When the contractions start, what happens. Breathing in case of early exertion. What to do with contractions

The expectant mother needs to know in advance about all possible "scenarios" of the beginning of the labor process and have a clear plan of action for each of them.

In modern obstetrics, pregnancy is considered full-term at 38 weeks. Carrying a baby for more than 42 weeks is considered overweight. Thus, urgent, that is, the delivery that occurred on time, fits into the interval from 270 to 290 days of pregnancy. Only some women prefer to go to the hospital a few days before the expected date of birth - most are going to come there with the onset of labor, so it is important for the expectant mother to know what can be considered the beginning of labor. This moment is determined by two events - the appearance of contractions and / or the passage of water. Moreover, some childbirth begins with the appearance of contractions, some - with the discharge of water, and sometimes these events occur simultaneously.

Scenario one. Contractions have begun

Contractions - these are rhythmic contractions of the uterus. They feel like a feeling of pressure in the abdomen that can occur throughout the abdomen. A pregnant woman can feel such contractions a few weeks before the birth of a baby: they are called harbingers, or false, contractions.

False contractions- This is a kind of training of the muscles of the uterus before childbirth. With them, the expectant mother, in response to the movement of the fetus or physical activity, periodically feels the tension of the abdomen, it seems to "drive" it, to the touch it becomes harder than usual, and pulling sensations in the lower abdomen or lower back may occur. They do not cause much discomfort, more often these sensations are painless, irregular, quickly pass at rest and when taking antispasmodics - NO-SHPY, PAPAVERIN, MAGNE B6.

The purpose of precursor contractions is to prepare the muscles of the uterus and birth canal for childbirth: they contribute to the maturation of the cervix.

True fights- This is a contraction of the uterine muscle, which causes shortening and dilation of the cervix by stretching its circular muscles. With each contraction, the cervix is ​​shortened, then smoothed. At the same time, the canal, or opening, of the cervix is ​​stretched - it opens. A fetal bladder is introduced into it, expanding the pharynx like a hydraulic wedge. True contractions increase in frequency, strength, and duration over time. They occur regardless of body position, antispasmodic intake, without connection with physical activity, at any time of the day or night.

Is the pain during labor intense?

Due to the contraction of the muscles of the uterus during contractions and pressure on the cervix of the fetal bladder or the presenting part of the fetus after the discharge of amniotic fluid, the cervix is ​​shortened to smooth out. This continues for 4-6 hours and is called the latent phase of labor.

At first, true contractions are weak and not painful, the intervals between them are about half an hour, although longer or shorter intervals are possible. The contractions of the uterus themselves last 5-10 seconds. Gradually, the intensity and duration increase, and the intervals between them decrease. The abdomen is relaxed between contractions.

Pain during labor is caused by the opening of the cervix, compression of the nerve endings, and tension of the uterine ligaments. Sometimes the first tremors are felt in the lumbar region, then spread to the abdomen, become encircling. Pulling sensations can occur in the uterus itself, and not in the lumbar region. Pain during labor when a woman is unable to relax or find a comfortable position resembles pain during menstruation. Its strength depends on the individual characteristics of the threshold of pain sensitivity, the emotional mood of the woman and her attitude towards the appearance of the child. It is important not to be afraid of childbirth, because the whole process takes only a few hours, and labor pain is quickly forgotten.

You can often hear from women giving birth that the contractions were either completely painless, or the pain was quite bearable. The fact is that during contractions, the body secretes its own pain relieving substances. In addition, the techniques of relaxation and proper breathing learned during pregnancy help to get rid of painful sensations.

If the contractions have begun ...

The woman has a little time to shower, put on clean underwear, trim her nails and rinse off the nail polish. For many expectant mothers, shaving the crotch upon admission to the hospital is a very unpleasant moment. However, this procedure is necessary, since it allows you to control the degree of stretching of the perineum during childbirth, to prevent its rupture, and in case of injury, it is better to match the tissues when suturing. Feelings of embarrassment can be avoided by shaving yourself at home. To do this, you need to take a completely new razor and treat the skin well with an antiseptic solution - CHLORHEXIDIN, CITEAL, MIRAMISTIN - or antibacterial soap. If it is difficult for a woman to do this herself, you can ask her husband for help.

You should go to the hospital when contractions become regular and will go every 10-15 minutes. If a clear interval between contractions has not yet been established, but they are accompanied by severe pain, it is also necessary to go to the maternity hospital. If childbirth is repeated, then with the onset of regular contractions, it is better to go to the hospital right away: often repeated childbirth is rapid, so it is better not to hesitate.

Is it possible to move during contractions?

During contractions, you can choose a comfortable body position: you can lie on your side, walk, stand on all fours or kneel, swing on a large ball - fitball. It is necessary to monitor the duration of contractions and the intervals between them. It is recommended to remember, write down or mark on the phone the time when contractions start.

During contractions, you need to slowly, deeply and rhythmically inhale air through the nose and exhale it through the mouth. If the contractions become very violent, frequent shallow breathing will help, in which you also inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

From the very beginning of the contraction, stroking the lower abdomen should be performed. fists or open palm on both sides of the spine, up and down, to the base of the tailbone. After a contraction, there is always a period of time when there is no pain, you can relax and rest. It is necessary to empty the bladder regularly to stimulate contractions.

What should not be done during contractions?

During contractions, you must not sit and lie on your back. In the supine position, the pregnant uterus compresses large vessels, in particular the aorta and the inferior vena cava, which leads to a deterioration in the return of blood to the heart and a drop in blood pressure. This is accompanied by a violation of the blood supply to all organs of the pregnant woman, including the placenta and, as a result, oxygen starvation of the fetus. This is what is called the inferior vena cava syndrome. In the sitting position, the ratio of the pelvic bones changes, which makes it difficult to move the fetal head along the birth canal, and at the end of the first stage of labor can lead to fetal injuries.

You cannot eat during childbirth: this is due to two points. Firstly, in the first stage of labor - during contractions - in many women the gag reflex is excited, and a full stomach provokes repeated vomiting. Secondly, during childbirth, a situation may arise when the expectant mother will need an operation using general anesthesia. If, during anesthesia, the patient's stomach is full, then gastric contents may be thrown into the respiratory tract, which leads to very serious, sometimes fatal complications.

It is forbidden to take painkillers on your own: they will not relieve normal labor pain, but they can mask important symptoms.

You cannot stay at home in the following cases:

  • If appeared bloody issues... Uterine bleeding during childbirth begins due to the pathology of the placenta - its premature detachment or improper location. These bleeding are life-threatening not only for the fetus, but also for the woman herself.
  • If the expectant mother is worried about a headache, blurred vision, tinnitus, flashing "flies" before the eyes, nausea, vomiting, pain in the stomach and right hypochondrium. All this can be symptoms of a severe form of late toxicosis - preeclampsia... This condition requires immediate medical attention, and before it is provided, the woman needs complete rest in a dark, well-ventilated room with minimal noise levels. If left untreated, these disorders can lead to a life-threatening complication - eclampsia, which is characterized by the sudden onset of seizures and loss of consciousness due to cerebral edema.
  • If wiggling baby become very violent or, conversely, feel bad. Changes in fetal motor activity may be a sign of oxygen deprivation. In all these cases, it is necessary to get to the hospital as quickly as possible, ideally by an ambulance with medical assistance.

What should a husband do when labor begins?

Usually, the expectant mother tolerates the first contractions quite easily: they last 15-20 seconds and are repeated every 15-20 minutes. At this time, the future dad can talk with his wife about something abstract, create a reserve of good mood, joke and dream. You can help your spouse connect her imagination, such as imagining a contraction as a wave she's going through.

It's good if the future dad will be, especially if she gets out of rhythm. To tune your spouse to the correct breathing, you can first breathe in unison with her, and then gradually change the frequency of your breathing, and then the woman in labor will unconsciously copy the breathing of her spouse. To properly help his wife in childbirth, the husband needs to master the techniques of proper breathing, pain-relieving massage and relaxation even at the stage of pregnancy, which can be done in special courses to prepare for partner childbirth.

During contractions, you should remind your wife of techniques that relieve pain. You can try to save your spouse from unpleasant sensations yourself, massaging her back in circular motions from the lower back and below, or tapping your fingertips on pain points, stroking the stomach from the bottom up and to the sides.

A man can persuade his wife to walk around the room by inviting her to lean on his hand: walking speeds up the process of childbirth, this is especially important at the initial stage.

Before leaving for the maternity hospital, it is necessary to check that the wife has documents: a passport, an exchange card, an insurance policy, a labor contract (if any). If a contract for childbirth is concluded with a specific doctor, after the start of contractions, you need to call him.

For partner deliveries, the husband needs rubber slippers and specially prepared clean clothes - jeans or trousers, a T-shirt or a shirt. Also, you must have the results of a medical examination with you: what tests you need to go through, you need to find out in advance at the hospital.

Before giving birth, the husband needs to develop an algorithm for transporting his wife to the hospital. It is necessary to clarify the telephone numbers of emergency services - government and commercial. If the family lives outside the city, you need to ask how long it usually takes for an ambulance to get to the place of residence of the expectant mother. It's good if you have several transportation options and a car with a full tank of gas in stock. If the husband is often on business trips by occupation, then you should think in advance who will help the wife get to the hospital if childbirth begins in the absence of the spouse.

Scenario two. Send the waters away

Normally, amniotic fluid is poured out in the first stage of labor - until the cervix is ​​fully dilated, but not before the cervix is ​​dilated by 4? Cm. At the height of one of the contractions, it becomes tense and torn. As a result, the front waters are poured out, which are located between the head of the fetus and the membranes of the fetal bladder, in this case the volume of the released water will be small - up to 0.5 liters. If the fetal head is high or there is a transverse or pelvic position, then a lot of water is poured out - up to 1.5? L. When the fetal bladder ruptures, pain is not felt.

If the opening of the cervix is ​​complete, and the bladder is still intact, then the obstetricians themselves open it, since at birth the whole fetal membranes block the access of oxygen to the fetus.

Quite often, women have doubts: have the amniotic fluid or the mucous plug gone? Both those and other secretions are liquid and at first observation seem to be similar. But they also have significant differences.

As can be seen from this table, unlike the mucous plug, the waters are transparent, warm and constantly leaking. The outpouring of water before the onset of labor, that is, before the contractions, is considered prenatal or premature, and if they are poured out during regular contractions, but with insufficient opening of the cervix, they speak of an early outpouring of water. Before the onset of labor, more often water flows away from multiparous women. In case of premature outpouring of water, the fetal bladder can burst high above the cervix, then the water slowly flows out, or maybe directly above the cervical opening, then the water will immediately leave in large quantities. Labor activity after the outpouring of water develops within the next few hours.

The placenta and membranes of the fetus are a barrier that is usually completely impervious to bacterial (purulent) infection. Throughout pregnancy, the fetus develops in a sterile environment. The pledge of this sterility, and therefore the intrauterine well-being of the fetus, is the integrity of the amniotic membranes. Immediately after the outflow of amniotic fluid, bacteria begin to flow from the vagina and cervix into the uterine cavity, the child is no longer protected from possible infections, therefore childbirth should occur no later than 12 hours after the rupture of the fetal bladder. For this reason, in the event of an outpouring of water, it is necessary to go to the hospital without delay, even if there are no contractions yet. It is necessary to remember the exact time of discharge of the waters and their color: this will help the doctor decide on the tactics of conducting labor. In case of premature discharge of amniotic fluid in the maternity hospital, prophylaxis of infection of the fetus is carried out.

It is necessary to pay attention to the color of the discharged water. Normally, they are transparent or light pink, odorless. The greenish, brown or black color of the amniotic fluid indicates that meconium - the original feces - has been released from the baby's intestines, which happens during oxygen starvation of the fetus. If the waters are colored with bright blood, then there is a high probability of placental abruption. In this case, immediate hospitalization is required.

Before the arrival of an ambulance or before leaving the house on another vehicle, the expectant mother needs to take a horizontal position and put a diaper under herself, since the water will continue to flow from the moment the water leaves. After the outflow of water, the head of the fetus is inserted into the uterine cavity and in some cases can press the umbilical cord. The position of the woman in labor, standing and sitting, speeds up the insertion of the head.

The rest of the recommendations are the same as those described when it came to contractions. If you are not sure that the water has departed, it is necessary to conduct a cough test: when coughing and straining the abdominal wall, the water will flow more strongly, and the amount of mucous plug will not change. If doubts remain, you should consult a doctor at the hospital.

What can’t be done?

Unlike when labor begins with labor, you cannot stay at home when the water is draining. This is associated with both the risk of infection and the risk of hypoxia - oxygen starvation of the fetus. You can not carry out hygiene procedures, this is also associated with the risk of infection of the fetus.

What should a husband do?

The main thing is to help my wife quickly get ready for the hospital. The dad-to-be should take care of the preparation of documents and bags and help his wife get dressed. It is better to deliver a woman with drained waters to the hospital in a horizontal position.

Have with you

Given that childbirth often begins suddenly, it is better in the last weeks of pregnancy to constantly carry medical documents with you - a passport, exchange card, policy, after 30 weeks - or a birth contract - after 36 weeks. You need to know or have with you the numbers of emergency services, a doctor, the address of the obstetric departments or other medical institutions closest to home and work.

The expectant mother should not rely only on herself - in the event of an emergency, it is necessary to seek help from others, warning about her condition. It should be remembered that police officers, subway officers, flight attendants and train conductors take medical assistance courses and may urgently contact doctors.

Maternity hospital bag

The expectant mother needs to separate the things that she would like for the time of childbirth, and separately - those that will be useful to her immediately after childbirth.

In the first bag you need to put a T-shirt or cotton nightgown, socks, washable slippers, a bathrobe, a small terry towel, drinking water, personal hygiene items - a toothbrush and paste, soap, a comb, toilet paper. Nothing else is usually allowed to be taken to the maternity ward. In some maternity hospitals, you can take a mobile phone and a player, a camera and even a video camera with you, but it's better to find out in advance.

The second bag should contain 2-3 packs of breathable sanitary napkins with high hygroscopicity, disposable mesh panties or ordinary cotton panties, a bra for nursing mothers, clothes - at the discretion of the woman. The baby will need clothes, baby diapers, baby cream, baby soap, compact packaging of wet wipes.

If in the first trimester you were worried about toxicosis, and in the second - a growing belly, then in the third, contractions are on the agenda. When will they start? What do they look like? Are they painful? Especially all these questions are of concern to primiparous mothers - although even women who have had a child or two often think about this, because the sensations during contractions are forgotten over time.

Yes, the contractions are not very pleasant. But, firstly, the more the pregnant woman worries about them, the more unpleasant her feelings are. And secondly, you can help yourself with a special technique that will relieve you of pain and help you relax.

How to recognize prenatal contractions?

So, the time of unity with the baby is approaching. You have probably been visited more than once or twice by the so-called "training fights", that is, false fights. For many, they appear from the 20th week. They do not really interfere, as they are weak, fast and irregular - but even if they cause inconvenience, you can save yourself by walking down the street or bathing in fragrant water.

Contractions before childbirth is another matter entirely. They are inevitable - and, interestingly, every woman has a different course. This is influenced not only by the mother's body, but also by the position that the baby has taken in her uterus.

For example, some women remember that at the "X hour" they felt unpleasant pain, reminiscent of menstruation - only gradually increasing. Others note that they were worried about a slight "nagging" in the lower back, flowing into a girdle pain passing through the pelvis and abdomen. In addition, the uterus becomes stony during labor pains.

Obviously, you may be wondering: all of the above is very reminiscent of the "sweatshirts" you already know. How to understand that training is over and now everything is serious? It's very simple - doctors distinguish two unmistakable signs:

  • the frequency of contractions and pain sensations only increase;
  • they occur with a certain regularity.

Typical onset of prenatal contractions: slight pain fetters a woman with large gaps in time. But instead of moving away, the pain comes back again and again, intensifying.

This natural process can be divided into three phases:

  • hidden (that is, initial),
  • active,
  • transitional (final).

Initial (also called latent) stage

It usually lasts about seven hours. The scrum does not "linger" for more than 45 seconds. A woman has about five minutes to rest between contractions. In this phase, the dilatation of the cervix is ​​between 0 and 3 cm.

Active stage

Its time is shorter - from 5 to 3 hours. Contractions are lengthening, now their duration is about a minute. The time between them is three minutes or a little more. In this phase, the cervix expands even more - from 3 to 7 centimeters.

Transient stage (slowing down)

The shortest, but the most productive. Long-term (more than one and a half minutes) contractions will "girdle" the woman in labor from 1.5 to 0.5 hours. The "respite" between them is almost a minute, or even less. At the end of this phase, the neck opens 7-10 cm.

Important: everything described above applies to the first birth. If a woman in labor carries a second (third ...) child, her contractions will also go in three phases, but their duration will be shorter.

So they started! What to do?

Realizing that this is childbirth, most of the "waiting" begin to panic. Stop! Leave the "nerves" to the future dad (he doesn't care yet there is nothing else to do). Well, your main concern now is to calm down, sit down more comfortably and start counting the time between contractions, as well as for how many seconds it "grabs" your uterus.

Prepare a notebook and a pen - write down your contractions.

Are there contractions every 5-7 minutes? Time to get ready for the hospital!

Some girls at this moment begin to think about childbirth, comparing their current state with what they will soon have ... You should not think about it, let alone be afraid.

Fear has large eyes, and from excitement, even the initial contractions will seem like something unbearable. Of course, fear does not have a remote with a red button that can easily turn off this feeling. But try to distract yourself by playing a movie on your tablet, for example.

When to go to the hospital?

Between your contractions there is about 20 minutes of "respite", and do they last quite a bit? Well, it means that your little one gives you time to dress calmly, pack your bag in the delivery room, call an ambulance. You can shower by asking your husband to back you up in the bathroom.

Has the interval dropped to 7 minutes? Go to the hospital. And even if this is only the initial phase, which can take several hours, there is no need to delay a visit to the doctors. Water can drain at any time - and after (if not during) this process it is highly desirable to be under the doctor's "wing".

Important! If the waters have already departed, the bath is contraindicated for you! Due to "water procedures" there may be a threat of embolism, bleeding, infection.

How to relieve labor pains?

Don't want to endure the pain? Do you have a low pain tolerance? You can ask your doctor about anesthesia... True, this should be done only in the most extreme cases - the medicine can negatively affect both you and the child.

Much safer to learn breathe correctly during childbirth. A special breathing technique will help you relax. It is worth mastering it in advance, and if possible, write it down in a notebook or on a mobile phone - in case something is forgotten in stressful conditions. Is the fight starting? Concentrate on exhaling, "releasing" not only the air, but also the pain. Shout if you want (you won’t surprise anyone in the maternity hospital) - it will become easier.

Will help you and massage... Are you having a partner birth? Ask your loved one to gently massage your lower back in a circular motion. At the same time, stand with your hands on the bed / chair, or sit with your back to your husband.

Psychological attitude is also important. Introduce your toddler. Think that it is difficult for you - and it is even more difficult for him, because he is so small ... Your task is to give birth as quickly as possible, because this will help him. Rest when contractions recede. It is not worth while during "relaxation" to internally strain, waiting for the onset of a new fight. So you will only get tired, not even reaching the third phase - and you will need strength during childbirth.

Do not be afraid of anything! Your body knows what to do - and the doctor knows how to help it. Everything will work out for you, and soon you will finally look into the eyes of your newborn. They will be the most beautiful in the world!

He who is forewarned is armed. That is why we want to answer all the questions that concern pregnant women or women planning to become pregnant.

Among pregnant women, the most common phobia is fear of labor pains! Perhaps only a woman who is about to give birth to at least the fifth can calmly expect contractions. And for pregnant women, for the first time, fear of contractions haunts until the very moment of "X". Sometimes fear is worse than the contractions themselves.

According to statistics, those who do not know anything about contractions are afraid of contractions.

What is it - contractions?

Contractions are rhythmic contractions of the uterus designed to push the crumbs (expulsion of the fetus)... During pregnancy, the cervix should normally be tightly closed. Before giving birth, with each contraction, the fetal bladder and the baby's head press on the uterus, due to which it opens more and more each time.

Labor pains may resemble pain during menstruation, but the main difference from the above is that labor pains have a beginning and an end, and between them there is a period of complete calmness (absence of painful sensations).

Sometimes, at first, lower back pain may occur, and then contractions appear.

False contractions

From the 20th week, women may experience some tension in the uterus, the so-called false contractions.

How to distinguish real contractions from false ones?

False contractions can occur after exercise or brisk walking. This is a kind of preparation of the body for future childbirth.

The main signs of false contractions:

  • false contractions are usually painless;
  • the intensity of false contractions does not change or fades away;
  • the frequency of false contractions is irregular;
  • the intervals between false contractions range from 10 to 30 minutes;
  • false contractions are not accompanied by the discharge of the mucous plug.

How to recognize real contractions?

Labor pains usually begin with mild pain or tension in the abdomen, get worse, peak, subside, and stop before the next contraction. They appear at regular intervals, and these intervals are getting shorter.

Along with the contractions, mucous discharge may occur. A little blood in them is perfectly acceptable. Do not be afraid of this. This is a mucous plug that closes the entrance to the uterus. But with severe bleeding, an urgent examination is required.

The amniotic sac ruptures under the influence of pressure at the time of the full disclosure of the uterus.

It happens that the amniotic sac bursts even before the onset of contractions. In this case, go to the hospital immediately after the amniotic fluid departed.

First stage of labor (preparatory) takes about 12 hours for first-time labor. For re-births, this period may be less by 2-4 hours.

When the contractions last about 2 minutes, and the painless phase lasts about 1 minute, you should know that labor is coming soon. Begins the last stage of labor pains. It is considered more painful, and many mothers fear it more than the birth itself. At this stage, attempts are added to the contractions. Attempts are contractions of the muscles of the abdominal wall and diaphragm.

How to behave during labor pains?

  • Try to relax. When stressed, muscles compress the uterus and interfere with the natural process of childbirth. Therefore, you should try to get rid of feelings of anxiety, anxiety and fear, as they cause tension in all muscles. Pain during labor pains is tolerable, especially since nature provides for the body to release its analgesic substances specifically for this process.
  • Try to sleep if you can... This also helps to relax the body, which means relieving discomfort;
  • You can also get rid of pain with the help of special breathing exercises. It is very important to breathe correctly during contractions. The child needs oxygen now. Today there are many courses for expectant mothers, where they help to learn correct breathing during labor and childbirth;
  • Get into a comfortable position: lying on your side, on all fours or knees. You can dance, make circular movements or jump on a ball;
  • Walking is especially helpful in the beginning. Walking promotes the opening of the uterus by 30%, which means it shortens the duration of labor;
  • Regular emptying of the bladder also stimulates labor pains;
  • Ask your husband to massage your lower back... There are different methods of massage that help relieve painful sensations, which are also taught in the courses;
  • You can take a warm bath it helps to relax and relieve discomfort;
  • Listen carefully to your midwife and follow her instructions.

What can’t be done?

  • During contractions, it is not recommended to lie on your back, as well as to sit;
  • Screaming is also undesirable: it does not relax, but on the contrary, strains the muscles. In addition, it deprives the child of the necessary oxygen;
  • It is forbidden to eat;
  • Never take analgesics and antispasmodics (medicines for pain and spasms) without a doctor's prescription;
  • You should not stay at home if contractions have become regular, at intervals of about 5 minutes.

Remember that contractions are an absolutely natural process for the body, the result of which will be your meeting with your baby. Tune in confidently and positively and help the baby to be born!

What were your contractions like? How did you understand that these are exactly the same prenatal contractions?

The closer the day of birth becomes, the more exciting the expectant mother's soul and the more scary the thought that labor will soon begin. In my head there are a lot of questions and complete uncertainty: what, when and how?

You can't panic contractions On the eve of childbirth
Mom-to-be Working out
Symptoms of false contraction support

When contractions start, don't panic. First of all, you need to calm down, take a deep breath and figure out whether these are contractions before childbirth or are they false. In order to understand exactly what is happening to you, you should remember the signs of contractions before childbirth, and then calculate the interval between them, since "false pains" differ from painful sensations before childbirth.

Signs of this feature

First, let's get acquainted with the symptoms of contractions before childbirth.

  1. A week or two before giving birth, most women experience a so-called "abdominal ptosis". At the same time, it becomes easier for the expectant mother to breathe, the gait changes, and it becomes uncomfortable to sit.
  2. One of the main signs of contractions before childbirth is the discharge of the mucous plug - this is a discharge that can be abundant or not very much, move away at a time or over a period. They resemble mucus in consistency, as the name implies.
  3. Feelings during labor pains are different from "false" sensations. In the first case, the pain will only intensify over time, and in the second, it may remain the same, and then disappear altogether.
  4. The frequency of contractions should be measured, that is, the frequency with which they are repeated. Only with labor pains will the frequency be severely reduced over time. If the option is false, the time between grasping the abdomen can either increase or decrease.
  5. The interval should be calculated, that is, the period of time that the contraction itself, the spasm itself, lasts. At the very beginning, contractions before childbirth last several seconds, reaching 1-2 minutes over time, while false ones usually do not increase in time.

You cannot panic during contractions.

Below is a small sign to help distinguish false contractions from labor pains.

ContractionsHow do they proceedInterval
FalseStretching in the lower abdomen, often without back pain. Grasping can be with the same strength or become weaker, and then completely disappear.There is no clear interval between contractions: it can remain the same, then shorten, and then lengthen again. The setting itself lasts for a different amount of time, without lengthening.
GenericIt starts with mild pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. Over time, the pain sensations increase, they no longer disappear before childbirth, if anesthesia is not introduced.The interval is clear, gradually decreasing. The fight itself lasts less than a minute; over time, this figure only increases. At some point, contractions last longer than the breaks in between.

How to relieve pain?

Here are some simple yet powerful ways to help you ease labor pains ahead of labor.

  1. Don't be left alone in terms of moral support. If your husband is not at home and he cannot come home soon, call your mother. If mom can't either, then do not hesitate, call friends, other relatives, even neighbors, if you have a good relationship with them. The main thing is that you feel comfortable with this person.
  2. You shouldn't be alone in terms of help. When you determine that contractions have begun before childbirth, you immediately need to go to the hospital. This is where you need help carrying the package to the car, or even just pulling in your jacket and putting on your boots.
  3. You need to move more. You should not go to bed, let alone sit on the sofa and endure, you still will not be able to sleep. You will have to endure for a long time, so it is better to go about your business in between grasping. During grasping, you need to try to find a comfortable position of the body, and in this position wait out the subsequent pain.
  4. Ask someone who is nearby to massage your back - massage of the lower back helps many.
  5. Breathing is a very long topic of thought. You can attend courses, watch videos of what contractions look like before childbirth, listen to the stories of friends. Most likely, before giving birth, you will only remember how to recognize contractions, and you will forget the rest. So just breathe, don't hold your breath, and try not to get hung up on it.
  6. A warm shower or bath will help you unwind, get some rest. The main thing is not to miss when the waters recede.
  7. Some women benefit from swinging on a fitball.
  8. During the grasping, you do not need to restrain your emotions or be ashamed of anything. This is your day: you want to cry - cry, scream - scream, go to the shower 5 times - go.

As a rule, doctors advise to come to the hospital when the interval between seizures is 10 minutes, and the duration of seizure is about 1 minute. This is the case for primiparous mothers. If you are worried, afraid, then it is better to go right away, since it is strictly forbidden for the expectant mother to be nervous.

It's time to give birth

It is better for multiparous people to go earlier, since all processes are faster for them. If you have the strength, then it is better to carry out some hygiene procedures at home on your own. As soon as the water has departed, you need to immediately go to the hospital.

Things for the maternity hospital should be collected in advance. It is better to prepare 3 packages: you will take one with you to the hospital immediately, the second will be brought to you by relatives or friends after the baby is born, and the third you will need only before discharge.

What is gripping?

Probably all expectant mothers are interested in how contractions occur, what sensations does a woman experience before childbirth? We can safely say that absolutely all childbirth and contractions are different. Even for one woman, the first and second pregnancies will be different, just like childbirth.

Let's try to describe what a woman experiences during labor before childbirth.

  1. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen.
  2. Drawing pains in the lumbar region, sometimes spreading over the entire back.
  3. Pain in the coccyx area.
  4. In the interval between seizures, pain may be absent altogether, or be insignificant.
  5. At first, when the interval between contractions reaches 20-30 minutes, a woman can go about her business, interrupting for a contraction, but the pain is very slight. You don't need any special posture or breathing at this stage.
  6. Each contraction becomes a little more painful. After 2-3 hours, the pain is already significant and you just won't be able to wait it out. You can breathe, sit down or bend over, depending on which position you choose.
  7. At some point, grasping will develop into attempts. During this period, a woman really wants to push, but this cannot be done without the doctor's permission. Restraining is really difficult, but you need to try very hard.
  8. The attempts do not last long. On the one hand, you feel relief after the contractions, since the sensations are less painful and completely different, on the other hand, it is really very difficult to restrain the urge to push.
  9. When the doctor permits pushing, know that if everything is going well, it will soon be over and your baby will be by your side.
  10. The very process of giving birth to a baby is the shortest in childbirth, it often takes 10-30 minutes, while the period of contractions can last up to 20 hours.

On the eve of childbirth

Methods for calling grapples

Sometimes doctors have to specifically induce contractions. Here are some of the ways they can take advantage of it.

  1. Inject a muscle relaxant drug.
  2. Suggest a no-shpa pill that also relaxes the muscles.
  3. Offer you physical activity, if time permits: walk up the stairs, reach up with your arms raised to the sky, or drive your car on a bumpy road.

Almost every woman goes all this way at least once in her life. Childbirth and contractions do not need to be afraid, it is better to prepare for them, both mentally and physically. Over time, they are remembered as something good and light, which was only the eve of the birth of your baby.

Find out, as well as the truth about

Pregnancy is coming to an end, and childbirth, no matter how scary it sounds for the expectant mother, is inevitable. However, the main frightening factor for women is not the birth itself, but the contractions during childbirth. The stories of grandmothers, mothers and girlfriends, about how difficult it was to cope with pain during labor, only exacerbate the situation.

In such cases, there is only one advice: to listen to others less, because each organism is individual, therefore any processes in it proceed in different ways. Some easily cope with the pain, others faint with a light injection. Therefore, in order to cope with fears, one should study the birth process and learn how to breathe correctly during childbirth.

Childbirth and their periods

Childbirth is a complex physiological process that completes pregnancy. Depending on the gestational age at which the birth took place, preterm labor (up to 36 weeks), urgent labor that occurred on time (38-41 weeks), and delayed labor (42 weeks) are distinguished. The process of childbirth itself is divided into three periods:

    the period of contractions or the period of the opening of the pharynx of the uterus;

    the period of expulsion - the withdrawal of the fetus (birth of a child);

    the subsequent period - the removal of the birthplace.

The longest is the period of cervical dilatation. At this time, contractions and accompanying pain are present. Most women consider the period of fetal expulsion to be childbirth, but normally this process lasts 5-10 minutes and is distinguished by attempts that follow from contractions. Thus, the fetus is pushed out of the uterus. The birth of the placenta is also a short-lived stage and is about 5-15 minutes, with a maximum of 30 minutes. From the foregoing, it follows that childbirth is not only the process of expulsion of the fetus, but also the period of contractions with the discharge of amniotic fluid and the birth of a child's place (placenta).


Contractions are involuntary uterine contractions, which are carried out thanks to the muscular layer of the organ. They occur regularly and are required to move the fetus out of the uterus. Contractions are classified as true and false.

A pregnant woman begins to experience contractions before childbirth (false contractions) a few weeks before the very process of giving birth. For the first time, such uterine contractions are recorded after 24 weeks. They are characterized by a short duration (from a few seconds to a minute), irregularity, the interval between shocks is from 10-15 minutes to 2 hours. False contractions that occur at the final stage of gestation indicate the imminent approach of childbirth. Such contractions of the uterus are also called training, because thanks to them, the woman's body is prepared for the upcoming work of the uterus during childbirth.

True contractions are the starting point of the birth act. It is impossible to let them go or not notice, such an opinion and fear is inherent in women who give birth for the first time. Firstly, the onset of labor is evidenced by the precursors of the process, of particular importance is the discharge of the mucous plug (usually 3-7 days before the onset of labor). Secondly, amniotic fluid may drain. Thirdly, contractions have characteristic parameters, knowing about which, it is difficult to doubt the beginning of labor, even if they are the first for a woman.

Contractions are required in order for the opening of the uterine pharynx to occur, since the baby's head will first pass through it, and then the torso with limbs. The uterine pharynx is the internal and external os of the cervical canal. During the normal course of labor, the uterine pharynx is closed and can pass the maximum of the fingertip. During childbirth, to facilitate the passage of the baby, it opens up to 10-12 centimeters. This disclosure is called complete.

In addition, in the process of the birth act, contractions ensure the movement of the fetus along the planes in the small pelvis. When the cervix is ​​fully dilated and the head of the fetus passes the bony ring of the pelvis and reaches the pelvic floor (vagina), attempts occur, which indicate the beginning of the next stage of the labor process. Contractions and attempts are fruit-driving forces, without which the process of childbirth is impossible.

How to recognize contractions

As mentioned earlier, contractions cannot be missed, even if the woman is giving birth for the first time. However, one should not trust films where such situations are quite common: a woman is in the last stages of pregnancy and suddenly, without the slightest prerequisites, labor activity arises, which ends after a couple of hours, and she is already a happy mother. Yes, such situations cannot be completely ruled out, but they refer to rapid childbirth, which lasts no more than 4 hours in primiparous women. If the birth is the second - two or less hours pass from the moment the uterine contractions begin until the baby is born.

True contractions begin (with a normal course) gradually and gradually increase, and the interval between contractions decreases. In order to understand that contractions have begun, you need to listen to yourself. Feelings can be very varied. Some people compare the contractions of the uterus to pain during menstruation, for others it is a stretching or pulling pain in the abdomen that spreads to the lumbar region, which eventually becomes shingles. True labor is the beginning of labor. In order to recognize labor pains, you need to know their characteristics:

    pain sensations increase systematically (gradually);

    contractions are always regular, with breaks at regular intervals;

    the duration of contractions of the uterus gradually increases, while the interval between contractions is reduced.

Another sensation that most expectant mothers describe during labor is the "uterine petrification" (especially if the pain does not bother much). This condition is easily identified by palpation. With the onset of labor, the uterus contracts and hardens, and by the end of the labor process, it gradually relaxes.

Duration of contractions

At the initial stage of labor, each contraction of the uterus lasts 10-15 seconds, while moving to the second stage of labor, the duration of the contractions is 60-90 seconds. The breaks between contractions are initially 10-15 minutes, as the process progresses, the intervals are reduced. In the tiring period, the break is 90-120 seconds, and in some cases even 60 seconds.

Phases of the period of contractions

Given that the cervical dilation is uneven and the fetus moves along the bone ring at different speeds, the period of contractions is usually divided into three separate phases:

    The first, or latent phase.

The beginning of the phase coincides in time with the establishment of regular uterine contractions, and the end of the phase is reflected in the smoothing of the neck and its opening to a diameter of 3-4 centimeters. The duration of uterine contractions in this phase is 20-45 seconds, and the intervals between contractions last about 15 minutes, the duration of the phase itself is about 6 hours. This phase is usually called latent (latent), since at this stage the pain is either mild or absent at all, respectively, drug anesthesia is not required.

    Second, or active phase.

Immediately after the opening of the cervix up to 4 centimeters, the active phase takes effect. This phase is characterized by rapid dilatation of the cervix and intense labor. It lasts about 3-4 hours, while the duration of the contractions increases to 60 seconds, and the intervals are shortened, to 2-4 minutes. If the cervix has expanded to a diameter of 8 centimeters, and the fetal bladder remains intact, then a timely amniotomy (opening the fetal bladder) should be performed.

    Third phase (deceleration phase).

It takes effect upon reaching the opening of the uterine pharynx up to 8 centimeters in diameter, and ends with its maximum opening. If contractions are present during the first birth, then the duration of the third phase is from 40 minutes to 2 hours. If the woman is in the second childbirth, then the deceleration phase may be absent altogether. Contractions of the uterus last 60-90 seconds, and the interval between repetitions is 1 minute.

Based on the information above, it is easy to calculate the total duration of contractions as well as labor in general. Thus, the duration of the first stage of labor for primiparous women generally ranges from 10 to 12 hours. If childbirth is repeated, then the distance of the first period is reduced to 6-8 hours. If the duration of the first stage of labor is exceeded relative to the indicated time, one should talk about protracted labor.

When to go to the hospital

Many are interested in the question: "When, after the onset of contractions, to go to the hospital"? Quite often, especially if the first birth is planned, women arrive at the hospital too early (which causes the mother to be overly nervous), or, conversely, are late. In order to avoid such situations, you should determine when it is time to call an ambulance.

It is quite easy to understand that the contractions have begun, especially during the first birth. Contractions of the uterus become regular, and the interval between contractions reaches 10 minutes, gradually it begins to decrease, first to 7 minutes, then to 5 and further. When the woman herself determines that the period between contractions is within 5-7 minutes, you should call an ambulance. With repeated births, the regularity of contractions is established almost immediately, and the intervals between contractions are rapidly reduced. Accordingly, a doctor should be called immediately, in order to exclude a rush with admission to the maternity hospital, when, with full disclosure of the cervix, just after arriving, you already need to be on the delivery table. In such cases, the likelihood of road birth also increases (this problem is especially relevant for large cities with difficult traffic ("traffic jams")).

In addition, you need to immediately contact an ambulance in such cases:

    discharge of amniotic fluid (very often this happens in a dream, and a woman, waking up, thinks that she has wet herself);

    suspicion of an outpouring of amniotic fluid (a light liquid begins to leak, or a light, odorless, rather liquid discharge appears);

    bloody discharge with clots, scarlet or dark color appeared (probably placental abruption).

The onset of labor with regular contractions makes not only a woman, but also her family members nervous and fidgeting. Thus, the bag necessary for admission to the hospital must be collected in advance, according to the existing list, so as not to miss something important in a hurry. Before the arrival of the ambulance team, relatives should support the expectant mother psychologically and set her up for a positive outcome of the event (quite often, upon the arrival of an ambulance, the doctor does not know who to help first, a woman in labor or her semi-faint relatives).

Relief of labor pain

This is not to say that the pain during childbirth is so unbearable that it would be easier to die than to survive. We repeat once again, to believe the stories of loved ones about how unbearable and painful it was for them during childbirth, that almost every second of them gave birth to one or more children. So it wasn't that hard. Every woman in her life must go through this natural process, because this is the only way to become a happy mother.

Undoubtedly, soreness, and sometimes intense pain will accompany the process of contractions and expulsion of the fetus. Yes, it is possible to stop painful sensations with the help of medications, but is it necessary for the unborn child. In addition, there are a number of techniques and recommendations by which pain during contractions will significantly decrease or disappear altogether.

How to relieve labor pain?

    Psychoprophylactic training.

This preparation begins in the second half of pregnancy. In the classroom at the antenatal clinic (the so-called "school of mothers"), midwives and a doctor explain in detail the entire process of childbirth and answer questions of interest to expectant mothers. The algorithm of behavior at each stage of childbirth, the technique of correct breathing to ease contractions and relieve pain is explained. The main fears of women come from ignorance of the process itself and the lack of information about how to behave correctly in a given situation. Competent psycho-preventive training not only eliminates gaps in the understanding of childbirth, but also sets up a pregnant woman for a positive outcome and meeting with her unborn child.

    Abstracting from fears.

You do not need to constantly scroll through the upcoming birth process in your head and worry about possible pain, or think about how to survive possible complications. If this is not stopped, a vicious circle is formed in which the more a woman experiences and fears, the more likely complications will arise, against the background of nervous tension. Childbirth should be expected not with fear, but with joyful feelings, after such a long bearing of the baby under your heart it is possible to see him and press him to the breast.

    Warm water.

If contractions have appeared at home and time permits, then doctors recommend taking a warm, but in no case hot bath (only on condition that the amniotic fluid has not departed). The warm water bath maximizes relaxation and relieves tension in the uterine muscles, resulting in smoother contractions and faster cervical dilatation. If the waters have already departed, you can take a warm shower. In the maternity hospital, a woman in labor is also sent to the shower, where she can relax under streams of warm water.

    Maximum relaxation.

If contractions occur at home, long breaks between contractions should be carried out in a state of maximum comfort and relaxation. You can turn on your favorite music, drink tea in peace (only if you do not have a caesarean section), watch your favorite show. The first stage of labor is very long (especially in primiparous women), so it should be used in order to gain energy and strength for the upcoming active labor.

    Active behavior.

Active behavior during the period of uterine contractions is the adoption of comfortable postures and walking during contractions. More recently, in obstetric practice, there were recommendations according to which a woman in the first period should be exclusively in a horizontal position, but today it has been proven that an upright position only accelerates the favorable dilation of the cervix and greatly facilitates the process of contractions. You can also make circular movements with your hips or swing your pelvis, dance.


The first stage of labor is most suitable for massage. You can perform self-massage, but it is better to involve your husband in this process. Light circular movements (clockwise) can stroke the abdomen. It is also allowed to massage the sacrum and lower back, pressure with fists on the sides of the spine and thumbs in the area of ​​the anterior upper spines of the pelvic girdle (they are easily identified, since the bones protrude here most of all).

    Correct posture.

At the moments of the fight, the expectant mother should take the most comfortable position for herself. You can lean forward and lean against the headboard or wall, while spreading your legs shoulder-width apart. You can squat down or get on all fours, and in some cases, raising one leg helps, as an option, you can put it on a chair and lean against the wall. Many maternity hospitals are equipped with special huge balls, on which it is convenient to lie or jump during the uterine contraction. The main thing when taking a comfortable position is not to forget about the correct breathing technique.

    We breathe correctly.

As mentioned above, proper breathing not only helps to reduce pain during labor, but also saturates the fetus with oxygen as much as possible. It is not advisable to scream during contractions, because, firstly, during the cry, breathing is held, respectively, the fetus does not receive oxygen. Secondly, screaming requires a lot of energy, which will come in handy during pushing. Thirdly, the child is simply frightened, because if the mother screams, then something is wrong.

    We are distracted.

A variety of distractions can help you to forget about or relieve pain. You can sing songs or read poetry, perform arithmetic calculations aloud, or repeat the multiplication table.

    Confidence in the doctor.

An important point for influencing the intensity of painful sensations is the trust in the attending physician. If the doctor for any reason makes the woman in labor anxious, you should ask the obstetrician to replace the doctor. However, the best option is to arrange in advance with the doctor whom the woman in labor wants to see in the role of the delivery person.

Correct breathing

Correct breathing during labor and childbirth not only eases painful sensations, but also relaxes the body as much as possible, saturates the body of the fetus and the expectant mother with oxygen, and promotes the rapid opening of the uterine pharynx. To our great regret, a significant number of expectant mothers are skeptical about learning the technique of correct breathing, not believing in the "miraculous" possibilities, such a simple thing as breathing, and, as practice shows, then complain about their skepticism in this matter. Correct breathing techniques are taught in "mothers' schools" (usually with antenatal clinics) for a period of 30-32 weeks. It is necessary to master this technique in order for the execution of movements to become automatic and in the future to facilitate the course of childbirth.

Breathing technique

Correct breathing primarily depends on the phase and strength of the contraction. It is very important to follow the rule: the more intense and longer the contractions, the more often you need to breathe. Correct breathing techniques:

    We breathe slowly and deeply.

This breathing technique is recommended for use in the latent phase of contractions, namely during the period when they bring only discomfort and do not cause pain. The inhalation is carried out quickly and shortly, and the exhalation is done as long and slow as possible. Inhalation should be through the nose and exhalation through the mouth, while the lips should be folded into a tube. Doctors recommend breathing in a count - when inhaling, count to three, and exhale, counting to five.

    Candle technique.

With a set of contractions of power and duration of contractions, it is necessary to begin to breathe frequently and shallowly. Inhalation is done with the nose, and exhalation - with the mouth, with the lips "tube". Breathing should be quick and shallow, as if trying to put out a candle. At the end of the bout, we return to slow deep breathing. The occurrence of light dizziness after breathing according to the "suppository" technique can be explained by hyperventilation of the lungs. In addition, shallow breathing promotes the release of endorphins into the bloodstream, which relieve pain.

    The Big Candle Technique.

This technique is applied at the end of the first period of labor. Inhalation is carried out with effort (as with a stuffy nose), and exhalation is carried out through almost closed lips.

    Breathing on early attempts.

When the cervix is ​​not fully open yet, and the head begins to descend, early attempts appear, which are contraindicated, since they can cause a rupture of the cervix. In such cases, it is necessary to change the position of the body (squat down or stand up), at the beginning of the fight you need to breathe in the candle technique, then inhale briefly and repeat the “candle” again. You should breathe at this rate until the end of the bout. It is recommended to breathe freely between contractions.

    The doggy technique.

Breathing is shallow and frequent, but the mouth should be open (exhale and inhale through the mouth).

    Breathing on pushing.

Initially, when pushing, we inhale as deeply as possible, and then push into the perineum, making efforts to push the child out. It is impossible to translate the pushing into the face, as there will be a headache and rupture of blood vessels on the retina. During the period of the contraction, you need to push three times. After the appearance of the child's head, you should stop pushing and switch to breathing according to the "doggy" method. At the command of the doctor, the attempts are resumed, at this stage the child is born.

Postpartum contractions are postpartum contractions. The fact is that after the baby is born, you still need to give birth to the baby's place (placenta, afterbirth). After the separation of the placenta from the uterine walls, pain recurs, however, its intensity is much lower than in the first period. In such cases, there is no need for strong attempts; small efforts are enough to leave the placenta.