Lunar stone to whom fit. Gem patronizing the names. What is the effect of lunar stone on a man

The fascinating world of stones has always been attractive for people. For each color, individual characteristics were attributed to each color pebble: magic, healing or coasters. However, people are ready to pay money for the properties of gems, without thinking about what they must be selected individually. Searches for individual overag can last long, because they are selected by date of birth and according to the horoscope.

Magic properties of lunar stone

The mineral belongs to the group of field swaps, and received its name due to the wondrous mystical radiance. Inner glow, which is enhanced with additional lighting, made it a favorite of jewelers. The most rare and expensive are pebbles with a blue glow. Gem has a special fragility, subject to temperature drops and can split from the slightest impact.

Moonstone, of course, has nothing to do with the moon. But experts argue that his magical properties are enhanced in full moon. At such moments, the pebble surface becomes cold to the touch, and it is believed that in such a state it is most suitable for the fulfillment of rituals. But too much accumulation of gems or figures from this mineral can only work on the contrary - do not share energy and pick it up, Like a vampire. So during the full moon period, large figures or statuettes are better hiding.

The most famous magic property of the lunar stone is considered to be an intuition in the owner. If the intuition is silent, you can put pebbles under the tongue and mentally speak the desire or question. But in full moon, when the magical properties of the crystal are best manifested, it is enough just to take it in the palm of your hand and for a few minutes to think only about the problem of interest.

Mineral attracts love, so as a talisman it is recommended to wear lonely people. Ring or necklace with this gem will serve as a talisman and for loving couples, especially for those who have separated. In addition to love magic, pebble provides the attraction of money and well-being. To attract wealth, all means are good. Magic-Successions Topaza not only attract money, but also the patronage of the strengths of this world.

The lunar mascot is capable not only to increase good energy, but also weaken bad. People who have an exorbitant pride, this talisman helps to restrain himself in communicating with others. He makes kind, and self-confident attentive. Restless people are gem, laid under the pillow, helps to quickly fall asleep and sleep without unpleasant dreams. Little kids on the cradle tied talismans from, his magical and therapeutic properties were known to our distant ancestors.

Lana Stone Labrador and His Magic Properties

Labradorite was found on the territory of Labrador Island, in honor of which he was named. The high content of volcanic magma in the rocks provided crystals of black bodies. The reserves of the mineral are limited, so it will not work with such a pebble. Labradorite transfers with all the colors of the rainbowThanks to which it has long been applied to decorate temples and tobrels.

More Ancient Greeks endowed Labradorite magic properties. It was believed that he was able to strengthen the natural qualities of a person. He endowed the good people even more piety, and evil made even more aggressive. It was believed that a bad man Labradorite could destroy.

The black moonstone is so unique that no photo is capable of transmitting its beauty, and properties and significance for humans have not yet been fully understood. Some copies have a greenish tint and are called "Rysy's eyes". Dark-colored minerals are considered more powerful overalls than bright. They serve as a barrier for negative thoughts from the side, purify the owner aura and increase spiritual forces.

People who have not decided on the vocation, dark minerals help completely disclose in their talent. Man who lost faith in herself, with the constant wearing of amulet able to rethink his life And develop the inner awareness of what is happening. Black (Andrait or Shorlomit), thanks to magical and medicinal properties, also used ancestors to find the right life solutions.

Moonstone: Useful and Medical Properties

Official medicine of the healing properties of this mineral does not recognize. But in the folk methods of healing, the fog of the moon appears for many centuries. It is able to strengthen immunity, improve the overall condition: physical and mental. But it can act and purposefully, providing an action on individual bodies.

The constant wearing of the talisman helps:

Moonstone is suitable for many women, because their wonderful radiance and fragility reminds women's beauty. Gem helps to get rid of infertility, and during pregnancy, toxicosis symptoms are painless. He is able to improve the shine in the eyes of the lady, which was blown in his own attractiveness. The woman is literally transformed, becomes attractive in his own eyes and eyes of others.

For men, such a talisman is no less useful. It has a beneficial effect on male sexual function, especially after 40 years, helps to get rid of premature baldness. The symbol of men's strength has long been considered, whose properties contribute to the increase in Male Energy Yang.

Moonstone: who is suitable for the properties and signs of the zodiac

A very universal mineral suits many zodiac signs. The lunar stone directs its magical properties RakovAfter all, it is representatives of this sign of the zodiac born under the auspices of the moon. It is especially recommended to wear people born from June 22 to July 1. Too active cancers will be able to direct their irrepressive energy into the creative channel. And for businessmen, the talisman will serve as a real monetary magnet.

Friendly nature Weighs Most of all is subject to the influence of minerals, so that the Mineral Mineral Talisman will help to reveal their creative abilities to fully force them. Naturals, especially sensitive to the opinion of others, is more suitable for Yashma, and its - will be on guarding of spiritual equilibrium.

Lions The lunar stone will help to realize their ambitions and become more attentive to their relatives. Lonely Virgo will be able to solve personal questions, especially at a young age. For mature Virgin More suitable, whose properties contribute to the execution of desires. Scroppio prone to the healing will especially appreciate the help of Labradorite. After all, it is the dark crystals that are able to strengthen the extrasensory abilities of emotional scorpion.

Capricorn The talisman will help to succeed in business affairs. But in love endeavors will assist the magical. Aries and Taurus will be able to get rid of unnecessary in love, because the lunar stone is able to reduce the pressure not only blood, but also love. And the life of fish this mineral can turn into a real adventure.

Gemini, Silver and Aquarius The lunar stone will not be able to transfer strength to the same as the same as other signs of the zodiac. But, fortunately, there are many gems, the characteristics of which are ideal for these signs.

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Moonstone (Adular) and Astrology

The name, perhaps the most mysterious and romantic gem comes from the place of its first prey - the mountains of Adula Swiss Alps. Adular (Lunar Stone), who had seen the light, radiated cold blue flicker. The most famous and largest stone deposits were on about. Sri Lanka. Gems mined on the island had the most valuable indicators of color, transparency, quantity and density of layers. Today they are practically exhausted. Only in 1958 in the United States, Virginia, in the river pebbles of the surroundings of the city of Oliver, were found crystals, partly close in quality to those mined on Sri Lanka.

There is such a deposit of gem in India, Burma, Australia, in Madagascar. There are small deposits in Siberia and in the Urals. Most often, Siberian field swipes contain gold splashes, which only adds the values \u200b\u200bto extracted instances. Not rare in mineral found particles of other noble metal - silver. And the microvels of Albit, getting under the right rays of the world, betray the adular rare bluish color.

Types of lunar stone

The mineral has no clear distinction on its varieties. However, they are not rare, other gems are called lunar stones, such as:

  1. belorit
  2. feldspar
  3. - Black Moonstone
  4. selenite

Cold, silvery, pearl and bluish overflows mineral gave it a gentle second name, more famous than native is the "lunar stone". Unusual, fascinating overflows served as the basis of a multitude of legends.

According to one of them, the gem was magnifying "lunar foam" and believed that these stones were a vessel for the tears of a beautiful lunar goddess. The irisision of the stone creates the impression that inside it there is something that it radiates this overflowing white glow with yellowish-bluish samples.

Therapeutic effects of lunar stone (Adulara)

Adyur unusually powerfully interacts with the human body. To ensure that the gem is entirely able to provide his healing effect, it is important to wear it directly on the body in the form of a coulon, bracelets or beads. In folk medicine, Tibet, the mineral was used as healing wounds of a man's soul, disorders of a solution of varying degrees, depletion of the central nervous system, epilepsy.

Stones are used in prevention and treatment:

  1. diseases of the spine, inflammation of bone fabrics,
  2. swelling and water,
  3. paralysis
  4. arthritis,
  5. inflammation of urinary channels and bladder,
  6. varying degrees of kidney disease,
  7. lesion liver,
  8. infectious diseases of the respiratory tract,
  9. congenital and acquired asthma
  10. all sorts of feverish states,
  11. insomnia and depression.

Other healers advise women who are on the third trimester of pregnancy, to acquire gems and wear it as a decoration to facilitate the delivery process and minimizing the risks of the kid's birth of a gender. Lithotherapists note the exceptional effect of the stone on the circulatory system, which helps to normalize it.

Adyar (Moonstone) for Aries

Aries owners of irrepressible energy. They are restless and are always in motion. Having an active life position, they always seek to be among the first, winners. But at the same time, the representatives of this element are brewless and attentive to the individuals that they feel love and respect.

The little pendant from Adulorar in the hands of Aries will help sleep a strong healthy sleep, will save from accumulated nervousness. Thanks to the positive energy of the talisman, his carrier will feel more confident and calmer in all his endeavors.

Adyar (Moonstone) for Taurus

Moonstone always fascinated by his inexplicable, cosmic beauty. But everything is united, representatives of this mineral had an obvious connection with the Moon, for such a huge number of legends about this miracle may not be unfounded.

Taurus who carries a bracelet or the pendant from Adulorara takes care of his health and does not give such a little bit like:

  • depression and insomnia
  • oncological diseases,
  • hormonal imbalance, develop and overshadow its owner's life.

For women, the calves this gem is not valuable without reason. He helps to open a young woman like a flower, forcing her to live with all his heart. A representative of the inspired sign of the zodiac, which has a decoration with a moonstone, becomes more friendly, sincere equilibrium is achieved, love affairs will be born.

For a man, Chercear Adora is an important mascot. He is a secret talisman for him, attending even the most severe soul wounds, sleep disorders and neurosis.

Adyar (Moonstone) for twins

For twins, the moonstone is an excellent amulet. He keeps their health and spirit, helping both love and professional affairs.

Adyar is complex and characteristic gem, like any representative of the twin sign. This is their strength and the strongest connection. Therefore, it is so valuable for twins. As for women and for men, it is always difficult to determine ourselves in a relationship, the mineral - salvation. It contributes to the search for new and preservation of the already established relationship. The lunar stone is useful to those representatives of the sign that seek to develop their skills and qualities on a professional field.

For men, twins gem is a liberty, passion, wisdom. For women - confidence, fearlessness, a new look at the world.

Adyar (Moonstone) for cancer

It should be noted that the moon is the Patron Patron Planet. Name This fact suggests how important it is for the sign to have such a talisman as an adular. The moon, like a coin and side of its polar. In order to get rid of the influence of the dark side of the luminaries, the cancer is gem only during the full moon period, absorbing energy, in progress.

For women, cancers it is very important to have a pendant from the moonstone. He not only instills confidence and helps to achieve their tasks, but also warns such diseases and disorders as:

  • infertility,
  • nervous attacks
  • insomnia
  • arterial pressure.

Cancer with moonstone is able to reveal the talents about which, he did not have the idea, to establish relationships with loved ones and loved ones, tells in which direction to move and develop.

Adorable (lunar stone) for lion

The self-sufficient lion is always full of energy and domestic forces. Sometimes, by virtue of its impenetrable self-confidence, he, without going on diplomatic compromises, breaks down in the attacks of aggression. Before sincerely regret.

For men Lviv Moonstone, an indispensable assistant. It copes as aggression, making lion balanced, judicial and less nervous.

Energy of the Gem has a positive effect on the mental state of the representative of the sign and its energy, helps to cope with old insults and restore the former joy to life. In a woman, the mineral is aspiring pride, thereby help to establish family relationships.

Adular (Moonstone) for the Virgin

Virnes are inconsolable lazy and extremely hardworking. But most often it is a pathological perfectionist who do not calm down until they are simply finished started, but will bring it to perfection.

Representatives of this sign are extremely composed, although erudite and gifted, because they will often prefer a new book with friends.

For women, maids are absolutely not peculiar to the warmth, tenderness to their partner, however, as for the Men of the Virgin. Adyar gives to reveal the feelings, become gentle, friendly and more active in society surrounding Zodiac.

Adorable (moonstone) for weights

Energy and basic properties of the sign and mineral are similar. Therefore, therapeutic properties of gems with ease and are completely absorbed by weights. Adyar has a beneficial effect and supports:

  • nervous system work,
  • state of the cardiovascular system and its work,
  • hormonal.

Indecisive, constantly balancing scales, acquiring a talisman with heavenly stone, achieve their goals. The mineral awakens in them hidden talents, brings good luck and well-being, fears, doubts and uncertainty.

Adular (Moonstone) for Scorpion

An ambiguous, hidden sign is difficult to share with the surrounding inner world, but if they feel sincerity, their love is pure and real. Frequently experienced and exciting adorable scorpions will help cope with:

  • insomnia
  • nervous overvoltage
  • remove swelling and inflammatory processes,
  • improve the work of the heart.

As a mascot, gem will help Scorpio to establish mental equilibrium and calm, which is extremely necessary for him. Lunar Stone is a battery for a representative of the element, because wanting to achieve the goal, Scorpio will give all his strength. Mineral inspires, charges energy for new achievements.

Adyar (Moonstone) for Sagittarius

The unique mineral for Sagittarius is unusually valuable not only for its aesthetic qualities, but also for the ability to keep calm, bringing the sign of joy and positive to the life.

The lunar stone gives a feeling of comfort in the house, self-esteem in society, a romantic mood in relations.

And it is extremely important, because by their nature Sagittarius is extremely windy, so we carry the amulet with a lunar stone will make his life more constant and thorough. For men, Sagittarov, gem is valuable for its property of treatment of depressive states and other nervous disorders.

Adular (Moonstone) for Capricorn

The most important component of the life of ambiguous and landed Capricors is the material component. Capricious calculation and at best will come with their own feelings than profit and comfort.

For a male Capricorn Talisman with Adularr will help make a rational decision, while protecting his spiritual state. For a woman, this element is important to have a mineral if there are problems with:

  • musculoskeletal system,
  • bone system
  • digestion.

It is important to be noted that women born under the care of Saturn should not wear a stone under no circumstances.

Adyar (Moonstone) for Aquarius

By nature, Aquarius balanced and need constant communication. They are happy if they have a favorite business, a loved one. And they sharply feel a lie and therefore I can not perceive the situation adequately.

For men, Aquarius is especially important to have an amulet with gem. He normalizes the work:

  • liver,
  • kidney
  • urogenital system.

These signs of the zodiac sign are extremely scattered, which sometimes does not give them to achieve the desired goal. Wearing mineral will help solve this problem. The stone will give confidence, save from excessively nervousness, will give a healthy sleep and strength for the undertaking and accomplishment of victories.

Adoralar (Moonstone) for fish

With Fishes at Adulara, a special relationship. It is most preferable for women who are deprived by the attention of a strong half. With him, they are more attractive and desirable, and the health of women offer decorations with moonstone, improves.

The mineral is valued for his therapeutic properties that are extremely useful for fish, namely:

  • establishment of the nervous system
  • treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia,
  • rapid healing of fractures,
  • getting rid of insomnia.

The stone is useful to fish that cannot independently cope with depression. Gem improves interpersonal relationships, helping to get rid of a negative state.

Blusters in blue and white reflections resembling moonlight, hence the name. The gloss creates a reflection of light from the internal structural layers. Thin layers of Albit reflect attractive blue color, and thicker layers of field spat white.

It has long been believed that the lunar stone has strong magical properties of characteristic ties with night luminaries and all sorts of ancient cultures familiar with this stone, used him during the arriving moon in the rituals of love and sexuality, as well as while descending to predict the future.

It is sacred in India it is allowed to wear it only on top of yellow clothes. In Indian culture, Candra Candra is called that the light in the full moon gives this crystal the occult magical forces. It is estimated that it brings good luck and allows you to look into the future.

Gemological properties

This is a transparent layered mineral with a monoclinic prismatic crystal structure, usually colorless or pale yellow, having a hardness 6 in MOOS with a Kaisi3O8 chemical formula (silicate of potassium aluminum). Density - 2.56 K 2.59, the refractive index is 1.518 to 1.526. Light refraction - two-bearing, gloss - glass-like, turning into pearl, fluorescence is weak, from bluish to orange.
It refers to the fieldspaps, the most numerous group of earthly minerals (60%). They have two groups - Field Plug Plagioclase and Potassium Wild Spaws. In addition to him, the Potassium's field twists includes orthoclases and amazonite.

The aduulariscence property is characteristic - the floating light, which is caused by internal structural anomalies, due to which the light dissipates or is refracted. To maximize such an effect during cut, the form of the cabochon is attached.

The game of color shades on the surface of the moonstone is possible due to the properties of the diffraction of light passing through its layers. But for this it should be kept at a certain angle to the light rays.

While the crystal is not processed, it looks quite ordinary, and few people can see his beauty. But when it is limited, he will reveal all his charm. However, in order for the gem of frozen, he needs to give the right form.

Identification and origin.

The main feature of authenticity is the property of the amuulariscence. There is no such property with such miners. Yes, and the composition as silicate aluminum potassium is fairly easy to determine.

Three-dimensional color depth, which is characteristic of the lunar stone, does not occur in such a similar. All this allows you to avoid errors when identifying.

The deposits were discovered in Australia, Brazil, Tanzania, USA, India, Myanmar and Sri Lanka and Madagascar. With India, blue and rainbow come from India. There are in the mines of Switzerland.


The lunar stone of peach colors or apricot brings calm, female energy. Soothes and refreshes feelings, thereby helps to improve self-esteem. Reminds our own importance and divinity. He causes sensuality and gentle passion. Color resembles a enchanted feeling of a huge orange-red moon growing low above the horizon.

Raduzhny, combined with female wisdom and energy with an increasing and full moon of casting reflection with a soothing effect. It helps strengthen intuition and mental susceptibility and brings equilibrium and harmony as a whole. The effect of the rainbow plays with a color spectrum and affects cleansing and inspiration.

Stones from Sri Lanka Island are considered the most valuable - transparent, emitting a pale-blue radiance. Crystals from India are valued for the shades of beige, brown, orange, green and more rare blue, black, red, peach, smoky and shades of champagne.
Typically, such minerals are not enough, and the transparency is higher, the more valuable. With the cut of the moonstone, his glassy body emits a pearl shine. There are gems with the effect of "cat's eye" and asterism, that is, star. These samples are very valued, because they are extremely rare.

Meaning, History and Legends

Moonstone is the official symbol of Florida, which he began after disembarking American astronauts on the moon. At the same time, the crystals never found, as well as on the satellite of the Earth. Perhaps it was worth making a symbol of the Chanthaburi jewelry house in Thailand. Especially since the Thai word "CHANTHABURI" is translated as the "Moon City". But the founders of the jewelry house did not declare it with their own symbol, despite the fact that this house is one of the largest. The reason may be that the wealth of the city has gone from other stones - rubies and sapphires.

This is the most famous precious mineral from orthoclasia (silicate of potassium aluminum) belonging to the fieldspam. A feature is its "lunar" gloss, manifested in certain lighting. Its name sounds magnificent and mysteriously, and the blue-white twinkling of the science of hemology determines the term "amuulariscence".

Such an effect is possible due to its structural features. In the layers, potassium silicate is mixed with small inclusions of albite and sodium aluminum silicate. So the stone acquires a "scaly" structure, which gives the corresponding light effect.

Depending on the thickness of the properties and glitter, it is manifested in different ways. In the thick brilliance of the stone closer to white shades, but thin layers cause multicolored shine. The scattered and refracted light gives the game of various color shades, and it seems that the crystal is glowing inside with a ghost fire.

Myths associated with moonstone, very much in different cultures. Hindus believed that it turned out from the lunar rays. And if a person all the full moon kept the Moonstone in his mouth, he could see his future, in India refers to the sacred, giving good luck to its carrier.

Arab women were sewn into their underwear, because he gave abundance and prosperity. The Romans attributed romanticity, femininity, dreaminess. He was valued in love, as the magical properties of the moonstone could awaken the passion and helped see the future if it had this pair.

In the book of J. F Kanza "Interesting Facts about precious stones" is told by the story of the lunar stone, the white point inside which he changed its size depending on the growth and decrease of the moon.

Usually they associated with romantic relationships. After all, he awakened passion and tenderness and could predict the future for those who have written it about it. It was believed that if the lovers put on the decorations with a moon stone at the peak of the growth of the night shining, their love would be all-consuming.

Gem was considered a female, giving the joy of motherhood. But travelers honored the lunar stone, considering it to be a guard. Crystal emotions and sensuality, intuition and insights, which is alien to pragmatic thinking. He was taken to give to the 13th anniversary of family life.

Magic properties

It helps strengthen intuition and mental susceptibility, brings balance and harmony to the universe. It has strength to fulfill desires. It helps with diet, gardening, mental awareness and meditation. Removes stress, anxiety, regulates hormones in women, increases intuition by increasing sensuality and preventing personal feelings. Gives great vitality and flexibility.

In all cases, it helps our tenderness, femininity (Yin), takes the side. Especially good for watermarks. It helps to be more aware that all things are part of a constant change cycle. It is also a find for farmers and gardeners, artists, dancers and young men.

If the lunar stone dreamed, it means a trip and good health, but it also symbolizes the spiritual and mental level.

Crystal brings love and reconciliation. It is said that it changes its shine with a change in the phase of the moon brighter with ascent or full moon and darker with a decrease or in new moon.
Brings wealth and gift of prophecy, helps in establishing a connection with the female party of human nature. The magical properties of the moonstone work well in combination with a grenade thus reveals the truth, hidden behind the illusions and helps to expose hidden enemies.

Enhances the mental state, and also helps when you hold in fortune-tellers. For true seekers of spiritual growth and wisdom, opens the doors to the subconscious, and does not allow to move to those who are not ready for it. Helps facilitate communication with leaders.

If you are a sensitive person, it is better to avoid wearing during the full moon, as it can open a mental perception, as well as other spheres that can be quite complicated.

Therapeutic properties

Healers and shamans very appreciated the lunar stone. It was believed that he should be attached to the skin in the place where the pain was felt. Then they believed that the gem was removed painful symptoms. Most often with it was treated with back pain and headache.

Believed that it helps with female problems and at birth. Removes the protection of the lymphatic system, it can be cured and balance the stomach, pancreas and pituitary gland. It can reduce swelling and extra bodily liquid. The hosted under the pillow will help to sleep peacefully, and is often used as a medicine from insomnia along with amethyst.
But this is only part of the legends that should not blindly believe. For diseases, it is still better to consult a doctor.

Zodiac sign.

Stone cancer, scales and scorpion.

It has a positive effect on cancer, while it is more efficient for fish, is considered a defender during trips, especially at night or on the water.

Classification of chakras.

It is the most useful for the second, sacred / cord chakra, but also associated with the sixth chakra / third eye to give emotional balance and grace.

It can also be used to balancing the fourth, or heart chakra, which helps to distinguish to us what we want, and what is important and necessary ... Because they go from the same place, can help when acquiring the necessary things in life, helping to distinguish What are looking for most and real.

The magical properties of the moonstone helps to achieve a balance between the heart and the mind, without losing attention and tenderness. It helps keep emotions under control to enable functioning normally.
One of the most famous and affordable precious minerals. He was dedicated to the romantic work, and he was the same as the moon, had "stuck" - the peaks of popularity, which fell into the Victorian era and the era of art nouveau, then the sixties of the last century, and "foals" - times when they were interested in little .

What sign of the zodiac is suitable decorations with moonstone

The lunar stone is a rare, which charms with its beauty mineral. Since ancient times, he was revered from magicians and healers who used him for their rites. He received his name for the pearl-white tide on the surface, similar to the moon. Most often, under this name, two types of wild spasp are hidden: a leaky and adular.

Mineral is white or light gray, bluish color. Sometimes there are samples similar to the cat's eye. Different decorative decorations are made of this stone - rings, beads, pendants, bracelets, earrings. Decorations from the moonstone need to be protected from falls, they can easily crash and lose shape.

The magical properties of the moonstone bind with the energy of the moon. It is manifested in the following way: Lunar Stone attracts love to the owner and awakens response in return in return, affects the fate of man. Also is a faithful assistant in strengthening relations, grants loyalty, consent and mutual understanding.

In addition, the lunar stone helps women to accumulate the energy of the Moon and correctly dispose of it, creates a romantic mood, helps to be sociable with people. Girls make more feminine, fills them with the mother's energy and the energy of love. In men, on the contrary, he develops an exposure, determination, adds the sharpness of the mind. Older people under the influence of the mineral begin to experience feelings of tenderness, romanticism, love and optimism, begin to look younger than their age.

Moonstone is considered a happy mineral for crayfish. Representatives of this sign, he helps to overcome life adversity, mitigate a difficult character. Quickly restores the balance of vitality. This stone serves as a real mascot that attracts money. Good affects women's health, helps with urolithiasis.

For scorpions, the moonstone contributes to the growth of important qualities: self-confidence, increases their creative potential. The stone is able to give the execution of a cherished dream.

Lions Mineral will help realize himself, makes it possible to become wiser and clearly think, exacerbates the mind and gives the ability to see the secret intents of people.

Women-devans Moonstone will help to realize as mother and wife, find real love and find family happiness.

Moonstone is considered a magic amulet for twins. He soothes, smoothes the mood swings, helps to find the right benchmark and concentrate on the main thing. Helps with kidney disease, eliminates epilepsy.

For weights, the stone carries the energy of harmony and balance. It helps to find and understand their internally "I". Gives a sense of equilibrium and stability. Meditation with him will help reveal the subconscious.

Delicate field spat with gentle white, light gray or blurred glow, got its name because of the color close to the lunar radiating. Blue pearlescent, purple and white and light overflows and glass glitter always tied this semi-precious mineral with moon and water elements. The lunar stone appears in antique Greek mythology and ancient legends. Astrologers, picking stones on the sign of the zodiac, always indicated him as a universal talisman in horoscopes to almost all signs.

Moonstone among precious stones

Moonstone called:

  • adyar;
  • leather;
  • selenite;
  • amazonite;
  • labrador.

Varieties are distinguished by structure, transparency and shades of overflows, it can be seen in the photo. it rather fragile mineralThe decorations from it can not be dropped, it is sensitive to shocks and compression, quickly loses polishing in carelessly.

Magic and therapeutic properties of moonstone

  1. Soothes nerves, softens the character, awakens tenderness and sensitivity. It is recommended to harmonize the inner world with strong, self-confident and explosive parts that are not accustomed to listen to someone else's opinion.
  2. Enhances intuition, according to belief, it can give its owner the gift of prediction and progress. It also helps in understanding the past, is an amulet for historians and archaeologists.
  3. It is believed that Adyur can help in search of a solution if you keep it in my hands and focus on a problem situation.
  4. Discloses talent from creative people, gives inspiration, helps to better express his thoughts, find the gift of eloquence and beliefs. Pansny with selenites traditionally worn lawyers, lecturers, public speakers, parliament deputies.
  5. In love relationship will help lonely people find their half, Talisman, calm and strong relationships.
  6. It protects well from the evil eye, damage, ill-wishers and dark energy, restores the balance of energy.
  7. It is an effective amulet for players, calls for good luck in gambling.
  8. The mineral of ancient times is associated with water elements, so healers use it in the treatment of urolithiasis. Reduces sediments of salts in the joints and in gorgeous ducts.
  9. Improves drainage in tissues, normalizes hormonal background.
  10. Amulets with Adularr and Selenite help the women in labor and soothe hyperactive young children.
  11. Beloritis attribute the ability to treat epilepsy and cardiovascular diseases.
  12. Mineral is useful at elevated temperatures, in infectious and inflammatory processes.

Moonstone: Photo

What signs of the zodiac helps the moonstone?

For all born in full moon and on Monday, is an effective assistant, regardless of the sign of the zodiac on a horoscope.

For cancers, the horoscopes of stones consider adurai the best amulet. The precious talisman restores the forces, strengthens health, attracts cash wealth for this sign of the zodiac, helps in business and love affairs.

Fishes will help to gain power over their feelings, overcome excessive in love and find their true love. Amulet with a leather will give the strength to turn fish's dreams into reality.

Scorpions amazonite or leberry will give confidence, help reveal creativity. Also, the amulet protects scorpions from the intrigue colleagues.

The weights of the horoscope is important for the energy of harmony and the balance that the lunar stone carries. Effective zodiac sign will be meditation with a leather.

The Cords Adyur inspires optimism, relieves stress, the female diseases heals.

Aries, Sagittarians and Capricorn Horoscope Stones does not advise selenit. He is too relaxing them, makes people of these signs of the zodiac lazy, prevents gathering and focusing.

Moonstone and fake

In Russia, Adyur find very rarely in the Urals and in Siberia, in Yakutia in the development of axes with drags. To date, the largest deposits in India and Sri Lanka are almost exhausted, therefore jewelry market flooded synthetic fakes, imitating adules and selenites. Unusually bright rainbow overflows - the first sign of an artificial product, a natural adorar or a leberry is distinguished by a calm natural color, but the richer shades of overflows, while the fake is equally even uniform. In addition, the lunar stone from nature is very cold and well warmed in his hands unlike the synthetic imitation of the gems.

How to wear moonstone?

Any horoscope will say that therapeutic and magical properties of each talisman are best manifested with its direct contact with the human body. It does not depend on the type of decoration. Adorable or selenite can be in:

  • earrings;
  • pendant;
  • suspension;
  • necklace;
  • bracelet;
  • in the ring.

Examples of products can be viewed in the photo.

Silver is the best frame for the lunar stone, examples in the photo. Silver not only winning the gentle overflows of pastel shades of gems on the sign of the zodiac, but also reinforce its unusual properties repeatedly.

Astrologers and horoscopes recommend to wear jewelry with moonstone According to the sign of the zodiac to the phase of the growing moon, the properties of the stone are gaining its strength and the most pronounced in full moon. But on the phase of decreasing moon pendant, ring or bracelet with a precious stone is better to postpone away, since the horoscope it is believed that during this period the mineral feeds on the energy of its owner.

Pendant or suspension with gently iridescent blonde selenium or luminous adular decorate any casual outfit or evening costume. The decoration will not only with a spectacular accessory, but will bring the Owner peace of mind, peace.

Beautiful decorations with moonstone