Masks from black at home. Effective home masks for blackheads. Effective recipes for blackhead masks

Blackheads, blackheads or open comedones are impurities in the pores of the skin on the face or body. They arise due to clogging of the pores with skin secretions produced daily by the sebaceous glands, as well as comedogenic decorative cosmetics. In this article, we will show you how to make and use blackhead masks at home.

You can get rid of blackheads using manual or hardware facial cleansing, but home masks are a more gentle and budgetary way to care for contaminated skin. Depending on the composition and the effect, they are divided into two types: cleansing masks and film masks.

At home, to prepare a mask from blackheads, you will need tools such as a container for mixing ingredients and a flat synthetic brush for applying and distributing the composition.

The mask should be applied to clean and dry face skin. Before carrying out the procedure, it is advisable to pre-steam the skin of the face. This will open the pores and make it easier for the mask to catch dirt. You can steam your skin over a steam bath or in a hot relaxing bath or shower.

Film masks from blackheads: recipes

Film masks are most effective against blackheads. They are a composition of thick consistency, and remove comedones on the same principle as wax strips when removing hair: on the skin of the face, allow it to dry, and then “rip off” from the surface of the skin along with the impurities that were previously in the pores.

Blackhead masks with gelatin

Gelatin is a natural source of collagen, an organic protein that is located in the deep layers of the skin and is responsible for its firmness and elasticity. Therefore, any face masks containing gelatin keep the skin taut and fresh.

When gelatin is diluted with a warm liquid, the substance acquires a thick and sticky consistency, which, after drying, is seized on the face with a dense but elastic film. During the drying process, gelatin penetrates into the dirty pores and captures the sebaceous plugs, and when the mask is torn off the face, the contents of the pores remain on the film.

The gelatin mask can be made without the use of additional ingredients. The recipe for its preparation is as follows:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. granulated gelatin (no slide) and 1 tbsp. l. warm water.
  2. Leave the composition for 3 minutes - during this time, the gelatin should absorb water and swell.
  3. Warm up the mask in a water bath. Oma should take on a thick, sticky consistency.
  4. Spread the gelatin mask evenly over the entire face, without affecting the area around the lips and eyes. You can only apply gelatin to problem areas such as the nose and chin.
  5. Wait until the composition is completely "set" on the skin.
  6. Remove the mask from the face manually. To do this, grab the protruding edge of the formed film and pull it in the opposite direction. You can rip off the mask in small parts, but you should not remove it in one sharp movement - this will give you an acute painful sensation.

A mask with gelatin from open comedones is also prepared according to the following recipe:

  • granulated gelatin - 1 tbsp. l. (no slide);
  • milk 3, 2% fat - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • activated carbon tablets - 3 pcs.

Mode of application:

  1. Crush activated charcoal tablets.
  2. Mix the resulting powder with gelatin and milk.
  3. Heat the mixture in the microwave. For this, 5-10 seconds are enough.
  4. Apply the mask to problem areas of the face skin.
  5. Allow to dry completely.
  6. Separate the film from the skin.

Film mask from blackheads with egg

When dried, the raw egg white also forms a film, but thin and loose, unlike gelatinous. Use a paper towel to make it stronger. The recipe for such a mask is as follows:

  1. Separate the white of the raw egg from the yolk.
  2. Beat the protein.
  3. Cut the paper towel into several small pieces, for example 5 x 3 cm.
  4. Alternately lower the pieces of paper into the composition of the mask, then apply tightly to the problem areas.
  5. Layer one piece of paper on top of another several times, until the film on the face becomes dense.
  6. Wait for the mask to dry.
  7. Peel off the seized mask from the face along with dirt.

Blackhead Cleansing Masks

This type of homemade face mask gently and gently affects the skin of the face without causing pain. The ingredients in the cleansing masks dissolve sebaceous plugs and stabilize sebum production in the future.

Clay masks

Clay masks cleanse pores, normalize the sebaceous glands, increase natural tissue regeneration, dry and neutralize inflammation and eliminate oily sheen.

  1. 1 tbsp. l. of cosmetic clay for the face with a slide mixed with 1 tbsp. l. heated water.
  2. Apply the mask to your face.
  3. Wait until the mask is completely dry.
  4. Wash off the composition with warm water.

Oatmeal is considered to be the best helper in the fight against clear skin of the face. It eliminates any inflammatory processes (acne, acne vulgaris, open and closed comedones), returns a uniform tone and a fresh look to the face.

Prepared according to the recipe:

  1. Grind the oatmeal into flour.
  2. Mix 1 tbsp. l. the resulting flour and 1 tbsp. l. heated milk or water.
  3. Leave the composition for 5 minutes - the oatmeal should absorb the liquid and swell.
  4. Apply the mask to the face until it dries completely.
  5. Wash off.

Also, the oatmeal mask does not exclude the use of other nutritious ingredients, for example, natural homemade honey. The recipe is as follows:

  • liquid bee honey - 1 tsp;
  • milk - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • oat flour - 1 tbsp. l. (no slide).

Mix the indicated ingredients. Heat the mixture in a water bath or in the microwave. In the second case, it will take from 5 to 10 seconds. Apply the mask to the skin, leave for 5 minutes to absorb nutrients, then rinse.

To get clean skin, you should use homemade masks for blackheads regularly - at least 1 time per week.

For women, blackheads (acne) on the face are a big problem, because they do not give the face the best appearance. A blackhead mask is usually used. There are only two solution options: get rid of them on your own or turn to a beautician. At their core, blackheads are plugs in the pores that occur as a result of sebum secretion. They acquire a black color because melanin is secreted. No one is safe from the appearance of such a problem as black dots, but the methods of dealing with them are the same for everyone.

Reasons for education

There are several causes of acne:

  1. wrong diet... To reduce clogging of pores, it is important to give up sweet, fatty and spicy foods, and limit the consumption of alcohol and caffeine. There will be fewer black dots, and the body will be healthy;
  2. wrong... It is better to use the services of a beautician to find the right cosmetic products. Before going to bed, be sure to cleanse your skin. If this is not done, the risk of blackhead formation increases;
  3. genetics... If the parents had blackheads, then similar problems with the skin may well occur in children. In such cases, it will be several times more difficult to deal with black points;
  4. stress... Doctors say that the composition of sebum can change due to nervous disorders, which is why blackheads are formed. It is worth taking care of the emotional background so that skin problems disappear;
  5. ecology... Dirty air or humid climates can clog pores as dirt and dust build up on the skin. In this case, you need to regularly cleanse the skin.

One of the best ways to deal with such a nuisance as blackheads is manual or hardware cleaning of pores, in other words, extrusion. Such procedures are best done by cosmetologists. The method is quite painful, but effective. After it, red spots often remain for several days. You need to understand that it will not be possible to completely get rid of such a problem, since sebum is produced all the time, but you can make sure that black dots are not very noticeable and do not appear very often. Good enough method - and blackheads.

Elimination methods

To quickly eliminate blackheads, you can do cosmetic procedures at home or in the salon. There are several types of professional procedures:

  • cleaning with ultrasound;
  • manual brushing to remove blackheads from the forehead or nose;
  • cleaning with a vacuum that pulls impurities out of the pores.

If you don't have the time or funds to do salon treatments, you can use home remedies. The following remedies are used at home:

  • ice cubes;
  • warm compresses;
  • herbal baths.

It is better not to squeeze out blackheads, as there is a risk of bringing in various infections that will lead to inflammation. It is advisable not only to make homemade masks for blackheads, but also to use various scrubs.

There are several popular and effective remedies:

  • mask with proteins... An egg blackhead mask is made from one protein with a tablespoon of sugar;
  • aloe mask... Two teaspoons of aloe juice is mixed with the same amount of lemon juice and whipped protein;
  • soda lotions... Soda is mixed with salt (1: 1 ratio) and diluted with a little water. With the help of a cotton pad, the problem area is wiped with this solution. (See also )
  • oatmeal lotion... A tablespoon of oatmeal is mixed with half a tablespoon of soda, diluted with a teaspoon of water, and then wipe the problem areas;
  • mask against blackheads with milk or kefir... Half a teaspoon of baking soda is combined with 1 tablespoon of chopped oatmeal;
  • boric acid mixture... A few drops of acid are mixed with a tablespoon of oatmeal.
  • (white or blue) with water;
  • rice mask... Steamed rice is a good face cleanser. Rice is poured overnight with two glasses of hot water, and then used as a mask or scrub;
  • effective mask from blackheads from coffee... A teaspoon is ground in a coffee grinder, mixed with half a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of ground beans, and;
  • infusion of herbs... An infusion of flax or chamomile seeds is suitable for wiping the skin.

For teenagers

For adolescents, not only such methods of dealing with blackheads are used. In such a period, it is worth contacting a beautician and undergoing a course of treatment, but you can also make ordinary masks. A home mask from blackheads for teenagers is quite a good option. They are best done. See the recipe below. Activated carbon not only perfectly draws out subcutaneous fat, removes impurities, but also helps to remove harmful substances from the skin. In order for the mask from blackheads to work well at home, the skin must first be prepared so that the pores are open. The face is washed with gel or soap, then a steam bath is made with herbs. The quality of the entire procedure depends on how well the skin is steamed. After steaming, a mask is already applied.

The charcoal blackhead mask has several options. Each of them is quite inexpensive and does not differ much from branded cosmetic products. It doesn't take long to prepare the mixture. After removing the mask, apply a moisturizer. Charcoal masks for teenage skin are an effective option. The ingredients added to the masks enhance the effect of charcoal.

Home recipes

It is advisable to make film masks, since they completely dry out, draw out excess fat from the skin, get rid of impurities and dead particles. Such masks smooth out well, improve elasticity and increase microcirculation. The functions of the skin are normalized due to drying and anti-inflammatory components. The result can be seen after the first application. Almost every homemade mask for this type of blackhead contains gelatin, which forms a film. Gelatin is a product of animal proteins. It contains amino acids as well as collagen.

There are several rules for applying a cleanser:
  1. Prepare the skin before applying. It is well cleaned and then steamed. This opens the pores, and the surface of the sebaceous plugs becomes softer.
  2. It is best to apply the mixture with a synthetic fiber brush or fingers.
  3. The first layer is applied by hammering in, slightly patting movements. When it dries a little, apply one or two more smoothing movements.

    A gelatinous face mask for blackheads must be applied in more than one layer, since a thin mask cannot be removed correctly.

  4. It is better not to touch the area and lips.
  5. After 20-30 minutes, the mask will dry and will not stick to your fingers. It is removed in one motion from the bottom up.
  6. The remnants of the mask are removed with lotion or water. Then the skin needs to be lubricated with a sedative.

If the mask against blackheads at home is done constantly and correctly, then the skin will be in normal condition. The risk of inflammation will be lower, and in severe cases, there will be noticeable improvement.

Homemade mask recipes:

  • ... A teaspoon of gelatin is mixed with water, but not until completely dissolved. The mixture is heated for 30-40 seconds, and then left to cool. With a makeup brush or cotton swab, apply a thin layer of the mask to places where a lot of blackheads have accumulated, for 10-15 minutes. The film should be stiff enough, and you need to remove it with sharp movements. If the mask was made and applied correctly, then after removal on the film you can see comedones that have come out of the pores. Since the face may turn red after such a procedure, it is better to apply a moisturizer or do it. After a few applications, the skin will become more tender.
  • With gelatin and milk... Stir in one tablespoon of warm milk and gelatin. The mixture must be heated in any convenient way until the gelatin dissolves, but do not boil. After the mixture is at normal temperature, it is applied to the face in a thick layer for 15 minutes so that it is not difficult to remove.
  • Blackhead mask: gelatin, activated carbon... This option involves adding crushed charcoal tablets to milk with gelatin. It is better to apply the product with a brush. The film can be removed after 15 minutes. The advantage of activated carbon is that it is a good adsorbent with a large absorbent surface. Coal allows you to get rid of blackheads without leaving a trace.

  • Cucumber blackhead film mask... A small cucumber should be grated on a fine grater and then mixed with a tablespoon of aloe juice. Gelatin is diluted with a tablespoon of chamomile broth, and then added to the cucumber mixture. The product warms up a little. Allow the mask to cool slightly before applying. This is a good cleansing mask for blackheads.
  • Honey mask... Take two tablespoons of honey, gelatin, four tablespoons of water. Dilute the gelatin in hot water, then add honey and mix everything together well to get a homogeneous gruel. The face must be steamed before applying the product. Only then can the mixture be applied for 10 minutes. Wash it off with cold water, and then apply a soothing cream. The mask has not only anti-inflammatory but also nourishing properties.
  • Blackhead mask with baking soda. This is one of the well-known and popular remedies. For cooking, you do not need to specially buy ingredients, since almost everyone has them at home. The recipe has two options. For the first recipe, you need to take a little kefir or milk, a tablespoon of lemon juice, a teaspoon of soda and oatmeal. The flakes are ground in a blender and mixed with all the other ingredients. Milk is used when it is necessary to make the mixture more convenient for application. Lemon juice is optional, but it will work better. For the second mask, you need to take a gel for washing, which is mixed with tablespoons of salt and soda. If there are blackheads on the nose, salt and baking soda masks work well as they are used for the most problematic areas. Apply the mixture with a cotton pad and hold for 5-10 minutes, but no more. If you feel tingling, it means that baking soda has penetrated the pores. Wash off the product with warm water. Such masks should not be done more than 1-2 times a week. The pores will be clearer right after the first treatment and there will be fewer blackheads.
  • ... This mask is the easiest to make as it only requires chicken eggs and tissues. Separate the yolk and white, beat the white a little. The paper is cut into small pieces. Protein is applied to problem areas of the skin, and then covered with paper over the protein layer. The paper should fit snugly against the skin. The mask should not be applied to the eyebrows as they can be pulled out. Then the protein is again applied on top of the paper. The mask is removed after 20 minutes.


Despite the fact that such masks are quite effective, they have a number of contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with in order not to harm the skin even more. If the skin is very sensitive or dry, there are inflammations or wounds, then it is better not to do the mask yourself. Before applying, it is advisable to check for the presence of allergic reactions: apply a little product for 10 minutes on the wrist. If there is no irritation, then it can be applied to the face.

A mask with black charcoal from black dots is harmless, but if red spots form or small vessels appear on the skin in places where black dots are located, then such masks cannot be done, since they are applied warm to the skin, which will aggravate the appearance of red spots. A mask is also contraindicated if there is inflammation, small scratches or damage, problems with dry skin.

The blackhead mask (gelatin and charcoal) has practically no contraindications, but it should not be used if there are problems such as inflamed acne or rosacea. Also, the mask is contraindicated.

242 146 0 Surely, almost everyone has already heard about the sensational Black Mask, which deeply cleanses pores, eliminates annoying blackheads. Today we will try to reveal the secret of this miracle remedy and present to your attention various variations of the recipes for this mask. Yes, yes, you understand everything correctly, we will tell you how easy it is to prepare this wonderful mask at home. So, today's article is about how to make a Black Mask at home.

Why do black dots appear

For the formation of acne and blackheads, all ages are submissive. The reasons can be very different:

  • oily skin;
  • improper skin care;
  • ecology;
  • improperly selected or low-quality cosmetics;
  • genetics;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • hormonal change in the body;
  • stress;
  • taking medications, etc.

The roots of the problems must be found in your lifestyle or inheritance. Of course, one of the most common reasons is poor nutrition, alcohol and smoking.

Next in the ranking of the reasons for the appearance of blackheads is improper skin care: excessive dryness or lack of moisture. Feel in moderation when using alcohol-based lotions. Do moisturizing masks more often. Before going to bed, do not forget to cleanse your face of makeup. And in general, do not skimp on cosmetics that you apply to your face. Since low-quality products will make themselves felt, and in some cases will not only spoil the mood, but also add additional costs for doctors and cosmetologists.

Another reason is your mood. For a long time, psychologists around the world have proven that any stress or experience in one way or another affects our health. Note that people who are always disaffected or angry tend to wrinkle earlier. People who are often stressed are more likely to have other skin problems: acne, acne, blackheads, etc. This is all due to the fact that in people with a shattered nervous system, the level of production of the sebaceous glands is much higher, and therefore, they do not have time to go outside, thereby forming acne.

Blackheads are called comedones - they are dirt formed in the pores due to the exposure of the upper fatty layer of the skin to oxygen. More precisely, the sebaceous glands do not have time to go out, harden and form, thereby, black dots.

Why is the black mask

In general, in cosmetology, a black mask is called a mask that contains one of the following ingredients:

  • healing mud;
  • black cosmetic clay;
  • or activated carbon.

I think many girls have already tried this or that mask. As you know, masks based on mud or clay are a little heavy. Therefore, be careful when applying them: do not frown, do not wrinkle your forehead when applying the mask. Otherwise, the mask will harden along with your grimaces and only spoil everything, which means you will not get the desired result.

Masks based on activated carbon are applied with a film. It is convenient when removing the mask. In addition, many girls note that they are more effective than simple scrubs or masks made of clay or mud.


  1. If you have dry skin, a film mask is not suitable for you.
  2. Test the mask on your wrist before applying to avoid allergic reactions to the components of the mask.

Masks based on activated carbon perfectly tighten and tone the skin, make it elastic, even out the complexion, draw out blackheads, and also normalize the subcutaneous metabolism.

Black Mask recipes at home

So, let's proceed to the consideration of the main, common analogs of the recipe for the popularized Black Mask. It should be said in advance that the whole secret lies in the main ingredient - gelatin. Gelatin is the head of everything! In its composition, it contains collagen, which not only cleanses the skin, but also tightens it, making it more youthful.

Steam your face before applying the mask - this will increase the effectiveness of the mask and allow deeper penetration into the pores.

Activated charcoal gelatin mask

This is perhaps the main and most direct analogue of the Black Mask.

So, for 2-3 grams of gelatin, you need to crush 2 tablets of activated carbon, mix all the ingredients with water (5 ml).

For the mixture to acquire the desired consistency, hold it on a water bar for a couple of minutes.

Apply a warm consistency to a previously cleansed face. Wait for the mask to dry completely. Depending on the thickness of the consistency, it will take a different amount of time. If the mass is too liquid, then it will take a little longer for it to dry. After the mask is dry, remove it. Most often, it is pulled off the skin, not like in an advertisement for a famous mask, but in pieces. But this does not prevent you from seeing black dots elongated from the skin on the surface of the mask.

It should be noted that you can apply the mask not to the entire face, but only to problem areas. This is especially true for those with mixed skin types.

Activated carbon is an excellent absorbent. It draws out all the dirt from the pores by cleansing and toning the skin. If your skin has reacted negatively to gelatin, the following mask recipes can replace your previous recipe.

Activated carbon and aloe

  • 3 tablets .;
  • 1 tsp sea salt;
  • 2 tsp aloe juice and the same amount of water.

Mix everything and apply on the face. Rinse off with water after 20 minutes.

Activated carbon and yogurt

1 tablet of a.v. mix with 5 ml of natural yogurt, add 1 tsp of lemon juice. Mix everything and apply on the face. Rinse off with water after 20 minutes.

Gelatin and milk mask

Also an amazing tool. Milk is a valuable product not only for the body, but also for the skin of the face.

In this recipe, milk acts as a thickener for gelatin. To prepare this mask, mix 50 g of gelatin in 30 ml of milk. You can also add 3-4 tablets of activated carbon (optional). Let the mixture swell. To do this, you can warm it up in a microwave oven or in a water bath.

Apply the mask to your face. Let it dry. After application, the mask is set with a film, so it is easier to remove from the skin. But sometimes this process is painful.

Gelatin and black clay mask

1 tablet of a.v. mix with 1 tsp. black cosmetic clay, add 1 tbsp warm milk and 1 tsp. gelatin. Mix everything and apply on the face. Rinse off with water after 20 minutes.

Blackheads Fruit Gelatin Facial Mask

Fans of fruit and vegetable masks will love the following mask recipe. To make it, you will need fresh fruit or vegetable puree or fresh juice. In general, the ratio of ingredients is as follows:

  • 200 ml of fresh juice concentrate requires 20 g of gelatin. Next - a water bath and refrigerate for half an hour. Then we apply it to the face.

It is very important to take freshly squeezed juice for the preparation of this mask, and not concentrated in tetrapacks. Choose the right fruits or vegetables for your skin type.

Egg Gelatin Mask

A chicken egg is the richest chest of useful microelements that are so necessary for our skin. In addition, the egg-based gelatin mask gently acts on the skin without injuring it. Egg masks can be done up to 3 times a week (depending on skin neglect). Always use a mask for one application, as you cannot store egg masks for a long time.

Different masks use different parts of a chicken egg.

  • Recipe number 1

Mix 1 egg white with 10 g of rolled oats and add 1 g of boric acid. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly until foam appears. Apply to face and leave for 20-25 minutes.

  • Recipe number 2

Mix 1 yolk with soda (3 g) and soapy water (for 10 g of baby soap - 50 ml of water). Rub the resulting consistency onto problem areas of the face. Rinse off after 15 minutes.

  • Recipe number 3

Mix 1 medium egg with 10 g of chamomile flowers. This mask can be kept for up to half an hour.

If the mask is difficult to remove, wet it a little and start pulling it off.

You will find even more recipes for activated charcoal masks in our article:

You will find more recipes for black masks in the following pictures.

How often is a gelatin face mask made?

This mask can be done up to 3 times a week if you have oily and neglected skin. For dry skin, it is best to apply this mask 1-2 times every 14-17 days.

After these masks, it is better to refrain from scrubs for a while and does not leave the house for a couple of hours, so as not to clog the pores again.

Remember to moisturize your skin after the procedure.

After cleansing the skin before the procedure, a properly prepared mask and skin care after it will lead to visible results in the coming weeks. Make sure that all the components of the mask are fresh and do not store the prepared mass for a long time.

If you are a visual, then the following video will help you in preparing the simplest Black Mask recipe.

Thank you for reading the article to the end. We are always waiting for your comments and advice from personal experience, which will help other girls to remain attractive and keep youth for a long time.

Cosmetologist, director of 3 cosmetology clinics under her own brand "Lyudmila". Author of articles for professional Internet publications and participant in many international symposia.

A homemade blackhead mask helps to clear the face. For cooking, use the components at hand. Depending on the recipe, the mask made for acne and acne is usually characterized by a film or pasty structure. The components included in the mixture determine the properties of the finished product.

Do you think skin “diseases” are primarily an aesthetic problem?


Some masks for blackheads and acne relieve inflammation, others draw out comedones well. The nourishing ingredients in the composition make the skin smooth, help to reduce the intensity of sebum production.

Homemade blackhead mask helps to clear the face

Film masks with gelatin

In an attempt, different components are used at home. To prevent the condition of the skin from deteriorating, it is recommended to choose proven recipes. The mask for blackheads on the face should not contain aggressive ingredients. Such a product will quickly cleanse the pores, but can harm the skin. Popular recipes that make your face clearer:

  1. film from black dots. Contains two main ingredients. After hardening, the mixture is difficult to remove from the face, therefore softening components are added. To prepare a mask for blackheads at home, you will need milk and gelatin. The components are taken in equal parts. The result should be a gruel of uniform consistency. The mixture must be warmed up. This is usually done in the microwave, but the water bath method will work. At this stage, it is quite possible to use a mask. It is applied to the face. The duration of the action is 20 minutes. Thanks to this composition, the prepared mixture fights rashes well. It will only be difficult to remove the film from the face: it comes off in small parts, causing discomfort and even pain. To make the mask easy to remove, it is recommended to add a little cream, cosmetic oil to the mixture at the preparation stage. After using the acne and acne mask, it is recommended to soothe the skin with oat milk. You can replace it with a moisturizer.
  2. Recipe based on gelatin and soda. It is used to cleanse oily skin prone to comedones (acne). It is better not to use a mask to treat inflamed acne. Main components: gelatin and soda, face cream. You need to achieve a thick consistency. First combine gelatin and cream. Then you should wait a little for the mixture to swell. At the last stage, add soda. This blackhead mask should be applied in a circular motion. When the substance hardens, it must be removed.

Other recipes for a film mask

For acne and redness of a different nature, you can use mixtures with an unexpected composition. For example, paper, paraffin, etc. Recipes for the most effective masks for blackheads:

  1. A mixture, the main component of which is. This is a good mask for dry skin. Beat the chicken egg, add a few drops of essential oil (ylang-ylang is popular) and sugar. It is recommended to hold the mask for acne on the face for 20 minutes.
  2. A recipe with cosmetic wax as the main ingredient. This option is not suitable for oily skin. The wax is melted in a water bath, applied to the face, tracing paper is applied on top and left for 30 minutes. At the end, the film must be removed. If the skin is oily, this recipe can be used in some areas by applying wax in stripes. This mask is suitable for the nose and chin. If blackheads are present in other areas of the face, you can use this recipe topically where needed.

Egg mask is great for dry skin

Cleansing masks

When choosing the right product, you need to take into account the condition of the skin. Not all existing recipes are suitable for treating the inflamed areas of the face. You need to pay attention to your skin type. Cleansing face masks for acne and blackheads do not form a film. They are washed off with water after the end of the action. Acne masks that cleanse well:

  1. A recipe with honey as the key ingredient. In addition to this component, 2 eggs, lemon juice are used. The products are mixed and then applied to the face. It is advisable to cover the skin with several layers of the ready-made mixture. Then the cleansing mask will give the best result.
  2. Soda and egg recipe. This option is not suitable if the skin is irritated and there are wounds. Take 1 egg and 0.5 tsp. soda. The components are combined, after which the finished mixture must be whipped. The product is applied using a sponge or a special spatula. Such an anti-acne face mask is kept for no longer than 5 minutes. You cannot often use this tool, 3 times a week is enough.
  3. Recipe based on glycerin, starch with the addition of aloe. If you need to make a mask from blackheads for dry skin, you should choose this option. For cooking, you need 1 tbsp. l. potato starch, fresh juice obtained by grinding aloe leaves, and 1 ampoule of glycerin. The components are connected and applied to the outer covers. It is an effective mask for blackheads. Thanks to the juice of aloe, not only cleansing is provided, such a mixture can heal inflamed pimples. It is recommended to keep it on the face for 30 minutes. In the future, glycerin is used to prevent the appearance of new comedones. The substance is mixed with water, lemon juice and rubbed onto the skin.
  4. A recipe that could be used to make breakfast: oatmeal, cinnamon, and green tea. The products are mixed and covered with the composition of the skin, before this, a moisturizer should be applied. Oatmeal will draw out blackheads, green tea will soothe irritated skin. This face mask for acne should not last longer than 15 minutes.
  5. White clay and chamomile broth. The components are used in equal proportions. With such a mask, you can quickly remove black dots. The mixture is applied to the skin and left until completely solidified. After that, the comedone mask is washed off under running water. This is easy to do, since no film forms during solidification.

The clay mask is applied until it hardens completely.

Varieties of black masks

You can purchase a factory-made product at a retail outlet or prepare it yourself. A professional mask against acne and blackheads can be based on activated charcoal, clay or therapeutic mud. Such funds contribute to the drying out of the skin, which means that they are recommended for use by women with combination or oily skin. The best mask is black film, available in stores. It should be applied to cleansed skin: spread and leave for 20 minutes. Then the film is removed.

We offer ready-made dry, at home it is necessary to dilute the powder with water in the recommended proportion. The mixture is applied to the skin and left until a film forms. This kind of black mask is not washed off. This option is preferable to use when the face is covered with acne only in some places. In this case, the consumption of the dry mixture will be lower.

The mask can be purchased ready-made

A do-it-yourself mask for blackheads is being prepared according to the following recipes:

  1. Recipe based on activated carbon. If you are interested in the question of how to make a black mask, you should pay attention to this option. Several tablets of activated carbon and milk (0.5 l) are prepared. The components are combined and the resulting mixture is applied to the face. Such a mask from blackheads on the nose and other areas of the skin should be rubbed within 5 minutes, no more. Then it must be washed off.
  2. Recipe for a mask from blackheads based on activated charcoal and protein. You will need 1 chicken egg. The protein is separated from the yolk. To prepare a mask for acne at home, you only need half the amount of protein. Pre-crushed activated carbon tablets (4-5 pcs.) Are added. The mask is applied to areas of the skin with blackheads and left for 30 minutes. As a result, a film is formed, it remains only to remove it.
  3. Recipe based on black clay. The powder is diluted with water to the consistency of a thick slurry. Such a mask against blackheads at home is applied to the skin with a special spatula. A layer of the mixture is left on the face until the substance dries. Then it is washed off. This recipe is used if you need to remove comedones on the forehead, chin or nose at home. The consumption of the mixture will be significantly lower, since a limited area is processed.
  4. Another effective homemade acne mask is prepared with activated charcoal, water and gelatin. The components are mixed gradually. First, gelatin (1 tbsp. L.) Is poured with water (3 tbsp. L.). After combining these ingredients, add activated carbon (3-4 pcs.), Pre-crushing it. The mixture must be left to swell for 10 minutes. Then it is heated in a water bath, which will allow the gelatin to completely dissolve. How to use this product and how much to keep it on the skin? After the mixture has cooled, it is applied to the face and left until it hardens. The most effective masks for acne and blackheads simultaneously perform several functions: heal, dry, remove comedones. The considered option also belongs to those.

Other recipes

At home, different products are used to prepare a remedy that will remove redness, relieve inflammation, and at the same time get rid of acne and blackheads. Popular options for multifunctional recipes:

  1. Protein based. In this case, use sour cream at room temperature, proteins from chicken eggs and salt. It is quite easy to prepare such a face mask at home, but it cannot be used to treat inflamed comedones and acne. To prepare the mixture, you need to beat the whites, add a little sour cream and 2-3 pinches of salt. The resulting product is applied with a sponge or cotton swab and held on the face for 15 minutes, constantly massaging the skin. Then the mixture must be washed off with clean water.
  2. Garlic and tea tree essential oil. Homemade masks for acne and blackheads do not always have a pleasant scent. However, the recipe in question can quickly put the skin in order, which is important if an event is planned in the near future. It is easy to prepare such an anti-acne mask at home: 2-3 cloves of garlic are chopped and tea tree essential oil is added to the gruel. The mixture is covered with the skin, the duration of action is 10 minutes, then the garlic is washed off.
  3. It's easy to prepare a kefir mask against blackheads at home. You need to mix oatmeal and kefir. The ready-made mixture cleans pores, removes blackheads, removes oily sheen. Oatmeal cannot be found everywhere, so it is recommended to adopt an alternative solution - grind the flakes with a coffee grinder or blender. The components are mixed until a thick mass is obtained and left to swell. Then the gruel is applied to the face. Such a homemade acne mask is kept for no longer than 30 minutes.
  4. Oatmeal and sour cream. The components are connected, left at rest for a short time, which will allow the mass to swell. The recipe for an acne mask in this design can vary, for example, the flakes are crushed or ready-made oat flour is used.
  5. Protein and sugar. You will need a few chicken eggs. The whites are separated from the yolks and combined with sugar. The ratio of the components: 2 eggs (protein) and 1 tsp. Sahara. Combine the products and beat until a thick foam appears. Such a face mask for acne at home is applied consistently. First, the skin is covered with one layer of whipped proteins, while it is necessary to pat with the pads of the fingers, driving the substance into the skin. When you feel sticky, you need to stop and apply a second coat. The patting procedure is repeated again. This should be done until the mixture is finished. If there are not many sore spots and blackheads on the face, you can use half the ingredients.
  6. Recipe based on laundry soap and eggs. It also contains iodized salt and lemon juice. You will need 20 g of laundry soap and 1 chicken egg, which must be beaten. The components are combined, salt (1 pinch) and lemon juice (1 tsp) are added to them. An acne soap mask is applied to the inflamed areas. It is recommended to keep it on the face until it dries completely.

There are many recipes for face masks

Rules for using masks at home

As you can see from the considered recipes, the duration of action of funds prepared from improvised components varies from 5 to 30 minutes. Homemade face masks for acne and blackheads act quickly and should not be left on overnight. This is because the home remedies keep their properties until the moisture has evaporated. When the mask dries up, it is no longer useful. In addition, the overdried film tightens the skin, making it dry.

For these reasons, it is not recommended to leave it overnight. There are several rules for using such care products:

  1. The face needs to be cleaned. Sometimes lather is enough. If the skin is sensitive, dry, it is recommended to use a special gel.
  2. The skin is steaming. This is necessary to open the pores. They use different methods that allow you to steam your face: apply a towel soaked in hot water, or make a steam bath, for which you need to bend over the boiling water, covering your head with a towel. Steaming lasts 3-4 minutes. If you use a hot towel, you should be aware that the procedure in this case is repeated several times. As a result, the acne mask works better. This is due to the fact that the pores open well.
  3. Masks for oily skin are used without the need for pre-moisturizing. If the skin is dry, it is recommended to use a nourishing cream. It is applied before the procedure.
  4. At the next stage, anti-inflammatory face masks or other means are applied that will help solve the problem: from blackheads, acne. The area around the eyes should be avoided. A healing face mask for acne and blackheads is also not applied to the lips, as these products dry out the skin.
  5. Having sustained the required length of time, the mixture is removed from the face. Then the skin is treated with a special tonic and covered with cream.

The skin of the face must be properly looked after.

The recipes reviewed are used to prepare an acne mask for adolescents and adults. There are no aggressive components in them, which means that the funds will act softly. After acne, getting rid of the rashes, it is recommended to periodically repeat the course, using the most gentle recipes. This will keep the skin smoother.

It is impossible to disguise it by any means, including foundation. In summer, when particles of grease, dirt and sweat are collected on the face, women are generally not advised to apply cosmetics.

Then the black points stand out even more. How can this defect be eliminated? After all, almost all people, when talking, focus on their face. The situation is saved by a mask from blackheads at home. It includes natural ingredients that are present in every home.

Reasons for the appearance

The culprits of blackheads are clogged pores with accumulated fat, dead skin cells and impurities. Almost all people have comedones, however, in some they are invisible. In a dark-skinned person, this defect is practically invisible.

You should start using masks only after determining the real reason for the appearance of black dots.

  1. Improper or incomplete skin care. It is necessary to regularly wipe the skin with tonic or lotion, and then apply the cream, then there will be no need for radical methods. You should purchase products that are suitable for the corresponding skin type.
  2. A thick layer of makeup. Used in excess, foundation, powder and concealer clog delicate pores.
  3. Failure of hormonal levels. Excess testosterone triggers the release of fat, which clogs the pores. The fat is oxidized by oxygen and turns black. Hormonal changes most often accompany puberty, pregnancy and menopause.
  4. Summer time. Blackheads occur due to increased sweating, most often oily skin suffers from this, producing double the amount of fat.
  5. Incorrect lifestyle (poor quality food, smoking, alcohol). It also causes laxity and flabbiness of the skin.

Extrusion procedure

Can black dots be extruded? Due to the fact that when squeezing out there is a danger of introducing an infection, cosmetologists do not recommend carrying out this procedure on your own. The situation can worsen significantly. The best option is cosmetic cleaning by a specialist.

If, nevertheless, the cleansing procedure is carried out at home, the following rules must be taken into account:

  • Wash hands thoroughly using antibacterial soap.
  • Steam your face, then it will be easier to remove all impurities.
  • At the end of the procedure, wash your face with cold water, this will narrow the pores.
  • Extrusion should be carried out a maximum of four times a month.

In any case, it is better not to squeeze comedones, because an inflammatory process can occur on the injured skin. It is better to resort to recipes for effective masks that will make your face clean and beautiful.

Blackhead masks

Comedones appear in adolescence as a result of increased activity of the sebaceous glands. But sometimes they are present in adulthood as well. People experiment with themselves using a variety of drugs. The most painless and easy way out is a mask from blackheads.

Kefir mask

Sour milk and kefir contain acids that help dissolve sebum. You should lubricate your face with kefir for 15 minutes, then wash. Kefir mask is of great benefit to oily or combination skin.

Gelatin masks

You can also take care of your skin with the help of gelatin, available and familiar to everyone. It is known not only as a component of desserts and other dishes, but also as a wonderful product for cleaning the skin. Blackhead gelatin masks are pretty easy to make. They have long been renowned for their effectiveness.

In no case should you talk or smile, your face should be motionless. After the mask has dried, carefully remove it. The product can be used up to 2 times every 10 days.

Gelatin film mask. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. gelatin in ¼ cups of green tea (you can also use milk or water), wait 15 minutes and heat the mixture in the microwave to completely dissolve the gelatin.

Cover the skin with a warm mixture without touching the areas near the lips, eyes, eyebrows. After 10 minutes, gently, but the film, moving from the bottom up. It can be painful if you shoot slowly.

Gelatin mask remarkably cleanses the pores, gives a feeling of vigor, the face becomes fresh and clean. To improve the result, it is advisable to steam the face before use. At the end of the procedure, grease with cream or aloe juice.

Industrial masks

Apply a towel dampened with hot water to your face, warm up the pores. Do not dry off, leave the skin moist. Then, with a wet cotton pad, gently apply the composition to the area with comedones. Treat areas with care and gentleness, without exerting effort. Then rinse your face thoroughly with water and apply the cream.

It is advisable not to do a soda mask too often, because soda dries out the skin very much. If desired, instead of salt, it is permissible to use bran or rolled oats.

PVA glue mask

Classic PVA glue helps to eliminate comedones. You need to purchase a non-toxic glue, cover the skin with a thin layer and let it dry. Then remove the formed film.

Clay mask

Connect 2 tbsp. l. white clay with 1 tbsp. l. pineapple juice, stir well. A little later, pour in another 1 tbsp. l. pineapple juice, stir until smooth, chill in the refrigerator for 5 minutes.

Cover the skin moistened with water with a clay mask, moving from the chin to the forehead for 15 minutes, remove the mask and rinse the face with water. Clay improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands, helps to eliminate white spots on the face.

Herbal masks

Healing herbs are an indispensable remedy for removing comedones. Flaxseed, chamomile flowers, mint leaves, fenugreek and others give an amazing effect. The herbs can be used individually or in herbal mixtures.

Before cooking, they are thoroughly crushed, filled with a small amount of boiling water. Then it is infused for 15 - 30 minutes. The herbal gruel is applied to areas with comedones, and after 10–20 minutes it is removed with water. Herbal masks help remove blackheads, perfectly cleanse and tone the skin.

How to use masks

When applying all these masks, the following system should be observed:

  • Cleansing your face with water or lotion.
  • Application of the mask.
  • Elimination of the mask and the obligatory removal of traces.
  • Treatment of the skin with antiseptics (alcohol-based lotions).
  • Application of nourishing and moisturizing formulations.


With the help of masks, blackheads are eliminated, the complexion improves, and the appearance of acne and pimples is prevented. Thanks to masks, you can avoid inflammation and restore the natural skin tone. To eliminate comedones forever, you need to regularly cleanse your skin with masks, eat right and refrain from addictions.