Medical cosmetics: face creams and masks. Nourishing masks at home. We work for the result

Cosmetic masks for face and body have a very wide range of applications. They are used to cleanse the skin, moisturize it, nourish it, tighten, smooth wrinkles, etc. Masks for home use are easy to apply. After all, they are sold in bags. One has only to dilute with warm water - and you're done. But the effect of such cosmetics can be ambiguous. After all, each person has his own individual characteristics, there are cases of rejection of certain ingredients of the mask. In beauty salons, a professional cosmetologist will be able to correctly calculate the composition of the product so that it will bring you the most positive effect. After all, such masks penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin and cause desired and lasting changes. But not everyone has the time and money for such salon visits. Therefore, some reputable cosmetic companies produce professional face masks. They are used in salons, but nothing prevents us from using them at home. But for this you need to know the types and indications of masks. Our article will be devoted to this issue.

Classification of professional face masks

These cosmetics have a complex chemical composition. But usually these are the active ingredients (which cause the desired effect) and the base (helping the substances to penetrate deep into the skin). Professional face masks, as well as products for home use, are divided according to their form: powdered, pastes, creams, gels, collagen sheets, plasticizing, film. These cosmetic products are also classified according to skin types. Or the problems they solve. Accordingly, there are masks for dry, oily, combination, allergenic, youthful problematic, flabby, pigmented skin, with rosacea and rosacea. There is a classification according to the basic composition. It is from algae, plant or animal (collagen, placenta) origin. But the most popular (and user-friendly) classification is by action or expected effect.

Steaming face masks

Professional cosmetology provides for the alternate use of several cosmetic products. Let's take a look at these steps. In order to introduce active ingredients into the deep layers of the skin, designed to smooth out wrinkles, produce a lifting effect, moisturize or nourish the layers of the epidermis, you first need to cleanse the pores. And in order to do this, they need to be expanded. Professional cosmetology has developed a lot of tools that replace going to the bathhouse or standing over a pot of boiling water with a towel on your head. Masks allow you to achieve steaming, warming effects. An example is the "Apricot" from the firm "SkinLight". It contains only natural herbal ingredients, and when applied produces a warming effect. From it, the sebaceous glands open, and the skin is cleansed from the inside. Another example is Biox Dead Sea from the Israeli manufacturer Premier. The mask is two-stage. First, a product made from Dead Sea minerals is applied to steam the skin. "Clean Skin" from "Garnier" has proven itself well - Professional cosmetology has developed a number of gels that also effectively remove mud plugs from pores - "Anna Lotan", for example.


The skin of the face, since it is not covered by clothing, more than other parts of the body, suffers from the negative influence of the environment. And one of those factors is moisture loss. Without enough water, the skin becomes flabby, lifeless, dry out, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles and irritations. To normalize the hydrological balance, hyaluronic face masks are used. Acid is highly valued by professional cosmetologists for its low molecular weight. It penetrates deep into the epidermis and carries with it six times more water than it weighs. Hyaluronic acid is not a synthetic material. It is produced by our body while it is young. After twenty-five years, its release slows down, which is why age-related changes occur. Deep moisturizing is combined with other cosmetic procedures. A cream mask with amino acids and hyaluronic acid from the Russian company "New Line Professional" enhances the effect of serums and preparations applied under it.

Alginate is a universal cosmetic product

This substance is extracted from brown algae. Alginates, by the way, are also used in medicine - as well as ointments for burns. And in cosmetology, professional ones for the face are made mainly in the form of powders. Before application, it is diluted with cool boiled water or other liquids. The action of alginant masks is wide. The extract of brown algae on the face hardens, forming a kind of gutta-percha mask. This increases blood circulation and causes lymph drainage. Under such a mask, the patient needs to spend twenty minutes, avoiding mimic activity and not talking. In general, a professional cosmetic product has a rejuvenating effect. Due to the bactericidal effect, the mask is used for problem skin and against acne. It moisturizes, smoothes fine wrinkles, tightens the face contour and refreshes its complexion.

Nourishing masks

After thirty years, the body already ceases to produce in sufficient quantities of substances necessary for the full functioning of the dermis. Therefore, it is necessary to supply her with power from the outside. For this, the corresponding professional face masks serve. But when choosing a product, you need to consult a cosmetologist. It will help determine what type of skin the patient has and what type of nutrition is needed. These masks contain different active substances. This is collagen (of animal or plant origin), and placenta extract, and all the same hyaluronic acid. Contains a nourishing mask and fat-soluble vitamins. The composition of the cosmetic product also includes substances-conductors. They ensure the delivery of nutrition to the deep layers of the epidermis. Examples include the plasticizing mask from New Line Professional or Lactolan from the Israeli manufacturer Holy Land.

How often should you have a session of nutrition and moisturizing of the skin of the face

A woman needs to undergo this procedure, having already crossed the twenty-five-year line. If you have normal skin type, then meals are carried out twice a year. In autumn, to prepare the dermis for cold winds and frosts, and in spring, when it is weakened and needs vitamins. Professional should be applied twice a week for two or three months. Cosmetologists warn against the use of folk remedies for "nourishing" the skin. The benefits of sour cream or mayonnaise on the face are very theoretical. After all, milk fats and egg proteins are too high in molecular weight to penetrate deep into the epidermis. The skin from such masks seems velvety. But this is just a momentary effect due to the oily film on the face.

Cleansing Masks

Owners of oily skin face problems caused by improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. It manifests itself in black dots. Greasy shine does not adorn the girl. And acne - and even more so. To gently dry the skin, remove mud plugs from the pores, use cleansing face masks. Professional cosmetics do this at the highest level, and not only with the help of bactericidal soap or scrub. As a rule, such masks contain clay or healing mud. But these professional cleaning products also contain vitamins, as well as pore-tightening koalin. An example of such a mask is a product of the Dutch brand "Curtin" with tea tree oil. It relieves inflammation, disinfects, cleanses. The mask has a long lasting effect as it regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands and tightens the pores.

Anti-aging masks

Alas, aging is an inevitable process. But rejuvenating professional face masks can slow it down for a long time. The aging process is expressed not only in the loss of moisture in the skin, but also in the insufficient production of collagen. From this, the contour of the face becomes indistinct, begins to "sag". For this, cosmetologists carry out lifting - a non-surgical tightening. It can be fast (but short, lasting until washing) and slow. Professional cosmetology deals with this last way to restore youthfulness to the skin. Express masks with instant lifting create a transparent film on the face - a kind of frame that supports the contour. But this is just a visual effect.

Real transformation

If you do not want to wash off the beauty and youth with soap, you need to apply professional cosmetic face masks. They do not create the visual effect of a clear outline of the chin and cheeks. But they really force the body to produce its own collagen the way it did in its youth. An example of such a miracle cure is the products of the Italian company "Kleraderm". The mask can be used at home as well - it is packaged ready-made in vacuum bags. The main active substance is marine collagen and retinol. The accompanying avocado and jojoba oils, algae extract and ginkgo biloba extract enhance the effect of rejuvenating and strengthening the skin fibers.

Healing masks

If you have normal skin type, you're in luck and you don't need these facials. However, how many women suffer from excessive greasy shine, dry flaking or irritation. Youthful rashes and acne are the cause of the complexes of many girls. And they come to the aid of healing face masks. Professional cosmetics have developed effective products to eliminate any problem. Tomato mask from the firm "Kart" gently dries oily skin. It penetrates into the deepest layers of the dermis, adsorbs sebum, and normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands. Tomato juice has antibacterial properties. Plus, it's an excellent antioxidant. The product helps to cope with acne and smoothen the face. The Hyseac gommage mask from Uriage will help girls with excessively dry skin. It gently exfoliates dead particles and moisturizes the dermis at its deepest level.

Collagen and placenta

The best professional face masks invariably contain one or both of these ingredients. Collagen is obtained from the skin of animals, fish and wheat proteins. Professional cosmetology is concerned not only with delivering this rejuvenating substance deep into the skin. She wants to force the body to produce its own collagen. Thus, the turgor of the dermis increases, wrinkles and folds are smoothed, the oval of the face becomes clearer. In addition, the collagen mask moisturizes, regenerates, and enhances the synthesis of fibroblasts. The placenta has no less rejuvenating effect. It is saturated with substances of exclusively natural origin, valuable for the body. The rejuvenating and regenerating effect has been appreciated by many women. They are an effective alternative to surgical braces.

What other professional masks are there

Salon cosmetology deals with almost all skin problems and imperfections. In addition to the above masks, there are products that eliminate freckles and age spots (including senile ones), whitening, leveling the color, narrowing pores, refreshing and toning. Professional cosmetology fights not only with acne, but also with the consequences of this phenomenon, leveling the relief of the face. There are masks designed specifically for rosacea-affected skin. There are those that remove excess moisture, relieve puffiness.

Professional face masks: reviews

The difference between salon products and mass market products is enormous. The masks that our grandmothers used when applying crushed strawberries to their faces may have brought the desired effect, but it was short-lived. The bags sold in cosmetic stores only nourish or moisturize the upper layers of the skin. Therefore, the effect of their influence is also unreliable. The essence of professional cosmetology is to penetrate into the very depths of the dermis without a scalpel. But for this, the components of the mask must have a low molecular weight, and the composition must be calculated to a micron. Reviews assure that professional face masks can be used at home. Their effect is noticeable after the first procedure. But it is still important to consult a dermatologist before using.

Beautiful, clean and smooth skin of the face can tell a lot: about excellent health, about proper nutrition and about high-quality care provided by her mistress. The dream of every woman is perfectly smooth, elastic skin, but not everyone does everything possible to achieve this dream.

Homemade face masks made from natural products that your kitchen is full of will help you achieve what you want. With regular use of these effective remedies, you can significantly improve the condition of your skin and lose a couple of years.

The usefulness of cosmetic face masks is in their naturalness. When buying a tube of cosmetic product from even the most trusted and expensive brand in the store, you can be sure that along with natural products there are all kinds of synthetic components. All these dyes, fragrances and other substances with complex chemical formulas enhance only the apparent effectiveness of the agent, while at the same time producing destructive work in cells and tissues. Making a homemade mask with your own hands, you will be sure that it contains only the most natural products, which ensure its effectiveness:

  • nutritious masks are those that include fruits, vegetables, eggs;
  • moisturizing- yolk, cucumber, apricot, watermelon, high-fat dairy products;
  • for oily skin- protein, citrus fruits, dairy products with a low fat content;
  • anti-aging- honey, banana, grapes, potatoes;
  • anti-inflammatory- aloe, yeast, bread, tomatoes;
  • cleansing- activated carbon, oatmeal, beans, nuts;
  • whitening- parsley, dill, cucumber, lemon.

And this is not all home cosmetics: face masks can be made from any product you are absolutely sure of the freshness and safety of. The main thing is to choose the right recipe for your skin type and be able to competently and carefully use the selected mask.

Home cosmetic masks: application rules

Any homemade cosmetic masks will be effective only if you consider the tips for their use. Some of the products may contain very active substances, which, if used incorrectly, can only worsen the condition of your skin.

  1. Determine your skin type and the problem you would like to solve with the mask. Look for recipes that meet these criteria.
  2. Having prepared the mask, do not be alarmed if it turned out to be too liquid or too thick, although you did everything according to the recipe. Many products differ in their consistency. A thick mask can always be diluted with herbal decoction, olive oil or water. And liquid - wheat flour.
  3. Try the prepared mixture on your wrist, applying it for about 20 minutes. If within 2-3 hours no spots, itching or burning appear, you can use a mask.
  4. Before the procedure, steam your face and clean it with a scrub.
  5. Apply the mask strictly along the massage lines, in an even layer.
  6. All masks are washed off after 15 minutes with cool water.
  7. After that, it would be good to apply your daily cream on your face.
  8. Masks can be done 1-2 times a week. It is recommended to change the masks every 2 months.

All cosmetic masks at home are equally simple in their preparation and equally effective. Their regular use will give your skin an unprecedented feeling of freshness, beautiful, healthy color, purity and youth. You should not expect them to act quickly, as from store-bought products, but they are guaranteed to be safe for your health. The most crucial moment here is, of course, the choice of a mask.

The best homemade facial mask recipes

How many problems - so many masks. For problem skin - against acne, for pigmented skin - whitening, for aging - anti-aging, for dry - moisturizing. Do you think that your skin has no problems, it is of a normal type and it is too early for it to age? Then choose a regular nourishing mask and your skin will blossom even more beautifully.

  • 1. For acne

Mix blue clay (2 tablespoons) with talc (teaspoon), add alcohol and glycerin (5 g each), dilute with water. Anti-inflammatory clay masks are indispensable for teenage skin.

  • 2. Anti-aging

Mix the pulp of grapefruit (2 tablespoons) with carrot juice (2 tablespoons), add sour cream and rice flour (tablespoon each). Anti-wrinkle cosmetic masks almost always include citrus fruits and dairy products.

  • 3. For the skin around the eyes

Soften white bread in warm milk, drip a few drops of olive oil on the crumb. Homemade cosmetic eye masks of this type can get rid of bags and bruises under the eyes.

  • 4. For dry skin

Mix cottage cheese (a tablespoon) with flaxseed oil, fish oil and orange pulp (a teaspoon each), infusion of black tea and chopped parsley (1 tablespoon each).

  • 5. For oily skin

Beat the egg white, chop the dried lemon zest, mix it (a tablespoon) with the protein, lemon juice (a teaspoon) and oatmeal (a tablespoon).

  • 6. Whitening

Mix cottage cheese (2 tablespoons) with yolk, add hydrogen peroxide (3-4 drops).

  • 7. Nutritious

Mix carrot puree (2 tablespoons) with an egg, add starch or milk powder (a teaspoon each).

  • 8. Cleansing

Turn boiled beans into mashed potatoes, mix (2 tablespoons) with lemon juice and olive oil (tablespoon each).

  • 9. Refreshing

Mix cabbage juice (a tablespoon) with honey and yeast (1 teaspoon each), dilute with apple juice.

  • 10. Lifting

Mix the protein with wheat flour until the consistency of a thick slurry.

Choose those face packs that are distinguished by the availability of ingredients, the effectiveness of the results, and the mild effect on the skin. Take good care of your skin in advance so that later you will not be disappointed looking in the mirror and counting new wrinkles.

Cosmetic face masks, when applied regularly, can work wonders, providing visible results in a short amount of time.

There are masks of various textures - gel-like, creamy, as well as fabric, impregnated with various compositions.

The masks are applied to the cleansed face with a sponge, brush or fingers for 10-15 minutes. Do not apply the mask to the lips and eye area. Rinse off the mask with warm water, gently pull off the mask-film. Finally, rub your face with toner and apply a cream that matches your skin. According to the effect on the skin, cosmetic masks can be cleansing, moisturizing, soothing, toning and lifting.

Purifying masks are designed for oily, mixed and normal skin, but should be avoided for those with dry skin.

Creamy cleansing masks mainly contain kaolin or bentonite clay, which absorbs impurities, has a mattifying effect, and regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands. This mask should not be kept longer than 10-15 minutes, otherwise the skin may dry out.

Another type of cleansing mask is gel-like film masks. Their cleansing effect is slightly weaker. Film masks may contain antiseptic tea tree oil, camphor, cucumber extract.

Moisturizing masks are designed for all skin types. They are usually light in texture. The composition of such masks usually includes hyaluronic acid, extracts of algae or plants, thermal water containing the natural hydrofixer serine, glycerin. The principle of action of moisturizing masks is to attract moisture from the air and create a barrier that prevents moisture from evaporating from the deepest layers of the skin.

Soothing masks are designed to instantly relieve irritation and skin inflammation. Such masks contain extracts of chamomile, cucumber, aloe vera, thermal water, various vegetable oils. Designed as an ambulance to relieve skin inflammation, but can be used weekly to treat sensitive skin.

Lifting masks (tightening masks) are mainly intended for facial skin care after 30 years. They smooth out fine wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face. The lifting masks contain natural substances with stimulating properties, which form a kind of "mesh" on the skin, which tightens it. These masks also contain ingredients that retain moisture and vitamin C, which is excellent for refreshing the skin.

Toning masks are designed for residents of the metropolis. Designed for dull and tired skin. Natural moisturizers (algae extracts, intercellular fluid of plants) and citrus extracts will help to restore the blooming appearance of the face skin. For the best effect, this mask should be applied chilled.

A mask, as a cosmetic procedure, is one of the oldest forms of skin care. Nowadays, masks are a very important component and part of cosmetic procedures. With the correct selection of components and the correct mask for your skin type, masks give an effect that overshadows the effect of other cosmetics (for example, creams). Most of the masks give an instant effect, sometimes even impressive, but, unfortunately, short-lived. With some masks, the effect is noticeable only after repeated use.

Masks are widely used, especially in the process of intensive care for the skin of the face and the whole body. Their task is to improve the function of the skin. Of course, different masks have different effects. Correctly selected cosmetic masks are designed for intensive cleansing of the skin (sweat increases, the stratum corneum peels off), improves blood supply and tone, eliminates irritation, narrows pores, prepares the skin for the penetration of active substances, and also improves their penetration deep into the skin. There are masks that can - exhibit anti-inflammatory, stimulating, astringent, moisturizing, warming effect. Of course, masks are usually selected depending on the individual needs of the skin.

Masks give our skin more nutrients (which cream cannot provide), restore, oxygenate and smooth wrinkles. After applying the mask, the skin becomes cleaner, smoother and visually younger.

What do the masks contain - the composition?

For the production of masks, most often raw materials are used:

    flax seeds;



    Oat flour;

    Kaolin clay;


    Synthetic plastics (in particular polystyrene);

    Oils and fats;

    Mineral waxes.

Depending on the type of mask (its action), herbal extracts of various actions are also added to them, for example, anti-inflammatory, tonic. Sulfur and its compounds, salicylic acid or zinc oxide are added to masks for oily skin and skin with acne. In masks, as well as in creams, you can find a lot of active substances (including moisturizers, nourishing). Of course, dyes and aromas are also added to some masks, so they have a certain smell (but not all, for example, a mask made of algae, smells terrible, has a fishy smell, but is very effective, especially in removing cellulite, for example, on the stomach).

Of course, the addition of dyes or essential oils increases the likelihood of allergies. In addition to dyes and essential oils, allergies can often be caused by: placenta, royal jelly, pollen, fruits (fruit pulp), lemon, orange, grapefruit juice.

The basis of cosmetic masks is:

    Kaolin (kaolin clay);

    Bentonite (clay)

    Talc (magnesium silicate);

    Tragacanth (rubber, natural resin);

    Kieselguhr (this is a sedimentary sedimentary stone formed by some types of algae);



Substances in the composition of masks that most often cause allergies:


    Aromatic substances;

    Fruit pulp;

    Biologically active ingredients (eg, pollen, royal jelly, placenta)

    Juices (eg grapefruit, orange);

Separation of masks depending on their consistency:

    Soft masks;

    Masks - films;


    Foam mask.

There are different types of masks. They can be divided according to their composition and mode of action.

Types of cosmetic masks

In the composition of such masks, dry algae (in the form of a powder) are used, which are mixed with water before application. Can be used for all skin types.

Algae Modeling Mask

Algae Modeling Mask is a natural product containing powdered algae extract (usually several types) with the addition of sea salt and silicon compounds. This mask is rich in amino acids, iodine, silicon, calcium, magnesium and many other trace elements. The mask is in the form of a powder, which, when mixed with water, forms a gel - should have the consistency of thick sour cream - it is better to apply to the skin with a plastic spatula. The effect of such a mask on the skin:

    Reduces the feeling of itching and irritation;

    Has a cooling, regenerating, sedative, soothing effect on the skin and gives it a feeling of relaxation and relaxation. Great for all sorts of procedures, for example, for a cleansing procedure, for moisturizing. After applying it, the skin looks hydrated, smooth, radiant and enriched with nutrients. Sealing of blood vessels, narrowing of pores and improvement of the appearance of mature skin, with symptoms of lethargy (hence the name of the mask - modeling) are also observed on the skin. Modeling algae mask, especially good for summer - gives a feeling of coolness.

Such masks are most often produced in the form of a gel, based on aloe or ginseng. After drying, they form an elastic coating on the skin. This type of mask has a strong astringent effect, immediately after application, it gives a feeling of hydration. They improve the blood supply to the skin. The modeling mask first tightens the skin of the face, and after removal, it relaxes the muscles, giving the skin a healthy, rested look. This type of mask is suitable for all skin types, especially if you need to improve the appearance in a short period of time.

Collagen masks are made from natural hydrolyzed collagen and appear in the form of its particles. The action of the collagen mask is to inhibit the evaporation of water from the skin surface. Collagen mask application improves skin firmness and elasticity.

Thermo masks are made on the basis of kaolin clay, a mixture of minerals based on calcium sulfate. This type of mask dissolves with water to a thick sour cream consistency. A thick layer of the mask is applied to the skin. During drying, it gives off heat very slowly. Due to the rather high temperature that stays under the mask layer (even 45 0C). After applying this type of mask, the skin becomes elastic and smooth (this happens through the occurrence of mild edema - the accumulation of lymph and fluid, so after the procedure it is worth doing manual lymphatic drainage). Such masks give a lifting effect.
Contraindications for the thermo-modeling mask

    Dilated blood vessels;

    Hypersensitivity of the skin and allergies;

    Youthful acne;

    Damage to the skin;

    Catarrh of the upper respiratory tract and / or shortness of breath;

    For people with thyroid problems, this type of mask can be applied to the neck area.

Paraffin masks are used to care for oily and impure skin with enlarged pores. When hot paraffin hardens on the skin, the temperature under the mask rises by about 2 ° C, since the skin cannot give off heat. The paraffin mask can be used for all skin types. The paraffin mask has a nourishing, rejuvenating, moisturizing effect.

Herbal masks should be the right one for your skin type. They are based on flax or potato flour. For oily skin, herbs should have an emollient, bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect. For oily skin, masks based on horsetail, chamomile, fenugreek, St. John's wort, burdock root, elderflower flowers, calendula flowers are suitable. For people with dry and normal skin, the mask should contain herbs - lime blossom, marshmallow root, rosemary, horsetail, calendula flowers. You can prepare this kind of mask yourself, just buy dry grass (grind it into powder in a coffee grinder) about 3 tablespoons of the mixture of herbs, pour hot water, wait until it cools down. The consistency of the mask should be thick so that it can be easily applied to the skin.

The herbal mask has the following effects:

    Bactericidal and anti-inflammatory (e.g. chamomile)

    Tightening (flax seeds, linden, wheat bran, marshmallow root, oatmeal, potato flour);

    Cleansing (such as calendula)

    Toning (sage, rosemary);

    Moisturizing (aloe);

Indications for herbal masks:

    Dry and normal skin - flaxseed, calendula, rosemary, linden flowers, chamomile, lavender and rose flowers;

    Fatty and combined - field horsetail, sage, thyme, chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow;

Gel masks are made on the basis of derivatives of agar-agar, pectin, cellulose, plant or synthetic polymers. They are applied to the skin with a brush, after a certain time the mask begins to pull. These masks are used to cleanse oily skin (removing the mask removes the upper part of the stratum corneum). The mask gives a cool sensation as it dries.

Soft masks are most often used to complete a cosmetic procedure. These masks nourish the skin well, cool (redness turns pale), relieve irritation, improve the appearance of the skin, eliminate swelling, and constrict blood vessels and skin pores. The masks are soft, do not dry out or harden, they are permeable to heat and water.

Cream masks - as the name suggests, they are in the form of a cream. They are applied to the skin in a thick layer, like a cream. Thanks to this type of mask, the skin becomes soft and tender (there is a strong hydration of the stratum corneum). They contain substances - starch, zinc and titanium dioxide, kaolin clay, which increase the effect of the mask in relation to the lipid and stratum corneum of the epidermis. Of course, cream masks also contain various biologically active ingredients, such as allantoin, aloe vera gel, vitamins, lecithin, jojoba oil, herbal extracts, panthenol and hygroscopic substances such as mucopolysaccharides, hyaluronic acid, collagen or essential oils. These masks will not dry out. After a while, their excess is removed from the skin with a damp cotton pad. This type of mask is used for almost all skin types, except for problem and oily skin. These masks improve the surface nutrition of the epidermis due to the fat content. Such masks can be prepared independently, for example, whisk yogurt or sour cream in a mixer with honey, lemon juice or fruit.

These masks have the consistency of slurry or the consistency of mud (this is a form of powder that must be mixed with water). This type of mask contains medicinal types of clay, kaolin, sea mud. The components contained in them have the ability to absorb excess fat from the surface of the skin. Along with these components, the composition also contains other organic and inorganic substances, for example, starch, particles of silk, zinc or titanium dioxide, calcium carbonate, silicic acid. Powder masks can also contain special active substances, for example, with anti-inflammatory, astringent, emollient effects, and also improve blood circulation. Such masks are especially recommended for owners of oily skin.

Warming masks cause significant skin redness, enlargement of pores, exfoliation of the stratum corneum and increased sweating. Warming masks are characterized by the fact that their action consists, in particular, of closing the air flow to the skin, and, consequently, inhibiting the processes of water evaporation from the epidermis. Under the mask, an increase in skin temperature (up to 40 C) is formed, depending on the type of mask applied. Restricting the evaporation of water and therefore causes the optical effect of smoothing out wrinkles. Lymph causes a short-term effect of smoothness and elasticity of the skin. This type of mask includes herbal and paraffin masks.

Astringent masks, devoid of fat, most often contain: kaolin, bentonite, diatomaceous earth, magnesium carbonate, zinc oxide, alum, tannins. This type of mask is mainly used for oily skin and acne, as well as combination.

Cleansing masks have a light consistency. They contain: kaolin, bentonite, zinc and titanium oxide, sulfur compounds, herbal extracts or sludge from the Dead Sea. Purifying Masks are used for oily and combination skin. This mask removes excess sebum and the stratum corneum of the epidermis. In addition, it has mild aseptic properties and causes pore tightening. This kind of mask can be applied once or twice a week.

Moisturizing masks are most often found in the form of a cream or gel. This is one of the most popular masks. It gives a quick effect of smoothing the skin, softens the epidermis and at the same time restores it. Moisturizing masks eliminate the feeling of skin tightness.

Nourishing masks are masks containing lipids, active substances, herbs and a high concentration of nutrients. This type of mask is most often found in the form of a cream and is recommended mainly for mature skin.

Emollient masks mainly contain - kaolin and herbal extracts that have a soothing effect, such as menthol, azulene, thymol, as well as allantoin, panthenol or canola oil. This kind of mask can be applied to any skin type.

Softening and soothing masks for sensitive skin

To soothe and nourish the skin, it is recommended to use a mask, for example, a collagen mask based on algae (restores the correct level of moisture, relieves irritation). If symptoms of inflammation appear, it is recommended to use a flaxseed or bran mask, which relieves irritation and accelerates healing.

Algae-based masks have cooling, moisturizing properties, reduce redness and irritation. They also have nutrients (amino acids, vitamins and trace elements). A collagen mask is also suitable (it has active substances that have a decongestant effect). This type of mask improves skin tone and elasticity, moisturizes, relieves irritation and increases the amount of active substances introduced.

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Is perfect skin a natural gift or the result of regular skincare? Of course, someone was lucky. But most achieve the perfect result with the help of various procedures and tools, including face masks. It is they, due to the high concentration of active ingredients and a fairly long-term effect, that help to solve specific problems of the skin of the face: dryness, oily content, enlarged pores, irregularities, inflammation, wrinkles.

But in order to get the maximum effect, it is very important to choose the right product.

We work for the result

The first step is to determine what kind of result you want to get. Reduce the appearance of wrinkles, protect your skin from the sun, or find an acne remedy? There are filters for this in the catalog, just select the problem you are concerned about in the "Application" and "Purpose" sections, and the system will offer several options for solving it.

Skin type matters

The choice of face mask directly depends on whether the skin is oily or dry, sensitive or normal.

For example, for oily skin, products with glycerin and kaolin are suitable. These components normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands by absorbing excess sebum.

Vegetable oils help moisturize dry skin, which deeply penetrate and nourish.

Combination skin is not easy to care for. But for her, you can choose the right means. For example, with algae or fruit acids.

Normal skin also needs nourishment. Perfect for her.

To choose professional masks, taking into account the characteristics of each skin type, use the "Skin Type" filter in the catalog.

Each age has its own care

Until the age of 25, the skin is usually firm and radiant and does not particularly need age-related care, but in order to delay the appearance of the first wrinkles and loss of elasticity, it is necessary to apply.

From the age of 30, the production of hyaluronic acid in the epidermis decreases, which disrupts the water balance. As a result, the skin becomes less elastic and, as a result, wrinkles appear. This is where remodeling and renewing masks come to the rescue.

From 35 years old, it is necessary to use masks aimed at anti-aging care at least twice a week. These can be deeply moisturizing and tightening formulations.

At the age of 40, collagen in the tissues becomes less and less, it is required to correct the oval of the face. In addition to rejuvenating salon procedures, it is worth applying intensively more often.

At 45-50 years old, anti-aging masks should become especially concentrated in order to show visible results with deepening wrinkles and age spots. Choose lifting masks containing natural oils, collagen, hyaluronic acid.

The filter of the "Age of Application" catalog will help you not to make a mistake with the choice of cosmetics for the skin.

How to make a purchase in the "Gallery of cosmetics"

In our store there is a large selection of professional masks and other face skin care products.

You can choose the funds yourself using the catalog filters or use a free specialist consultation on the site.

In order to buy a product you like, "add" it to the cart, and then confirm the application.

We offer attractive delivery terms not only in Moscow, but throughout Russia. And various payment options make the purchase even more convenient.

Shopping is a pleasure with "Gallery of Cosmetics".