When to conceive a girl table. How to conceive a girl: different methods to calculate the sex of a baby

The birth of a child is a real miracle. But parents are especially happy when a baby of the sex they wanted is born. However, nature does not always surprise couples. Fortunately, there are fairly accurate methods to predict the sex of the baby even during the planning period. Most mothers dream of having a baby girl. And this is not surprising: girls usually look like their mothers, they are just as beautiful, and it is always pleasant to chat with them as friends. But many dads want to have a little princess, whom they will pamper and protect.

Since ancient times, women have been looking for various ways to get pregnant with a girl: they invented special calendars, calculated the days and months of conception, adhered to diets and even performed terrible magic rituals. Some of these techniques have survived to this day, and are actively used by married couples. If a mother wants to give birth to a girl without fail, do not rely on chance, but rather try one of the methods below. Although they do not give a 100% guarantee, they have been tested for centuries and are completely safe, so you can try.

Factors affecting the sex of the child

The gender of the unborn child depends on many factors, just remember the biology lessons at school. In every cell of the human body there is a nucleus, where genetic information (DNA) is located. All the characteristic features of a person, namely the color of the eyes, hair, body composition, gender, etc., depend on the set of genes and chromosomes. For females and males, this set is different.

One cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, of which 22 are the same (XX). The structure of the 23rd differs depending on gender: women - XX, men - XY. A paired set of chromosomes is present in all cells, and only in oocytes and spermatozoa the set is single. During the period of formation of germ cells, the separation of paired sets takes place.

In particular, there are 23 single chromosomes in the oocytes, the last one will necessarily be X. Again, 23 chromosomes have spermatozoa, but the latter can be both X and Y, since their number is equal. It depends on the set of sperm that managed to fertilize the egg, and who will appear later - a boy or a girl, that is, Y or X.

If we assume that all sperm have the same properties, then the possibility of conceiving a child of a certain sex would be at least 50%. But the fact is that in males, the cells differ in their behavior. For example, Y-spermatozoa move quickly, but at the same time they are not viable, and vice versa, the activity of X-spermatozoa is low, but they tolerate the influence of the environment of the female reproductive system better.

There are several known factors that directly affect what gender the unborn child will have:

  1. Time of conception. It was already said earlier that sperm cells differ in viability and level of activity, that is: Y - move quickly, and also die soon, X - slower, but at the same time much more hardy. It is known that sperm can live in a woman's body for up to 7 days. During intercourse, during ovulation, the egg is fertilized by fast sperm (Y). However, if the act was after ovulation, then the chances increase in surviving spermatozoa (X). Therefore, we can conclude that if you want to conceive a girl, then you must have sexual intercourse 2-3 days before ovulation.
  2. Pose during intercourse. During intercourse, if the penis penetrates deeply, the distance to the egg is significantly reduced, in this case the sperm Y have more opportunities. With a small penetration, the distance that the sperm must overcome, on the contrary, increases. There is a high probability of fertilization with X sperm, because only the strong survive.
  3. Number of intercourse. If intercourse occurs regularly, then most likely, it is the sperm Y that will end up in the egg, since the chances are high that intercourse will coincide with the day of ovulation. If intercourse between spouses is infrequent, then the chance of getting pregnant with a girl will be higher, since more viable X-spermatozoa will survive until ovulation.

1 way. Conceive a girl by Shetles

This method of conceiving a baby of a certain sex, developed by the scientist Landrum Shetles, is based on differences in the activity and vitality of sperm. Male germ cells carry two types of chromosomes: X and Y. The first spermatozoa, heavy, slow, but strong and resistant, when combined with an egg, form a female embryo. The second, light, nimble and mobile, but weak, is a male fetus. The Shetles principle of conception is to help the X-tadpoles get to the egg by eliminating the competitors - the Y-spermatozoa.

To use the Shetles Method, a woman needs to know exactly her menstrual cycle. It is important to determine the day of ovulation. To do this, you can measure the basal temperature on a daily basis and build a graph based on the data. In order to conceive a girl, intercourse after menstruation should be every day, and it is necessary to stop them three days before ovulation, or start using condoms. Thus, tenacious X-spermatozoa will lurk in the female genital organs for three days, waiting for an egg, and weak Y-tadpoles will already die by the time of ovulation.

Best of all, during sex for the conception of a girl, an intimate position, when the woman is passive, is at the bottom. The partner's penis should not penetrate deeply. This is important, as this lengthens the path of the sperm to the egg. Strong spermatozoa with female chromosomes move along the genital tract to the cherished goal for several days, and male tadpoles die within a day. It is also desirable that a woman does not experience an orgasm during intercourse. This pleasant process contributes to the formation of an alkaline environment in her body, to which Y-sperm are immune, and only X-cells die in it.

Method 2. Conception of a girl according to the table of the number of couples

You can try to schedule a girl using a special table. In this table, you need to calculate the number of the pair. The horizontal line shows the month when the man was born, the vertical column - the month of the woman's birth. The number at the intersection of months is the number of the pair. For example, let's say a woman was born in May and a man was born in March. This means that their number is 9.

Next, you need to go to the graph below the table and look at the number of couples in which month the probability of getting pregnant with a girl is greatest and lowest. Pay attention to the deepest fluctuations in the chart. Paired with the number 9, for example, it is better to try to make a daughter in May, and in December you should not even try.

Method 3. Conceive a blood girl

The method of conceiving a girl by blood age is very popular among married couples. Human blood is completely renewed in the body after a certain time: in women after 4 years, in men every 3 years. What gender the child will be born depends on which spouse's blood will be younger at the time of fertilization. The father's blood determines the conception of a boy, mother's - a girl.

For example, a married couple has planned to conceive a baby in March. The woman is 24 years old, she was born in November. The man is 25 years old, his month of birth is August. The age of the prospective mother must be divided by 4, and the age of the father by 3. The numbers 6.5 and 8.3 come out. But these are not final values, because from the date of birth of the mother to conception, that is, from November to March, another five months. Likewise, from the father's birthday to March, eight months. From the numbers 6.5 and 8.3, it is necessary to take the remainders, namely the numbers 5 and 3, and add to them the number of months from the parents' birthday to conception. Five is added to the number 5, and eight is added to the number 3. It turns out that the age of blood is 10 for mom and 11 for dad. Women's blood is younger, which means that this family will be able to conceive a girl in March. In general, the method is rather tricky for those who love mathematics, but effective.

Method 4. Conception of a girl according to the calendar of the mother's age

The best time to conceive a girl can be determined by the mother's age calendar. This is very easy to do. A woman needs to find her age in the first column of the table. If the mother, for example, is 23 years old, then March, June, August and December are optimal for planning a daughter.

Diet for conceiving a girl

Surprisingly, but the correct, rationally selected nutrition plays a very important role in the conception of a child of a certain gender. In order to be more likely to become pregnant with a girl, you need to include foods rich in magnesium and calcium in the daily menu. But it is advisable to limit salt and sugar. In addition, the diet of a potential mother should include:

  • Lean meat, but not much, chicken eggs.
  • Fish and seafood in unlimited quantities.
  • Various cereals.
  • Milk, cottage cheese, yoghurts, kefir, sour cream, cream.
  • Bread, baked goods without yeast.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, berries.
  • Dried fruits and nuts.
  • Tea, coffee in small quantities, cocoa, mineral water.
  • Honey, jam.

A woman who wants to give birth to a girl should be removed from her daily menu:

  1. smoked meats, sausages and ham, fried meat;
  2. canned fish, dry and dried fish;
  3. fried potatoes, canned or dried vegetables and fruits;
  4. rich pastries, pastries with cream, ice cream;
  5. salted nuts and dried fruits;
  6. carbonated drinks, unnatural powdered juices;
  7. butter, cheese, margarine;
  8. soda and yeast.

In order to certainly conceive a girl, you probably need to strongly desire this. Parents need to dream about their future daughter more often, imagine her eyes, face, smile. Dreams tend to come true. But even if a boy is born, it is a great happiness and a gift of fate. The main thing is that the child is healthy and desirable.

Today, most couples try to anticipate the gender of their unborn child. This is especially true for families where there are already children, for example, two or three boys, but you really want a girl to be born. What special needs to be done for this?

Beliefs of the ancients

It turns out that since ancient times, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday are considered the most suitable days for conceiving a girl, and in winter. In addition, our great-grandmothers believed that in order to give birth to a girl, it is highly desirable to perform sexual intercourse under a young birch. They also believed that the conception of a girl would happen if, within five days of intercourse, a woman would drink apple or plum juice every day 20 minutes before bedtime. In addition, before conception itself, she should tie the little finger on her right hand with ordinary thread and put “female” objects (comb, mirror, scarf) into the matrimonial bed in advance.

In addition, our ancestors knew how to plan the sex of the child using the lunar phase method. It is based on the fact that every woman has an individual cycle of predisposition to conception, which is formed from birth and operates throughout the entire reproductive age. That is, the possibility of conception increases in the phase when the expectant mother was born. You can identify the phase of the moon, knowing the time of your birth and the fact that every day and a half the moon passes the female sign. Directly during this period, there are more chances of conceiving a girl.

Theoretically and in science

As you know, the sex of the child is formed precisely at the moment of conception, and it, in turn, depends directly on the sperm that fertilized the egg.

A man and a woman have two chromosomes, on which the sex of the baby depends: two X chromosomes in a woman, an X chromosome and a Y chromosome in a man, that is, half of the sperm carries the X chromosome and half the Y chromosome. According to scientists, sperm carrying the X chromosome are less mobile than those carrying the Y chromosome. However, X-spermatozoa can live in a woman's body for up to three days, waiting for an egg, and besides, it is they who determine the conception of a girl.

First of all, you need to calculate the date of ovulation. This can be done using several methods (measuring basal temperature, performing ovulation tests, undergoing an ultrasound scan).

It turns out that two to three days before ovulation are the most favorable days for conceiving a girl. In other words, in order to have a daughter, the couple needs to make love immediately after completing their menstrual cycle, while two days before ovulation should be delayed, otherwise it will turn out to be a boy!

From all of the above, we can conclude: for the sake of conceiving a daughter, conditions should be created for the meeting of the X-sperm and the egg in this way:

  • reduce sperm count;
  • help create an acidic environment in the vagina, or douche. It is known that X-spermatozoa do not tolerate an alkaline environment, because they need an acidic one. That is why, before intercourse, you need to do douching with an acidified solution (two tablespoons of lemon juice per one liter of water). However, it should be injected very carefully so that the concentrated solution does not burn the vaginal mucosa;
  • a few days before ovulation, to have sexual intercourse, so that the Y-spermatozoa die, and the X-sperm cells reach the egg in a timely manner;
  • the classic pose for conceiving a girl is perfect, as well as "a woman on her stomach", "a man behind - a woman on her side." That is, the posture should be such as to lengthen the path of the sperm to the egg, thereby increasing the chances of its fertilization. In this case, you can do without foreplay, caresses and orgasm.

Conceiving a girl in Chinese and Japanese

The Chinese and Japanese calendar is based on calculating the month of the expected conception, the age of the mother and the date of her birth. For example, a woman is 25 full years old, she was born in June, and the month of the planned conception is September. So, all these numbers need to be added: 25 + 6 + 9 = 40. An even number 40 came out, therefore, in accordance with this method, a little girl will be born in 9 months. Or, conversely, if the total is an odd number, then a boy will be born.

"Blood" method

In addition, the conception of a girl can be calculated by the renewal of blood. It is known that a man's blood is renewed every 4 years, while a woman's blood is renewed every three. Hence the conclusion: whose blood was renewed later, the baby will be of that gender. However, one should take into account the happened blood loss (operations, childbirth, miscarriages, abortions, donating blood as a donor, etc.), then count down from this date. Calculations are made in this way:

  • Mom's age is divided by 3, the resulting remainder must be taken into account. For example, she is 25 years old, therefore, 25: 3 = 8 (the remainder is 1);
  • then dividing the father's age by 4, that is, 30: 4 = 7 (the remainder is 2);
  • then the remainder is compared - whoever has a lower remainder, the child of that sex will be born. In this case, a girl will be born.

In addition, the conception of a girl can be calculated by the Rh factor and the blood group of the parents. For example, if the mother and father have a similar Rh factor (positive or negative), then, most likely, a girl will be born. If the Rh factors are different (in particular, for a man - negative, and for a woman - positive), then there will be a boy. If both parents have the first or second group, then a girl is most likely to be born.

Special diet

About three months before conception, you need to reduce the amount of salt and sugar intake, as well as enrich the diet with magnesium and calcium. Especially for the conception of a girl, a mother should use such products.

  • lean meats;
  • boiled fish, seafood;
  • chicken eggs;
  • fruits and berries (strawberries, raspberries, apples, tangerines, oranges, pears, grapes);
  • vegetables (cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, carrots);
  • fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt);
  • pasta and bread;
  • cereals (rice, buckwheat, millet);
  • nuts (almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts), dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes).

Alternative way

In addition, there is, so to speak, a newfangled method in the style of New Age, or the method of psychological visualization. It turns out that in order to give birth to a girl, you need to wish it very much. The future parents, in particular the mother, are obliged to represent everything in the smallest detail with maximum clarity - what kind of hair, eyes and face the girl will have. As a result, you can thus "order" your daughter from nature.

The desire to have a daughter is understandable. The girls are beautiful, gentle and obedient. They are usually closer to their parents than sons. Every mother wants to see a friend and like-minded person next to her, with whom you can discuss fashion and share secrets. And in families where several tomboy boys are already growing up, the birth of a daughter often becomes the most cherished dream.

It is generally accepted that the one "whom God will send" will be born. Of course, it is very difficult to argue with nature. However, even slightly tipping the scales in your direction is quite possible, and today there are many methods for planning the sex of a child.

Many people dream of conceiving a girl. But if you rely only on nature, then the chances of giving birth to a son are much greater. Indeed, for many centuries, the sex ratio has remained unchanged - 105-106 boys are born per 100 girls. Therefore, before conceiving a girl, it will be useful to do detailed planning.

Nowadays, the Chinese child gender planning table is very popular. If you believe the data of numerous polls, the percentage of coincidence for it is quite high. The sages of ancient China were convinced that at every age, on certain days of the month, a woman could conceive a child of a certain gender.

Tables will help

To do this, it is enough to know the total number of years of the mother at the time of conception and the month of conception - at the intersection of these two values, the sex of the child is indicated.

No less famous today is the Japanese calendar of planning the sex of the child. It already consists of two tables, and it requires not only the date of birth of the mother, but also similar information about the father. In the first table, at the intersection of the months of birth of the parents, a number is looked for, which will help to plan the gender. How to conceive a girl on the calendar? To do this, it is necessary in the second table to find the cell at the intersection of the resulting figure and the estimated month of conception. It will indicate the gender of the child (the more crosses for one gender or another, the more likely it is).

table no. 1

table number 2

Blood method

Recently, the method of planning the sex of a child by blood has become widespread. If you are thinking about how to conceive a girl, you should definitely pay attention to it, because the percentage of coincidence is surprisingly high. The method is based on the cyclical nature of blood changes in parents. For women, the length of this cycle is three years, for men, four. Which of the future parents at the time of conception will have younger blood, he will pass on his gender to the baby. How to conceive a girl by blood? Everything is pretty simple here. Simple arithmetic operations are enough - just calculate whether mother's or father's blood has been renewed last. You just need to keep in mind that the counting is carried out not only from birth, but also from large blood loss, such as, for example, operations, childbirth, abortions, blood transfusions, etc.

What does science say?

Some methods of planning a child's sex are based on scientific evidence and therefore are quite reliable. It is, first of all, about how to conceive a girl after ovulation.

Everyone knows from school that the sex of a child depends on the chromosome of the sperm that fertilized the egg. If the carrier of the Y-chromosome reached the target first, a boy will be born. In the event that everyone is bypassed by the carrier of the X chromosome, the long-awaited girl will turn out. And now the most important thing. It has been scientifically proven that "boy" sperm cells are much faster than "girl" sperm. But the "girly" ones live much longer, and, based on this fact, it is just worth trying to conceive a girl. So, if sexual intercourse occurs at the time of ovulation, then the chances for a daughter are practically zero - after all, nimble "boys" "girls" will never overtake. Therefore, everyone who wants to conceive a girl is advised to stop active planning about 3-4 days before ovulation. In this case, by the required day, there will be almost (or even completely) no carriers of the Y chromosomes in the woman's body, but the tenacious carriers of the X chromosomes, on the contrary, will be in their prime. This method significantly increases the chances of having a long-awaited daughter, and has already helped many couples plan their sex.

Other methods

In addition to the above, there are many more ways to plan the sex of a child. There is no exact data on their reliability. However, if the desire to become the parents of an adorable daughter is great, it will be useful to try all possible methods.

So how to give birth to a girl?
There is an opinion that a special diet helps in this matter. So, a few months before the conception of a little princess, it is advisable to limit the consumption of salt, sugar and meat. It is recommended to enrich the food of the expectant mother with calcium and magnesium. A woman's diet should be dominated by such foods as milk, eggs, vegetables, fruits (with the exception of bananas and peaches), boiled fish, rice. It is believed that such a diet allows to create an environment inside the body of a future mother, conducive to the life of "girly" sperm. But opponents of this method of sex planning argue that they intend to create a deficiency of some substances and an overabundance of others on the eve of pregnancy is not good for the health of the unborn baby.

From ancient times, all kinds of "counting rhymes" have come down to us, allowing us to plan the sex of the unborn child. So, for example, if a woman is an even number of years, then she can conceive a daughter only in even months of the year, and vice versa. Or another option is to add the mother's age at the time of conception and the ordinal number of the month of conception. If you get an even number - a daughter will be born, an odd number - a son. Such methods belong to the category of folk signs - their accuracy is low, and sometimes "counting rhymes" generally contradict each other.

At all times, parents have tried to influence the choice of the sex of the child. What seemingly ridiculous things didn’t expect mothers to do to get their long-awaited daughter - sprinkled sugar at midnight, put a ribbon under the pillow, waited for hot weather ... Today, women have even more methods of planning the desired sex of the child in their arsenal. However, do not forget that you cannot argue with Nature. None of the known methods give a 100% guarantee. And even if a son appears in the family instead of a daughter, this should by no means be a reason for disappointment. Every child is a miracle and a gift of fate.

What could be happier than having a child in a family, especially if the child is long-awaited. For most young people it doesn't really matter what gender the child will be, but for some families it's a matter of principle. According to statistics, most girls want to give birth to a girl, and some men will not refuse this, especially if the family already has a son. Nowadays, there are several ways that will help you to conceive a girl 100 percent.

Does the man play a role?

It is so arranged in biologists that the sex of the baby directly depends on which chromosome will be in the sperm that fertilizes the egg. A female cell has only one X chromosome, while a male can have both an X and a Y chromosome. It turns out that a man plays almost the main role in shaping the sex of the unborn child. It depends on him whether a boy or a girl will be born.

One of the proven ways to conceive a girl is to have intercourse a couple of days before ovulation begins. Why is that? Everything is very simple. The male sperm is designed in such a way that its ability to survive in a foreign environment depends entirely on what temperature it will be in.

Since male reproductive cells cannot survive at temperatures above 28 degrees, then getting into a woman's body, they can hold out there for only 2-4 days, after which they die. The process of conceiving a girl is connected with this. The Y chromosomes die faster than the X chromosomes, which can stay in the fallopian tubes for much longer, waiting for the opportunity to merge with the egg.

To be more likely to conceive a girl, you need to know exactly when you ovulate. To do this, you need to keep a special table with an ovulation schedule for 3 to 6 months. You can determine ovulation by measuring your basal temperature.

For reliability, you can purchase a special ovulation test at any of the pharmacies. They are of several types - tablet, inkjet and with the presence of reagents. Currently, the most reliable, but also the most expensive, is the inkjet test.

Age of woman and man

The age of the couple plays an equally important role here. A man, like a woman, has a certain period of time during which a genetic restructuring of the body occurs. For example, a woman's body is rebuilt every 3 years, and a man's - every 4 years. Therefore, the gender of the unborn child can be influenced by the parent, with the latest update.

British scientists have found that in families where the wife is older than her husband, girls are most often the first-born.

How to conceive a girl by blood

The sex of the unborn baby will be determined exactly at the moment when the sperm enters the egg. But in order to guess the sex of the child in advance, it is necessary to be guided by planning methods, the main of which is conception by blood. It is worth staying here a little longer and consider in more detail how such a method can be useful for future parents.

According to experts, the blood in the human body is periodically renewed. We wrote about this above. For men - once every 4 years, for women - once every 3 years. This means that in order to conceive a girl by blood, you will need to divide the mother's age by 3, and the father's age by 4. This will determine whose blood was last updated. If the last changes occurred in the mother, then the girl is more likely to conceive, but if the father's blood turns out to be "younger", then most likely a boy will be born.

Hence, it should be understood that it is more likely to conceive a girl only when the remainder of the division of the age of the man is greater. If mom or dad had severe blood loss, for example, as a result of surgery, donation or abortion, then it will be necessary to start counting the years from this date. In addition, scientists advise to pay attention to the fact that if the mother has a negative blood Rh factor, this may affect the result - it may simply turn out to be completely opposite.

Conception of a girl by blood type

If you are one of those parents for whom the sex of the unborn child is of fundamental importance, then we recommend that you refer to a special table where you can calculate the sex of the baby by the blood group and Rh factor of the father and mother. So, for example, if you both have the same Rh factor (negative or positive), then most likely a girl will be born. If the father has a negative Rh factor and the mother has a positive one, then a boy is more likely to be born.

Blood type plays an important role in determining the sex of a child. The greatest chances of conceiving a girl will be from parents with blood groups 1 and 2.

You can determine the gender of the child using the table below. Follow the rules for conception by blood:

In fact, the method of planning a child by blood is already quite accurate and popular with young families. But for greater accuracy, you should still adhere to certain rules:

  • Try to avoid conceiving a child in those periods when the calculations are not entirely clear, or the probability of conceiving a child of both sexes is practically equal;
  • During the renewal, the blood begins to gradually change, passing into a new state - at such moments there is no guarantee of the conception of a baby of a certain sex.

What do our scientists say?

From a scientific point of view, the way to conceive a girl is based on the distribution of chromosomes - which one of them is the first to achieve the goal, that gender will be the child. As you know, Y chromosomes are slightly more active than X chromosomes, but their period of life is shorter.

In order to conceive a girl by ovulation, it is necessary to stop intimacy 3-4 days before ovulation. By this time, the Y chromosomes will practically not remain in the woman's body, and the X chromosomes will just gain strength.

If you try and calculate everything correctly, then the birth of a girl is almost guaranteed. This method is actively used in planning pregnancy in many countries in Europe and over the years has received many positive reviews about its veracity.

However, some scientists are rather skeptical and believe that a 100 percent way to conceive a girl can only be with preimplantation genetic diagnosis, which is used in IVF (in vitro fertilization). This method is used mainly when there is a possibility of transmission of a hereditary disease from one of the parents to the child.

To do this, the egg is fertilized in the laboratory with a sperm, which allows you to find out in a few days what gender the baby will be born with. In addition, the embryo can be immediately checked for pathology. Some may wonder - why not plan the gender of all children in this way? The answer is quite simple - in many countries, carrying out such a procedure, unless absolutely necessary, is unethical.

There is another interesting way - sorting sperm in a centrifuge. With the help of this "filtration", the X chromosomes are separated from the Y, and then IVF is performed.

Intimate view

There is a popular version that the less often dad and mom make love, the more likely it is that they will have a girl. From a scientific point of view, during prolonged abstinence, a man forms antibodies containing Y chromosomes, which then fertilize the woman's egg.

The need to follow a diet

For a greater likelihood of conceiving a girl, a special diet should be followed. Eating a particular product is unlikely to help you with anything, but the quality of food and the regularity of eating can play a rather important role.

The bottom line is quite simple - if a man does not eat junk food and gives up all his bad habits, then his sperm will improve significantly. The same goes for women - extreme diets and addictions, such as those, reduce the chances of conception. At the same time, adherence to a healthy lifestyle in conjunction with proper nutrition can significantly increase the chances of a successful conception.

  1. Try to reduce the amount of sugar, salt, potatoes and meat you eat.
  2. A woman should include milk, eggs, fish, seafood, rice and fruits in her diet.
  3. It is advisable to exclude bananas and peaches from the diet.
  4. Refuse to eat food containing a lot of chemicals (chips, crackers, etc.).
  5. Your food should be high in magnesium and calcium. To do this, eat more beets, carrots, onions and cucumbers. Other vegetables will also be useful.

How to calculate conception according to the table

Calculations for various tables, calendars, and even calculators are no less popular. For example, the Chinese conception chart is often used. It checks the parameters and, based on the intersection of rows and columns, determines the moment when the chance of conceiving a girl is very high.

There is another way - the Japanese calendar. It, in turn, consists of two whole tables. In one, the months of birth of mom and dad are selected, after which a certain number for the couple is identified at the intersections of rows and columns. In the second table, out of 12 given numbers, the one that turned out on the first is selected. The more crosses next to your number, the more chances that you will have a girl.

Slavic folk way to conceive a girl

Here again we need to make calculations. So, if a mother is an even number of years at the time of conception, then she should try to conceive a daughter only in even months. Also add mom's age and month number at the time of conception. If the number is even, then there is a chance to conceive a girl, if it is odd, then a boy.

All these are most likely some psychological tricks that will help calm down a little before the baby is born. And all folk methods will only reflect your desire, which will certainly come true, if you believe in it.

But do not forget that the birth of a child is already a real gift of fate, regardless of gender. After all, a new person is born. And it will be a son or a daughter, it is not so important.

How to conceive a girl: read about all the known methods of calculating the sex of a child in our material.

Many couples dream of having a baby of a certain gender. When everything has already been tried, you need to look for other methods. If you dream of lacy dresses, bows, dolls and blue-eyed happiness with pigtails, purring "daddy", dreams of a daughter may very well come true.

Of course, no method will give a 100% guarantee of conception of a girl, but you can try your luck.

What determines the gender of the child

Despite the fact that for a long time it was believed that the sex of the unborn child depends on the mother, this is not so. The sex of the child depends entirely on the father. We explain what's what.

The gender of a child depends on the set of sex chromosomes that parents pass on to him. Women are carriers of the XX sex chromosomes, and therefore, they cannot transmit anything other than the X chromosome to the child.

But men are carriers of the XY sex chromosomes, and they can pass on to the unborn child either the X or Y sex chromosome. And the sex of the child depends only on which sperm will fertilize the egg.

If an egg cell (exclusively with the X chromosome) is fertilized by a sperm - the carrier of the X chromosome, then you get a girl (XX is the female set of sex chromosomes).

If the egg is fertilized by a sperm with a Y chromosome, then there will be a boy (XY is the male set of sex chromosomes).

X-sperm are inactive , but rather tenacious. Y-sperm are very fast , "take" the amount of eggs, but they are very vulnerable and die faster than "girls". When planning a daughter, we will build on the properties of sperm X and Y.

You need to have sex every day right after your period. (ideally, warm up your libido several times a day). The matrimonial duty must be stopped 3 days before the onset. If you don’t want to stop, use protection.

Contributes to the conception of a girl missionary position or any other with shallow penetration. Such a measure is needed to increase the path for the sperm to the egg. We remember that Y-spermatozoa are less tenacious and die in the alkaline environment of the vagina. That's why it is important that sex does not lead to a female orgasm , because this wonderful outcome will help Y-sperm survive.

Table how to conceive a girl

There is also a chart to help parents-to-be to conceive a girl or boy. You need to find out pair number to know how to use the table. In the horizontal line, find husband's birth month , and in the vertical - the wife. The number at the intersection of the months of birth will just mean the number of the couple. For example, if a man was born in March and a woman was born in May, then their number is 9.

Find your number in the table below and look at the graph of the probability of conceiving a child of a particular gender. The more fluctuations in the schedule, the more likely it is to conceive a girl or boy. In the case of our example, a pair with the number 9, the probability of conceiving a girl is greater in May.

Calendar, how to conceive a girl

In addition to the table, you can use a special calendar. It is very simple to use it - you just need to know the age of the mother. If the mother, for example, is 27 years old, then, according to the calendar, girls are ideal for conceiving: January, March, May, June, November.

How to conceive a girl by blood

Another method is also popular - the conception of a girl by renewing the blood.

Female blood is renewed every 4 years, and male blood every 3 ... Whose blood will be younger by the time of conception, the child of this gender will be born.

For example, mom is 27 years old, her birthday is in May, and conception is planned for August. It is necessary to divide the age by 4, add to the resulting remainder the number of full months from the last birthday relative to the day of conception. It turns out 27: 4 = 6.7. Add 5 to the remainder of 7 (the number of months before conception). As a result, we get 12.

We do the same manipulations with the age of the future dad ... For example, he is 35 years old, and his birthday is in March. It turns out 35: 3 = 11.6. Add 7 to the remainder of 6 and get 13.

Thus, mother's blood is younger than father's (12 versus 13), respectively, the parents will soon have a girl.

How to conceive a girl: reviews of mothers

Pay attention to sex times

The gender of the child is laid down in. To have a girl, you need to make love right away. after the end of the cycle ... The closer sexual intercourse is to the time of ovulation, the higher the likelihood of conceiving a boy, according to the theory that the X chromosomes are more tenacious, and the Y chromosomes do not live long, but they are faster.

Diet for conceiving a girl

What you need to eat to conceive a girl:

  • You can drink: tea, coffee (carefully), cocoa, chocolate, calcium mineral waters. Not recommended: carbonated sweet drinks, canned juice.
  • Meat: veal, beef, pork, lamb, but in limited quantities. It is not recommended to eat: corned beef, sausages, smoked meats, ham, roast, meatballs.
  • A fish: fresh or quick-frozen. Not recommended: salted, dried, smoked fish, crustaceans, marinated canned fish, shrimp oil.
  • Dairy products: cottage cheese, milk, cream curds. Not recommended: ice cream and all types of cheese.
  • Flour products: biscuits and breads without salt, homemade cakes without salt and without yeast. Not recommended: industrial confectionery, regular bread and biscuits.
  • Cereals: rice, semolina. It is not recommended to eat corn.
  • Vegetables: eggplants, beets, potatoes in limited quantities, asparagus, carrots, cucumbers, mushrooms, watercress, lettuce, green beans, green peas, peppers, boiled tomatoes, green onions. Not recommended: deep-fried potatoes, spinach, canned and dry vegetables, rhubarb, mushrooms, zucchini, lentils, all types of cabbage, raw tomatoes, white beans.
  • Dried fruits: peanuts, unsalted almonds, hazelnuts. Not recommended: raisins, dried apricots, figs, dates, prunes, salted dried fruits.
  • Fresh fruits: apples, pears, peaches, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, grapefruits, pineapples, lemons, mangoes, watermelon, quince. Not recommended: banana, apricot, plum, orange, currant, melon.
  • Miscellaneous: honey, sugar, jam, fresh sour cream, jelly, aromatic herbs, eggs. Not recommended: salt, soda, yeast, ketchup, margarine, olives, gherkins, salted butter.

Ilona Vasilenko, gynecologist, reproductologist: “Parents can influence the sex of a child if he is conceived in a genetic laboratory. If future mothers and fathers do not have health problems, and the baby is conceived naturally, then it will not work to influence its gender. The only thing that can be said for sure is that in Ukraine, as a rule, more boys are born than girls. But no one can tell how lucky you are. "

Conception of a girl: folk signs

In order for you to have a daughter, folk signs suggest the following actions:

  • before conception, you need to put a mirror and a comb in the matrimonial bed;
  • make love under a young apple tree (controversial omen);
  • fulfill your marital duty on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays;
  • 5 days before conception, the wife should drink a glass of apple / plum juice at night;
  • before conception, the wife should tie a simple thread around the little finger of her right hand;
  • have sex on winter evenings when temperatures drop below -10 degrees.

Imaging method

So that you have a daughter you need to really want it ... Both parents must represent everything in the smallest detail. Even the color of the eyes and hair, the face, the smile of the baby. Do this as clearly as possible. They say that you can "order" a daughter from the Universe.

These are just a few of the ways to conceive a girl. How much they work, we hope to learn from your comments under the article and on. Be sure to share your joy with us! And even if you have a boy, remember: being parents is a great happiness, and you can “work hard” on a girl a little later.