A man gives expensive gifts with serious intentions. What does his gift say?

You can find a huge amount of festive wrapping paper in stores, but you need to go for it and, in order to beautifully wrap a gift, take the time and show your imagination. If you were presented with a gift wrapped in bright paper with bows and flowers, then your boyfriend loves to pay attention to detail. He is very emotional, feelings and impressions mean a lot to him. Rejoice, he will always notice what you are wearing, what lipstick you have and the new scent of eau de toilette. But lovers of wrapping paper are very impressionable, easily inspired, they want to shine, so sometimes their feelings are not so strong if slender legs rush around, knocking with heels.

Cool packaging

You know, sometimes a gift can be decorated in a funny way. Some of our acquaintances guys gave girls a ring in a TV box or wrapped them in a lot of newspaper sheets so that the girl would stubbornly push for a surprise for half an hour. It is clear that these guys are funny. Unfortunately, they sometimes look at love ironically - well, they cannot suffer and be killed like Romeo! So, it is unlikely that a fan of cool packaging will delve into the tragedy called "She has the same dress as mine!"

Without packaging

There can be two options: either he is shy, or he doesn't care what to give and how. For some guys, the real challenge is not only the choice of a gift, but also its beautiful design: it seems to them that the girl likes it. Sometimes a guy is terribly embarrassed to give a girl his gift - well, he does not know how to express his feelings! - but it needs to be done, that's why he gives a gift just like that. If the present is chosen with love, then this suggests that it is not the cover that is important to him, but the fact that under it are true feelings. But if this is some kind of nonsense, then the lack of packaging only emphasizes indifference.


Now let's look at a few real life examples.

Anti-acne remedy


Understand that the world of girls is very mysterious for a guy. And a gift for a loved one is a real puzzle. If a guy gives something from cosmetics, it is not at all because he understands something about it. He just knows: all girls love cosmetics, and since he does not know at all what and how to choose (and in general you can burn out of shame in the cosmetic department), he sends his female relatives for a gift. Or goes with a friend (for moral support), and then their choice may be doubly unsuccessful. But don't you dare take offense and pout! Cosmetics on a subconscious level means that you are a close person to him, because all beauty products are very personal, something that will touch your body, your face. And he wants to be closer to you through his gift. Plus an additional bonus: now he will pay attention to your nail polish, shadows, mascara and tell you a lot of compliments, because he made such a gift and now he definitely needs to praise himself!

Crazy Bear

"Like all girls, on New Year's Eve I was expecting something special from the guy. Having felt the wrapper, I already realized that it was a soft toy. When I carefully peeled off the tape from the package, I saw a bear cub. At first he seemed very cute to me, and I rushed to hug my cat. But then, squeezing his gift, I discovered that the bear cub had a wild squint, and one eye was higher than the other. And this made my clubfoot look kind of crazy. I told the cat about it, but he didn’t was at a loss and replied: "Of course! It blew our minds away from love for you! "- and also squinted his eyes. Now this crazy bear cub is my favorite."


He chose a soft toy for you, because deep down he considers you a candy girl, a sweet child. He wants to undead and pamper you. He considers himself to be your protector. The only thing that can make you ironic grin is that he thinks that you are a completely helpless creature who does not know how to cope with difficulties. Of course, he is deeply mistaken ... But this is our big, big secret!

Festive broom

"My boyfriend decided to please me on New Year's Eve. When I opened the door to the apartment, all so overdressed, painted and lowered, at first red roses floated in, and then my beloved. I will not say that this was my first bouquet in my life, but never I was not so pleased. I rushed to him and hung on his neck. I put the bouquet in the most beautiful vase in the center of the festive table. The roses smelled awesome. Then we decided to go outside to launch rockets, and then go to visit to our friends. I returned home only in the morning and immediately went into a large room to admire my present. Instead of beautiful roses, something like pieces of red rag on a green rope hung from the edges of the vase. I felt hurt to tears. There is such a sign: "If a guy loves, then his flowers will not fade for a very long time!" In the afternoon, my beloved called and invited me for a walk, but I was so upset that I told him everything about the popular sign and burst into tears: "Why did you give me some kind of broom?" He first t Auger hung up his nose, and then admitted: "You know, I was in such a hurry to see you, I wanted so much to wish you a Happy New Year first, that I did not wrap the roses in the newspaper. Apparently, while I was running to you, they froze! I'm sorry, please! "These gentle words made me feel so good! The main thing is that he loves me, and the bouquet doesn't matter!"


Usually only flowers are given by romantic boys. They are in the clouds, and they want to shower their beloved with rose petals. It doesn't matter to him what happens in a week or two, he lives only for this minute. Such young men have a very delicate soul. Even if you have been dating for a long time and it seems that you are fed up with each other, then at such important moments he experiences rushes of inspiration. You are again the most beautiful, the most beloved for him. He knows how to create a mood. It is about such donors that they say: a prince on a white horse.

Fat with a bow

"For the holiday my boy gave me a big box of delicious chocolates. It was wrapped in such beautiful paper, and on top of it was a silk bow. I, like all girls, love sweets very much. As a result, I overate myself with chocolate all the holidays. After the candies, I ate cakes, buns, marmalade, nuts in chocolate glaze ... I could not stop. And my boyfriend was very pleased that I liked his gift so much. But when my gluttony still ended, I could not fit into my favorite jeans . I complained to him that the fat was tied up. And he answered me: "Great! This means that my gift is always with you! "


Guys who come to a girl with sweets on special occasions love sweets themselves. And their souls are also sweet. Sweet tooths are very cute. Because they are very kind and, like no one else, know how to create a cozy atmosphere. A sweet tooth will never be truly rude, vulgar (only if it's a joke). He knows how to listen and sympathize, and most importantly - he will never say: "Stop eating cakes, you will get fat!"

Wedding ring!

"After I showed the girls my boyfriend's gift for the New Year, they began to tease me:" Your bride, honestly, honest Yo! "Let them tease, but I was very pleased. a silver ring - two frolicking dolphins: like him and me. Well, the girls immediately began to marry us. Stupid! "


If a guy gives you some jewelry, fashion accessories, then this suggests that he understands female beauty. He pays attention to what you have beautiful: hair, arms, waist, neck - I think you can list your charms endlessly. Usually these guys know what they want out of life, at least what their ideal girlfriend should be. And at the same time, they have a developed sense of possessiveness. They chose a queen for themselves - which means that only he can be her king.

On the subject received, a woman can find out how a fan treats her. By the way, if the partner guessed her taste or independently chose what she wanted, it means that he perfectly understands and feels his girlfriend. And if he gave you, for example:


If this is the only present, then the giver on the pre-holiday days was not thinking about you at all. Most likely, he bought the gift at the last minute. The exception, however, is the case if you are sweet tooth and these are your favorite sweets.

Tights, shampoo, shower gel.

Your fan has no imagination. You can buy mask products yourself, but a real gift is something that a person will not buy just like that. And a woman, of course, regularly acquires these basic necessities herself.

Apron, potholders.

A man who presented his girlfriend with household goods for the holiday sees in women only an addition to the kitchen. So think about whether it is worth tying your fate with such a gentleman. You run the risk of standing at the stove and at the sink with dirty dishes all your life.


Men present, taking care of both the lady and themselves. By the way, if such a gift was presented to you by a barely familiar man, this can be regarded as a hint of a closer relationship. If a loved one gives underwear, this indicates a strong feeling for you.


It is either a lazy man who gives a gift, or one who is so anxious about his lady of the heart that he is afraid to disappoint her, therefore he gives her the opportunity to choose a gift herself. Knowing your beloved, you will understand which case in your situation we are talking about.

Gift for work

He says that a man respects the interests of his girlfriend and chose what she needs, and not what can be given to any woman. However, if this is an ordinary pen or organizer, think: is your partner not banal?

Household appliances

They are given by practical men, and when their intentions are so serious as to think about living together. By the way, the conventional wisdom: “if he gave me a dishwasher, it means he sees a dishwasher in me”, it is not true: the partner just takes care of you and wants to save you from household chores.

Perfume, toilet water

This is the most traditional gift for ladies. It is presented when there is no time to come up with something original, knowing that by presenting your favorite perfume you will not miss.


Finally, special attention should be paid to the colors. After all, men always give them! Of course, it is very nice if the flowers are an addition to the present, and not the gift itself. However, the choice of colors says a lot about your man.

If you received from a loved one a large bouquet of deep red tones, then the novel will be stormy, but fleeting. Try to take everything you can from him; do not stand on ceremony - all the same you will be disappointed, not in you. Harder with white flowers... From such a partner, you are more likely to receive spiritual pleasures than bodily ones. Moreover, if you are destined to part, then, alas, on his initiative. Yellow roses, as a rule, given to a protracted romance, possibly with temporary infidelity on the part of a partner. If, moreover, this person is married, be afraid to destroy the family and marry your lover. Most likely, your union will fail. Violets are given by men who are not very socially confident, but pale pink carnations (or roses) say that this man is timid and sexually inexperienced. Tea rose for a gift men prefer mannered, insincere. Chrysanthemum speaks of the hidden stinginess of a man. Callas given by men who are ready to marry you even now. In addition, they are very generous: if calla lilies are presented, expect a lot of gifts, a lot of food, fruits. However, be prepared to be disappointed with your partner's mental capacity.


If a loved one gives a diamond ring, beautiful earrings and at the same time makes an offer - this is great. But if he gives a gold chain for every holiday, although you only wear silver, this means that he does not think about you at all, hoping that the value of the gift will compensate you for the lack of feelings.

Music CD with your favorite songs.

A great gift, especially if you don't have these songs yet. The partner takes into account your interests and tastes, knows what you will like as a gift. If, moreover, he himself shares your musical passions, then the union promises to be strong and harmonious.


A bunch of 10-20 balls indicates that the beloved has great affection, tenderness for you and trusts you infinitely. In addition, he counts on your understanding and support in any situation. By the way, even if this gift seems silly and childish to you, do not show it. Better try the balls one at a time ... burst. And don't be surprised if one of them has a very pleasant surprise for you!


Especially unusual, in the form of bunnies or dogs, they say that your beloved is a kind, calm, homely person, with him you will be comfortable and cozy. The only thing worth a little fear is whether he will turn out to be a bore. And there is nothing more to worry about.

Finally, we note:

relying on her intuition, a woman can correctly understand what the gift says about her admirer.

And remember that in each individual case, the value of the presentation must be commensurate with the capabilities of the person who presented it. Indeed, for one, expensive sweets are a serious purchase, while for another, a gold bracelet is a trifle waste.

When you receive a gift, watch the man smile. A smile also says a lot, for example, is he good with you ...

So, in a greater percentage of cases, men give gifts to such women.

To the women they want to seduce

What woman does a man want to give gifts to? - the one with whom he is strongly attracted, and she does not show any interest in him. Here is a man trying to remind the lady of himself in this way. If a man is not interested in a woman, he will not give gifts to her. And the process of seduction with the help of gifts is based on the fact that men love to be conquerors, so they show this kind of courtship to the desired lady. By the way, “sleeping” and just “being around” are very different concepts that girls often confuse with each other.

To his women, to please them and show feelings

A man will not give a gift to someone else's women, but once again please the one he meets with is a common thing. As a rule, an interesting pattern can be distinguished here: if a man perceives a woman not as a sexual object, but much more (sees her as a wife and mother of joint children), he will certainly give her gifts and pay attention. But if he is connected with a woman only by "bed visits", then there can be no talk of relationships, love and, accordingly, gifts. And it doesn't matter at all whether a woman is faithful to this man or not, it's just that if a man does not plan anything serious, he will not spend extra money on gifts and surprises.

To the women they want to keep by their side

If a man begins to notice that a woman's feelings for him are weakening, he tries with all his might and means to revive them, including in this process the presentation of gifts to the woman. If a woman leaves a man, and he does not try to restrain her or pretends that nothing happened, then he completely agrees with her decision and does not see the point of starting all over again.

Women for whom men feel guilty

Men really do not like to feel guilty about themselves, so they do their best to smooth everything out and sew "with white thread so that the mosquito does not sharpen its nose." The key words in this situation are “feel guilty”, although in fact, a man may not be aware of it at all. And now, a man, a naughty one, appeases a woman with the help of modest (or not so) presents. By the way, here we can safely include unfaithful husbands, receiving gifts from whom is a very profitable business.

Women they don't know much

Here, first of all, there is male fun. Wealthy representatives of the stronger sex like to do this in order to once again show their greatness and power or to achieve success (see the first point). This also includes the giving of gifts out of nothing to do. By the way, hardly anyone will be able to induce a man to take this action, because everything here happens exclusively on his initiative.

Generous women

The last type of women who consistently receive gifts from men are generous women. These women themselves tend to pamper a man with gifts, for which they receive their disposition and attention in return. The whole point here is that men do not like to be in debt, especially to a woman, and therefore they always try to "repay the debt" by giving their girlfriend or acquaintance, in exchange for her gift, one or another present from themselves. This system, as a rule, works according to the familiar principle: “Treat others the way you want to be treated”. So we can safely say that well-deserved gifts from the stronger sex are received by those ladies who deserve not only the attention of a man, but also continue to attract his interest in their modest person. These ladies honestly and without remorse deserve their gifts!

Agree, it is difficult to imagine our life without flowers. Delicate creatures of nature decorate both weekdays and holidays. And what holiday is complete without a beautiful, fragrant bouquet? The tradition of giving fresh flowers goes back many centuries. In the most joyful, pleasant, solemn moments of a person's life, flowers surround. They help to express the brightest and warmest feelings: love and respect, admiration and gratitude ...

The first mentions of floristry and the traditions of giving flowers date back to ancient times. Scientists who excavated the pyramids in Ancient Egypt found wreaths and compositions on the sarcophagi of the pharaohs. Detailed instructions have been found in ancient papyrus scrolls for those who are trained in flower art. It is worth noting that in those days the art of floristry was considered "the highest gift of the gods", and people who managed to master it perfectly, occupied a high position in society and became close to the rulers.

The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans gave fresh flowers quite often. True, the "addressee" were not relatives and friends, but higher powers. The Egyptians used bouquets as an offering to the gods - it was believed that such a gift would help to appease the higher powers. Gorgeous bouquets of flowers were presented to women of the highest rank - the wives of the pharaohs. For example, it is known that Queen Cleopatra was very fond of red roses.

In ancient Greece and Rome, the tradition of giving bouquets to men - mainly to the winners of sports competitions - was quite widespread. Another important reference to the skill of creating flower arrangements, researchers found on the famous Ica stones found in Peru. Blooming plants carved into stones are very similar to modern bouquets and arrangements.

In the Middle Ages, floristry became widespread in Western Europe. The word "bouquet" itself is of French origin. This is not surprising, since France has long been known for sophisticated innovations. Caring for his beloved, the musketeer gave her a bouquet of white tulips or delicate lilies of the valley. According to the tradition of chivalry, a man in love had to present the lady of his heart with a bouquet of daisies, which meant: "My heart belongs to you!" To this day, attentive gentlemen remember that a declaration of love in the language of flowers is the most refined one. True, in order to talk about passionate feelings, men are increasingly giving bouquets of red roses - for example, "Charm" or "Carmen" from Flower-shop.ru. Especially romantic natures choose red tulips or light blue forget-me-nots for their beloved.

Bouquet "Enchantress"
In Russia, the fashion for flower gifts was introduced by Empress Catherine, who had a love for everything beautiful. Round-shaped bouquets were especially fashionable - such as, for example, the “Viennese Waltz”, “Sorceress” or “Look of the Beloved” presented in our catalog. Stylish bouquets of vertical shape can also be seen on the canvases of 18th century artists. Bright modern representatives of this type of bouquets - "Sunrise", "Kiss" or "State Councilor" from Flower-shop.ru. Floral gifts for ladies of the court were relatively modest. But in bouquets intended for the empress, florists sometimes combined more than a hundred flowers.

By the way, if earlier such a bouquet could only be received by a high-ranking person, but today every man can present a royal gift to his lady. The Flower-shop.ru catalog contains incredibly beautiful, voluminous works - bouquets of 101 red, pink or white roses. Having received a luxurious bunch of flowers as a gift, any woman will feel like a real empress!

In the 19th century, a new trend appeared in floristry - flowers began to be supplemented with accessories, lace, precious stones and expensive fabric. The fashion for decorating bouquets has survived to this day. Modern florists use in their work not only flowers, but also various decorations, fruits and even ... exotic butterflies. Agree, it is impossible to remain indifferent to such an original gift! ..

It is difficult to single out one, the most important trend in modern floristry. Each master sees a bouquet in his own way, creates exclusive author's works from natural flowers. There is no single true ritual of giving flowers today. Someone prefers to present the bouquet in person, while others order flower delivery at home in the salon. However, in both cases, flowers will become a reason for joy, because it is time-tested! ..

It is clear, of course, that a man is simply too lazy to rush around the shops and, with a flutter of his soul, guess which shade of blue will go to your eyes. He just puts money in an envelope. The bottom line is how much he puts in there. Because an envelope with a hundred rubles from a man as a gift fits into a completely different category - bullying.

So: how does a man's gift characterize?

Let's continue about money, since we started with it ...

1. If a man gives you have more money than the living wage, then I can upset you - all the romance in your relationship has long and firmly disappeared. Or this man is your relative. This is a minus. Plus - this man has money.

One of my friends had been planning a birthday present for her husband for six months. She hesitated between a certificate for extreme driving courses and renting a crossbow club for a couple of hours to entertain her husband's company. My friend saved money for a gift for the next six months, at the end of which the coveted certificate was purchased. Why did I save up for so long - she sits on maternity leave with two small children, knitted hats to order - so I saved up. Now the question is: how many men do you know who are capable of such a feat?

Let's return all - the same to the men who give us gifts ...

2.If a man gives flowers for you, just - think how formal this gift is?

If you do not begin to delve into the language of plants like: "Oh, he gave me three pink roses and two red ones, it means that he values ​​innocence in me more than passion," but you will understand that your chosen one chooses the freshest flowers from the cheapest. If the flowers are packed in a newspaper (and not decorated with greenery and ribbons), then I congratulate you - he also saved on packaging. Plus - this man plays your games. For three years my friend had to beat her husband's conviction: "Why give flowers, they are already dead."

3. Still there men who give gifts in velvet boxes.

There are usually wedding rings (never seen, although married), gold earrings (it was a couple of times), pendants, pendants and bracelets. I can tell right away that they are brave men who dare to receive such gifts. That is, how confident is a man who gives a lot of money for a trinket, which Madame may not like (the pearls are small) or turn out to be out of rank: "What is this, I have not worn anything except white gold for a long time!" Appreciate such a man - he is ready not only to spend money on you, but also to take risks. He will make your life interesting. Especially when he loses your apartment at poker.

4. A man can for no reason return home loaded with gifts such as yellow scissors (you love yellow), a chocolate bar, a chandelier or a series of books by your favorite author.

The downside is that all this was bought with your scholarship. A double minus - when you finally leave this idiot, all this will remain with him - it takes a long time to unscrew the chandelier, the scissors are lost, the chocolate is eaten, the books ... Such a bitch, abandoned the man, you also want to take the books away? Pros - this shot at least makes it difficult to remember which is your favorite color and author. If you save him from excessive romanticism and teach him how to make money, it is quite possible to live with him for six or seven years. Only give birth to children not from him, these creatures should not reproduce.

5. Let's talk about the average men, who are in the majority.

Standard men give standard gifts agreed with you in advance - pans, vacuum cleaners, ironing boards and irons, scales and mixers, down jackets, mink hats and postcards, linen and winter boots, going to a restaurant and romantic nights. It happens that you get a child on the Eighth of March, however, you only find out about it in May, but you will give birth to the child on New Year's Eve. Everything is ordinary and so beautiful!

A man giving gifts to a woman, not only by virtue of his position or character, in every any gift, a man always puts his tender attitude - a manifestation of his feelings. The most expensive gift is considered a gift made with your own hands or made with the last money. Anyway, giving gifts is a great pleasure.

And by and large, happiness is not in men and not in their gifts, but in the combination of these two factors. When you love, then a wildflower for happiness!