What tools should a manicure master have at the start (checklist). How to start a nail business at home

The perfect manicure is every girl's dream. The condition of the hands and nails is an indicator of grooming. All fashionistas want to learn how to learn how to do a manicure on their own. This knowledge will save you not only finances and time, but will also allow you to make a beautiful manicure at home, introducing your own unique attributes into the design and implementing your own ideas.

A home manicure, subject to a step-by-step technique, is in no way inferior to a salon procedure. Information from articles and video tutorials is enough to master the rules of manicure, and in practice to fulfill the intended nail art.

The basics of manicure include information about the possible forms of the nail plates, how to remove the cuticle, and the features of nail care. Knowing the secrets of manicure, you can bring to life the most daring and original solutions. It doesn't matter if you do a manicure for every day or for a special occasion, manicure secrets and tricks from professionals will help you achieve spectacular results. All about how to do a manicure at home.

Do you know step by step how to make beautiful nails at home. Proper manicure includes a number of mandatory steps. Home manicure or salon manicure does not play a special role. They are only distinguished by the greater experience of the master and the availability of professional equipment.

To create a beautiful manicure at home, you will need tools such as:

  • manicure scissors;
  • nail file;
  • tweezers;
  • a wooden stick or a metal spatula to push back the cuticle.

Naturally, you can not do without a decorative coating, but better not one. The richest assortment of varnishes can turn anyone's head. Everyone wants to know how to do nails without using nail polish remover, because even the most experienced and accurate girl can make a mistake and she will need a correction. You also need a base coat and a top coat.

The technique of the procedure is represented by three options for removing the cuticle:

  • Edged (tweezers).
  • European (gel remedy).
  • Hardware (using nozzles).

Gel is the most popular way to make beautiful nails at home without cutting the cuticle. With it, you can quickly and effectively soften the skin and, after the allotted time, simply remove it with the remnants of the product. You will get a neat, light manicure without the risk of infection or damage to the painful area.

If you prefer the hardware method, you need not only to buy a device, but also to master it. But then you can very quickly process the nail plates, rollers, remove the cuticle, etc. without burrs and injuries.

So, how to make a manicure, a step-by-step technique:

  • First of all, you need to remove the remnants of the previous nail art: wipe off the varnish, remove the stickers, etc.
  • Next, make a hand bath to steam the skin. Water should be warm, close to hot, but comfortable temperature. Enter a few tablespoons of vegetable and essential oils, this will help soften the cuticle.
  • The next step is to remove the cuticle in any way you choose.
  • After, you need to move on to the shape of the nails.

What to build on when choosing the shape of nails?

The answer to the question of how to make a beautiful manicure at home is impossible without a story about choosing the shape of the nails. The shape of the nail plates is one of the mandatory steps in the process of creating the right manicure. It depends not only on the individual characteristics of a person, personal preferences and fashion trends play a significant role. Depending on the season, one form or another becomes a trend. Do you know what forms are?

There are the following types:

  • pointed.
  • Almond-shaped.
  • oval.
  • rounded.
  • Square.

The basics of manicure say that the choice of form is influenced by self-awareness. It is the pointed form that is preferred by self-confident women, quite powerful and characteristic. The correct manicure for such persons is a geometric design that emphasizes the shape of the nail plates.

The almond shape is typical for flirtatious young ladies. It has been popular over the past years. The secrets of an almond-shaped manicure are that absolutely any design looks advantageous on such plates, creating a real testing ground for fantasies and creativity: from the simple to the most interesting.

The oval shape is characteristic of conservative girls. How to make the perfect manicure is not a problem for them. They stand firmly on their feet and rarely make changes. Harmony and naturalness are their main principles, including the issue of nail art.

They will repeat their favorite design from time to time until something new sinks into their hearts.

The rounded shape of the nails is considered the most versatile and traditional. Girls who give preference to her are considered to be romantic natures. This form adds charm and femininity. How to make nails rounded? It is necessary with the help of a nail file only to round off the corners at the ends, and leave the top straight and even. The rounded shape is a cross between oval and square variations.

Making a manicure at home with this form is as easy as shelling pears, because even a simple transparent coating will look great on them. You can choose a solid color design or a gradient, an intricate pattern or a cool pattern. The rounded shape is also good for new fashion trends, so it will be possible to create even the most original manicure at home with it.

As for the square shape, it is considered the most beloved in recent times. It goes well with nails of different lengths and widths. For lovers of French manicure, this form is especially close. This design is quite simple, so a beautiful DIY manicure is quite doable, even if you have little skill. French is a great manicure for beginners, allowing you to get stylish nails with a minimum of skills.

Keep in mind that when shaping the nails, you need to wield the file in one direction, this will save them from foliation. Agree, why then painfully treat the nails, if you can prevent this unpleasant phenomenon. File movements in both directions are one of the most common mistakes that girls face when carrying out the procedure on their own.

The right coverage

After shaping, it is the turn of the coating. There are a lot of subtleties in this process. It is necessary to go through the nail polish remover again in order to degrease the surface immediately before the new coating. The next step is the base layer. As a rule, such a varnish not only prevents the yellowing of the nail plates, but also levels them, preparing them for further actions.

Now distribute the selected decorative varnish over the nail. You can learn how to do a manicure so that the varnish lies perfectly evenly by mastering the technique of applying a decorative coating:

  • Attach the brush to the base of the nail in the center and move it to the edge.
  • Returning to the starting point, move the brush to the side with arc movements, covering the space of the nail on the left side.
  • Repeat the manipulation with the right side of the nail plate.

You need to do this quickly, until the varnish has time to grab, then you get an even layer, without roughness. Do not forget that you will need to go through the fixer from above. It will help maintain the presentable appearance of the created nail art for a longer period, and also provide it with an attractive shine.

Now you know everything about how to make a beautiful manicure without leaving your home. Your nails will always be well-groomed and elegant, subject to the proposed recommendations.

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Passing training courses for a manicurist, buying quality materials, equipping a workplace, having several regular customers is more of a temporary hobby than a serious business. If you want your business to bring good profit, you need to be the best of the best, thereby retaining and increasing customers. How to achieve this? We will share some tricks that will help you become the best manicurist in town.

You will need:

Sleek, stylish look

The master must inspire confidence and positive aesthetic emotions. An employee of the beauty industry cannot neglect this point.

You are constantly in contact with people, in addition, you work in the beauty industry. And should be her example. This does not mean that you should wear items from the latest Dolce & Gabbana collections, but always washed, well-groomed hair (it is advisable to collect them in a bun or ponytail so as not to sweep all manicure devices off the table). People are always attracted by beauty.

Well, remember that a shoemaker cannot be without boots. Your hands and nails should always be in PERFECT condition!

Professionalism and accuracy in work

Having a framed diploma/certificate in the workplace is a prerequisite. But he will not cover up your mistakes and blunders.

It is better to do a high-quality and accurate hygienic manicure, finish with a simple design, than a pathetic attempt to do everything quickly and according to the latest fashion, in which you are far from a pro.

Correctness in communication

Be aware of the expression of your emotions and the boundaries of comfortable communication. Listen to the topics the client is talking about. You have to control when the conversation gets too personal or controversial.

Exceptional punctuality

Don't make customers wait, don't let them be late.

Constant crashes over time and client build-ups will ruin attempts to build a reputation in a matter of days!

To resolve the issue "by itself", print a memo and place it on the wall at the level of the client's eyes.

For example: “If you are 15 minutes late, you will pay a 5% discount to the next client. I was 20 minutes late - I don’t expect you anymore today. ”

It works, rest assured.

Quality materials

Not always a low price indicates poor quality and vice versa. Look for recent forums or social media pages created for the communication of masters. Members of the forum are happy to share their findings. This gives them a status, gives them a sense of self as an expert in their professional field.

What you can save on, buy a bargain, order on Aliexpress, and what you need to take only in specialized stores, read in this article.

Sterile professional instruments are not a panacea in the fight against the experts of the sanitary and epidemiological service. This is your personal safety and the safety of the client.

Well-equipped workplace

  • It is important that the height of the table and chairs match (no need to bend over the treated part of the client's body or lift your head, reaching for it).
  • Lighting should not shine in vain or in the eyes!
  • The bedside table must be closed.
  • The pedicure chair should have a back with a comfortable angle of inclination, armrests. The client will not withstand 2-2.5 hours of being in an incomprehensible position. You can buy a new one in a specialized store for beauty salons, you can buy a used one, or make it to order.

As few fabric elements as possible! Everything should be easy to wash, handle and dry quickly.

Organization of leisure, atmosphere "relaxation"

Some people go to the salon more to relax than to pursue the idea of ​​getting a particular service.

Make sure that they have a choice: magazines, a selection of music (popular hits, classical, nature sounds, Japanese bamboo flute or just relaxation/massage compositions), TV.

The offer of coffee with milk, tea with chamomile or mint, almost always receives an approving "yes".

If you have an aroma lamp or a lamp for fumigating the room with bahur (bahurnitsa), this will only enhance the effect of a positive perception from visiting your office.

It’s great if the interior also has a sand painting, a mini-fountain or an aquarium with fish.

Constant awareness of all innovations in the field

It is unacceptable to make “square eyes” every time in response to a request to do something innovative! But at the same time, don't mindlessly chase novelties: you haven't had time to test the equipment in practice - just say so, offer it next time.

If you consider a specific novelty “not a sock”, warn the client about your conclusions. All this will only add to your significance and show the degree of involvement in your business.

In order not only to always stay in the know, but to be able to make any whim of the client perfect, you definitely need to attend courses from time to time and improve your skills.

instagram.com/natalyarusnak/ instagram.com/mariya_nailstyle/

Find out which school produces masters who become famous in their field, whose master classes in the city are the most popular, informative and visual. On this and stop the choice.

Ability to take care of the client

Take care of the client like he's the only one of the week/month!

Never give a person a reason to doubt their importance to you.

Make "exclusive" offers:

  • "Let's try to make an unusual design for you today?";
  • “Your hand skin looks more tired today than last time. Perhaps we will use my favorite rich nourishing cream ”;
  • “It is your shape and structure of nails that requires regular washing down! Always carry a file in your purse and do not let anyone use it. Another secret: carry a second file for your girlfriends!

In no case does the client need to know how many visitors you had before him and how many will be after! Moreover, save the public from complaints about back pain. For each of them, you are always cheerful, fresh, light and full of creative ideas!

As well as the choice of appropriate funds in stock and on order.

  • from the pharmacy
  • own handmade,
  • products of popular chain companies: Amway, Faberlic, Oriflame, Avon, Farmasi, Mary Kay;
  • professional branded products for craftsmen: "CND".

This is done so that an adherent of any manufacturer and any views can find “his own” in you.

It is not necessary to have the entire line, let there be 1-2 products that are the most effective in action. The rest can be selected from the catalog.

The presence of such a showcase-exhibition will save you from the need to impose goods. He will attract attention. And professional advice in response to requests to help make a choice will turn into valuable advice (and not a banal "sniff"). A tangible additional income in your piggy bank!

Competent maintenance of the page of any social network

“If your business is not on the Internet, you have no business!” Experts say.

If you decide to start by receiving clients at home, then without it in any way. Word of mouth will work, of course, but it still needs to be given time to "play on the right stations."

Advanced offices and salons also do not refuse this method of attracting clients.

  1. Choose the social network where you visit more often, where you have more “friends”, where it is easier to understand the functions.
  2. Name the page/group briefly and clearly, title the service, indicate the city and, at most, your name: “Services of a manicurist Ekaterina. Kyiv."
  3. In the description, indicate the level of professionalism, listing certificates, diplomas; eminent masters who held master classes; salons where they worked before; general experience. If you don’t have this baggage yet, describe your positive human and professional qualities and post photos in which you are diligently learning the business and the first successful results of your work.

You should not steal other people's phrases, someone else's experience (forge documents), and even more so - photographs of works. I liked the general idea - repeat it as much as possible, but in your own performance.

Your page should not get lost in millions of similar ones. Constant replenishment of photo works, useful tips "in the subject" on the wall, customer reviews, growth of subscribers ...

The last features that the client will appreciate are the “photowall” and a selfie with the master!

Bright detailed photo reports and textual information about important moments will show the seriousness of your attitude to trifles.
Contrasting "before" and "after" photos are 10 times more effective than usual ones.

A photo of a beautiful manicure in the master’s office, and then dubbing it in a different setting (date, gym, report at work, holiday, washing dishes at home) will allow the client to mentally imagine their own profitable situations where a manicure would play a significant positive role.

Feel free to ask the client to send you home manicure photos.

If you want to replenish the page with articles about self-care, place them in a special section. Do not make a colored vinaigrette out of the wall. The person who found you for the first time, first of all, wants to get acquainted with the works and their prices.

The price list for all types of services must be drawn up and placed at the top of the page.

In order for your price to be adequate, you need to study well the competitive base of your city and the specific area in which you will work. Look at the photos of the works, the materials they work with, the degree of amenities they offer, the related services, whether they do or not. Based on this, determine whether to put prices higher, lower them a little, or keep them on par with competitors.

Information of a general developmental nature that is not related to the topic should not be posted! You can demonstrate this on a common page: distinguish between work and personal.

For more progressive functionality, you should think about the paid services of a web designer. By turning the page into a prototype of a working site, you will get a return very quickly. The client will instantly find the necessary information, evaluate the level of service, save time and stay with you in 90%!

Participation in joint projects with a photographer and other specialists in the beauty industry

These are free photo sets, in which the models win immediately (since they receive all services for free) and all the masters who worked on it. A great investment for the future with minimal investment.

  • snail therapy;
  • wrappings with natural masks of our own production.
  • Gel nail polish, massage, body wraps, paraffin therapy, aromatherapy, snail therapy - these are the types of services that you can start using very easily and simply in parallel with the main service. People rarely refuse such experiments. Build a customer base - expand the range of services.

    Successful combinations of professions

    If the profession of a manicure-pedicure master has been fully mastered and has begun to bear good fruit, it's time to replenish the list of professions.

    Next to the list, we have ranked these types of activities in terms of the amount of financial investment from the cheapest (1) to the most expensive (8):

    • Eyebrow master (no tattoo) 1
    • master of snail therapy 2
    • ilash master 3
    • sugaring specialist 4
    • masseur + body wraps 5
    • tattoo artist and henna painter 6
    • master of cosmetology 7
    • makeup artist 8

    This is a list of in-demand related professions that will help you significantly increase your value to the client and the level of income. The most voluminous and important acquisition for the implementation of all types of these services is a couch.

    Even make-up in many countries is done lying down (before styling and hairstyles).

    Many masters successfully and constantly increase the degree of their versatility. This trend is connected not only with the desire for a wider coverage of the way of earning. Each master is a creative person who is alien to monotonous work. Combining and changing the type of activity during the day, it is more difficult to get fed up with work. And this does not mean at all: “He can do everything, it means he can’t do anything!”

    New trends

    Subscribe to a nail aesthetics magazine, regularly check the news feed on popular social media groups about the art of manicure, listen to clients (especially if they have been abroad) - and you will always be in the center of events.

    For example, you should know that in European and Middle Eastern countries, when doing a pedicure, the masters take the client's leg on their knees and process it, periodically holding it in weight. Not very convenient, but actively taking root - be prepared.

    The client's feet are soaked in glass or stone bowls. There are hand washers of the same type.

    At the bottom of the containers, where hands and feet are soaked, it has become fashionable to put pebbles, herbs, flower petals, or simply throw colored soap bombs.

    Yes Not 0

    You will need

    • File, nail bath, orangewood stick, polishing file, nail polish, nail polish fixer.


    When the shape of the nails is ready, you should pay special attention to the cuticle. Dip your fingers in warm water for a few minutes, on average, it is enough to hold them for 5-10 minutes. This is necessary so that the skin is soaked, this will allow you to remove it painlessly. Then use an orange tree stick to push back the cuticles. Then carefully remove it with tweezers. After this procedure, apply a nourishing cream to the cuticle.

    Then polish your nails with a special one. This will prepare your nails for applying polish. The base follows first so that the plate does not turn yellow. Then apply base coat. After - a fixer, it is necessary for the varnish to last. Do not forget that the varnish should be applied to dry nails, so it will lie more evenly.

    Related article


    • how to do manicure on your own

    Your daughter - until recently a cute toddler - has imperceptibly grown up and will soon become a real young lady. She is already watching with interest how you paint your nails, and clumsily tries to repeat after you. Perhaps you should take her to a beauty salon and get a baby manicure. It differs from an adult, but pursues approximately the same goals - to make the hands well-groomed and beautiful.

    Features of children's manicure

    Experts recommend that children start doing manicures at preschool age. Naturally, this refers to a hygienic manicure, not a decorative one. And this procedure is important for both girls and boys. Salons today offer children's European manicure to their clients. Its main feature is the refusal to remove the cuticle. This procedure is done exclusively with wooden objects, which does not harm the skin and nail phalanx, and prevents infection.

    When doing a manicure for a child, it is worth considering the following:

    Children's manicure is limited to the age of 13-15 years. It is up to this period that the formation of the nail plate takes place;
    - children's nails are more plastic and flexible than the nails of an adult. But at the same time they cannot be called fragile;
    - children's nails contain much more water than adults' nails;
    - nails in children grow more slowly than in adults, but there are exceptions to the rule;
    - children have very delicate cuticle skin and it is easy to damage it.

    First of all, make your nails and skin of your hands softer with a water bath. The procedure time is 5-10 minutes. Water with relaxing foam and vitamin balls is very popular with children. After the bath, do a light hand massage and treat your nails with an antiseptic.

    Next, proceed to the processing of the edges of the nail plate. Trim the nail with nail scissors and polish with a fine nail file. Choose the softest file, because. many children can hardly tolerate this not very pleasant procedure.

    Then proceed to the processing of the cuticle. Children's manicure does not involve cutting the cuticle because of her delicate skin. Therefore, it should simply be slightly moved with a wooden apricot stick. Burrs, if any, carefully remove and treat the cuticles with an antiseptic.

    When performing a children's manicure, do not grind the nail plate, but walk 2-3 times over it with a polishing nail file. Then apply nourishing oil or rich baby cream to your nails.

    You can stop at this, or you can continue and create a decorative children's manicure. Indeed, for a girl, applying varnish on nails is a great and joyful event. Therefore, do not ignore such requests from your children. As a basis for a decorative coating of the nail, use a protective varnish from any children's cosmetic line that you like. Then apply decorative colored varnish, stamping or appliqué.

    In this section of the site we have posted 20 lessons to learn manicure technology for free , pedicure and nail extension. The lessons are highly professional, their volume fully corresponds to the paid course of the full-time manicure school. After studying these lessons, you will not only learn how to do a manicure at home, but you can also work as a manicure master in a beauty salon.

    The whole difference between our lessons and full-time courses is that all the “water” such as economics, the history of manicure, etc. has been thrown out of them, but why do you need it?

    If the free text-based manicure lessons are not enough for you, or you need a certificate of graduation from the school of manicure, pedicure and nail extension, at the end of the article there is a link to paid, inexpensive, but highly effective video courses, also with free introductory lessons, so study for health.

    In this lesson, you will study the structure of the hand, the lesson is simple, but you will have to learn it with all its terms “by heart”, otherwise there will be many incomprehensible terms further, and you will return to this lesson more than once.

    Without knowledge of the normal state of the nail, the patterns of functioning and regulation of biological processes in the nail and possible painful or pathological changes in the nail plate, you will not be able to do it in the future either. This lesson, like the previous foundation of knowledge for a specialist who wants to become a successful and sought-after master.

    You know the difference between the nail root and the matrix, and why nail growth slows down, and nail diseases occur, no, then you are here.

    The topic of nail disease is one of the most important in the work of a manicure and pedicure master. Before you start doing a manicure, pedicure, or nail extension, you should first of all pay attention to the health of hands, feet, nails your client. Otherwise, your mistake can cost you your career, and the patient's health, this happens very often.

    Any work with the nails and hands of the patient begins with the sterilization and disinfection of the working tool. In this lesson, you will learn all the methods of instrument disinfection and work with devices to perform it.

    Lesson number 6. Tools and materials for manicure and pedicure.

    Do you know what professional tools, are different from the tools from manicure sets. How are skin tweezers different from nail clippers? And why the tool from the advertised beautiful and expensive manicure sets is not suitable for your work. No, then.

    Lesson number 7.

    And you will also learn in this lesson what nail lines and nail stuffing are, what is Hand Maceration, how to do hand massage correctly and how hand massage affects the client’s attitude towards you.

    Lesson number 8.

    Do you know that European manicure the safest, since instead of tweezers we will use special cuticle removers. It is the cuticle removers that dissolve the dead skin around the nail plate and take care of the cuticle.

    Lesson number 9.

    Hot oil manicure is generally the height of perfection in cosmetology, when it is performed, moisturizing and therapeutic restoration of the skin of the hands under the influence of special creams or lotions.

    This lesson, because of its special importance, is divided into two parts. In the second part, you will learn how to cook yourself according to our signature recipe.

    Lesson number 10.

    In this lesson, you will learn all the procedures that have a unique restorative and rejuvenating effect on the hands and body of a woman as a whole. The lesson is also divided into parts as an appendix to the lesson goes for hands.

    Broken nail. Who among us has not encountered such an annoying nuisance? You will learn the full technology of repairing a broken nail with silk and fiber glass, not only for the client, but also for yourself.

    During this lesson, you will learn special toe care, which includes not only cosmetic nail care, but also some not quite manicure operations, such as removal of corns, corns, ingrown nails, disinfection and treatment of cracks.

    Lesson number 13.

    Probably the most desirable thing in the process of learning nail service is nail extension. Usually, students go to him for a long time, and are allowed to practice only after passing all previous courses for five. You also have a unique opportunity to start self-learning with nail extensions.

    You will study:

    acrylic nail extension

    gel nail extension

    And two subspecies of extension:

    - building on forms

    – building on tips

    This lesson is introductory. It has an addition - "".

    Lesson number 14. .

    Another free lesson where you will learn the technology of performing helium nail extension using a three-phase system. This extension technology can be successfully used both independently at home and in a beauty salon.

    Lesson number 15.

    Drawings on nails for beginners - Butterfly.

    Drawings on the nails for beginners - Lace.

    Drawings on the nails for beginners - Ladybug.

    In just six easy steps you can draw these simple nail designs.

    Lesson number 16.

    In this lesson, we will make a stylish, modest and, by the way, very effective coating in the style of French manicure or “French”, taking into account the fashion trends of 2015.

    Lesson number 17.

    The easiest way to nail art decor these are drip drawings, that is, drawings made by mixing several colors of varnishes (usually 2 or 3) using a dots needle.

    Lesson number 18.

    It's practically final stage of education specialists, even at daytime courses, masters give little knowledge on it and it is not surprising that it is this part that brings the main income to the master of the nail business, and few give out their secrets.

    Fernand Léger - the art of manicure

    Japanese manicure is a modern technology for restoring damaged nails. after multiple extensions. The theme is generally under development, you can be the first. Study for health.

    Lesson #20 How to decorate nails with stickers.

    A very simple lesson and, nevertheless, useful for those who like to do everything by their own hands through trial and error. You will learn what photography is. What is the difference between stickers for water and adhesive design. And in the end with the help of your favorite stickers.

    And finally, as promised, and a free introductory nail design lesson to it.

    The image of a modern well-groomed woman is made up of little things. And it is important to find out in time how to learn how to do a manicure professionally, so that not a single detail disturbs the harmonious look. Indeed, even carefully and neatly painted nails with their own hands look less presentable than those that have been in the hands of a master. What is the secret?

    The thing is that a manicure is not only the alignment of the edge of the nail plate and the renewal of the varnish coating. This is a whole range of measures aimed at giving hands a well-groomed appearance. And coating with colored varnish is not at all necessary, after a high-quality manicure, the nails look amazing and without additional tricks. How to do a professional manicure at home? Is it possible to do without the purchase of expensive devices? What is the course of action? There are a lot of questions, but each of them has an answer, supported by the advice of nail service masters.

    Tools and materials

    The final appearance of the hands and nails largely depends on what materials and tools will be used. But for this it is not necessary to urgently purchase the entire range of a specialized store, some "helpers" are already in the arsenal. For work you will need:

    1. Nail scissors. You can use the old ones, but on condition that they are sharp enough.
    2. Wire cutters. It is desirable that they be made of surgical steel and be very sharp.
    3. Files. At least 2, different abrasiveness (roughness). For natural nails, it is better to use glass or cardboard-based files. Optimal - 180-240 grit. A tool with greater abrasiveness is designed for grinding and polishing the surface of the nail.
    4. Manicure spatula and sticks made of orange wood. If you can do without a metal spatula, then you should not neglect the chopsticks. They do not injure the base of the nail plate and naturally soften it.
    5. Cuticle Remover, also known as Cuticle Softener and Remover. You can buy such a gel both in a specialized store and in a regular supermarket in the cosmetic department.
    6. Nail polish remover, cotton wool and foil.
    7. Coating materials: base for varnish, varnish itself and fixer (top).
    8. Sea salt, cuticle oil, hand cream.

    Thus, you will have to purchase a simple set of tools, and then only if you decide to do a European (unedged) manicure. If the classic edged is preferable, you can do without a cuticle remover.

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    Read also: Draw dots on nails

    Gone are the days when manicurists carefully kept secrets. Today they are willing to share them. In order for a professional manicure at home to succeed, you should listen to the following recommendations.

    1. For ladies with thin and delicate skin, it is better to give preference to unedged manicure.
    2. Cuticle remover is a rather caustic liquid, and it is best not to apply it to the skin or nail without a coating. All manipulations with the keratinized cuticle can be performed without removing the coating. And only after that remove the varnish and dip your fingers in a warm fragrant bath.
    3. The remover has a gel-like consistency and dries fairly quickly. Do not apply it to all fingers at once. The result will be better if you process 2-3 fingers per approach.
    4. It is better to shorten nails with the help of nail files of different abrasiveness. Using scissors increases the chances of delamination.
    5. When making the edge of the nail, the file should move only in one direction. This will help avoid delamination.
    6. You can only shape dry nails, that is, before immersing them in the bath. When absorbing water, the plate becomes brittle and easily damaged.
    7. It would be useful to process the periungual ridges with a highly abrasive file. This manipulation will make the fingers tender and relieve cracks.
    8. If your nail polish won't come off with regular nail polish remover, don't try too hard. Soak a cotton pad in nail polish remover, apply to the nail plate and wrap the fingertip with foil. After 2-3 minutes, the coating, even with sparkles, will be removed without problems.
    9. Do not neglect the disinfection of tools, even if manicure accessories are used by only one person.
    10. Lemon juice or a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide will help whiten the overgrown part of the nail. But you need to remember that these liquids should not be applied to injured skin.