The best care for leather shoes. How to protect shoes from moisture and salt in the cold season. Alternative to store creams

Now, as inexpensive labels continue to leave Russia, and remaining stores raise prices for new collections, it's time to cut costs and rethink your wardrobe. Often, in order to prolong the life of a cashmere coat or a silk top, it is enough just to properly store and wash your favorite item.

The Village is launching a new column in which every week we will ask experts how to care for a particular piece of clothing. In the new issue - nine tips on how to care for the skin, from the specialists of the British Shoes store and shoe shine service Shoe Brush.

Very important in the beginning when the shoes are still new, do a basic treatment: soak the shoes with cream and shoe polish. Firstly, it prevents the shoes from drying out, the skin becomes softer and more elastic, which means it sits better on the leg. Secondly, in this way the pores of the skin will be protected from the ingress of harmful salt crystals or reagents into them.

After every wear you need to wipe the shoes with a dry or slightly damp cloth so that the settled dust, which may contain aggressive substances, does not corrode the leather.

Store shoes in stocks, preferably from wood, but even the simplest plastic mold holders on a spring are better than nothing. When the shoe dries without lasts in a bent form, the next time you wear it, you literally tear the skin at the creases. Because of this, cracks appear.

It is advisable to alternate shoes and not wear the same pair for several days in a row. Shoes should dry completely naturally. Sometimes it takes more than 12 hours.

Shoes need to be washed from time to time special products like shoe soap. It will cleanse the skin of waste shoe polish, which remains in the pores, stains and salt stains. After washing, it is necessary to dry the shoes in a natural way (it takes from 12 to 16 hours), and then be sure to repeat the basic treatment.

Do not use cream and shoe polish too often and in large numbers. There is a danger of "overheating" shoes, and this is no better than overdrying. Stains that appear due to a glut of fats are extremely difficult to remove.

If you neglect prevention, do not forget to treat the sole of the shoe every few months with special compounds based on goose, seal or other fats, which will retain elasticity and prevent the skin from drying out and cracking.

With regard to prevention where opinions often differ. Opponents of rubber rolling say that it doesn’t feel the same when walking, and the sole does not breathe. But in Russian reality, and even more so in winter, when the streets are plentifully treated with reagents, we recommend not to ignore prevention - boots will retain a presentable look longer.

If you are afraid to experiment or you do not have time for independent care, contact the specialists. Having spent on professional cleaning (about a thousand rubles) and prevention (1,200 rubles), you will extend the life of your favorite pair of shoes.

Spring has come. Shoes lose their appearance immediately after you leave the entrance. Everywhere there are puddles, dirt and residues of reagents that adversely affect the material. How to care for shoes at this time of the year, and is there any point at all, because it's like washing a car before a trip to nature. Of course it is. After all, shoes are one of the details of the image, which they pay attention to in the first place and by which they judge the accuracy of a person. Some famous people noticed that they did not want to do business with a person who had dirty, uncleaned shoes. Alexander Ch. from the company told us how to care for classic leather shoes.

Dirt cleaning

The first thing to do is to remove the dust from the shoes. Sand and small stones can scratch the leather surface when polished. Also, if the dust is mixed with the cream, the shoes will not shine. When cleaning shoes from dust, you need to use a brush with natural bristles. If dust, dirt or sand cannot be brushed off, then foam cleaner or cream soap will help.

Foam cleaner is best applied with a shaving brush or brush. Apply the foam evenly to the surface of the shoe with a slight pressure, and then, using a rag, remove the remaining foam with dirt in linear movements. In this case, you need to move from the toe of the shoe to its back. Then wipe dry, polish the shoes with a cotton cloth and leave to dry completely.

If you use cream soap, then apply it with a shaving brush or a clean sponge to the entire surface of the shoe, after wetting them with water. Cream soap should be removed in the same way as foam.

Impregnation and application of cream

After cleaning from dirt, the shoes must be impregnated with balm. It gives shine to shoes, renews color and nourishes the skin. To properly saturate shoes, apply a small amount of lotion to a cotton cloth and rub it in a linear motion over the surface, then let it soak in for 5 minutes. Then you can proceed to the next step - applying a colored cream. Some people are limited only to this item, but without the previous ones, it will not give the desired effect. For new shoes, a colorless cream is suitable, while for worn shoes that have lost their color saturation, it is better to use a colored one.

Apply the cream with a small brush or cotton cloth. After application, wait a few minutes, and then polish the cream on the surface of the shoes with a brush with soft natural bristles. Further, it is recommended to polish the surface of the shoe with a napkin in a circular motion to remove unabsorbed remnants of the cream.


Polishing will add shine to the shoes. Wax works best for this. There are several ways to wax shoes, and the most common is with a cotton cloth. To do this, the fabric is wound around the fingers, then a small amount of wax is applied to the shoes, after which the surface of the shoes is polished in a circular motion until a glossy sheen is formed. At first, the shoes will get a matte sheen, and this is normal. The main thing is not to apply too much wax. It is not recommended to apply wax on creases.

How to wear and store leather shoes

We recommend not wearing the same pair of shoes for more than two days in a row. It is better to have at least two pairs of shoes in your wardrobe so that you can give time for one to rest when you wear the other (at least two days for "rest").

When the humidity is high, leather shoes require special care. Wet shoes lose their elasticity and stretch, which can lead to deformation, loss of shape and appearance. So that the shoes do not lose their functional properties and appearance during drying, you need to insert blocks or form holders into it. Dry shoes in a well-ventilated area.

Proper storage of shoes consists in the fact that a wooden mold holder (one-piece or telescopic) is inserted inside each shoe, which allows them to keep their appearance longer.

What not to do

1. Wet shoes without installing blocks and mold holders.
2. Bring shoes under a strong stream of water.
3. Store shoes in plastic bags or plastic cases without holes for air circulation. In such bags or cases, the skin will not be able to "breathe".
4. Dry shoes near heat sources, such as near or on a radiator, where they will dry unevenly, causing the shoes to deform.
5. Use springform holders, as they can spoil the shape of the backdrop over time.

If you wear expensive shoes, and it is broken, then we do not recommend doing amateur work and, not knowing the intricacies, trying to fix it yourself. You can use the services of Oxfords & Brogues, where even old shoes, which, it would seem, cannot be restored, will be repaired, polished and polished to a shine so that your shoes will be like new. You can also buy shoe care products on the company's website.

Leather shoes are particularly comfortable: they allow the foot to "breathe", they are easily worn in and take the shape of the foot, and they look stylish and elegant. Therefore, natural shoes, boots or sneakers occupy the top lines in the popularity rating. There are hygiene rules for leather material, following which you will extend the period of wearing shoes and provide your feet with a healthy microclimate.

Choosing shoe cosmetics ...

When buying a brand new pair of shoes, immediately purchase care products. And in this matter, do not save. According to professional experts, the cash costs for shoe cosmetics should be on average 10% of the price of the shoes for which it is purchased. From the following list, select a few tools.

  • Shampoos and foams. Their function is to remove dirt, various stains and stains, and maintain color.
  • Creams. Increase the service life of shoe products, provide elasticity, softness of natural leather.
  • Aerosols that restore color. You can choose any shades.
  • Polishes. Protect from moisture and moisture, provide shine.
  • Impregnation. They create an additional protective layer, have a moisture-repellent effect, the properties of neutralizing salt stains.
  • specific cosmetics. These are antibacterial deodorants, softeners, anticolors (protect socks from staining) and others.

It will not be superfluous to study the composition of shoe cosmetics. So, wax provides grooming, gloss effect, protects from external factors. Oils restore freshness to the appearance. Silicones - polish, solvents - get rid of dust. Based on fluorocarbon resins, water-repellent agents are created.

The classics of care are fatty creams, or shoe polishes. Due to the content of oils and fats, they provide intensive care for leather shoes, which is especially necessary in winter weather. In summer, give preference to products based on silicones and solvents.

...and cleaning "inventory"

The main and mandatory device for cleaning leather shoes is a brush. Natural or with artificial pile. Also have on hand:

  • cream brush (for each color - separate);
  • polishing cloth;
  • sponge-impregnation;
  • washing sponge or washcloth;
  • soft rags;
  • toothbrush (for hard-to-reach places).

Choose only high quality brushes. Otherwise, you run the risk of spoiling leather shoes with scratches and not coping with dirt.

Caring for leather shoes: 5 rules

How to wash leather shoes? For natural leather material, rain and autumn slush, mud, snow "porridge" with industrial reagents are detrimental. These shoes need to be cleaned after every outing. Once a week, give her more powerful help. Thus, you will preserve its beauty and gloss, "breathing" and moisture-repellent properties, get rid of microcracks, scratches, stubborn stains or unpleasant odors. Cleaning leather shoes from dirt is not at all difficult. Try to adhere to the following five recommendations.

  1. Clean the outside of the shoes. This should be done with any damp cloth for cleaning immediately after coming home. Remove heavy soiling with a wet, well-wrung cloth (dilute shoe shampoo in water). Wash sequence: heel, sole, upper.
  2. Wipe dry. For these purposes, clean flannel or cotton fabric is suitable.
  3. Dry naturally. Drying is carried out at room temperature. The insoles must first be removed. The ban on drying with a hairdryer, heater, special dryers, on a radiator or in the sun is fundamental. This only deforms the product and dries out the skin. A popular way is to stuff shoes with old newspapers.
  4. Apply a thin layer of cream. Only after complete drying. A colorless version is suitable, but it is better to use a product that matches the shoes. Leave overnight. Remove residue in the morning with a soft sponge. Use the cream twice a week.
  5. Treat with a water repellent spray. In wet weather, it is worth doing this once every five to seven days, in dry weather - once a month. Use special tools to polish to a shine.

Please note that colored skin always darkens with water, and after drying, it acquires its original shade. By the way, this problem is often discussed on women's uniforms, doubting the quality of the purchased boots or shoes. Experts assure: leather shoes of blue, beige or other color, which darkens from water, are not bad, of poor quality. On the contrary, it is a sign that the material is natural.

If the couple is new

After buying a new pair of shoes, saturate with cream and then polish thoroughly. To make it shine, you can rub it with a slice of lemon or orange zest. Then polish with a rag. After a week of wear, lubricate the shoes with castor oil or fish oil. This will make it water resistant.

If your new shoes have thin leather soles, to prevent leakage (for example, in autumn or after rain), lubricate along the connecting line of the sole and upper with a conventional silicone-based hand protection cream. When the cream is absorbed, polish well.

Wet and "laser" products

It is advisable not to wear suede and patent leather shoes in wet weather at all. After a walk in the rain, it is difficult for these delicate materials to return to their “marketable” appearance.

  • Suede Very capricious, afraid of water, prone to stains. Washing or washing such shoes will not succeed. Fatty ones are removed with talcum powder, shiny ones with an ordinary eraser. If suede shoes get wet, wash off the dirt with soapy water, dry over steam.
  • Varnish. Focus on the general rules of care, but to give a beautiful shine, rub patent shoes with glycerin, egg yolk, vegetable oil or milk.
  • Nubuck. Outwardly similar to suede, but moisture resistant. The contaminants are removed in
    dry with a soft brush.
  • Leather with laser treatment. In fact, ordinary genuine leather, but with a special manufacturing technology. Using a laser engraving machine, images are applied to the material. Such shoes are considered exclusive, but there are no special tips on how to properly care for leather shoes with laser processing. Care is the same as for ordinary leather models.

To care for delicate types of skin do not use sponges and brushes with hard, coarse bristles. They will spoil the velvety or varnished surface.

Alternative to store creams

To keep shoes in perfect condition, it is not necessary to spend money and buy special tools. There are a number of folk methods that are as effective as store-bought cosmetics for shoes.

  • Giving shine. In 0.5 liters of warm water, dilute a teaspoon of baby soap and a few drops of ammonia. Soak a washcloth in the solution and apply to the surface. You can also beat the egg white, milk and sugar (in equal proportions), then cover the leather surface with the resulting foam. Finally polish with a rag.
  • Drying out protection. The dried top of shoes or boots will be saved by treatment with castor or vegetable oil. And so that the leather surface does not crack, use glycerin or petroleum jelly.
  • Creating a water repellent effect. Store-bought products will successfully replace flax oil. A popular method of rubbing natural leather with non-salted lard is popular among the people.
  • Removing bad odor. A light solution of potassium permanganate will help clean leather shoes from the smell. It is necessary to carefully wipe them inside the insoles and side walls, and then re-walk with a cotton pad dipped in pharmacy hydrogen peroxide. If there is no potassium permanganate, you can get by with just peroxide.

It happens that cats choose leather shoes as a place for their toilet. If you need to get rid of such an annoying nuisance as the smell of cat urine, prepare a solution of acetic acid: mix a tablespoon of vinegar with four tablespoons of water. Gently wipe the inner surfaces, then sprinkle them with soda for half an hour. Then rinse everything, dry. To neutralize the stink, citric acid, vodka is suitable.

Folk recipes for stains

Stains from leather shoes can be removed with folk remedies. Before proceeding with this procedure, you need to clean the product from dust and dirt. Be sure to dry your wet shoes.


  1. Sprinkle the greasy stain with starch (baby powder or crushed chalk).
  2. Keep for about half an hour.
  3. Shake off the white powder, wipe the place of contamination with a damp cloth.

Baking soda

  1. Dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in half a glass of warm water.
  2. Wipe the grease stain until a light foam is formed.
  3. Wipe with a tissue and dry.


  1. Take half an onion.
  2. Cut and rub the oily stain with the cut part.
  3. Go over with a clean sponge again to remove the onion smell (will last for several days).

Life hacks for blonde couples

Of course, brown shoes are more appropriate in winter, but in frosty dry weather, you can safely flaunt white boots. Moreover, cleaning white leather shoes can be done without much effort.

  • Toothpaste. You can whiten white leather shoes with toothpaste or powder. It is necessary to apply the product on a soft toothbrush and treat the places of contamination.
  • Soda. Well and quickly refresh natural white skin baking soda, diluted in water to the consistency of a thick slurry.
  • Milk with eggs. You need to separate the egg white. Add it to warm milk (half a cup). Treat shoes with this mixture. When dry, buff to a shine.

Acids will help to clean light leather shoes from yellow stains: lemon juice, table vinegar, oxalic acid solution. Pre-test folk remedies on a hidden area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product.

Remedies for black streaks and salt stains

Table vinegar is the most effective way to get rid of white salt stains. First, wet shoes must be completely dried, follow the basic requirements for their care, and only then prepare a solution from one part of water and three parts of vinegar. Then wipe the dirty areas with the mixture until the stains disappear. Running salt stains will help eliminate castor oil.

A common problem is black streaks and streaks on white skin. Any spot dirt and stripes will be removed by an ordinary school eraser, but always white. The result is clean shoes without dark streaks.

How to properly store...

It is imperative to comply with the storage conditions for leather footwear. For these purposes, cardboard boxes or fabric covers are used. The use of cellophane bags is prohibited. You need to store leather shoes in a dry place, away from heating devices and sources of moisture, on special spacers to avoid losing the model shape (or you can use dry paper). The surface is pre-cleaned with a brush, then a protective water-repellent layer is applied.

… and erase

Knowing how to care for genuine leather shoes, you can extend the life of your favorite moccasins, ankle boots or ballet flats for a long time. But one way of care causes irreconcilable disputes among housewives - washing. So wash or not leather shoes in a washing machine? If the manufacturer does not prohibit doing this, and your shoes are terribly dirty (most often we are talking about sports shoes), proceed with this method of cleaning from dirt boldly. Take out the laces and remove all removable parts, place in a special bag, add powder or gel, select a delicate mode with a temperature of no more than 30 ° C and no spin. It remains only to properly dry the leather shoes after washing. We do this without a battery, in the old proven way - with the help of paper. Then wet shoes will not lose their shape.

Leather is one of the strongest, most durable and beautiful materials. It perfectly retains heat, supports natural ventilation, is resistant to scratches, odors, discoloration. Tips on how to care for leather shoes will help you extend the life of your new thing.

Leather shoe care

Properly caring for shoes made of genuine leather is easy. The minimum set of care includes cream, wax, brushes of different hardness and a soft cloth. A rag is needed for cleansing, a cream for nourishing and restoring color, wax for increasing moisture resistance, brushes for dusting, applying cream and polishing.

Additionally you can buy:

  • spray for stretching and softening;
  • shoe deodorant;
  • paint in a dispenser or spray.

Every day it is necessary to remove dust and dirt, clean with cream. If the pair gets wet, dry. If defects appear, fix them. You can not wear shoes with a torn seam, a cracked heel, a burst arch support. This leads to rapid wear and has a negative impact on health and image. Remember to replace your insoles and keep them well ventilated at least once a week.

seasonal care

Caring for winter leather shoes is no more difficult than caring for summer ones. However, care has features due to temperature differences. Here are some tips on how to take care of your new leather shoes in the winter and maintain a worn pair:

  • before the start of the season, wash and dry the couple well;
  • “feed” the skin - treat the product along the entire length with a greasy cream (shoe or cosmetic), leave for a day, carefully remove the residue and clean as usual;
  • dry regularly, resume cream treatment, use waxes and other protective agents with natural ingredients;
  • clean from salt and reagents, monitor the integrity of the sole;
  • use only products according to the type of leather: suede and nubuck cannot be cleaned with creams.

Due to their unique properties, leather shoes are in great demand. But in order for leather products to retain their beauty and strength for as long as possible, they must be regularly looked after.

Proper care of leather shoes includes:

  • cleaning immediately upon returning home;
  • drying in a dry ventilated area;
  • treatment with emollients and protective agents intended for the skin.

Care products

Caring for leather shoes at home consists in the regular application of special products that clean and protect shoes from moisture and dirt.

Skin care products are divided into:

  • cleansing - to remove contaminants;
  • deodorizing - eliminating odors and having an antibacterial effect;
  • caring - softening and restoring the skin;
  • water-repellent - preventing the penetration of moisture;

To mask minor scratches and other minor damage, manufacturers offer a special softening impregnation.

In addition to the above leather shoe care products, you will need brushes (preferably with natural bristles), brushes for applying cream, impregnated sponges and ordinary velvet cloths for polishing.


Boot cream protects the skin, makes it softer and more elastic. In addition, many products have a tinting effect - they restore the color of the product.

Skin creams come in two types - organic and emulsion. Organic care product contains paraffin, wax, ceresin, organic solvent and dyes. When buying an ointment, pay attention to its appearance. Cracks and a dull appearance indicate that you have an expired product. If the cream has a smooth, glossy, uniform surface, you can buy safely. The organic composition is good for caring for leather shoes in winter and autumn. It is absorbed slowly and forms a dense protective film on the surface of the products.

In emulsion creams, part of the solvents is replaced by water, so they have a less dense consistency and their effect is more gentle. The film that it forms has a porous structure, thanks to which the legs breathe. This type of product is good for spring and summer, and is indispensable for the relief pattern of the skin.

Folk remedies

Add shine

To add shine, there are several easy home methods:

  1. Soak a rag in a solution of baby soap and a few drops of ammonia and apply to the surface of the skin.
  2. Beat sugar, milk, protein in equal proportions and process the product with the resulting foam, polish with velvet or a piece of woolen cloth.
  3. The easiest way is to apply petroleum jelly to the surface of the boots and process with velvet until it shines.

If the shoes are dry

Rub castor oil into the leather. If it is not in the house, replace it with a vegetable one. Castor oil is indispensable in the care of patent leather shoes, and after applying the oil, they must be treated with glycerin - so patent leather does not crack.

Protecting shoes from water

Linseed oil, glycerin, fish oil, castor oil, and unsalted lard are good for waterproofing. Such impregnation will not only protect against water, but also make it softer. Another effective method is to melt one part of wax, four parts of fish oil and a few drops of turpentine in a water bath and apply this mixture to the skin.

Refreshing the skin

The appearance of the leather will be more attractive if used shoes are rubbed with a mixture of a small amount of turpentine and a few drops of milk. Another effective way is to grate with orange zest.

These simple and effective folk remedies for the care of leather shoes will help your boots and boots to be "like new" for a long time and maintain an attractive appearance.

How to care for new shoes

Caring for new leather shoes includes treating the product with water-repellent agents, drying and applying a protective cream. After the product is absorbed, the product is polished with velvet until a shine appears. After a week of active use, to ensure moisture resistance, it is recommended to impregnate the surface with castor oil.

You should not immediately put on new shoes and go out, it is best to break them in at home for several hours. If you feel that the leg is uncomfortable, the sock is tight - treat the inner surface of the product with vinegar and walk in boots or shoes until completely dry. As a rule, one treatment is enough for the boots to “sit down” on the leg. If necessary, the procedure must be repeated.

If the new sole is slippery, wipe it down with a cut raw potato before going outside. A more reliable way is to apply a thin rubber sticker to each leather sole. But be careful - this can only be done when the model has already been blown.

Good advice: let the shoes rest. Give your boots or boots a couple of days off. During this time, they will dry completely, return the ventilating properties, and your leg will “breathe” again.

Caring for white leather shoes

In terms of efficiency, it is difficult to compete with white leather shoes. External gloss, style always attract attention, and therefore is in special demand. But caring for white skin is not easy. Mechanical damage - scratches, abrasions on white skin appear more often.

Clogged with dust and dirt, they become noticeable, so the light surface needs to be cleaned especially carefully. Leave their unattractive mark and road reagents, which are generously sprinkled on sidewalks by public utilities. Even improper storage of white products can lead to yellow spots.

But true connoisseurs of difficulties do not stop. Proper care of light leather shoes will protect boots and shoes from damage:

  1. Use a foaming shampoo that doesn't over-moisturize the skin but cleans it effectively.
  2. A cotton swab dipped in soapy water or milk cleans white skin well. If the surface is treated with milk, wait until completely dry, then rub to a shine. Another effective method is to wipe the surface with a mixture of beaten egg white and 100 g of milk.
  3. Water stains on white skin should be treated with petroleum jelly and after 6-8 hours remove its excess, then apply a colorless ointment.

To prevent scratches, all products should be applied only with a soft sponge.

Winter Care

It is necessary to take care of leather shoes especially carefully in winter. At least twice a week, it should be intensively lubricated with a care product, not missing hard-to-reach places and possible creases (it is convenient to use a jet toothbrush). Apply a rich creamy paste on the heels and toes, on other places - in a thinner layer. After complete drying, polish the product with a velvet cloth.

In no case should you dry your shoes on batteries or other sources of heating. As a result, its performance is drastically reduced. Dry shoes only in a dry, warm room with natural ventilation.

Both leather uppers and leather soles need to be carefully cared for. The care of the leather sole of the shoe consists in the treatment with a special fat or water-repellent impregnation.

Compliance with these simple rules will extend the life of your boots.

Shoe storage rules

Do not store leather shoes in plastic bags. Use cardboard boxes for this. Ideally, if this is the "native" packaging - the one in which it was purchased.

Send the prepared product for storage: wash and dry boots and shoes, apply cream liberally, insert pads or crumpled paper inside so that they do not deform.

Proper care and storage of shoes made of genuine leather will justify itself and ensure waterproofness, softness and elasticity of products and a long service life.