Linen wedding. Signs and rituals of a linen wedding. Four years together - linen wedding

Liana Raimanova

The linen wedding comes after four years of marriage. Many interesting traditions are associated with this anniversary, so it should be celebrated according to a special scenario. Why is the fourth anniversary called linen?

Linen symbolizes strong family ties, which managed to be struck between spouses during 4 years of cohabitation.

The people considered this event to be a kind of borderline. The status of a linen wedding marks the transition from a young life to a mature one.

history of the holiday

Flax has long been considered a symbol prosperity and material well-being... The process of obtaining this fabric was laborious and expensive, so not every family could afford it.

The linen wedding served as a symbol of the beginning of an independent life for young spouses. If in the first years of marriage they were helped by their parents, then after four years the couple found themselves completely on their own.

The young family was invited to demonstrate material well-being at the holiday itself. Husband and wife had to meet guests in new linen clothes, the fabric for which cost a decent amount of money for that time. But the spouses did not remain in the loser, because the guests came with gifts, most of which were also made of flax. By the way, the tradition of celebrating the fourth anniversary in linen clothes is still relevant to this day.

Linen is not the only symbol of the fourth anniversary, this event is also called a wax wedding.

The name came to us from the northwest, but it firmly established itself and also became traditional. The wax is plastic, easily takes the desired shape.

It is believed that the characters of the spouses become malleable under mutual influence. Wax symbolizes the ability of spouses to adapt to each other, the ability to compromise.

How to celebrate 4 wedding years?

It is customary to celebrate the fourth anniversary in the company of relatives and close friends. It is also desirable that the godparents of the husband and wife be present at the holiday. Despite the modest format of the event, it can take a lot of time and effort to prepare it.

To celebrate the linen anniversary, you need to choose the right menu, decorate the room in accordance with the theme, familiarize yourself with the traditions and stock up on all the things necessary to observe them.

Ideally, you should prepare a script for celebrating a linen wedding anniversary, which will include contests, games, congratulations and other interesting activities for guests. If both spouses are not delighted with the organizational activity, and there are many guests invited, then their entertainment can be entrusted to a specialist.

A professional toastmaster will compose the script himself and effectively bring it to life

If the spouses decide to do on their own, then the burden of organizing the holiday falls on their shoulders. Where to begin? First, you need to decide on the format of the event and the number of guests. Based on these data, choose a venue for the holiday.

If the spouses plan to celebrate a linen wedding modestly with their family, they can personally call their relatives and invite them to the celebration. If there are many guests, then it is better to convene them for the anniversary in writing. Invitations to celebrate 4 years of married life can be ordered or printed independently, since there are plenty of templates on the Internet.

If you don't find a suitable one, just create it using a computer program. It's important to stick with tradition when choosing a design for your invitation cards. It should be based on linen and wax elements: threads, flowers, honeycombs, candles, etc.

The same principle should be used to decorate the banquet room. Must be present without fail candles and linen items: tablecloths, napkins, curtains. It is also advisable to buy a bunch of flax flowers.

The festive menu for the fourth anniversary is also compiled according to special rules. It should contain fruits, honey and sweets, including. These products serve as symbols of prosperity, promise a young couple material well-being and a life in abundance. It is desirable that there are at least several different salads on the table.

In the old days, wives treated guests with their specialties, and husbands treated guests with their own wine.

Since the holiday is modest, ordinary everyday dishes can also be served at the table: dumplings, dumplings, mashed potatoes, cutlets, pancakes, etc.

How to celebrate a linen wedding: traditions, rituals, signs

The fourth anniversary is one of the richest in tradition. Festive ceremonies began in the morning. The wife had to get up early, pull off the blanket from the sleeping spouse and cover it with a “canvas of happiness,” that is, with a linen cloth.

The material was not bought, it was woven by his wife from the very first days of marriage. She only got to work when she was in a good mood. The length of the finished canvas was used to judge whether a woman was happy in marriage. If there were not enough joyful moments in her life, the husband received a meager short canvas and a reason to think about his behavior.

Gradually, this custom was transformed into another, which can be performed in our time. On the wedding day, the wife is presented with a white linen sheet on which she embroiders small flowers and patterns. Each element of the embroidery symbolizes gifts, tokens of attention and simply moments of joy received from a spouse. Four years later, caring husbands are presented with a real masterpiece, richly decorated with embroidery. A man who could not make his wife happy receives an unsightly piece of fabric with ugly patterns.

According to another tradition, guests of the holiday should shower the young couple with flax seeds at the entrance to the house in order to attract well-being to it.

It is important that their parents are the first to congratulate the heroes of the occasion.

The further order is irrelevant.

Many modern couples adhere to the ancient rope ritual. Husband and wife tied tightly to each other so that it is very difficult for them to free themselves on their own. If the spouses fail to get out of the bondage, their relationship will flourish and grow stronger with each subsequent year of life together. So, in any case, popular beliefs say.

Linen wedding gifts

Linen anniversary gifts are special too. For four years of family life, young spouses are presented with things made of flax or wax. The most practical and popular options: bedding sets, tablecloths, towels, curtains. Various souvenirs from the listed materials are welcome, linen clothing will also be a relevant gift.

What kind of wedding is called linen, wax, amber and silk? All of the titles listed are for the fourth anniversary. It was nicknamed Amber in Germany, Silk - in the Netherlands.

Silver bracelet with amber, Darwin(price by link)

Previously, in Russia, the traditions of neighbors were not particularly honored, but now things are different. The development of the Internet and other communication channels has contributed to the international exchange of cultural values, Western customs have become popular in our country as well. Due to this silk and amber gifts will also be appropriate at the celebration of the fourth anniversary of a young family.

What can friends and parents give to a young family?

What other gifts can be given to the heroes of the occasion? It depends on who exactly is giving them. Parents of young spouses usually buy for them useful things in everyday life, the same tablecloths and bedding sets.

Friends bring with them "funny" gifts: caricature paintings, T-shirts with funny inscriptions, poems and songs with pronounced notes of humor. There is another option - to surprise the spouses with an unusual present. We can read more about gifts for a linen wedding from friends and parents.

What to give your wife for a linen wedding?

If people around can give practical everyday things to the husband and wife, then the gifts of the husband and wife to each other should be more personal, reflecting the depth of their feelings. Women are sentimental, we must not forget about this when choosing a suitable little thing.

The present may not even be tangible. Sometimes a romantic surprise is enough: a candlelit dinner in a restaurant, an unplanned horse ride along the coast. Many other ways to please your spouse with a good gift are listed.

What to give your husband for a linen wedding?

Gifts for your husband on your 4th anniversary may be more practical, but not trivial. Ideally, you should choose a unique item that will fully meet the current needs of your spouse.

If the wife has a good rummage in the bins of memory, then she will surely find a suitable option, which the husband has mentioned more than once. You can get ready-made ideas for a gift to your husband for the 4th anniversary and be inspired to create new ones.

Photoshoot for linen wedding

So that the day of the celebration of the fourth anniversary will remain in memory for a long time, it can be captured in photographs. In the years to come, they will refresh their memories of this happy day. How to arrange a photo session?

First you need to find a photographer.

If you are lucky to run into a good specialist, then he will take on the search for a place, scenery, costumes, as well as solving many other issues.

However, the husband and wife will certainly enjoy organizing the photo session on their own. You just need to choose a beautiful memorial place and decorate it with festive paraphernalia.

You can invite someone from your acquaintances or friends to the role of a photographer. Now many young people are seriously interested in photography, have professional or semi-professional equipment. This photo session has its advantages. In the company of a friend, the atmosphere will be warmer and more comfortable, and you can save well - as payment for their services, friends usually ask for a bottle of wine or something equivalent.

February 23, 2018 5:48 am

A linen wedding is when a couple have lived together for 4 years. As soon as they call this anniversary: ​​linen, rope, wax. And in all the names there is a deep meaning. Our ancestors were wise enough when they came up with holidays and names for them. This is especially true for wedding anniversaries.

Each year is similar to the previous one. And if it is not somehow distinguished and distinguished, life becomes boring and dull. Wise ancestors celebrated the linen wedding anniversary in order not only to diversify the course of life, but also to remind the married couple that after 4 years feelings have not gone away, that family life has a place for holidays, fun and gifts.

4 years is a serious milestone in a relationship, when the couple already felt that they were in full control of their own home, showed mutual respect and love, and demonstrated to friends and relatives the ability to receive guests in the house.

Throughout the ages, flax has been considered a symbol of wealth because it has never been cheap. Only wealthy people could afford to wear linen clothes and textiles. In addition, linen threads are particularly durable, and things made from them are of good quality and reliability. Therefore, flax characterizes a four-year relationship in a couple as rich, strong, strong.

Since diplomacy and flexibility rule the ball in family relations, wax was quite logically considered a symbol of softness and pliability. There was even a sign - if the spouses celebrated the anniversary day even modestly, then there were chances to live in perfect harmony for the rest of their lives. Apparently, there was something in it. Many couples, unfortunately, do not reach the 4th anniversary. It's time to think about the degree of gentleness and diplomacy in yourself and your partner.

4 years together - this is the milestone, having crossed which it is time for a couple to think about increasing material wealth and creating financial savings. All the same flax obliges to this, as the first significant level, not only in relationships, but also in creating your own home. Usually at this time the couple is already growing up a child or even two. And the question of finances is becoming far from idle.

Many women are now interested in self-development and know that progress in one area of ​​life draws others to itself. If you have already been presented with some linen items for your anniversary, then after that it is quite logical that the sphere of finance should tighten up. Here's another reason why you should celebrate a linen wedding. One will attract the other. It seems that the ancient Slavs perfectly understood this principle!

In pre-revolutionary Russia, richer women sewed linen bed linen by hand for the 4th anniversary of their marriage. This became a symbol of both prosperity (since the old bed had worn out during this time, worn out), and a new stage in the relationship of the spouses.

Moreover, various patterns were embroidered on linen according to the amount of affection given by the husband to his wife in 4 years. The more the spouse has done good for his wife during this time, the more embroidered drawings in the form of flowers and birds are depicted on the new bed.

For centuries women have woven themselves by hand for new bedding. Moreover, the sheet was laid on the family bed on the day of the linen wedding, and then kept as a large relic for the rest of his life.

Interestingly, it was necessary to engage in weaving precisely after the moments when the husband showed attention and gave gifts. The amount of embroidery and the canvas itself depended on the husband's attention. If for 4 years the fabric was enough for only one pillowcase, the spouse should think and rehabilitate himself in front of his wife.

On this day, husbands give their wives gifts of flax in any form. It can even be jewelry, strung on a strong linen thread or lace.

There was another original tradition - on a holiday to shower each other with flaxseeds and sweets as a sign of strong and long-term relationships.

According to another custom, the wife sewed trousers and a shirt for her husband, without taking measurements from him. The point was to test how well the young mistress knows her husband after 4 years together. A modern woman, probably, can try to buy clothes for her husband, choosing them "by eye". Given the current prices, the most desperate young ladies can take a risk, and even if they are sure that they know their spouse as flaky.

If you are setting a festive table, then cover it with a linen tablecloth and put wax candles to fully match the spirit of the holiday. By the way, he does not require the presence of expensive gourmet food at all. You can fry elementary potatoes, open a canning, make a salad. Everything can be organized on a very budgetary basis, but it is also fun.

Let your family have something to remember not only after 4 years of living as a couple, but much more often!

Love, prosperity and wisdom!

Linen wedding- this is 4 years married life. Also, 4 years is also called a rope wedding. It is not considered an anniversary in the classical sense, but has the status of an anniversary. For 4 years, husband and wife have already mastered and are like intertwining ropes or flax fibers. It is no longer so easy to separate them.

Gifts for spouses who have lived for 4 years are linen products: tablecloths, towels, bed linen. In addition to linen products, gifts are welcome that contain various weaves, weaves of ropes and everything that symbolizes the weaving of hearts that cannot be separated. It should also be noted that there should be candles on the m table, preferably burning, which are also acceptable as a gift. Candles in this case are a sign of romance, which is present in the relationship of spouses.

Our ancestors performed a special ceremony on the day of their four years of marriage. They tied the spouses with a rope, who in turn tried to extricate themselves from it. If in the end they did not manage to extricate themselves, then their union will be strong and durable.

Today is your celebration
The linen wedding has arrived!
Wish the magic
Family ties did not end.

Live together for many years
Be faithful, respect,
Let there be no troubles in life,
Sadness, sadness and excitement.

I wish you to save love,
And let the flame of feelings not fade away,
Short partings and warm meetings,
And just a lot, a lot of happiness!

You have been married for four years.
How quickly time passed!
Congratulations on this date.
We want you to live peacefully.

So that you do not quarrel with each other,
To make the house full of friends
So that laughter and joy are everywhere
So that only happiness is in him!

I congratulate you on the 4th anniversary of your marriage. Linen wedding is a period of bright dreams, feelings, emotions and hopes for you. And I sincerely wish all the best to your family, material prosperity and complete harmony. Let all 4 elements be present in your life: let the fire of your love burn brightly, let money flow to you in a stormy stream of water, let you breathe the air of happiness, let the earth be stable under your feet!

The family has a linen wedding!
On such a day, what can I wish you?
To make the house a full bowl
And love over the years is more beautiful.
So that in peace and harmony
You have woven your happiness
To make children's laughter in the house
Was a delight for everyone.
So that you bathe in love
And they smiled with happiness!

Happy fourth anniversary
I congratulate the family
Her linen wedding
The people call it.

Life lies before you
May your feelings be strong
Will be as it is.

I wish you love to cherish
And keep faithful to her,
Holding hands, life to you
Happy to live.

Together you are 4 years old
As if spent in a fairy tale.
Through fogs, bad weather
You have found your love.

Congratulations on your linen wedding
You have become even dearer,
May every anniversary
The marriage is getting stronger!

You have been married for four years,
You have gone through so many situations.
The linen wedding is already on the doorstep,
So, you are great today.

Have managed to achieve a lot over the years,
Strengthen feelings, strengthen faith.
And remember, any bad weather
It will not resist the power of love.

Linen rope is strong -
Has grown stronger in four years.
For the two of you - a glass to the bottom!
Yes, clear weather in your house.
Joy will not end
And happiness beckons with its affection
Let the whole life seem
One big pleasant fairy tale.
Beautiful love to you guys
Be embraced by the river of goodness,
Remember these dates!

Four years together is a pretty decent time.
And your family lesson has already been learned and passed.
The exam has to be taken every day,
So that not to lose great love forever!

I wish you patience and wisdom in everything.
May God protect your kind, warm home,
And it will bring a lot, a lot of happiness in the palms,
And protects every minute from grief!

Four glorious years have passed
Linen anniversary - class!
Let it be clean, strong like linen
And you have a long-lasting life!

So let in this good house
They live joyfully with love!
Let the threads be strong linen
Fate and life will be sewn forever!

Where and with whom to celebrate?

Linen wedding traditions

What to give a husband and wife?

What should be noted?

What to treat?

After four years of marriage, the young couple celebrates the so-called linen or rope wedding. The long and laborious process of making flax is really like family life. In addition, four years after the wedding, the spouses are tied to each other by invisible bonds. This is the first of the wedding anniversaries, which has more material than spiritual meaning. The tradition of a linen wedding in Russia was the appearance in the house of a solid linen tablecloth and other linen things. This event meant that the family began its path to wealth.

However, this holiday has many other names. For example, in the Scandinavian countries this holiday is usually called a wax wedding. It is no coincidence that people compare relationships in family life with plastic wax, which easily takes any shape. In a family, you often have to adjust to each other, be ready to compromise, and sometimes sacrifice your interests for the good of the family. In the Netherlands, this anniversary is called a silk wedding, because four years of family life is like the painstaking work of creating silk material. In Germany, amber is considered to be the symbol of the fourth anniversary, and in England and France - flowers.

Where and with whom to celebrate?

Although four years is not a round date, you need to celebrate this family holiday surrounded by friends and close relatives. It is best to be closer to nature on this holiday, so you can arrange a family celebration in the country or in a country house. Wanting to celebrate your linen wedding traditionally, you can decorate the venue in any rustic style: rustic or Provence. Any antique furniture: wooden, wicker or forged will be very appropriate for the holiday. If you want to celebrate this date together, you can arrange a romantic candlelit dinner.

Linen wedding traditions

In the old days, women prepared for this holiday in advance. According to tradition, the wife weaved a "canvas of happiness" from linen. It is with him that the old custom of “covering the husband” is connected. On the day of the family holiday, the young wife got up early in the morning, removed the blanket from her sleeping husband and covered him with a "sheet of happiness." The fact is that this canvas was woven by the wife from the first days of her marriage, but only at those moments when she felt the love of her husband. If the husband often showed her attention and gave her gifts, the canvas turned out to be large. If not, the canvas was not enough to cover.

The godparents of the young wife played an important role in this holiday. According to custom, the godfather gave a chest or a spinning wheel, and the godmother gave flax or beautiful linen things of her own making.

On this day, our ancestors performed a special ceremony. The young spouses were seated on chairs close to each other and their hands and feet were tightly tied. A family was considered strong and prosperous if the spouses could not free themselves from the ropes. Another rite that has come down to our time is the showering of spouses with flaxseeds and sweets.

The festive table was covered with a linen tablecloth and decorated with special figurines made of flax stalks, symbolizing spouses, which the husband made in advance for the linen wedding. As a sign of strong family ties, the hands of the figures were tied with linen threads. These ritual dolls were carefully kept until the next wedding anniversary, and then solemnly burned by the spouses.

What to give for a linen wedding?

For this anniversary, young spouses are often presented with any linen products, as a symbol of prosperity and security for the family. Especially if these are handicrafts that are always highly appreciated. The most appropriate gift from friends and relatives will, of course, be all kinds of linen tablecloths, towels, pillows, sheets, bedspreads and napkins. You can opt for beautiful curtains made of high quality linen. Linen towels with embroidered congratulations and wishes of happiness will delight the spouses for a long time.

As a gift for a linen wedding, linen or silk bedding, wickerwork made using the macrame technique, as well as paintings or amber jewelry are perfect. A tapestry woven from linen threads, or a painting painted on canvas, will decorate the home of a young family and will be a memorable gift. You can present to young spouses exquisite candelabra and a set of scented candles, as well as cosmetics based on bee products.

On this day, it was customary to give a small bunch of flowering flax or a dried sheaf. Blooming flax in pots can be found in flower shops, or you can grow it yourself for a holiday date, which will pleasantly surprise young spouses.

What to give a husband and wife?

On the fourth wedding anniversary, the spouses can give each other linen clothes. It can be comfortable clothes for the house made of light linen or fashion items (suit, shirt or dress) made of linen material with synthetic additives so that the clothes do not wrinkle. In any case, things made from natural linen will last for many years and will remind you of a family holiday.

You can present your beloved husband with an embroidered linen sheet as a token of your love. You can make a gift with your own hands: an embroidered postcard or a case for glasses or a phone, decorated with embroidery.

A husband can find designer jewelry made using linen threads for his wife. Or pamper her with blue topaz, the patron stone of a linen wedding. It will be very effective to give this gift packed in a linen bag.

What should be noted?

According to an old tradition, as a sign of love and respect, the wife prepared for this holiday a beautiful linen shirt for her husband, woven and embroidered with her own hands. Moreover, a good hostess did it without any measurements "by eye" and had to guess with the size. The husband put on a shirt in the morning and met the guests in it. For herself, the young wife prepared a linen sundress with intricate embroidery. Nowadays, you can specially purchase linen clothes: a blouse with embroidery or a dress decorated with lace or hemstitch. A wreath of wildflowers and cowboy boots can complement the "linen" look. And for the groom it is preferable to choose a linen shirt or a summer suit with a vest.

What to treat?

The menu for a linen wedding should be as simple as possible, especially if you are planning a rustic wedding. Our ancestors, meeting guests, treated them to wine and homemade pies with different fillings. There were always honey and sweets on the tables, as it was believed that they bring happiness and harmony to the house. Foods such as baked potatoes, grilled fish, vegetable salads and homemade drinks (compotes, fruit drinks) are welcome. The cake should be in harmony with the overall decoration and theme of the wedding. It can be a cake with an openwork pattern. If the decor is dominated by a rustic style, then a sweet pie or cake can be decorated with fresh berries and fruits.

In eastern countries, all dates are marked according to numerology, and all anniversaries that are multiples of four should be celebrated especially noisily and cheerfully with guests. May your fourth wedding anniversary be just that and be remembered by you and your guests for a long time.

Since ancient times, a linen wedding has been an indicator that the young have passed the main probationary period of cohabitation. If, over a four-year period, the young began to improve their life, formed the correct concept of family values, were able to find the keys to each other's character, after 4 years they can invite guests to the celebration.

Why is the wedding called linen

The name of the weddings, as well as the linen wedding, is how many years the newlyweds have lived together and continue to build a further happy family. How many years a linen wedding has been celebrated among today's youth is an indicator of strong families. After passing such a probationary period, in almost all cases, people live together until the golden wedding.

The name linen wedding was not chosen by chance. Since olden times, linen has been a symbol of strong product quality, as well as a guarantee of durability, which is a special feature in strong families. For 4 years of living together, people who have entered into a legal marriage end the so-called grinding to each other. Young people learn to find compromises, to run a joint household.

Symbolically, married life is identified with the manufacture of linen, in which the threads are intertwined in such an unusual way that in the end it can be very difficult to break them. Likewise, the life of novice spouses is full of surprises and difficult moments, but having endured life's trials, further marriage is becoming stronger every year.

The beauty and peculiarity of linen is also a symbol of family harmony, which young people strive for. Over the course of 4 years, the spouses have come to a single plan for building joint welfare.

With careful wear of linen material, after many years, it does not lose its beauty and strength, and family life, where spouses love and appreciate each other, does not fade away.

How to celebrate a linen wedding

Despite the fact that the traditions of celebrating a linen wedding are purely village celebrations, they are not ignored in large cities either. Young people who have lived their first 4 years of marriage try to celebrate this event in their own way.

Today, the modern gift industry offers linen wedding cards, linen and wax gift accessories, handmade items, and many other options.

Traditionally, it is believed that a linen celebration should live up to its name, therefore wax candles should be the main paraphernalia of the holiday, since the second name of a linen wedding is wax. The festive table is decorated with a beautiful bright linen tablecloth. In this style, napkins are selected.

The outfit of the young can also be made of linen. Pictures with a linen wedding can be hung on the walls as decoration.

Wedding gifts

Gifts and celebration scenarios in each family are chosen according to their tastes, wealth and national traditions. A gift from parents to spouses with four years of experience can be very diverse from a linen tablecloth to the keys to a new apartment or car. In the modern world, this is not essential.

Sometimes relatives, before deciding what to present for a linen wedding for the newlyweds, consult with them. Indeed, in 4 years, a young family may have acquired housing, which not everyone can afford to furnish according to modern standards and their desires.

When choosing what can be presented for a linen wedding, one should take into account not only traditions, opportunities, but also symbolic meanings that will be appropriate when choosing, for example, jewelry or interior items, as well as linen gifts for a wedding anniversary, which will remind you of this. celebration after many years.

What to give friends for a linen wedding - the options for gifts can be very diverse:

  • jewelry;
  • interior items;
  • dishes;
  • Appliances;
  • objects of art;
  • linens.

If in the company of friends there is a person with the talent of an artist, you can independently draw Linen Wedding postcards in the form of comic cartoons, the main characters of which will be the newlyweds and their loved ones.

Relatives can give a gift to the young by paying them a trip to one of the exotic countries where they can enjoy romance. If there are no children in the family yet, and the parents want to get a pet, a puppy, the breed of which a young family wants to have, will be very useful. In any case, the gift should be pleasant and necessary. Do not overshadow the celebration with a stupid, cheap and inappropriate gift.

Of course, a specially invited wedding toastmaster will help to improve the festive atmosphere. Fun, joy and positive emotions are the main attributes of the holiday. When preparing a holiday script, special attention should be paid to such necessary things as congratulations on a linen wedding.

It can be a video film prepared in advance with the best moments of a 4 year old marriage, congratulations on a linen wedding in verse, in the form of a small show or even a concert.

Gifts for your beloved wife

In addition to relatives, friends and loved ones, spouses can make gifts to each other, especially if they do not plan to arrange a magnificent party.

The spouse must choose in advance what to give his wife for a linen wedding - to find out her desires.

The spouse can be pleased with:

  1. Jewelry. It would be appropriate to give a ring or earrings with topaz, a stone that is the patron saint of a 4-year-old marriage.
  2. Portrait of a loved one in a beautiful baguette.
  3. Linen clothing or accessory option.

It should be remembered that the gift should only be individual. In no case should you donate kitchen appliances, household items that will be used by all family members. By accepting a pot or iron as a gift, a woman can understand this as an allusion to her main purpose in the family. In order not to darken the holiday, you should not even think about such a gift, unless the wife herself, of course, asks for it.

A pleasant surprise will be a romantic evening by candlelight, during which congratulations on a linen wedding in verse will be appropriate.

What can you give your spouse

Men are not picky about gifts, so it will not be difficult for a wife to choose him, because the main thing is her care and attention. Emphasizing the traditional meaning of the holiday, the wife should figure out in advance what to give her husband for the linen wedding. Alternatively, it can be a linen scarf, on which she can independently embroider a monogram with the initials of her beloved.

In fact, linen is a versatile material, so it is also used as upholstery on notebook bindings, cell phone cases and other accessories for men.

On such a holiday as a linen wedding, congratulations to your husband can be organized by ordering a table in a restaurant or by preparing many delicious original dishes at home. The names of the dishes can be thought of in accordance with the theme of the celebration. Of course, what to give your husband for a linen wedding is a question that may not be resolved in the form of material values. The day of celebrating the four-year anniversary of living together should be remembered by the young as their wedding day, so the choice of a gift should be taken seriously.

Congratulations on a linen wedding to your husband can be prepared in the form of a beautiful song or poem.

Poetic attributes

Poems have always been the invariable attributes of any holiday. Wishes and declarations of love to a spouse, beautifully folded in poetic rhyme, will overshadow any gift. Unfortunately, not all people have a poetic gift, so we offer several options for what a poetic congratulation on a linen wedding looks like.

For four years now
your hearth does not burn.
And congratulate with linen on the wedding
On this day, we want you.

Happiness to you, hopes of accomplishments,
To come to them together.
In the quiet haven of a family
Life is meaning to be found.

Let it not be boring together
Talk and be silent.
So that you can always be together
Dream about beautiful things.

Cool congratulations

Poems about a linen wedding can be romantic, comic, touching. Cool congratulations on a linen wedding will be appropriate on this day of fun and joy.

Happy wedding day linen congratulates the country
Spouses, as far as we know, are one Satan!
We wish you a long and joyful life:
The wife should be cheerful, and the husband should be amused!
And in life, the family soul does not grow old:
The wife is to be beautiful, and the husband wants to!
And, of course, children must be raised:
To a wife to become a mother, and to a husband to plow!
And, in general, we wish, well, what to say,
The wife is to be loved, and the husband is to love!

You can prepare funny congratulations on a linen wedding in prose. According to the script of the holiday, the postman must bring a postcard, in which the following text will be written: “Dear! I found out that you got married and have been living with my housewife for 4 years now. But looking at how you love her, I will not bother you. Do not see you again. (Signed) - Your bachelor life. "

Cool congratulations on a linen wedding can also be prepared in the style of a rally, which can be discussed in advance with family or friends by playing one of the spouses.

Nowadays there are many talented artists who paint portraits. To cheer up the guests, you can invite a cartoonist who, observing the guests during the festive evening, will be able to draw a friendly cartoon for each guest. At the end of the holiday, everyone will see themselves from the side in a humorous style. After the linen wedding is over, pictures with funny caricatures of friends can be viewed for many more years, recalling this amazingly funny and unforgettable period of your young married life.

Cool congratulations for a linen wedding for a young couple should be prepared very carefully, without affecting any personal nuances. Tact and respect, a touch of humor and a humorous background should be the basis in such congratulations. In no case should you overshadow poetic congratulations for a linen wedding using obscene expressions. This is silly and can add a lot of awkwardness to the holiday atmosphere.

Linen wedding poems

You can pick up poems on the theme "Linen wedding" on the Internet, or you can invent it yourself without looking at poetic ignorance. But in order for them to be remembered for their beautiful style and to be able to make feelings inflame with renewed vigor, one cannot do without the help of professional poets. From us a small selection of poems for a linen wedding.

For wife

Darling, I want to congratulate you,

With our happiness four years old linen,

May the birth of children add years to us,

Home, wealth, health and a lot of patience.

So that we never have to unclench our hands,

Despite the fate of evil intrigues.

For the children to look at us, saying:

"Here is an example of our future life."

For husband

The spouse hurries to my house with gifts,
I congratulate him today on the wax wedding,
Four sweet years like a day
Let no shadow fall on our happiness.
I wish him health, joy, love,
The owner, the breadwinner in the family is always excellent,
You will always be happy with me and live a long time
And for friends, relatives, stay the best by all means.