Do the labia swell during pregnancy? Varicose veins of the genital organs during pregnancy. Changes in the cervix during pregnancy

Perhaps for some it will seem strange, but during pregnancy, changes also occur with the woman's genitals, in particular the labia. And this is quite normal and natural. Change is even one of the. True, a gynecologist can more likely notice such a symptom, unless the woman herself specifically checks the situation, which also often happens. And many at the same time note the darkening (cyanosis and purpleness) of these organs already 10-12 days after conception. But too noticeable changes in the labia, which often cause discomfort, pain and even itching for a pregnant woman, occur in the middle and second half of the term.

With the onset of pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, the blood supply to the pelvic organs is significantly increased, which is provided by nature to facilitate delivery. Each organ undergoes certain changes. The labia minora and labia majora, along with other organs, increase in size (as it were, swell) and become more elastic. The skin in this area (as well as around the nipples and along the midline of the abdomen) usually turns darker in color.

However, changes in the labia may have slightly different reasons. The growing fetus presses with its weight, including on the arteries, which impairs blood circulation. This can cause swelling of the labia, but usually the situation is not dangerous. It can also come to varicose veins of the labia, which is quite common during pregnancy. Women note that veins come out on the lips or seals appear. There is no need to worry about this: after pregnancy (and often even before childbirth), the woman's condition improves, and the problem disappears by itself. Varicose veins of the labia, as a rule, are not an indication for a cesarean section, as many think about it. In any case, the doctor decides on the method of delivery closer to delivery.

To alleviate your condition with varicose veins, you should walk more, and also rest while lying on your side. Sitting and standing increase venous congestion and pain. Choose a special compression garment without seams. Consult your doctor - he may prescribe some medications for you, for example, an ointment. Do not be afraid, but sometimes in such conditions, it is possible to develop acute varicothrombophlebitis and rupture of altered veins, fraught with massive bleeding. However, in the overwhelming majority of cases, all unpleasant phenomena disappear immediately after childbirth. And attentive obstetricians warn expectant mothers about the possible appearance of these signs in advance.

So if you are experiencing something like this, there are two news for you. The bad thing is that you have to endure it. And good - there is nothing wrong with the increase and soreness of the labia during pregnancy, and everything will disappear without a trace after childbirth.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

The female body changes during pregnancy, often all latent diseases make themselves felt, manifesting themselves immediately or over time.

The genitals change during pregnancy due to the enlargement of the uterus, very often there is discomfort, pain in the genitals. During this period, immunity decreases, and therefore edema of the labia can be due to genital infections, such as bartholinitis or vulvovaginitis.

Swelling during pregnancy

In the first weeks of pregnancy, physical changes in the outer genitals are considered normal, including discoloration and slight swelling. A change in the color of the labia and slight itching is a natural process that occurs in all women. In the case when the lips bleed, discharge and severe swelling appear, then this will serve as a reason to consult a specialist, because this is not normal.


Itching, along with swelling, can be caused by infection. Almost all pregnant women have one disease - candidiasis (thrush). Disease symptoms:

  • discharge of white color, similar to milk;
  • the vaginal mucosa swells;
  • itching in the perineum and painful sensations appear.


Another cause of edema of the labia is the bacterial infection of the gardnerella. Infection occurs through sexual contact with the carrier of the pathogen. As a result, the disease of gardnerellosis is formed. It is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • there is a very severe itching of the labia;
  • dryness of the mucous membrane;
  • swelling of the outer part of the vulva;
  • pain in the perineum, which increases during walking, intercourse, physical exertion;
  • discharge becomes more, they have a greenish or gray color.

Genital herpes

With swelling of the labia, on which bubbles with liquid appear, which do not go away for up to 7 days, we can talk about genital herpes. A woman may feel weakness, itching on the genitals, and a rise in body temperature.

Sometimes, when a disease appears, a person does not even suspect about it. The main symptom by which the disease is determined is a rash. They can be found on the walls of the vagina, labia, and cervix. This ailment is especially dangerous for the unborn child, often, if herpes appears for the first time, doctors insist on abortion. Another reason for the development of the disease is a decrease in immunity, at this moment herpes worsens. With an advanced degree, the development of the child is impaired, there are deviations in physical development, defects in the central nervous system and the brain, often this becomes the cause of fetal loss. The rashes and symptoms go away on their own in a couple of weeks, but you cannot stay idle, you urgently need to consult a gynecologist at the first signs of herpes.


There are cases when edema appears on only one side and is accompanied by acute painful manifestations in the perineum. Such symptoms appear when infected with bartholinitis. In the presence of this disease, the glands, which are responsible for the production of vaginal lubrication, become clogged. The Bartholin glands are a paired organ located in the thickness of the labia majora. Symptoms of the disease:

  • pain in surrounding tissues;
  • swelling of the labia;
  • redness of the mucous membrane;
  • constant pain.

During pregnancy, edema of the labia appears due to a decrease in immunity. It can be provoked by:

  • Escherichia coli;
  • staphylococci and streptococci;
  • specific microorganisms;
  • pathogenic bacteria.

In the later weeks of pregnancy, swelling occurs due to this because the veins in the labia are dilated.


Due to the fact that the reasons for the appearance of the main symptom are quite diverse, it is not acceptable to establish the correct diagnosis based only on symptoms. Patients are shown laboratory and instrumental examinations, before the appointment of which the clinician should:

  • to interview the patient in detail for the first time the appearance of edema of the labia during pregnancy and the nature of the expression, both the main symptom and additional;
  • study the history of the disease and draw up a life history of the patient;
  • carry out a gynecological examination and assess the condition of the skin of the labia to reveal what symptoms are accompanied by swelling.

How to treat the labia?

Immediately before treatment, the cause of the disease is established, after which they proceed to the therapy procedure. It happens according to the following criteria:

  1. Infections appear due to a violation of personal hygiene, first it is necessary to establish the cause of the pathogen, and only then proceed to the antibiotic treatment itself. Candidiasis is very often treated with "Fluconazole" and "Clotrimazoline" at the same time (ointments, suppositories and oral). The genital herpes virus is treated with acyclovir-based drugs. But it is contraindicated a month before childbirth and in the first 3-4 months after conception.
  2. Very often, puffy labia during pregnancy appear after intercourse, in which case it will go away on its own.
  3. There are cases when edema occurs before critical days and PMS, in which case treatment is not required, since everything will go away on its own.
  4. It is advised to wear maternity underwear. What is its beauty? Since the reason may be the impact on the female organs of poor quality matter, such underwear for pregnant women is made from natural fabrics, it will not irritate delicate areas.
  5. In diabetes mellitus, treatment is prohibited, except perhaps with insulin. The most effective solution is to perform ablution with warm and cool water alternately on a regular basis. It is very useful to wipe the intimate parts of the body with a weak solution of citric acid or vinegar: half a teaspoon in a glass of water. You need to wipe it several times a day. This procedure will help restore the acid balance.
  6. Very often, swelling of the labia during pregnancy goes away on its own after childbirth. It is believed that edema cannot be treated during pregnancy, because most types of therapy to remove fluid from the body harm the baby much more than the edema itself. Many experts recommend switching to melted, soft, structured water such as "Longavita".
  7. With vulvovaginitis, treatment is prescribed by a doctor. It consists in taking antifungal drugs, hormone substitutes, antibiotics. You also need to douch with acceptable, prescribed drugs. During the treatment of labia edema during pregnancy, the vaginal microflora is restored by applying probiotics, eliminating allergens and other factors that act as irritants.
  8. With bartholinitis, bed rest and abstinence from sexual activity are recommended. If the labia is swollen, only a doctor prescribes treatment. With severe pain, it is allowed to apply ice to the inflamed area. The following drugs are also allowed: imidazoles, fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins, penicillins. It is necessary to treat the swollen areas with a special ointment and apply small compresses with "Levomikol" or ichthyol ointment. It is allowed for swelling of the labia during pregnancy to use a solution with chlorhexidine or miramistin.


Preventive measures are as follows:

  • If the labia is swollen, promiscuous sex and incomplete sex should be avoided.
  • Wear only high-quality underwear made from natural materials to keep it in normal size.
  • Observe personal hygiene every day with the help of special products, you can not use bath foam and shower gel.
  • Use panty liners for genital swelling.
  • Do not use thermal underwear.
  • Maintain hygiene standards. After using the toilet, wipe from front to back to keep the genital area clean and dry.
  • The vaginal area should be moisturized with a cream containing glycerin and non-allergic lubricants.

Some changes in a woman's body after conception occur in the first days, others a little later. She does not feel all of them, but she feels that the external parts of the genitals are swelling in the first week.

This is a normal reaction of the body to changes in hormonal levels. The speed of local blood flow increases, the uterus increases, pains appear in the labia.

During pregnancy, the immune status decreases, so vulvar edema can be caused not only by increased production of progesterone. Favorable conditions are created for the exacerbation of chronic diseases - genital infections that are in a dormant state at the usual time, and cause vulvovaginitis and bartholinitis. At a later date, varicose veins may begin.

What to do in such a state and how can you remove discomfort if the labia are swollen and sore during pregnancy?

Physiological changes

Normal physiological changes in the outer part of the genitals in the first weeks after conception are discoloration and slight swelling.

The lips may turn brown, purplish-bluish, even black. There may be a slight itching, but in most cases it appears if the woman is dressed, that is, normal overheating occurs.

The labia are bleeding during pregnancy, ulcerations have appeared on them, the color and nature of the discharge have changed, the cyanosis is pronounced and the swelling is strong - this is abnormal. Slight discomfort, for example, severe pain that causes inconvenience is a reason to see a doctor.

Genital infections

Itching and swelling of the labia during pregnancy can be caused by an infection that many women even consider to be a symptom of this condition itself - candidiasis.

The flora of the vagina consists of different types of bacteria and fungi - candida - are always present in it. While immunity is normal, they are in balance with beneficial lactobacilli, but as soon as it decreases, the fungal flora begins to actively multiply.

Candidiasis symptoms:

  • characteristic white discharge resembling curdled milk;
  • swelling of the vaginal mucosa;
  • soreness and severe itching in the perineum.

Do not expect thrush to disappear on its own - it requires therapeutic effects. Thrush during pregnancy is treated with topical drugs, which are prescribed by a gynecologist.

The fact that the labia are swollen during pregnancy may be to blame not only for thrush. "Wakes up" and other pathogenic flora, which was suppressed by normal immunity - gandarella, vaginal Trichomonas. If the first microorganisms are conditionally pathogenic, then the second are sexually transmitted. Vulvovaginitis occurs.

Symptoms of this condition:

  • burning and severe itching of the labia;
  • swelling of the outer part of the vulva;
  • increased discharge that becomes grayish or greenish;
  • dryness of the mucous membrane;
  • pain in the perineum, which increases with exertion - walking or during intercourse.

The therapeutic scheme for eliminating vulvovaginitis is prescribed on an individual basis.

It is imperative to find out what triggered it - during pregnancy you cannot blindly drink broad-spectrum antibiotics - and for this you need to take a smear test.

The inflammatory process is stopped with the help of local agents - the microbial flora is destroyed with the help of irrigation, ointments, suppositories. Medicines are selected aimed at destroying microorganisms that are the culprits of diseases. Antibacterial drugs are rarely prescribed, especially in the first trimester.

If the labia is not only swollen, but liquid discharge appears, which lasts up to a week, the woman feels weak, her temperature rises, and itching in the labia appears - such symptoms may be a sign of an exacerbation of genital herpes.

Not always during pregnancy, herpes rashes on the labia take the form of papules with liquid serous contents, it can be almost asymptomatic. Any change in condition is a reason to see a doctor.

But still, the most common symptom for which herpes is detected is a rash. They can be localized on the labia, vaginal walls, cervix.

For a developing fetus, this is a very dangerous disease - if herpes appears for the first time, it is a sufficient reason for artificial termination of pregnancy. But even if the herpes virus was in a dormant state, and an exacerbation appeared against the background of a decrease in immunity, treatment of a pregnant woman is required without fail. The acute form of herpes infections can disrupt the formation of the fetus, cause malformations - defects of the brain and central nervous system, deviations in physiological development, provoke a miscarriage.

Malaise and rashes in the genital area disappear after 10-14 days on their own, but a wait and see attitude should not be taken. At the first sign of genital herpes, you should see your doctor.


Sometimes in a pregnant woman, the edema is most pronounced on the one hand and there are acute pains in the perineum. This is how bartholinitis manifests itself - a disease in which the glands that produce vaginal lubrication are clogged. The Bartholin glands are a paired organ located in the thickness of the labia majora.

Bartholinitis symptoms:

  • pronounced edema of the labia;
  • pain in surrounding tissues;
  • redness of the lip mucosa;
  • painful sensations when moving and in a calm state.

During pregnancy, the inflammatory process manifests itself against the background of a decrease in immunity.

It can be caused by:

  • Escherichia coli, which, under normal immune status, are suppressed by beneficial bacteria;
  • staphylococci and streptococci, which were in a "dormant" state - for example, if the body had chronic pharyngitis or caries, and pathogenic bacteria penetrated the bloodstream;
  • specific microorganisms that excite genital infections.

In most cases, bartholinitis is treated with a complex effect - operative and conservative. To eliminate the infection, antibiotics are selected that are most safe for the fetus. The most commonly used antibacterial drugs of the penicillin series, especially in the first trimester.

Varicose veins of the labia

From the middle of the second trimester, discomfort to women can be caused by another disease that causes edema of the external gynecological organs - varicose veins in the labia.

During pregnancy, local blood flow in the pelvic area increases, a third circle of blood circulation appears - the placental, the load increases on the vessels located in the small pelvis and labia. At first, a woman can feel only a slight heaviness in the perineum, then the skin acquires a purple hue, severe pain appears when walking, urinating and intercourse.

If varicose veins are not very pronounced, then during pregnancy it can be left untreated. The doctor will advise you to pay more attention to intimate hygiene, to rest more often in the supine position. You should also avoid the possibility of injuring the external genital area, so as not to cause a violation of the integrity of the blood vessels.

If you notice that your labia have changed their color, then we advise you to do a pregnancy test first, and then, perhaps, visit a gynecologist. Because such symptoms are highly likely to indicate that conception occurred in the last menstrual cycle of a woman.

There are hardly many girls who regularly examine the color of their labia, but it is quite possible to notice such a change. Moreover: some couples notice this symptom very first, not even suspecting that pregnancy could occur. All in all, this is definitely worth talking about.

Every healthy, sexually mature woman regularly matures an egg, ready to potentially become the foremother of an unborn child. This happens at different times for everyone, but most often - around the middle of the menstrual cycle every or almost every month. After the release of the egg from the mature follicle, that is, after ovulation, the level of the hormone progesterone that has risen by this time remains high, creating favorable conditions for the onset and maintenance of pregnancy.

This will continue throughout the entire first trimester of pregnancy, and against the background of such hormonal changes, a pregnant woman can feel and observe a wide variety of signs of pregnancy, many of which sometimes seem unexpected or strange. These symptoms include changes in the labia at the earliest possible date.

In particular, both the labia minora and the labia majora in a pregnant woman can increase in size and change their color from the very first days. This is due to increased blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which is necessary for the full provision of the fetus with oxygen and nutrients that come with the blood.

For this reason, the labia of a pregnant woman can become poured, enlarged, and swollen. Such changes are noticeable already from the first weeks, but also often appear only by the second or third trimesters. As the gestation period increases, the muscle tissues in the body of the expectant mother become more elastic and resilient, and among them are the labia.

With a tendency to varicose veins and thrombophlebitis in the labia during pregnancy, seals may occur, nodes - enlarging veins appear. This situation should not be ignored. Although this, as a rule, does not pose a great danger, there are still some risks, and therefore, if inflamed areas in the labia are found, it is imperative to tell the doctor about this. The same applies to other formations on this organ: rashes, erosions, seals.

In addition to the size, the color of the labia also very often changes during pregnancy. And that shouldn't scare you.

Crimson, dark red labia during pregnancy

It should be noted that the color of the labia is different for all women, and for each of them it can change at different periods of life. This feature is highly individual, and can vary in different colors and shades - from beige to black, from pale light to very dark or saturated.

Most all women usually have pink labia. But whatever their color you have, and with the onset of pregnancy, their color and shade may change.

After conception, the labia that were pale or dimly red before the labia often become deep red, purple, dark, as if inflamed. Do not worry: such changes, as we have already said, are the absolute norm, if, in addition to them, there are no "suspicious" vaginal discharge, itching, burning and other pathological symptoms.

Also, do not be surprised if during pregnancy only one labia changes color, and the second remains unchanged: this also happens normally.

Blue labia during pregnancy

The blueness of the labia during pregnancy is a very common early sign. As a rule, at about the same time, the areoles of the nipples on the breast darken: sometimes they also turn blue, but more often they acquire a dark brown color. The venous mesh on the chest may also show through.

Blue labia in a pregnant woman can also become with varicose veins, which is observed in about a third of women who become pregnant for the first time and in most of re-pregnant women. Overweight pregnant women and women genetically predisposed to this are at risk.

Most often, this condition is temporary and harmless: shortly before childbirth or shortly after it, it goes away on its own. But sometimes the blue labia during pregnancy begin to hurt and bleed, which needs to be told to the doctor. He will prescribe you an anti-inflammatory ointment, and also recommend you to wear special compression underwear without seams, do not sit and stand for a long time in one place, move more and lie only on your side.

Also note that blue discoloration of tissues in this area can occur even in non-pregnant women due to wearing tight synthetic underwear, aggressive sex, very early onset of sexual activity, and also with age.

Black labia during pregnancy

Sometimes on the forums you can find messages that in women during pregnancy the labia became very dark, almost black. It scares and worries some of them, but there is no cause for concern.

The color of the labia during pregnancy can actually not only darken a lot, but actually turn gray or black. Moreover, approximately 2-3% of fair-skinned women in the world have this color of mucous membranes in the perineum as their normal norm.

If nothing else bothers you besides the color, then there is no need to worry. If you are not yet confident in your pregnancy, then when you change the color of the labia, you should dot the "i": it's time to buy a test.

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko

Perineal discoloration is a specific sign of pregnancy that not all women are aware of. This phenomenon in most cases indicates that during the last ovulation, the fertilization of the egg took place. It is not always possible to notice such metamorphoses, but it is quite possible. Some couples immediately pay attention to this sign, not even knowing that in nine months they will become happy parents. So, how do the labia change during pregnancy?

Every month, an egg cell appears in the body of every healthy woman of childbearing age, ready for fertilization. This happens around the middle of the menstrual cycle. After ovulation, when a mature follicle bursts to release an egg, a high concentration of the hormone progesterone is observed in the blood, which is necessary for the onset, maintenance and successful course of pregnancy. Progesterone levels will be high for the entire 1st trimester. Due to such a hormonal surge, a pregnant woman may notice certain changes in her body that may seem unusual to her. One of these strange, at first glance, symptoms is a change in the labia in early pregnancy.

Why do the labia change during pregnancy

From the first days after conception, both the labia minora and the labia majora change their appearance. They increase and acquire a richer shade due to the fact that blood circulation in the pelvic area increases with the emergence of a new life inside a woman. The increased blood flow to the genitals causes swelling of the labia, as well as an increase in their size. The labia minora and labia majora can fill up immediately after pregnancy, although this symptom may appear closer to the second or even third trimester. The longer the period of the "interesting" position, the more dense and elastic the muscle tissue of the female body becomes - the labia also belong to it. In addition, in connection with pregnancy, the color of the intimate organs can also change significantly.

Labia color during pregnancy

The shade of the genitals is an individual feature that can change every now and then in different periods of a woman's life: from beige to black, from a pale and light shade to a very bright and saturated one.

Pink and red labia during pregnancy

Many women have pink labia. However, with the onset of pregnancy, the picture changes radically: the genitals of a pale or muted red hue acquire a deep red, purple, dark color and look very inflamed. This is actually normal, provided there are no symptoms such as unusual vaginal discharge, itching or burning. Also, there is nothing surprising in the fact that only one labia has changed, and the second has remained the same.

Bluish labia during pregnancy

The acquisition of a bluish tint to the labia is also considered an eloquent sign of pregnancy. As a rule, at the same time with the onset of this symptom, the areola of the nipples on the breast also change color: they also become bluish or turn dark brown. Sometimes, after conception has taken place, a venous network appears on the woman's chest. After the baby is born, the color of the labia is the same as before pregnancy.

Note that in some cases, the cyanosis of the genitals has nothing to do with the reproductive sphere. In a non-pregnant woman, the labia may become bluish due to wearing uncomfortable synthetic underwear, intense intimate relationships with aggressive sex, early sexual activity and over the years.

Black labia during pregnancy

Many women are very worried if their labia majora gradually darken and become almost black during pregnancy. However, there is nothing to be afraid of: the acquisition of a gray and truly black color by the genitals during the period of bearing a child is considered an absolute norm. And for some fair-skinned representatives of the fairer sex (about 2 - 3%), this color of the crotch is common.

Labia hurt during pregnancy: what to do?

If, after conception, the woman's labia noticeably increase in size and change their usual color to a strange shade, but there are no other suspicious symptoms, the expectant mother has nothing to worry about - she is all right. The situation is completely different if, during the development of her pregnancy, a woman experiences any unpleasant or painful sensations in the intimate zone. You need to react to what is happening immediately.

There are many specific diseases that, due to certain circumstances, women in a position are forced to face. One of these pathologies is varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy. Most often, varicose veins are localized on the legs - clearly visible thick veins appear under the skin, and the legs themselves are very sore and swollen. Expectant mothers are faced with another form of this disease. What to do if, during pregnancy, varicose veins have affected the groin, the outer part of the vagina and the labia? First of all, you need to seek qualified medical help: the doctor will tell you the correct solution to the problem.

What is varicose veins of the labia

With a pathology of such a delicate nature, expectant mothers get an appointment with a gynecologist mainly at the final stage of pregnancy, in the third trimester. However, the disease may appear earlier, already at the beginning of the second trimester. In most cases, women who are prone to varicose veins of the lower extremities suffer from varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy.

It's not easy to spot a problem right away. Initially, a small soft nodule appears in the tissue of the labia, which does not cause pain to the woman. Against the background of a natural edema of the labia during pregnancy, it is rather difficult to notice it. Over time, this seal increases in size and begins to hurt. In some cases, the disease disappears soon after the baby is born. However, this does not mean at all that during pregnancy you can ignore this pathology, especially if varicose veins are progressing. A neglected form of the disease can cause complications such as varicose veins of the small pelvis, which threaten the health of the mother and her child.

Causes of the defeat of the veins on the labia during pregnancy

When it comes to varicose veins of the perineum, women who are preparing for motherhood are the very first to fall into the risk group. During pregnancy, even if it is successfully proceeding, the body experiences a great load: every month more and more kilograms are added, hormones "play naughty". The concentration of progesterone and estrogen in the blood increases sharply, which does not in the best way affect the state of the venous network: the veins become less elastic and easily stretchable.

Other factors in the appearance of pain in the labia during pregnancy due to varicose veins are:

  1. The uterus, in which the baby "settled", is constantly growing and exerts strong pressure on the iliac veins and the lower part of the vena cava. Because of this, blood circulation in the pelvic organs is impaired.
  2. Increased blood volume. To prevent the child from experiencing a deficiency of oxygen and nutrients, the body increases blood production. Veins overflowing with blood stretch and lose their tone.
  3. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.
  4. A sedentary lifestyle, the need to stay in a sitting or standing position for a long time - this provokes stagnation of blood circulation in the small pelvis.
  5. Lifting weights.
  6. Physiological pathology in the structure of the valves of the veins and congenital disorders of the structure of the venous walls, a woman's genetic predisposition to varicose veins.
  7. Obesity. Due to the set of extra pounds, varicose veins can affect the legs and later spread to the groin area.
  8. Constipation. A rare woman does not face such a delicate problem while pregnant. Due to intestinal upset, tension increases in it, as a result of which the vessels of the small pelvis experience strong pressure. This phenomenon becomes a prerequisite for varicose veins. Constipation-related diseases are more susceptible to women who are preparing to become mothers not for the first time, as well as those whose previous pregnancy was associated with severe complications.

Varicose veins of the labia - is a successful birth possible?

A specific disease is not an obstacle to natural childbirth. However, the doctor of a pregnant patient may also opt for a cesarean section if a woman's varicose veins are rapidly gaining momentum and greatly increase in size. Timely treatment started in most cases helps to get rid of an unpleasant problem even before childbirth. After the birth of a child, the factors provoking varicose veins disappear, so the disease goes away on its own, but in very advanced cases, the patient will need additional treatment in the postpartum period. Varicose veins, which manifested itself during the first pregnancy, are likely to make themselves felt when carrying a second baby. In order to minimize the risk of re-development of pathology, a woman should first of all be guided by the recommendations of the attending physician and take all the necessary preventive measures.

Symptoms of varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy

The symptoms of the disease appear gradually. A woman should immediately be alert if her labia is swollen during pregnancy, and itching and burning appear in her groin. Unpleasant sensations appear or intensify in the late afternoon, especially if during the day the expectant mother sat or stood for a long time or was engaged in heavy physical labor.

After a while, small nodules form in the tissue of the labia, which outwardly look like swelling. They are soft to the touch. Gradually protruding veins are increasingly pushing these nodules outward, the painfulness of symptoms increases, and the appearance of intimate organs becomes less and less aesthetic.

Discomfort in the genital area causes many inconveniences during pregnancy: itching of the labia prevents a woman from walking, moreover, during movement, prolonged sitting and even in a dream, the expectant mother experiences severe pain in the perineum. Naturally, sexual contact with a loved one has to be completely excluded. The slightest friction of the underwear on the affected area gives the expectant mother severe pain, so she is forced to look for and wear such clothes so that it minimally adheres to the skin.

Complication of varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy

If the disease begins to develop too quickly, there is a risk of rupture of the affected veins during delivery and the onset of massive bleeding. Another dangerous complication of varicose veins is varicothrombophlebitis, in which an extensive inflammatory process develops, covering the walls of blood vessels and leading to the formation of blood clots. In severe cases of varicose veins in the perineum, the pregnant patient is prepared for a caesarean section.

Diagnosis of varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy is impossible without visiting a doctor. To find out the cause of the pain in the perineum, the expectant mother needs to contact a phlebologist. The specialist will conduct the necessary examination and, to determine an accurate diagnosis, will refer the patient for duplex scanning and ultrasound examination. Only after these procedures will the specialist be able to prescribe the appropriate treatment for a pregnant woman.

Methods for the treatment of varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy

Despite the high probability that the disease will recede on its own after the birth of the child, some methods of treatment will still not be superfluous - this way you can prevent complications of the disease and alleviate the general condition of the expectant mother.

One of the most popular options for correcting varicose veins during the period of childbearing is sclerotherapy. During the procedure, a special solution is injected into the veins affected by the disease, which "glues" the diseased areas and does not allow varicose veins to spread further. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the severity of the pathology. After sclerotherapy, the patient is prescribed drugs that increase the tone of the veins: Detralex, Troxerutin, Lyoton, Phlebodia, Heparin, drugs based on ginkgo-biloba.

The second important point in the fight against varicose veins during pregnancy is wearing special compression underwear to restore the normal state of the affected veins. Special clothing compresses the affected areas in such a way that the veins acquire the tone they lack. In parallel with wearing compression underwear, you need to master special exercises to relieve pain. For example, bending the knees in turn while lying down or lifting on toes several times in a row will train the veins and help keep them in good shape. The doctor will select a specific therapeutic complex of exercises, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's health.

Prevention of varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy

It is quite simple to prevent the development of varicose veins in the perineum during preparation for motherhood. You just need to take a responsible approach to the implementation of all preventive measures:

  • give up high-heeled shoes;
  • do not eat salty and spicy foods, as well as foods that contain a lot of vitamin C - this will help avoid severe edema;
  • avoid strenuous physical activity;
  • rest more often during the day;
  • regularly perform therapeutic exercises, agreed with the attending physician;
  • keep weight under control;
  • do not neglect wearing a bandage, which will protect the legs and pelvic organs from excessive pressure on the significantly heavier abdomen;
  • Responsibly treat the observance of intimate hygiene - take a shower in the morning and in the evening, use special means in the form of a gel for washing, change your underwear every day, choosing materials made from natural fabric.

Varicose veins in the intimate area is a very unpleasant disease. However, it can be easily cured if the necessary measures are taken in a timely manner. After detecting suspicious symptoms, the expectant mother should immediately consult a doctor. The earlier the treatment of pathology is started, the less likely it is to develop its complicated forms.

The defeat of the veins in the groin in a pregnant woman. Video