When the child has to dress himself Komarovsky. How to teach a child to dress - working methods in an educational and playful way. Choosing simple clothes

Even if you are not going to send your baby to kindergarten, it is still necessary to teach him how to dress on his own. The sooner the child masters these skills, the easier it will be for him. How to properly teach a child how to change clothes on their own and fight against unwillingness to learn this business, we will tell in this article.

At what age is it necessary to teach a child to dress and undress on their own?

Already from 1.5-2 years old, children begin to actively show curiosity. They want to learn more and more information, help their mother with the housework, and, of course, dress and dress up. Do not shield your baby from this knowledge, this is the most appropriate age to start learning how to dress on his own. .

Svetlana Andreevna, 27 years old, mother of 2 children

“After bathing, let the baby put on her underwear on her own. When packing for a walk or visiting, let him try to slip his legs into tights and put on socks. Try not to help him unnecessarily. Let him dress crookedly, obliquely, on the wrong side - but he will try to dress himself.

The same goes for undressing. Tell your baby to take off, for example, tights or socks. Also, before bathing, ask to undress yourself. "

If the baby does not succeed or does not succeed at all, then help him before he starts crying.

Negative memories of not being able to do something will have a detrimental effect on further learning.

Olga Sergeevna, 34 years old, mother of three children

“Naturally, do not force a child at this age to dress or undress himself, if he categorically does not want to. Put everything into playable form. For example, say: "Let's play, who will take off the sock faster - you or me?" Children are trying very hard to win the competition, even at such a small age. "

Why is it necessary to teach a child to dress and undress by the age of three?

A child must be taught to dress and undress by the age of three! After all, it is at this age that he will go to kindergarten. Perhaps someone has it sooner or later, but still, at three years old, the baby should be able to put on and take off pajamas, swimming trunks, a T-shirt, tights, skirts or pants, felt boots or boots (sandals), a hat and a jacket (without even buttoning) ...

Anastasia Dmitrievna, 31 years old, mother of twins

“There are many kids in kindergarten, but there is only one teacher. He will not always be able to approach every child in time to help change clothes for sleep, and even more so when collecting for a walk.

Of course, if a child is not very good at coping with clothes on his own, warn the teacher about this, he will pay attention to his composure and, if dressing fails, help. "

Also, in a team, children will learn to dress faster, because childhood is a constant rivalry and gaining authority.

If you are not going to take your baby to a preschool, then you should also take care of teaching him how to change clothes on his own. By the age of three, a child should be able to do this. Success in further learning and his academic performance depend on how quickly the child learns to dress and undress. Each training must take place at its own time.

Teaching a child to dress and undress independently: where to start?

Of course, every business needs its own beginning. So it is for teaching the baby how to dress independently.

Anna Evgenievna, 37 years old, mother of many children

“If the baby does not show the initiative to start dressing on his own, then dolls, soft hares and other toy animals will help you. Sew or buy some of the most common pieces of clothing for these toys: dress, pants, shirt, T-shirt, and socks. Play with your baby, show how to dress and what to wear where.

When the matter gets off the ground, then when collecting for a walk, ask him to take a toy with him, explaining his desire by the fact that the toy is bored and also wants to walk. Ask the kid to dress this toy on his own, because you have no time - you dress him and yourself, and even a doll cannot go outside without clothes. "

Aliya, 29 years old, mother of two children

“Draw the child’s attention to how the buttons are fastened, how to put on the toy correctly and in what order.

After a few days, you will notice that the child has begun to show interest in his own dressing, because it's so great to help mom and be independent. "

For every success in dressing the same toy, do not forget to praise the baby, ask him to put on socks just as well, because you will not succeed as he does.

Also, dressing the baby, take your time, do everything slowly so that he can follow your actions and remember them.

Explain to your child why the T-shirt is worn under the T-shirt, and not vice versa. Also tell him why to fasten buttons and clasps, why to tie shoelaces.

Elena Vladimirovna, 41 years old, kindergarten teacher, mother of three children

“Develop the baby's fine motor skills of fingers with various buttons, balls, cord labyrinths. These toys are sold in a wide variety in stores. In addition to motor skills, they also develop logical thinking. "

Choosing clothes for your baby correctly

How correctly the clothes for the child are selected will determine his success in learning how to dress and undress independently, his desire to continue learning.

We have compiled the most common advice from experienced mothers, what you should pay attention to when choosing clothes for a child:

  • Do not buy clothes with small buttons for a 2-3 year old baby. ... The fine motor skills of the child's fingers are still poorly developed, so it will be difficult for him to cope with small details on clothes.

Output: if you still could not resist and bought the thing you like with small buttons, then replace them with larger ones or with simple rivets.

  • Buy clothes with your child, be guided by his choice ... It is simply impossible to force a child to wear things that he does not like. He will run away, scream, but he will not wear it, especially on his own. If you didn’t like what the baby chose, then remember: wear clothes not for you, but for him. It is easier to get the thing that the child likes than to force him to wear the one he doesn’t like.

Output: if there are things in the baby's wardrobe that he does not like and he does not want to wear them, then do not force. It's just that if you still catch him and force him to wear such a thing, then next time he may simply refuse to dress on principle.

  • Choose only comfortable clothes made from quality materials ... If the child is uncomfortable in the clothes, he is hot or cold in them, then you will again face a complete refusal to dress. And you can not even count on putting on such a thing on your own: children are distinguished by their spontaneity - “it's inconvenient, I won't wear it”. It is women who can run on uncomfortable stilettos all day, and the next day wear them again, and children do not tolerate inconvenience.

Output: uncomfortable, narrow and low-quality things, just remove. It is advisable to completely hide them or give them away so that the baby does not see them. Things that caused discomfort can trigger a bad mood.

  • Buy T-shirts, sweaters and pajamas with a wide neck so that the baby can freely stick his head there. ... This mom can just make an effort to shove the baby into the sweater. The child himself, after the first unsuccessful attempt to stick his head through the collar, will abandon this venture.

Output: if you bought a sweater without a baby, and when trying on at home, you noticed that the collar is tight, you can embroider it yourself, or make an incision on the collar, sew it over and sew on a beautiful button. The kid will be able to put on a jacket on his own, and button the button yourself or the teacher in the garden.

  • Buy shoes with Velcro, not laces ... A child aged 2-3 years will not be able to tie the shoelaces on their own. Way out: there are shoe models that have both lacing and a lock (or Velcro).

How to teach a kid to dress correctly: what should a child pay attention to?

Tights and socks This is the first thing you need to learn how to dress your child yourself. ... Children repeat everything after adults. Explain to the baby where the "back and front" of the tights is (by stripes: one in front, two in the back). Show where the heel and toe are at the toes. Show yourself how to dress these things correctly, let the baby repeat everything after you.
Sweatshirts, T-shirts and T-shirts Explain to the child that it is easier to put on these things, starting from the head, and then insert the pens later. ... Buy these garments with bold appliqués on the front and front so your little one doesn't confuse the sides and back with the front. Every time you start dressing, tell him that this is in front, because there is a drawing.
Shoes: laces and clasps The kid already knows why laces and fasteners are needed, all that remains is to teach him how to use them correctly. We have already said that it is better not to purchase shoes with lacing yet. Teach your child to tie knots on the strings, and buy such shoes only by the age of four ... The same applies to fasteners. Buy sandals with such a lock, but only wear them for a walk, when you can help the baby yourself.

For kindergarten, buy shoes with Velcro and zippers, it will not be difficult for a child to cope with such locks.

Left or right boot? This is also very easy to explain by the same fasteners or clasps, they are always on the outside of the leg.

Hats and cap ties In order for the child to easily remember where is in front and where is the back of the hats, buy them with a pattern on the front, show that there is a seam in the back.

It is better to teach a kid to put on a hat in front of a mirror, so that he himself can see how he is doing and what needs to be corrected .

Give up strings at this age, there are many hats with Velcro and tightening strings.

Lightning Now almost all jackets are made with zippers, so you have to teach your baby how to use them by the age of three. Learn to zip locks on undressed clothes ... Put the jacket on the bed and fasten and unbutton the lock with your baby. When he is good at it, continue learning on yourself (let him button the jacket on you), and then he tries to button himself.
Buttons and buttons When teaching a child to fasten buttons and buttons, explain to him that it is necessary for each button to fall into its own "hole", so it is with buttons ... Show how ugly and inconvenient it will be if you button them incorrectly. Choose clothes with large buttons and buttons.

What if the child refuses to learn how to dress and undress?

If the baby does not want to dress up on his own, then try to bribe him with a new toy or additional sweetness. Usually children go to this agreement.

Evgenia Savelievna, 31 years old, mother of two children

“You can start teaching him in a playful way. Say that tights and pants are such magical tunnels, and the baby's legs are trains. Turn on your imagination, say that this is not just a jacket and trousers, but a superhero costume that will only work if the child wears it ”.

Tatyana, 35 years old, mother of four children

“Arrange a competition: who will cope with the collection faster: adults or children. You yourself must take part in order to make it more interesting and more fun. "

In no case do not scold the child if he refuses to dress on his own, this will finally discourage his desire to learn.

The stage of teaching a child to be independent is the ability to dress quickly, without being distracted by extraneous matters. As with any activity you seek to train your toddler for, patience is important. However, there are a number of techniques that allow you to quickly and easily teach the baby dressing skills without outside help.

When to start teaching

Train your toddler to be independent from an early age.

Catherine the Great: “Every child is born unlearned. It is the duty of parents to teach children. "

Psychologists are convinced that the optimal age when a baby can cope with dressing on his own is 3 years. The fact is that this is an important age line, characterized by the child's desire to actively explore the world WITHOUT outside interference in this process. The so-called "I myself" period. Therefore, attentive and sensitive parents should take advantage of the opportunities that this age cycle gives.

Where to begin

Name items of clothing and body parts as you help your child to get dressed

Before learning how to dress, your child must

  • know the names of body parts (head, arms, legs) - this information is available for children's consciousness from 1-1.5 years old;
  • understand what items of clothing are worn on which parts of the body (for this, from a very early age, spell out all the actions associated with dressing the baby: "We put a handle into the sleeve of a blouse", "We put a hat on our head", etc.);
  • be able to undress.

Let us dwell on the last point in more detail. This moment can be mastered long before the age of 3. Already from 1.5 years old, the baby can pull off his blouses with buttons or zippers (which adults unbutton on him beforehand), take off his hat, socks. The main thing is to maintain the time interval necessary for mastering one action, and only then add a new element, that is, at first, let him take off only his hat, then his pants, etc. Just remember about the colossal advantages for any learning to create a "situation of success": the baby must periodically feel the taste of victory.

What to consider

It is better to choose clothes for a child with bright drawings in front.

To make it as easy as possible for the baby to dress, it is imperative to take into account a number of points:

  • choose comfortable clothes in which the child is comfortable - so he will not have prejudices before dressing (it is better to choose boots with Velcro than laces, and a jacket with a zipper, not with buttons);
  • it would be nice to choose outfits with a pattern or pockets in the front - it will be easier for the baby to navigate how to put on things correctly;
  • make the "right" toys (kids love to thread buttons into loops - wash buttons on a piece of fabric, and make loops on the other - you will get an excellent simulator);
  • Facilitate the dressing process (show that it is better to wear trousers while sitting on a chair or sofa until the foot shows up, and only then you can stand up and pull them up to the waist).

Games with a child: how to teach how to dress quickly

Dressing up for speed can be made fun

The easiest way to teach young children is through play. This type of activity captures and does not cause boredom - the main enemy of any undertakings related to the training of toddlers. There are several most effective playful ways to teach your baby how to dress independently.

  1. "Travel to space" (this game is especially interesting for boys). Invite your toddler to take a trip to the stars. For this, certain clothes are useful, choose them together, and then help the child put on a "spacesuit". Please note that for this game, children must clearly know the names of the items of clothing.
  2. "Fashion Shop" (girls love this fun very much). Imagine yourself as a salesperson in a store and your child as a customer. Offer your baby clothes, his task is to choose and try on. At the end, you can arrange a fashion show.
  3. "Refueling the car." Come up with different associations with your body and clothing. For example, let's say the legs are cars and the pants are the dressing. It is necessary to fill the cars with fuel, for this they have to go to the gas station. The options for such games are limited only by your imagination.
  4. "Who quickly?". As with mastering undressing, a competitive aspect is important to dressing. Dress in front of the child, offer to do it in a race.

How to stimulate

Do not scold your child if he is unable to dress on his own.

At first, the child will not be able to master the wisdom of buttons, fasteners and buttons. This will make him angry and nervous. The task of the parents is not to let the baby get upset, but, on the contrary, to cheer him up. For this:

  • sing (and it is better if these are songs "what I see, then I sing" - surely such options will make your student laugh);
  • joke;
  • entertain your child with his favorite rhymes, jokes.

That is, support the baby in any way - this is the best way to help him on the way to master the world around him.

Motivation: to force or unobtrusively teach?

Explain that the sooner the baby gets dressed, the sooner you go for a walk.

The correct motivation is important for a child at any age, what can we say about its need at such an early age, when the baby learns to dress independently. Only it is necessary to stimulate the baby to this process correctly.

  • Explain. Try to convey to the child that if he hurries now, you will be able to solve your affairs faster, and you will have more time to play.
  • Intrigue. Tell them that a special delicious breakfast is made for the "quickies" in the garden, or that the bus you are in a hurry for is actually magical.
  • Encourage. Be sure to praise your baby for small progress, say that you are proud of him.
  • Be patient. This will show your child that even in difficult moments you are always there for him. Feeling your support, he will try to do everything faster and better.

Parents' mistakes

Praise your child for their successes and explain mistakes gently.

Very often, when teaching a child to dress on their own, parents make annoying mistakes that slow down the stage of mastering the skill. Of course, the main reason for such misses is lack of patience. Therefore, try to avoid some common mistakes.

  • If you are in a hurry, and the baby is slowly pulling on tights, you should not scold him and rush to speed up the dressing process, doing everything instead of the child. Better train yourself and your baby to get up 30 minutes earlier.
  • Don't stop there. If the child successfully copes with putting on tights, T-shirts, let him learn to put on sweaters, trousers, outerwear.
  • Don't demand everything at once. You can not force and insist that the baby does everything himself. Be sure to help him. But only when you see that you yourself cannot cope and are ready to despair. In other cases, it is better to wait until he himself asks for help.
  • Be generous with praise. If the little one dressed himself, be sure to praise. And even if he did not fasten the buttons correctly or confuse the left and right boots, the main thing is that he did it by himself. And one more thing: always explain how to put on this or that thing correctly, or better, show it on yourself.

How to cope with the wisdom of dressing so that children do not interfere with the actions of their parents, or even learn to dress on their own?

Sometimes the dressing process turns into a real battle. The child is spinning, turning inside out, capricious, trying to sneak away. How do you learn to get along with this process?

The child does not want to dress: what is the reason

The dressing process seems boring and tedious to the child. Small children are constantly in motion - bending, twisting, refusing to follow directions. Their interest quickly switches, they want to move and learn new things.

It's easier to deal with babies - put a bright toy next to it, and then hand it to the baby. A bright object will grab the baby's attention while you are changing the diaper. You can talk, sing, make unusual sounds, keeping the baby's attention.

Try not to make problems out of the dressing theme. As a child grows up, his progress periodically gives way to regression. Support the child's desire to act and remember that by the age of 5-6 he will be able to cope completely on his own.

How to teach a child to dress: the solution

The older the child gets, the more he can take over in the process of dressing. Learning to undress is easier for a child than dressing. Therefore, it is worth trying to master this skill first.

The most difficult thing is to learn how to fasten buttons, zippers, fasteners. It's best to train when you have enough time. Pay attention to individual operations, show how to defeat the buttons, and the child will start dressing with pleasure.

You will be surprised when a child dressing on his own suddenly starts to hesitate, hang up and refuses: “I don’t want to,” “Mom, dress me.” This happens when an interesting activity suddenly turns into a routine, becomes tiresome and boring. You can force it - and turn the game into a commitment.

Or you can meet halfway. If he's tired, naughty, or just wants you to take care of him. “Okay, let's play little. I will dress you and tell you how to do it right. " Or distribute tasks. Take the most difficult thing - a shirt and buttons, and invite your child to "overcome" the shoes. Remember, play brings back interest and the will to act.

And a few more tricky finds for parents:

  • Teach your child that there is a clear dressing algorithm. Draw a sequence with your child and teach him to refer to this pattern while dressing.
  • Encourage your child to pick out the things you think are appropriate for today's walk. This will interest him.
  • Buy things that are easy to put on.
  • Turn the process into a game: "Now let's dive into a sweater, close your eyes and hold your breath ..."
  • Turn the process into a competition: “Rather, we need to get dressed faster than Dad! Hurry up, he's already buttoning his shirt ... "," Can we get dressed while dad is counting to 10? "
  • Use the "bridge to the future" (forecasting, pointing to a "bright future") as a method of persuasion: "You need to get dressed quickly to go to the park / slide / toy store."
  • To get around the child's resistance, use the “choice-without-choice” technique: “What will you wear first - socks or a shirt?”, “Do you want to dress while standing or lying down?”

You should start teaching your child how to dress up independently. from two to three years... From about this age, the child develops a persistent desire for independence, and if you respond in time and correctly, then you do not have to force the child to do something himself - he himself will strive for this. Therefore, if your baby is 2-3 years old, pay attention to several recommendations of child psychologists.

You can not suppress the initiative of the child. If he wants to try to dress himself - do not bother him. But also do not demand from the child right away that he dress only himself. Very often, parents simply cannot stand the slow pace of dressing the baby and, feeling that they are already late, in a hurry begin to dress the child themselves, not allowing him to dress on his own. In this case, it makes sense to start the training camp a little in advance, taking into account the time for the quiet mastering of dressing skills by the baby.

If he is stubborn, capricious, be flexible, know how to find a compromise. If he requires you to put on 2 pairs of socks, put on. Agree on the clothes you choose. Just prepare him several options in advance, then it will be easier for you to agree with his choice.

Tell your child what to wear. For many children, remembering how to dress things up can be a challenge. You can create a poster with your toddler to display the clothes in the correct sequence. This will help the child to remember faster. In addition, so as not to confuse where in front and where the back of the clothes, choose clothes with pockets or appliqués on the front, so it will be easier for the child to navigate.

How to button up

Children's clothes are not only with Velcro, zippers, but also buttons. Learning how to button up can be turned into an interesting game. Sew a few large buttons onto the piece of fabric, and loop through the other cloth. Kids play with pleasure and at the same time practice a useful skill. By the way, to develop fine motor skills, use whatever is at hand: wash buttons and Velcro on soft and some household items. So, the ears of a hare can be made snuggling to the head - fasten them with buttons, and fasten the curtains in the nursery at night with Velcro.

How to put on your boots

At first, it is better to refuse from lace-up shoes and sandals with fasteners. The kid will not be able to unlace the boot himself before putting it on, and then lace up it. Buy shoes with zippers or Velcro so that they open well and the leg goes in easily. You will see that unbuttoning and fastening zippers and Velcro will become the kid's favorite game, which means that he will put on shoes without whims and with pleasure.

How to put on your pants

Explain to your child that it is more comfortable to put on pants while sitting on the bed, stretching your legs in front of you, and you can stand up after the feet have emerged from under the pants. Do not forget to praise your child even for his small successes.

How to put on a T-shirt

To learn how to cope with a sweater, a T-shirt, things must be loose, with a minimum number of buttons and buttons. It is important that the neck is loose and that the garment passes freely over the head. Otherwise, not only will he not cope with the uncomfortable thing, but will also start to get angry, and then refuse to dress altogether.

Try to calmly and without irritation explain to the child that it is necessary to climb into the neck of the jacket with the crown of the head, and not with the face, which can get stuck in the neck. You will have to repeat this not once, but many many times, have patience.

You may need to rethink your child's wardrobe to teach your child how to dress themselves. It is possible that some things must be abandoned for a while. And before you buy new clothes, mentally imagine if you can put on a new one yourself.

What if at four years old the child still does not know how to dress independently? Teach: show how to distinguish the wrong side of the clothes from the front, the front from the back, how to better hold things so that it is more convenient to put them on, etc.

At three or four years old, the Shki, one way or another, already know how to dress, but they may refuse to do it on their own. Most likely, the reason lies precisely in the fact that they were not allowed to dress themselves when they really wanted to. Now you will have to be more persistent and spend much more time so that the child still begins to dress himself. It is best to adhere to the policy of "soft adherence": do not scold or shame the child, acknowledge his successes, help him in really difficult cases, but in no case do his "work" for him.

By the way, many little stubborn people are very responsive to "weak". Often it is enough to say: “Yes, of course, you definitely cannot cope with this T-shirt - it’s difficult, adult!”. But, keep in mind, this method can only be used if the child already knows how to dress well, but does not want to do it. And don't forget to provide emotional support and praise him for getting dressed.

Do not overlook another reason for not dressing yourself. Perhaps the child just doesn't like his clothes? She may be uncomfortable for him. Look carefully, is it easy for a child to wear the things that you offer him? Are there rough seams on the seamy side, rubbing labels, tight elastic bands, and spiky collars? Some have increased tactile sensitivity: a sweater, which, in your opinion, is very smart and warm, may be unbearably prickly for them - and this is not a whim at all! Finally, even toddlers of preschool age often have their own particular tastes and preferences in clothing, you should not neglect this.

Key points:

1.Fold your indoor clothes in a place that your child can reach. At first, the baby will simply pull it out, wrap it up, hide in a pile of things. But by about one and a half years, he, following the example of his parents, will begin to put on hats and socks. And then other clothes.

2. If you try to put on something yourself (even not very well), fight your own impatience. Don't help him until he asks.

3. Often the first things that a baby puts on themselves are dad's T-shirt or mom's socks. Firstly, it is easier to put on these things, and secondly, it is more interesting. And thirdly, they satisfy their need to be like their parents. Therefore, do not forbid such experiments, for sure you have clothes that can be donated for games.

4. Buy comfortable things for your child - Velcro shoes, sweaters with a wide collar and without fasteners, loose socks and panties.

5. Think of clever ways for dressing, interest them in the child. Here's a fun way to put on your jacket.

In the book http://www.fictionbook.ru/author/adler_bill/perehitrim_maliysha/adler_perehitrim_maliysha.html I found a piece of advice that allowed my three-year-old son to learn how to put on jackets, sweaters, shirts in a few minutes.

Lay the children's jacket on a flat surface (sofa, stool, floor), straighten the sleeves; the open zipper should be on top. Place the child facing the collar or hood of the jacket. Clothes lie as if “upside down in relation to the child.

Ask your toddler to bend over to the jacket and pass his arms through the sleeves. While in this position, grab the bottom edge of the jacket and quickly throw it over the baby's head. Such help is needed only at the beginning. then he will "dive" under the edge of the jacket while pulling on the sleeves.

6. If you dressed yourself, do not criticize him and, if possible, do not change clothes (even if all things are worn backwards and inside out). On the contrary, be sure to praise your baby. And for an older child, put tags on clothes and shoes so that there are fewer mistakes.

7. Begin also dressing exercises up to two years old to use the "Myself" period.

8. Do not forget that play, intellect and learning new skills are inextricably linked processes. Make sure your baby has suitable ones that will help him learn the art of dressing faster. First of all, these are, of course, dolls with their doll clothes. In addition, various kinds of developmental aids - lacing and everything that can be fastened and unbuttoned (fabric panels, rag books, soft with pockets and flaps, on which buttons, zippers, Velcro, ties are sewn) are very useful. But if you don’t want to deal with such a toy, don’t worry. Just develop his fine motor skills in other ways. And the time will come when, without any training, learn how to fasten buttons and connect the halves of the zipper.

9. When you dress your child, try to draw his attention to the process. Speak all your actions, ask to hold something or perform a simple action yourself.

10. Even if you think he already knows how to dress himself, do not deprive him of his support and attention. Suggest what to wear for what (this is a difficult task for many children), arrange the clothes in order. You can dress at the same time as the child, offering him competition.

11. Plan your time so that you can feel comfortable learning the difficult science of dressing with your baby. It is better to get up in the morning half an hour earlier than deprive the child of the opportunity to master new skills in time.

12. Invite him to take off clothes that are really easy to take off.

13. You can hang a poster in the nursery with the image of different wardrobe items in the order in which they need to be worn. It is very good if you make this poster together with your baby: you will find suitable pictures in magazines (at the same time it will be a good memory and attention training for the baby - there are so many new names to remember), cut out and paste them on a sheet of Whatman paper.

Self-reliance and responsibility are important indicators of a child's development. However, these qualities do not arise in a person by themselves, but are formed in childhood simultaneously with the skills of self-service. One of the key skills that helps a child become independent is dressing. “I am a Parent” will tell you how to develop it in a baby.

Anna, a single mother raising a five-year-old son, wrote to our editorial office. She is a successful woman, a successful leader. Her life is calculated by the minute. But there is one time of day that causes her stress every day - morning. Anna is constantly late for work, arrives agitated and "screwed up". The reason for this is that her son Artem is going to kindergarten for a very long time. The loss of precious time in Anna is accompanied by nervous tension, and this problem might not exist if a child at this age knew how to dress independently.

Why teach your child to dress independently?

The child will always seem small and inept to the parents. In an effort to protect children from difficulties, parents often complicate their future life. A child's lack of simple self-care skills such as dressing can lead to negative consequences in the future.

First, by constantly serving a child, we deprive him of the ability to take care of himself without the help of adults.

Lack of self-care skills can result in slovenliness and untidiness. The appearance must not only be created, but maintained throughout the day.

The inability to do this will lead to the habit of being untidy, lack of control over one's appearance, and a dependent sloppy child often becomes the subject of ridicule by peers, which painfully hurts the fragile psyche.

Secondly, since self-service skills are related to labor education, parents' ignorance of this direction of the child's development will lead to the formation of a negative attitude towards work, to laziness.

Thirdly, dressing is a daily skill, and their absence can cause conflict between the parents and the child. Daily conflicts spoil the character, form the child's capriciousness, egocentrism, stubbornness. Unfortunately, these traits will not disappear in consequence of themselves, they will need to be dealt with with special methods, but it is better to prevent their development at preschool age.

Fourth, the inability to act independently will require outside interference. The child gets used to the fact that someone (an adult) must help him in manipulating clothes and shoes. The combination of the words "should help" speaks of the formation of negative personality traits - disrespect for others, consumer attitude towards life. Naturally, all these negative manifestations will not appear overnight. But “you sow a habit - you reap a character,” our wise ancestors said, and they were certainly right. It is with such trifles as unwillingness to dress on their own that a consumer attitude towards those around them begins to form. First, an adult must dress the child, and then his duties in the eyes of the child will expand very quickly.

The ability to dress independently leads to the possibility of control over their appearance, teaches them to be neat, fosters an aesthetic taste and respect for work and elders.

At what age should children be taught to dress independently?

The answer to this question can be found in the educational standards (FSES). On the basis of this document, preschool education programs are developed that clearly define what and how a child should be taught. Unfortunately, parents often pay attention only to the educational component, considering it to be the basis of the child's intellectual development and overlooking the fact that the child must and is harmonious.

We analyzed the “From Birth to School” Preschool Education Program for you and selected the skills for self-dressing children.

Child's age Self dressing skills
(at this age, the child must be able to)
Having adult help
2 years Take off and put on in a specific order:
shoes unbuttoned by an adult;
shorts (skirt, trousers) with an elastic band.
With the help of adults
3 years Dress and undress in a specific order, including opening and closing buttons, zippers and Velcro.
Fold and hang your clothes neatly on the chair.
Pay attention to your appearance during the day: straighten your clothes.
With a little help from adults
4 years Dress and undress in a certain sequence yourself.
Fold and hang clothes neatly.
To be able to notice untidiness in clothes and eliminate it.
Help only in tying shoelaces.
5 years Dress and undress yourself, including lace manipulation.
Be able to take care of clothes with the help of adults.
Keep your locker and your shelves tidy at home.
Without the help of adults, with a little verbal instruction.
6 years Dress and undress quickly and independently.
Maintain order in the closet, monitor the appearance.
Without adult help.

This information will help parents determine the level of self-care skills of their children.

Why don't kids know how to dress on their own?

It must be said right away that only adults are to blame for the fact that children do not know how to dress on their own. True, the adults themselves have a number of excuses for this:

  • haste: “we cannot afford to learn dressing skills in the morning, because we are in a hurry”;
  • striving for excellence: many parents believe that they will dress the child faster and better;
  • maintaining a normal relationship: dressing on your own often leads to whims and tantrums, which are easier not to allow at all than to stop.

Psychologists do not accept such excuses, calling them in one word -.

Parents whose kids don't know how to dress usually don't bother themselves:

  • early waking up and strict adherence to the regime, therefore, there is a rush in the morning;
  • classes with children to teach them how to manipulate buttons, laces, zippers, Velcro, explaining the peculiarities of putting on various types of clothing;
  • joint clothing care activities with the child.

So, it became clear who is to blame, now you need to figure out what to do.

  1. Start teaching your child how to dress independently from an early age.
  2. Encourage the child's initiative, praise for every manifestation of independence.
  3. Be patient, do not interfere with the child, maintain the pace of dressing without rushing him. If necessary, adjust the daily routine so that you start your morning preparations early.
  4. Teach your child the correct clothing handling.
  5. If you do not want to dress independently, nudge the child with joint activities - start the action and offer to finish on your own.
  6. Do not purchase clothes with complex designs (zippers, laces, oblique seams, etc.) for your child. Buy comfortable and understandable clothes for your baby. It is best if she has clues (appliqués in front, multi-colored buttons and fasteners).
  7. Be an example in dressing. Dress at the same time: put on tights, a suit, warm clothes, etc. together.
  8. Use educational games with buttons, zippers, laces, which will help you master the manipulation of these objects. It is useful to have didactic dolls with clothing options for different seasons. This will help the children learn how to dress.
  9. Encourage your child to dress them up and order.
  10. Stick to the principle of unity of requirements. Children should dress independently everywhere and always, regardless of the time of day and location (at home, kindergarten, guests).
  11. Point out untidiness in clothing and encourage attempts to control your own appearance.
  12. Do not provoke negative attitudes towards clothing. Do not punish or scold your child for lack of skills, but if necessary, help him.
  13. Encourage your clothes to show taste.

How a child grows up largely depends on the parents. Being able to dress independently is not only a self-service skill, but also an important step into the future.

Svetlana Sadova