, in fact, as the saying goes, just met in bed, causes a storm of indignation in us when we, documented by Vasya, are suddenly called Petya ... It would be alright with Brad Pittas!

So that's it, girls! Have you seen the movie “Promising is not getting married”? It seems to me that it is necessary to oblige every woman to watch it at least once. But not at all because of its dubious artistic merit - but as a powerful sobering agent against your, ladies, illusions. But if we men are ready to admit that you are really full of delusions in the subtle emotional sphere, then with regard to sex, everything is extremely simple. So good luck to you!


The first date is usually very important for prospective couples. A man makes the first impression of you, which then significantly affects his attitude towards you.

How to behave to keep his interest

Be open, but not intrusive. You shouldn't flirt with a man you hardly know yet. If you like the young man, then compliment him, react to his jokes and try to joke yourself. Many girls, having come from a date, understand that they practically did not know anything about their interlocutor. mostly talked about themselves. Try to avoid this mistake.

What is the best to wear

Time your date so that you can get dressed before the date. It is undesirable to appear in the eyes of a man immediately after training or a busy day. You should have some time to get ready before your date, and don't go overly revealing or vulgar. It would be quite appropriate to wear feminine clothes of "not flashy" colors, which maximally emphasizes your merits and does not focus on possible drawbacks. Please note that it is better not to wear things that you have not worn before or that you have recently bought. That is, if you have not worn miniskirts at all in recent years, then you should not experiment on a date either. The same can be said for the pants you bought the other day and decided to wear for the first time on a date. At the meeting, you should wear something in which you feel completely confident. You should not be distracted by the thought of how your clothes are sitting on you, this uncertainty will be noticeable - you will involuntarily begin to examine yourself, correct some items of your wardrobe and periodically get distracted.

What to talk about so that the guy will definitely like it

As already mentioned, try to talk not only about yourself, but also be interested in the life and general hobbies of the interlocutor. It is also important to note that on the first date, you should not exaggerate the details of past relationships - both yours and the interlocutor. If necessary, you can mention in general terms why the breakup happened, but it is better to keep silent about complaints and colorful descriptions of what you happened to experience at the same time. Try not to bring up those that can cause negative emotions in you at all. When you ask a guy questions, then be interested not in his living conditions and the amount of earnings, but in hobbies, plans. Find out what places in your city he likes, where he would like to visit and the like.

How an adult and a married man will like

If a man is happily married, then you are unlikely to be able to arouse too serious an interest in him. However, a married man, dissatisfied with his family life, may well turn his attention to another woman.
    To please a man, you should carefully monitor your appearance. Choose a hairstyle that suits you the most, keep an eye on your figure, choose beautiful clothes. Do not forget about good perfumes - but choose not stifling scents, but subtle ones. Many men suffer from a lack of attention from their wives, and this happens especially when children are in the family. If you begin to take an active interest in such a man, consult with him, and give compliments, then, undoubtedly, this will attract him. Married men often do not have the opportunity to openly care for a woman. Usually they begin to show signs of attention to those persons in whose sympathy they are already sure. The easiest way to show a man that you are interested is through gentle flirting, and you need to make it clear to the man that you are not claiming to be a potential spouse (even if you are not). With a girl who is already married, no questions arise, however, a free person may raise doubts. If you are not yet free, casually mention that for some reason you do not strive for marriage, and in the coming years you definitely do not need marriage.

I liked the man at work, what to do

1) Your sympathy should not be so obvious as to be obvious to other colleagues. Subsequently, this can put in an uncomfortable position both the employee you like and yourself. A man must figure out for himself what you like. 2) If you like a colleague and want reciprocity, then you have to work hard. Make sure that he does not have time to form a negative opinion of you from the words of other employees. Be polite and friendly with coworkers, don't gossip, don't stage scenes, and the like. 3) Show small signs of attention to a man, show concern. If it seems to you that he looks unhealthy, ask if he is doing well. Perhaps he is not coping with some work assignment - offer your help if appropriate. Going to lunch and knowing that a colleague cannot tear himself away from his business yet, invite him to bring something for him (coffee, a packet of cookies, etc.). Take an interest in his work affairs, gently praise him. 4) Flirting should be barely noticeable - only when you are alone with the object of sympathy. He should assume what you like, but not know for sure. At work, catch his eye sometimes (not too often). In general, behave friendly with a man - joke, smile more often, ask for advice.

How to please a man in bed

If you do not yet know what preferences in sex your lover has, then you will have to act according to the situation. Respond to his caresses, show that you enjoy his kisses and caresses. A man should see that you are good with him. At the same time, it is important not only to take the lover's attention, but also to take the initiative, kiss and hug him. The best option would be if you have a frank talk with a man and find out what he likes about sex. It shouldn't look like an interrogation. Enjoy a romantic dinner with wine in a relaxing atmosphere. Ask him if he would like any experiments on what he sees as an ideal lover. Also, do not forget that many men are visuals, so for sure, your lover will like it if he sees beautiful and erotic underwear under your clothes. Pay special attention to the care of not only the skin of the face, but also of the body - use scrubs, oils.

Some girls are very skeptical about their appearance, considering themselves ugly. What if you are one of them too? Correct deficiencies. If you know exactly what you think makes you unattractive, then consider whether you can fix these shortcomings. An ugly smile is corrected with a visit to the dentist, skin problems can be solved by a dermatologist, excess weight will go away with the help of proper nutrition and exercise. Perhaps you think that you have disadvantages that cannot be eliminated - too short or tall, a large nose , small eyes, crooked legs or something like that. In this case, you should choose clothes or makeup that will not draw attention to the shortcomings. Maximum charm. Many public figures, despite any flaws in appearance, are the idols of millions of people - their charisma and charm are so great that all possible defects in appearance seem to be simply insignificant. Usually, fans may not even realize that their idol is far from handsome. Charm is quite possible to develop. Read books, visit interesting places, play sports, expand your horizons. So that there are no problems with pronunciation - do your diction (you can also with a teacher). Do not withdraw into yourself, be a cheerful, sympathetic and passionate girl, and fans will not keep themselves waiting. Well-groomed is always in fashion... Do not forget about this. Healthy teeth, hair, nails, a good figure - this is already the lion's share of female beauty, and with a certain amount of perseverance, you can achieve this. Visit beauty salons, choose the most advantageous outfits for yourself, experiment with looks. If you feel that your husband has begun to move away or is no longer as attentive to you as before, then try to fall in love with him again. To do this, you need to remember how it all began. When your spouse began to have feelings for you, everything was not the same as it is now. Surely, you spent more time together, intimacy happened more often, and you yourself were not preoccupied with many everyday issues. After living for some time in marriage, many husbands stop paying attention to their spouses as they consider them practically “read books”. You can change this. 1. New hobbies. The husband needs to see you from a new side. Do what you dreamed about before, but believed that you did not have time for it. If you wish, you will find a few hours a week for dancing, painting lessons or something like that. Even if you have never aspired to any hobbies, it's time to broaden your horizons and learn something new. The husband will see in you not just a woman who is busy with work, home and family, but also a person who strives for some kind of development. 2. Appearance. Throw out your stretched out pants and your worn T-shirt if you haven't already. Now there is a huge selection of comfortable and beautiful home clothes and underwear, in which you will look attractive. 3. Pastime. If on the weekend you preferred to do household chores, just sit at the computer or visit relatives, then try to change the established tradition. How did you like to spend time with your chosen one before? Where did you go on dates? 4. Intimacy. Do not deny your husband intimacy and take the initiative yourself. If you are too tired for this, then it makes sense to discuss the problem with your husband. Perhaps you need to change jobs or share some household chores. If you are chronically tired, see your doctor - it is possible that you have health problems.

How to understand that a man likes you

    He tries to communicate with you as often as possible, even if there is no particular reason for this. He regularly texts you, calls you, or just starts conversations with you if you see each other at work or school. You periodically catch his studying and attentive glance. If a guy notices that he has been "caught", then he often stays out and abruptly looks away. If your communication takes place mainly on the Internet, he tries to please you and make a positive impression. Perhaps he just brags about something, jokes a lot, talks about himself in detail. By the way, a similar behavior can be observed during "live" communication. By the way, it is worth noting that when meeting a young man often behaves differently - on the contrary, he withdraws into himself and is embarrassed, worried or afraid to blurt out too much and thereby spoil the impression of himself. The most obvious sign is that he wants real communication in private. If a guy invites you to see - he calls you out on a date or a friendly meeting, then this clearly indicates that you are arousing his interest.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

How to keep a guy's interest at a distance

If a young man is temporarily away or just lives in another city, and you have yet to meet, then this will not prevent you from maintaining his interest. Despite the distance, you should be present in his life every day. He needs to get used to the fact that you are an integral part of his regular day. Of course, you should not be intrusive, but it is perfectly acceptable to wish him good morning, wonder how his day went, and so on. Periodically send him a photo where you turned out well. To make it as appropriate as possible, you can write: "And we have snow today!", And send a picture where you are against the background of a snow-covered street. Or: “I was in the cinema today, it's a pity that you weren't there,” and your picture is next to the poster.

How to take the first step towards your sympathy

Do you suspect you are attracted to a guy who you also like? Perhaps he is hesitant to express his interest, so it will be appropriate to take the first step in this direction - just invite him somewhere. Don't make it look like you're asking him out if you're afraid of rejection. Come up with another reason. If he works out in the gym, ask him to take you with him somehow and show you how to use the machines because you are still embarrassed by the coach. You can find many reasons for a meeting in which you will not look intrusive, but also understand how the guy treats you.

Incredible facts

Bed is an integral part of every couple's life.

However, sometimes physical intimacy does not bring joy, becoming boring and mundane.

Experts believe that the key to a happy intimate life is, first of all, variety, well, and several other things that not everyone knows about.

How to enchant a man so that he loves and wants you?

Surely many women are wondering how to make a man just lose his head from passion every time he crosses the threshold of the bedroom.

There are some simple and crazy things that turn on any man, and that will drive him crazy.

How to drive a man crazy in bed

1. Enthusiasm of a woman

Enthusiasm is what every man wants to feel when he is with a woman.

Believe me, when a partner perceives physical intimacy as a favor, it doesn't turn anyone on.

Lovemaking should be enjoyable for both partners, and the enthusiasm should also come from both.

2. Associated sounds

Absolute and complete silence during lovemaking does not always mean something good. As a rule, this means that you are not enjoying the company of your partner, or worse, you just fell asleep.

So, to be sonorous during intimacy with a loved one is quite a normal and natural thing. Your voice is the best barometer by which your partner is guided if he is doing everything right.

3. Prelude

Foreplay is incredibly important. Without foreplay, intimacy becomes like a roller coaster without the slow climb to the top of the track.

As elsewhere, expectation itself is the key to any intimacy. Do not think that foreplay is a purely feminine desire. Believe me, men also love this stage of physical intimacy.

4. Light on

Men love with their eyes.

Therefore, most of them, of course, are pleased to see their partner during intimacy, to look into her eyes.

Therefore, you should not turn off the light, make your man a pleasure: let him enjoy your body and face.

5. Feedback from the partner

No one wants to do a job alone.

Therefore, it makes sense that your partner expects the same full return from you as he does from his side. Do not assume that only a man should give himself up in bed.

Love requires the presence of both partners.

What makes men lose their heads

6. Compliments

Do you think men don't like compliments? Then you are wrong.

Any man will be pleased to hear about what a macho he is, and what a wonderful lover he is. Praise him, appreciate his skills and abilities in love affairs.

A little talk in bed never hurts.

7. Communication

Communication is critical in understanding each other's partners, which means better sex.

This does not mean, of course, that you have to shout out phrases from plays or stop in the middle of the process to make a few comments.

Just remember that your foreplay may be diluted with some words and phrases.

Communication can include conversations, but it can also be wordless. After all, you can understand each other without wasting words. Sometimes our eyes, lips and hands speak more eloquently than any words.

8. Variety

Variety is especially important when it comes to pleasure in love.

Without him, intimate life becomes boring, sluggishly current routine. To make your man lose his head every time, make sure that there is at least some variety in your love games.

9. Initiative

Most women believe that the first step should always come from the man.

Initiative is the prerogative of a purely stronger sex. This is what we have been taught since childhood, and this is what we are taught in numerous articles that teach us how to build right relationships.

But sometimes there are moments when a man wants the initiative to come from his partner. It actually turns on and excites his fantasies.

The fire of desire in the eyes of a woman, hard flirting - all this drives a man crazy. And even if you are not a leader by nature, but just a fragile sweet woman, try at least sometimes to deviate from your own rules and take initiative in the bedroom.

After all, if you do not do this, it may seem to your partner that you are a cold and unapproachable snow queen.

10. Nice underwear

Continuing the topic of what a man loves with his eyes, we should mention sexy lingerie, which most men pay attention to.

Therefore, try to wear underwear that he will certainly like at least occasionally.

Even if it suddenly seemed to you that your man did not pay absolutely no attention to what was under your dress, you should know that he probably liked this sexy underwear, and he appreciated your efforts to be beautiful for him.

11. Spontaneity

Now many can argue, they say, it's nice to make love in a beautiful place, with candles and silk sheets prepared.

But what if you succumb to passion and the desire that has arisen spontaneously and unexpectedly, moving away from the usual schedule, rules and place?

Agree, it sounds tempting.

Don't be afraid to make changes to your daily routine and daily routine. After all, routine and everyday life kill all romance. Believe me, your man will like a certain spontaneity and make him lose his head, as in the first days after meeting.

12. Fantasy and trust

Fantasies are an integral part of intimate life.

Offer your partner something new, share your fantasies, ask what your man wants, what he fantasizes about. It is possible that you have common fantasies that you both want to realize.

Think of a scenario together that would be nice to act out in bed. So you will not only open up on a different, more interesting side for your partner, but also let him know that you are open to new experiments, and also trust him completely and in everything.

After all, our thoughts and fantasies are the most intimate that we have.

13. Sense of humor

If you think that there is no place for a sense of humor in the bedroom, you are very much mistaken.

Humor should be present always and everywhere, and bed is no exception in this matter.

If something suddenly went wrong, such a moment can always be turned into a joke. However, be careful. Jokes must also be appropriate and correct. Remember that jokes and ridicule are two different things.

14. Hear your name

Psychologists say nothing turns on like your name uttered by a loved one.

It's always nice to hear your name from a partner's lips, including in bed. Use this information, don't be afraid to say your man's name while making love.

15. Sleep after love

Many women are offended when a man, having received everything he wanted, immediately turns to the wall and peacefully begins to snore.

However, if it is better to know the male physiology, it is possible that the claims of the female sex to their partners will immediately diminish.

Making love depletes the male body. He needs a complete recuperation. And sleep in this case is the best solution. Therefore, allow your man to rest and gain strength before the next fight.

Many women, having watched more than a dozen love films and TV series, become too self-confident and begin to demand everything they see from their partners in bed. At the same time, most of them are completely confident that their men will be satisfied. However, men also have their own requirements regarding intimacy. What's not to like men in bed? Let's find out!

1. Wild cat game

Many women are actually sure that the wildness of a cat, its claws and self-confidence are what any man needs in bed. In fact, this is the deepest delusion. The stronger sex prefers only slight biting and scratches, so you need to know when to stop everywhere and everything.

2. A man should not be the first to guess what he wants.

You always need to be able to take the initiative and bed is no exception. Men do not have the same intuition as the fair sex, and they have a little worse imagination. Therefore, do not hope that they will be able to read your thoughts and desires.

3. Complete inaction

No wonder the expression "like a log" arose. This is what most annoys men during sex. After all, partners should do a common cause together, and not load everything onto someone else. Believe me, this will not only delight your partner, but also bring you closer.

4. Request to remove your hands

In fact, it is insanely annoying for men when a woman begins to command and asks to keep her hands to herself. Many representatives of the stronger sex at such moments simply fall into a stupor, wondering: how then to make her feel good?

5. Simulated orgasm

No matter how it seems to the girl that she is naturally playing, their partners are not as stupid as they seem at first glance.

Basically, all men can easily distinguish an imitation from a real orgasm, so do not play with fire again.

6. Fake compliments

Some ladies just want to please their loved one by complimenting the size. However, guys know their worth and know their size, so sometimes it's better to show physical affection than verbal.

7. Less rigidity

Sometimes representatives of the stronger sex note that their loved ones become a vacuum cleaner and show excessive rigidity during intimacy. Of course, playing with the language is a lot of fun, but you need to feel the edge everywhere. And the hands sometimes have to be softer.

8. Poor hygiene

More than half of beautiful women are sure that complete sterility is mandatory for men, but this is far from the case. Most of the males are calm about hair in intimate places and even on their legs, but the question of cleanliness and smell can be really relevant. Therefore, it is better to take a bath on time and change your underwear. And hair sometimes even turns men on.

Some representatives of the stronger sex have a special desire for women during critical days.

9. Less words, more action

Don't forget that guys love to do, not to talk their tongues, unlike the weaker sex. Therefore, if your partner does not want, then you do not need to annoy him with your questions and chatter after sex. They usually want to sleep, not talk about TV shows, feelings, and so on.

10. Indications of deficiencies

Few people enjoy expressing grievances directly and pointing out shortcomings. Therefore, even if this time you did not manage to reach the peak of orgasm, you should not immediately throw mud at your partner. After all, each of us has shortcomings.

Remember that sex should be enjoyable for both partners. Accordingly, efforts for this should be made not only by men, but also by their chosen ones.

Video "What do men want in bed?"

Informational video for girls, which will help prevent gross mistakes in the process of intimacy.