How to conceive twins boy and a girl. Preparations for conception twins. How to conceive twins naturally: ways

Today's topic in our blog is not quite usual. Studying a variety of ways to do anything or other at home, we somehow completely moved away from the family theme. But this is holy.

Therefore, our creative team decided to correct the situation and tell your readers how to conceive twins twins. What? What is not the topic for a "home fashion" :).

First, they will respond to a completely reasonable question: why? You can hear a variety of answers to it. Someone says that the child will always be a faithful reliable friend near, someone is joking that "it's so once again," and everything ", and someone just likes to be a public attention. And twin children or twins always raise the views of others, questioning, admiration, etc.

And now we will try to answer our question that we called Article:

How to conceive twins

Ateper We do not turn to such true, but no less interesting, so so that in the tummy you sat two kids? These are the answers "worked out" by our ancestors:

  • It is necessary to eat more sweet potatoes. Such an assumption gave rise to the study of tribes that feed on the battoo, there were many twins and twins in those families.
  • It is necessary to breastfeed the first child and not to be protected from. According to research, the chances of conceiving at this time the twins increase.
  • Multiple pregnancy often accounted for women of older age, for example, 35-45 years. Statistics says that at this age twins are born more often.
  • Some contribute to strengthening fertility. And some of the doctors can say how these medicines are called. However, it is unlikely to believe on this method of the long-awaited "double" conception. All this can adversely affect the health of the baby (kids).

That's all the well-known ways, how to conceive twins or twins. We hope who would not settle in your tummy, it will be a happy event for the whole family!

The desire to acquire twins or twins arises from many couples, but, unfortunately, not all dreams are embodied in life. Some women do not take anything so that two children appear at the same time - Nature itself does so. But such cases in obstetric practice are extremely rare. According to statistics, only one of the eighties of pregnancies turns out to be multiply. Therefore, those pairs that are interested in conceiving twins or twins natural will often resort to different tricks. How to conceive twins or twins?

What is the difference between twins from twins?

First of all, you need to figure out the terms. What is the difference between twins from twins and how is conception in these two cases? As soon as a hawk woman Ovulation arises, from the right or left ovary is released with an egg, which begins its movement towards the uterus. If there is a spermatozoa on the way, it occurs in fertilization. Fertilized female sex cell is called the zygote. It is attached to the wall of the uterus and begins to increase in size, gradually forming an embryo. At the next stage, the embryo turns into a fruit, and after that - in a small man.

With twins everything is different. When the fertilized egg is approaching the uterus, its division is on two, and sometimes - and three parts. As a result, several identical embryos are simultaneously attached to the wall at the same time. Embryos have identical sexuality. There is no accurate scientific explanation for this phenomenon.

The conception of twins differs from the schemes described above the fact that several eggs come out of the ovaries. Each egg fertilizes its male genital cell. Thus, babies come out of the mother's womb, which can have different gender and appearance.

Summing up, it is necessary to state: twins appear as a result of fertilization of several eggs with different spermatozoa, and when one egg fertilizes one spermatozoa - we are talking about twins.

Gemini always have one father. Twins theoretically can have different fathers if their mother had different sexual partners during ovulation.

Factors affecting the conception of twins or twins

For a normal menstrual cycle, the ripening of one genital cell is characterized. But under the influence of certain factors, a deviation occurs from the physiological norm, and several eggs come out of the uterus.

What contributes to the conception of twins or twins?

To the ultrasound to see the outline of the cherished twinsIt is necessary to make a maximum effort to fit the hormonal background at the Maternity Planning Stage. A couple of months before the expected fertilization begin to take folic acid and tocopherol.

Naturally, no smoking and drinking alcohol can do speech. A woman should take care of their diet. In the refrigerator there should always be lactic acid products. You should develop a habit of starting the morning with yogurt jar without additives. We useful to drink a cup of low-fat milk.

For the future motley, calcium is important, so you can not forget about cottage cheese. In large hypermarkets, such a tuber culture is being sold as Yams. Thanks to the appearance of this plant, the work of the ovaries is stimulated, the likelihood increases that several eggs ripen in the ovaries. Besides, women useful to eat chicken eggs, wholegrain bread, nuts, in particular, walnut.

It has long been proven that the right psychological installation is the key to success in any business. With regard to pregnancy. Available to conceive the conception of double. During self-adhesion sessions, the future mother focuses its thoughts around the state and work of the ovaries: it represents how the egg fence is fertilized, it feels its readiness for double fertilization. It is useful to engage in visualization - to represent yourself as a mother of two twins.

In order to conceive twins, Koitus commit, using postures that contribute to fertilization in principle. During the climax of sexual act, the path of seed fluid to the uterus should be as short as possible. This allows more sperm to get to the end item. It is important that spermatozoids remain in the body of a woman as long as possible. If an ovulation delay occurs, the conception is still crowned with success. Deep penetration provides a missionary posture with the legs of the legs, the knee-elbow and the pose of the "woman from above." After a partner ejaculates, a woman should lie about 15 minutes, raising the pelvis.

The following recommendations will give birth to twins or twins:

How to get pregnant with twins or twins?

The floor of the future offspring depends on the sexual partner. Twins get from mother and father two chromosomes. Woman has two identical chromosomes XX. Father is divided with children with different chromosomes - XY. Thus, the sexuality of children is determined by a chromosomal set of spermatozoa, which fertilized the egg. To conceive twins of girls, you need a spermatozoa with a X-chromosome. To conceive twins boys, you need to "choose" y-chromosome.

How to conceive twins girls?

Those parents for which the floor of future children is importantExperts recommend to adhere to some rules:

How to conceive twins boys?

If parents dream of raising two boys, then you should go on another way:

In order to become pregnant with twins of the desired floor and get a 100% guarantee of the result, it is necessary to undergo an extracorporeal fertilization procedure. With this technique there is an opportunity to leave the Men's or female embryos in the uterus. Not every marriage couple It is possible to do Eco, since the procedure is not cheap. It is designed to stimulate the ovaries, which allows you to mature several eggs at once. With simultaneous fertilization of 4-6 egg cells, the likelihood of becoming pregnant is about 30%. It happens that all embryos are coming out without exception, but two cells survive are mainly survived.

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The birth of a child is a miracle, but the appearance of two kids at once - a miracle in a square. To give birth to twins dream of many pairs, but, alas, it is possible not to everyone. How to get pregnant twins, is it possible to increase your chances? There is a genetic predisposition to multiple pregnancy in the event that one of the spouses has a brother or a twin sister. If there is no such family in your family, do not despair.

Many methods and recommendations have been developed on how to get pregnant with twins or twins, but all these tips are not scientifically justified and carry a recommendation, increasing the possibility of multiple pregnancy. Consider each of them in more detail.

Why get pregnant twins difficult

What is probably pregnant twins? Statistical data suggest that the probability of carrying twins 1 to 80, that is, each eighty-step pregnancy can be multiply. But a modern woman on average gives birth once or twice, accordingly, get into one case of 80 odds is extremely small. Twins are obtained if two mature eggs participated in the fertilization, then the newborn will be, only slightly similar to each other and can even be in general. In the case of twins - the egg cell is one, but at the initial stage of pregnancy, it, for inexplicably reasons, is divided into two, nourishing the lives of two, like a drop of similar, brothers or sisters.

Unfortunately, the century of computer technologies and robotization, such a method is not developed, in which you can program the body for the birth of twins or docking. But you can make a maximum of effort in order to increase the likelihood with the help of various methods, often folk. Although it is worth noting that in the last ten years, the desire to give birth at once two children decreased. The reasons for this is the deterioration of the financial situation and the desire of women to build their careers, postponement of the child to the later period, when a multiple pregnancy is unlikely.

Extracorporeal fertilization (ECO method)

How can you get pregnant twins with medicine? The ECO method gives the greatest chance to get pregnant twins or even triple. Eco lies in the fact that a woman is sitting a few pre-prepared egg cells. They can be 6-8, and only one or two will come in with the greatest probability.

More often, the extracorporeal fertilization is used in cases where one of the spouses has a diagnosis of infertility and the conception is naturally impossible.

The ECO procedure consists of several stages:

  1. Careful and complete examination of both spouses
  2. Stimulation of ovulation with hormone therapy (it will be necessary to take special preparations for a while)
  3. Fence of follicles through the uterine tube
  4. Artificial fertilization of egg sperm
  5. Embryo growing
  6. Approach Embos
  7. Entering natural way

It is worth saying that the cost of Eco is very high, and it turns out that it may not be far from allowing such a luxury. But this remedy does not give 100% warranty of twins, performance reaches only 60%

What can increase the likelihood to conceive twins

In addition to the availability of genetic predisposition and expensive eco, there are other ways to get pregnant twins that can be tried at home without the help of medicine.


Scientists have been proven that there is a certain relationship between the nutrition of a woman and the conception of twins, since using a certain food style you can affect the production of egg cells and make superation. In order to strengthen the production of female hormones, estrogen, and improve the work of the ovaries you need to eat more protein, the source of which is beef liver. The same product is rich in an enzyme, stimulating the survival of the embryo in the event of a successful conception. Thus, it is worth consuming as many products containing protein and folic acid as possible, thereby increasing the chance to become pregnant with twins at 1.5 - 2 times.


It has long been known that the production of hormones depends on the climate, that is, the seasonality affects it. A warm weather contributes to successful conception, that is, the summer season. If you get pregnant with twins, you need now, and in the yard winter and cold, take your vacation and fly to warm edges. The sun, the noise of the surf and your relaxed state will surely contribute to the speedy onset of pregnancy, perhaps even multiple. It may be possible to return you will not be alone with my spouse, four of you, the lives of two more young people will be born in you.

How to conceive twins in a natural way?

How to get pregnant double

How to get pregnant twins? Twins. Pregnancy double. What to do?

Stresses and nervous shocks

Paradoxically, scientists and stars have noticed a strange dependence that after experienced stress and nervous shock, the probability of conception of twins increases sharply. Perhaps the body mobilizes all its internal forces, the potential to dig out from the current situation, and the pregnancy, which comes at this time, takes part of this energy. Historical facts suggest that a huge amount of boulders, born after wars, natural disasters and other massive upheavals. Thus, the highest mind compensates for the number of lost human lives. Of course, such a way is better never implemented.

Geographical location

The birth of twins depends on what your geographical place of residence. If you calculate the percentage ratio of the total number of doubles to the overall population of the globe, it will be negligible, only 1.5%. It is worth saying that most of this number of people live in Africa. Less frequently, double can be found in Japan. Thus, living in Africa, you are more likely to give birth to one, but at once two wonderful kids.

How to diagnose multiple pregnancy

To find out what life is born within you no need to wait long. Already in the first trimester, or rather on the second month of pregnancy, the first planned ultrasound study can be made. Ultrasound will show how many hearts beats in your uterus. And already on this time you can find out whether the kids will be twins.

It is important to know that a woman who became pregnant twins, and even more so triplee, will be under particularly close supervision of the gynecologist, and must listen to their advice.

It does not depend on whether the first is pregnancy or not. Pregnant has more studies, doctors will control how the state of health moms and not yet born babies, they are all in the risk group. It is worth saying that the risk of frozen pregnancy, miscarriage or premature birth is great. For this reason, you must protect yourself from stress, nerve stresses and even more so physical exertion.

A woman who got pregnant twins, works for three, now she should give strength and energy not only to yourself, but also lives that grows inside. Ahead of heavy times - toxicosis, strength decay, increased load on bone tissue, lower limbs, and so on, be ready for it. All this can be survived, knowing that there will be a meeting with two most beloved little men in the world.

How to calculate twins on the table

In the course of long research it was found that twins can be conceived not in any menstrual cycle. Such an opportunity appears in the life of a woman just once per 150 cycles. How can you get pregnant twins and find out when it comes exactly the desired cycle? A table was developed into which data on the exact dates, which contribute to the birth of two kids at once at the same time. The table is presented below.

Pregnancy twins after contraceptive tablets

There is another method to increase the possibility of multiple pregnancy. His distinctive feature is duration. It is necessary to take contraceptive pills throughout the year, clearly following the scheme specified in the instruction. Then you need to throw them sharply. The sharp cancellation of contraceptives will contribute to multiple pregnancy.

Such an effect is due to the fact that the abolition of a oral contraceptive drug makes the ovaries intensively work, thereby imposing a hormonal background. And, as you know, a sufficient amount of female hormones will contribute to the maturation of more than one egg. However, there is also the reverse side of the medal, with long interference from the side, the ovaries can respond with complete rest, stopping the production of eggs at all. For this reason, ovulation may simply do not occur.

How to conceive girls twins

In addition to the fact that you can own or with modern medicine to help the body to become pregnant with twins, you can try to predict the floor of future kids. We learn what can be done to conceive two beautiful girls.

When it comes to the conception of girls of twins, it is very scrupulously referring to the selection of poses for making love. These must be positions in which the deep penetration of the penis is eliminated. This is necessary for the reason that the X-spermatozoa is extremely mobile and can independently get to the purpose of destination. As for the method of nutrition, cancel caffeine and reduce salt consumption. Products that, on the contrary, need to be in excess - spices, sugar, honey and berry jams.

There is another effective method of twins using the method of determining the age of blood. To do this, you need to know whose blood is younger, your or spouse. The fact is that blood is updated from a man and women not at the same time. You need to remember when you had a last time of blood loss, for example, an extensive injury, childbirth and so on. Determines the genus of the future child that parent whose blood is younger. Thus, a woman can become pregnant with a nice double a few years after the previous delivery, provided that during this period the husband had no significant blood loss.

How to conceive twins boys

  • Changes in nutrition. It is worth reconsider your familiar diet to get pregnant with two male kids. It is necessary to refuse seafood, eliminate their menu burglar cabbage, beans and any greens. It is also necessary to reduce to a minimum of milk food consumption. Do not limit yourself to potatoes, rice, lentils and peas. Be sure to indulge yourself with desserts, drinking them with herbal teas or freshly squeezed juice
  • Time of conception. It is important to calculate the exact time for sex. The ideal is considered the watches of ovulation, which can be calculated using a special test strip, they are sold in pharmacies
  • Quality of graphic love. If your goal is a pregnancy by boys, you need to take care that Y - spermatozoa reached the mature eggs. To do this, you need to choose positions in which the man will be on top, providing the most deep penetration. It is important to give sufficient attention to pre-caresses, set up a partner to the desired way. It is desirable that after sex the woman receives an orgasm, since at this time there is an extensive emission of special hormones, stimulating the faster movement of y - spermatozoa and increases their life.

Folk methods conception twins

Over the years, people are trying to deceive nature and program the body for pregnancy twins. During the time, when the ECO method did not exist, when no one knew about the existence of a special table with the recommended dates of conception, when the influence of the diet for pregnancy was not proven, people resorted to popular methods. We learn about the most popular and efficient, judging by the reviews:

  • Love each other and give each other enough attention. We are talking about the frequency of sex and their quality. It is believed that the frequency of classes of love increases the chance to conceive twins.
  • If you already have a child, you have to feed it with breasts for so long as soon as you can. This will increase your chances to get pregnant twins in the second pregnancy.
  • Do not sit on the exhausting hungry diets, twins most often choose mom with good hips, avoiding hard
  • It will not be superfluous to drink a course of folic acid, it is better to start it 2-3 months before the planned conception of children

Now you know how to get pregnant twins with a greater probability. You can choose the method that will be suitable for you, you can combine folk methods with medical. No one can guarantee the effectiveness of ways to guarantee, but on the other hand, they will not harm or you nor the future child. If after using one of the techniques you are not pregnant not twins, you should not despair. The main thing is that after 9 months you will have a long-awaited child who will be your meaning of life and the main person.

Twins are a double responsibility, a double load on the body of the future mother, but at the same time - double happiness and joy. No wonder many couples dream of two beautiful babies at once. The planning of twins is not an easy thing, because even Eco with the simplicity of two embryos will not give you a one hundred percent warranty that both will come in. Although it is eco and hormonal stimulation - the most reliable way to get the desired one. But for quite understandable reasons, for most couples that do not suffer from infertility, this method is unacceptable, and therefore it is worth navigating to other, less radical planning methods.

  • In the genus (and it is precisely on the mother line) there were cases of twins;
  • Age female more than thirty years;
  • Pregnancy is not the first;
  • There is a small excess weight;
  • Pregnancy occurred during breastfeeding.

Pregnancy planning double

Even if nature is not on your side, there are ways to increase your birth chances of twins. What should be done to make such a desired multiple pregnancy? Here are a few steps that will help get closer to the desired:

  • Consultation with a genetic doctor who can calculate the likelihood of twins in your particular case, and will also give a lot of useful advice;
  • Rejection of all bad habits and healthy lifestyle starting from the very first stages of pregnancy planning;
  • Receiving folic acid to pregnancy, and the regularity and the necessary dose must be prescribed by the doctor, it is important;
  • Full and regular nutrition, and it is very desirable to include solid grain, walnuts, dairy products, eggs in the diet. All these products stimulate the maturation of not one, but several follicles, and accordingly, the yield of several eggs at the same time, without which the intake of twins is not possible;
  • Some concerning double planning reviews suggest that the most effective for conception poses that imply the most deep penetration;
  • Drawing up a peculiar calendar to determine the best day to conceive twins - as a rule, twin is easiest to conceive, if you do this directly before the day of the alleged ovulation;
  • Pregnancy immediately after the abolition of oral contraceptives often leads to the strengthened work of the "rested" ovaries and the conception of twins;
  • The conception in the spring or summer months also often ends with the appearance of two wonderful kids.

Planning twins - folk remedies

Of course, the tips of "grandmothers" are not very popular in this difficult. Let some of these methods seem strange, but perhaps they lies in them the great strength of many generations. So you can listen to such advice:

  • To try to find more and there are products of an unusual shape - dual berries of strawberries, double yolks, struck potatoes and so on;
  • The use of bravery sage. It contains some substances similar to the female hormone estrogen. Sage even refer to the "phytohormon". But if you decide to take it, it is better to consult with your doctor, as well as to immediately stop the reception as soon as the pregnancy comes. In addition, side effects are possible, so consultation with the doctor is simply necessary;
  • All means are good if you started planning twins - forums often die messages that accommodation or at least a brief trip to certain places may contribute to multiple pregnancies. For example, there are such places in the Rostov region and in the Carpathians.

And one of the most interesting and useful folk remedies for the conception of twins can be considered the following - you just need to really want to become a mom at once two babies and it is more often that your desire has already come true. Positive attitude and confidence - half of success.

To answer the question of how to conceive twins or twins, you need to figure out the mechanism of these phenomena. The difference between the twins and twins is simple: one-way twins, similar to each other, like two drops of water, are children born from one fertilized egg, which is divided into two after fertilization, and twins appear with simultaneous fertilization of two eggs at once, while children There may be different floors and are not at all like each other. It should be noted that the nature is laid by the mechanism, the born of twins, as it is more difficult to carry and grow it. But there are various factors that contribute to the simultaneous ripening of two eggs, due to which the twin conception occurs. It is impossible to plan the pregnancy of single-time twins, as it is impossible to give a one hundred percent warranty of the conception of twins, but provoking the simultaneous maturation of two eggs is quite real.

Factors affecting the possibility of born twins:

  • heredity - the probability of conceiving twins above those women in the nature of which have already been multiple pregnancies;
  • excess weight - it is noticed that twins are more often born in full women;
  • age older than 30 years - the body can provoke maturation of several follicles at once to increase the probability of conception;
  • the occurrence of pregnancy during the lactation increases the possibility of conceiving just twins;
  • with each subsequent pregnancy, the chances of the appearance of twins are growing;
  • mom's ethnicity - absolutely not breaking his head over how to conceive twins, African women give birth at once a few children much more often than everyone else. But less often a multiple pregnancy happens to Asian.

How to increase chances to conceive twins naturally

First of all, it is worth consulted with your doctor, perhaps he advises what to do to conceive twins. It is better to prepare for this conversation: to bring medical maps (your partner), to find out in advance what diseases are the relatives on both parties suffer and whether multiplodatic pregnancy has been in the female line.

Perhaps you will be lucky, and your doctor will be able to give you a magic table, how to conceive twins, or teach how to conceive twins for ovulation.

Among the medication methods, which can also advise the doctor, there is treatment with drugs, which includes a follicle-stimulating hormone, with the result that at the same time two eggs can mature. Moreover, after the cancellation of hormonal contraceptives, the so-called rebound effect is observed when both ovaries are launched into operation and twin can be conceived.

Also, do not forget about artificial fertilization when a woman is sitting at once two or three fertilized eggs.

There are folk ways how to conceive twins. First of all, recommendations refer to nutrition designed to contribute to the maturation of more follicles. We will have to flush on dairy products, chicken eggs, solid grain, walnuts, pumpkin, bananas, carrots, red fish, liver. Try to find such a product as a yams that contains a set of substances that stimulate the operation of the ovaries. The greatest number of twins is born in the city of igu-ora in the southwest of Nigeria, for which it is even called "the land of twins". The main food of the population there is the NAMS.

Mandatory condition to conceive twins - a refusal of alcohol and smoking.

To activate the work of the ovaries, a few months before the planned conception, start the daily intake of folic acid, pre-consulted with the doctor.

It has been established that most of the boulders are born in July, and least in the first month of winter. This may be due to the duration of the daylight, affecting the release of the follicularity of the hormone. Therefore, conception is best planned for autumn.

Indirectly affect the climate - long light day, high humidity, solar activity activate the operation of the ovaries. Therefore, you can plan a monthly vacation in a suitable place to increase chances.

Interesting the established fact that twins are born four times more often in women who are already mothers of twins. Therefore, it is worth only once to give birth to twins, as the next time it will be easier to adjust.