Development calendar of a 7 month old baby. Features of the development of the child at seven months of life

Young children develop so quickly that we adults are surprised every day by their achievements and developed skills. Yesterday the baby said the first word, today he learned how to fold a pyramid, tomorrow he will crawl from the children's room to the kitchen. If up to six months the child lived according to one regime, then the nutrition and development of the child at 7 months already changes significantly depending on the physiological characteristics of the organism of the little one and his acquired skills.

Weight and height

Despite the fact that the child has grown up a little, he still needs your care, affection and support. The baby becomes so interesting that you want to tirelessly watch him. Energetic and inquisitive, he makes further progress in mental development. But do not forget about other indicators that invariably remain important for a baby of this age.

At 7 months, as before, it should be within the physiological norm. It is not difficult to calculate it. To do this, you need to sum up: three circumferences of the shoulder of the child and one each - the upper part of the thigh and the largest part of the lower leg. Subtract the height in centimeters from the result. If the figure is equal to 19-21 cm, then your crumbs have accumulated a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat. At the same time, the weight of a child at 7 months increases to 8-9 kilograms - this applies to boys. Girls gain approximately 7.5 to 8.5 kg. The growth of male peanuts at the same time reaches 67-69 centimeters, babies - 64-67 cm.


What does your baby already know at this age? Firstly, at 7 months, the child must master the simplest skills: he sits confidently without support and is able, holding on to the rails of the crib, to rise to his feet. He begins to master the crawling technique, although some especially nimble little ones are already traveling around the parental apartment with might and main. Secondly, if you actively engage with the child, he will be able to imitate the sounds that he hears every day. And it will please you with the first simple syllables and even short monosyllabic words.

In parting, the baby knows how to wave a pen. He expresses his emotions and desires through facial expressions. He enjoys playing the simplest role-playing games like "okay". The child carefully sorts out the toys, shifts them from one handle to another, examines them with curiosity and tastes them. Forbidding him to gnaw something is useless, and it is not necessary. Children at seven months learn the world not only with the help of sight and hearing, but also on the basis of taste and therefore, thoroughly wash a couple of "non-dangerous" toys and give the child to be torn to pieces.

Problem number 1: the baby does not sit

Many young mothers are very worried about this. Is it worth worrying if the child (7 months) does not sit up on his own? Doctors say that all babies are individual: some of them calmly take a vertical position at half a year, others need a little more time for this. Therefore, do not panic, but help your child quickly master a new technique for him. For example, often sit him on your lap or in a special child seat. At first, the baby will sit only with the support, but after a while you will see how he tears his back from it.

On the street, try to walk in a stroller. Of course, if the baby falls asleep, the back should be lowered, but when he is awake, always raise it. The kid will not only learn to take a vertical position, but will also rejoice at the new landscapes and faces of people opening up to his eyes. In addition, if the child (7 months) is not sitting, the pediatrician should be informed. He will prescribe a massage that will strengthen the baby's spinal muscles and help you solve the problem.

Problem number 2: the baby does not crawl

Another nuisance that worried mothers often face. If the orthopedist did not find developmental abnormalities, but at the same time the child (7 months) does not crawl, then do not force things, but only show the baby how to move on the floor. To do this, invite a baby who has already mastered this technique to visit. Children often copy the behavior of their peers, so a good example will be very helpful. Yes, you yourself can get on all fours and crawl: it will be a very fun activity for both adults and a small member of your family.

Do not be lazy and create a comfortable environment for crawling: the floor should not be cold, slippery and dirty. Do not forget about comfortable clothes that do not hinder the movement of the baby, do not interfere with him and do not rub his delicate skin. In order for the son or daughter to quickly guess how to reach an inaccessible toy, put it on the other side of the room and call the baby. Children are very smart: the baby will quickly understand what is required of him. If a child (7 months old) does not crawl, do gymnastics with him more often, give up walkers - this will also significantly speed up the process.

Other problems at this age

First, the child begins to act up and refuse to eat. And this is not surprising: your child is growing up, he has his own taste preferences: for example, he absorbs porridge with milk in huge quantities, but no matter how hard you try, you can’t stuff vegetable soup into it. Don't be upset. You can try mixing carrots and beets hated by the baby with more favorite delicacies: meat, fish, potatoes. With luck, the baby will not feel the presence of "unwanted guests" on the plate. Otherwise, you will have to buy mashed potatoes in a jar at the store (perhaps the baby will like it more) or refuse such a product for a while. It is not recommended to force-feed a baby.

Secondly, many parents worry that their son or daughter does not make even the slightest sound. Doctors always reassure about this: sooner or later he will speak. Yes, and how - then the mouth will not close. Therefore, wait and enjoy the silence in the house. If it’s completely unbearable, talk to the baby more often, carefully pronounce the words to him, read and describe the objects that come to hand. This will provoke a surge in the baby's speech activity. But at the same time, remember that a baby (7 months old) is still quite small and cannot always justify your “oratorical” hopes.


Feeding a child at 7 months remains breastfeeding, but already partially. By this period, you need to expand the diet and make it more varied, nutritious and tasty. After six months, let the child try fruit juices and purees. Introduce them gradually, by trial and error, in order to avoid stress on a fragile stomach and not cause an allergic reaction in a young organism.

If the pediatrician gives the go-ahead, you can safely replace one breastfeeding with a dish of grated vegetables or Chicken yolk, cottage cheese and kefir, boiled lean poultry or veal meat, and fish should also be present in the diet. With the latter, you need to be as careful as possible: it can contain small dangerous bones and be allergenic for your child. If the baby for some reason is not a baby, a child (7 months), based on adapted mixtures, requires a faster transition from milk nutrition to an adult version. Therefore, doctors recommend giving additional complementary foods to the baby a month earlier.


Your baby has grown significantly and matured. Therefore, the regimen of a child at 7 months should be built in such a way that no more than 1/3 of the day is allotted for rest. The child sleeps twice for about an hour and a half, ideally outdoors: on the street, on a balcony, or at least with an open window. Don't be afraid to catch a baby. If there is inclement weather outside, dress him warmly, protect him from drafts, and let him peacefully enjoy colorful dreams. Time and duration are individual in each case, they depend on your plans, the silence around and the emotions experienced by the child. If you strictly follow the regimen, then the baby will fall asleep at the same time. Just like waking up. As for the night rest, it should last about 11-12 hours.

Avoid active games before putting the baby to bed: he will be too excited, which will result in whims, crying, painful falling asleep and restless sleep. It is better to read a book to the baby or give a massage. Watch the air temperature: it should be in the range of 18-22 degrees, otherwise the child will be uncomfortable.


After six months, your little miracle can begin to master the adult bath. He will like it very much. If the baby is already sitting confidently, he will play with pleasure before the procedure with rubber animals and cars that will float in the water. Do not forget to hold the baby by the back, he is still too small to cope without your help. Any bad turn of the body can lead to the fact that the baby slips, loses balance and swallows water.

Often, parents, in order to avoid incidents, buy special bathing devices for their son or daughter - circles. They will not allow the baby to roll over in the water and choke. To make it comfortable for the baby to sit, lay a rug under his ass: this will be as soft, comfortable and warm as possible. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. The water temperature should not be lower than 22 ºС and not higher than 28 ºС. The nutrition and development of a child at 7 months always has individual characteristics for each individual case. The same rule applies to bathing: sometimes children like hot or cooler water. Adjust, but do not overdo it, so as not to freeze or burn the baby.


Get your baby out in the stroller as often as possible. If outside the window is a warm season, then you can spend almost the whole day outdoors: the child willingly sleeps in a stroller or stays awake, looking at the surrounding unknown world. When it’s winter outside, it’s worth walking twice a day: before lunch and in the late afternoon. At the same time, do not forget to cover it and smear exposed skin on the face with a special cream that protects delicate skin from the negative effects of cold air.

Doctors recommend walking under any climatic conditions, except for windy weather and severe frost (below minus 10 ºС). In hot weather, adjust your walking times so that they fall early in the morning and late in the evening when the temperature drops and the hot sun disappears below the horizon. If you do not know how to feed a child (7 months) during the promenade, then consult a pediatrician. Most likely, he will recommend taking something that does not deteriorate with you to the street. For example, a jar of factory-made mashed potatoes, a fresh banana or cookies with tea.


The nutrition and development of a child at 7 months is partially different from the regimen that you followed from birth. If the diet is replenished every week with new types of complementary foods, then daily wakefulness is cognitive educational games. Do not limit the freedom of the baby: let him freely crawl around the room. Just before that, prepare the room: clean the carpet in the morning, do a wet cleaning of parquet or laminate. Believe me, if even the slightest speck remains on the floor, it will immediately fall into your little one's mouth. Children at this age are extremely inquisitive and pull into their mouths everything that comes their way.

Keep all dangerous and small objects away from small eyes and hands. Tie the shelves with rubber bands - soon your traveler will get to their contents. When you need to go to the kitchen, put your child in a safe playpen. As for toys, they should be appropriate for the age of the baby. Beware of flashy Chinese knick-knacks, low-quality or defective goods. Cars and dolls should not be made of small parts that are easy to pick. Limit yourself to one-piece rattles, plush animals without long pile, rubber and plastic crafts made of good material.

The dangers that lie in wait

They are not only associated with toys, but also with other household items that the baby comes into contact with. The first is his clothes. It is better to eliminate all ties, bows, buttons, ruffles and ribbons. Believe me, if they are not sewn on conscience, they will immediately be torn off and swallowed. When it is a pity to spoil a branded blouse or panties, it is better to put them on the farthest shelf. Do not wear synthetic clothes on the baby and continue to wash his underwear and clothes by hand using baby powder.

No mobile phones, TV remotes should be within reach of the baby. Of course, children love to play with them, but they are teeming with bacteria, so do not give them to the little one. The mode of the child at 7 months is maximally filled with active games and useful pastime. Therefore, when the little one is awake, make sure that he is not injured: lift all tablecloths and curtains, hide cords, needles and medicines, put on special protective devices on the sharp corners of furniture and sockets.

Nutrition and development of a child at 7 months must be under the supervision of a pediatrician. Every month, do not forget to visit the local doctor for routine weighing, examination and vaccination. Follow medical advice regarding sleep and walking. Do not forget that in addition to care, the baby needs your love: hug him, say kind words, but do not lisp. You need to communicate with the child on an equal footing, so he develops faster.

Do not quarrel with your husband and other family members in the presence of a child. Children at this age are very vulnerable: any cry or angry word can injure the child's psyche. At 7 months, the baby should already clearly understand what is possible and what is not. Do not give up: if the game with mother's beads is prohibited, then let it remain so in any situation. The illness of the crumbs, him or crying should not unsettle and force him to change the decision made. It is better for parents to initially agree and develop a general scheme of education for the heir, strictly adhering to its rules and criteria.

After six months, the baby becomes even more active, he moves and communicates more, noticeably gains in height and weight. The height and weight of a child at 7 months is 63-73 centimeters and 6-10 kg, respectively. In this article we will consider the features of the development of an infant at this age. And we will find out what a child should be able to do at 7 months.

Physical and physiological development of a child at 7 months

The physical development of a child at 7 months causes an increase in weight by 500-600 grams and height - by two centimeters compared to the previous month. At this age, the child's muscles are even more strengthened, which allows the baby to sit, crawl and stand confidently, holding on to a support.

The baby has already fully formed vision and hearing. You can notice a change in stool due to the introduction of new products in complementary foods. It becomes thinner and thicker with a pungent odor. In addition, many children begin to erupt their first teeth. However, for some, they appear only by the year - there is nothing to worry about.

The table indicates approximate physiological indicators in children depending on gender:

Keep in mind that these are approximate indicators, and each child is characterized by individual physiological and mental development. Deviations from the norms do not indicate any deviations. If the baby eats and sleeps well, plays and is in a good mood, there is no reason for concern. You will find a detailed description of the development of children up to a year in the article “Child Development Calendar”. And what can a baby do at the age of seven months, we will find out further.

What can a child at 7 months

  • Easily flips to each side;
  • Sits confidently with a straight back, some children can already sit on their own without support;
  • Taking the first steps. The kid can get up and stand near the support, step over with his legs and walk in place, if you support the baby by the arms or under the arms;
  • They crawl back and forth on all fours, in a plastunsky way. In no case do not skip crawling, as this is a very important stage that develops coordination and prepares the baby for walking;
  • The baby can eat a little from a spoon and drink from a cup;
  • Holds the bottle and picks it up if it has fallen;
  • Shifts toys from one hand to another, turns the object in his hands;
  • Throws and picks up toys, knocks and shakes, disassembles and breaks various objects;
  • Shows the location of the eyes, nose, mouth and ears;
  • Turns head towards sound
  • When the baby learns to sit, you can potty train him. However, many pediatricians believe that this does not make sense until 1.5-2 years old, until the baby learns to control the process of urination and defecation on his own.

The daily routine of a child at 7 months

Children in the seventh month sleep about 15 hours a day, while the light part of the day accounts for two or three daytime sleeps, which in general amount to five hours. While the baby falls asleep or sleeps, leave a small sound background. Otherwise, the baby will get used to complete silence and will wake up from the slightest sound in the future.

Pay special attention to the development and nutrition of the child. The diet of the baby is expanding significantly, and complementary foods are replenished with new products. The baby's diet includes five meals, while the rate of one feeding is 200-250 ml of food. If the baby is still breastfeeding, breastfeed seven to ten times during the day and no more than four times at night.

The baby menu includes vegetable and fruit purees, juices and compotes, cottage cheese, kefir and natural yogurt, dairy-free cereals. At this age, you can start giving meat, egg yolk and vegetable oil, cookies. Suitable meat dishes are beef, chicken, turkey and rabbit. A detailed table of complementary foods for a seven-month-old baby is presented.

Every morning, the crumbs begin with hygiene procedures. The child is washed, the nose and ears are cleaned, the teeth or gums are combed and brushed, and if necessary, the nails are trimmed. In the morning they do massage and gymnastics. Water procedures are performed daily, preferably half an hour before bedtime. By the way, nails can be cut in the evening after the bath, when they are steamed and easier to treat. Some parents prefer to cut their baby's nails at night when he sleeps. In a dream, he is calm and does not twitch, which facilitates and simplifies the process.

Emotional and mental development

The emotional and mental development of a child at 7 months is different in that the baby already understands prohibitions and strict intonation, the words “no” and “impossible”. In addition, he understands the meaning of most words and can already easily point to familiar objects. Children at this age like to look at themselves in the mirror, are interested in body parts and feel them. The baby distinguishes between relatives and does not like to be left alone. He is deeply and emotionally attached to his family, especially to his mother. The child is good at distinguishing intonations in the voice.

The baby loves to listen to melodic music and begins to sing along to familiar melodies. By the way, you may notice that under slow compositions, the baby calms down and behaves quietly. And to the cheerful and cheerful music, the baby has fun and even dances a little. At the same time, he is afraid of loud and sharp sounds, for example, the noise of a vacuum cleaner, hair dryer or fan, an unexpected fall of a heavy object, etc.

The baby tries to imitate sounds, experiments with intonation, volume of speech and pitch, communicates by babbling. At the same time, babbling becomes more complicated - new syllables appear in speech, he easily pronounces “yes”, “ma”, “pa”, “ba” and so on.

Activities and games for the development of the baby

To stimulate the intellectual, psychological and mental development of the child, use a variety of games and activities. Tug of war with a bright scarf is well suited. At this age, you can teach your baby clap, give easy and understandable tasks. For example, name objects so that he points with his finger, ask him to open and close the box, take a spoon.

Pay special attention to the development of fine motor skills. To do this, use toys with different fillers or buttons, finger paints and other objects that you can feel, touch, push and pull. To increase the vocabulary of the crumbs, constantly tell what you are doing, show and name pictures, show photos of relatives and name names.

At 7 months old, choose children's books with thick and tear-resistant pages for your child, then he will be able to turn them over on his own. Such kids love bright pictures and illustrations, fairy tales, rhymes and nursery rhymes. Do not forget about cubes and pyramids, rattles and musical toys. When bathing, you can use rubber toys that can float.

If the crumbs have begun to erupt teeth, purchase special toys-teethers. They will distract and entertain the baby, while reducing pain and eliminating inflammation of the gums. Be sure to encourage your child to crawl. Show the toy and hold it in front of the baby so that he can crawl to the desired object.

Keep a close eye on babies while playing and crawling. In these cases, tablecloths or bedspreads that hang from tables, beds, armchairs or sofas are very dangerous for the crumbs. Trying to get up, the child will try to grab these edges. In addition, the baby may try to open drawers and cabinets. So try to keep your home safe.

Problems that may arise

  • Fear of strangers and strangers in a new environment. At seven months, babies clearly distinguish between relatives and acquaintances from strangers. Therefore, they can react negatively to a stranger or an unusual environment to which he is not used. Therefore, when meeting others, be sure to be there, take the baby in your arms and show that you are there. Then he will not experience severe stress, he will soon get comfortable and understand that a new environment or a stranger is not dangerous;
  • Refuses to eat food. This is a common problem faced by many parents. In this case, you can not force the baby to eat. Try to find a dish that your baby will like, and be sure to keep breastfeeding. In addition, pedagogical complementary feeding methods may help;
  • Sleep disturbance. Due to increased physical activity, the child begins to fall asleep and sleep worse at night. In this case, it is important to develop a regimen and repeat the same actions every day. Develop certain rituals before bed, which may include bathing, brushing your teeth, a bedtime story. Choose beautiful pajamas and bed linen with your favorite characters for your child. Fabrics and materials should be soft, hypoallergenic and pleasant to the body. The baby should be comfortable sleeping. And the same action and ritual will set the baby to sleep;
  • Pain and discomfort during teething. During this period, the baby has profuse salivation, swelling and redness of the gums, sometimes the stool is disturbed and the temperature rises slightly. Your pediatrician may recommend fever-reducing medications and cooling or pain-relieving gels. Do not forget about the use of teethers. How to choose a baby teether for teeth, see the link.

It is not necessary that the child can do all of the above. However, parents should be wary if the baby does not even attempt to roll over or sit down, does not show emotions, does not react and does not respond to sounds, does not follow moving objects with his eyes, does not babble or cannot support his weight in an upright position. In this case, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician.

The development of a child at 7 months is rapidly advancing. Almost every day the baby learns something new, his motor and cognitive activity increase. How to understand that the child develops correctly? Consider the age norms for children at 7 months, as well as the nutritional features and regimen of babies during this period of life.

By this age, most children have 4 front teeth - 2 incisors on top and bottom. Also, babies gain weight and height. On average, the body weight of a child, in comparison with the 6th month, increases by 500-700 g, and height - by 1-2 cm.

Physical parameters of 7-month-old children depending on gender

What does a 7 month old baby know?

The pace of development of children may vary due to individual characteristics. Someone learns to sit, stand and speak earlier, someone later.

But there are a number of skills that a 7-month-old baby should have with normal development:

  • Crawling forward and backward. At seven months, it is still difficult for a child to hold his body, so he can move in a plastunsky way on his stomach.
  • Independent rise to the knees, attempts to stand near the support.
  • Games with legs lying on your back.
  • Active coups in different directions.
  • Keeping the body in a sitting position with a straight back, attempts to sit down on their own.
  • Steps with armpit support.
  • The ability to hold a bottle of formula, pick it up if it falls out of hand.
  • Interest in sound sources and toys.
  • Transferring objects from one hand to another.
  • Manipulation of toys - throws, knocks them against each other.
  • Clear pronunciation of individual syllables, repetition of sounds after adults.

mental development

The seventh month of life brings noticeable changes in psycho-emotional development. The child becomes more curious and contact. He emotionally reacts to his parents, rejoices at the arrival of his father from work, shows jealousy when his mother pays attention to other family members.

At this age, children do not like to be alone and require someone to be with them at all times. However, they are wary of strangers and do not want to stay in their arms for a long time. This is how the instinct of self-defense manifests itself.

At 7 months, the child already responds to his name, at the request of a glance he shows where his mother, father, familiar objects are, he rejoices when they play with him. He distinguishes intonations of voice and facial expressions, and by tone he understands whether you are praising him or scolding him.

There is an active knowledge of the surrounding world. The child pulls all the objects of interest to him in his mouth, feels them. Selectivity appears in toys, the baby highlights his beloved and can ask for them, attracting attention with a cry.

In general, the baby learns to express his desires and begins to show character. In communication with relatives, tactile contact prevails - children often cuddle up to them, touch their faces, hair. There may be a fear of loud sounds, so next to the child it is better not to turn on noisy household appliances.

Development test

If you want to check if your baby is developing according to age norms, offer him to complete several tasks:

  1. Lay the baby on his back and beckon him with a rattle, prompting him to turn on his side on his own. At 7 months this shouldn't be a problem.
  2. Try to lift him by the handles from a supine position, with normal development he will group, hold his head well and try to sit up.
  3. Place the child with support, he should hold his back and not fall on his side.
  4. Sit at the table and put the baby on your lap. In such a situation, children begin to clap their hands on it, grab the edge, try to get nearby objects.
  5. Try ignoring the child for a while. Normally, he will pay attention to this, soon he will begin to whimper and look for your gaze.
  6. In the supine position, cover the baby's face with a diaper. He has to pull it off his face.
  7. Give your child a rattle in each hand and offer another one. At first he will be confused, but after that he will throw one toy to reach for a new one.

If everything works out, development is normal. But even if something caused difficulties, you should not worry too much, perhaps the baby just needs a little exercise or he was not in the mood for classes.

What should be of concern?

Of course, all children develop differently, but the mother should be alerted if the child is 7 months old, and he lacks basic skills for this age.

Raises concern if:

  • the baby does not try to sit down, roll over;
  • the child does not respond to being addressed to him, does not follow the toy with his eyes;
  • there is no babbling;
  • the baby is unable to hold objects in his hands and bring them to his mouth.

All this points to a delay in development. It is necessary to consult a pediatrician and other specialized specialists in order to identify the causes of the lag and begin treatment.

Nutrition and care

Child development and nutrition are closely related. For growth and active development of new skills, the baby must receive enough vitamins and nutrients. At 7 months, the child, in addition to breast milk (mixture), vegetable and fruit puree, begins to eat cereals. Usually it is rice, semolina, corn, oatmeal and finely ground buckwheat.

Porridges are prepared with milk or water, acquaintance with a new product begins gradually, giving them one spoon at a time in the morning feeding. In total, the baby eats 5-6 times a day, of which one meal is porridge and breastfeeding or bottle feeding, the second is mashed potatoes, the rest are formula / breast milk.

Equally important is proper child care and hygiene. Every morning you need to start with washing, brushing your teeth, cleansing your nose and ears (if necessary). Bathe the baby before bed every day or every other day. and washing are carried out as needed, short air baths are required.

The room where the child is located is ventilated twice a day, and wet cleaning is carried out regularly. Daily walks in the fresh air for 2-3 hours are desirable, with the baby feeling normal and the weather appropriate.

For physical development, the baby needs massage and gymnastics. It is useful to gently bend and unbend the child's legs, massage the palms, sit down from a supine position. If the baby is already trying to stand on his feet, you can let him stand for a while with support. All exercises should be done in the morning.

Children who at 7 months confidently hold their backs themselves can be started on the potty. This is best done after sleep and for no more than 10 minutes. It is not worth waiting for special success in potty training at this age, since the child cannot yet control the bladder and intestines.

Daily regime

Children at 7 months of age should have about 15 hours of sleep per day. Of these, 7-12 hours fall at night, the rest of the time is distributed over 2-3 daytime sleep. It is good if one dream during the day falls during a walk.

A rough schedule for a 7 month old baby looks like this:

  • 6:00-8:30 - getting up, hygiene procedures, feeding;
  • 8:30-10:00 - the first daytime sleep;
  • 10:00-12:00 - performing strengthening exercises, active wakefulness, feeding;
  • 12:00-14:00 - time spent outdoors (walk and sleep);
  • 14:00-16:00 - feeding, educational games;
  • 16:00-18:00 - the second walk on the street;
  • 18:00-21:30 - feeding, calm communication with relatives, bathing;
  • 21:30-22:00 - feeding;
  • 22:00-6:00 - sleep.

The mode depends on individual characteristics, in this matter you need to adapt to the child, but still try to put him down and carry out other activities at the same time. A seven-month-old baby can sleep restlessly at night, waking up often. This is usually associated with teething.

How to help a child develop?

At 7 months, development can and should be stimulated, of course, within reasonable limits. Not too tiring activities are suitable for this, for example:

  • Reading aloud to the baby short tales, rhymes, singing children's songs. You can start showing colorful pictures in books.
  • Finger games - magpie-crow, patties.
  • Invite the child to assemble a simple pyramid, show how to do it correctly.
  • Lay your baby out on a developmental mat.
  • Teach your baby how to interact with toys - show how to roll a ball, build a tower of cubes.

At 7 months, the physical development of the baby and his cognitive interests are changing rapidly.

You begin to understand: the baby is not at all the defenseless baby who recently left the maternity hospital. The development of a child at 7 months is aimed at trying to conquer space and explore the world. He becomes sociable and mobile. His diet is expanding.

The height and weight of the child does not increase as rapidly as in the very first months. However, even visually, you will notice changes in the crumbs. Children at a similar age, compared to the previous month, add about 500-600 g and grow a couple of centimeters. The circumferences of the head and chest also increase, by half a centimeter each. By the end of the seventh month, the baby's height is approximately 68 cm, weight - 7.8 -8.5 kg, head circumference - 44-45 cm, and chest - 43-44 cm. With a weight indicator below 7 kg, additional nutrition should be introduced after consultation with a pediatrician.

It is possible that the baby has her first teeth, usually the lower central incisors. You don't have to worry if your teeth are coming in for a long time. Before the year, the incisors are likely to appear. Waiting for the first incisors is a very exciting and difficult period for both the baby and the parents. In rare families, the process of the appearance of teeth in a child goes unnoticed by the household - the baby does not cry, but nevertheless, at least some of the signs of teething appear:

  • profuse salivation;
  • swelling, redness of the gums in places where teeth will soon appear;
  • the baby pulls everything into his mouth and tries to bite;
  • body temperature rises for a while;
  • the baby rubs her cheeks, pinches her ears.

These are the most common phenomena that occur with a baby when the first teeth are cut.

Preparing for active travel and exploration

The child has grown up, and it is impossible to keep him still. Physical development at the age of seven months is focused on the growth of activity in the study of the surrounding space and objects in it.

  • Most babies aged 7-8 months can crawl quickly. Sometimes it is difficult for a baby to hold his own body for a long time, standing on all fours, and he crawls in a plastunsky way.
  • Perhaps the baby sits well without support and makes attempts to sit down on its own.
  • The baby lies on his stomach for a long time. But in the seventh month of life, he knows how to lean on one hand, and with the other - to grab objects he likes.
  • The baby easily rolls over from back to tummy and vice versa. Similar behavior - and in premature babies aged 7-8 months. Many parents do not expect such active physical development, leaving the child unattended in the center of the sofa (bed). But you should not do this, because the baby can easily roll over to the edge in a short period of time.
  • The baby holds the bottle for feeding and drinking very well in the handles and picks it up in case of a fall.
  • Holding on to the support, the baby kneels, and possibly on the legs.
  • Stand the child upright and support the armpits - the baby will try to walk.
  • A child at seven months has better hands, so that he has more opportunities to explore objects. For example, he masters the “palm grip” well (takes things with his whole palm), shifts toys from one pen to another, puts smaller objects into large containers.
  • By the age of seven months, vision and hearing are already well developed, allowing the baby to catch even soft sounds and turn to them. Sleep becomes more sensitive, especially in a child accustomed to sleep in the dark. Therefore, it is recommended to create a quiet sound background at the time of laying down and sleeping.

Time to learn to communicate and explore the world

Mental development in the seventh month is no less active than the emergence of new physical skills.

  • A child needs a constant change in the position of the body in space, not only to explore the world around him, but also for the purpose of knowing himself.
  • The kid continues to put syllables in a chain, babble, but the set of sounds becomes more complicated. Some children try to repeat the first and stressed syllable in simple words: “woman”, “dad”, “mom”, “kitty”. The baby will begin to pronounce certain syllables, attracting attention.
  • At the seventh month of life, the baby understands more words. Knows the names of some objects, shows with his hand, tries to find with a glance after you name them.
  • The baby turns to his name.
  • The child distinguishes mood by changing your facial expressions and voice. When you scold him, he tries to understand where he made a mistake.
  • The baby shows his feelings. He can grab your nose, hair, cling to you, turn away.
  • The baby recognizes relatives well, but is more attached to the mother, parting with her can cause hysteria in the baby. This is not how character and whims are manifested, but mental development.
  • At first, when a stranger appears, the baby may freeze and begin to look at the stranger. The reaction of the mother is important to the baby. The kid sees her friendliness to new people, ceases to be afraid and is able to make friends with them.
  • A seven-month-old child understands that an object covered, for example, with a diaper, does not disappear, but is simply hidden.
  • A child at 7 months often uses predominantly his left hand. Nevertheless, the baby does not necessarily grow up left-handed. Just during this period of life, the right hemisphere, which controls the left half of the body, develops more intensively. There are methods for determining whether a child is left-handed or right-handed.
  • Try not to turn on a vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, puncher and other noisy appliances near the baby - often at 6-7 months the child is afraid of loud sounds.

Ways to test your baby's skills

Many experts do not stop repeating: all children develop according to an individual schedule. But each period corresponds to a set of required skills. To understand how harmoniously the baby is developed, it is important to look at the development calendar and additionally watch a video about new skills in a seven-month-old baby, and then take a test with him.

  • The baby rolls over well and sits straight without support.
  • Try not to pay attention to the baby on purpose, he will start looking for your eyes or start crying.
  • A lying child easily removes the diaper thrown over his face.
  • When the baby holds a toy with both handles, offer a third. Pay attention to the next steps. The child will release one pen to pick up a new item.
  • Try to sit at the table. Sit the baby on your lap. He will hold on to the table, play with objects lying on it, and knock his hands on it.
  • Pay attention to how your child reacts to new people. Usually in the seventh month of life, children show interest in strangers.
  • Follow the way to pick up large objects, such as a cube from the floor. He already knows how to take with the whole palm, opposing the thumb.

The need to consult a doctor

  • the baby does not roll over and does not even try to sit down on his own;
  • does not respond to sounds;
  • does not show feelings for mother; does not try to attract her attention in moments of absence of physical discomfort;
  • he cannot bring objects to his mouth and knock them on the table;
  • does not babble;
  • does not follow the eyes of moving objects;
  • unable to support its own weight while upright.

Help your baby develop

Parents are required to take an active part in the life of the child. In physical development, daily massage and gymnastics are useful, and it is recommended to dedicate walks not only to sleep, but also to getting to know the world.

At the age of 6-7 months, attention should be paid to learning to crawl: put the baby on all fours and swing back and forth.

Help and intellectually develop crumbs.

Classes with a child should still be carried out in the form of a game. You can repeat the lessons of the previous month, but slightly complicating and extending the gameplay.

  • Continue to show your baby around the house and on a walk. Show objects, name and talk about them. Practice with thematic cards. Read to the little one, let him try to turn the page. Cardboard books are great.
  • Teach your baby to clap and wave bye-bye.
  • Let your child play with small objects under supervision. Such activities are useful in the development of fine motor skills.
  • Teach your baby to point to the named objects with your finger and fulfill requests: throw a ball, give a cube, take a toy, etc.
  • Go on a visit with a baby, especially where there are small children.
  • Play finger games with your child, such as:

Ivan the Great - to chop wood (bend your fingers in turn, starting with the big one),
Vaska-pointer - to heat the stove,
Medium bear - carry water,
Grishka-orphan - cook porridge,
And sing songs to little Timoshka,
Songs to sing and dance
Amuse your siblings (squeeze and unclench your fist).

Do not ignore the baby's fear of new people, because he does not understand whether they are good or bad. When you see a stranger, take the baby in your arms and distance yourself from the stranger until the baby himself shows a desire to meet.

7 month old baby food

By the end of the seventh month, the baby is able to drink from a mug. Read how to teach this to a child.

In a baby who is breastfed and complementary foods, started, according to WHO recommendations, from 6 months, by 7-8 months it is worth replacing one feeding with porridge (vegetable puree).

Do you still have questions about introducing your baby to food? Then read about the first complementary foods - the timing of the introduction.
Porridges that are given to seven-month-old babies should not contain indigestible gluten; one-component products are recommended - for example, rice, buckwheat and corn porridge - both ready-made and cooked on their own.
Homemade cereals for children of seven months are done as follows:

  • at first, five percent cereals are cooked: for 5 g of cereal - 100 g of liquid, over time, 1 g of butter with a fat content of 82% is added;
  • then 10% is introduced: 10 g of cereal - 100 g of liquid and 4 g of oil.

Vegetables should also be cooked at home, adding vegetable (preferably olive) oil to the resulting puree, starting with 1 drop and increasing to 1 tsp.

After the introduction of hypoallergenic vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli and zucchini) gradually offer the child fruit (plum, pear, peach, green apple). Then add carrots, pumpkin, spinach and potatoes to the diet. The last 2 vegetables are heavy for the baby's gastrointestinal tract, so you should give them together, for example, with broccoli. For the same reason, it is better to introduce potatoes and spinach closer to the beginning of the eighth month, and until then it is necessary to introduce any complementary foods from a single product. Choose the option that suits you.

At the end of the seventh month, try offering the baby a yolk: first a microdose, then a quarter of the yolk, and then half.

Try giving special baby biscuits to a baby who has teeth on the way.

The diet of a seven-month-old baby is approximately as follows:

  • 7 am - mother's milk;
  • 11 hours - about 150 g, 1 tsp. butter, 50 g fruit puree, compote, juice (breast milk);
  • 14-15 hours - 150 g of vegetables in the form of mashed potatoes with the addition of 1 tsp. vegetable oil, 2 times a week - half the yolk; drink - juice, compote, water, breast milk;
  • at 7 pm - breast milk;
  • before bedtime and at night - breastfeeding on demand.

In the case of a weight significantly below the norm in the first months of life, the child's nutrition must be strengthened with complementary foods from the end of the fourth month to the beginning of the fifth. At the age of seven months, it is permissible to introduce lean meat: chicken, turkey, veal and rabbit. It is allowed to start meat feeding with half a teaspoon and bring it up to 20-30 g. It is better to add meat to vegetables.

In the case of early introduction of complementary foods, the diet of a seven-month-old child is recommended as follows, regardless of whether the baby is breast-fed or formula-fed:

  • 7 hours - 200 g of the mixture (breast milk);
  • 11 hours - about 150 g, 1 tsp. butter, 50 g fruit puree, compote, juice, mixture (breast milk);
  • 14-15 hours - 150 g of vegetable puree with 5 g of vegetable oil, 20-30 g of meat, and twice a week - half the yolk, drink - juice, compote, water, breast milk;
  • 7 p.m. - formula (breast milk), possibly cookies;
  • before going to bed - a mixture (mother's milk), in infants, feeding remains at night.

Premature babies at the age of seven months are just beginning to be introduced to complementary foods.

Sleep of a seven month old baby

A child at 6-7 months still has a two-time daytime sleep for 1.5-2 hours. Night sleep takes 10-11 hours.

Our development calendar for the seventh month looks like this. The main thing to remember is that all children are different. You can help your child achieve the best result by working with him. Now not only care is important for him, but also training, and getting to know himself and the environment.

The development of a child at 7 months is associated with a rapid increase in motor activity. His musculoskeletal system is mature enough for movement in space. All the attention of the baby is directed to mastering the skills of crawling.

Physical development at 7 months

The rate of weight gain at 7 months is 500 - 600 g. Babies grow up by about 1.5 - 2 cm. The circumference of the head and chest also increases by 0.5 cm.

Note: Weight gain may be less. You should not worry if the 7th month falls during the summer heat period, when the appetite drops significantly or the child's teeth are actively growing.

A seven-month-old baby is usually already sitting up and trying to crawl. Girls are still not recommended to be forced to sit in order to avoid deformation of the pelvic bones. Even if the baby is nervous, sways, tries to sit down, but she doesn’t quite succeed, we patiently wait.

New formations in physical activity appear every day. Therefore, you can not leave the child himself in open space. Yesterday he was sitting quietly on the couch, today he is already sliding off it. Moreover, it’s good if the booty crawls down, but more often the head goes ahead. The risk of injury increases exponentially.

What should a child be able to do at 7 months in terms of physical activity?

  1. Can get up on his knees or legs, holding on to a support.
  2. Must be able to hold a bottle. If the bottle falls, it picks it up on its own.
  3. Makes various manipulations with toys: turns, knocks them on the table, tries on the tooth, throws, picks up from the floor, shifts from the left hand to the right, and vice versa.
  4. Walks with underarm support.
  5. It can crawl forward with a leg or on its tummy.
  6. Manipulates small and large objects, putting one into another.
  7. Distinguishes even small sounds. Hearing and vision is formed almost at the level of an adult.

Mental development at 7 months

From birth to 7 months there is a huge leap in mental development. The baby develops a deep emotional attachment to loved ones. Fear and anxiety at the sight of strangers shows that he is oriented in the situation and tries to control it. The baby already knows how to communicate his desires not only with the help of crying or screaming. If he needs an object or a toy, he points to it with his hand.

Well developed babble. Repeating warehouses: ma-ma-ma, pa-pa-pa, ba-ba-ba, yes-yes-yes give parents the illusion of starting a conversation. But it's not. The child is still on the way to mastering active speech. He diligently repeats the sounds he heard and parents need to talk to him and call actions and objects not only in full words, but also in a reduced version (yum-yum, mo-ko) so that the crumbs have the opportunity to manipulate them.

But his passive speech is better developed. He knows his name, the names of loved ones, the name of objects and toys. Activities with the child should include requests to submit items, the constant repetition of the names of toys: “give mom a cube”, “where is our spoon?”.

Note: Physical development at 7 months determines the mental. If parents try to control the child's behavior and limit his research expeditions for the sake of his peace of mind, the brain does not receive the right amount of impressions. The mental potential of the child will not be fully revealed, and the interests will remain limited.

What to play with a 7 month old baby

To the question of how and what to play with a seven-month-old, the answer of a specialist is simple: include in the games everything that your boy or girl is interested in. Sharp dangerous objects like knives, scissors, needles are safely hidden, and everything else is available for research.

Correct and useful educational games for children of 7 months should include a set of such research activities:

  • viewing;
  • palpation (we pay attention to the crumbs on the surface: smooth, rough);
  • to taste;
  • various manipulations, including knocking on the floor with an object and listening to the sound.

Daily activities for seven-month-olds include reading and looking at books, motor games, building pyramids and turrets from cubes. All dangerous objects are removed from the house, plugs are put on sockets, cabinet doors are tied, and the baby is released on independent research expeditions under the supervision of his parents. Mandatory musical exercises and games in the water. They develop the brain and soothe.