Is it possible to give a ring to a friend. What does a ring gift mean? The most famous signs about rings

Natalia Erofeevskaya December 6, 2018 10:04 pm

For many girls, a ring is the most coveted gift, and this is not always associated only with faithful love and betrothal. The ring can be worn all the time, and it will remind you of the person who gave it literally every minute, you just need to look. A spectacular design or luxurious jewelry design attracts the attention of colleagues, arouses the envy of friends, becomes a highlight of an evening look or a stylish accessory at any celebration.

The ring at all times had a serious sacred meaning and ambiguity - it is also a symbol of the cycle of life, a symbol of the sun and a symbol of power, wisdom, love. In the old days, amulets were made from rings and worn not only on the finger (by the way, the choice of a finger under the ring also has a certain value), but also on the neck or hemmed into the lining of a skirt, dress, caftan. For the same reason, you cannot give your ring to a stranger, but for a close and dear one, it can become a powerful talisman.

Golden Ring, Pushkin Jewelry Factory(price by link)

A ring endowed with such power is known for many popular signs, both good and not so. The most famous belief associated with the loss of a wedding ring: such a ring is lost - the end of the family, from now on only troubles and sorrows will visit this house. Today, we will be interested in signs about a donated ring: when is it appropriate to give a girl a ring, and when it is worth looking at something else as a gift, which ring to choose, etc.

Can I give a donated ring?

For a long time it was believed that a powerful energy flow passes through the hole in the ring, and since the ring has no beginning or end, then this flow is endless. The divine power associated with the ring endowed sorcerers, shamans, priests who wear rings on their fingers (and, mind you, far from one!) With truly magical powers. In the modern world, donating a ring means an unspoken alliance, agreement, mutual understanding and respect.

Rings are given only to people close to them - most often to relatives and lovers; a gift in the form of a ring from a stranger or colleague is unacceptable

In what cases is it forbidden to give a girl a ring? If you think about it, the logic behind the points below is pretty simple:

  1. You should not give a ring to your beloved if the relationship is not serious enough: for girls, the ring is synonymous with an already decided future wedding. If you just want to please your friend, give something else, for example, a beautiful pendant or earrings.
  2. It is better not to give a young lady a ring at all than to give a cheap bad taste: such a gift is humiliating, speaks either of the man's extreme stinginess, or of the frivolity of his intentions.
  3. Once a donated ring is not given. The situation actually lies on the surface: the man already had a beloved, he gave her a ring, the relationship ended, she returned it in her hearts. Well, do not waste the good? Even if the new passion does not know anything about this prehistory of the jewelry, the energy of the ring, in which many believe, will give itself out and the new relationship will not end with anything good either.
  4. It is a bad omen to give a girl a ring if the fate of its previous owner was tragic: it is believed that death, widowhood, loss of a child or illness give the energy of the ring a corresponding color.

And it is always worth remembering the relevance of such a gift: a ring presented by a man to a girl is a definite, albeit unofficial, obligation. Whatever the ring, the girl will certainly draw conclusions for herself, will hope for the further development of relations and a natural ending to the wedding fanfare.

Rose gold ring, Topaz(price by link)

How to give a ring to a girl in an original way?

Undoubtedly, all girls, without exception, love romance - so bet on it. The setting is of immense importance, and giving such a memento amid the ruins of a medieval fortress, at sunset on a sea cruise, during dinner in a restaurant will be an incredible delight. Rest on the seashore will also play into your hands: the ring can be placed in a beautiful bivalve shell in advance and discreetly "toss" the beloved - such a wonderful gift looks very touching and romantic.

How to give a ring romantically

There are many options for such a method: the ring "can" be hidden in a seemingly modest bouquet, but you should definitely make sure that the girl found it, otherwise the decoration will end up in the trash bin along with faded flowers. You can put a ring in your own dessert or bathe in a cocktail or wine during a date: the girl will drink her glass and ... ta-dame !!! Just not to swallow the gift.

A gold ring as a gift from a man is an unspoken symbol, if not of an engagement, especially if important words have not been uttered, then at least evidence of the seriousness of the relationship. The presentation of the gold ring to the chosen one can be either quite official - for example, in public or in a restaurant with musical accompaniment, or a romantic setting for just two. Focus on the character, temperament and lifestyle of your girlfriend: if everything is fine with her sense of humor, then a soft teddy bear with a ring hanging from her neck or a bunch of balloons, inside one of which is a beautiful bag with a ring, will look stylish and extraordinary ... In many cases, a gift box for a ring is not required at all: it all depends on the idea and method of presenting an expensive present.

Photo rings as a gift

If the decision is made to present the jewelry traditionally, then it is necessary to beautifully pack the ring. A velvet gift box or a miniature embroidered bag is a part of the ritual, which should be supplemented with correct and gentle words, sincere emotions. In fact, a guy can give a ring to his girlfriend as he pleases, especially if the couple has a beautiful, serious relationship - if only it is pleasant, safe and from the heart.

To give a ring in an unusual way, it is enough to know your beloved well and not be afraid of the flight of your own imagination: the most unexpected decisions are the most successful

Which finger to wear the ring given by the guy?

But now the ring has already been donated - on which finger of the chosen one to wear it? There are no questions about the wedding ring: in Russia, the wedding or engagement ring is put on the ring finger of the right hand. If the gift does not have such a serious purpose, then you can wear it on any hand and on almost any finger. Practically - because the ring finger of the left hand is reserved for divorced or widows.

The language of rings, which few people really know about, has its own ideas about which finger to wear a ring on:

  • the little finger for the ring is chosen by people who are free and not ready to marry or other serious relationships;
  • the ring finger of the right hand is "reserved" for married women and young ladies who have a lover;
  • the ring on the middle finger characterizes the owner as an experienced person in matters of the heart;
  • the index finger is often in sight, and therefore the ring on it will indicate the active search of the partner.

The thumb is often used by young girls to wear the ring, but mostly for self-expression or to indicate belonging to one of the subcultures. According to the theory of the language of rings, the right hand symbolizes the current state of the person, the left - the desired one.

Ring on a finger

In fact, everything is even simpler: the girl puts the donated ring on the finger on which it fits well in size. But what if the guy gave a ring, and it is not enough? Returning the gift with bitter tears, of course, is not worth it - and the guy will be upset, and the store will not accept the jewelry back. Seek advice from a jewelry workshop: smooth rings made of gold or silver with a simple design “roll out” to the desired size without any problems, but with complex design patterns or materials other than jewelry alloys, everything may not be so simple.

If a ring as a gift is hopelessly small, and the jewelers cannot help with anything, you can wear a ring on a neck chain - both stylishly and modernly, and always with you.

Why can't you give rings?

Many do not know what to give to loved ones or loved ones for their birthday. Sometimes the choice falls on the ring, but superstitious people are not advised to present such a gift. Let's figure out what this bias is connected with and talk, based on subjective factors, about whether it is possible to give a ring.

Is it possible to give rings

In fact, every girl at least once in her life receives this piece of jewelry. It is customary all over the world to make a marriage proposal with this adornment, which is a symbol of infinity. No one undertakes to challenge this tradition. We’ll talk about whether you can give a ring to a girl for her birthday or any other holiday without making her an offer.

Many people think that getting a ring as a gift is a bad omen. In fact, there is a simple and logical explanation: a girl who received a finger jewelry from a guy as a gift subconsciously perceives this as a sign of attention. Even if she had not previously considered the guy as the chosen one, such thoughts will surely begin to come to her mind. If you do not plan to make a girlfriend your wife, you should choose a less significant gift. It can be earrings or a bracelet.

Sometimes a ring is presented as a gift by close friends. This is not worth doing. If a friend wants to buy a ring, it is better to present her with a gift card from a jewelry store. Thus, the desire of a friend will be fulfilled, and it will be possible to bypass the signs that promise trouble.

Should I give a ring to a guy

Giving a present like this to a guy is a bad idea. Despite the fact that girls do not make a marriage proposal with this piece of jewelry, it may lead to a similar thought. If a man says that he would like to receive this piece of jewelry as a gift, the choice should also be stopped on the gift card. This is the best option.


Consider why it is impossible to give rings from the point of view of superstition. Let's make a reservation right away that superstitions are not fiction. For many years, people have been observing everything that happens around them and notice some patterns that do not have a logical explanation. They are described in superstition. What does the received ring promise?

  • If a guy decided to give a ring to a girl without making her an offer of a hand and heart, the couple will surely break up soon.
  • If a girl loses a piece of jewelry received as a gift from her beloved, the union will fall apart. A young man puts his love into a piece of jewelry that has neither end nor beginning. The loss of the ring is tantamount to the loss of love.
  • The last superstition is no longer about why a gift should not be given, but about why a ring should not be accepted as a gift. It says that it is easy to sharpen energy into jewelry dyeing, which has no end or beginning. If it is negative, the ring will bring a lot of trouble to the person who wears it.
  • You should not give this jewelry to your friends or strangers to try on: they take the owner's happiness for themselves.

You should not wear and keep the rings donated by your ex-husband: old love is stored in them. The ex-husband bought this piece of jewelry and presented it to his woman with love, it will not bring trouble to the house, but it will not allow to build new relationships.

In no case should you make new wedding rings from the wedding rings left over from an unsuccessful marriage after a divorce. Even if the couple lived happily ever after in marriage, a certain energy is preserved in the decoration. Since there are problems in every marriage, wedding rings should be bought new, otherwise the newlyweds take not only all the good from this marriage, but also the negative points that the previous couple dealt with.

When to give a ring

There are cases when you cannot find a better gift than this piece of jewelry. Let's figure out who should be given such signs of attention.

An endless circle of precious metal is perfect for an engagement. A man must choose a piece of jewelry for his beloved woman himself. On the day of the engagement, you can give your chosen one a piece of jewelry that is passed down from generation to generation in the family, if other people's names or initials are not engraved on it. It is filled with positive energy that will cement the union between a man and a woman. As a rule, on the day of the engagement, a man gives a piece of jewelry with precious stones. There is an opinion among the people that the more expensive the stone in the ring, the richer the family life will be, so you should not skimp on the purchase of jewelry for the engagement.

Children can be presented with jewelry with the words “save and preserve”. They are acquired in the church. As a rule, rings with an engraving "save and preserve" are made of silver. They are believed to protect a person from evil forces. Such a piece of jewelry can also be presented to a mother.


It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether it is possible to give a ring to a girl. It all depends on how much the donor believes in signs and superstitions. In any case, it is worth remembering that the ring is presented as a gift to loved ones (this applies to all jewelry). A stranger should be presented with a symbolic present (a bottle of good wine, for example).

In ancient times, women loved exquisite jewelry. Their quantity and quality was a sign of wealth, stateliness, position in society. In African countries. Jewelry in India is an obligatory attribute and element of clothing, they emphasize the traditions and culture of the people. In Mesopotamia, Egypt, Ancient Rome, dyeing was worn not only by women, but also by men. This was a symbol of their power.

In the matter of choosing a ring, there are traditions and signs.

Earrings, beads, rings can be attributed to this kind of jewelry. A number of countries support the idea of ​​giving a ring for the New Year, birthday, professional holidays.

A popular omen explains why it is impossible to give a ring. If you were given such a present, for your safety, you can say: "Save and save."

The interpretation of superstition

It is difficult for a guy to make a choice regarding a gift for his girlfriend. Among all the souvenirs and presentations, the ring takes pride of place. Such a present will delight every fashionista, especially if it is presented with love and belongs to an expensive series. What matters is the feeling with which the gift is presented. Since the ring has the shape of a circle, it is easy to sharpen the energy in it, which is present in the person presenting the gift during the purchase and presentation of the gift.

The jewelry presented with love will certainly bring good luck and happiness to its owner.... Our ancestors were of the same opinion. They referred the present to a special occasion. It is difficult to do without this item at many celebrations, there are holidays when such a present can be made. Ancient people believed that a donated ring for a birthday or New Year's will bring a couple of parting, a girl, tears. In this case, you need to say the words: "Save and preserve."

In some cases, the ring is an integral attribute.

When and to whom you can give a ring

In a number of celebrations, the ring is an integral attribute, without which the ritual is impossible. These are holidays such as:

  • Engagement. For the engagement, the guy needs to give the girl a diamond ring. This stone is strong in structure and this is how the relationship and marriage of a couple should be. A man shows the firmness of his intentions.
  • Wedding, wedding. In ancient times, the main element and proof of marriage was the ring. Now, without this decoration, painting of young people is not carried out, since it is this object that acts as a symbol of their love and fidelity.
  • Replenishment in the family. When replenishing in a family, it is customary for a man to give his beloved a worthwhile gift. Jewelry made of precious metals are such an element.

Believers. A believer will receive a present from you in the form of a silver ring. At the moment of acceptance, one can say: "Lord, save and preserve."

Who will not accept the talent

Not everyone is capable, such a talent is accepted, and there is a logical explanation for this. The sign interprets that no matter who you are a person, you cannot give for a birthday. the girl is not recommended to receive the gift in the form of a gold ring. This can disrupt the relationship of a young couple, even if they are strong. You can replace the gift with earrings, beads, bracelet.

It's a bad omen to give a ring to your husband for a celebration

It's a bad omen to give such a surprise to your husband for a celebration. A ring or signet must be chosen from durable and expensive metal. You can present a talent as a truce, just not for a celebration. The sign interprets that at this moment the energy and perception of a person are not so strongly susceptible to the evil eye, loss of aura.

Additional beliefs and actions

With a new ring, girlfriends or good acquaintances have a desire to try on such a thing on themselves. This is a bad omen. If this is the case and you cannot prevent the fitting, you can perform a cleansing ritual after that. Bring the ring to a burning candle and hold it in this position for several minutes. Next, the decoration must be put in consecrated water for a couple of hours. The last step will be to dry the product.

It is recommended to put it in the sun. If this is not possible, in a place where no one will touch it and the drying process will be natural. Putting on the product, say: "Lord, save and save." Avoiding problems with the second half, the omen recommends letting her choose and purchase a product on her own. A man can give money for a purchase and it will be a gift. A popular omen explains and highlights those cases when rings can be bestowed. If you are a superstitious person, for such, give a ransom in the form of a coin and say the words: "Save and preserve."

Every girl dreams of receiving a ring from her beloved man as a gift. In her dreams, this is not just a sign of attention, but a symbolic marriage proposal, an almost complete engagement. But is this always really the case? What does a ring gift mean in a man's opinion?

Ring as a gift - traditional meaning

In the old days, engagement (betrothal) followed a successful matchmaking and had a very serious meaning. The marriage was considered already decided, practically completed. After the betrothal ceremony, the immediate preparations for the wedding celebration began. In many nations, the bride, from the moment of her engagement to the very wedding, did not leave the house, completing the preparation of the dowry.

The feelings that a man expresses when presenting a ring as a gift can be very different.

The ring that the groom presents to the girl on the day of the engagement was called engagement and stayed with her forever. Later, in the church, on top of the wedding dress, a second was worn, wedding ring. That is why it is generally accepted that a man, giving a woman a ring, proposes marriage to her.

A ring as a gift - a sign

Time changes attitudes and traditions. Modern men, presenting a ring as a gift to their companion, do not always attach the usual meaning to this gesture. Often it is just a desire to do something pleasant, and sometimes it is a desire to show off, to show the level of their financial capabilities. In the first case, a guy can present his girlfriend with a silver ring or jewelry. A great option to do this is tiffany rings, buy a tiffany ring for everyone's pocket, but it looks stylish and attractive. In the second case, the man will choose the most expensive jewelry. Such a status gift is a diamond ring, platinum or gold, made by designers in a single copy.

The ring can express a man's desire to please his companion or demonstrate his capabilities.

Women who are in the mood for marriage, as before, tend to perceive any ring as a gift precisely as a marriage proposal. And if the gift is not followed by specific steps leading to the wedding, the woman begins to get nervous, hint at registration or even openly insist on formalizing the relationship.

Naturally, such a discrepancy in intentions leads to conflicts and the destruction of relationships. Exactly therefore, the opinion arose among the people that a ring as a gift is a bad omen that such a gift leads to separation and separation.

In fact, of course, it's not about the subject, but about ourselves... If a woman looks at life soberly enough and is ready to accept her beloved man with all his fears and reflections, if she is ready to patiently wait until he is “ripe for marriage,” she will behave calmly and nothing bad will happen. When a man is determined in his feelings and desires, he will definitely say this directly. And then there will be no more doubts - you will become husband and wife.

What does a ring gift mean?

So, a modern man can give a ring without far-reaching intentions at all. And a woman should be ready for this. When accepting a gift, you should carefully evaluate the circumstances, gestures and words of a man at this moment..

Presented for the holiday, a ring as a gift can express a man's subconscious readiness for marriage.

A ring as a gift is presented unexpectedly, for no apparent reason and significant comments? This means that the man does not attach any serious importance to him. This is his desire to please you, to express his sympathy and good affection. Express your gratitude, try to please him in return, but do not demand anything or rush things.

The gift is associated with an event in your life(date of meeting, birthday) or a generally accepted holiday (March 8, Valentine's Day, New Year), but, again, not supported by an open proposal? You can assume that subconsciously your chosen one is ready for marriage, but has not yet made a final decision, is still inclined to reflect and weigh all the pros and cons. In no case do not put pressure on him, do not rush. No man will tolerate this. Feeling the pressure, he would rather run away than accept the positive decision you want.

If, giving the ring, he talks about his love and desire to be always together - the wedding is already close!

Presenting a ring as a gift, he says that he wants to be with you forever., share the joys and sorrows, give birth and raise children? Here you can no longer guess what value he attaches to his gift. Be sure: the date of the wedding will be set soon and the pleasant hassle of preparing it will begin. And advice and love!

In order to understand a ring as a gift - for the engagement before the wedding, you need to soberly assess the situation, words and behavior of a young man.

So what does this gesture mean? First, let's figure out for what reason a man gives a ring? Perhaps he just knows that any ring is the best gift for you and wants to do it nicely, but completely without the subtext that you dream about. Remember that a guy treats such gifts much easier. If he knows that you love such trinkets, then this gift is with the same thoughts with which he would have presented earrings or a bracelet. If a guy gave a ring for his birthday and did not say a word that he wants to be with you for the rest of his life, most likely, he just made a nice birthday present and nothing more. Of course, a loving girl really wants it to be an engagement. But don't rush. If a man made you such an expensive and beautiful gift, it means that he is not indifferent to you anyway. Men give women things made of precious metals only when they take them very seriously. Perhaps this is not an engagement yet, but, nevertheless, you clearly occupy a special place in his life. Therefore, the main thing is not to scare the young man. In no case do not try to hint to him that the ring says that it is "threatening" with a wedding. Believe me, with such behavior you will put him into a stupor and scare him away. When a man has a desire to marry someone, he thinks it over for a long time and only then makes a decision. In this case, the guy should never be pressured. Pressure for men is worse than screams and tantrums. It seems to them that in this way, a woman is trying to take away their freedom. But marriage, in fact, is also a restriction of freedom. At least many men think that way. And if they don’t think, then there will always be some friend nearby who will tell him how bad it is to be married and how much it restricts freedom. Unfortunately, guys are very afraid to make this responsible decision and marry the person they love. And, the more fear in a person, the more it seems to him that everyone is trying to force him to do something and take something away from him. Therefore, if the guy gave the ring as a gift, thank him from the bottom of your heart and tell him that you are very pleased, but don’t even think of hinting at his marriage. Over time, he will come to this decision anyway. In the meantime, let him just know that you love and appreciate him very much. If you want to thank the young man for such a pleasant surprise, then, on his birthday or on the occasion of some significant date, you can also give him an expensive gift. Of course, it doesn't have to be a ring, as many men don't wear such jewelry at all. But, it can be a chain, bracelet, watch, expensive perfume or just something that he wanted for a long time, but for some reason could not afford. By making such gifts, you emphasize a special attitude towards the guy and he, consciously and subconsciously notes for himself that this particular girl knows what he wants and what she loves, tries to please him and thinks not only about his desires, but also about his preferences ...

But it may be that the young man did not just give you a ring, but gave it away, saying that you are his dearest and most beloved and he is very glad that you are together. Can such words be regarded as a proposal? Most likely, gifts accompanied by such speeches can be regarded as a warning that the guy will soon ask for your hand and heart. Saying such words, he subconsciously is already ready to be with you always together, but consciously he is still tormented by some fears and, therefore, the guy has not yet said the most important thing. But, if he himself puts the ring on your finger and at the same time talks about his endless love, then you can quietly rejoice that you will soon get married. Although, again, he should not have nothing to hint at and push him towards the goal. He will figure it out himself. If a young man admits that you are the meaning of his life, it means that he is almost ready to go with you all the way.

By the way, pay attention to which celebration such a gift was made. If this is Valentine's Day or some personal date of yours, then his act is a kind of rehearsal for an offer to get married. Even if he does not realize it, the subconscious mind chooses just such dates, because it wants to show not just love, but also serious intentions associated with it.

Well, in what cases can a girl be 100% sure that a ring means an engagement before the wedding? Well, this probably happens when she gets on a romantic date, the young man kneels down, gives flowers, gives a ring as an engagement gift, and asks if she wants to become his wife. In this case, there is no need to doubt anything. Everything is clear and understandable, like a day. So the rings are given only in order to soon take the beloved woman to the registry office and therefore, soon, a joyful commotion will begin before the wedding.

A loving lady always wants to see exactly what was said in the article last. But for this to happen, you never need to drive horses. Let me remind you that rings are not given to strangers and girls with whom a man does not have a serious relationship. Still, subconsciously, the guy understands that the ring is a symbol. And even if he does not put into the gift the meaning that you want to see, he still understands that this is not just a trinket, but something more. Therefore, having received a ring as a gift, you can rejoice that you are a very dear, beloved and valuable woman in his life for your young man.