What is the sport of a child 3 years old. Drawing circle for children. Unleashing a creative streak

Long before the baby is born, parents are actively discussing his future, sometimes they argue about the prospects for the development of the baby, about which sports sections and clubs should be given to the child in the future (gymnastics, tennis, football section). Let us recall that the concept of development includes a harmonious combination of the physical and spiritual formation of children. So classes in the circles of aesthetic development does not at all exclude visiting the sports section.

General physical development

The physical development and formation of children begins with the first massages of newborns, then gymnastics is introduced, swimming classes in the bathroom. The habit of going in for sports from the first years of life is extremely important for children: it is the foundation of a future healthy lifestyle, passion for sports. Therefore, the daily routine must necessarily include at least 30 minutes of outdoor and indoor outdoor games, water procedures, and hardening.

From the age of 2, parents already observe the sports preferences of children: playing with a ball or the pleasure of running, jumping, the joy of swimming, striving for stairs and horizontal bars. During this period, it is already possible to judge the child's mobility and flexibility, his strength, perseverance.

From 3 years old, you can look for sports sections for children, in which kids will be engaged with pleasure and benefit for themselves.

Sports activities from 3 years old

From the age of 3, children can be taken to sports in the section: gymnastics, swimming, figure skating.

  • Gymnastics trains endurance, composure, endurance, flexibility, forms the correct posture, a toned figure, strengthens the back muscles. Exercise is an excellent prevention of scoliosis. The gymnastics section is great for both boys and girls. It is important to note that gymnastics as a sports section does not require large material expenditures from parents.
  • The swimming section perfectly hardens the child, strengthens the nervous system, improves heart function, promotes increased blood circulation, strengthens muscles, fosters perseverance and endurance. In addition, water is an excellent source of positive emotions and at the same time relieves stress. The pleasant fatigue after swimming promotes good appetite and healthy sleep.
  • Training in the figure skating section is permissible for children from 3 years old. Just like gymnastics, this sport develops endurance, just like swimming improves heart function. Figure skating hardens children's organisms. However, parents should consider the financial cost of equipment for this sport. And before you interest the child, assess the financial capabilities of the family.

Contraindications for sports activities

  • Gymnastics is contraindicated for children with heart disease and severe curvature of the spine.
  • Figure skating is not permissible for children with myopia and those who are prone to lung disease
  • Athletics is not recommended for children with diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, and myopia.
  • Sections of martial arts, boxing, judo, karate, etc. contraindicated in children with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, spine.
  • Equestrian sports are not allowed for children with asthma, congenital brittle bones, and allergies to animal hair.

Sections in 5-7 years

  • The tennis section is suitable for children from 4-5 years old, it develops dexterity, coordination of movements, good reaction, and develops coordination. This sport develops the respiratory organs, promotes an active metabolism.
  • Track and field athletics section will give an opportunity to go jogging, long and high jump, race walking, etc. These activities strengthen the skeletal and muscular systems.
  • The football and hockey sections develop endurance, quick reaction, and communication skills. These sports strengthen the heart muscle and lungs. This soccer team game is especially suitable for sociable and talkative children.
  • Sections of martial arts, boxing, karate, judo, etc. begin to interest children from 5-6 years old. In addition to developing reaction, endurance and flexibility (like gymnastics), these classes foster tolerance, the ability to peacefully resolve a conflict situation, while developing confidence that you can stand up for yourself.
  • Cycling gives the child good overall physical development, fosters endurance, builds and strengthens bone and muscle tissue.

Sports sections from the age of 10

  • From the age of 10, you can send your child to the skiing section. These exercises will strengthen the cardiovascular system, develop endurance. However, practicing this sport is more common in areas with long winters and appropriate climatic conditions.
  • The riding section is very popular among children. In this sport, without unnecessary physical exertion, the muscles of the back and legs are strengthened and developed. This sport is shown to children with cerebral palsy, it works well for children with mental disorders.

Respect the child's choice

The choice of a sports section for a child often becomes the cause of heated discussions and even quarrels between parents. Most often, adults transfer to children the realization of their own unfulfilled hopes and dreams. At the same time, they repeat the mistake of their parents: they do not listen to the wishes of the child himself. The opinion that at 3-5 years old the baby is still too small to choose a section to his liking, that he does not know and does not understand anything, can lead to a fatal mistake. And after a few years, the child will give up sports altogether, become isolated and angry. After all, childhood experiences are deeply rooted.

Do not rush to the final choice of where to send your child to play sports.

  • First, after observing the child, determine his inclinations and abilities, decide in which section you can give him.
  • Show your kid this sport, tell about it.
  • Take to watch the workout section.
  • Meet the section leader.
  • Make sure your child enjoys exercising.

Sometimes parents strive to send the child to several sports sections at once: gymnastics, swimming, football, etc. On the one hand, there is an unconditional benefit to the child's physical development, his employment, communication with peers, education of organization and responsibility. But on the other hand, unjustified overload can cause high fatigue (and then classes will already be harmful to health), irritability, inattention and absent-mindedness at school. In this case, the child will not enjoy these activities and will want to quit.

The workload of the child should be such that there is time left for walks in the fresh air, for intellectual hobbies, for communicating with friends and, most importantly, for doing homework. Only activities with passion and joy will benefit your child.

When the child grows up and becomes more active, some parents have a desire to send him to the sports section. They are faced with a difficult choice, in which they are often guided either by their own taste preferences, or by the degree of remoteness of the section from home. What should you pay attention to when choosing a sport for your child?

Young children have an incredible amount of energy and it must be directed in a positive direction. This will make you calm, and the baby - cheerful, healthy and cheerful. The most suitable option is sports. But then the question of choosing a suitable sport immediately arises.

First you need to take a close look at your child. Sport must match his inclinations and character. Forget about your ambitions and consider only the interests of the child.

At what age is it better to send a child to sports?

When is it worth sending a son or daughter to sports? - It is best to start teaching children to sports from preschool age, but this is not always possible - not all sports clubs accept small children.

If the parents plan to subsequently make sports a significant part of their child's life, it is necessary to teach children to sports from the very beginning. How to do it? Equip a small sports corner at home with a wall bars, rope and other equipment. Studying from early childhood, the child will overcome fear, strengthen some muscle groups, master the available equipment, feel pleasure and joy from the exercise.

  • 2-3 years. Children at this age are full of energy, active and mobile. That is why at this time it is recommended to do gymnastics with children every day. Kids get tired quickly, so the classes should not be long, it is enough to do a few simple exercises (claps, hand waving, bending, jumping) for 5-10 minutes;
  • 4-5 years old. This age is especially remarkable in that the baby's body type has already been formed (as well as his character), and talents are just beginning to appear. This period is most suitable for finding a suitable sports club for your child. This age is good for developing coordination. Offer your child a choice of acrobatics, gymnastics, tennis, jumping or figure skating. From the age of five, you can start classes at a ballet school or try yourself in hockey;
  • 6-7 years old. An excellent time to develop flexibility and plasticity. Within a year, the joints will reduce their mobility by about 20-25%. You can send your child to any kind of gymnastics, swimming, start martial arts or football;
  • 8-11 years old... This age period is best suited for the development of speed, agility and dexterity in the child. It's a great idea to give it to rowing, fencing or cycling;
  • From 11 years old it is worth focusing on endurance. Children after 11 years old are able to withstand heavy loads, master complex movements and hone them. Choose any kind of ball sports, consider athletics, boxing, shooting as an option;
  • After 12-13 years the age comes when training aimed at developing strength and endurance will be the optimal solution.

So at what age can you send a child to this or that sport? There is no single answer here, since every person is different. There are children who, at the age of three, can ride a skateboard or alpine skiing. Others are completely unprepared for most sports by the age of nine.

There are general guidelines to listen to when choosing a sports section. For example, classes for the development of flexibility should be started from an early age, since at this time the child's body is more pliable for stretch marks. Flexibility decreases with age. But as for endurance, it, in general, develops gradually - from 12 years to 25.

If you decide to send a three-year-old child to a sports club, then take into account that the bones and muscles of the child will only be fully formed by the age of five. Excessive exertion before this age can lead to unpleasant consequences, for example, to scoliosis. For kids under 5 years old, in fact, light loads and active games are enough.

Which sections accept children of different ages?

  • 5-6 years old... Accepted for various types of gymnastics and figure skating;
  • 7 years... Acrobatics, ballroom and sports dances, martial arts, swimming, darts, as well as checkers and chess;
  • 8 years... At this age, children are taken to badminton, football, basketball and golf. There is an opportunity to learn skiing;
  • 9 years... From that time on there is a chance to become a skater, master sailing, take up rugby and biathlon, start athletics;
  • 10 years... Upon reaching the age of 10, children are admitted to boxing and kickboxing, pentathlon, judo. You can send children to classes with kettlebells, billiards and cycling;
  • S 11 years old children are taken to sections for various types of shooting;
  • From 12 years, the child will be taken to bobsleigh.

Gifted children can be enrolled in the sports section a year younger.

Choosing a sport, taking into account the physique of the child

Having made the decision to give your child to sports, you should pay attention to his body type. This is important because different types of sports take into account different features of the body structure. High growth is preferable for playing basketball, while this feature is not appreciated in gymnastics. If the child is inclined to be overweight, parents should pay even more attention to choosing a direction in sports, because the results of training will depend on this, and therefore the level of children's self-esteem. Being overweight, a child is unlikely to become a good striker in football, but he will be able to achieve results in judo or hockey.

There are several types of body structure, according to the Shtefko and Ostrovsky scheme used in medical practice. Let's take a look at them in detail:

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

  1. Asthenoid type- this type of physique is characterized by pronounced thinness, the legs are usually long and thin, and the chest and shoulders are narrow. Muscles are poorly developed. Often in people with an asthenoid type of body constitution, a stoop is observed along with protruding shoulder blades. Such children tend to feel uncomfortable. Considering these factors, it is important for parents to find a section where their child will be psychologically comfortable. Here, not only the direction in sports itself is important, but also the right team. It is easy for such children to do gymnastics, basketball, as well as any sports where speed, strength and endurance is emphasized - skiing, cycling, jumping, rowing, throwing, golf and fencing, sports swimming, basketball, rhythmic gymnastics.
  2. Thoracic type The addition of the body is characterized by the equal width of the shoulder girdle and hips, the chest is often wide. The indicator of muscle mass development is average. These children are very active, they are suitable for sports related to speed and developing endurance. Various races, motor sports, skiing are suitable for mobile children, they will make excellent football players and biathletes, acrobats and figure skaters. You can send a child with this type of physique to ballet, capoeira, jumping, and captivate them with kayaking.
  3. Muscle type addition is typical for children with a massive skeleton and developed muscle mass. They are hardy and strong, which means it is worth choosing a sport aimed at developing strength and speed. Such children can prove themselves in mountaineering, martial arts, football, powerlifting, water polo and hockey, as well as achieve good results in weightlifting and workout.
  4. Digestive type- digestive body type is characterized by short stature, wide chest, the presence of a small tummy and fat mass in other parts of the body. These guys are not mobile, they are slow and clumsy. However, this does not mean that he cannot join the sport. To instill in them an interest in exercising, choose weightlifting, shooting, hockey, athletic gymnastics, consider martial arts or motor sports, throwing and WorkOut as options.

How to choose a sport, taking into account the child's temperament?

Character also matters when choosing a sport. It depends on him what success the child can achieve. For example, highly active children are unlikely to excel in sports where training is an endless series of repetitive exercises that require concentration. They need to find activities where the child can throw out excess energy, it is best that it be a team sport.

  1. Sports for sanguine people. Children with this type of temperament are leaders by nature, they are not inclined to succumb to fear, they like extreme sports, sports are suitable for them, where they can show all these qualities, show their own superiority. They will feel comfortable in fencing, mountaineering, and karate classes. Sanguine people will love hang-gliding, alpine skiing, kayaking.
  2. Choleric- people are emotional, but they are able to share the victory with someone, so children with this temperament are better off finding themselves in team sports. Wrestling or boxing is not a bad option for them.
  3. Phlegmatic children tend to achieve good results in everything, including in sports, because their natural qualities are perseverance and calmness. Invite a child with this temperament to go to chess, figure skating, do gymnastics, or become an athlete.
  4. Melancholic- very vulnerable children, they may be hurt by the excessive severity of the coach. It is better to choose one of the team sports for them or give them to dance. Equestrianism is a great option, it is suitable for everyone, and shooting or sailing is also worth considering.

Which section should the children be sent to, taking into account their state of health?

If you have chosen a direction in sports for your children, have taken into account all the factors - their preferences, body type, character, then now you should pay attention to the health of future athletes. It is better to consult a pediatrician who knows the characteristics of the child's body. The doctor will tell you which sports are contraindicated in each specific case, and which will be beneficial. The pediatrician will determine what level of exercise is right for your children. Consider the recommendations regarding the choice of a sport for various diseases.

  • Volleyball, basketball and football contraindicated for myopic children, as well as those who suffer from asthma or flat feet. But these sports will help to strengthen the musculoskeletal system;
  • Rhythmic gymnastics relieve the child of flat feet and help strengthen the muscles of the back, form a beautiful posture;
  • Swimming- suitable for all children, without exception. Swimming in the pool has a beneficial effect on the muscles of the whole body, including the back, strengthens the nervous system;
  • Hockey contraindicated if the child has chronic diseases, but he develops the respiratory system well;
  • Martial arts, rhythmic gymnastics, skiing and figure skating indicated with a poorly developed vestibular apparatus;
  • With a weak nervous system, classes are suitable children's yoga, swimming and equestrian sports;
  • Tennis it is worth doing for the development of fine motor skills and attention, but this sport is not suitable for myopic children and those who suffer from stomach ulcers;
  • Horse riding recommended for convulsive syndrome, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and diabetics;
  • You can strengthen your heart and respiratory system by exercising speed skating, track and field athletics or diving;
  • Figure skating contraindicated in severe myopia and pleural diseases.

Wanting to introduce children to sports, you should not be afraid of experiments, there will be victories, there will be failures. However, never blame a child's failures in sports on different circumstances, because they are the result of efforts. By achieving success through their efforts, children will again strive for victories, faced with failure, they will begin to make more efforts.

Any sport is useful and important, because it develops a strong character, responsibility and discipline. The main thing is that the child does it with pleasure!

We also read:

Many parents decide it's time to go in for sports when their child turns 3 years old. This is a kind of milestone when the baby becomes more conscious, he can follow the instructions of the coach and his body is ready for some types of stress.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of sports in the development of children. This is a beautiful posture, and strong muscles, as well as great resistance to various colds. I would add one more item to this list - this is the opportunity to communicate with other children and foster a team spirit, dedication and a sense of responsibility in the child. But which section to send the baby to?

Section or mug selection

Today there are many clubs that accept children not only from 3 years old, but even earlier. To understand which one is right for your child, you can try to walk in several. I understand that not everyone has such an opportunity. Therefore, I suggest at least meeting with the section trainer, attending the lesson itself, and reading reviews about it on the forums.

Sports activities should in no way be aimed at realizing your unfulfilled ambitions. It is necessary to take into account the wishes of the child himself. And if each lesson is a torment for your kid, such a sports section will not bring anything but disappointment.

One friend of mine makes her son go to the pool with a fight. Each lesson is a torment for him. Half of it hangs on the lane separator and moves only along them, because afraid to swim. It seems to me that this is a direct road to the fact that in the future he will hate water and everything connected with it.

The character and data of the child

Before choosing a specific path, you need to think about what data your baby has. This year my eldest daughter was selected for the swimming section and from her coach I learned that tall, thin and flexible children are most valued in this sport. It is also worth considering the character of the baby. For example, team sports, where you need to constantly interact with your comrades, are not suitable for an uncommunicative child.

Sections for three-year-olds

I am deeply convinced that you can think about big sports only when a child turns 5-6 years old, but not at three years old. At this time, it is better to visit the section for the soul, for development, but not for the sake of sports achievements. Therefore, for three-year-olds, I would recommend the following directions:

- swimming - I myself began to engage in this sport at the age of 7, the older one was sent to the section at the age of 6, and with the younger we go to the pool from 1 year and 8 months. Swimming develops all muscle groups, has practically no contraindications, and also has an excellent hardening effect.

Choreography, dancing - the eldest daughter was engaged in a dance circle from the age of 3. Dancing means correct posture, flexibility, plasticity. The daughter not only learned to move beautifully, but also to make a wheel and a bridge.

Skiing - when I was collecting material for this topic, I was very surprised that this sport is recommended for three-year-olds! But then I remembered that I somehow talked with the mother of one of my daughter's classmates and she told me that my son has been skiing since he was 3 years old. Skis builds endurance and children spend a lot of time outdoors, which is also beneficial.

I would not recommend other sports at this age. I know that boys' moms often choose karate and other sections where they have to fight, but in my opinion it is traumatic. Gymnastics, which is also practiced from an early age, is indicated from 4-5 years of age, because this kind of sport is associated with heavy loads.

The choice of the section for the child is up to the parents, but remember that you need to enlist the support of the baby himself.

What sport have you chosen for your three-year-olds?

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Welcome to our section "Children's clubs and sections in Moscow".

First of all, you need motivation to practice! Modern children's clubs and sections in Moscow allow not only discovering talents and skills in children, but also contribute to the general development of a young organism. So that the child does not get bored, does not become a "hostage" of media broadcasting and the computer, he needs to be carried away, interested in more useful activities.

Which section to send the child to?

The rating of children's circles and sections differs in each locality. Somewhere in the first place is a visit to the pool, and somewhere the art school is more popular. For example, in small settlements, the popularity of a particular section often depends on the teacher in it. If he knows how to get along with children, and his activities are of interest to the child, then the student will definitely want to come back again. So, the most popular circles and sections for preschool and primary school children in Moscow:

  • Painting;
  • gymnastics, athletics;
  • skillful hands;
  • dancing;
  • swimming.

Older children and adolescents are more interested in taking advanced courses and attending narrowly focused classes. This could be:

  • tourist club;
  • theatrical art circle;
  • learning to play a certain musical instrument;
  • sports (football, volleyball, tennis, etc.);
  • section of scientific and technical modeling.

Circles and sections for teenagers often help them find a path in life and express their potential.

In which circle to send a baby 3-4 years old in Moscow

It is difficult to captivate the smallest children with something specific. And is it really necessary? Comprehensive development will only benefit and not bore the young environmental researcher. Therefore, children are recommended general developmental activities for children. On them, kids perform simple tasks useful for fine motor skills, play, listen to fairy tales and learn to communicate with peers.

How to motivate a child to attend sections

In order not to observe in their child a dislike for attending circles, parents should not force him and, most importantly, overload him. Do not replace your favorite games with sections. You should not create a frantic schedule of attending circles, according to which the child will not have time for elementary "useless" activities with his toys. Let the child attend one section, but with pleasure, of his own free will, than three or four, imposed by the parents.

Be sure to find out reviews about children's clubs and sections in Moscow, which you are going to take your child to, in order to know more about the teacher, etc. And do not forget to praise your child for success!

The rapid development of the world around us leads to the rapid development of children. And already today, many parents of children are asking the question Where can a 3-year-old child be given? In which circle or section, the better to take. As a rule, by the age of 3, children begin to show interest in certain activities, striving to actively learn about the world, and are quite capable of studying in specialized groups adapted for three-year-olds.

Do not expect your child to be happy to attend classes., childhood takes its toll. It is still difficult for children to understand that practicing from early childhood can achieve significant success in the future. Of course, if the parents have correctly identified the interests of their child. So, for example, if a child constantly draws on wallpaper, you can try art circles, and than God is not joking, in the future the world will recognize a talented artist.

Each city has one or another section for children of three years of age. Of the large number of sports on offer, special attention is paid to swimming... This lesson perfectly develops almost all the muscles of the still not strong young body, making the necessary load for the child. Today you can practically from the cradle, but three-year-olds are not yet ready for independent studies. Therefore, experienced trainers work in specialized groups, and classes with parents are also allowed.

Continuing the review of sports sections, you can stop at in sports and rhythmic gymnastics... Gymnastics is very interesting for children, because during classes they are allowed to move actively, performing various gymnastic exercises. As a rule, the first building blocks of future Olympic champions are laid precisely at the age of three.

Also, children at the age of three have a good feel for music and love to dance.... Noticing such inclinations of the child, he can be sent to dance circles. While dancing, the child will develop a sense of rhythm, and classes also have a good effect on the development of posture. As a rule, at the beginning, children will be taught various simple dance steps, having learned which the child can shine at various matinees in kindergarten.

Nowadays, martial arts classes are also gaining immense popularity.... The most suitable, among martial arts, for children will be aikido. A discipline that can hardly be called sports, even three-year-olds can practice it. Due to the lack of competition, children will not have to prove their abilities in duels. Aikido attracts a health-improving occupation rather than a sports one. In such sections, children will be taught to develop not only internal strength, but also to use it correctly. A good coach will teach you how to resolve any conflicts, instill confidence in the child in the early stages of development and the ability to stand up for himself if necessary.

But in addition to playing sports, you can send your three-year-old child to a school for learning foreign languages... At the present stage, special methods of learning foreign languages ​​have been developed from the age of three. At the age of three, it is not easy for a child to focus on classes, but small children have a greater ability to learn than adults. Teachers build classes in a relaxed manner, captivating children with play, with the help of which the child learns the English alphabet, and then words. In such schools, groups of children are selected by age, and it’s not scary that your child began to study later. Children very quickly catch up, and playful activities will turn the study of foreign languages ​​into a favorite pastime.

If you look at history, then music lessons, dancing, the study of foreign languages ​​by young noble offspring was an obligatory attribute. And they were engaged for the sake of their harmonious development, the ability to present in an appropriate way in society. A favorite pastime, regardless of sports, art is a huge step away from various bad habits that a child can get by staggering around all day after school.

Experts noted that the best age to determine the development of children is 3 - 5 years... It was at this time that children are completely subordinate to their parents, their entire influence. Therefore, it must be remembered that the success of a three-year-old child, social status, how he will present himself in the future - almost completely depends on us.