Coding from alcohol addiction. What is the essence of coding alcoholism? The most humane drug coding for alcoholism

Many people who decide to stop drinking, but are afraid to go to the doctor, are thinking about how to encode at home - there are reliable ways to self-treat alcohol addiction, but a number of rules must be followed so as not to cause more harm to the body. There are several reliable methods of coding at home, which only a specialist can help determine.

Treatment of alcoholism at home

Coding from alcoholic beverages is advisable to carry out at home if the patient does not consider himself an alcoholic, does not want to go to the clinic, does not want to stop drinking even with a serious health problem. Many reliable methods have been developed to remove addiction and get the patient out of binge, but home treatment will be effective if the patient himself seeks to achieve a positive result. It is very difficult to cure addiction without the consent of the person. A motivating factor is needed, and then the specialist selects the course of therapy individually.

The most effective and reliable are the following ways to get rid of drunkenness:

  1. Subcutaneous or intramuscular administration of drugs that cause intoxication of the body. After such coding, a person experiences vomiting, nausea, and profuse sweating. There is a fear of drinking strong drinks.
  2. Hypnosis coding. The procedure by which there is a suggestion of aversion to strong drinks. It is believed that a person at home is calm, relaxed, and therefore more susceptible to hypnotic influence. This method of coding does not work for everyone, breakdowns often occur.
  3. Taking pills is a reliable way to code. The drugs effectively remove toxins and reduce dependence on alcohol. The drug for alcoholism should be selected by a narcologist.

What is coding

Many alcoholics, as well as their relatives, often wonder what coding is and can it be done at home? The psychotherapeutic impact on the patient in order to eliminate the psychological dependence on alcoholic beverages is called coding. This method works best with patients who are easily hypnotized. When coding, the doctor influences the subconscious of a person to create disgust, fear of alcohol in him.

After the procedure, the patient begins to develop a conditioned reflex, as a result of which a person will feel only disgust and fear when drinking alcohol. This reliable method of treatment has been used for over 50 years. Coding at home should be carried out by a qualified specialist (narcologist, psychiatrist). In addition, such a procedure can be done only subject to the personal desire of the patient.

When is it held

Narcologist at home - this service is very popular in modern society. You can stop drinking with the help of coding if a person realizes the need for treatment, but does not want to go to the clinic or is physically unable. Relatives call for narcological assistance if it is necessary to get a person out of a protracted binge, after which the doctor offers them to code the patient. Being close to the family and receiving proper care, an alcohol addict will recover faster, it will be easier to get used to a new lifestyle.

Coding is carried out with the consent of the patient, often this procedure is done anonymously. At the same time, the main task of the relatives is to ensure that the patient does not take alcohol-containing drinks throughout the entire treatment. Any method of coding should begin with a conversation, during which the doctor studies the medical history, identifies contraindications for coding. The addict receives permission to carry out the procedure only after the specialist is convinced that it is safe for the health of the alcoholic.

Treatment of alcohol addiction with medications

The use of drugs in coding is the most common and reliable treatment for chronic alcoholism. The action of drugs develops quickly and can last in different ways, based on the form, dose, method of administration of the drug, life situations and individual characteristics of the organism. The advantages of this method are:

  • availability;
  • effective in preventing recurrence of the disease;
  • suitable for the treatment of any stage of alcoholism;
  • a wide range of drugs;
  • the only method of treatment for poisoning with alcohol surrogates.

Drug treatment at home should be coordinated with a narcologist. As a rule, brain receptor inhibitors are used for coding. The main representatives of this group are drugs based on Naltrexone, which are available in prolonged capsules, tablets, injection solutions. All medicines are divided into three types:

  • relieve cravings for strong drinks;
  • cause aversion to alcohol;
  • get rid of a hangover.

Drugs that cause disgust

The main group of drugs for chemical coding is based on the properties of disulfiram. The active ingredients of such drugs block the work of liver enzymes, which should break down alkotoxins into harmless components. This increases the poisoning effect of the accumulated decomposition products of ethyl alcohol.

Taking such drugs together with alcohol provokes a deterioration in the patient's condition and causes a reaction: vomiting, nausea, tachycardia, asthma attacks, and indigestion. The symptomatology of drugs that cause aversion to alcohol is so pronounced that the patient is forced to give up drinking alcohol on pain of death. The most popular drugs for alcoholism:

  • Kolma. The product is sold in the form of drops, tablets. The drug should be taken orally 3-4 times a day. When alcohol reacts with the active substance of the drug, cyanamide, the level of acetaldehyde rises in the patient's blood. The patient experiences an attack of severe intoxication. Colme is a pill for alcoholism without consequences, but people with cirrhosis of the liver, heart disease, diseases of the nervous system, and pregnant women should not take medication.
  • Esperal. Tablets for alcohol dependence contain disulfiram, which is involved in the metabolism of ethanol. In this case, alcohol is not broken down, the level of toxins increases, which leads to severe poisoning. The medicine is allowed for use at home, but the dose prescribed by the doctor must not be exceeded. The reaction of the body with prolonged use of tablets: gastritis, hepatitis, psychosis, cerebral vascular thrombosis, exacerbation of polyneuritis.

Pills that reduce cravings

To get rid of alcohol addiction and get out of binge, in modern medicine there are a huge number of drugs that can be used at home. In order not to harm the body, to avoid side effects from an overdose, you should consult a doctor. The most common medications that reduce alcohol cravings are:

  • Metadoxil. The drug stops the withdrawal syndrome, accelerates the excretion of ethanol, activates the work of enzymes that break down acetaldehyde. With the constant use of 500 mg of the active substance, the patient's resistance to alcohol increases. Side effects: allergic reactions, the appearance of bronchospasm.
  • Torpedo. Sewing the drug subcutaneously combined with hypnotic effects. Disulfiram, which is part of the capsule, affects the liver, so it stops processing ethanol. The coding period for Torpedo is approximately one year. The occurrence of nausea, dizziness, convulsions and other negative sensations while taking the medicine is associated with acetaldehyde poisoning.


If a person abuses alcohol for a long time, then his body is subjected to severe poisoning with ethyl alcohol. To quickly bring the patient out of a state of binge, doctors often prescribe droppers. It is best to call a narcologist for the procedure with an infusion solution, who has his own equipment, certificate, and medicines. Only a specialist can correctly make a detox drip. Intravenous injections to suppress cravings for alcohol are injected into a vein using a syringe.

As a rule, drugs used by a doctor have a tranquilizing effect, improve mood, have an antidepressant effect, and increase efficiency. However, any use of alcohol they make life-threatening. The composition of the dropper for coding involves the use of glucose with insulin, soda solution, detoxification agents (Hemodez or Gelatinol) and polyionic solutions (Disol). There are several types of droppers that are used to bring a person out of hard drinking:

  • Thinning blood. There is an alternation of saline and glucose, due to this, the concentration of alcohol in the patient's blood decreases, and the supply of fluid increases.
  • Enriched with vitamins. In order for the body to cope with alcohol faster, vitamins are often added to the glucose-salt solution: B1, PP, cocarboxylase.
  • Provides liver safety. The main metabolism of alcoholic beverages occurs in the liver, so the doctor may prescribe a dropper with Essentiale to restore the organ. The tool neutralizes intestinal poisons, prevents damage to liver enzymes.

Coding at home

If a person does not want to be treated for alcohol addiction in a specialized clinic, then coding can be done at home. In this case, the procedure must be trusted by a qualified narcologist, who must have the appropriate equipment and a certificate for such a service. Coding at home has certain advantages:

  • round the clock service;
  • anonymity;
  • the session lasts approximately two hours;
  • constant monitoring of the patient's condition;
  • comfortable familiar conditions.


Today, there are a huge number of reliable methods of coding for alcoholism. All types can be conditionally divided into two types: psychotherapeutic and drug. The use of drugs is a reliable way, while a person can refuse to use strong drinks for a long time. The principle of psychotherapy is based on suggestion. The coding procedure is carried out in a state of hypnotic sleep, during which the specialist works with the patient's subconscious, makes a setting to refuse alcohol. The most famous ways are:

  • Dovzhenko method. The patient may be put into hypnosis or kept awake while being convinced of the benefits of a sober life. The doctor inspires a steady aversion to alcohol. Such treatment is effective if the person has a motive for getting rid of drunkenness.
  • anchor hypnosis. The anchoring technique is considered effective and reliable in the fight against alcohol addiction. Such points exist in the subconscious of any person. The task of the psychotherapist is the correct definition of anchors. Emotional positive, negative outbursts from life can be used in a hypnosis session. If the installation is violated, a mental disorder often appears, so a specialist should deal with coding.

Is it possible to code a person without his consent

Alcoholism is a serious disease from which a person is not able to get rid of on his own. Coding at home is a good reliable option for getting rid of addiction, but you cannot force the procedure to be done. The person himself must give permission for the encoding. The exception is alcoholics who have committed serious crimes while intoxicated, and who were sent for treatment by court order.

It is almost impossible to forcibly wean a person from drinking strong drinks, because only the joint efforts of a psychiatrist, narcologist, psychologist, support from relatives and the desire of an alcoholic will help to forget about addiction forever. Knowing the patient about how and what he is being treated for, the desire to achieve results - this is the key to success in the fight against alcoholism!

Folk remedies

Along with medications, herbal therapy can be used to combat alcohol addiction. The most popular and reliable are the following homemade recipes:

  • Herbal bitter infusion. To prepare the medicine, you need to take 4 tsp. thyme, 1 tsp. wormwood and centaury. A tablespoon of the dry mixture should be poured with boiling water, then insist for two hours. Take the infusion should be 2 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 months.
  • A decoction of club-shaped club moss. It will help to stop drinking the dry powder of the plant (10 g), which must be poured with a glass of boiling water. Half a portion of the broth should be drunk with 50 g of vodka. There will be severe nausea and rejection of any alcohol.


In this article, we will talk about the sore. We will discuss the topic of alcohol addiction from the inside, analyze the essence and analyze the reviews of those who have gone through treatment for alcoholism.

Many of us have experienced or are still facing problems related to alcoholism. Someone may have spent their entire childhood in the company of a drunken father who never recovered his normal form. Another, himself felt the impact of this serious illness.

It's no secret that according to statistics that exceed all world indicators of annual alcohol consumption, we can say that such figures - for example, if we take 2009, then the average amount of pure alcohol per capita is 18 liters. This is actually the destruction of the country's gene pool. Since by world standards, it is considered - 8 liters - this is already the limit at which the destruction of the nation occurs.

But I personally try to console myself with the fact that someone drinks 50 times more than even this average norm. Since this fact does not fit in my head personally, personally, if I drink, then these are small amounts of alcohol.

But let's get back to our topic, the topic of alcohol coding.

Anyone who has already come across this issue closely knows that there are two types of coding: medical and psychotherapeutic.

More on this later, first we will analyze our “box of pencils”. One of the most important things is that the person who is going to be coded must take this step consciously, be mentally prepared for treatment for alcoholism, and he must be sober. Of course, there are cases when a person cannot get out of a binge on his own, then paid clinics help him with this, as a rule they put him under a special dropper, all these procedures are quite expensive.

As my friend, who almost every year takes her husband out of hard drinking, said, you can fly to Thailand with this money, which she gives for 5 days of her husband’s recovery. But this is a special case and it all depends on the clinic where you are undergoing treatment.

The main thing is that coding for alcohol consumption is not a treatment, it is only a temporary blocking from alcohol consumption. And then this is already considered an extreme method, and this procedure is carried out at the stage of full realization that life can be lost, family, work, friends, hobbies - all this will remain far in the past. When a person has brought himself to such a state, and realized that this is no longer possible, in this case he decides to take such a step.

Feedback on coding for alcoholism

Not all people suffering from alcoholism go to this step, but those who have gone through this can give a certain idea. Let's look at examples.

Mister – X-1 – Age about 50 years old, coding is performed constantly, for 1 year, as soon as the year ends, he goes into a long binge, how can he cope with it? Of course, go to the clinic again, on a drip and be coded again. No other way. Psychologically, the body is not able to counteract. The year is ending, and literally on the same day, a person can come up with what he needs on a business trip, and then immediately go into a binge.

How to deal with such people? First, they themselves must want it. And then longer encoding times can help.

Mister - X-2 - He hasn't been drinking for more than 5 years, although he used to have very terrible binges. And then the question is how to cope with hard drinking on his own, he mastered without doctors. Just a realization came to a person, and a desire to live. Therefore, for a long time he does not drink alcohol at all.

What are the prices for coding

Prices for coding for alcoholism may vary, depending on the location of the procedure and the complexity of the patient. At the moment, there are many clinics providing coding services for alcoholism.

What are the methods of coding for alcoholism

According to the legend, the science of coding itself appeared by chance, in Europe there were 2 workshops at the tire factory, in one of which there were only “teetotalers - ulcers”, in the other - alcoholics, the management decided to take a deeper look into this situation, and it turned out that in the workshop with teetotalers there was a stage of production involving vapors of a substance that gave the effect of aversion to alcohol when trying to consume it. Later, the drug appeared - Disulfiram.

Drug coding for alcoholism

It is the intake or administration of drugs aimed at chemically influencing the refusal to drink alcohol. So, how is the coding for alcoholism, let's take a look. The drug encoding method is more gentle for a person, since, for example, when naltrexone is administered, the body functions responsible for getting pleasure and general relaxation are blocked.

That is, after taking this drug, an alcoholic will receive absolutely no emotions when taking alcohol. Therefore, the meaning of drinking alcohol in humans is lost.

Another way is drugs that have a painful effect on the body. When a person wants to drink, drinking alcohol will cause such a painful reaction in him that he simply cannot physically do it.

Psychotherapeutic coding for alcoholism

This is a method of influence that does not include the use of any drugs, here coding is carried out as on the principle of hypnosis. There are various methods that we will discuss. As a rule, coding is performed by a narcologist psychiatrist. By the method of suggestion to an alcohol-dependent person, the idea is laid in the brain that if he starts drinking during this period of encoding, then this will be a clear death.

This method, despite its effectiveness, is less common, since it implies a long period of abstinence from alcohol before this hypnosis. The procedure itself is carried out in a trance state. That is, a person subconsciously is not in the world familiar to him.

If we consider hypnotic treatment and psychotherapeutic, then from the side of hypnosis, the advantage will be that, firstly, it is clearly more effective, and secondly, hypnosis for alcoholism helps to understand the very reason for using it from the inside.

Dovzhenko method

Dovzhenko method

The most common method of psychotherapeutic coding is the Dovzhenko method. It was developed by a Soviet doctor - psychiatrist - narcologist, Alexander Romanovich Dovzhenko. His method initially worked in a group system on the principle of reprogramming the patient's psyche to refuse to drink alcohol, and sets a number of guidelines for a further sober and healthy life.

It should be remembered that encoding is not a way to recover from alcohol, but only a temporary fortress, which has its own validity period.

Not everyone knows how long the procedure for coding from alcohol addiction takes, but it takes only about 3 hours. The coding period is set by a minimum bar of one year. But preliminarily, group classes are held to prepare for a new life.

This method is quite effective, but there are some contraindications for coding against alcoholism:

  • Cardiovascular distance;
  • Hypertension;
  • Mental problems, disorders;
  • Alcohol intoxication.

Treatment of alcoholism, is it real?

Of course, if there is a problem, it must be solved! Do not stand still, but it is best to change your thinking for the better, do not flood difficult situations in life with alcohol, but do something. People prove many things, including the fact that you can give up alcohol forever on your own. What we want for you too! Good luck to all!

Unfortunately, the problem of alcoholism is very acute in modern society. And more and more often, not only men, but also representatives of the beautiful half of humanity become victims of this harmful addiction. Despite the fact that modern medicine has a lot of various methods and medicines at its disposal, none of them gives an absolute guarantee of the success of therapy. One of the most common ways to deal with is coding. It allows a person to stop drinking alcohol for some time (and sometimes for the rest of his life). Therefore, we propose today to learn how to encode from alcohol. We will also analyze the methods of this treatment and find out where it is better to carry out these procedures.

What is "coded from alcohol"?

This concept implies blocking alcohol addiction. Coding helps the patient to get rid of the psychological dependence on alcohol, which allows you to stop drinking for a long time. Since alcoholics experience uncontrollable cravings for alcohol, sometimes only very strong feelings can stop them from drinking strong drinks: fear and on which coding methods are based.


This method of treatment began to be used in narcology more than half a century ago. Thus, the ability to encode from alcohol has existed for quite a long time. During this time, a variety of methods have appeared that are based both on hypnotic and psychotherapeutic effects, and on drug therapy.

The most important milestones in the history of the development of psychotherapeutic approaches to the treatment of addiction are the development of the Shivko method, based on self-hypnosis and introspection, as well as the Dovzhenko method, which is based on the suggestion of prohibitions to the patient, in which the emphasis is on the immediate deterioration of health in the case of even a small dose of alcohol. .

The key stage in the creation of medical methods was the discovery in the forties of the last century of the sensitizing effect of disulfiram. On its basis, modern pharmacology has created a number of drugs, such as tablets for sewing in and oral tablets "Esperal", as well as "Antabus", "Teturam", suspension "Sulfavidiat" and others.

Over time, it became clear that in most cases it is not possible to effectively encode from alcohol using any one method. In this regard, doctors began to combine techniques, using them for complex therapy. So, they start, as a rule, with medications that allow for the primary suppression of cravings for alcohol. After that, either psychotherapeutic treatment is carried out, or non-specific methods are connected (intravenous ozone therapy, acupuncture, plasmapheresis, and others).

Necessary conditions for the coding procedure

There are a number of conditions necessary for a successful outcome of treatment. Here are the main ones:

  • The patient must undergo the coding procedure voluntarily, without coercion.
  • Until the moment of coding, the patient must be sober for a certain time, depending on the chosen method of treatment (usually at least two weeks).
  • The patient should not have any serious diseases of the internal organs. In this regard, before the coding procedure, a person suffering from alcohol dependence should consult a specialist.
  • The patient must not suffer from any mental illness (dementia, psychotic state, etc.).

Methods used to code for alcohol dependence

As we have already found out, in modern medicine, psychotherapeutic and drug methods of dealing with alcoholism are used. The essence of the methods of the first group is to influence the human subconscious through hypnosis or other psychotherapeutic techniques in order to instill in the patient an aversion to alcohol. After such therapy, the patient loses all desire to drink alcohol. These methods are considered gentle and are recommended for people prone to suggestion and who have never resorted to coding for alcohol addiction.

In drug therapy, drugs are used that are neutral for the human body under normal conditions. However, when drinking alcohol, they begin to interact with alcohol, forming a toxic substance that has a strong effect on the patient's body, causing vomiting, various pains, convulsions, etc. Sometimes everything can even end in death.

The question of which method will help to encode from alcohol is decided only by the doctor strictly on an individual basis for each patient. After all, a therapy that has proven effective for one patient may be completely ineffective in the case of another person. We now propose to dwell in more detail on the main methods that allow you to encode from alcohol.

Dovzhenko method

This coding does not involve the use of medications. It lies in the fact that the psychotherapist, through light hypnosis, affects the patient's subconscious, instilling indifference to alcoholic beverages and suppressing cravings for alcohol, thereby setting him up. It should be noted that the Dovzhenko method is shown only to people susceptible to hypnosis and earlier. never coded. Otherwise, it will be ineffective.

The drug "Esperal"

This drug is surgically implanted in fatty tissue (usually in the soft tissues of the back) or injected subcutaneously. At the same time, no noticeable traces remain on the patient's skin: seams or scars. The active substance of the drug gradually enters the human blood, due to which, during the entire coding period, its constant concentration is maintained, which is sufficient to cause an incompatibility reaction with alcohol.

Drug "Torpedo"

This tool is used to block alcoholism. The basis of this method of treatment is the use of drugs that are incompatible with alcohol. Thanks to their use, the patient develops a negative reflex to alcohol and reduces cravings for it. In the case of a “breakdown”, the patient falls into a state close to death. The drug "Torpedo" is introduced into the patient's body by intravenous injection.

Modern realities are such that many are familiar with the problem of alcoholism firsthand. Relatively safe, effective and fast methods of detoxification and detoxification have been developed.

But they don't really solve the problem. Sooner or later everything repeats again. Experts consider coding for alcoholism to be a radical way to get rid of addiction.

Such treatment involves a combination of methods of psychological and medical influence, as a result of which a person develops an aversion to alcoholic beverages, even in minimal quantities. Coding for alcoholism begins with the choice of a specialized medical center.

This issue should be approached responsibly, trusting not only videos, advertising and reviews on the Internet.

It is better to meet directly or through forums and social networks to communicate with people who used the services of the clinic.

However, coding for alcoholism has several disadvantages:

  • before the course of treatment, the patient's body must be completely cleared of ethanol and its metabolic products, which is not always possible;
  • a person must himself realize the need to change his life, compulsory treatment does not bring the expected result;
  • without appropriate psychological work, there is a high risk of breakdowns and repeated uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • as a result of the impact on the subconscious, the patient is inspired by the fear of alcohol, which is fraught with serious psycho-emotional disorders.

After choosing a specialist, the doctor invites the patient to an individual conversation with a psychologist. First of all, the doctor is faced with the task of determining what prompted a person to consume alcohol.

Since without finding out the cause of the disease, the treatment will not bring the desired effect, and with almost 100% probability, a repeated binge will begin within the next few months.

In some cases, you have to work with the whole family. The psychologist tries to bring to the patient the need to get rid of addiction, explains the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. The doctor also tries to convince the person to avoid friends "at the feast", may have to change jobs.

Voluntary desire to be cured plays a key role in the success of therapy.

The next step in the coding process is a comprehensive medical examination. This is necessary to assess the degree of damage to internal organs by toxic products of ethanol metabolism.

The patient is asked to undergo a standard set of tests, including blood chemistry, a test for glucose concentration and cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels. An ultrasound of the internal organs is done, a cardiogram is taken, according to indications, a Doppler study of the coronary and cerebral vessels is performed.

In the presence of episodes of alcoholic delirium, a neurological examination is necessary, including an encephalogram and EchoEEG. They also find out if there are contraindications for which coding for alcoholism is impossible.

The necessary conditions for the course of treatment are:

  • the absence of episodes of binge or even the consumption of alcoholic beverages in small quantities in the previous 15-20 days, infusions of detoxification drugs into a vein will be useful (this procedure can be done at home);
  • absence of epilepsy and other neurological pathologies accompanied by convulsive syndrome;
  • the absence of severe and irreversible lesions of the excretory and cardiovascular systems;
  • the informed consent of the patient to the coding and acceptance of the help of a professional, relatives and friends;
  • absence of mental illness.

Today, there are many methods of getting rid of drunkenness. These are hardware methods (for example, laser coding), various means of oriental medicine (acupuncture), hypnotic effects. Drugs (for example, the complex for subcutaneous administration of Torpedo) are widely popular.

The technique that will be used for coding from alcoholism is selected individually, taking into account the patient's state of health. Not the last role is played by the price of the procedure. The financial aspect is very important, since a serious and expensive rehabilitation is subsequently required.

Alcohol coding: combined effects, drug therapy

Combination therapy involves the simultaneous use of drug treatment and psychotherapeutic effects. This method is ideal for the treatment of alcoholism in the early stages, as well as in cases where the patient is ready to overcome cravings for excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages on their own. The fact is that this technique involves a short use of drugs, so the main role is given to the work of a psychologist and the willpower of the patient.

The advantages of this method of therapy include:

But such an encoding from alcohol has its drawbacks. Of great importance is the psychological mood of the patient and the elimination of the original cause, which caused cravings for strong drinks.

This technique is ideal for the initial stages of alcoholism, when a person is capable of making informed and deliberate decisions. Drug coding for alcohol is carried out in several ways.

This can be taking pills orally, subcutaneous suturing, intravenous or intramuscular administration of the drug. To consolidate the result, a placebo (a safe mixture of vitamins that has a more psychological effect) or the so-called alcohol provocation can be used.

For drug coding, the following drugs are usually used:

  • Esperal. To date, this tool is considered the most effective. If the medicine is taken orally, then one tablet per day is prescribed (taken in the morning with a sufficient amount of water), the dosage is gradually reduced to half, and then a quarter of the tablet. Esperal capsules can also be sewn under the skin. In this case, it dissolves gradually, releasing the active substance of the drug, disulfiram, into the blood in small doses.
  • Binastim, Aquilong Depot, Antikol, Actoplex, Stopethyl. The drugs also contain disulfiram and cause alcohol intolerance, are administered as an intravenous or intramuscular injection, depending on the dosage, the effect of the application lasts from 3 months to 5 years. In many clinics, these medicines are offered under the general name Torpedo.
  • Teturam. The drug is an analogue of Esperal, available in the form of tablets for oral administration, capsules for subcutaneous or intramuscular suturing.
  • Vivitrol. Unlike other medicines containing disulfiram, the active ingredient in this drug blocks opioid receptors in the brain. As a result, alcohol intoxication simply does not occur - all meaning of drinking alcohol is lost. The disadvantages of Vivitrol include an unequal effect in different patients. Sometimes the drug may not work. It is produced in the form of a powder, from which a suspension is prepared for an intramuscular injection. The injection is done once a month.

Despite the fact that the use of placebo is considered in the section of drug treatments for alcoholism, some experts consider this technique to be a combined coding method. The essence of the method is the psychological treatment of the patient and the suggestion that he will be injected with a drug that causes ethanol intolerance.

After that, an injection of a mixture of vitamins PP and group B is made. But this procedure using a placebo has many disadvantages. First of all, this is a short-term effect. In addition, the result of treatment largely depends on the psychological state of the patient. The procedure for alcohol provocation is as follows.

The patient is given a small dose of disulfiram, and then alcohol is given. Naturally, all the symptoms of alcohol intolerance occur - palpitations, drops in blood pressure, shortness of breath, sweating. This condition does not threaten the life of the patient, but resuscitation measures are being taken: various sensors are connected, a ventilator is connected, “resuscitators” are called, who create the appearance of a person’s imminent death.

After a successful “rescue”, a conversation is held with the patient, during which they explain that a little more, and it was impossible to avoid a fatal outcome. For some, such a shake-up is enough to not get close to alcohol at all, for others, the fright passes quickly and the binges begin again.

Alcohol coding: a description of the main methods

The most common method of psychological treatment of alcoholism is the impact according to the Dovzhenko method. The technique of the procedure was proposed in the 80s of the last century by the Ukrainian psychiatrist Alexander Romanovich Dovzhenko. Since then, this method has been widely used in domestic clinics and has been approved by the Ministry of Health.

Coding from alcohol according to Dovzhenko is distinguished by the speed of implementation. The patient's subconscious is given information about the harmful effects of alcohol and the benefits of a sober lifestyle. The course of therapy consists of 4-5 procedures for 1.5-2 hours each. As a rule, the setting for refusing alcohol is given for a certain period (usually for 3-5 years).

Contraindications to such psychotherapeutic effects are:

Anchor coding from alcohol involves the use of a fairly common psychological technique - focusing the patient's attention on a specific incident, which clearly demonstrates the negative impact of alcohol on a person's life. This point is called the anchor. With the help of neurolinguistic programming methods, the patient creates an association of alcohol intake with negative emotions.

Erickson's alcohol coding involves putting the patient into a light trance. During this period, the doctor makes the patient install on a sober and healthy lifestyle. Such an impact is referred to as mild and safe methods. This method does not cause any complications, since there is no gross interference in the human psyche.

From other methods, hypnosuggestive coding differs from alcohol in its flexibility. In a state of trance, the patient is instilled intolerance and complete denial of alcoholic beverages. However, the technique of conducting a hypnosis session is selected individually depending on the emotional state of the person.

According to a similar technique, hypnotic suggestion is also carried out during psychotherapeutic coding. The patient is immersed in a deep trance and disgusted with ethanol in any form. When carrying out such procedures, it is important that there is no alcohol in the patient's body. It is necessary to exclude not only alcohol, but also products containing ethanol in one form or another. Otherwise, consciousness is changed under the influence of intoxication, and there will be no result from therapy.

Another necessary condition is the desire to be cured. It is impossible to achieve a result by forcibly dragging a person to a doctor and seating him in a psychotherapist's chair. The advantages of hypnotic exposure include low cost compared to drug treatments.

Coding for alcohol addiction: conducting a therapy session at home and in a hospital setting, possible consequences

Under certain circumstances, it is possible to carry out the treatment procedure at home.

As a rule, in such a situation, psychological methods of influence are offered, since the introduction of drugs (especially for the first time) can have unpredictable consequences and requires constant monitoring of medical personnel.

But if the patient and his relatives are aware of the possible risks and agree to provide all the conditions for treatment at home, narcologists agree to coding for alcohol addiction at home.

The main advantage of this procedure is the anonymity and the patient's stay in his usual environment, and the disadvantage is the very high price and the risk of complications. Coding from alcohol dependence in the clinic is carried out with the help of medicines based on disulfiram. The process takes several days and is preceded by the administration of drugs for detoxification. The patient is under observation, all functions of internal organs, blood pressure, heart function are monitored.

Assign a course of vitamins and trace elements that contribute to the restoration of the body after prolonged use of alcohol. Doctors emphasize that regardless of how alcohol is coded, a return to the previous way of life is not always possible. A person is disturbed by bouts of irritability, he does not adequately treat drinkers, feels uncomfortable during a feast. This condition can cause psychosis.

But in the event of a breakdown and new binges, the patient's state of health deteriorates rapidly, and it is not easy to convince him for repeated treatment. After the coding for alcohol addiction is over, the doctor closely monitors the person's condition. In a hospital setting, pulse and blood pressure are constantly monitored. After being discharged home, the patient is monitored by a psychologist who helps to get used to a new way of life.

An appropriate diet is required, completely eliminating the consumption of alcohol and ethanol-based drugs. Allowed cottage cheese and dairy products (including kefir and fermented baked milk), juices and other soft drinks. The diet remains unchanged. If we evaluate the effectiveness of various methods, drug coding for alcoholism is considered the most effective. But at the same time, such treatment is fraught with complications. Therefore, many narcologists recommend a combined effect.

From a glass of vodka to the grave, the path is short

Russian folk saying

Alcoholism. Perhaps there are few more problems associated with a word than with this one. And rarely around any disease there are as many myths, stereotypes, rumors as there are around addiction to alcohol. What is the nature of alcohol addiction, how does a person get into these networks, can he get out on his own and how can he be helped?

A large part of the population imagines alcoholism simply as loose behavior and a person's gradual slide down the social ladder. Few people understand that alcoholism is a real disease, which is characterized by a change in the body's metabolism, due to which a person is unable to stop himself even after the first glass. In 1913, the Russian psychiatrist V. M. Bekhterev said: “It is indisputable that alcohol is a narcotic substance, to which property alcohol mainly owes its distribution.”

At present, per capita consumption of pure alcohol in our country has exceeded 14 liters per year, this does not include moonshine, "perfume" and other alcohol-containing liquids, up to varnish. Why do they drink? To maintain tone, relieve stress, for “courage”, washing a purchase, a deal, winning, for sleep, after a bath, for company, and there are hundreds of reasons to drink, and sometimes they drink for no reason.

As a rule, drunkenness begins with an accidental, episodic drinking. During the period of abstinence, there is no craving for alcohol. Then the episodes are repeated and, as a rule, with high doses of drinks, and strong ones. This applies to a greater extent to young people who have reduced susceptibility to alcohol. Young people, especially girls, get drunk quickly. A bottle of beer to start fun ... But this is not enough, more and more is required. Losing control...

In medicine, the concept of a measure of drinking alcohol does not exist. This concept is purely domestic. Such a measure cannot be for the reason that alcohol resistance is a deeply individual thing. The same amount of alcohol can lead different people to a different state: from mild euphoria to severe forms of alcohol intoxication with impaired vital functions.

Alcohol addiction develops gradually. At first, a person simply enjoys drinking alcohol, then a stable association is formed in the brain: alcohol = pleasure.

This is how psychological dependence is formed. If you do not stop in time, the disease progresses, dependence becomes not only psychological, but also physical, requiring treatment, often clinical.

The peculiarity of home treatment consists of several positive aspects. First of all, the patient is in a familiar environment under the supervision of relatives and friends. This is very important, since getting rid of addiction is often associated with various depressive disorders. And no, even very highly qualified medical personnel will pay as much attention to the patient as his relatives. In addition, after stopping the acute manifestations of a hangover, alcoholics can go to work and participate in social life in 2-3 days.

Treatment in a hospital usually takes much longer. However, there are a number of situations in which hospitalization becomes an absolute necessity, and attempting home treatment in these cases can only worsen the patient's condition. First of all, this is a long binge, which led to a pronounced weakening of the body, as well as all cases where there is a high risk of developing delirium tremens. Unconditional hospitalization also requires exacerbation of various chronic diseases, such as peptic ulcer disease, as well as acute emergencies, such as acute pancreatitis, against the background of hard drinking.

You should always strive for a healthy and sober life. But one desire is not enough here, therefore, during treatment and even after it, the help of a narcologist is needed, which will help prevent a breakdown and refocus on sobriety.


Drunkenness is the excessive use of alcoholic beverages, which negatively affects work, life, people's health and the welfare of society as a whole. Isolated cases of intoxication are considered as episodic drunkenness. Systematic drunkenness can manifest itself both in the form of frequent (2-4 times a month or more) pronounced degrees of intoxication, and constant (2-3 times a week or more) consumption of moderate doses of alcoholic beverages that do not cause pronounced intoxication. Not only systematic, but also episodic drunkenness has a detrimental effect on all aspects of social and individual life: it harms health, often causes antisocial behavior, and damages production and the upbringing of the younger generation.

The most severe consequence of drunkenness is the development of a pathological addiction to alcohol, accompanied by mental and neurological disorders and leading to personality degradation. The difference between drunkenness and alcoholism is that alcoholism is a chronic disease, and drunkenness is something like a bad habit, an element of a lifestyle. A person suffering from alcoholism depends on alcohol (drinks when he wants to and also drinks when he does not want to). In the case of drunkenness, a person can drink, or may refuse to drink alcohol. Depending on the frequency and doses of alcohol taken, there is even a certain classification of people who indulge in drunkenness.

1. Abstinents are people who do not drink alcohol, or who use them very rarely and in very small quantities (up to 100 grams of wine 2-3 times a year). They may abstain from drinking alcohol, but even if they drink, it is usually only under pressure from others. Drinking for them is a tribute to the established alcohol traditions.

2. Occasional drinkers - persons who consume an average of 50-150 ml of vodka (maximum 250 ml) from several times a year to several times a month. They do not experience much pleasure in connection with the state of intoxication and therefore do not tend to drink alcohol frequently. Their intoxication is insignificant, they can control the amount of alcohol they drink and all their actions.

3. Moderate drinkers - people who consume 100-250 ml of vodka (up to a maximum of 400 ml) 1-5 times a month. They experience pleasure from the state of intoxication, although they rarely have a spontaneous desire to drink, and signs of intoxication are not severely expressed. Even if they show interest in a possible drink, they rarely organize it themselves.

4. Systematically drinking persons - consuming 200-300 ml (up to 500 ml) of vodka 1-2 times a week. In addition to frequent drinking and increasing the dose, they are characterized by the appearance of behavioral disorders in a state of intoxication, they form a completely specific style and lifestyle. Gradually, their drinking becomes more and more severe, the doses increase and often, negative social consequences occur.

5. Habitual drinkers - those who consume 500 ml of vodka and more than 2-3 per week, but do not have clinically pronounced disorders. Alcohol in their lives every year takes an increasingly important place, becoming the main source of pleasure. Ultimately, alcohol abuse in people who habitually drink affects their professional level, family life, and their social status, eventually leading to alcohol dependence.

binge theory

Binge drinking is a painful condition when a person is unable to resist the strong craving for alcohol that occurs when trying to stop drinking. In patients with alcoholism in the second stage of the disease, withdrawal syndrome develops, which is characterized by a significant deterioration in well-being when trying to reduce the concentration of alcohol in the blood.

The withdrawal from binge is the removal of the withdrawal syndrome, that is, severe symptoms of physical dependence on alcohol. You can get out of the binge on your own, but this is associated with severe physical suffering, increased blood pressure, stress on the heart and a high risk of developing complications such as myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke, gastric bleeding, epileptic seizure and delirium tremens. To interrupt the binge with the developed abstinence syndrome, as well as to prevent the appearance of more severe symptoms, medical assistance is recommended, namely, detoxification therapy.

The doctor, with the help of a dropper and various drugs, helps the patient survive the period of withdrawal from binge with little or no risk of complications. The so-called shaking is removed, blood pressure normalizes, anxiety, nausea, vomiting and headache disappear, good sleep and normal heartbeat are restored, the body is nourished, electrolyte balance is restored. And as a result of the procedures performed, on the second or third day, the patient's well-being is normalized without alcohol in the blood.

Safe and well-established regimens for the administration of drugs are used, selected based on the patient's condition, comorbidities and stage of the disease. Injected drugs relieve cravings for alcohol, accelerate the excretion of alcohol metabolites from the body, eliminate the deficiency of fluid, energy substances, vitamins and minerals, which necessarily occurs in a state of binge.

The following medications are most often used for withdrawal from binge:

1) dropper: physiological saline or saline solutions (for example, trisol, or Ringer's solution);

2) medicines administered to doctors intravenously or in a dropper:

Sleeping pills or sedatives - for stopping convulsive syndrome ("shaking"), restoring sleep,

MgSO4 (magnesia) - lowers blood pressure, relieves convulsive syndrome,

Eufilin - improves cerebral and renal blood flow, expands the bronchi,

Vitamins: C, Bi, Wb - remove toxins, restore normal metabolism, relieve pain, normalize blood circulation,

Panangin - restores the lack of potassium, stabilizes the work of the heart,

Cerucal - improves the functioning of the stomach;

3) drugs left by the doctor for two or three days after the dropper: sleeping pills, sedatives, lowering blood pressure, vitamins and others.

Depending on the condition of the patient, there are standard, double and maximum cleansing. After the dropper, more expensive and “softer” hypnotics and sedatives are left to the patient. All these activities allow you to quickly and safely eliminate the withdrawal syndrome, restore human performance.

It should be said that binges occur in a person suffering from the second stage of alcoholism. Drinking alcohol for several days in an ordinary person is not entirely correct to call a binge, although such abuse also causes serious harm to the body. In a patient with alcoholism, the binge begins with one or two glasses taken, after which the body switches to the already familiar alcohol metabolism - and if alcohol is not taken, withdrawal occurs. The person cannot stop, as the refusal of alcohol causes severe physical suffering.

A binge of metabolic disorders is dangerous. People on a binge either don't eat anything or eat very little. They get enough energy from alcohol. But proteins, fats, vitamins, microelements do not enter the body, and the longer the binge, the more severe the violations of all organs and systems.

With the developed binge, it is extremely difficult for the patient to interrupt this painful condition on his own. Even despite the objective reasons (trouble at work, in the family, financial problems and, finally, the deterioration of the physical condition and the progression of the disease), patients are unable to resist the strong craving for alcohol that occurs when they try to stop drinking. Concomitant painful symptoms (anxiety, anxiety, nervousness, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, headache, sleep disturbance, etc.) often lead to unsuccessful attempts and the resumption of binge drinking. Detoxification therapy is indicated to stop binge drinking and help with the developed withdrawal and post-intoxication syndrome and prevent the appearance of more severe symptoms.

hangover syndrome

Hangover is the name of the withdrawal syndrome, often found in colloquial speech. This is a painful condition of a person after an excessive alcohol libation that took place the day before. It begins to develop when most of the alcohol has already been removed from the body. Physically, a hangover manifests itself in the form of a headache, dizziness, stomach upset, nausea, vomiting, hand tremors, and a rise or fall in blood pressure. Hangover syndrome is also expressed by a decline in mood. There is a feeling of sadness, alertness, anxiety. It often seems to the patient that everyone is looking at him with contempt, condemning him for drunkenness. Yes, and he himself in this state is prone to self-condemnation.

Alcoholics with a hangover experience insomnia or other sleep disorders. They fall asleep with difficulty, but this sleep is superficial and does not bring any relief. Nightmares do not refresh or invigorate, but on the contrary, leave a feeling of weakness and depression. Sweating and trembling of the hands are so strong and pronounced that they interfere not only with work, but with any daily activity. In patients with alcoholism, all these phenomena disappear or soften after a "hangover", that is, taking at least a small dose of alcohol. The main thing to remember is that people who do not suffer from alcoholism have a protective gag reflex that does not allow them to consume a toxic dose of alcohol. And if you have a hangover in the morning, then this is a reason to see a doctor.->

Alcohol addiction->

The term "alcoholism" was first introduced in 1849 by the Swedish sobriety activist Magnus Huss. Alcoholism is a chronic disease, the essence of which is a pathological addiction to alcohol. This means that the changes in metabolism that the systematic use of alcohol brings to the body are irreversible. And this is progressing, that is, in order to achieve a comfortable psychological state from intoxication, an alcoholic needs an increasing dose of alcohol.->

Alcohol dependence is a severe chronic disease, in most cases intractable. For an alcoholic, intoxication seems to be the best mental state. This attraction is not amenable to reasonable arguments to stop drinking. An alcoholic directs all his energy, means and thoughts to obtaining alcohol, regardless of the real situation (availability of money, the need to go to work, etc.). After drinking a little, he tends to get drunk to the point of complete intoxication, to unconsciousness. As a rule, alcoholics do not eat, they lose their gag reflex and therefore any amount of alcohol they drink remains in the body. In this regard, they talk about increased tolerance to alcohol. But in fact, this is a pathological condition when the body has lost the ability to fight alcohol intoxication through vomiting and other defense mechanisms.->

In the later stages of alcoholism, alcohol tolerance suddenly decreases, and in the hardened alcoholic, even small doses of wine have the same effect as large amounts of vodka in the past. This stage of alcoholism is characterized by a severe hangover after drinking alcohol, poor -> health, irritability, malice. People have long established a link between anxiety and alcohol abuse. This is one of the key psychological factors pushing people to drink.

Development of alcoholism->

Alcohol dependence does not develop immediately, but gradually in the process of long-term immoderate consumption of alcoholic beverages. There are several stages in the development of alcohol dependence, which are characterized by certain symptoms. First people get addicted to drinking, then they start to get drunk. The difference between drunkenness and drinking is that drinking involves the choice of a company, a state of mind, and drunkenness is when it happens, where it happens, whatever it happens and with anyone. Drunkenness is the basis for everything else - for company, for friendship, and for love. Gradually, over several years of drinking, people from casual drinkers (who consume an average of 50-150 ml of vodka, maximum 250 ml, from several times a year to several times a month) move into the category of systematic and habitual drinkers (who consume 200-300 ml, and even up to 500 ml of vodka 1-2 times a week, but they do not have any clinically pronounced disorders). Alcohol in their lives every year takes an increasingly important place, becoming the main source of pleasure. Ultimately, the abuse of alcohol by habitual drinkers affects their professional level, family life, their social status, eventually leading to alcohol dependence.

Signs of alcoholism->

The main sign of alcoholism is the preoccupation with alcohol, an irresistible craving for it, which destroys a person's ability to live a normal life. An alcoholic thinks about drinking from morning to night and even at night, if he does not turn off, he dreams about it. Alcohol becomes an obsession, which leads to the development of an irresistible attraction to drink, which turns into the main story of life. And the body of an alcoholic falls into the same dependence on alcohol, as on air, water and food.

Very often, patients do not want to recognize themselves as alcoholics, suggesting to themselves and others that they can give up drinking at any time or justifying themselves that today is a special case, that a friend does not get out of drinking at all, that great people also liked to drink, and so on. This is self-deception. The alcoholic lies to himself and others, and life becomes a constant game of hide and seek.

Alcoholics very often develop a sense of guilt towards others, usually towards their wife, children, parents. The next morning, alcoholics "roll at their feet", apologizing for their drunken antics and earning the forgiveness of their spouses. They begin to help with the housework, give their wife all the remaining money, and if there is none, then with special zeal and diligence they begin to earn it, but all before the first paycheck. And most importantly, their wives forgive them, moreover, some of them like this feeling of guilt and humiliation of their husband in the morning. And even if a man, after some kind of treatment, endures a year or two of a sober life, then such a wife sometimes provokes his new breakdown or divorces him. This is because it is already quite difficult for her to live with a husband who is constantly sober and knows his own worth.

The feeling of guilt appears in alcoholics due to memory lapses that they experience while drunk. Under the influence of alcohol, he does something that he would never have done otherwise, or at least would definitely remember it. Alcoholics who have sobered up the next morning are afraid that they do not remember anything that happened, and some do not realize that they have forgotten something. Following this, feelings of anxiety and depression develop, which are not only tied to the state of a hangover. A person feels bad, but if he drinks, then he gets better, but not for long. So you have to drink again.

But if you drink constantly and in large quantities, then this state will happen in the course of drinking itself. Later, sleep disorders occur: it comes with difficulty, superficial, not refreshing, with dreams that are unpleasant in content. Then the speech becomes slurred, there are incoordination, unsteady gait. Sweating and trembling hands with a hangover are so strong that they interfere with work. All these phenomena disappear or soften after taking at least small doses of alcohol - "hangover". Another sign of alcoholism is a change in the body's addiction to alcohol and the loss of a sense of control over the amount of alcohol consumed, that is, in order to cause a state of intoxication, larger doses of alcohol are required. Other early signs of alcoholism occur with less consistency. Alcoholism is often associated with the development of chronic gastritis with a low content of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice; alcoholism certainly affects the appearance of drinkers.

But alcohol has the most dramatic effect on the nervous system. Of the diseases associated with alcoholism, alcoholic polyneuritis (multiple inflammation of the nerves) is more common, which is manifested by sensory disorders, and later by paralysis of peripheral nerves, as well as alcoholic encephalopathies (brain diseases) and alcoholic psychoses.

Consequences of alcoholism

The consequences of single cases of alcohol consumption depend on the degree of alcohol intoxication. In the initial stage of alcohol intoxication, the drinkers' own strength and working capacity seem to be increased, although a number of experimental studies have established that even the smallest amounts of alcohol significantly reduce a person's ability to do physical and mental work. Representations lose their clarity and sharpness, the finest details and the relationships between them escape attention, fatigue sets in faster.

A mild degree of alcohol intoxication is usually characterized by an increase in mood, verbosity, a decrease in self-criticism, instability of attention, impatience, and other signs of a predominance of mental excitation over inhibition. At the same time, slight excitability appears with the loss of subtle physiological mechanisms that in everyday life constantly and with great accuracy regulate human behavior and individual actions. You can also observe some neurological and autonomic disorders (impaired coordination of fine movements and increased heart rate and respiration, respectively). A person becomes more carefree, careless, speaks and acts more casually and less circumspectly.

With moderate intoxication, good health and cheerful mood are replaced by dull indifference, but most often by irritability, rudeness and outbursts of anger; at the same time, thinking is slowed down, judgments become primitive, speech is slurred and indistinct, and behavior is tactless and loose. Neurological disorders during moderate intoxication are manifested in a weakening of pain and temperature sensitivity, the color of the face becomes pale, coordination disorders appear, a wobbly gait, nausea and vomiting often occur.

When drinking large doses of alcohol, a severe degree of alcohol intoxication can occur (when the concentration of alcohol in the blood is from 250 to 400 mmol / l), which is expressed in apathy, drowsiness (with subsequent loss of memory - amnesia), depression of consciousness, up to coma. Strong intoxication is also characterized by deep sleep, weakening of tendon, skin and other reflexes; life-threatening acute drop in cardiac activity and respiratory failure are possible. At higher concentrations of alcohol in the blood (up to 700 mmol / l), death from respiratory paralysis can occur.

The consequences of systematic alcohol abuse are persistent disorders that make up the picture of chronic alcoholism, accompanied by mental disorders and leading to personality degradation. Chronic alcoholism, like any other chronic disease (gastric ulcer, coronary heart disease), is incurable and prone to progression (aggravation of symptoms). With regular alcohol intake, gradually and, sometimes, imperceptibly for a person, there is a shortening of "light intervals" - intervals when a person does not drink, and lengthening of periods of alcoholization. Drinking starts to flow more heavily. Subsequently, convulsive seizures, mental disorders - hearing and vision disorders - visions, hallucinations, constant anxiety, anxiety often join. The work of the cardiovascular system is disrupted, the pressure rises sharply, the heartbeat quickens, pains appear in the region of the heart. Accompanied by severe headache and sleep disturbances. Liver functions are impaired.

At the same time, a change in personality traits, often imperceptible to the drinking person, occurs. All actions and deeds become directed towards the intake of alcohol, all interests and hobbies are reduced to this goal. Gradually, work and family fade into the background, which often leads to their loss and destruction. Other consequences of alcoholism occur with less consistency.

Alcoholism is often associated with the development of chronic gastritis with a low content of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, cirrhosis of the liver, in which its functional elements are replaced by fat. By the way, cirrhosis of the liver, which developed as a result of other diseases, acquires a malignant course with alcoholism. Alcoholism contributes to the more rapid development and malignant course of vascular diseases, such as hypertension.

As a result of alcoholism, edema, shortness of breath, an unhealthy complexion appear, the absorption of vitamins is disturbed, which causes wrinkles to appear prematurely, nails break, teeth and hair fall out; the skin loses its elasticity and acquires an earthy color. Alcoholism certainly affects the appearance of drinking people.

Alcohol poisoning->

Alcohol, as one of the necessary intermediate products of metabolism, is present in the body of any person, even the most inveterate teetotaler. Usually its amount in the blood is negligible. To achieve at least a mild stage of intoxication, this amount should increase three to four times, and for a severe stage - ten or more times. Alcohol intoxication depends not only on the dose of alcohol taken, but also on the time elapsed from that moment, on the biological and psychological characteristics of a person who has undergone alcohol intoxication. If you drink alcohol in doses exceeding the natural need, you can get serious poisoning, which can lead to death.

beer alcoholism

The mechanism of development of beer alcoholism is largely based on the active advertising of beer. Moreover, in accordance with the Law “On State Regulation of the Production and Turnover of Ethyl Alcohol in Alcoholic and Alcohol-Containing Products”, beer is excluded from the list of alcoholic products (article “Basic Concepts”). Therefore, beer alcoholism is especially developed in countries famous for the production of this intoxicating product, for example, such as Germany or Czechoslovakia.

Beer alcoholism develops from excessive drinking of beer, that is, a person can simply become an alcoholic without even knowing it. For example, someone who does not drink wine or vodka, but drinks several liters of beer every day, can be considered an alcoholic. According to the content of ethyl alcohol, four liters of beer is equivalent to a bottle of vodka, and the depth of poisoning depends precisely on the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood. A small volume of a drink with a large strength gives a quick intoxication. And if the same bottle of vodka is diluted, for example, with water or juice up to four liters, then intoxication will be less, since ethyl alcohol is absorbed into the blood gradually, that is, much more slowly, but its total amount remains the same. And a daily bottle of vodka (200 grams of alcohol) or four liters of beer is already alcoholism.

This turn of events may be an unexpected discovery for people who do not understand what intoxication is or have never thought about it. Often such people do not recognize themselves as alcoholics, denying words like “I’m drunk from a bottle of vodka, and only my eyes turn red from beer, and I want to go to the toilet,” although in fact they have a pronounced alcohol addiction. The worst thing is that even schoolchildren begin to taste beer. Beer is openly promoted, readily available and relatively cheap. That is why even schoolchildren and students can afford to drink beer, who during the day (during breaks or breaks between lectures) drink several bottles of beer without thinking about the consequences at all.

Carbonated cocktails, which actually do not have any of the ingredients that are listed on the cans: no rum, no real gin, no natural juices, are no better. According to teenagers, beer and cocktails simply change the mood for the "better" side, do not particularly interfere with thinking, allowing you to "quite tolerably" control your body, and therefore do not cause a serious attitude. But, as it often turns out, within a year and a half after the regular use of these low-alcohol drinks, it is no longer possible to live without alcohol.

Most often, alcoholism does not begin with vodka or moonshine. He starts with beer, wine, which can be compared to a weak drug (marijuana), and vodka in this case should be compared to a hard drug (heroin). But at the same time, the mechanisms of dependence in both cases are developed in the same way. As soft drugs are gradually replaced by strong ones, so beer alcoholism invariably leads to ordinary alcoholism. You can't be a little pregnant. Either a person does not use anything at all, or he still uses - and it does not matter what and in what doses. With all this, fighting the craving for beer is much more difficult than the craving for vodka.

Beer alcoholism is a very serious disease that does not let go and is difficult to treat. After a long time, the patient will want to inhale this aroma again, feel this taste, feel this deep relaxing effect, this self-confidence and this peace. But beer alcoholism can be cured.


An alcoholic is a person who systematically consumes alcohol, is mentally and physically dependent on alcohol. About 10 percent of people who drink alcohol become alcoholics. They often develop pathology of internal organs, metabolic disorders in the body, damage to the central and peripheral nervous system. These irreversible changes occur in the body due to the systematic use of alcohol. This means that for the rest of your life you remain ready to resume the whole picture of alcoholism at the very first entry of alcohol into the body, even if this happens many years and even decades after giving up alcohol. Alcoholism manifests itself in a constant need for intoxication, mental disorder, neurological disorders, changes in the functioning of internal organs, a decrease in efficiency and, as a result, in the loss of social ties and progressive degradation of the personality.

To achieve a comfortable psychological state from intoxication, an alcoholic needs an increasing dose of alcohol. An alcoholic loses dose control: a person intends to drink a little, and as a result gets drunk. Such people are characterized by drunken states, when a person is forced to drink alcohol without a break from several days to several weeks without any external reasons, that is, a person drinks regardless of whether he wants it or not. Contrary to popular belief, alcoholism is not a consequence of the patient's lack of willpower. Not only weak-willed, weak people can become alcoholics, but also those who achieve success, know how to cope with problems, know how to win. It's not that the will is weak, but that the enemy is strong.->

The late stages of alcoholism are characterized by a severe hangover after drinking alcohol, poor health, irritability, and malice. During the so-called binge, when a person drinks every day for many days, or even weeks, pathological phenomena are so pronounced that medical assistance is required to eliminate them. If a person does not agree to treatment, it is necessary to make repeated attempts to convince him of the need for treatment, uniting the efforts of all interested and significant people for the patient (relatives, friends, spouses, children, employees). There is a specially developed method of encouraging an alcoholic to seek help, which is called "intervention". Each of the participants in this method (and these are significant and authoritative people for the patient) try to help the alcoholic to realize the existence of a problem, reporting on those changes in him and changes in their lives that are caused by the use of alcohol by the patient. The method involves the participation of a psychotherapist to coordinate and dose the efforts of the actors, and when the patient realizes his position, his problem, he is treated in a particular medical institution.

Female alcoholism

Often we see male alcoholics and quite rarely women. And this is understandable, because until the last moment the woman is trying to hide her “connection” with the bottle from others. Because if a man drinks, it is believed that he needs help to return to a sober life, and most often the women around him take on this burden, but if a woman drinks, then everyone condemns her and everyone turns away from her. This unfair public opinion towards a woman, formed over many centuries, is recorded in us at a subconscious level. That is why female alcoholism is more dangerous.

But what pushes a woman to take a bottle? First of all, it is loneliness. Oddly enough, women who are very self-confident in their youth and successful in business ladies begin to get involved in drinking. And although they have everything: a great job, interesting men, a car, an apartment and other benefits, they do not have children, because their professional activities have distracted them from starting a family. It is very difficult to get married after 35 years, it is even more difficult to give birth to the first child. Even if some of them have children, when they grow up, relationships with them, as a rule, do not add up due to the fact that there was simply no time to raise them at one time. But one day the business ceases to occupy all thoughts or burns out, and no one is waiting in an empty luxurious house.

The wives of successful businessmen also fall into the risk group. They, unlike the previous version, have a full bowl - they have a house, a husband, and children. But the situation is very similar: the husband is practically only busy with work, the children are at school or in kindergarten. And the hostess of the house has absolutely no one to "give" herself. There is no one to take care of her, to see what she does while staying at home alone. This pushes for treason or for drinking. First, pleasant and uplifting cocktails, then expensive wine…

It happens quite the opposite. A woman devotes herself to raising children, often sacrificing her career in the process. And when the spouses approach the forty-year milestone, the wife ceases to be interesting to her husband. Obeying his masculine instincts, he goes in search of a more interesting and young partner, and the marriage breaks up. Children grow up, they have their own interests. And the woman is left alone - unoccupied and not needed by anyone. Longing and hopelessness exhaust the soul and body, I want to be distracted even for a minute. Bad thoughts gnaw and gnaw, making it difficult to fall asleep. To drown them out, you need to drink a little alcohol. A woman drinks at home, in the kitchen, away from prying eyes - and her mood improves. But tomorrow the melancholy will return again, and you will want to repeat everything all over again. And it went and went, and the further, the more. Such a plot often develops against the background of menopause, which in some women is accompanied by both physical and moral discomfort.

One of the myths claims that women's alcoholism is much more difficult to cure than men's. Yes, women get addicted to alcohol faster. Often, although not always, the female body is destroyed faster under the influence of large doses of alcohol. Although the stage of development of the disease, when the result of constant alcohol consumption is reflected in the appearance of the drinker, is treated much more difficult than the initial stage, in general, the mechanism for the development of the disease, and the mechanism for its cure, is the same for both men and women. But more than a man, a woman needs support, understanding and care, not only during the treatment process, but also after it. And it turns out that thanks to the prevailing public opinion, this is precisely what she receives the least.

Treatment of alcoholism ->

Simple hangover cures->

To start treatment, a complete abstinence from alcohol for a period of at least three to four days is required. During the entire course, the intake of alcohol in any form is unacceptable, and attendance at events that encourage drinking should be sharply limited.

A hangover is a sign of incipient alcoholism. There are many recipes to restore health after a heavy libation. The most important thing is not to start the morning with a glass of wine or a bottle of beer: this is the right way to binge!

Pour 20 drops of mint alcohol into a glass of water and drink immediately. After 1-2 minutes, there will be complete relief from the traces of yesterday's drunkenness.

Pour 5-6 drops of ammonia into a glass of cold water. Give a drink to a drunk, and if he is not able to drink, then pour it into his mouth, unclenching his teeth.

Take the head of the drunk lying on his back so that the palms of the hands are placed on the ears. Then quickly and strongly rub both ears. A rush of blood to the head will bring the lying person to consciousness, and he will be able to speak meaningfully.

The simplest and most effective way to cure a hangover is an enema, because a hangover is a consequence of severe alcohol poisoning. Enema also helps to cleanse the body. However, it is better to do it before bed.

Exercise can also help with hangovers. This is due to the acceleration of blood circulation in the body, as a result of which toxins are eliminated faster (depending on the severity of the loads, up to several times faster). An additional advantage of physical activity can be considered that it distracts from thoughts about the severity of a hangover, takes moral questions to the background, suppresses such phenomena as fear, uncertainty inherent in a person in a state of a hangover.

Another effective way to get rid of a hangover is breathing exercises. In Russia, the method of cleaning the body's lungs with the help of respiratory procedures has been used by clergy for centuries. Breathing exercises can help you get rid of headaches and thirst, and a cold shower after them will cheer you up even more. To do this, first of all, you need to go out into clean air and take a deep breath. It is best to do this while sitting. Moreover, inhalation should be done not with the chest, but with the stomach. Without releasing the collected air, continue to inhale through the chest. Then continue to inhale, lifting your shoulders. Exhale in reverse order. The approximate duration of one cycle is 15 seconds, you need to repeat all this 6-10 times. If during the performance of these exercises the head begins to feel dizzy from oxygen, then the sobering procedure should be postponed for 10 minutes. Then you need to douse yourself with cold water or take a cool shower.

The disadvantages of this method include poor ecology, weather conditions and, most importantly, the complex structure of inspiration. After all, not everyone with a hangover has a high efficiency, and even more so mental. So some will not be able to use this method.->

A contrast shower, bath, inhalation of sage, wormwood, geranium, cedar, cloves or daily baths with them will help you quickly get rid of alcohol intoxication and restore lost strength.->

To maintain the overall tone, ginseng, golden root, zamaniha and other tonics are suitable, but not in the form of alcohol tinctures, but in the form of infusions of a tablespoon before meals in the morning and at lunchtime. They are good to use in a mixture with honey, apilac, lemon juice, crushed walnuts and dried apricots. As a biogenic stimulant, liquid aloe extract is suitable. Mix 50 g of it with 100 g of rosehip extract, with the juice of three lemons and 150 g of honey. Take two tablespoons before meals three times a day for a month.->

To cleanse the body, polyphepan is used - a tablespoon three times a day before meals for a week and heptral - up to 4 tablets after meals for 2-4 weeks. Plentiful drinking of natural juices, tea, especially green tea, coffee, mineral water, but not cola. Milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, yoghurts, cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits are mandatory in the diet. Low-fat meat, vegetable oils are not excluded, and fried, garlic and other spices should be refrained from.-\u003e

Vitamins in doses higher than preventive ones play an important role in treatment. Ascorbic acid 0.1-0.5 g per day, nicotinic acid from 0.05 to 0.2 g and vitamin -> Bis-> 0.05-0.1 g three times a day for 20-40 days. Other vitamins are also needed in combination with trace elements. Safe and effective domestic complex "Vitamineral".->

Treatment Methods->

Inpatient treatment in narcological wards of psychiatric hospitals and specialized narcological hospitals is especially suitable for those who drink constantly and cannot stop. There can be no doubt that in the hospital the patient will be brought back to normal and he will have enough time to calmly reflect on his future life.

In order to get to inpatient treatment, you need to take a referral to the district narcological dispensary, which means automatic registration, which will not be so easy to withdraw from in the future.

Blockade of alcohol is a method of treating alcoholism, which involves a complex effect on the main pathological links in the development of the disease. These links include mental dependence (craving for alcohol, a feeling of desire to drink) - after treatment, cravings decrease, an aversion to alcohol is formed. The link of physical dependence (the main link in the development of alcoholism, contributing to the manifestation of relapses, that is, hard drinking, and aggravation of the severity of the disease) - after treatment, persistent alcohol intolerance is created, violation of the sobriety regime causes a sharp negative psychosomatic reaction, up to severe consequences, which is extremely difficult for a person to tolerate and makes it impossible to take alcohol for the duration of the technique.

Neurophysical blockade is a method of treating alcoholism, when with the help of special equipment electromagnetic impulses of a certain frequency, configuration and wavelength affect the structures of the brain and acupuncture points (biologically active points). As a result of treatment, “alcohol centers” are blocked, “alcohol memory is erased” (craving for alcohol is suppressed), irritability, malice, aggression are reduced, mood is evened out, tolerance to stressful and conflict situations is increased, night sleep is improved, appetite is restored, self-confidence appears. . Unintentional or forced consumption of alcoholic beverages does not threaten with serious consequences for health and life, but causes discomfort (possible development of a toxic-allergic reaction, weakness, headache, nausea, vomiting, etc.), which will prevent a further increase in the dose of alcohol.

Daytop (German: Deutop) is a modern method of treating alcoholism and drug addiction, used in a number of Western countries (mainly in Germany). The daytop system is aimed at developing in patients the so-called behavioral regulation and a conscious abstinence and anti-drug attitude, while prescribing any medications is excluded. Daytop is used in stationary conditions. The duration of the course is several months.

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese method of treatment, which is based on the impact on the biologically active points of the body. Due to the direct effect on the main conducting systems of the body (nervous, vascular, lymphatic) and indirect activation of the main control systems (central nervous system, neurohumoral, endocrine, immune), modern acupuncture is recognized as an effective method in the treatment of a wide range of diseases and allows achieving high rates. healing and improving the quality of life. The method of acupuncture does not give adverse reactions, unlike drug therapy. Under the influence of acupuncture, an increase in the activity of adrenal hormones occurs, vascular permeability and tissue metabolism change, and the rheological properties of blood improve. Activation of the internal reserves of the body, stimulated by acupuncture, contributes to the correction of metabolic processes and weight, rejuvenation of the body, helps to achieve successful results in the fight against bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse) and stress. At present, the basis of the individual selection of reflexogenic zones and points of influence, specialists use both deep knowledge of the most ancient methods, as well as the latest technologies, and the results of the latest studies of the leading institutes of medicine in the East and Europe.

The word "coding" was introduced by the doctor A. R. Dovzhenko. He called so the "new method" of treatment of alcoholism developed by him in the mid-1980s. In fact, this method has been used for a long time, in classical psychotherapy it is called "shock therapy". “Encoded” means to undergo a course of treatment for alcoholism using special coding methods. The purpose of such treatment is to instill in the patient a feeling of fear (or, conversely, reverence) in relation to any phenomenon, substance or person, as a result of which a phobic center is formed in the brain, psyche for a certain period. That is, a person stops drinking alcohol, fearing the development of health consequences that differ depending on the attitude of the psychotherapist (strokes, paralysis, etc., etc.). That is, coding is a psychotherapeutic technique. The “code” in coding is set by the person himself. However, the power of dependence on alcohol is very high. The attraction to its use often exceeds even the fear of mortal danger. Coding helps to hold on for a while, not everyone. It cannot be considered an independent method of treating patients with alcoholism. Rather, it gives some patients a gain in time, when they can start working on themselves, developing psychologically and spiritually, being included in one or another rehabilitation program. The method has a very important negative side - it is the substitution of one's own will and responsibility for abstinence from alcohol and behavior in general by an artificially imposed setting.

Biological coding is the most reliable method of radical treatment of alcohol dependence. After intravenous administration of the drug, to test its effectiveness, it is proposed to take a small amount of alcohol, that is, the incompatibility of alcohol and the administered drug is demonstrated. This method allows you to dispel doubts and instill patient confidence in the high efficiency and reliability of the anti-alcohol drug. Coding is carried out only in the conditions of the intensive care unit or intensive care unit, 3 hours before the procedure, food and liquid intake is prohibited.

Psychological coding is a method of treatment when a patient, immersed in a special state of consciousness with the help of special technologies, is injected into the subconscious with a code - a certain program for the functioning of the brain - this "biological computer", which restores the normal functioning of brain structures, normal psychological functioning, control of the individual over his own emotions, therapies, habits, and accordingly forms indifference to alcohol (drugs, tobacco, etc.), on the other hand, imposes a ban on their use under the threat of serious consequences for mental and physical health if this ban is violated.

Coding by the method of A. Dovzhenko is getting rid of alcohol addiction. The method was developed in the 1980s by the Ukrainian doctor Alexander Romanovich Dovzhenko. He became a real sensation. In medical circles, he was received with restraint, but popularity among patients grew like an avalanche.

Coding according to Dovzhenko is a session of anti-alcohol suggestion. Helps those who believe in the method and are well inspired. Contrary to popular belief, the procedure is harmless, although many fear interference in the psyche. When an example is given as evidence of how a former alcoholic became nervous after coding, that's another story.

The reason for nervousness is not in coding, but, as a rule, in the fact that a person agreed to treatment under someone else's pressure and psychologically turned out to be not ready to live sober, and therefore nervous.

The effectiveness of coding has recently decreased, which is explained by the peculiarities of the methods used and the qualifications of doctors. That is why a special computer encoding program "AddictVirtualKiller" or AVK was developed. Its author, psychotherapist and narcologist Andrei Kotlyarov, aimed to translate coding into a dialogue between a computer and a patient, in which the doctor's dishonesty is completely excluded. In AVK, a person is affected by several powerful effects, each of which acts bypassing consciousness on the brain, which means that it is impossible to resist the effect or "etch" the code on your own.

The method of treatment of alcoholism by Dr. L. Mayorov is a unique complex, fundamental, multi-stage rehabilitation, as a result of which physical and psychological dependence is removed. The purpose of the method is the formation of a new consciousness aimed at a healthy lifestyle, the return of spiritual and mental health. The versatility of treatment lies in the fact that it is aimed not only at removing alcohol dependence, but also at general health improvement, strengthening, cleansing and rejuvenation of the whole organism. Unlike other approaches, Dr. Mayorov's treatment excludes methods based on the patient's fear of possible negative consequences of alcohol consumption (torpedo, esperal, coding), which, however, are also harmless, of course, if the patient strictly observes the sobriety regime literally until the last day of the injection or filings. The positive aspect of anti-alcohol injections, among other things, is that immediately after the injection, the state of uncertainty disappears, the patient understands well that from now on, not a drop is allowed, the bridges are burned.

The main disadvantage of any coding and anti-alcohol injections is that after the expiration of the treatment, unfortunately, breakdowns often occur.

The method of treating alcoholism of Dr. A. Krylasov is based on the well-known fact that the human eye perceives 24 frames per second, and the 25th frame, bypassing the threshold of consciousness, is recorded by the subconscious. In 1957, a well-known American psychologist, a member of the American Psychological Association and the American Association for Market Research, James Vickery conducted a series of experiments in New Jersey movie theaters, which laid the foundation for the targeted use of the “25th frame effect”. As you know, Vaikeri installed an additional projector in the cinema, with the help of which the phrases “Drink Coca-Cola” and “Eat popcorn” were also projected on the screen during the screening of the film. These key phrases were displayed on the screen so quickly - only 1/300 of a second - that the human eye simply could not see them. The man was unaware that he was seeing this image. However, Vaikeri was confident that this information would be picked up by the subconscious. The results of experiments with brilliance confirmed this assumption. In those screenings where the extra projector was on, the sale of Coca-Cola in the cinema buffet increased by 17%, and the sale of popcorn increased by 50%. It turned out that the “effect of the 25th frame” is a very powerful means of suggestion. With repeated repetition, the information from the 25th frame is firmly established in the subconscious and, using a special training technique, can be brought to the conscious level. Later, the 25th frame was banned from advertising and election campaigns due to its high efficiency. And there is no such prohibition in narcology.

Anti-alcohol therapy - includes a whole system of therapeutic effects aimed at correcting various disorders caused by alcoholism: somato-neurological, mental and socio-psychological. The spectrum of alcohol damage covers a variety of conditions from mild intoxication to persistent toxic damage to many organs and body systems. Therefore, anti-alcohol therapy is rather complexly structured according to the principles, stages, tasks, targets and levels of therapeutic effect, methods of treatment and rehabilitation.

Conditioned reflex therapy - is reduced to the development of a patient's negative (emetic) reflex to alcohol. To obtain unconditional reinforcement, various emetics are used (apomorphine, emetine, decoction of sheep, thyme, emetic mixtures). In 1933, I. F. Sluchevsky, and then I. V. Strelchuk, proposed the treatment of alcoholism with apomorphine. This method is now widely used. The development of the gag reflex begins with the selection of the optimal emetic dose of apomorphine. First, 0.2-0.3 ml of a 1% solution is injected subcutaneously and, gradually increasing the dose by 0.1-0.2 ml, bring it to the required level, after which, after a few minutes, the first signs of nausea appear. During this period, the patient is allowed to sniff alcohol, and before vomiting it is recommended to take a small amount of it. Sessions are carried out daily on an inpatient or outpatient basis. Usually, after 20–25 such combinations, a conditioned reflex of aversion to alcohol is formed. Complications in the treatment of apomorphine, as a rule, do not happen. In rare cases, collaptoid conditions are observed, which are easily eliminated by the introduction of cardiovascular and respiratory center-stimulating agents.

Another method is the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) movement. In Moscow, the first AA group was founded in 1987. Now there are about thirty groups (in terms of the number of people covered for Moscow, this is a drop in the ocean). If you regularly go to classes, then the chances of living sober will be quite high. Information about AA can be obtained from any drug addiction dispensary. Similar groups exist for relatives of alcoholics (Al-Anon). In the classroom, you can learn how to cope with the heavy burden of living with an alcoholic.

To fight off cravings for alcohol -\u003e

Boiled crayfish->

Catch ordinary crayfish, boil them, remove the shells, crush them into crumbs, and then grind them into powder in a coffee grinder. Mix 2 teaspoons of this powder into food intended for an alcoholic. Before, during or after a meal, you should bring him a couple of shots of vodka.->

Such “feeding” should be carried out more than once or twice. It is necessary that not a single drunkenness pass normally for an alcoholic. When such severe vomiting is repeated for the second and third time, then on the fourth (or fifth ... tenth) it is unlikely that you will want to take alcohol.->

Puppeteer root (common pupae)->

1 teaspoon of dry crushed plant roots pour 50 g (1/4 cup) of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain, add boiled water to the original volume (that is, add enough of it to make 50 g of liquid). Throw away the roots, and store the infusion in the refrigerator. ->

Put 15-20 drops of this infusion into a bottle of vodka and “unobtrusively” slip the vodka on the “patient”. The result is vomiting, followed by an aversion to alcohol. By the way, the potion from the puppeteer can be added not only to vodka or wine, ->a and c-> food or tea (2 drops 3 times a day). If there is no proper effect, then the dose should be gradually increased, feeling for the upper bar. The maximum "height" is 10 drops. The indicator will be the appearance of vomiting after the intoxicant taken on the chest. And then, even if a person drinks “clean”, without “blotches” alcohol (that is, to which you did not add anything), then vomiting will still follow without fail. And in this case, it does not matter where (at home or outside) your alcoholic will meet his like-minded people - vomiting and everything related to it->

he can't escape the consequences. Naturally, the “culprit” himself is unlikely to guess why something is wrong with him. Most likely, at first he will write off these troubles for bad vodka. And then, after a series of failures, he will have a strong aversion to alcohol, and he will no longer want to drink.->

"Fish" vodka->

Take a live pike so that it still breathes (weighing about 250 g), place it in a liter jar and pour a bottle of vodka, then close it with a tight nylon lid and leave it to infuse for 7 days in a cool dark place (but not in the refrigerator and not on the balcony). Then strain the tincture 5-6 times through 2-3 layers of gauze. Pour into bottles and put them so that the drunkard himself finds them and drinks.->

Pike can be replaced with loaches (3-4 fish) of medium size, again alive. Pour them with a bottle of fortified wine or 0.5 liters of vodka. But no longer insist, like a pike, for 7 days, but simply wait until the loaches die in this “fill”. Then, after 5-10 minutes, strain, pour into bottles and give to drink to the ward alcoholic.->

As a rule, these drugs cause in their user an aversion to alcohol.->


Find a cobweb in the forest and dilute it in 0.5 liters of water. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink 1 glass of this water on the cobweb. In the afternoon, before dinner, instead of the notorious 50 g, drink 30 g of tincture of Rhodiola rosea (golden root): pour 50 g of dry crushed root into 1 liter of cognac, leave for 18 days (or pour 100 g of roots into 1 liter of vodka, insist in a dark place for 10 days), drink 30 g 1 time per day. The course of treatment is a month.->

Filling apple->

Eat 3-4 sour apples daily, chopping them first into gruel. But apples for treatment are not simple. They need to be stuffed with nails for a therapeutic effect: take 10 apples and stick 4-5 nails into each. Before use, remove the nails and “pass them on the relay” to other fruits. And this chain should not be interrupted for 6 weeks. With such a system, an extract of malic acid iron is formed, which is useful and necessary for the treatment of alcoholism and anemia.

If anyone decides to be treated with apples, then you need to keep in mind that with this method there are many dietary restrictions: you can not eat dairy products, eggs, salty and fatty foods, spices, peas and onions. Preference should be given to cereals, lean meat, warm fruit drink from cranberries or lingonberries, apples, lemons, sour varieties of plums, cherries, pomegranates. From vegetables, beets, carrots, potatoes are useful.-\u003e

Treatment with herbs, roots and mushrooms->

Alcohol addiction treatment has been around for a long time. Most often, various herbs were used for this.->

The experience of treating alcoholism with herbs deserves attention. Weed can be more effective than coding or sewing in a dash.->

By the way, herbal treatment is especially useful for those who have concomitant diseases. After all, traditional drugs for alcoholism, such as, for example, teturam, greatly harm the body, and especially the liver. But alcohol itself is a liver poison. Prolonged drinking often leads to jaundice and cirrhosis. Therefore, in chronic alcoholism it is necessary to protect the liver from the harmful effects. For this, in folk medicine, there are several proven recipes. For example, to cleanse the liver of toxins, use the powder of the root of the root - 0.5 g for 5 days.-\u003e

Dry the coprinus and mix the powder into food. They are dried on a -> frying pan (it is impossible to dry them like ordinary mushrooms - they disintegrate and turn into ink porridge). Freshly picked mushrooms should be put as soon as possible in a large shallow frying pan and fried over low heat, stirring constantly, until the water has completely evaporated. Then you need to dry and grind the resulting mass on a coffee grinder into powder. This powder should be given for 10 days every 2 days, 2-3 doses. If there is no effect, then gradually increase the dose, but it should not exceed 5 g (1 teaspoon).

Gray dung beetle is quite often found near barnyards, on manured pastures and vegetable gardens from early summer to late autumn. It is especially well known to the villagers, but most of them believe that if the mushroom grew on manure, then there is nothing good in it. Nevertheless, these ordinary-looking mushrooms are edible at a young age and have quite a decent taste.

In Western Europe, they are even considered a delicacy. For us, the dung beetle is of interest because it is the most affordable and cheapest anti-alcohol agent, acting like the patented Antabuse drug.

Harmless and tasty under normal conditions, this mushroom causes a kind of poisoning in those who drank a glass or two of alcohol, and then ate mushrooms. At the same time, they experience severe nausea, palpitations, reddening of the skin of the face. Having tormented a drinker a little, all the symptoms of poisoning pass without a trace. However, as soon as this person gets drunk in the morning, everything repeats itself. Thus, it is gradually possible to instill in a person a persistent aversion to alcohol, even without his knowledge.

Prepare the dung beetle as follows: put the cut caps in a deep frying pan or cast iron, add onions to them, salt and put on a slow fire without adding water. When heated, the mushrooms themselves give a sufficient amount of juice, in which they should be boiled for 45-50 minutes. After that, you can add them to the soup, fry, prepare the sauce, or even just marinate for the future.

Centaury grass (1 part), sorrel roots and rhizomes (2 parts), thyme grass (2 parts), valerian roots (1 part), dandelion grass and roots (1 part), tripartite herb (1 part). For 1 cup of boiling water, take 1 tablespoon of chopped collection, insist in a sealed container for 1.5–2 hours, strain. Drink with binges, accompanied by swelling, pain in the region of the heart, 0.5 cup before meals 3-4 times a day. The patient not only stops drinking, but also develops an aversion to alcohol.

1 part centaury, 1 part wormwood (herb), and 1 part thyme. Pour 15 g of the resulting mixture into 200 ml of boiling water. After wrapping, insist two hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.

In 250 g of vodka, put a lovage root and two bay leaves. Insist two weeks. Give an alcoholic a glass of this tincture to drink. Its action causes a strong aversion to alcohol, vomiting.

European hoof root in the form of an infusion or decoction is used as an anti-alcohol agent, mixing its decoction with vodka in order to cause an aversion to alcoholic beverages, but the patient should not know about it. Application: 5 g of the root is boiled for 5-10 minutes in a glass of water, after cooling the broth, imperceptibly poured into a glass of vodka and given to the patient. This mixture causes vomiting and a strong aversion to alcohol.

In 1977, the Pharmacological Committee of Russia approved the use of thyme herb as a means of suppressing the pathological craving for alcohol and reducing the “withdrawal” syndrome. Common thyme is a perennial fragrant shrub with a leafless creeping woody stem. In large doses, in combination with alcohol, thyme causes a nauseating reaction.

A decoction of thyme is prepared as follows: 15 g of the herb is poured into 200 ml of water, boiled for 15 minutes, the broth is allowed to cool, then filtered and topped up to a volume of 200 ml with boiled water. Treatment is carried out daily for 2 weeks under the supervision of medical personnel.

The use of thyme decoction for the treatment of alcoholism for 10 years by the staff of the Department of Psychiatry of the Belarusian Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education under the guidance of prof. A. F. Skogarevsky showed its high efficiency. The treatment relieved cravings for alcohol, eliminated various neurasthenic changes, and reduced irritability. Of course, any single remedy for the treatment of alcoholism has no independent value and does not provide a cure for this serious illness. Only an integrated approach to treatment, taking into account the personality of the patient, the dynamics of his illness, gives positive results.

A collection of herbs that has a detoxifying, restorative, multivitamin, tonic, sobering, diuretic effect: elecampane root - 4 parts, oregano herb - 2 parts, elder flowers - 2 parts, blackberry fruits - 2 parts, tansy flowers - 4 parts, thyme grass - 3 parts. Mix 1 tablespoon of a mixture of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 60 minutes, strain and take 100 ml in the morning and afternoon before meals for 1-2 months.

Other plants are also known to traditional medicine, often used in the treatment of alcoholism. These include club moss, a decoction of which has long been used as a means of regulating the activity of the nervous system, normalizing sleep.

The clubmoss has passed the test of time, he is a sheep, he is also a lycopodium. Evergreen, common throughout Russia in coniferous and shady mixed forests. Spores and grass are used. Grass is harvested from May to autumn, and spores in July - August. For treatment, a 5% infusion of 50 to 100 ml is used once a day. 15 minutes after ingestion, they are allowed to breathe with a cotton swab moistened with vodka. There is uncontrollable vomiting. Such sessions are carried out 5-7 days in a row.

Common ram is an evergreen spore herbaceous perennial plant of the ram family, 5-25 cm high with underdeveloped roots. In medicine, the aerial part (grass) of the common ram is used. The common sheep grows from Novaya Zemlya to the Carpathians and the Caucasus inclusive. It is also found in the north of Yakutia, in Altai, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the south of the Irkutsk Region, on the Kuril Islands and Chukotka. The herb contains an alkaloid, which has a strong emetic effect, and is used as a decoction for the treatment of alcoholism and smoking cessation. A decoction of sheep, taken orally, causes a general painful condition, severe vomiting, salivation, sweating, and lowers blood pressure. Nausea is aggravated by drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco. This combination leads to the development of a conditioned reflex aversion to alcohol and nicotine.

The ram is poisonous and caution is required. It is not indicated for persons over 50 years of age, patients with active tuberculosis, gastric ulcer, bronchial asthma and coronary artery disease.

In case of intolerance to sheep, one of the proposed fees is used.

1. 3 tablespoons of wormwood, 2 - St. John's wort, 5 - thyme and 1 spoon of lingonberry leaves.

2. 3 spoons of centaury, 5 - mint, 2 - rosemary, 3 - valerian roots and 2 - bear's ears.

3. 5 tablespoons of lovage roots, 3 tablespoons of violet, 4 - yarrow, 2 - lemon balm and 3 crushed leaves of noble laurel.

4. 2 spoons of juniper berries, 1 spoon of buckthorn, 3 - immortelle, 2 each - duckweed and motherwort.

Infusions are prepared in the usual way. In the morning, a full glass is drunk, at lunch and in the evening, half a glass throughout the week. Each portion drunk is accompanied by two tablespoons of honey and the juice of one lemon. Along the way, Trichopolum, otherwise metronidazole, is taken - three tablets three times a day before meals for 20 days, followed by maintenance therapy in smaller doses for 10 days. The drug is contraindicated in those who suffer from leukopenia.

All of the above is accompanied by a massage of points along the midline of the head. The first - three transverse fingers from the beginning of hair growth, the second - two fingers from the first and the third one from the second. Massage should be done in a gentle mode for ten minutes each clockwise, accompanied by the words: “Every day I feel more and more disgusted with all alcohol, the craving for alcohol disappears. My health is being restored. Wherever you are, whoever offers you a drink, there is no desire. Disgust and once again disgust for all alcohol. Strength, mind, energy are restored. The whole body works clearly, harmoniously. This self-hypnosis formula should be repeated as often as possible, especially in the morning and before bedtime.

Honey treatment

Recently, specialists from the International Center of Medicine have developed a special honey program for the treatment of alcoholism. They scientifically proved that honey in large quantities can stop drinking. A tablespoon of honey during a feast will ease a hangover.

The book of the American doctor D. Jarvis "Honey and other natural products" presents a very peculiar view of the problem of alcoholism.

A passionate desire to drink is associated in humans with a lack of potassium in the body. Honey, being an excellent source of potassium, significantly reduces the thirst for alcohol and, in addition, successfully sobers.

In folk medicine, there is a way to sober up people who are in a stage of severe intoxication with the help of honey. Every 20 minutes a person needs to be given 6 teaspoons of honey (18 teaspoons are obtained within 40 minutes). After half an hour, repeat the procedure. After sleep - 3 more doses of honey, 6 teaspoons each, with an interval of 20 minutes, then give a soft-boiled egg to eat, and after 10 minutes - again 6 teaspoons of honey.

The breakfast of a bitter drunkard is also peculiar - honey. Before eating, he is given 4 teaspoons of a sweet product, then a piece of meat and 1 tablespoon of tomato juice. For dessert - another 4 teaspoons of honey.

After such a honey blockade, the patient will no longer take alcohol in his mouth.


You can help sick people in the treatment of alcoholism with bee products: "bee bread" (perga), bee milk, propolis.

Suck bee bread like candy (it must be taken on an empty stomach). The main thing is that the result can be seen in a month and without high treatment costs.

Other ways to treat alcoholism ->

Vodka on the litter->

Half a liter bottle is filled up to half with dry chicken manure, filled to the top with vodka, infused for 3-4 days in a warm place, filtered, tinted with some kind of food coloring to deceive the eyes and given a drink. The drug causes severe vomiting of the drinker and an aversion to alcohol.


In addition to all other remedies for alcoholism, folk medicine recommends purified turpentine as a tonic and stimulant. But you should use it inside very carefully: only once a day. Reception begins with 5 drops. Adding 1 drop every day, bring the dose to 15 (and if the heart allows, then it can be up to 30), and then also reduce the volume to zero by 1 drop. Take turpentine on an empty stomach, adding it to water or milk. The duration of treatment is 1–2 months.


Pour 20 grams of red pepper powder into 0.5 liters of 70-degree alcohol, leave for 2 weeks, do not filter. Add 2-3 drops to each bottle of wine intended for drinking.->


Healers, on the other hand, considered forest green bugs to be very effective, which swarm on raspberries, and when you touch them a little, they emit a sharp unpleasant odor. They are insisted on vodka, they are given a drink to an unsuspecting drunkard, in whom the "medicine" causes a strong aversion to alcohol.-\u003e


In the complex of treatment, one cannot do without gargling 4-5 times a day for a week with a solution of gramicidin, 3 drops per glass of water. It can be bought at the pharmacy without a prescription.->